Scholarship exam preparation is an another exploitation of parent's anxiety and expectations. Two year preparation is more than enough and there are serious inequalities in this preparation and it is in the talent of the tutors than the ability of the students. Some students develop later than year five or six this system is failure even in the UK. For an example if you annalise the merit quote admissions to the universities in Jaffna district the leading schools which ever took the best performing students in the schoolship exam jointly achieved only 50 to 60 percent of the total entered in the districts in the year 22 /23 . Half the grammar schools students perform lower than the student from other state schools students in AL in UK. The schoolship exam in Srilanka and grammar schools exam in UK are only fifty percent successful further create an undue pressure on students in their early age which could cause negative impact also in some is an unfare system due the inequalities in the preparation. Thank you.