Tafseer of Surah 105 - Feel (Part 2) - Nouman Ali Khan

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@Namyati_hair_oil 2 жыл бұрын
Assalam alaikum. There is no part 3rd. The left over ayaah is completed in Surah Quraish. First few min is Surah Fil then Surah Quraish is started...😊
@shahhabib8507 8 жыл бұрын
mashaAllah may Allah tala give brother Numan ali khan towfeeq to spread the message of the full quraan in this manner for the benefit of the hole ummaha of MOHAMMAD SALLAHU HALAIHI WASALAM ...Ameen
@Namyati_hair_oil 2 жыл бұрын
Assalam alaikum. The left over last ayaah is completed in Surah Quraish. First 22 min is talked about left over Surah Fil.. 😊
@kholoudmanlucu 12 жыл бұрын
Jazakalla khair for this tutorial, baraka allahu feekum
@BKAYS Жыл бұрын
Subhanallah ❤
@UnfunnyMayonaise 10 ай бұрын
🔴Notes 🔴1ST AYYAH 🔺Past tense Alam tara Why the past tense: "Did you not see?" Is used. In arabic linguistics, there is a retrorical function used here. Instead os using "amaara ayta" (the past tense function) it is "alam tara" present future tense with لم (did not) .which means it is not just something to observe at that time only but its for all time. ⏩Two meanings Literallyl Figurative 🔺Its actually talking about SEEING,like with your two eyes 🔺Its figurative. Like when we say did you not see? We actually mean that did you not understand?, did u not realize?, did you not reflect? etc. like when we read the story of qaume aad or qaume samood, we ask our fellow, hey did you not see what happened to them?. So this phrase can be taken as figurative. Why is this important? Well bcz most of mufasirroon, they believe thats its talking to Rasool ullah s.a.w and he obviously did not SEE that happening, he s.a.w was born 50 days after the incident. So this 'alam tara' (did you not see) can be figurative.and is used to make someone's emotion go up. Did you not see? We use this when we want someone to feel emotions. 🔺The 'audience' of this surah is prophet Muhammad s.a.w himself. As we studied above. But the QURAN is to be recited so even tho it was talking to prophet s.a.w. the kuffar can still hear it.so the messanger is being tslked to while acknowledging the fact that the kuffar can still hear it. 🔺This incident became so important to quraish, that they made their calendar according to this year. "So and so happens before aam-ul-feel (the year of the elephant). The did not have any calendar before. So this year became thier calendar. They used this event as justicfication for thier legitimacy for having kaba as the centre of thier relegion. Even tho they introduced paganism in there. So Allah s.w.t is saying 'alam tara' did you not see how Allah destryoed them, so whats wrong with you,why dont you worship Allah alone ?why don't you take that pride to next level and start worshipping him alone. ⏩ Why the question? Why the retorical question is being used "did you not see" instead of "you saw" :The question is for emphasis. It evokes the conscious of someone who has been done a favor :The question is asked in a sense that it's clear that the people whom this question is being asked totally forgot the lessons from it. Like for example we say to someone "did not I help you that day??" While we could have said "i help you that day" ofc the first one is telling us something, that the person totally did not put that help into consideration while dealing with us. That person totally ignored our help and is behaving in a manner that is heartless. So that's the same sense in which that question is asked "did you not see"
@UnfunnyMayonaise 9 ай бұрын
🔻UNDERSTANDING THE QUESTION FOR BOTH AUDIENCES As discussed earlier, there are two possible audiences here 1:prophet Muhammad s.a.w 2:the kuffar/quraish 1: for prophet s.a.w If the question "did u not see" is asked to prophet s.a.w that means Allah s.w.t is reminding him that Allah can protect you just like he protected his ka'ba and Allah s.w.t is all mighty and all powerful and he is with you. That's a reminder to him s.a.w. he s.a.w is being given consolation. That Allah s.w.t is the same master of ka'ba and you, and Makkah was not in a very good position but Allah s.w.t still saved it. And even if you are not in a good political, economical state yet, he is your master, the same master of ka'ba. . 2:for kuffar/quraish Is this question is for kuffar then the previous discussion about alam tara applies here. Cz they still had not appreciated the favours that Allah s w.t did for them. And they polluted the house of Allah with idols. 🔻WHY SAY ALAM TARA "DID YOU NOT SEE" WHEN PROPHET S.A.W ACTUALLY DID NOT SEE prophet s.a.w was born after the event so he actually did not 'see' the incident. But we have discussed earlier what this means. This could mean two things 1: knowledge (did u not know?) 2: reminder (did u not remember?) To remind him. S.a.w. Allah s.w.t has used this phrase 'did u not see' and 'did u not know' many times in the Quran. ⏩ASHABIL FEEL اصحاب الفیل People of the elephant(s) 🔻Feel The word 'feel' is singular so it means 'elephant' but since it has an 'al' on it it's meaning becomes "the elephant". So they are called people of the elephant , that means a specific elephant is being talked about. And by narrations we know the elephant's name was 'mehmood' cz he was enormous. So they were called as 'people of the elephant (mehmood)' The word 'feel' is ism jam' اسم جمع which means that it is a singular word that can refer to a entire category. So they were the elephant people. Would be a translation if u consider to translate it so that ism jam' be understood. But then the idafa (mudaf mudaf ilai) won't get translated. So this phrase is hard to (or maybe impossible )translate correctly in English . ⏩Kaifa كيف "Did you not see HOW" The word how is imp here. as in the surah details of how Allah s.w.t destroyed them is mentioned. Bcz the word 'how' is a question of detail. "I ate" "how did u eat?" Means I am asking detail of him eating. Not just a one word answer of what did he eat l. But a complete detailed answer., 🔻The word "Kaifa" is used in amazement. that actually just think about it, how an army of elephants came to you and it could do NO harm at all? and even when the plague hit Makkah (the plague was due to the corpse of the army, their bodies rotted and smelled and it spread a diseases, a plague) only the army was affected by the plague, and when your soldiers, your army die out of the borders in a country, the country send. another army to fight but they did not even do that bcz abraha survived, he did not die. and when he went back to Yemen. the people got scared of his horrible appearance (bcz the plague hit him also). so his skin started burning out and peeling off. 🔻Kaifa is a word that Is used to inspire amazement in the one that is being spoken to. "How" example: when we look at a huge, beautifully architectured building and say "how did they even construct that!??" We are amazed by it. Same concept of word Kaifa is applied here. 🔻This incident is a sign of Allah's power and wisdom and also it shows the nobility of prophet Muhammad s.a.w Bcz we know that right before a prophet is born, miraculous things starts happening. It was for indication that a prophet is coming. So this was a big mu'ajza (Miracle) some days before the birth of prophet s.a.w. ⏩Fi'l 🔻MEANING The word Fi'l in arabic means .Action .Movement .Incidence Fi'l word is used for things that are tangible (physical/ can be touched). Fi'l word is not used for hypothetical things or abstract things Fi'l was also used in Arabic idioms as the word for 'impact' 🔻 SYNONYMS ja'ala and 'aml are the synonyms of this word Fi'l is used here because it is a more comprehensive term, Fi'l can contain the meanings of 'aml and ja'ala both. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN 'AML AND FI'L Both Fi'l and 'aml in English gets translated as 'action' but: -> 'aml in arabic means an action with intent and also an action that is done with efforts -> Fi'l in arabic can mean an action with or without intent. And Fi'l does not need any effort -> that's why Fi'l in the Quran is used for Allah cz it needs no efforts while 'aml is used for humans in the Quran. Cz they need efforts for thier actions. -> another benefit of not using 'aml is that this is word is from "mukhalif ul ma'na" (in arabic literatures) which means that when you are saying that 'aml (an action with intent) was done it also illude to the fact that other actions may have been done without intent. And that is not an appropriate word for Allah. If Allah mentioned all 3 words the speech would have been prolonged unnaturally but. Allah s.w.t chooses a single word that was most comprehensive and covered everything
@UnfunnyMayonaise 8 ай бұрын
⏩RABBUKA +CONNECTION WITH SURAH QURAISH WHY THE NAME 'RABB' AND NOT 'ALLAH' the name 'Allah' contains ALL the meanings of his ALL other names. But Allah s.w.t chose a specific name of his in this ayyah which is 'rabb' RABBUKA= your rabb The one main, salient feature/meaning of this word is is The Master and therefore having slaves. This word contains a relation. Ofc a Master has slaves and that makes a master a master. Rabbuka means The Master of yours. This word is also telling that we are his slaves so we should act like it. The word rabb is placing demands on us. If Allah s.w.t used the word 'Allah' this surah would still be a great surah with great history, but having no demands placed on me but the word Rabb places demands on me to act like his slave. bcz in the next surah there is an ayyah 'fal ya'budu rabba hazal bait" (So worship/enslave yourself for the rabb of this house) and the reasons Allah gave us in that surah was "He gave them safety against fear " and that safety against fear is surah feel. Allah protected Makkah from Abraha. So Allah s w.t is making that demand openly in surah quraish but implicitly in this surah (surah feel) 🔻rabbuKA the word 'ka' (your) Your rabb The person being referred to as "your" is Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. your rabb. And in the next surah ALLAH s w.t mentioned himself as 'rabba hazal bait" (rabb of this house (ka'ba)) so it is interesting that before Allah s.w.t mentioned himself as the rabb if ka'ba he s.w.t mentioned himself as the rabb of prophet Muhammad s.a.w. it has retorical importance. Because surah Quraish is more about the economy of Quraish and surah feel is about the ka'ba. But the ka'ba is not mentioned in surah feel,it is mentioned in surah quraish. And then what/who is mentioned in surah feel? Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. this is further fortifying to what we alluded before. When Allah s.w.t poses that question 'alama Tara' He is telling his messanger I protected the ka'ba with more so I am here to protect you s.a.w RabbuKA (Your rabb) has two benefits -it is a testimony of prophet s.a.w's character. That even if you did not see those events physically you were the one who still prayed to me and did not do idol worship in contrast to those who saw the incident but still continued idol worship. 'Alam Tara kiafa fa'ala RabbuKA bi ashab IL feel (did you not see how your rabb dealt with the elephant people?" -Rabbuka (your rabb) it shows prophet Muhammad s.a.w at that though time that Allah s w.t is actually with you, on your side and he is against them. -it is as if Allah s w.t is telling the messanger that he took care of your nation for you before your birth. So he s.w.t will take care of you s.a.w and your nation now too. ALLAH s.w.t made this incident an indication for a prophet (a sign that a prophet is coming) -just by using the word 'rabb' it also means that Allah s.w.t is telling the kuffar of Makah that he is your rabb and the rabb of this house but you have placed other idols in his house. In your rabb's house.
@UnfunnyMayonaise 8 ай бұрын
⏩ASHABil feel 🔻This word as an insult to those people Allah s.wtdid not use the word 'malik' (owner) of elephants he said the elephant people or the people of the elephant. The word ashaab/sahabi means companions. So Allah s.w.t is referring to them as animals (elephants) to indicate that they are no better than animals. Infact they are worse than animals. Bcz the one in the lower position gets refered to as a sahib (companion) of someone in the higher position. Just like when we call the companions of prophet s.a.w as prophet's sahabi (companion) that means that prophet s.a.w is in the higher position that's why we are referring to other people related to him s.a.w and the people who are being related to him are in lower position as compared to the one in higher position. So Allah s.w.t called the asahabil feel as an insult that you are worse than animals.even the animal is in higher position than you so ASHABil feel is an insult to the army wo thought they were the masters. HISTORICAL PROOF: it is found in history that when the army of abraha used to point finger at the ka'ba to make the elephant's go there, the elephants would turn to another direction because even they had respect for the ka'ba. But the army, did not stop. They were worse than animals. This proves that even the elephant is in better position/ state than that army. ⏩QUESTION "Why Allah s.w.t destroyed abraha when he planned of destroying ka'ba but Allah s.w.t did not punish quraish for placing idols in the house of ka'ba for many many years (which is shirk and the biggest crime)?" ANSWER: because destroying the ka'ba was the violation of rights of humanity, ka'ba was built for human's guidance. Ka'ba was built for muslims to pray in the right direction. It was for guidance of people. So Allah s.w.t immediately punished those who violated the rights of humans But doing shirk with Allah (placing idols) was a crime against Allah s w.t. Allah s.w.t delays punishment for his rights but never delays punishment for the rights of human. 🔴2ND AYYAH "Did he not place thier plots to vain" (Normal common translation) ⏩Alam This is the second 'alam' In the first verse alam was also used and right after alam is a present tense ( Tara تر ا) and in this verse there is also an alam and a present tense right after it (يجعل yaj'al) yaj'al means he makes or he turns (thier plots to vain). We have discussed it before that when a present tense is used after 'alam' which means 'did he not?' now alam is in past as 'did' is in it's meaning. So when this type of grammar is used that there is a present tense after an 'alam' it means continuity. That the action is continuos. We translate it (the meaning comes out to be in past tense but the conjugation is present. It means that Allah s.w.t is saying that if anyone makes plot against the deen Allah s.w.t will do the same to them as well. This action was not only for abraha alone.
@UnfunnyMayonaise 7 ай бұрын
⏩Yaj'al Main word: ja'ala جعل Yaj'al meaning: "he made/transformed" Yaj'al is a verb. Instead of using fa'ala (as used in 1st ayyah) for doing, Allah s.w.t used 'yaj'al' yaj'al is commonly translated as 'he made' but ja'ala means transforming something into something. Or making something out of something. Transformation. So yaj'al means 'he transformed' .. He s.w.t transformed all thier plans to zero, he let them plot out everything, plan thier attack, doing attack, wasting energy in preparation, then at the end, He s.w.t brought it to zero. He s.w.t transformed all of it to waste at the very end. Allah s w.t let them dig thier holes deeper this will only make thier punishment worse. The verbs in the next ayyahs are past tenses. These ones were present tenses with 'alam' : ALAM Tara Kaifa FA'ALA ALAM YAJ'AL as discussed before, this create continuity in action. But all the verbs after these ayyahs are simply past tenses such as: arsala, fa ja'ala The reason why this action is not continuos (cz the are in simple past tense with no alam) because those punishments are specifically for abraha's army (sending birds which had tiny stones in thier mouth). ⏩Kaid كيد Plot/plan to harm Someone in secret Synonyms Amar :plan to deceive someone This word Kaid:plan to harm someone in secret. QUESTION: why does Allah s.w.t say :did he not transform thier 'Kaid' to waste? When thier plan was not that if a secret. The came in day light and thier attack was never a 'secret' ? ANS: alot of the mufasirroon says it's because Allah s.w.t is talking about the jealousy they had fir quraish that was 'hidden' in thier chest which was much more in magnitude than their visible army, attack, etc. But it could also means that abraha was justifying his act with relegion, he was 'motivating' people to attack ka'ba based on religious terms, he even made a house of worship back in Yemen. He was playing this game in the name of relegion. He was using relegion to get ppl to follow him. Because back in the days, in ancient times, relegion was taken SERIOUSLY. Most of he nation now days are turning secular, but back then ppl's pride was thier relegion. So relegion was a serious big thing for the whole world back then, and abraha was using that power of relegion to justify his act, but deep down, it was all because of his economy. The underlying cause was money. Yemen had a main name in trade back then but now Makkah has it so he was jealous and his actual cause of defaming Makkah was money. So that's why Allah s.w.t called his plans 'kaid' (plot against someone in secret) because behind the name of relegion was a greed of money. This Kaid is also kind of a poke at quraish and thier 'Kaid' now. The 'kaid' they are making against prophet Muhammad s.a.w. so Allah s.w.t is telling them indirectly that He s.w.t put abraha's 'kaid' to waste which was even bigger than yours and you could not even handle them, you ran into mountains and then Allah s.w.t sent his divine help for the ka'ba. So if Allah s.w.t can put thier 'kaid' to waste He s.w.t can put your 'kaid' (which is much smaller) to waste too.
@UnfunnyMayonaise 7 ай бұрын
⏩tadleel Meaning: To put to waste (but the word has repetition in it) meaning that Allah s.w.t put thier 'kaid' to waste on multiple occasions. Like when they build thier own building of worship and thought ppl would like it more, that failed. They tried attracting people towards that building, that failed. There building was burned down. They came to destroy ka'ba and that failed. So Allah s.w.t put thier 'kaid' to waste on multiple occasions ⏩ Fi في Meaning : in "He (Allah s.w.t) put thier plan (kiad) IN waste" Grammar: 'Fi' is a harf of zarf ظرف Zarf means place or time Ism zarf e zaman (time) Ism zarf e makan. (Place) So it basically means that fi is used to refer to like a place, or for visualization. So Allah s.w.t took thier entire elaborated plan to put it in waste such that it was too obvious to see. You could easily see thier plan into waste. That's how Allah s.w.t destroyed it. 🔴3RD AYYAH Description about the birds that came. °They came from the direction of Yemen (interesting that the army also came from Yemen) °each bird had a pebble in its beak and two pebbles in its claws. So in total, each bird was holding 3 pebbles °those birds were not just a single specie, they were multiple groups of different specie. °the stone the birds threw would hit a person's head and come out from his back °they were HUGE group of birds that according to some narrations, the sky grew dark bcz of the birds, as id no light could pass BUT we should not be too involved in what type of birds they were. We should pay attention to the HOW 'how did these tint little harmless creatures destroyed the most dangerous army if that time? Bcz Allah s.w.t wants us to pay attention to the how as he uses 'kaifa' (how) in the first ayyah ⏩ عليهم Alaihim (on them) Why اليهم (ilaihim to them) is not used. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ALAIHIM (ON THEM) AND ILAHIM (TO THEM) In Quran, Allah s.w.t uses the word عليهم (on them) when he s.w.t talks about sending punishment against someone. Like in this surah 'fa arsala ALAIHIM tairan ababeel (he sent herds upon herds of ababeel against (on) them' or 'fa arsala ALAIHIM-u-tufan' (so we sent storm against them) so whenever Allah s.w.t talks about sending punishment on someone in the Quran, he s.w.t uses the word ALAIHIM (on them) it kinda holds the meaning of against them. It is a unique thing of Quran. ILAIHI (to them) is used in the Quran not for punishment but for other things for example when Allah s.w.t talks about sending a prophet to firaun, he s w.t uses ilaihim (to them) as of course prophets are mercy, not punishment. ⏩Ababeel Ababeel is a plural word in arabic that does not have a singular. It means 'flocks upon flocks' (in bird terminology) °it means that the birds were dispersed (in specie) but unified (in a group) °many many many birds °groups coming from many directions. Here and there. °A muffassir comments about this word ababeel that 'I have never heard the arabs using the singular form if it ever' ⏩Tair طیر It is "ism jam' " (collective noun) It means 'all kinds of birds' Of we say 'tuyoor' it means birds but 'tair' means all kinds of birds 🔻TANWEEN AND NASB STATE (Grammar stuff) TairAN the tanween at the end makes the word kind of like in a 'terrifying someone' tone. Like BIRDS!. That what the nasb state does sometimes in arabic This surah is a gift to prophet. Allah s.w.t gives his messanger gives even before he s.a.w was born. Makkans thought that this incident happened for them and thier protection but Allah s.w.t says in this surah 'alam tara' Kaifa fa ala RABUKA' (YOUR RABB) telling everyone that that incident happened for prophet s.a.w. so that his s.a.w city remains safe. And he s.a.w would pray in that direction.
@omarfarooqbandial4462 8 жыл бұрын
Brother Nauman ,excellent tafseer explanation.kindly start tafseer lectures of every ayah from the start of the Quran.jazakALLAH u khairan kaseera
@laraibfarooq8272 4 жыл бұрын
@laraibfarooq8272 4 жыл бұрын
@informationinformation6749 4 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum Your recitation is very beautiful. Plzzzz make an audio Aap of quran in ur voice
@YakhyaTan 2 жыл бұрын
Alam tara kaifa fa'ala rabbuka bi ashaabil feel Alam yaj'al kaidahum fee tadleel Wa arsala 'alaihim tairan abaabeel Tarmeehim bihijaaratim min sijjeel Faja 'alahum ka'asfim m'akool
@SYEDOHIDULISLAM1966 7 жыл бұрын
Assalamualaikum please give me the link for part 3 please help me out I'm downloading
@JuneGirl98 7 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/gWKte3ysisqSptE&pbjreload=10 first 20 minutes is the last part of Feel and the first 40 minutes include commentary of the link between both Feel and Quraish ^^
@rouh 6 жыл бұрын
answer my question please.
@rabeeajamil6165 2 жыл бұрын
Do you have part 3? Please share
@rehanaturabali6626 2 жыл бұрын
Flocks of birds, not herds.
@veroshinn1058 5 ай бұрын
Here in 37:22 It's asked who is in the Higher position messenger or sahaba And the answer was Sahaba How is that possible?
@Imaan_in_my_heart 4 ай бұрын
May be a mistake,
@mohdzuhdimohdsanusi912 4 жыл бұрын
assalamulaikum..may i know who is dr fadil soleh hasan (1:50)..coudnt find him in the internet. thks.
@birdoflaments 4 жыл бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/f3ivgX58nJKXo68 He's an arab linguist.
@rouh 6 жыл бұрын
i confused in the poem of Abdul Mutallib. haraam halal. ahw can somebody explain me!
@muhammadbilalkhan7254 6 жыл бұрын
There is no audio to this video :( I can't hear any voice :(
@LifeIsForEmos8D 6 жыл бұрын
Muhammad Bilal Khan The audio is coming through the left, so you won't hear anything from the right.
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
WHY no sound???? this is mute audio track
@stevewipix3422 6 жыл бұрын
please level audio before uploading there is nothing on left track channel
@normalamohdnadzar1574 3 жыл бұрын
Alhamdulillah, thank you for making us understand the Quran in a way we would not have understood it before.
@phirdawsnuzlaa-ty9ee Жыл бұрын
I thought Abdul Mutalib was a pagan worshipper,How did he make dua to Allah for birds to appear with pebbles?
@UnfunnyMayonaise 10 ай бұрын
They used to worship Allah but not ALLAH alone. They also had other Gods like laat, uzza, hibal, manaat etc.
@AyaanHussain-ys5gt 6 ай бұрын
@@UnfunnyMayonaise Firstly Jazak Allah khair for the notes ....and btw this conversation i think that Abu mutallib still believed in Allah but didnot recite the shahada bcz of his ancestors ...as when he was on the death bed .. The Prophet (PBUH ) tills abu mutallib to recite shahada but abu jahl stops him by saying are u gonna abadon the ancestors religion ..
@UnfunnyMayonaise 6 ай бұрын
@@AyaanHussain-ys5gt I think that was abu talib (prophet's uncle) not Abdul mutallib (Prophet's grandfather). Btw jazakillah khair for reading the notes.
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