Lewis Black - Capitalism & Greed (Live in Amsterdam)

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Tahir W

Tahir W

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Lewis Black - Capitalism Greed Bernie Madoff and Bankers (Live in Amsterdam)

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@jameskirchner2655 7 ай бұрын
Love his take on GREED👌👌👌👌👌👍👍👍👍👍💯💯💯💯💯💯
@LtVadim 4 жыл бұрын
The bit starting at 1:30 is one of the best pieces of comedy ever made!
@patbrennan6572 8 жыл бұрын
lewis should be forced to run for president, that would shake the shit out of the establishment..
@miaculpa5656 9 жыл бұрын
once you hear Black, you can never go back.
@fivestring65ify 6 жыл бұрын
Got that right
@MrSmartguy2012 12 жыл бұрын
I absolutly love this guy. I just earned a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and he got it point-on! Do the math. The more complex aka derivatives, the harder it is to figure out and hold them accountable.The US "Finance Dept".let those bastards do it. I'm proud to be American, but...
@Zmechanic 6 жыл бұрын
The "don't loan unless the borrower has the means to pay it back" wasn't in there because they were using predatory lending practices: 1: Give a loan to someone who might not be able to afford the house 2: Let them pay on it for years 3: When they can't pay, let them default and repossess it 4: Sell house for most of its original worth (or more) PLUS keep the years of interest payments from the borrower 5: PROFIT! (Except when a bunch of borrowers begin defaulting at the same time and the whole scheme collapses.) This is also how those "have terrible credit, no problem!" car dealerships operate. And title loans. And pawn shops. And on and on and on.
@BigShoePuppetProd 6 жыл бұрын
He's so good at expressing our National Outrage! Thank you, Lewis. ("I think we're fukked.")
@ari1234a 9 жыл бұрын
To the humor of George Carlin there is heir, and the name is Lewis Black.
@sambeezy007 6 жыл бұрын
ari1234a i noticed that to my friend
@KashiusFresco 2 жыл бұрын
Lewis has been around as long as Carlin so maybe not? 🤷🏿‍♂️
@nthperson 7 жыл бұрын
Lewis is right that very few leading figures in the U.S. expressed concern that a crash was on the horizon. That said, there were some people (myself included) who were doing all we could to get anyone in government to say attention to what we in the trenches were seeing. Early in the 2000's a long-time friend of mine (who had worked on the staff of several congressmen over his career) and I met with Rep. Paul Kanjorski to warn him that the housing markets were about to burst. He seemed to understand what we were telling him, and he indicated he was going to follow-up with us. We never heard from him or anyone on his staff again. A few years later I attended a public meeting held by my own congressman. I offered to meet with him or his staff to discuss what measures were needed to respond to the 2008 crash. His chief of staff contacted me shortly thereafter and requested that I provide to the congressman a one-page list of bullet points of the steps the government needed to take to pull us out of recession. I was astonished. But, I did as requested and submitted the document. A week or so later a young member of his staff invited me to come in for a meeting. The congressman was not available, of course, and this young woman (who had never taken even one course in economics) met with me for 30 minutes. How does one have any confidence in our elected officials to do the right things.
@MrJommins 12 жыл бұрын
The engine room dead joke rant is the best part! Hilarious!!!!
@hcabnekogcram 11 жыл бұрын
No one can replace George Carlin but Lewis Black is slapping people's stupidity in it's Koch-sucking face! He has the same ability to deliver incredibly profound information that we won't get the bulk of until we watch it again. Genius. Greed is the ONLY enemy.
@mikejonesnoreally 8 жыл бұрын
I think that would be the best question for economists and sociologists right now. How do you remove the vulnerability of corruption from capitalism? I think that's why it worked so well. You really could do business "on a handshake". Do that today and you'd be missing a hand and wondering why someone was even interested in future options on your left arm, upper thigh, throat, and general thought patterns....
@tahirwaqas101 8 жыл бұрын
+mikejonesnoreally Thats a million dollar question. Someone doing Phd in economics said to me that corruption & capitalism go hand in hand. One cant survive without the other. If that is the case then we need some radical changes in the system dont we???
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
+Tahir W and it is not there in socialism? I wont pretend capitalism is perfect in practice. But I would still argue it is the least imperfect. Lets say a company makes a drug: they make it so good that they become the ONLY supply even though it is a generic. Time goes buy and that company realizes they have a monopoly so they price gouge. People will say "profit motive" is horrid and capitalism sucks. But here is how the market responds. Over the next 2 to 5 years all the old competitors re enter this supply biz for that drug. Most of the customers out of sear spite NEVER buy from the "price gouge" ever again once the new competitors are there, they tell their kids and for 50+ years that company can not sell water to some one dieing of thirst. In perfect capitalism the next day what take years to happen in this example would happen. The assumption "If that is the case then we need some radical changes in the system dont we???" makes is that these things wont happen in every system. Replace "company" with "state monopoly" and see how much worse the greed can be. The same price fixing happens only you are just screwed. Same if you replace "company" with "privet co-op". Because if that co op is based on the values of socialism over time it pays more and more of the lease productive people to be even more unproductive. That in terms raises the price of that medicine. And every competitor that could bring the cost down would have to buy the lack of productivity of those unproductive workers. In one system there is a check with time for this greed: namely the bubble POP, in the other every one just pays more with nothing to be done but pay more.
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
+mikejonesnoreally Are you familiar with the concept of "legal breach"? In a nut shell it is when you are better off to break a contract than to honor it. This is relevant to you capitalism point. and your question "How do you remove the vulnerability of corruption from capitalism?" The answer is very basic: make a deal so that the other person hurts them self more than they gain to break it. That way rather they are honorable or not their own greed woks against them not honoring their word. People forget the idea here is not: I win you lose. It is supposed to be "I WIN" because "YOU WIN". Basically every deal I do is based on "WHAT DO YOU GET OUT OF IT?" Because if that is not there then it is a collusive bad deal. Where all the stuff complained about comes from is people focusing on "WHAT DO THEY THEM SELF GET OUT OF IT" When you focus FIRST on the value added from the trade, and then the benefit to your self for having produced that value capitalism works just fine. Today people argue it is not FAIR that you do not pay them more. What % of those people do you think even ask if they produce enough value to justify the pay they get now? Every cent I earn in a year is based on WHAT THE OTHER PERSON GOT OUT OF IT: strangely enough this bad economy has at no point been bad for me.
@mikejonesnoreally 8 жыл бұрын
+TheShowThatSUX Well it is really good that the "bad" economy hasn't hurt you. Me either, this go, yet. I agree with your solution, which if I read it right, I believe says to have more strict regulation, yes? I agree that's definitely the answer. Personally the company I am trying to build is using V.I.C.I. (*V.isibility*, I.ntegrity, C.hoice and I.nterest.) which is a new ideology put forth by Dylan Ratigan author of "Greedy Bastards" and CNBC/MSNBC refugee. We're not waiting for regulation! I am recommending we use V.I.C.I. completely and have open book accounting, meaning all customers will be able to see where all of our money is spent if they wish. Not that I expect other companies will do this if there is an example, it's more that I hope the results of having customers being able to see the costs involved will not only mitigate senseless consumer rage over higher prices but even turn some of them into promoters. Higher profits (if manageable) *is* what make companies change their practices.
@taylormoskalyk4483 8 жыл бұрын
Remove people... you can't have it both ways.
@HomeFreeinmySUV 9 жыл бұрын
@Windextheprettyblueliquid 7 жыл бұрын
I love Lewis Black
@kingmike40 8 жыл бұрын
There were several people who said that the housing market was going to collapse. Peter Schiff, Kyle Bass, Marithe Whitney, and, Shiley Blair of the FDIC. No body in a leadership role wanted to listen or knew what to do.
@KarePassion 6 жыл бұрын
he spent the 1.5 million on his office so that he could funnel money back to himself... that is how graft works. I always wondered how that worked until I learned about it in an American History course. What you do is overpay for goods and services and then that company pays part of the money back to you under the table (ie money laundering). Politicians do it all the time. Hence when Madoff, for instance, was prosecuted, that money cannot be seized because it is already money spent. (ha ha, joke is on us)
@flassk7 10 жыл бұрын
This is 100 times better than his latest show.
@usakindatheartflower6229 8 жыл бұрын
capitalism is a great system. the problem is when only a few people of a nation can have so much money, they can corrupt and play games( I believe because they r bored and have a god complex), with the middle class of America through pork belly politics and now global influence through foreign campaign contributions.
@tahirwaqas101 8 жыл бұрын
+Constance Kendall Capitalism is unstable at its core. I mean the process of money creation and interest is absurd. What do i need to know?? Honest question ...
@usakindatheartflower6229 8 жыл бұрын
+Tahir W you obviously need to study all systems to see which one has least corruption, most growth per capita, and best living conditions be it welfare health prosperity. u may not like it, but USA is still considered one of the top 5 countries that give a person of no wealth a chance at a better life for themselves and their children.
@tahirwaqas101 8 жыл бұрын
First .. Why would i not like it?? Second .. i was talking about money creation and application of interest. How can a system that creates paper money out of thin air without any fiat backup would be "great" ???
@usakindatheartflower6229 8 жыл бұрын
+Tahir W being sarcastic I would say USA, . but being litteral USA has govt land, that the last 4 presidents have slowed foreign leases as collateral. Obama borrowed money from saudi's and used the California redwood forest as collateral
@tahirwaqas101 8 жыл бұрын
And my second question???
@NickMart1985 9 жыл бұрын
Love Lewis Black! The problem with capitalism is there is people involved... I guess people aren't involved in writing the regulations that "protect" us from capitalism? Bankers didn't need to worry about lending money to people that could pay it back. The regulators wrote rules that bought the debt from the lenders. What about those regulations again?
@robnor1029 7 жыл бұрын
wow lol
@williamdean4101 8 жыл бұрын
Put Lewis Black and Ron White together, call them "Black and White" and you will have a nuclear weekend show. I wish their two agents would get together and put on that show--------
@MrRolandMichel 7 жыл бұрын
That sir, is a FUCKING brilliant idea! I applaud you!
@playbak 9 жыл бұрын
Bernie Sanders 2016!!! #feelthebern
@greywinters4801 9 жыл бұрын
+playbak Let me quess. Age 19 IQ 19.
@nathancahill7129 7 жыл бұрын
well this failed
@lucius1976 7 жыл бұрын
let me guess, you voted for Trump?
@phoot8 7 жыл бұрын
@trickynekoman 7 жыл бұрын
Someone in the office turned to you or someone else and said "uh...I think we're fucked". Lol we're there right now again
@Glen7011 8 жыл бұрын
Brilliant man, comic.
@brainsareus 8 жыл бұрын
Spot ON!!!
@SongBirdJesusFreak 10 жыл бұрын
Ron Paul spoke up!!!!
@TheHomerowKeys 5 жыл бұрын
And he was and still is a huge schmuck. Just like his idiot son.
@ladamyre1 9 жыл бұрын
I think omstrsat's problem with Mr. Blacks act is that perhaps Mr. Blacks comments strike a little too close to home. You wouldn't happen to be one of those "mortgage brokers" omstrat, would you? Hoping the good old days might come back, eh? Where you could take a percentage for brokering a mortgage for one of those homeless people you found sleeping under a bridge?
@TheJarofdreams 9 жыл бұрын
I am at the front row seat ha ha ha
@MidnightConsulting 9 жыл бұрын
And let's not forget the 'force majeure' clause!
@boozybassplayer 9 жыл бұрын
same here in the U.K :(
@duggydugg3937 6 жыл бұрын
The debt is what is eating our lunch...breakfast...supper
@juggernat2442 12 жыл бұрын
Bernie Madoff is a BEAST
@usakindatheartflower6229 8 жыл бұрын
capitalism does not need to be regulated( that leads to socialism), but as accountability of under table deals through pork belly contracts and bailouts by interest groups and foreign campaign influence, mainly oil.
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
About 5 min in is one of the reasons I love "Lewis Black" he very lightly points out that the cause was the regulator trying to sell homes to people who could never afford them, He is right these people were just takeing the best offer they had, and the banks who got strong insensitive to makes those lones are not to blame either because it was what they were told to do. He then makes a joke about human ignorance: of course we do have people who read the mortgage. I know 3 people who did not sign because they did the math and knew X years out they would lose the house. But all of these people could aford rent: I walked away from one to, but had it been Homeless Vs 2 to 5 years in a home I can not afford... which do you think I would have picked?
Every time I drive by a bank now, I'm going to roll down the window and yell 11:22
@ravishingravi 12 жыл бұрын
Nails it ! Black is black.
@ErikWithBrain 12 жыл бұрын
That's actually a pretty common ratio. You can only rate a video if you have an account, and I'm guessing most people browse this site without logging in.
@JesseMaurais 11 жыл бұрын
People who hold to the CRA theory that blames irresponsible home owners, they need to explain the thousands of vacant homes after 2008 that were mortgaged to bogus holding companies. This fact is not consistent with their narrative. However, it is consistent with that of the FCIC: homes were built and mortgaged just to be securitized to meet the market demand for (artificially) low risk, high yield, mortgage backed securities. It had almost nothing to do with the demand for actual houses.
@neitherdoi5790 8 жыл бұрын
we should just have a top salary, like 100 thousands a year, after that 100% on taxes. You can't be 100000 times more productive than another worker so that kind of money is always unjustified. and btw, capitalism is just a system, same as socialism and ALL countries currently use both at the same time.
@woundedsanity 6 жыл бұрын
i completely agree and have had the same thought many times
@thorondor4012 5 жыл бұрын
What you're proposing is theft.
@mybrainsondrums 9 жыл бұрын
wo wo wo wo wait... can you explain the wiping thing again? im gettin crusty
@rooster6875 8 жыл бұрын
I would say, Lewis Black for President! Hell if one of our richest Americans can do it. He should win by a landslide. Our government doesn't like things that make sense. All of the Kennedy's is I prime example.
@FloraJoannaK 3 жыл бұрын
what language is the subtitle it jest looks like double dutch to me
@kingmike40 9 жыл бұрын
He seems to be saying that capitalism is wrong but freedom is what gives him the right to be up there getting paid to make fun of capitalism. Show me a system that is perfect and I'll show you la la land.
@WayneLeng 9 жыл бұрын
Lewis Black makes us aware of the craziness of society, the perils of uncontrolled capitalism that some people believe to be a God and he does this through Humor. We like humour and because we like it so much, what Lewis Black tells stays with us.
@twitchinstereo 9 жыл бұрын
Freedom of speech isn't unique or even related to capitalism.
@rockerbarbie88 9 жыл бұрын
***** I totally agree with you!
@MIKELIN8 9 жыл бұрын
kingmike40 When did capitalism = freedom? People in Sweden are free, but they have a socialistic system. Freedom is not exclusive to capitalism, but greed seems to be more prevalent in capitalistic societies.
@jamesglendening3729 9 жыл бұрын
Perhaps you are not grasping the point. It isn't capitalism in and of itself that is the culprit. It is the GREEDY BASTARDS who are card-carrying members of the "Upper 1/10th of 1% of America" that are ruining the visage of how great capitalism could be!
@1993MovieMan 11 жыл бұрын
Actually , I think that`s exactly what Lewis was talkin` about .
@bahbcat 10 жыл бұрын
"If ya take a shit, wipe yourself"
@bahbcat 10 жыл бұрын
That means, those oil companies need to clean up their spills and fracking fluids and all the pollution. Simple.
@nthperson 8 жыл бұрын
Hey Lewis! Our problem is that our DNA is hard-wired to be speculators. Our economy if driven by land speculation. When the banks give credit to people with minimum down payments property (i.e., land) prices climb. They eventually climb to a point where fewer and fewer people can carry the level of debt required to own a residential property.
@Fabzil 8 жыл бұрын
+Edward Dodson Wtf are you saying ? I'm not a speculator. MY DNA is speculator-free. Which species are you from ?
@nthperson 8 жыл бұрын
+Fabzil . I live in the real world. If you own land, you are a land speculator, even if this is not your intent. How is that the case? Owning land produces nothing. Owning capital goods is what produces the things we need and use. Even a farmer must work the land and use equipment and seed and fertilizer, etc.When we go to sell our residential property (or the farmer goes to sell a farm) we expect to get more for it than what we paid for it. That rarely, if ever happens, when we sell an automobile, a computer or any machine. The value of a house is simple to determine: it is the cost of replacement, less the actual depreciation.For some reason we look at land as a investment that will yield a gain, a gain which is the result not of anything we have done with the land but because land markets are inherently speculation-driven.
@jish55 2 жыл бұрын
DNA doesn't have consciousness, that's completely psychological. what you talking about is learned behavior that you picked up from watching others act that way and in turn adopted that ideology yourself.
@nthperson 2 жыл бұрын
@@jish55 You are probably right, but it is certainly arguable that over many, many generations behaviors that were once voluntary are taken over by part of the brain so that we are not aware there are occurring. I am convinced we are born with an imperfect moral sense of right and wrong. Whether this is then strengthened or weakened depends on what we learn from others -- from our biological parents, our extended family and our community. Too many of us lose our ability to think objectively because of the "brainwashing" we experience as we move toward adulthood.
@titolovely8237 8 жыл бұрын
a short history of capitalism in the US: US is small, poor, and rural. commit genocide of existing population, import slaves, force to grow cotton, become large, wealthy, powerful. industrial revolution happens, land is cheap and free. labor moves freely, creating shortages and driving up wages. fast forward to the mid to late 19th century. land is no longer cheap, labor becomes immobile. labor is brutally suppressed in the US, federal troops are rutinely called out to break up and even murder union protesters. the majority of the population lives as wage slaves, a society of renters able to afford very little. early 20th century. labor has won some rights, country is now much more civilized. deregulations and monopolies form in large sectors of financial sector. things are great. CRASH. great depression occurs. despite best efforts of government, depression deepens. a war breaks out, and huge sectors of workers previously unemployed now have jobs making tanks. WWII ends. US now has almost monopolistic power over imports as previous western manufacturing has been destroyed. business elites are terrified of a communist revolution in the US, so accept very high taxes and harsh regulations. middle class thrives, american dream is born. russian empire calls it quits. western Europe rebuilt. threat of communist alternative no longer looms over capitalist west. down goes the taxes, programs start to get cut, wages stagnate, unions attacked. middle class shrinks, poverty increases. Reaganomics leads to record corporate profits. profits accumulate at the top and are used to consolidate market share, loaned back to workers in lieu of pay, and buy political system. debt used to finance standards of living no longer attainable, and profits no longer sane. credit needs increase, regulations come down to free up capital to sustain demand for debt. 07/08 crash. financial sector bailed out by public. no alternative. very few regulations implemented after. middle class wealth shrinks to lowest levels in decades, half the population earning $35k or less per year, wages falling behind inflation rates, unions gone, housing bubble re-inflated by large financial hedge funds. stock market soars off emerging market success as impoverished western workers demand cheap foreign goods. today? another crash inevitable. lifestyle and standard of living financed now entirely by debt, both are unrealistically high. demand for debt pushes government to start privatizing to free up capital for private sector lending. 10 years of near 0% federal interest rate.
@jamesbarca7229 8 жыл бұрын
+Fightneit 90 The title should have been "A short history of the government and banks intervening in, manipulating and corrupting capitalism in the U.S.". The corrupt banking system and bought and paid-for politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle are the cause of the problem, not capitalism. Government and banks manipulating the markets is antithetical to capitalism. Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than every other system ever devised by man, combined.
@asare240 8 жыл бұрын
+James Barca Bullshit
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
+Bernise Anders a short history of socialism in the US: US is small, poor, and rural. So they make their own money. The king out laws it: the people fight a revolution, try colonial law, end up copying the alliance of six tribes based on the advice of representatives from the indigenous existing population. The greed of people not wanting to trade freely for room to expand, and not wanting to do their own work pushes for commit genocide of existing population, import slaves... and so on. This wealth unearned leads to arguments about how to redistribute it. industrial revolution happens, land is cheap and free. labor moves freely, creating shortages in laces that wont pay the price of labor, and surplus in places that over pay. fast forward to the mid to late 19th century. Land is no longer cheap because people do not want to move, labor chooses to becomes immobile instead demanding to be paid more to not seek better work but instead keep the work they already have. As this war between the have and the takes heats up unions are brutally suppressed, and ex-federal troops are hired as mercenaries. The majority of the population lives on wages in a quality of live better than those of their parents, but a hard life. In many ways this generation is more materialistic than the one that came before them. early 20th century. Despite social greed to receive benefits independent of labor value the shear wealth created by the last century leads to increases. It is affordable and of mutual benefit to increase the quality of pay and working conditions for most labor: regrettable labor sees this as weakens to fuels the greed to demand more than is of "mutual benefit". Under the political climate of control is good, new regulation is enacted and state enforced monopolies form. The long term sustainability of a profit motive detached from spending and wage prices has been achieved. Things are great. CRASH!!! great depression occurs. despite best efforts of government, depression deepens. The socialism bill is due and no amount of socialism will correct it. A war breaks out, and the unions make MASSIVE concessions out of a sense of national pride so huge sectors of workers previously unemployed can now have jobs making tanks. WWII ends. US now has almost monopolistic power over imports as previous western manufacturing has been destroyed. The government is terrified of a communist revolution in the US, so it enforces harsh regulations, and en acts state monopolies and expands state power. It makes monopolistic deals with unions to gain support of the people who control the workers. In exchange both schools and unions agree to educate the people that STATE control is capitalism and the source of: middle class thrives, American dream is born. So we need ever more high taxes to fund the progressive redistribution to keep buying the power base. But in the USA we call this capitalism, when at the same time we say the socialism of the USSR is evil. russian empire calls it quits. western Europe rebuilt. threat of communist alternative no longer looms over capitalist west. But we have the monster of US Socialism that we called capitalism consuming more and more of the USA. Claims of taxes going down when they are actually going up over the long run are sold to the people who have forgotten the history of the nation, because that was how they were educated. Programs change so they can claim they are being cut when they are expanding. On paper wages seem to stagnate: in practice the gains are replaced with benefits and social programs marking the people more dependent on the socialism. The gov now in control of the socialism by way of progressive values: middle class shrinks, poverty increases. And unions are attacked to reduce the choice to socialism Vs Socialism. Reaganomics leads to a min form of capitalism where those who are still capitalists can make profits. Profits accumulate in the hands of what is left of the capitalists. The socialists trying to keep up barrow and go into debt. The wages of the socialists held up by their own borrowing and less and less actual work or value added trade leads to more loans to workers in lieu of pay to sustain their spending. Eventually debt used to finance standards of living no longer attainable, but the socialists keep spending any way believing that they have a right to do so independent of the value they produce. Profits from credit are no longer sane. The socialists argue credit needs increase, if only they have more money, then they can keep spending. Regulations come down to fund the "no longer sane" credit expansion independent of any value baking it. The socialist ideal that "sustain demand for debt" creates wealth with no need to create value to sustain that debt is now the back bone of most: consumer spending, student debt, medical costs, and housing. 07/08 crash. Financial sector receives TARP money. The financially sound institutions repay it, the weak one fail any ways. OPS, maybe we should have bailed out the socialism before the first domino fell. A record number of regulations are passes after, many of which make capitalism inaccessible to the middle class, but most of the people uneducated do not notice and think nothing was done. Middle class wealth shrinks to lowest levels in decades, half the population earning $35k or less per year, wages falling behind inflation rates, unions gone, housing bubble re-inflated by large financial hedge funds. stock market soars off emerging market success as impoverished western workers demand cheap foreign goods. today? another crash inevitable? Try a dozen that are bigger than housing was. In true socialism fashion lifestyle and standard of living financed now entirely by debt, both are unrealistically high. Demand for debt pushes government to start expanding gov social programs, and the people are not frighting it because they have been well trained for decades to think someone should PROVIDE instead they should EARN. Private capital is a dirty word in the USA: Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Apple, Berkshire Hathaway and so many of the few success of capitalism would be illegal to start today the way that surceased in them prospering. When you train the people to want socialism, and make start-up capitalism a crime 10 years of near 0% federal interest rate can help no one but the people who have already succeed.
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
+James Barca The problem is people no longer know the diffidence between the to. They think we have a free market and capitalism.
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
***** So you disagree that the changes in law since those successes would make what they did at best securities fraud today?
@amandabaker4496 2 жыл бұрын
@calum66 8 жыл бұрын
I think that joke at 8 minutes or so worked fine .
@sevendst19 11 жыл бұрын
The democrats and RINO republicans made it a law that the banks HAD to give people loans. If you think about this logically why would any bank give a loan to someone they feel wouldn't be able to pay it back? It wouldn't happen anymore than you or I would give out a loan to someone we believed wouldn't be able to pay it back. The only difference is, they had to follow the laws and regulations they were working under. See the history of the "Community Reinvestment Act".
@proud2bpagan 10 жыл бұрын
I work in the phone sex industry..we even felt it in my industry.
@MrUnclebuc1 10 жыл бұрын
Damn, that sucks! in a bad way.
@Lesserthannone 10 жыл бұрын
Your not ment to feel anything during phone sex... Unless you want to..
@themasculinismmovement 4 күн бұрын
Yea all our lives were told how great capitalism is but then how come most of us live our lives in debt and poverty?
@redhead5150 11 жыл бұрын
Lewis Black is awesome. He gives people a comedic view of the buttholes running this country and the companies robbing the people of there life savings.
@kallepunkken 9 жыл бұрын
@oliviadestandau4243 11 жыл бұрын
Berni Madoff has been equaled and squared.... HSBC
@jish55 2 жыл бұрын
Shit, remember the last countries who perfected greed? Those countries rulers ended up with their heads on pikes or shot dead in a basement.
@plan9films 10 жыл бұрын
And Bernie never had a trial - he just went to prison- who was he covering for?
@MatthiasVex 8 жыл бұрын
I can't understand how anybody can walk into a grocery store in America and think, "Man, I hate capitalism."
@MatthiasVex 4 жыл бұрын
@kevin willems so you'd rather see a lack of food than excess food
@MatthiasVex 4 жыл бұрын
@kevin willems so you oppose socialism and communism
@MatthiasVex 4 жыл бұрын
@kevin willems you're unfamiliar with how to make a cogent argument, aren't you
@danielj1063 7 жыл бұрын
As evidenced in current situation, deregulation (free trade schemes), causes everybody to loose except for the few pupetteers who run global oligarchs. Let it all collapse! Then, opportunity can be gleaned (esp. future generations) from the ashes...
@hrsqsiest 10 жыл бұрын
@TheFeralcatz.......Where's the hypocrisy?
@kubek 11 жыл бұрын
It's actually sad...
@davandstudios 11 жыл бұрын
Well what they didnt tell you about was crony capitalism.
@tx1523 11 жыл бұрын
proud to write dept instead of debt?
@amyntazoe 10 жыл бұрын
Socialism is, and would be AWESOME!!!
@proud2bpagan 10 жыл бұрын
We have it to a limited degree...Medicaid/care, Welfare systems, Disability,farm subsidies, etc. Those ppl who call Obama a Socialist,and then say 'get your god damned govt hands off my Medicare!',have no idea wtf Socialism actually is!
@enriqueuret 10 жыл бұрын
that is why so many people move to north corea, cuba, and venezuela :) i live in venezuela and i cant buy not even fucking deodorant...
@Turtleproof 9 жыл бұрын
Socialism is currently the most equitable and effective system humans have come up with. I was raised in schools that taught me that Germany and France are on the verge of collapse. Little did I know how those places are lightyears ahead of the United States in quality of life, legal rights, happiness, economic output, and so on.
@fredbohm4728 9 жыл бұрын
Perry Kiddo North Korea and Cuba are communist, not socialist. Perhaps you should know the difference before commenting.
@Zullv 9 жыл бұрын
Greed has survived in every governing and economic system so far. My idea would be to implement more power and transparence to the Anti-corruption police force of every country, active only within the government, including unwarranted temporary arrests, use of force, and some levels of immunity, as well as death sentences for people who partake in corruption involving a defined sum of money or who occupy positions of power. Sounds extreme; open to suggestions.
@bengray423 9 жыл бұрын
what did he make at this venue? about 100,000.00? that is capitalism man! whay tha f--- is he complaining about?
@ApriliaRacer14 9 жыл бұрын
Satire...look it up.
@billhughes5638 9 жыл бұрын
+Ducati Drew You may have to spell it for him.
@rishabhanand4973 9 жыл бұрын
+Ben Gray just because someone benefits from a system does not mean they cannot see what is wrong with it.
@q7winq7 8 жыл бұрын
2-22-2016 Republican economic theory: "I drink YOUR milkshake because I SUCK and you can't do a damn thing about it."
@sofian1001 8 жыл бұрын
240p we meet again
@mrflamewars 6 жыл бұрын
Capitalism - "Fuck You, Got Mine"
@markanthonydubur3211 11 жыл бұрын
This guy appeals to whom exactly? Taking observations from reality, then incorporating child-like tantrums into the performance. Oh, and the garden analogy was inaccurate. It's not about waiting for the plants to be distributed, it's about cultivating your own.
@dome6562 9 жыл бұрын
Please don't confuse what we have today with free market capitalism. What we have is a mutant, viral form of capitalism mixed with state socialism. Pure Capitalism ans pure Socialism, for that matter, advocate totally free markets, not these banksters that use government privilege to force their worthless, valueless currencies on the population and use them as a means of manipulating the economy. Unless there is fraud or malice involved, theoretically, markets are self-correcting. And that scares the shit out of the fraudsters. kzbin.info/www/bejne/e5XVc5h4rK2YpM0
@xXJAKMACKXx 8 жыл бұрын
How did the banks give out so many shitty loans? Through the fascistic fiat currency churning Federal Reserve.
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
+xXJAKMACKXx and the direction of Robert Reich. Go ahead read his plan to solve poverty. It was literary do all the loans that were the housing bubble: but also use pension money to fund it. Imagine how much worse it would have been if every gov employee and union members pension money would have been what was invested in these loans?
@xXJAKMACKXx 8 жыл бұрын
TheShowThatSUX Keynesian economics and governments micromanaging blueballs with a blank check known as fiat money will only lead to more poverty, poverty leads to in fighting and empire building warfare all in order to keep the population in line for the oligarchs. Everything is a lie
@TheShowThatSUX 8 жыл бұрын
***** Over all agree with the creates more poverty, but have to call BS on the red herring that is the " fiat money" as a source claim. In the end all money is a construct. It could be gold and sliver and the model would not change. As for poverty as the base for an "empire" for "oligarchs". Sounds like a very unstable foundation.
@emayhazing1 10 жыл бұрын
Uhm lewis black sells hisself that is capitalism duh
@XXX-rc6qt 10 жыл бұрын
Agreed. However, he was talking about GREED more than capitalism.
@johnquest3102 6 жыл бұрын
Venezuela is going well without capitalism.
@blueskys8814 6 жыл бұрын
I like Lewis and I know that this is just a comedy show but! he speaks as if something went wrong in 2008, nothing went wrong the whole thing was planed and the whole plan was executed perfectly and brought about the intended end result. The dollar was devalued the people in the know got hugely rich and you and I paid for the whole F*#@IN thing, that is a fact!!!!!!! and it is not funny
@Nemesis861965 11 жыл бұрын
Oh no! The dreaded 'N' word. Ha. ha, ha, ha.
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