Рет қаралды 12,691
Bánfalvi Bori a University College London genetika szakos hallgatója. Tanulmányai mellett különféle projektekhez és ügyekhez csatlakozott, számos szervezetben vállal aktív szerepet: a UCL Hungarian Society-ben külkapcsolati képviselő, illetve a Future: Hungary, a Nők a Tudományban Egyesület és a Brain Bar nagykövete lett. Az elmúlt két év számos nehézsége ellenére azt állítja, hogy most volt lehetősége a legtöbbet fejlődni, a legtöbb élményt és tapasztalatot gyűjteni. Hisz abban, hogy bármikor elkezdhetünk és újrakezdhetünk valamit, változtathatunk a hozzáállásunkon és a gondolkodásmódunkon. Az előadás 2021. december 2-án hangzott el. | Bori Bánfalvi is a Genetics student at University College London. In addition to her studies, she has joined several projects and initiatives. She takes on active roles in various organizations: she is an external relations representative for the UCL Hungarian Society, an ambassador for 'Future: Hungary' as well as for 'Women in Science Society', and 'Brain Bar'. Despite all the challenges of the past two years, she believes that she has had the opportunity to develop the most and gather experiences. In her talk Bori explains why she believes that you can always restart anything in life if you have the right mindset. This talk was given on December 2, 2021. Bori Bánfalvi is a Genetics student at University College London. In addition to her studies, she has joined several projects and initiatives. She takes on active roles in various organizations: she is an external relations representative for the UCL Hungarian Society, an ambassador for 'Future: Hungary' as well as for 'Women in Science Society', and 'Brain Bar'. Despite all the challenges of the past two years, she believes that she has had the opportunity to develop the most and gather experiences. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at www.ted.com/tedx