It's okay to be going thru an art block/have a lack of motivation. Don't be too hard on yourself! You dont have to feel like you have to give your best in every video you make. The content you make is for YOU. You make it to show your interest and creative ideas, and I feel a lot of people just forget that and get overwhelmed in the stress that consumes them. Don't ever feel sorry about your motivation being low and allow yourself to take a step back an give yourself and your brain a break. Never feel discourage for your lack of knowledge when making things its okay to make mistakes and use it as a learning opportunity. SFM is hard and confusing to use as I've too lost motivation to make the ideas ive had and thats okay. [Sorry if this doesn't make sense im not that great with words but I know how you feel and I had to comment something. Dont be too hard on yourself and dont let others discourage you!] (*´▽`*)