The 3 Varieties of INTJ Enneagram Type 5

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True You

True You

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@TrueYouSystems 5 ай бұрын
Hi everyone! I'm loving hearing all your ideas and insights! BTW, if you want to stay in the loop about livestreams 🎥🔴 and other things, sign up for updates here: I can't wait to chat with you all! ✨
@suburbohemian Жыл бұрын
I feel absolutely nailed as an INTJ(A, if that matters) 5 SP (w6 btw). And it's not that I don't want to risk my energy or boundaries by reaching out. It's more like as someone who values their privacy and personal time, I hesitate (a lot) about intruding upon yours. So I always scope out stuff a lot before making that initiation to an invitation.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I'm so glad you found the video to be accurate! This is a great example and a very good point about not intruding on others in ways you wouldn't want them intruding on you (the "golden rule", Type 5 edition 😄). Thank you for sharing and contributing to the discussion! 🤗
@ameliadeshane9192 Жыл бұрын
Babe, I gotta say. I follow allll the mbti creators. 😂 I LOVE the way you articulate information and the visuals, AND the sheer amount of info. Thank you. ❤
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Aww thank you so much!! I really appreciate hearing that 😊 Let me know if you have any other topics that you'd like me to explore! 💖🤗
@abhabhole3067 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing! I think the 5SX seems to resonate with me the most but its interesting to pick apart my behaviour ( i guess self analysis has become something of an obsession of mine in the past weeks lol) and try to find patters in it. I don't know much about enneagram but I hopefully look forward to learning more!
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I'm so happy it resonated with you 😊 It's exciting to explore our inner workings! I've got a couple videos about 5s that you might be interested in, and definitely let me know if there are any topics you'd like me to touch on in future videos. Thanks for commenting! 🤗
@ochsaarr Жыл бұрын
Great video... I'm an INTJ 5w4 sx/so/sp and your explanations were THE BEST I've seen so far... and I've done a lot of searching... thank you! I think it's also very challenging sometimes to be 5 sx/so... I feel conflicting pulls on just about everything in my life.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! I'm so glad you liked it and found it accurate!🤗 I like how you describe the challenges of being a countertype and specifically of being a sx/so 5, and that feeling of being pulled in conflicting directions. While challenging, it also brings with it some powerful strengths. Countertypes often have broader access to the various traits of their type, and are less limited to the ones that are most core to their type. In other words, they are less "min-maxed" than, for example, a sp 5, who is a more "classic" 5. Btw, if you haven't already checked it out, you might enjoy my Secret Life of 5s video 😊 Thanks so much for adding to the discussion! 🤗
@TrueYouSystems 5 ай бұрын
@@DrevichMusic These are such great questions!! And also great examples of how the secondary instinct can, in a roundabout way, get used for the primary instinct we are more focused on. A way to think about is that the second (neutral) instinct is it's the one that comes relatively easily to us and that we don't fixate on. It works in service to the first instinct that we over fixate on. So, for example, if you were a sexual 5 you are investing a lot of time and mental energy into creating intense one-on-one connection (to ideas or a specific other) if SP was your second you find it relatively easy to keep up on the needs of your body and other personal required resources, but you don't invest a lot of mental energy into doing this or fixate on it. You use this ease to further your primary one. In this case you may make sure you get more in shape consistently (by caring for your body, which is part of SP) in order to further you SX primary instinct. I hope this is helpful! Thanks for adding to the conversation! 🤗
@goodcitizen4122 4 ай бұрын
Same, my tritype 584 but this explaination of the subtypes is spot on. Well done TrueYou
@gchadder3 Жыл бұрын
This video is also, I think, illuminating for INTPs, as well, regarding finding their subtype (coming from an INTP).
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
I agree!! With this video I really wanted to focus on the three instinct subtypes rather than other differences among 5s, so I opted to control for more of the variables and stick with just INTJs. (I hope the 5s out there can appreciate my attempt at precision 😅) That said, you're totally right! I think the vast majority of the video applies to 5s in general. Maybe P-type 5s are a little less likely to engage in toast measuring?😆 Thank you for sharing and helping to deepen understanding! 🤗
@willow1698 Жыл бұрын
YOU are such a good resource.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Aww!! Thank you so much! So happy you found it helpful! 🤗🤗
@davidschrodt507 Жыл бұрын
I'm an E5 SX/SP..however I'm intp. I'd say there are just as many intps that are 5s as there are intjs. Also im 5w4. I think intjs are more likely to be 5w6. All that you said about E5 sx is spot on for me. I love alone time when I'm drained but I also love connection with that ideal person. I want to be completely loved and understood for who I am. Someone who can engage with me in deep topics. With that special "one" I can be completely romantic and connected. Everyone else might think I'm more aloof
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
I agree with you! There are many intp, istp, and istj 5s and all of them share elements of the examples I give here 😊. So happy this was spot on for you! Thank you for sharing and helping to deepen our understanding!! 🤗
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
Hi. i am INTJ 5w4. and actually i was surprised to see INTP 5w4. you know INTJs have Fi tertiary function which make more sense to be 4. i thought INTPs are much more logical & interested in science rather than values, at least not from a Fi side, maybe Ti values! anyway, nice to meet INTP 5w4.
@davidschrodt507 Жыл бұрын
This is from the above link: INTP and INTJ are the most common MBTI types among Enneagram Fives. Since so many Five traits are attributable to introversion (I), thinking (T), and to some extent, intuition (N), it’s hard to imagine an INTP or INTJ not identifying with many of the Five’s characteristics. In many respects, the Enneagram 5 is well viewed as a sort of INTJ-INTP hybrid. That being said, the Five’s “wings” (i.e., 4 or 6) do a fair job of differentiating the INTP 5 and the INTJ 5. Generally speaking, INTJs are more apt to have a 6 wing (i.e., 5w6) and INTPs a 4 wing (i.e., 5w4).
@davidschrodt507 Жыл бұрын
And this: The 5w4 is the more subjective Five subtype. Like the Enneagram type 4, 5w4s are driven to understand their own personality, routinely exploring their identity and life’s purpose. They are also more idiosyncratic and individualistic in their investigative methods, in many ways operating more like artists than scientists. Their explorations are informed, and to some extent driven, by their need for personal meaning and authenticity. 5w6s, by contrast, are more objective and systematic in their work, content to leave the self and its preferences out of the equation. Since INTJs use Extraverted Thinking (Te)-the most impersonal and objective of all the functions-they are more apt to identify with the approach and methods of the 5w6 than INTPs are. Sixes are known in part for their loyalty to certain conventions or authorities. For INTJs, this is evidenced in their devotion to the methods and findings of science. By contrast, the freewheeling INTP 5w4 is more likely to function as a critic of science or devil’s advocate, invoking epistemological arguments to cast doubt on the foundations or presuppositions of a theory. Of course, there are always exceptions to these trends. Jean-Paul Sartre is a famous example of a 5w4 INTJ and Bill Gates a 5w6 INTP.
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
I like it that lots of INTPs have 4 wing, i thought you are just the smartest & most logical. I attribute the 4 in INTPs to Ti individualism as Fi is out of your main stack. Many INTJs live in Ni Fi loop some/most of the time. or as "Opjective Personality" typing claims, there are 32 sub-types of each type, so some INTJs can have Ni Fi "animal" as main function. they could be 4w5 in this case. Te is not necessarily strong for all INTJs. I'm just curious about how 4 in INTJ vs INTP is similar. as Fi gives more emotional individualism than Ti. @@davidschrodt507
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
INTJ 5w4 here. I admit you have made it very clear to distinguish between the 3 types in theory with all these great & clear examples BUT my mission now is to decide accurately which one i relate to more. for the now i feel i relate more to the SO sub-type,not sure which one next. i watched your video twice but with my not-so-strong memory, not trusting my gut even when it is right, tendency to be accurate & doing what i really love, which is research, i'm going to re-watch the video, summarize the points, reflect on my life, think of all the possibilities that could have happened to me but didn't because of the lack of opportunities, to try to decide who i really am or which type i relate to more. So, i'm going to re-watch your video, Ayla, dozen more times. could this be a problem to me?? NOT at all, i would love to watch your videos million more times and feel more energized. good for type 5.🤩😄
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Aww thank you so much! This is so sweet 🤗 I'm so glad you found it energizing! I love how methodical you are with your research -- very 5! Thanks for sharing! 🤗
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
Not very much 5 i think. i still strongly think i'm SO because i procrastinate a lot & talk much more than i do. i always have the desire to do accurate prolonged research but i just don't most of the time (give priorities only) & save my time for better stuff. it is only because you make your videos short & lovely i can summarize it & learn better.😀😀@@TrueYouSystems
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
I have the desire to be perfect but i let go most of the time. i love fun, entertainment & art the best. i use science as a tool for my philosophy of life. @@TrueYouSystems
@jerrysstories711 Жыл бұрын
Well, this was an eye-opener that I had to give a lot of thought to. I’d heard of the subtypes but hadn’t studied them much. I know I’m a very fivey 5, but wow the SP-5 description fits me eerily well, and your examples felt like you’ve been spying on me for years. “How was work, Jerry?” “It’s over, and I don’t wish spend any more time thinking about it.” That is an actual conversation I've had several times. And yes I jealously conserve protect my space, energy, and time. I’ve always lived below my means and invested, so that I wouldn’t have to work all the time, so that between contracts I could have months of FREE TIME to write, learn, and travel. What I realized from this video is that when I’m working and focused on buying my freedom back, I’ve very much a SP-5; buu-uut when I’m not working and have abundant of time, money, and energy, my obsessions are sated, and I behave EXACTLY how you described a Sexual 5. So I guess that’s what makes the difference of when I behave like my primary and secondary subtype? That makes me curious… What draws out the secondary subtypes from other types? What for example triggers a SX 8 to act sometimes like a SO2? Is it always sating the need of the primary subtype like it is for me?
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Aww! Thank you so much Jerry! I'm glad the examples resonated for you!🤗 Often our neutral instinct comes out when we need it to in order to serve our primary instinct. When the primary instinct is satisfied we often have more flexibility within our type patterns to draw on other parts of our personality. I hope this is helpful! Thank you for your support and for sharing!
@Loves_Garage Ай бұрын
@@TrueYouSystemsgreat explanation. Thank you for this video and replies.
@sparklefulpaladin Жыл бұрын
I think I'm INTJ 5 sx, though I'm not sure what my least used instinct is. I tend to very heavily attach myself to ideas and interesting projects more than I attach to people, though.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Great point! The instincts can manifest differently in each person with elements of each instinct showing up in a greater and lesser degree. For example SP dominant 5s all are concerned with resources, but some will be more concerned with money and others more concerned with time, but in either case the drive is the same. To figure out your neutral instinct you want to think about what comes relatively easy for you but you don't fixate on. For example if SO was next it may come more easily to share information with others but don't feel a need to. If SP is next it may be that managing resources comes relatively easily for you but you don't tend to fixate on them. Hope this is helpful! Thanks so much for sharing!! 🤗
@wiegraf9009 Жыл бұрын
I'm probably a INTJ 5 SX/SP/SO. SX: This is the thing that gives me life, I really crave these kinds of connections and deep dives into things. The homosexual romances I've had in my life have always been that kind of mind-to-mind connection (heterosexual romances not necessarily). I'm polyamorous and have never really felt much sexual jealousy, but I WILL feel jealous if I'm deprived of time with the people I connect to. Strong emotional/intellectual connections to others is also the strongest motivator for my creativity and I will express my feelings through art! I also do that thing of avoiding people I'm crushing on until I know more about what they're into! 😅 SP: I am more SP than I used to be I think. I'm ADHD and Autistic and very easily get burned out so I have to protect myself and have learned from hard experience. At the same time, I was the kid who would hide under my bed or in the basement and read so the instinct has always been there. I definitely relate to dragons living under mountains or owls living in burrows! I think my SP instinct is neutral though because whenever I go into hardcore SP mode it's quite unhealthy for me mentally and physically. It feels more like a survival mechanism than my "happy place." SO: I love to share info with others but I think I'm more SX dominant because I'm always suspicious that a group of people won't be receptive to what I have to say and I need to find the right people who I can connect to before sharing. I also don't have a super strong desire to be the biggest know-it-all in the room. Because of my ADHD my knowledge often has plenty of gaps and errors in it due to me glossing over things, even when it's a special interest, and when I run into a group that share my special interest and correct me I usually find it refreshing, even if I can feel a little prickly or disappointed initially.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
I'm glad this video resonated, and these examples are fantastic! I really appreciate you sharing 🤗 Thank you!!
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
INTJ 5w4 here. I share your thoughts about SO vs SX but i still think i'm SO more. I can't find the right group of people to share thoughts with & always find it easier to share with the one who can understand, though this one is not even always available, but i think this doesn't mean i'm SX. what if i succeeded in reaching a group of intellectuals? which is my dream by the way. and what about my great feelings when i have the chance to convey alot of what i know to my family members ,friends or co-workers (in the rare moments that this happen). i think i wish my crowd of listeners are more than that loved one or that friend/co-worker who is willing to listen. do you feel the same? or still SX? what do you think Ayla if you read this?.
@dexteryousef2380 Жыл бұрын
and by the way, i like that you mentioned "polyamorous". I think i'm polyamorous (though heterosexual in my case). never been really in multiple relationships but i think i would love to be. does this mean there is no really that ideal one we love to be with if there could be the great 2 or more??? that is why i think i'm SO. what about you?? editing: I would like to mention that i can love & be loyal to one woman all my life, but in case i can find a woman who is polyamorous too, i think i will be satisfied with a small group of lovers/friends-with-benefits.
@wiegraf9009 Жыл бұрын
@@dexteryousef2380 Hmmm yes that does sound more SO to me. I do like being around a group of intellectuals, but honestly, it's not my biggest priority. I'm the kind of person who is happy to just be there in such a group, but it doesn't bring out my best qualities of conversation and engagement I can have in a duo or trio! I can totally see the appeal though!
@wiegraf9009 Жыл бұрын
@@dexteryousef2380 I think for myself I look for people who bring out my best qualities of curiosity and empathy. I am in a good long term relationship which I appreciate a lot, but I've never felt the need for "the one," because I'm happiest being my best self with many people, and I'm my best self when I'm in love. It gives me a deep source of care and creativity that is multiple and powerful and allows me to help the most people I can to make a difference in the world. I still have 5 qualities of being very picky about partners and I am like the SX 5 description in that I really want a trusting and intense connection and get very hurt when my trust is betrayed (I am "avaricious" for that kind connection) but yeah it's not about one person for me, nor is it really about a big group!
@anonymouse7600 Жыл бұрын
Fascinating, I know two INTJ, TYPE 5 women. And I see each broken down into the difference you laid out. My spouse is an INTJ, TYPE 5 female. I would say she is a SO, SX, SP. The other female UNFP I know less about. She, too, is INTJ, TYPE 5. But I experience her as an SP, but I have no idea where the other two line up.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
These are such great examples for how each Enneagram type can be so diverse, even within one mbti type! Each subtype and the order of the staking influences so much how our patterns manifest. Thanks for sharing and helping to deepen the conversation! 🤗
@researchsongs Жыл бұрын
I enjoy this video so much because it’s informative, engaging and eye-opening. 🤓
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you found it helpful! Thank you for the comment! 🤗
@researchsongs 10 ай бұрын
@@TrueYouSystemsYes, it’s very useful! Thank you❣️
@ibanezmonsterg Жыл бұрын
what's kinda frustrating about the system is that it's like no one can agree exactly what is sx instinct and the scope of how it manifests :P with your descriptions, sx/sp INTJ 5 works for me. but it is hard to nail down precisely if that spark you describe is a line to 7 thing or sx instinct, especially when you aren't in relationships so can't really observe that and compare to existing descriptions. and others also have mixed options about my typing, too lol. mostly the issue being how much sx instinct is scoped, there's much disagreement about that. the solution seems to just make your own interpretation of the whole system and base it off of that, of course :P but I like how you describe the types! very specific subject, good to have
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I agree that it can be hard sometimes to distinguish when the type structure is being affected by our movement lines or our instincts. I find instincts to often be the primary drives that influence our dominant type and then line movements. It's a good point you make about the sx instinct being easiest to spot in romantic relationships, but the sx instinct can present even without a romantic attachment. Sx types tend to have deeper connections one on one rather than in group settings (even when the group setting is small) and in the case of 5s, they will often do more pushing the boundaries of ideas and conventionality, and even push controversial ideas in order to create interest with another (rather than just trying something new as the 7 might do) I hope this is helpful! Thanks so much for deepening the conversation!!🤗
@ibanezmonsterg Жыл бұрын
@@TrueYouSystems"and in the case of 5s, they will often do more pushing the boundaries of ideas and conventionality, and even push controversial ideas in order to create interest with another (rather than just trying something new as the 7 might do)" yeah, this is a good point!
@noturbo Жыл бұрын
i used to read the dictionary when i was a kid lol still cant spell but i think i have some words hiding in there somewhere 🤣
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
I also can't spell, thank goodness for spell check 😫😆
@TEAMHYBRID007 4 ай бұрын
The type fives that I'm aware of are the intj the infj, infp and INTP
@TrueYouSystems 4 ай бұрын
You're absolutely right that there are many INTJ and INTP 5s! INFP and INFJ are less common, since using reason and logic in decision making is at the core of Type 5. There are also other fives, including ISTJ and ISTP. You might find this video interesting, as it gets into how the MBTI affects Type 5's presentation specifically: I'd love to hear your thoughts! Thanks for adding to the conversation! 🤗
@jerrysstories711 Жыл бұрын
This raised another question in my mind. Does a person's subtypes tend to carry across to their integration/disintegration subtypes? For example, will a SP/SX 2 in integration tend to behave specifically like a SP/SX 4, and in disintegration like a SP/SX 8?
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
This is very intriguing! I haven't heard it discussed this way but it's an interesting thought! I'd be curious to hear if that has been looked into. Thanks for the innovative question! I love thinking about these things in new way 🤗
@C0nstellati0ns 10 ай бұрын
5:24 What's the piano piece? It's nice.
@TrueYouSystems 10 ай бұрын
Handel's Suite No. 5 in E major -- glad you liked it! 🤗
@C0nstellati0ns 10 ай бұрын
@@TrueYouSystems Thanks! :)
@DarkVeghetta Жыл бұрын
This is the first time I've done this, but it seems that I'm an: INTJ 5-1-2 or 5-1-3, SP dominant and SX neutral. It's quite hard to decide between 2 and 3, as there are times in my life that felt driven by either - for much of it 2, but lately 3. Hmm... shorter: INTJ 512/513 SP>SX>SO Edit: A day later and some 10-ish edits (yes, really ~_~' ) to this comment after doing a night's and a day's worth of research, what I initially thought was a 512 in my early life, now looks like a 514 early (I based the 2 mostly on my obsession for finding a wife and being the ideal husband since I was as young as 6 due to... well, truth be told, trauma, but it otherwise doesn't apply and 4s are hopeless romantics anyway). 514 shifts into 541 during high school (to be frank, I had a 1-shaped stick up my ass when I was a child and managed to remove it by the time high school came around), then the 1 becomes an 8 during my 20s and that 8 has gotten more pronounced since then, especially since I started lifting 7 months ago and, thus, have been relying on my 8 on a near-daily basis to lead the charge into a more healthy life... but I'm still a 5 at my core, so I'll leave it at 584 for now. The 1 morphing into an 8 in adulthood takes care of that 3 drive/willpower, without dropping the 4 - though I do enjoy validation from the right people, control is much more important to me and I'm quite happy not having my achievements known, as long as I know them myself. The story of my 4's self-expression is a tale in and of itself, as it was initially quite weak during childhood (I was horrible at expressing myself, but I kept on working at it, as 5s do), but became crucial during my teens as I finally figured out how to speak to others as I came to understand myself. For most of my life it's been a core part of my identity but has taken a back seat as my 8 really revved up it's engine during my late 20s and 30s. Updated MBTI, Enneagram, and color theory by age groups (note: childhood is speculative, hence the ? | age 26 MBTI test oddly resulted in INFP | at 34, I ran the MBTI test four times and got 3x INTJ, 1x ENTJ): Childhood: INTJ? 5w4/514 SO>SX>SP, black High School+ (15-20s): INTJ (if I recall correctly) 5w4/541 SX>SO>SP, black/red Mid 20s: INFP (I 67%, N 38%, F 12%, P 11%), 5w4/548 SX>SP>SO, purple/black/red Late 20s-30s: 3/4 INTJ (I 9%, NTJ 33%) & 1/4 ENTJ 5w4/584 SP>SX>SO, purple/black/red TL;DR: INTJ, 5w4/584, purple
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Interesting! I really like how you describe your thinking around assessing which feeling type you tend to utilize in your Tritype and how it drives you. It can be hard to pull apart which aspect of our type patterns and behavior relate to different rolls in the subtypes and Tritype. For the feeling center I often ask when shame is experienced and there is a need for affirmation, what do I most often want to be affirmed for? Being needed and helping? Or being successful and admired? Thanks so much for sharing and adding more depth to the conversation! 🤗
@DarkVeghetta Жыл бұрын
​@@TrueYouSystems ​After mulling over the Enneagram types for a night and rewatching this video to make sure I fully understand subtypes, I made some adjustments to my initial comment, added my types by age bracket, and slapped on color theory for good measure - likely because, as an INTJ, I can't stand not being as precise as I can be. It all still translates to INTJ 584 at present, but life's circumstances do change one's personality gradually. I also find it interesting that, upon further reflection, my subtype has gradually evolved as well. Specifically, the SO started out strong early (SO>SX>SP), but slowly migrated as I matured and gained the social skills I was lacking early on that most people innately possess, to the current SP>SX>SO, around my 30s. Thank you for these videos - they've been very helpful. All the best from Romania! >^_^< Note 1: I have no idea why I got INFP (I 67%, N 38%, F 12%, P 11%) at age 26, but I did - it's back from 2012 and in my documents, so it's not a mistake, just very strange. Note 2: It's interesting how my SX subtype shifted over time, in strong correlation to my testosterone levels.
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
@@DarkVeghetta This is great, there's so many good points here! Hi to Romania!! That's so cool! I like how you added the age brackets for your subtypes. This really helps highlight the idea that while our main Enneagram type stays the same our subtype staking often shifts with age! This can help to explain how our dominant type can manifest quite differently during different phases of life. Thank you for helping to deepen our study as well! 🤗
@kiiinuo2729 19 күн бұрын
very helpful video i think i am e5 so>sp>sx
@TrueYouSystems 19 күн бұрын
Thank you! So happy you found it helpful!🤗
@DrevichMusic 5 ай бұрын
Great video! Thanks!
@TrueYouSystems 5 ай бұрын
Thank you!! So glad you liked it! 🤗
@goodcitizen4122 4 ай бұрын
Thanks for this, after this video I now identify as INTJ-A 5w4(584) sx/so/sp...hrm
@TrueYouSystems 4 ай бұрын
Nice! I'm so glad you found it helpful! 🤗
@Laurenconblaine Жыл бұрын
Dang, you nailed this video. 👏
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!🤗💕
@pfcspencer11b Жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure I'm a type 5, but I'm not quite sure if I'm sexual or social dominant. The role I always play in a group is that of support. I always thrive on helping people and being the hero of the group. Is it possible that the sexual traits I have are just an extension of the desire I have to make people happy manifested in the intimacy I have with my partner?
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
So interesting!! This is a great question! The instincts can have very different ways they manifest externally. So for example, your desire to help the group could stem from the social instinct to have a special role in the group that solidifies your place in it. Or it may come from the sexual instinct to create deep connections to certain people within the group. Often we use our secondary function to serve the primary one so if it's to be seen as a valuable member within the group and stay connected to the group that tends to be more SO. If it's to establish a special relationship within the group and highlight or intensify that special connection that tends to be more SX😊. Hope this is helpful!! Thanks for the great question and deepening the conversation! 🤗
@cedriceric9730 6 ай бұрын
Intj type 8 here:)
@TrueYouSystems 6 ай бұрын
Interesting! While it's rare for 8s to score INTJ it can happen. But in many cases this has to do with being close on E/I in the MBTI. Most 8s tend to lean towards E on the MBTI even if they don't exhibit many classic extroversion traits. I actually just made a video on this and would love to hear your perspective and if you relate at all Thanks so much for adding to the discussion! 🤗
@Chekuthan0101 11 ай бұрын
Can these variations in type 5 change with time ? Or situations? Like will the SP type 5 dominant change to SX or SO 5? I think I am INTJ type 5w6 SP
@TrueYouSystems 11 ай бұрын
Great question! While our main dominant enneagram type seems to remain the same our preference for how we stack our instincts can vary with our time of life for many. For some this may look like having more access to our secondary function or switching the fixation from the dominant instinct to secondary. Hope this is helpful! Thank you for the excellent question!🤗
@cosmicappreviews 11 ай бұрын
I'm just caught in the web
@TrueYouSystems 11 ай бұрын
It can definitely feel like a web at times, I agree! These different layers add so much depth to understand how we function in the world, but they can definitely be complicated! I hope my videos can help people navigate and understand these complex webs!🙂 Thanks so much for sharing! 🤗
@PaXeGo Жыл бұрын
Im INTJ- T . Im diagnosed with complex PTSD grew up in a family were narcisstic personality disorder already went through multiple generations. im a 1 % in a 1% . so my personality is a 0,01% !?. Most of the time i dont understand myself very good, because predicting others feels so much more critical to not get in possible danger. Im Currently trying to truly heal from that desease , i wonder how that desease is affecting my Personality . Perhaps u know someting helpful to make further progress. thx nontheless
@TrueYouSystems Жыл бұрын
That sounds very difficult and painful. I'm so sorry you have been dealing with that😔 I understand the need to predict others' actions for safety and it's commendable that you are now looking towards understanding yourself better and working towards healing 🤗. Without more specific information on what you related to, it can be hard to help with typing or understanding the effects of an illness on personality in an individual. In general, it can be tricky to pull apart where an enneagram type ends and a mental health issue begins. For this reason, I recommend plenty of self-compassion and grace when looking at your behaviors and patterns 💕 I hope this can be helpful in some way 🤗 Thank you so much for sharing your experience 🌷
@PaXeGo Жыл бұрын
@@TrueYouSystems Thank you for that immidiate response. i rewatched this video a few time in order to pinpoint the for me most important issues i see in connection to my own patterns. Randomly i came to the same conclusion. In order to gain even more knowledge about me in whole i just got me audible to deepdive into those things as enneagram and my illness. I started with : C-PTSD from surviving to thriving. I Already manage to figure out Critical Essentials. Im Grateful , you triggered my Lightswitch to gain new strength and filled me with fresh energy.
@graceabounds183 9 ай бұрын
That’s why INTJ are often dismissive avoidants in attachment theory..
@TrueYouSystems 9 ай бұрын
Interesting! I'd love to look more at overlaying attachment theory with the Enneagram and MBTI 🤯 Thank you for adding another lens and adding to the conversation! 🤗
@NinjaRunningWild 5 ай бұрын
Welp... I guess I’m the 5iest 5.
@TrueYouSystems 5 ай бұрын
Haha glad to hear it! Thanks for sharing! 🤗
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