The 5 Biggest Beginner Mistakes (Mafia Edition) | Town of Salem

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Thumbnail artwork by @ Logan_Blackblood#6942 on discord!
The most common mistakes new players tend to make when playing mafia! This isn’t a complete list- there are definitely others, but these are the main offenders :)

Пікірлер: 99
@gnomeathome1736 Жыл бұрын
Awesome tips! Something I'd like to tack on to the last point, even if you do get voted up, and you know you're going to get lynched, DON'T DISCONNECT!! Let yourself get lynched, then disconnect immediately after if you want, but if you disconnect before voting is done, town can inno you and potentially lynch another one of your teammates!
@VagueCastle649 Жыл бұрын
It's also kind of a dick move to do as a townie.
@racoonwhocannotbekilled9999 Жыл бұрын
Disconnecting will make you lose regardless, so, unless you've got something more important to do, don't disconnect.
@Ranylyn Жыл бұрын
Also to add to this, if there's a medium in the game, you can pretend to have been forged and try to pass along fake information to spread chaos to keep helping your faction from beyond the grave. If you were fake claiming Invest, for example, and were killed at night, you still have that one final night of fake results you can try to pass off as legitimate. Or, if you'd been quiet, you can pretend to finally be free from being focused down by a blackmailer every night, and pass a whole game's worth of fake info forward, using known info for a fake will (like finding someone Night 1 whose role wasn't known until Day 3) that you simply couldn't share that looks believable. There's a reason that trying to leave a game actually warns against it if there's even a single member of your faction alive; the existence of mediums. And of course, an Amnesiac can still clutch out a win for your whole faction.
@Thaplayer1209 Жыл бұрын
@@Ranylyn Ah yes, forged when hung
@maxtonealey3072 Жыл бұрын
It really sucks when your in a 1 for 1 to win or lose, you get voted up but make a really convincing arguement. Town is about to hang the other guy, AND THEN YOUR LAST TEAMATE LEAVES WHEN YOU GET VOTED. town wins by pure B.S
@dylanger1015 Жыл бұрын
I claimed psychic 3 times in a row as evil. In the fourth game I got hung because I claimed psy... I was a psychic
@snarkventuregaming4746 Жыл бұрын
A point I'd tack on to tip 5, if it's a loose role list such as all any and you're a mafioso who's been caught, badly, you can pretend to give up to cause confusion. If the town doesn't have a spy they probably don't know how many mafia members there are. If your teammates aren't under suspicion yet, claiming to be solo and giving up can buy them time with the confusion. This works even better if the town has a retributionist claim, as a mafia kill the next night looks like a necromancer used you. The same tactic can be used for vampires or as a coven member as long as the rest of your team isn't under suspicion yet.
@mozarteanchaos Жыл бұрын
oh, that's a smart one. i'll have to keep that in mind!
@tsui1024 Жыл бұрын
Act Jest to confuse town
@holdenstrack9349 Жыл бұрын
I was in a TTC game where the coven leader controlled the TT vigi into herself to confirm the vigi. That's an incredible way to work with your team.
@cameronbraithwood8162 Жыл бұрын
had a similar one where I was TT crus and the CL walked into me N1, didn't win though because mayor existed and last coven got found before we could do anything
@Wolf_Nations Жыл бұрын
Another thing you should avoid is being too quiet/not having a claim prepared, chances are if town doesnt has a lead they (assuming a non passive town) will start questioning and quiet people are normally the first targets
@SJ431 Жыл бұрын
yea i usually notice who's either talking too much and not claiming or not talking at all as evil fast
@maxtonealey3072 Жыл бұрын
Shhhhh, stop saying that or I'll shoot townies n2 as vigi who are dead silent. It's the only thing that keeps me from being garbage.
@FGenthusiast0052 Жыл бұрын
Last point reminded me of a game i got as an SK An investigator went on me N1 and got the results, but posted after I claimed BG. To avoid being pushed, I made town look at the invest as an executioner, even taking advantage that they kept pushing, instead of posting results. Worked out until D4 that a consort went on me, and both maf and invest finally lynched me. Ending up on a maf win. While it was a rough start, hey, you gotta try to the very end for the victory. As a neutral evil is tough since you are alone, but managing to win or even get far with the tactic you used, is pretty rewarding.
@wraxiusgaming Жыл бұрын
I liked these tips. Tips 1 2 and 3 are good average advice but make sure not to be overly reliant on these tips. Obviously stuff like invest results is something to keep note of, but don't get stuck in it. Of course, claim what you're comfortable with, but make sure to be comfortable with at least 3 or 4 claims. Tips 4 and 5 were especially important though. I will always say that the mafia live and die together, even as a TT Player. Majority is the best and most reliable way for you to win, not just scraping by like a neutral would. Always coordinate and always work together, you're an informed minority, use the informed part!!!
@wraxiusgaming Жыл бұрын
Also whispers are probably the second strongest mechanic in this game, behind numbers. Use it as often as possible.
@Adagia Жыл бұрын
Amen, Wraxius, amen.
@VagueCastle649 Жыл бұрын
Tip 4 kinda depends on the situation. In ranked, it makes too much sense to make team claims since there's not a single lick of nk that can tear your claims to shreds, and a strong team claim can carry games. In the more chaotic game modes however, you might be better off with the solo claims. Since team claims, while strong, are very susceptible to falling to non-town like an nk or coven, taking additional members down with the claim (especially if the claim is based on a high priority target like an escort).
@shadowyzephyr Жыл бұрын
yeah I main CAA, team claims don't work as well because there's too high a chance that one of your evil teammates dies early and it gets you outed. And a lot of people don't claim at all, so a solo claim early is good enough. (In ranked everyone claims sooner and there's limited slots so you need your claim to be good, and there's less chance of dying as mafia, so it makes more sense.)
@mozarteanchaos Жыл бұрын
yeah, i play CAA a fair bit, and a weak/solo claim can still work decently if some players aren't claiming or speaking, _especially_ if a non-claimer is being pushy - it's not ideal, sure, but if you have someone to deflect onto, people are less likely to prioritize the escort that roleblocked a confirmed TI, or the invest whose will lines up a little too well with the spy's reported maf visits, simply because they appear marginally less suspicious than the person actively trying to fly under the radar don't get me wrong, it can still backfire spectacularly, but it can also work way better than it has any right to
@snarkventuregaming4746 Жыл бұрын
Yes and no, keep in mind that your team claim is geared towards being used AS mafia. Escort doesn't threaten NKs or Coven nearly as badly... the only non-mafia roles you could actually roleblock (as an escort) are vampires, arsonists, the juggernaut, and the PM, HM, medusa, and Poisoner... only the poisoner and juggernaut are likely to actually target an escort claim. Arsonist will auto-douse an escort, ww and sk will flat out kill her, and vamps, medusa, HM, and PM usually prefer to get the semi-comfirmation as if the mafia gets a kill they aren't mafioso.
@arkorat3239 Жыл бұрын
The last tip definitely rings trough. The evils I often see winning, are the ones that knows how to take control, or take advantage of the band wagon effect. In casual games, you can get pretty far by just spreading misinformation or latching onto minor misplays.
@naylorgray360 Жыл бұрын
The “don’t give up” rule is SO important. I was playing a game where it was super obvious I was mafia. Lookout CAUGHT ME visiting the person mafia killed. And yet, we were late enough into the game that I simply didn’t engage in the confrontation and kept typing about how arso was a bigger threat. After lynching arso and getting another night to kill off town, we had maj. was able to win the game after that. If I had thrown in the towel and gotten lynched, we would have lost!!!
@cyanideytandcuriousseadogg4160 Жыл бұрын
So sometimes even if the town knows your mafia try to get an NK voted off before you get voted off?
@DiSableye_ Жыл бұрын
I actually relate to all of that, except the tiny bit of the last I push my teammates so i wouldnt look suspicious and it works. I've escaped many 1v2 satuations like this endgames.
@minemagicplayz Жыл бұрын
1v2??? Your teammate was a second player- I get it if you mean 2v2 like you're mafioso and others a framer, but also a vigi/jailor etc or maybe a pirate and a town and you sacrifice them to throw the target off your back but yeah. Otherwise never do that.
@cyanideytandcuriousseadogg4160 Жыл бұрын
@@minemagicplayztill I’m extremely willing to throw a teammate under the bus as mafia if they’re not making the best of choices to try and improve my own claim
@cameronbraithwood8162 Жыл бұрын
the 4th tip is really good with Hypno, I've gotten all 4 maf confirmed as TP as Hypno by asking the mafioso to not kill N1 and slowly changing the types of hypnos
@ahuman32478 Жыл бұрын
Beginner mistake: Saying “why me” on stand Experienced mistake: Saying “why me” on stand Expert mistake: Saying “why me” on stand
@thebard745 Жыл бұрын
I definitely made some of these mistakes starting off (and some still!) really good video as always 👍
@odeo5691 Жыл бұрын
As GA I defended my target by saying "inno this a tp claim we need to get non claimers" as their confirmed GA mind you. And got them innoed. They died to ww the next night but I tried. Won that game as a surv with pest
@dynamite2275 Жыл бұрын
one time, i was forger with a 3 mafia team. day one the mafioso claimes vh. that night i forge the mafia kill as vamp and we gaslight the entire lobby into thinking there are vamps lmao
@ScarlettCaelin Жыл бұрын
I love taking advantage of the social aspect of this game. being able to pull plays off because you learned about the people in the lobby is so much fun. I got vet in a game with someone who was raging in the match before. I made a comment on their rage and how they were asking everyone to report one player, and alerted. Sure enough they were hex master and walked into me, as well as trying to convince their CL to control me.
@Kaaaanapka Жыл бұрын
I playing town of salem a lot and i know all of this but for beginners it's great video i find every tip usefull but especially tip #5 about not giving up like guys, trust me sometimes u will get games when mafioso randomly leaves or any mafia member DONT GIVE UP the game is still winnable try your best, btw this kinda of videos will help grow ToS community which it nice, definelly i will check other videos and sub the channel .
@alive2kill Жыл бұрын
I never had the problem of claiming the same thing over and over (specially retri, i think there might be some autotyper in other people's computer that always types "necro" if i claim retri lmao) because i like to change and try different playstyles, see what works and what i can get away with. Giving up as a competitive person is a big frustration, i get most people are as invested and don't care but even if they just don't talk and stay for 1 extra minute at least he lynch for the day is gone, if they dc the town just inno's and gets to the next evil, possibly another mafia, so lazy. Cool video, i like these videos geared to new players, i don't take much from it but i would love to bring more players into the game, love teaching people about mechanics and catching silly mistakes haha.
@Thacoolmon Жыл бұрын
My favorite thing to do is claim invest as an Aros, it's super difficult but it's definitely possible. I also have a macro for all the different claims set up on my num pad and will whisper someone d2 asking for a role and have a prepare beginnings of my will and post their results within a second or two using the macro, it tends to confirm me fairly well. The Next day I start an aros conspiracy
@archerestarcher Жыл бұрын
18 hours until I can hopefully improve at mafia roles because I'm not a beginner but I still kinda suck anyway so probably am falling into the same errors as beginners.
@ChaosTheArsonist Жыл бұрын
I always claimed investigator and I even use a cheat sheet to copy and past results
@Shiveria Жыл бұрын
Im legit scared to claim as evil… i always mess up so i just tend to go quiet. I seem to last longer
@somegenericscpnu-7soldier270 Жыл бұрын
My go to mafia sorta strat if I’m lynched and go into last words, I tell who the other mafias are. However, the people I accuse are not actually mafia. I yeet a lotta suspicion onto people I know are not on my team.
@maxtonealey3072 Жыл бұрын
Hypno can make alot of plays for mafia, best advice I can give if you want to win.
@mildlymaliciousbanana2700 Жыл бұрын
That don’t give up but I’d so important! I just had a framer game where I got outed D2, got the sheriff hung, my consort rb’s jailor and I convinced exe to side with us and arso to not vote. Ended up being a perfect maf game, there are also plenty of games where my whole maf has died and I’ve been able to clutch. It’s never the end unless your whole team is dead!
@dakotabeaumont5135 Жыл бұрын
So with the whispering one I had a issue where I whispered someone at the beginning of the day and got voted out because a person said "they whispered vote them out" with no time to explain myself
@sabarathore5174 5 ай бұрын
for some reason I really liked claiming roles starting with v, I don't know why.
@Pumciusz Жыл бұрын
Nr 1. Telling tp's to be on you, then alerting as vet.
@michasokoowski6651 Жыл бұрын
About 2 and 5... i had a game where it seemed on d2 that claiming tracker into exe (if i was wrong about it) was a good play... i was unlucky and hit consort in 2 mafia game, 2 coven + sk, so i was forced to cc pb claim so town will lynch them instead, which worked, town believed me im pb and i somehow almost won, but got killed by the dusa...
@maxtonealey3072 Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: whispering is actually really evil but ada wants to frame all the new players
@DiakronYT Жыл бұрын
once i claimed consig instead of invest (wasn't think) and quickly switched over to a jester play, wound up winning
@valoureon2900 Жыл бұрын
for some reson when i play Town of salem I get huge lag spikes through out the game and i was hoping some one knows how to fix it,(i have a good pc with strong internet but it still is dying)
@alexmaganda5827 Жыл бұрын
At the end there the issue with innoing a maf member is town usually says inno voters are sus so thats risky
@casheverett6300 Жыл бұрын
I mainly claim 2 roles. You will be surprised how many people keep a PB claim alive all you have to do is vote with the croud and stay active. I also claim doc if I see a player i played against/with recently. Its a safeish claim that can get you into tp chains except YOU are the broken link.
@cloveruty Жыл бұрын
Logan Blackblood's discord tag got put into the list of tags in the video LOL I thought it was a code for a secret ARG or smth Ada was preparing.
@Adagia Жыл бұрын
LOL You solved the secret arg code! Turns out the answer was hiding in the description the whole time!
@cloveruty Жыл бұрын
@@Adagia LOL
@ibelieveinomorsupremacy2176 Жыл бұрын
A thing that i do because im bad is throwing as Hard as possible without dragging down anyone so they think im jest doesnt work in coven all any i dont do it because of strategy i do it because i suck
@caseybatts4614 Жыл бұрын
I was in classic and this exe claimed investigator and gave sheriff results
@emmancipations Жыл бұрын
ahhh mafia ada art so cute
@Adagia Жыл бұрын
I knoooooooow Logan did such a good job, I love it so much 🥺
@Wolf-kx8li Жыл бұрын
personally i'm guilty for giving up as a solo maf vs. jailor, doctor, lo, spy, invest and vet after my team was annihilated by the vamp, sk and vigi who all died soon after, basically each one traded kills by either being killed that night or being voted up right after, visiting the jailor as the doctor healed him and the lo was on the the doctor and the spy went on me caused basically an end-game i couldn't win no matter what i said or what role i claimed, speaking of i claimed escort as mafioso since i tried to rely on my hypno teammate to do some stuff, but claiming escort failed pretty fast when they died and just losing all possible escape routes i couldn't really do much when they asked me to pull out a full on will with no problems with it, even though it seemed reasonable imo i couldn't handle the emotional rollercoaster that was losing all my teammates to random people's actions then stuck with a poor claim as an increasingly difficult role
@Icedonot Жыл бұрын
I just got rickrolled by a tos video, thanks ada…
@ModernEphemera Жыл бұрын
Still waiting for the Adagia vtuber debut
@seanpsmith09 Жыл бұрын
R.I.P. mafia now that ToS 2 has removed them
@diviusvoldren6853 Жыл бұрын
Why does this video sound like a chat about confidence issues?
@solts9576 Жыл бұрын
Funny Splatoon Salem Resident
@allanscott21 Жыл бұрын
I always claim bg in every game
@grubbygeorge2117 Жыл бұрын
When it comes to the final part where you speak of defending a teammate who's being voted up, doesn't it just make you look incredibly suspicious if the person has a weak claim? I found that this is how faction evils often out themselves. If someone's been found by the confirmed TI or refuses to claim a role, I'm not defending that just because it's my teammate.
@VagueCastle649 Жыл бұрын
It's usually when a teammate has a solid enough claim that can buy innos is when you can step up to defend. Otherwise, you can bus them six ways to Saturday.
@snarkventuregaming4746 Жыл бұрын
If they're found by a confirmed TI they're probably doomed, but even weak claims can be defended. Are they claiming medium? Say they should be given a night to get the deadchat. Vigilante claim? Push the town to give them a night to shoot. As long as your claim is strong you can afford to make plays like that, you look more like a cautious townie than an evil by defending in those ways rather than just saying inno.
@jenniferlynn120 Жыл бұрын
@@snarkventuregaming4746 perfectly said. I agree- back em up when they’re still defendable, or in a way that makes you look cautious not evil, cut em loose if you can see there’s no hope. Also look at what point in the game this is at. Do you need just 1 more night for maj or is it day 2 and you’re a team of 2… I’ve been impressed with plays made to call the accused jester or exe as well if done well.
@nekotabby4104 Жыл бұрын
Nahhh you did not just rickroll us
@marcovanvliet3829 Жыл бұрын
How to win as framer Step 1 claim framer on day 1 that’s all u need to do even jailor will avoid you I’ve done it twice and won
@Axsuroth_ Жыл бұрын
Ngl your OC kinda looks like a inkling from splatoon but with ToS clothing
@Adagia Жыл бұрын
It is!
@Monochromic401 Жыл бұрын
fr I just got rickrolled
@NotLikedByPeople Жыл бұрын
6: dont kill Guardian Angels
@AhmedMohammed-pf3jk Жыл бұрын
I gave up and ratted the Ww , they exed the ww then maf had maj
@SirenPandaSabo Жыл бұрын
Ah yes. The 5 tips. Rick Roll wins games folks!
@PapaGatorGaming Жыл бұрын
Hi Adagia
@cinnabunz1532 Жыл бұрын
And remember too have fun! You're killing people so you might as well :3
@jesperhjelholt4652 Жыл бұрын
womean :)
@Yigit_Efe_Dalyan Жыл бұрын
0:12 my dissapointment is inmeasurable my day is ruined
@napoleon_vii1756 Жыл бұрын
2.5 Mistake: Fake claiming too many roles everytime.
@extrajuicyfatcock Жыл бұрын
@Bob_Bobinson Жыл бұрын
Good video over all tho your investigation results aren't actually that important when you are claiming. That's not to say that they aren't important but what you should really be looking at when claiming is the role list. For example let's say that you just rolled mafioso and you want to claim vigilante or veteran as they are in your investigator results. But also the veteran dies night one so let's claim vigilante since it's the other claim that fits my results. The problem here is that vigilante is a terrible fake claim to pick in this situation. It makes you claim random town from the very beginning and vigilante is a very common claim made by mafiosos. Which is a guaranteed role in the game. So the town is going to be extremely suspicious of your vigilante claim and your going to have to work extra hard to make sure you look like a townie. When you could instead claim something like a town investigative which has still probably has two guaranteed slots and is going to be a lot more credible claim if you provide the town with information. There's also the fact that an investigator checking you isn't very likely to begin with.
@novad8370 Жыл бұрын
Am I late?
@syahmiadli7405 Жыл бұрын
@nyahahahahahahahahaha Жыл бұрын
tied for first viewer and 17th like
@spenny1305 Жыл бұрын
@-psilo-9071 Жыл бұрын
Can you make a guide specifically around fake claiming in general and what good claims are for specific roles I never know how to claim lmao
@jenniferlynn120 Жыл бұрын
There’s so many different directions to take it would be hard to make a definitive guide. Game mode you’re playing in for starters definitely is the starting point for deciding. In a set role list, you somewhat know how many you’ll have on your team, and how many are on the other teams. This is where team backed fake claims work especially well, and you can be a bit bold. But this is also where (ie ranked, classic) you have pretty much the guarantee of town investigators out and about. So it really just depends. Say you’re a consort, and you don’t want to take the easy way out and claim escort. But then an invest checks you, and you come up with esc/trans/cons/hypno. Unless you’ve got a planned trans claim with a maf member, you now have to pivot and claim esc or accuse the invest of lying and take the one for one most likely getting hung or executed. Later in the game it’d be worth it maybe to buy an extra night to gain majority, not day 2. Now let’s say there’s a spy and not a invest- if you claim escort and spy says maf visited whoever you claim to have role blocked, ya busted. So claim something else lol. And that’s only for 1 role. Ya gotta read the game and kinda adjust as you see things going. Sorry I’m terrible at being short and concise lol but I had the same ?s so I’m trying to be through. Basically the “easiest” fake claim is usually the townie role aligned with your evil role in invest results, but know that what’s expected. In CAA claiming a TP (town protect) is usually pretty safe as you’re not expected to come out day 2 right away. It just depends. Ask your fellow maf for ideas in night chat. Plan to claim something but know you may need to change it up so write a few fake wills if needed. **if you’re going to claim a TI spot tho be prepared to post your fake will asap start of day 2, or don’t claim it. If jailed or role blocked by an esc (or you pretend you were role blocked lol) you can get away with not having info but claim the rb or jailing. Good luck
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