The ACTUAL Reason You Make No Currency in Path of Exile | 3.21 Crucible

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@Palsteron Жыл бұрын
"idc about currency so this video is invalid" and "cod portal lmao" comments go here
@minhocho5487 Жыл бұрын
Yeah cool portals bro comment here.
@ArpeLorpe Жыл бұрын
Cod portal = gigachad gamer
@matthewvonreighner5762 Жыл бұрын
what does " cod portal " mean?
@kubiboi Жыл бұрын
@@matthewvonreighner5762 cast on death portal, aka making fun of someones defenses that being said... cod portal lmao
@EndureTemptation Жыл бұрын
Perfect! My comment belongs here. The same thing you said about Uber bosses applies also to regular maps. If you die once per 2 maps, you might think you don't need defences, but there are players, perhaps majority, who have such bad arpg mechanics they will die 3 times ear map. And how do you earn currency if you quit and uninstall after 10 map deathfest? This is the reason players are attracted to defences and HC builds in SC.
@Lardbutt200 Жыл бұрын
There really is something that changes inside of you when you cater your build to the strat you want to run. The difference between annihilating a legion in seconds and struggling to get half of it opened is just an absolute game changer.
@mortox2k Жыл бұрын
One of the best ever videos on this subject. I'd say for me the big change for currency generation came when I realized that it's important to take time and actually liquidate all of your not-so-obvious assets. It's easy for anyone to loot a Hunter's Exalted Orb or a Voidborne Reliquary Key and think "easy divination orbs!!!" but many players (often new or less experienced) will follow a starter Atlas tree with the essences, strongboxes, shrines, etc. and amass a ton of bubble gum currency, random essences, scarabs, bases, etc. and just never sell them, literally sit on them for weeks/months when those types of items can be converted directly to divination orbs in bulk. I used to be one of those people, I'd farm essence for a month and barely sell any, when my essence tab could have been worth 10-20 divs and there I am wondering why I'm always poor. Point is: sell your stuff, it takes time, it takes effort, but it's important to realize the value of what you farm.
@totallynottrademarked5279 Жыл бұрын
Cause they never sell or you get spammed so much for small 1 chaos trades it's just not worth it. They really need to just add a damn AH to the game already. Seeing as how most of those functions have been completely managed by bots for years and years now.
@xasx999 Жыл бұрын
@@totallynottrademarked5279 This is a non issue really. You shouldnt ever be getting spammed for 1 chaos trades for essence. You shouldnt be liquidating single essences after each map. Run a bunch and price them in stacks/bulk or sell on tft. Essence are liquid and will sell in seconds if you price correctly.
@SchwingyGaming Жыл бұрын
You forgot to mention the "But, I never get lucky" excuse! Great video, I'm one of those players that tends to encourage new players to play "whatever" strats for farming currency, so after having watched this, I'll be wording that differently.
@btarczy5067 Жыл бұрын
Even having watched this I don’t think „farm whatever“ as in farm what’s fun to each player is bad advice. If currency/time efficiency is the goal it’s good that there are content creators like Palsteron who are really good at figuring that out and help others get there but PoE is a sandbox with a niche for almost everyone who is into this kind of game. It would be bad advice to say „Farm whatever and expect similar results“. Then again, I haven’t been or met an actual new player in years so what do I know? 🫠
@SchwingyGaming Жыл бұрын
@@btarczy5067 hahaha yeah I definitely agree with you. It depends on the person and what their goals are!
@superspies32 Жыл бұрын
About luck, its a greatest delusion in my point of view. You rolled a logbook to 80% and no bosses or few reroll artifact appeared. Meanwhile the corrupted logbook dropped because you accidentally detonate the wrong remnants or because the rare runic monster converted every items to corrupted. However, based on my real experiment, the number of reroll currency on bosses even in white logbooks surpassed the juicy non-boss logbooks. Results usually comes in large numbers, but in case you cannot afford those currencies, do the contents that guaranteed loots like Heist and Delve. Heist blueprint and contracts allow you to stockpiled stacked deck and currencies very fast. Delve on the other hand, make ratio become better when go about 250-300. Those Depth begin to spawned primerial ruins, and each Cartography riches contained 6-9 awakened sextants with a lot of 14-16 maps.
@cocochopkitten Жыл бұрын
the most boring thing u know is the best moneymaker in the game Ez logic
@joaoalves3094 Жыл бұрын
I just think that when we going to encourage new players we need to clearly show you can do whatever you want but you will not be efficient in it if you just need to have fun if this means making tons of money and don't care about the build go if not just play what you want it's a game after all and more than half of the players are here to having fun
@AsmodeusClips Жыл бұрын
100% agree with the take on Uber bosses. That's exactly what people need to tell new/aspiring players.
@valjohnson7112 Жыл бұрын
hes Mostly right, but at the same time you need to have a goal thats always in front of you to keep playing. if you just think ubers are a trap im just going to ignore them, at some point you will likely come to the realization that you are farming currency to enable you to farm currency faster. that realization has made me quit more than one league.
@WibaTalks Жыл бұрын
@@valjohnson7112 This is why I keep telling everyone that it shouldn't be your main goal to farm currency faster.
@Toxic0N3 Жыл бұрын
@@valjohnson7112 I farm to finish my build as a "I'm done this one now" then I make the next thing I want to try. I cleared Sirus and Maven Ubers for the first time this league. That was the goal. Now I'm going to make my own absolute shit tier CoC build and see if I can get it working lol
@albertgiovanno1359 Жыл бұрын
​@@valjohnson7112 ur goal should not be a loop,it needs an "end" such as mirror tier build or just end game build in general or mageblood
@SaiShiroKuro Жыл бұрын
@@valjohnson7112 this is kinda my issue with PoE as a whole. you spend all this time getting your build online, and when its finally online its like... do you want to experience terrible boss design that is actively not fun for anyone? no? alright im not really sure what else there is to do here. im sitting at like 10k energy shield, huge damage mitigation, and something like 8 million dps and its like... WELP, what am i even farming for at this point? challenges?
@receth Жыл бұрын
Great video. I think you should create more content in this niche because I feel a void in this subject. We have many videos about league starts with guides, explanations, and everything else, but the progression leaves something to be desired. I am not exactly a new player, but I still have a lot of difficulty identifying options for a second build. Which builds are good for mid-league this time? What mechanics do they excel at? These are questions that I always ask myself and don't find much content on. I suggest you create some videos to help with this second step, post-league start. Thank you!
@MrExilEDeadman Жыл бұрын
This video actually pushed me to learn a lot of game mechanics and successfully self-farmed 400 div this league. Thank you so much dude.
@sineupp Жыл бұрын
thanks. this makes me feel much better about my leaguestarter dying 877 times. I paid for 6 portals, and by the smooth shiny golden arse of Innocence, I'm gonna use all of them
@WeR2VEVO Жыл бұрын
I have way too many hours in this big game, and I agree that we are fortunate to have years of experience playing it. So much is left unsaid in advice to newer players, especially regarding making currency, so I'm really glad you brought that up. And yes, eventually with enough money any build can be an "all rounder".
@Div_Kato Жыл бұрын
ngl normally I think path of exile youtubers sometimes say a whole lot of nothing on advice videos, but this was not only a learning experience but felt like a geniune explaination and opinion on this topic. very entertaining great video 10/10, didn't look away for a sec
@Skaatje Жыл бұрын
I wouldn't mind a guide on "unlocking the game", like what your plan/order and strategies are. I usually get lost in what to do next, so I end up in maps, struggle on bosses and sort of fizzle out in the season. So I tend not to do/care about them. But I would like to "finish" the game once. This season I did get lucky and got an apothecary drop. So I got your toxic rain build pretty far this season. Loving the build, loving your guides. And I know why I am poor, just like in real life I am a slacker! And I am fine with that. 😂
@NorNamor Жыл бұрын
This season is by far one of the easiest seasons to finish the game with. The pathfinder exploding totems build has so much damage with no investment (into damage) that everything that's not an Uber boss just dies.... and if you wanna clear Uber's you can do that too, but with quite a bit more invested.
@Dave-ct9yw Жыл бұрын
1- campaign 2- 75% resistances (chaos recipes) 3 thru 5- white, yellow, red maps 6 invitations, searing, eater , maven and labyrinth. 7- elder/Shafer gaurdians. 8- complete all atlas maps if I haven't done already. 9- work on building my gear for ubers. I'm on 7 and 8 and just have fun doing maps while I'm at it.
@Skaatje Жыл бұрын
@@Dave-ct9yw Thanks!
@capitatv Жыл бұрын
Damn this is some of the best advice that I think we all needed to hear. I was getting FOMO from hearing my friends do giga juiced blue altars while my alch and go red altars + expedition was just fine for me.
@BirdLeavesNoEggs Жыл бұрын
i love how you are no sugar coating & no bs. i subscribed from you just being real with people. considering how so many popular streamers are HC players that put out build guides, a lot of casual players really need to see this video.
@MrStone125 Жыл бұрын
Well yeah, hc builds are generally cheap AF and easy to build/get gear for. They're never bad to use.
@Hellwolf36 Жыл бұрын
Thats another thing people need to understand and a factor to why I dislike GGG and streamers: They are the 1% that showcase all their highs while neglecting to show their stumbles, failures and often mislead people into a style that may not cater to your needs. I for instance love Heist and I can make almost every build I have ever done, even if it can't boss or clear screens in a button press to do at least that. It worked out for me almost every league since. A lot of my friends and several streamers have shat on this league because of how "slow" it is. But if it wasn't for Heist, I wouldn't have gotten a Replica Headhunter, House of Mirrors, several Ex, Fusings, Divines, etc. Me and my friend often wonder why people take Straight and Narrow when you can even trade the Markers and Gianna-capable contracts.
@aBluePudding Жыл бұрын
Even as someone who knew a lot of these points beforehand, the part about taking "comfort" passives like MS over more damage actually struck me as something I never did. Chasing the big damage number always felt super important and while my builds in the past have worked well, now I'm wondering if I could have made them feel better to play than they already did.
@mikeweatherford5312 Жыл бұрын
Perfectionist is a great node if your already using a large radius thread of hope there anyways. Nice little one point +5% move speed and 30% stun avoidance.
@yrudonking Жыл бұрын
yea at some point your damage is just overkill and quality of life is op
@Andy-xx2wx Жыл бұрын
i always anoint graceful assault on mapping builds if i can, ez zoom.
@MrStone125 Жыл бұрын
Who needs stun avoidance if you use brine king kek
@ryanforgo3500 Жыл бұрын
Well, the biggest example of comfort passives are phasing, abd newly for me i am enjoying suppression lucky with my MF which cannot get 100% suppression. Comfort does not stop at passives though, for example if you're a dot bow build and you kill mega targets in maps "like metamoph" always fit in a vaal rain of arrows for the 75% slow which is such a fun thing to do to keeo enemies in place. Point is, we all r dps freaks but somethings give you more speed or utility than dps does.
@panda93247 Жыл бұрын
I think the hardest part about path of exile for somebody that doesn't enjoy PoB/designing builds is finding a build that fits for the content I want to do at a reasonable price. Last league I followed Grimro's LA/AB build and did some legion farming with it (what it was designed for) and it was great, but it's hard to find builds that are specific for all the content I enjoy. Most of the people I watch tend to make HC/SSF builds or builds that require more currency than I've ever seen. I've never had 50 divines in my cash tab, how am I supposed to build a character like that? What I want from any content creator is how to get from point A to point B with a build. How do I make a character that doesn't feel complete trash to play until I obtain a nimis, ashes, or some other ridiculously expensive piece of kit that practically unlocks the build?
@arzanpatel Жыл бұрын
I farmed 90 on his toxic rain ballista build . Then moved to wardloop
@guihermeborracha7412 Жыл бұрын
​@@arzanpatel How expensive was your build when you started? How much time did it take you? How much time it took to have enough damage/survavibility to complete the atlas?
@arzanpatel Жыл бұрын
@@guihermeborracha7412 I league started it using Palsteron build guide . When I finished act 10 .. I had about .. 12 wailing essences worth of gear 😂 When I completed white maps , I'd say my total investment was 50C Yellow maps maybe another 50-100C but that was the worst part . Red maps were quite easy and I used a map over sustain strategy and sold them for 4C each week 1 All in all , if it's your second character , I reckon you can get it end game viable for like 1-5 div .
@MrMokey24 Жыл бұрын
Follow a League-Starter build. These are builds designed to function on low budget and being able to farm 3-5 divines per hour once they get into decent currency strategies.
@ChazFoulstone Жыл бұрын
Follow a Ziz guide
@SchiferlED Жыл бұрын
Other great options for right-side non-armor builds are Wind Dancer and Aspect of the Crab. Crab synergizes well with evasion stacking and gets you better phys mitigation for half the reservation as Det.
@______Daniel Жыл бұрын
Great vid man, I have a super related request- “second” builds. The world is flooded with POE content for the league starters, Jack of all trades, master of none like you were talking about- but it’s kind of hard to find good “second” builds.
@SidViciousPro Жыл бұрын
You go to TFT and look at WTS-Builds, you will see a ton of them. People have videos of the build they are selling. From that you will learn holy people still play blade vortex and just delete all content. Im not even suggesting to buy those builds although easier, im saying if you want second builds, you have to learn where to find them. You aren't going to get many options if you watch 10 content creators out which only 4-5 are Softcore players.
@HeroFromHyrule Жыл бұрын
Honestly this is a video I needed to see. I need to make sure to watch this again before the next league starts. I've played this game since closed beta but I am still terrible at making currency. The majority of my currency comes from "just playing the game" but it is heavily reliant on lucky drops. I've had leagues where I make quite a bit of currency (in Archnemesis I played Mage Skellies and invested over 100div in my build) but often I am struggling to make the currency I need to really upgrade my character. I play one build per league, not because I want to but because I just don't want to split my currency across multiple characters. There are always other builds I want to try but I never do because I worry I will end up with two or 3 mediocre characters instead of actually getting close to "finishing" one character. Your talk about defenses was especially useful for me because even though I am playing SC trade I absolutely fucking hate dying and losing XP, especially when I get into the mid 90s. I'm currently playing Ghazzy's Dark Pact and I'm level 95 and with the leech and recovery the build works great but sometimes I just suddenly explode. I've been saving up to buy a timeless jewel but have also been thinking about what I can do to boost up my defense so that I can be tanky enough to hopefully avoid most one-shots. I should honestly just focus on improving the character overall and not worry so much about taking the occasional death.
@kosai1627 Жыл бұрын
A fellow closed beta player that is terrible at making currency! hello there. Yeah I watched this video and perhaps I needed to change my perspective
@illegalduckhunting Жыл бұрын
I usually take a solid league starter and look for inspiration on other builds. After running the same character for 2 weeks from league start to decent currency in the bank (40-50 Div including the gear on the starter) I am mostly fed up so I sell all the gear and start something new. Yes running the campaign again is awful but with leveling gear it is so much easier and faster. If you are really lazy buy a carry for 2 divine and be done with it. If you see a flashy build that you want to try - don't hesitate. Calculate your entire buying power, if its sufficient level a twink and start it. Ofc you will be a lot slower and need to optimize again but that is the fun in the game right?
@JackSuperFly Жыл бұрын
9:40 The obvious conclusion is that GGG nerfed MS, Damage, Proj Speed, and most importantly Quant. That was from 3.15-3.19. Ironic how these things were mentioned and what measures GGG took to slow the player down. Alas, this affects mostly casual players. E.G. My old Phy Cyclone that used to do 34M DPS is now completely unusable in today's mechanics. Nerf was so overpowering that I abandoned the build. The "Deep Cuts" jewels that I crafted are now relics for Phy Flicker Strike.
@skrrtbrrt714 Жыл бұрын
True, seeing the things that I finally learned nerfed to the ground and unusable just makes me dumb again. 😂
@lifeloverNorris Жыл бұрын
I have to show this video to anyone who suggests to play EA ballista champ instead of Elementalist in softcore. People needs to realize there is such a thing as overkill in defense for softcore. To elaborate a little for this example, Elementalist is so much better for softcore as you get so much aoe for better clearing, much better damage and QOL gearing with shaper of flames, and you can still gear for sufficient defense to rarely die for general mapping.
@davidmaltais2912 Жыл бұрын
There really isn't tho he's wrong
@svenwohlfeil8495 Жыл бұрын
100% true no need for champ at all on EA ballista in SC makes no sense at all
@MrFuckingKololo Жыл бұрын
Honestly, having a 10mil DPS ice shot with capped suppression, 20k evasion and 3k HP is way more defensive than having 6k HP, 100k armour and 80% resistances but only 2mil DPS. Killing things before they can hit you is the best defense in the game.
@og_killa2482 Жыл бұрын
No just no.
@eshannumin Жыл бұрын
It really is and anyone saying otherwise hasn't tried it.
@Bishaps Жыл бұрын
Great video! Have been following your guides for a couple of leagues, basically got to kill late game bosses, and clear end game content in this league for the first time ever playing the game, using toxic rain ballista. As you mentioned in the end of the video, when i got to the point, where you, for example, stopped buffing toxic rain, i was looking for ways to upgrade the build myself, got my character into POB for the first time, and was just sitting there, looking for what can be improved, and its a great feeling, and great time, even tho i wasn't playing the game itself, just planning stuff. And i feel like i am able to really go my own way now, and i am really greatful to you for that!
@mahatmaandi2347 Жыл бұрын
As a casual player it is harder and harder to keep up with the 'normal' PoE player. I usually finish act 10 about a week in the league, because I don't have that much time. At this point most videos are about how to farm x- divines per hour. I don't strife for insane currency, but it feels like a necessity to try and get as much currency as needed just to keep up with the game getting harder and harder. And that is really annoying. Overall a good video, thanks:)
@NicholasLoomans Жыл бұрын
I would love a vid where you break this down a bit more re: pick the content then pick the build. I have no problem picking content but it's much harder for a newbie or non-expert to know what build will excel at it and be relatively cheap to get into. So many guides just show you a Minotaur kill and a Maven kill, you have no idea about particulars and quirks of builds especially when the showcase is done by a highly skilled player or a highly expensive version of the build
@illomens2766 Жыл бұрын
Figuring out which builds fit which content is easier than a lot of people think it is. Watch a guide on the mechanic you wanna focus on, and then think about what kinda build would be beneficial for running that content. I want to farm beasts. What do I need for beast farming? I need something that's FAST and can kill beasts quickly so I can maximize maps done per hour. What do I pick for that? Literally any bow build will do. Apply that concept to any content you wanna run and you'll figure it out.
@superspies32 Жыл бұрын
Also some contents related to each other. For example is my Mjo Hierophant I played since week two after doing Heist and Expedition with my low budget RF Jugg. Its a build designed for deep Delve so its can output a lot of dmg while take a tons of punishments. Make it suitable to run a 8-mod maps with Beyond and Harvest and Crucible (This build shred max charge crucible monsters like butters, so I stack a lot of thicket bow for explosion mod farming). I just replace my unique boots with int boots so I have higher mana to output more dmg with Manabond.
@illomens2766 Жыл бұрын
@@superspies32 exactly, that's a good point
@weirdo911aw Жыл бұрын
That's what I don't get. What are you guys on about "builds for specific content" ALL content needs a build that's fast and can kill quickly (other than bossing). So a build that works for beast farming will work for essence farming, delve, expedition, heist, etc. I really don't get the distinction between builds made for this vs this. A build made for one is a build made for ALL
@illomens2766 Жыл бұрын
@@weirdo911aw There is some overlap between what content a build is good for, but not all. A beast farmer will be a shit delver or simulacrum farmer. A great simu farmer will usually also be a great delver and probably bosser, but shit for heist, beasts, etc. There's some giga builds out there that can do it all but the people who can afford those don't need a video like this anyways.
@OneEliteGeek Жыл бұрын
I needed this video. Started PoE about three years ago. Been getting farther and farther each league. 3.21 I have 60d after a lot of grinding. Trying to get a HH one day. I’m realizing that builds I have been playing are slow and I get too discouraged over deaths in softcore. Playing from first bow build ever on deadeye now and it feels so nice. Totally different play style but I’m really cruising through the game at this point. Only making 4-5d an hour if I’m focused but that’s exponentially higher than I have ever had before.
@lordvig8884 Жыл бұрын
This league was the first where I had the confidence to actually go into my build and change things with the tree and clusters and all that. I'm quite guilty of being a pob champion 'jerking myself off' about effective hp as you described. I still had a lot of fun, and I subconsciously thought bigger number = more currency. I think your video is very insightful for me when I want to focus on currency, or even just a very specific goal I can work on instead of making builds generally 'good' (which as you say can be meaningless in SC trade)
@LegulasRS Жыл бұрын
I wanted to thank you for pointing me to Expedition as a new player. I used to different TR builds, yours and Zizarians. I was able to make about 15-20 Div using exped in the first two weeks.
@AndragonLea Жыл бұрын
Generally all I want from my first build is to be good and relatively stress-free at my chosen Content. Most of the time that's Expedition and Einhar with some harbingers mixed in for the fractured shards. I use that character to collect currency for a high budget character, which I will then use to try and tackle high difficulty content for fun.
@Gildorify Жыл бұрын
I am personally running blight this league, for the safety and loot explosion at the end. The good thing about blight is that I can tell any build with it, since towers do everything, and the build doesn't matter while I level. Sure, you could say I am not playing the game by just playing tower defense, but this is just my currency farming of choice. I'll make new builds and buy the items I need for the builds that I actually want to boss with by doing this. And I find blight super chill and rewarding. So... xD
@NoobsDeSroobs Жыл бұрын
Problem is that I dont know what kind of build would be good for each mechanic, for example legion. I tried flicker, I tried tornado shot, tried going for damage and had 3k hp. Never got more than a few mill dps. I would love to see a video that explains what makes a build good for each mechanic.
@Dave-ct9yw Жыл бұрын
4 month player here so take my comment as that. I just started making currency comfortably. I make about 100c and 1 to 2 divines a week. My strat? I picked a couple of the content choices that i had fun doing and just concentrated on that. Im having a blast in the game and earning enough currency to upgrade my gear and buy maps to keep up the fun. Good video and going to replace determination with more dps and see how it goes
@sgt.pepper5078 Жыл бұрын
That's not bad for a new player, you will soon make that in an hour. From my experience efficiency is what most new players struggle with. Spending too much time in between maps, rolling each map seperatly, picking too much stuff from the ground. A lot of players don't realize how much a too lenient loot filter will slow them down. Also remember these tips are build dependent, so dropping determination might work for some builds, but if you have no other form of phys mitigation it can be brutal. Dying sometimes is no big deal but dying 4-5 times every map slows down your maps/hour significantly.
@NicholasSlabaugh Жыл бұрын
As someone who gets maaaaybe 2 hours to play on a good day, discovering the joy of a super-fast yellow map farmer was a huge turning point in this game for me. We're talkin 30-second T10s on a 50C budget, sustained 400M XP/hr into the high 80s super-fast. Then of course I shared it with some people on Reddit and they shit on it because it didn't have good boss DPS lmao.
@Owlr4ider Жыл бұрын
There is a famous quote: 'he who tries to defend everything ends up defending nothing', this sentiment is true for many things in life. Our entire modern capitalist world is built around people specializing in their fields rather than everyone being all rounders. Look at doctors for example, you have neuro, cardio, vascular, etc, and than inside each discipline you have even more minute specializations like specializing in specific illnesses, specific body part(or part of it like in the case of say the heart), etc. PoE, being as deep and complex as it is, simply follows the same methodology the rest of the world does. With that said, I love that you made this video but am missing the insights from it in your other videos. For example some of the most popular videos(or content in general) for PoE are league starters, yet there isn't much talk about the differences between the different league starter options. Most lists come in no particular order, and no I'm not asking for a ranking from best to worst or anything because that would be asinine(depends on content, personal preferences, etc). Instead the different league starter builds should be compared in other ways, I see 2 incredibly obvious comparison points, maybe there are others: 1. The build's preferred method of farming currency, which is the goal of every league starter, and with it perhaps a note on the different methods of farming and comparing them in a nutshell. 2. The ability(or lack thereof) to improve a league starter build into a 'real' build. Everything else is ultimately secondary, including what most people wrongfully(Imho) emphasize which is play style and 'feel' which are both so subjective that a comparison of them is rather pointless beyond the obvious like say 'this is a totem build so you deal no damage yourself' or 'this is a DoT build so there is a delay from when you deal damage to when monsters actually die'. At the end of the day league starter builds have a simple goal: to farm enough currency to allow you to transition into your 'real' build(s). Yet most videos discussing league starters talk about everything but this very simple goal. Regarding the second point I mentioned, that goes directly into what you said in this video regarding people who only play a single build or people who play just a few builds because they don't sink a lot of hours into PoE and aren't experienced enough to farm a ton of currency on days 1-3 with their league starter(if they even begin playing on day 1 of the league). Moreover, this actually goes back to what this video is all about, which is that all rounder builds are bad. Even league starters shouldn't be all rounders because they do have a specific function to fulfill: farm currency, so the different league starters do need to actually excel at something in order to be good builds in the first place.
@turbanheadless Жыл бұрын
to me the reason is simple, these days it takes much more time to get a build in a stage where it feels good and you can clear all content. i just get bored before i get there. now i perhaps play one league a year seriously when i will get to 100 with a build i made and fully geared it out. the rest of the leagues i play maybe a few days and quit.
@skydream2884 Жыл бұрын
As an average player, i already kind of knew that my builds were not specialized enough and your video helped me confirm that feeling. Still when i pick a build i dont really know what it's good at and often pick allrounders or tanky builds because i got ptsd of past leagues when i picked low dps builds or got rekt too much by those pesky out of screen exiles on squishy builds. I think a follow up video detailing which builds are all rounders, which builds are good at each type of content and how to figure it out ourselves would help a lot of players pick the right build for them.
@ocping Жыл бұрын
A lot of this is true. But then again, many people like myself don't mind not being hyper-efficient. I have been playing for 3-4 weeks and have made about 270 div (~1.25 div / hour), gear-inclusive, so far (not sure if that's poor but I'd say pretty poor compared to people earning 4-6 div / hour) so I'd say it works for me. I also have work outside of POE so playing an all-rounder build is great since I don't need to force myself to play things like glass-cannon mapping rangers or boss-killing trapper/miners which I do not enjoy at all. I still get my 40/40 (self-done ubers, no TFT carry cheating) so I'd say it can work wonders for your mental health as long as you don't care too much (you still have to care a little) about being hyper-efficient.
@cyberwhiz Жыл бұрын
To be honest, as the player base grows, POE's economy has started emulate IRL economies. Specialization in a few specific league mechanics is definitely more efficient that trying to build an all-rounder with limited resources. When I was in SC trade, I specialized in Delve content and I become a large supplier and bulk trader for fossils and resonators for crafters. Being specialized allows me to track price movements, snipe cheap deals or target farm certain nodes. I have in depth knowledge all the delve boss fights which makes farming them or selling carries easy. I enjoy the slower pace in delve so I spent the last 10 leagues getting better at deep delving. My league starter builds will always have some form of explosion-on-death effect to manage the delve monsters. My advice to newbies is to start learning and going deep into a mechanic that you enjoy farming and has some purpose/use to the POE economy. Don't be a Jack of all trades. Lastly you don't necessarily need a MB or Headhunter to clear all content. Capt Lance/RueToo/Binu Gaming (Korean) has many 10 div-challenge-builds to choose from.
@Leaf__22 Жыл бұрын
Very true. Me and my friend have been doing expedition only with some essences. We have a pretty good idea of the mechanics now and plan to fully spec into blight and learn that and nothing else
@YoutubeStyleChannel Жыл бұрын
The biggest tip is to have fun and set smaller but more numerous goals. Prior to 3.20, the most currency I'd ever farmed was 15 exalts, 12 of which coming from a single drop. I'd focus too much on the 'meta', playing builds I didn't enjoy and strats I didn't understand. Now, I play builds I enjoy, set 5-10 div milestone purchases, and run juiced content for every map encounter to see what I enjoy and can comfortably do.
@eshannumin Жыл бұрын
Tripolarbear simplified it a bit, but POE's endgame comes in steps. You have to invest in your character until you can run your strategy easily. Then you blast until you can afford to move to the next level. You can self boss rush, meaning not buy them but just get the items for exarch yourself and run it until you can afford to buy 50 or so, then blast that until you can avord the gear and 50 keys for the ubers. Its stair steps.
@B4K4157 Жыл бұрын
Play a build that is amazing at one thing, and play the thing that it's good at Leaguestarters are great at getting you started: letting you kinda function on a shoestring budget. At a certain point, you get a decent currency base, and the reason you had that build in the first place isn't true anymore. You just need to be aware of when that happens, and that takes some experience. Amazing video man.
@illegalduckhunting Жыл бұрын
The thing is why farm currency in the first place? Usually, the game loop is minmaxing your character to do the hardest content. Which usually includes the biggest and strongest bosses. For myself, good loot doesn't give me a direct spike of dopamine. Killing Maven, Sirius or Exarch is what I remember about a league. Currency is only a way to get there. If I get a huge drop for instance a divine or an expensive item I get dopamine but not because of the item itself but of the currency or buying power I get from it to further improve my character. If you get to a certain point invested into a build (which is around 50 Div for me) any build should feel good or be able to do the content you want. If it doesn't or struggles in certain aspects you should change it and try something else.
@salihkizildag Жыл бұрын
personally, as a semi-hardcore player, I just hate it when I can't do something without dying and I almost never play more than one character/build per league. for me the whole point of poe is to create something that can do pretty much everything very well and be almost immortal at the same time. it worked on explosive concoction ascendant, even though it's regarded as a very weak build, I was able to map super fast, reliably do wave 30 deathless, solo 5 way without losing currency and kill ubers with less than 150 div investment, and all currency was made on that character with just alc and go. now I'm trying to improvise an unconventional version of dark pact necromancer to do the same. imho, pretty much any build can work and make currency if you understand poe and pob
@moisttaco13 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely solid video Pal. I used to do "everything" and relied on luck for many leagues, but this league ive been doing expedition and got help with a friend with trading. He told me to get everything from tujen and then sell the smallest shit, and we got my headhunter in 2 days by farming logbooks and selling every currency and stacked decks we got from tujen
@weirdo911aw Жыл бұрын
Could you give an example of "selling currency"? Do you mean like selling shitty incubators to people for some chaos?
@moisttaco13 Жыл бұрын
@@weirdo911aw stack up on chromas, fusings, scours, regrets, chisels, chance orbs and sell them in bulk. I didnt sell untill i had atleast 1 div worth of each currency, my friend sold stacks for chaos tho so you can decide by yourself. I didnt care much about inqubators unless it was div cards/currency ones then i just used them myself. And ofc pick up the stacked decks, chaos, exalted and div orbs
@SuperLPGaming Жыл бұрын
"Make build that you want to play" and "not build that you show other people" Sums it up pretty well. I like your content mate!
@harrya4925 Жыл бұрын
You know what also made me poorer and was the final nail in the coffin for my 3.19 league? The broken price fixing / inflation methods, I noticed the 20 people selling divines 1. they didn't have many divines and 2. were just constantly taking turns at raising the price 1 chaos at a time and never selling them. I whispered them all multiple times for about 2 hours just to confirm & sure enough not a single person sent me an invite to convert. I couldn't justify wasting my time running another 20 maps to keep up with fake inflation so I didn't. GGG could easily address this by allowing us to buy set price currency like their divines without having to interact with them so they wouldn't be able to keep doing it.
@jchampagne2 Жыл бұрын
Real shit, I 100% agree with all of this advice. This is the kind of stuff that's not obvious unless you've played a metric fuckton of PoE that makes the game SO much better (if you're in SC trade).
@donb6897 Жыл бұрын
"the dumbest thing you can say to a new player ever" most new players just want to have fun though. if i told them they should min max a build for efficiently clearing a focused (narrow) section of the games content they'd probably be much less likely to enjoy themselves. what new player is gonna come into the game and immediately start stressing about how many divines per hour they make? that guy would have some serious issues if that's how he tackles his new games. you recognized that experienced players have "delusional" advice for new players and then you fell into that trap minutes later.
@vldtsz1 Жыл бұрын
thats just your opinion. i personally am a new player and i'm really seeking to minmax and be efficient because thats just the way i like to play games.
@cq5085 Жыл бұрын
The absolute state of the average gamer that you do things because you think you have to and not because they're fun. This is the best game ever and people will do their hardest to ruin it for themselves. Great video palsteron
@RolleyMiney Жыл бұрын
This is such a helpful guide, I am relatively new to this game and never thought about this. I play SC and really want to make currency. I was basically mapping with a bosser build. No wonder I am poor most of the time.
@wykettou Жыл бұрын
I am exactly the type of player you said, I wanted to do everything, while doing nothing. This league, since it's bow league, I wanted focus on mapping fast and that's all. It's first league I start to really enjoy the game and make currencies. Then I saw your video, and yes everything matches.
@drekor884 Жыл бұрын
A big thing is actually selling the shit you have. Using something that scans your tabs to check for items you can sell is super important with less knowledgeable people. Hell even myself you sometimes forget about some things that can be worth huge amounts of money that just build up over time. Plenty of times I've looked at exilence next and been like "wait I have 100d worth of sellable stuff?"
@hawkno71 Жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video more than you can know. I've been playing since beta, and I really have no idea how to scale a build after. I'd love to have a straight forward, hard to swallow, lesson about how to scale mapper builds, which is what I struggle the most with.
@HansWurst-gm2rx Жыл бұрын
I dont know ... i may not be the richest and best currency farmer and i build a really tanky Explode Totem Ignite Chieftain to reach level 100 on SC Trade. In invested at least 100 Divine into this char and still have ~200 Divine in my currency tab (ONLY currency tab). Didnt have any crazy drops that contributed to the wealth - just steady mapping and a lot of Incursion. Generally i would advise to look a bit off meta, when building chars e.g. for Deadeye and other Meta Forbidden Flesh and Flame combination you can be happy if you "only" pay 50 Divine, yet on my Chieftain i bought em for 50c!
@ozmica Жыл бұрын
Hi. You just described me. :) I've always tried the "best" builds and go nowhere. Always feeling poor and useless. All because I had no goal / focus. Right now, I'm actually trying to make a non-squishy witch running WOC and its working. What is it good for? Nothing pretty much. Too slow for mapping, not enough damage for bossing, but at least I've learned something this time. Making a squishy build into a viable tank. Now to expand that. Thanks for giving me clarity ! Have a wonderful day.
@ivonbeton4725 Жыл бұрын
The reason why I usually suggest to "play what seems fun" or "do whatever" even to newer players is because I feel like for a lot of players having fun is essential to making currency. You'll keep playing and over time generate at least a modicum of wealth when you are enjoying the game. Maybe it's just me, but I can not focus on atlas strategies or builds that are very profitable if I do not enjoy them. I have to stick with something that is fun to me or I won't make it past the first two weeks of the league. I do agree that Uber bosses are a bit of a bait. The build requirements for those fights are insanely high, even if you build specifically to tackle them. They should only be your goal if you want to seriously grind towards that. Same goes for high ticket items such as HH or Mageblood in my opinion. I've had leagues where I've been lucky and had those, but most of the time they are out of reach for me unless I grind my absolute ass off - even though I'm an experienced player. This grind has burned me out in the past, so now I don't even target those items anymore and just play builds or atlas strategies that keep me engaged. I consider those high ticket items as a bonus if I happen to get lucky, nothing more. The only issue I have with all of this is that they drastically changed challenges. They now often require you to mindlessly grind specific content, even Ubers. They then locked some pretty neat MTX's behind them, making it feel worse when you miss out on them. Also on a sidenote, I've been playing with CoD portal and it has made crucible or essence rares way more bearable haha.
@GaryMcNeill 10 ай бұрын
I literally came on your discord to ask about this and a week later I see a video! woo! :D
@fragtordk1770 Жыл бұрын
That was probably one of the most informative Rants i've ever watched! for nearly a decade i've been trying to make glacial hammer a speed farmer and you just opened my eyes kek
@Uberjager Жыл бұрын
Agreed on all points. I've got a couple of personal findings however: 1. The reason why people want defenses + Uber capable DPS is because most average players want to play just 1 character an entire league and never have to level up another character. They're almost always too tired of the leveling process/acts to want to come up with a character just solely made to specialize on a specific currency making strategy and then other characters to do the other content of the game that specialized character can't do. 2. The average player is actually pretty bad at the game. They're going to stand in Detonate Dead chest AOE, they're going to walk into slam radius and they're going to die on content you won't ordinarily die to. 3. Most consumers have already been spoiled with builds that CAN have insane defences, Uber capable DPS and speed. You can blame Ruetoo for this, almost every build he has come up with every league consistently ticks those boxes. (maybe not his first build of the league) I have to admit however, having to build specifically to tick those boxes just to satisfy other people is a complete chore and I can imagine it to be the same for you. To be frank, I keep close tabs on your builds (actually I have no idea why I haven't subbed lmao Imma do it now) because I find that there's loads to learn and ideas to build around. Had a lot of fun zooming Vaal temples this league making 7-8 divs an hour.
@notaweeb6513 Жыл бұрын
Another reason is that you have too much shits in inventory, you gotta price check everything and they don't sell even sell in bulk and half the price. Some videos say that you can make X divine per hour but they are not counting the time cost. You could spend more than 3 hours selling the shits. So if you don't have a dedicated buyer to buy your things or a seller to help sell your things, just filter out the shits that you would spend too much selling.
@hrodwulf172 Жыл бұрын
I definitely agree with the "the best money making strat is doing the content you enjoy the most" is a bit of a trap. It needs to have the caveat "if you know how league mechanics scale rewards". Some strats rely on pack size, some work better with high quant. Some strats dont synergise well because of their placement on the atlas tree. Some of them need x amounts of sextants or scarabs to be worthwhile and might not fit together.
@user-rj1gg2cn1t Жыл бұрын
I think "That's it, rant over." is the new sign off!
@bindelixir Жыл бұрын
My problem is that I’m too ADHD and no matter what mechanic I’ve specced into I get bored after 100+ runs and need to switch to something else. I end up being the “a little bit of everything” player because I cannot handle running the same content over and over.
@Volfyrion Жыл бұрын
Interesting stuff. This is my first season in this game and I’m following a build for a Scourge Arrow Ballista pathfinder that I found o POE-Vault. I enjoy the way it plays even though I don’t have perfect items. But now that you mention it, I don’t know if i can tell what this build excels at. It feels like it’s a good mapper due to how scourge arrow works, but sometimes i have a hard time killing bosses.
@rednab2001 Жыл бұрын
Hit the nail on the head here. I am a casual POE player, and 3.15 just about ruined the game for me. From 3.15 through 3.18, I never played more than two weeks into a league, and a few of those, I was done with the league on the Monday or Tuesday after league launch. Before 3.15, I was getting to T15-16 maps and kind of hitting a wall. Ever since 3.15, that wall hits at around T11-12. I love ARPGs because of the feeling of watching your character continue to get stronger as you progress. 3.15 moving forward lost that feeling. In several cases, my character felt weaker in the last acts of the campaign than they did in the Mud Flats. I don't mind not being able to kill end game bosses, because my skill level stinks, but it really is not fun not even being able to complete the Atlas. That rollback on player power has led me to play other games in the genre instead. I really want to like POE, but the direction the game is taking is moving away from the type of player I am.
@glycylcystine Жыл бұрын
Excellent commentary on the meta, although I must say I think the reason experienced players tell new players "don't worry about it bro just play the game and make money from whatever" is because new players should honestly just play the game and experience all the different content and find what they like, rather than worry about efficiency and income. if they like the game and have goals for their build (e.g. onetap the entire screen or 500% movespeed or whatever) they can start getting into farming strategies and build design. asking less experienced players to have goals and be efficient sounds like a quick recipe for overwhelming them and burnout. Love the rants as always, keep them coming :)
@mikeweatherford5312 Жыл бұрын
Wow - what a great video my man. You nailed this one. Spot on - "all rounder" is a myth unless your at Mirror tier. When your mapper can finally "do" ubers (still not as well as a focused bosser).
@harrimoisala6592 Жыл бұрын
Great video. I especially liked the "Stop making your builds janky" part where you talk about making your builds "fun". Solid advice for everyone, not just currency makers.
@Scorptice Жыл бұрын
preaching to the choir. but absolutely on point and absolutely my experiences. Every time my builds were aligned with what I ended up farming was when I had the most currency
@MostafaMahmoud-yt3uy Жыл бұрын
I'm not a Poe regular but man this video is on point & am I the only one think that some ppl here didn't watch the full video or get what Palsteron is explaining here ... thanks bro this is really an eye opener for me at least.
@GeorgeCanbreedzki-wp3dk Жыл бұрын
I mean... In order for some people to be rich most of the people must be poor. This motto works really well in PoE. Imagine how currency flipping would be absolutely destroyed if auction house would be a thing.
@JohnSnuu Жыл бұрын
For the people just watching this in prep for 3.22 . My last league was my best one cuz i ran RoA and made it excel in expedition and harvest. Only looping that with my maps. over 500 divines. (I also really learned how to craft a bow thanks to fuzzyduckzy's guide for RoA league start and made a 70 div bow out of like 13 chaos). Point is. Hes right. Pick a mechanic you like, find a build that DESTROYS it. I'll be doing imp doom pf and farming sanctum with it.
@janyt7258 Жыл бұрын
this video made me subscribe, i needed this like 4 years ago. Iv played since legacy and had always played all arounder builds. This league it clicked for me. I was playing a poison srs build 16 div in, doing all content. not making a ton of money. Clear was ok, but nothing to write about. Boss DPS was decent (7m-ish). had been playing an alch an go strat for expedition/abyss/searing and synth/conq map drops and then running bosses as i got the frags(always losing money on the bosses). Made ok money but nothing insane and only selling things worth 20c+ . Ended up trying CF and doing invested deli farming (first time invested mapping). Even just being slow in hideout and spending to much time goofin around. I was making 3 div an hour. I was (only play for first 4 weeks normally) making so much this league i was funding my friends builds with 10+div ea, who are all stuck in the all arounders still.
@gkaskavelis Жыл бұрын
I'm poor because nobody buys my items for 1 mirror each 😛 Thank you for the video Pals ☺️
@Helmy___ Жыл бұрын
Everyone need to hear or veteran or even the pros..
@simpleandrewwww Жыл бұрын
That 20 MS shield charge hit me in the feelings bruh, cuz that is so much me rn. Rf Inq slow as a snail, i need to change that, thanks for the eye opening video
@eXileris Жыл бұрын
YEP! Most people are bad at PoE, but the amount of knowledge to learn this game is quite a lot. Definitely going by how the build "feels" vs PoB is better tbh.
@Shadyguy111 Жыл бұрын
1 build per league here. I just play casually and do stuff, I'm not expecting to make 30 div in a day. This video inspired me to maybe try to specialize a second build for the next league.
@TheShabzz Жыл бұрын
The end of this video hits my current frustration with the game. Play a build you enjoy that specializes in specific content. My current issue is that the builds I enjoy and the content I enjoy have very little overlap. Also I can't stand doing the same thing over and over again. Respecing the atlas passive tree every couple days is brutal. The forced specialization in order to succeed takes away from the enjoyment of the game. I loved SSF as it didn't matter, but I just don't have the time anymore to get my builds to where I want them. Basically, any measure of success for me is getting close to either not fun or not enough time. Anyone have advice on what content to specialize in with on a staff glacial hammer inquisitor?
@gonzdoom Жыл бұрын
As always dude, thanks a lot man. I always can rely on such considerate and selfless content that compliments my goals toward understanding multiple facets of progression. Dont mind those that dont want to put in the work for the reward.
@gonzdoom Жыл бұрын
Lmao "Bad Advice from Exp Players" that hit home. Its also interesting how ppl say a "build is broken or unplayable" when someone else is doing just fine with it.
@Morriscode- Жыл бұрын
Great point on uber boss fights, glad you brought that up! Great video!
@alistairleung8521 Жыл бұрын
my take is planing what content i want to farm in coming league,than choose a build can farm it comfortably as a starter ,most build can do non uber on reasonable budge to complete altar,after than find another build its fun in current league
@reloeh Жыл бұрын
Since I learned to setup a itemfilter properly I am not slowed by item trash identification. In this process I have to accept that there is not very much loot shown and my stash is not filled up with useless stuff.
@OoLiKeVioLenCeoO Жыл бұрын
Finally I know why I don‘t feel the fun anymore, it‘s nothing more like a video Game adaption of work. This whole „I need to be as efficient as others“ to really get to experience the Game in his whole (be it to own a mageblood or anything similar). And I really f hate that tbh. I guess my time is up with PoE or any grindy games, don‘t have time for 2nd Job.
@OoLiKeVioLenCeoO Жыл бұрын
But thx for open my eyes @Palsteron
@Xaphanius Жыл бұрын
Great video, I do think it captures the main aspects of the poverty in poe. A difficulty I have is how to convert valuable stuff into "main currency". For instance, if I am farming essences/getting scarabs/fossils, how do I convert them into chaos/divines? Selling them in small quantities is tedious, and I never have enough to sell them in bulk... Nowadays I just stick to farming legion/blight/harvest.
@sgt.pepper5078 Жыл бұрын
If you don't have enough to sell in bulk, then you're not really farming, right. Don't try to sell after doing like ten maps of essences. Do a hundred maps and then see what you got. What I like to do regarding essences, scarabs and fossils, is just selling the whole tab on tft. It saves a lot of time.
@saltiney8578 Жыл бұрын
palsteron has very good videos on bulk selling totally changed the way I do trade, once you just learn to do it its not that bad to sell essences and stuff he also does trading streams live on twitch where he liquidates all his currency in real time. TFT is very useful for some things like I always sell scarabs, maps, deli orbs, and other annoying things on TFT I know you dont want to hear go to this discord and use it but that is really the awnser its annoying to set up but really easy to use you literally just go to their tft bulk selling tool, select your tab you want to sell select the % of market value you want to try to sell at and post it in the appropriate channel and if you priced it right someone will buy it usually within seconds. TFT also has another benefit of enabling you to actually do juiced strats if you want since thats the only place your gunna be buying bulk sextants and scarabs and stuff to do a specific farming strat. if you tried to farm Beyond for instance it would take you like an hour to buy 50 beyond sextants on the trade site but it'll take you 10 seconds on TFT
@Kinada Жыл бұрын
I'm glad I was wrong about what this video was going to be about. I though it was going to be all about dumping all your items for 20% of their value to TFT flippers. I really agree with this sentiment, that you will not be "rich" if you don't make a plan and execute it and that requires you to be good at something, I'm often a 1 build a league player, but my goal is usually to complete all the challenges for some MTX because I'm poor irl. I only need to make enough money to build out whatever I'm playing and buy a challenge items or the challenges themselves in some cases. This does put me in a bad spot with some very heavy nerf fatigue, specially as I liked playing bane the last few leagues. I have to make more and more currency just to get to my baseline power/survival that I want to feel good in what I usually farm which is essences/expedition/harvest. If I was stuck making a farming build before I can even play the game (cue South Park meme) I'd be much more burnt out and unfortunately it looks like the game is going to keep going that direction.
@filipepaivazoega3669 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing this game since Beta, and it's right, there's a lot to it now, somehow it became also a bit "easier", but this is probably due to my experience with the game. And one of the mistakes that I stopped as soon as a noticed it, was mixing ideas like you mentioned: W/e is viable in HC is not viable in SC. This here changes a lot, and target a specific content is KEY.. A lot of people want to play the game and do E V E R Y T H I N G at the same time and there's the big wall they are gonna hit. A lot of friends left the game because of that, some that understood and came back they are making specific toons for each content (which is the ideal). Good video, you got a new sub.
@pablomoreira8227 Жыл бұрын
I ve been playing for 10 years. Some of my clan buddies that have been playing a lot and for a long time, are having a hard time because they die too much in alch and go t16 maps. One of the reasons is the crucible league mechanic if you want to push it to 100%. Imo if you are poor is because you are not crafting or flipping.
@tomnajera4906 Жыл бұрын
I just took the node that disables your small passives but gives you more pack size for each notable. I dont even bother with all of that uber boss stuff.
@eshannumin Жыл бұрын
I just want to say, I needed this video. Thank you! I really over obsess over defensives and did have the archnem ptsd lol. I appreciate the frank pep talk lol.
@ottotsuma8014 Жыл бұрын
As a new player though some of this is not great advice. Move speed and dps for currency spins great. But if you don’t know the game yet you need bulk or near immortality just to stay alive long enough to learn wtf these mobs are doing and learn their patterns.
@sdfjsdjfghssfgdsgvfs Жыл бұрын
Sadly I agree with this. I once calculated that it would take me 57 years to gather enough currency with my current speed to make a powerful build that can easily kill ubers.
@ryanforgo3500 Жыл бұрын
14:43 another important point here, yes you can do currency with whatever you want as long as you stick to it as long as it is one of the reliable currency strats od which you have a COMPLETE guide to follow.
@Dunkedyret Жыл бұрын
It makes a lot of sense. But one thing could be mentioning some builds that excels at different parts of the game. or show direction on where to find them. I don't know who you can trust out there, with the video title "kill everything on only 1 divine, in less that 30 secs" Hope you get my point, it could be made into a video :D
@TheCosmicAstro- Жыл бұрын
We really do need to revert 3.15 Honestly that would be one of the best things they could do for the game. Before 3.15 you could look up pretty much every single possible main skill gem and youd find a recent guide for a league start. But now youd be hard pressed to find even half. The diversity of the current realistic viable builds has been neutered and it is absolutely why everyone has been complaining about a "stale meta" for ages. Because you have so few options. Reverting 3.15 would allow us to actually have fun again with more diversity. But i guess having fun isnt GGGs goal. Ruthless moment
@theaureliasys6362 Жыл бұрын
Yup. Solve damage first. Then, if you die too much, beef up, do you don't waste time being dead. And keep the speed up. Example: starforge, fury valve, vengeful commander, perseverance: damage solved. Now I'm beefing up so I don't die to essences. (Yes, I run those)
@bblas04 Жыл бұрын
My advice to new players is this. 1. Filter. Set it to semi-strict at league start for campaign and lvl till around 80. Then Up it to at minimum Strict. Use filterblades "Simulate" Tab to paste items that you don't want to see as you go. Ex- you are set on strict but notice that your seeing alot of trash "Yellows" because they are high lvl bases, although they do sell for 3c per you don't want to sell them. DISABLE THEM THEN. Load them into simulate and disable them. The less time it takes to find actual good things to sell the better. 2. Specialize into Something. This is that part that's very "do Anything", Your build is good at ritual Sweet take All the ritual nodes and block other content. boss rush? Awsome, do it. 3. Realize what's worth currency and what isn't. This part you can use Awakened POETrade to help alot. Crazy that i have to say this because it sounds rediculous - Some Currency is worth something, Some currency is worthless 4. "Boil" Currency. This is the term me and my friends use when trading currency we don't need for currency we need. You have 40 Awakened sextents, 5 exalts, and 30 Grand ichors? Nope, what you is Around 2 divs waiting to be collected. Seen a new player complain that they were out of currency, had 3 Divs in other currency waiting to be gotten. Hope this helps any readers.
@scienceandmathgeek5652 Жыл бұрын
My opinion…absolutely the best video you’ve made! Thank you.
@GorgeousFortress Жыл бұрын
I'm surprised you didn't touch on the topic of "Don't play a bad archetype".
@LupusImmortalis Жыл бұрын
You know... Watching this video last night made me get back on the computer again and fix some of the issues I had with my build. I appreciate it, it's a much needed wake-up call.
@SSJBart-jb5dw Жыл бұрын
I love the dedication to all this end game stuff. However, for ten years now, I just play the acts and stop. I do a couple of labyrinths and maybe craft and item or two. I just don’t get all this shaper and maven and atlas stuff. I also liked ruthless . I’m just old school I guess and would rather swing my weapon and hit the enemy with the weapon and not a skill attached to it. I love POE though! I should probably buy some kind of tab someday, lol
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