The Best Players In World of Warships - Who are They and Why?

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@snorkman2 4 жыл бұрын
I fall into the gambler category, I see your 3 battleships and I raise you 1 light cruiser.
@justalog7475 4 жыл бұрын
I see your 3 BB and I raise you the T3 torp accelerate shima
@matthewsargent7045 4 жыл бұрын
I'm the beserker. I see your 3 battleships and I raise you a double tripple torp and a ram triple kill, next game, thanks.
@memeboi6017 4 жыл бұрын
im the oppertunist (i play cvs )and i just go for anything and bomb it to heck
@colmcorbec7031 4 жыл бұрын
Please add "The potato" and "Full-weekend noob" to the list.
@KziganBrickBuilder 4 жыл бұрын
Same here. They call me Super Potato.
@Ork20111 4 жыл бұрын
Pretty unfair. Not everybody has the time to play on a daily base. This does not mean they have no rigth to play or it is OK to generally insult them.
@Sotha42 4 жыл бұрын
They/we are not a type of good players.
@thragtusk1490 4 жыл бұрын
Strategist and aggressive reactionist. Go where I am needed by the team and try my best to put a few holes in ships while I'm there. I never can remember all the stats of this ship and that ship or torpedo ranges so when in doubt, empty the mag and steer around like I had a gallon of saki before the match started.
@Rulusto 4 жыл бұрын
Drink up me hearties yo ho!
@stgrock4148 4 жыл бұрын
@@Rulusto Now that's my kind of sailor, GATA
@grant5758 4 жыл бұрын
I try to be a strategist but more often then not it turns into “I tried to organize a push on a flank we have numbers advantage on and ended up getting abandoned by my team”
@redify9758 4 жыл бұрын
@SwankySpitfire 4 жыл бұрын
In my opinion I think of myself as a intellect and reactionist, my strategy basically consists of “I’m gonna go here to catch the enemy off guard” only to forget I don’t have a plan from there. It’s the same as taking your enemies pawn only to have your bishop in the crosshairs of literally half the enemy team. As for the intellect part... I have way too much time on my hands, but tbh it’s really not hard because the nations sort of have trends through them. For example the British battleships and cruisers are paper anywhere that isn’t belt/citadel armour. That trend runs from T7 on the BB’s to T10 and the cruisers are literally only that way for the entire line.
@mrandersson1082 4 жыл бұрын
Two things that is key for a win now; 1. A DD that survive the first 5 min. 2. A CV that spot DDs and hunt them.
@Bakerfarmer 4 жыл бұрын
I started as battle ship player played them for a good year a half then I became a cv main mostly playing the kaga for almost year as my exclusive go to ship, after the rework I became and main my knowledge of the game improved with each different class I played. If I play the game with out my beer I can Strategize better.
@TheOriginalHairyDave 4 жыл бұрын
I used to be reactionary, but high-tier DD play really changed how I play. If you YOLO into a cap at T8+ before you know (or at least suspect) where everyone is, you're dead.
@BtD_007 4 жыл бұрын
You know what the biggest issue had become of late in this game? The fact that WG has given people the option to turn of in-game chat altogether. Yes some people can be asses, but in-game chat is, for some players, the only way that they can learn from better players. The snowflake player that get offended by normal constructive criticism and cries in chat 'it's my game, don't tell me how to play' is doomed to fail, and is not the kind of player this game needs to go forward.
@jhe-vaughnseverin6765 4 жыл бұрын
Greg Rientjes indeed I hate to meet hose kinds
@MrGrim2u1987 4 жыл бұрын
Let's be honest this game is getting more toxic by the week.. I got top score in t7 in a 9 battle got called a stupid cunt and was told I lost us the game. Can not blame people for turning off chat. I was in my Fiji Took a cap smoked for team mates and helped where I could.. you just can't please everyone.
@BtD_007 4 жыл бұрын
@@MrGrim2u1987 Honestly, I would wear that as a badge of honor. I go out of my way to ensure I have a karma score of zero. Not that I rage in chat, but I get reported everytime I "pwn a newb" and I feels good. Watching kids rage out, when they do something stupid and you wreck them... makes my day. If you know you are doing the best you can, you keep doing you.
@lasombra120680 4 жыл бұрын
I was in the 27th BCT for the 2008 deployment. Was in 1/69 INF for years.
@wramsey2656 4 жыл бұрын
Good topic NoZoup thank you.
@dunkin254 4 жыл бұрын
I wish I was one of these... I just kinda sail around and shoot red hoping I damage something.
@ashdroid0755 4 жыл бұрын
I consider myself a intellect i love learning about ships
@rayquantum6677 4 жыл бұрын
I want to know if there is any kind of skill based matchmaking? Also I keep accidentally team killing most of the time with torpedoes the rest with collisions how can I prevent this (it only seems to happen with this one ship but it is my favourite ship(lots of heath, artillery, Armor and aa Defense). Lastly is my favourite ship (Duguay-Trouin) a good one I started this game like 5 days ago so I have no clue I like it as long as I don’t get hit by torpedoes or hit my teammates with torpedoes then I’m fine.
@JThompify 4 жыл бұрын
I believe I fall into the category of: "Player with a 44% WR who seems to learn nothing from experience in battles, progresses very slowly, and wants so badly to just play the game correctly and not always be the hated teamate of random battles".
@MoA-Reload... 4 жыл бұрын
Reactionist/strategist. Mostly play DD's though so you kinda need to have a plan or at least an exit strategy or it'll be very short rounds every time 😂
@greasemonkey6362 4 жыл бұрын
And you are intellectual as well hun . so really you are all 3 with a Splash of Fun . 🤗⚓
@trlacr1781 4 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely an intellect. I consider that I can't have success if I don't know everything about the ship i'm fighting, but most of the time it's not enough
@drae2173 4 жыл бұрын
hmmm i consider my self an oppotunist, i always seek opportunity to take an advantage over the enemy. because i like sneaky, watching the movement of the enemy and wait mistakes to happen.
@LoonaStarr 4 жыл бұрын
I'm a where ever I go I find the whole enemy team my best game play was in a destroyer I slid down the broadside of a Iowa had my fish finish reloading as I passed and than sent the iowa to the bottom. I did something similar to you the first time I met you in battle zoup we were so close you were surprised we didn't hit each other I honestly did't know you were a cc until after that fight. wish I had replays. my in game name is tatsukaza
@huuthien2911 4 жыл бұрын
I am a full-time Interlect, part-time Strategist, and the worst Reactionist. I remember the armor layout and the pros/cons of many ships in the game, except some strange or new ship. When I play, depend on my mood, if I can go full Strategist for just that game, it would be great, if I cant then it just a normal game or disaster. And I tried to be a good Reactionist and failed miserably, 'cause I start to panic whenever more than 2 enemy ships are trying to set me in close combat
@drawaisurrehman296 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, i agree these player type existed in past, now its potatos, weeken warriors and yolo warriors.
@onkelpawel 4 жыл бұрын
It was quite easy to become a semi-intellect if you have been around since the launch of WoWS and played all the ship lines. Learning by playing bit by bit as lines were introduced, no need to study anything. Sadly, as global stats show most players with 10k+ battles don't want to learn or aren't capable of it. This game is extremely hard for new players to get into, lots of ships, consumables, gimmicks, hidden game mechanics and almost no tutorials available. You have to study forums, wows wiki and youtube for a basic understanding of the most relevant mechanics in the game. WG doesn't care much, they let the community work for them.
@Justfalor 4 жыл бұрын
I prefer to go 2 v 4 as an intellect because I know what the others can’t and I can do. I don’t feel like that fits into any of the other categories
@frodobeutling5883 4 жыл бұрын
so im a bad player. i would know where 2 aim and game mechanics. but i really miss hitting targets. and how often do i see enemy sailing broadside getting no hits. team shooting others. but enemy sees me and im absolut focused in every ship. so......
@sotis_dotis1676 4 жыл бұрын
78% Reactionist And 22% Strategist
@qpqpqpqpqpqpqpqp 4 жыл бұрын
I just want some players who at least try, and aren't toxic :)
@AbsoluteZero6714 4 жыл бұрын
I am, by far, a reactionary who really wishes I could incorporate actually strategy and knowledge of individual ships. I play to win and deal lots of damage / get kills. I do admit that I am often taken over by the charge in, get aggressive sort of impulse that gets me killed and puts an end to what I could have done to salvage a match. I admit that I often get greedy and don’t do what’s best whether for my team or for myself. The impulse to just go in for personal glory can be overwhelming a lot of times, it’s hard to be cool and analytical although I know that’s what I should be doing a lot more. It’s taken me a long time just to master some of the basics and I still can’t say I have a good understanding of the game. There are ships I clearly click with and ships I clearly don’t, the latter occurs more often than the former. I’ve mostly been a cruiser and BB player (2/3 battles in cruisers, 1/3 in battleships) who’s never really tried destroyers because I feel like I just don’t “get” them and thus I feel discouraged from playing DDs. Sometimes I do really try to make impactful decisions such as helping my team mates radar enemy DDs so my team can try to take them out. Too often the urge to get fires on BBs or shooting at cruisers takes my attention away from the enemy DD although I know I SHOULD be sinking or contributing to the sinking of the enemy DD, because doing that brings far more value. Most of the time I’d say I am not a burden to my team, I have good days and bad days and every now and then I do get a couple of matches where I think I did really well. However, I am far from the player can be expected to reliably carry / greatly contribute to my team’s victory, and when I look at a lot of the prominent KZbinrs who can make just about every type of ship from every line perform (whether they like the ship or not is a different matter), I am just like: Wow, I’ve got such a huge gap with them. I’m seldom a burden to my team, and it’s not hard for me to be in the Top 4 even in a loss. I know that becoming a strategist / intellectual takes a lot of conscious effort, and unfortunately I can be really impulsive. Most of the time I really try not to do anything stupid and I’m at the point where I can see some obvious mistakes either on my team or the enemy team. I do feel as though most of the time I’m still quite a team dependent player. I play mostly solo and I strongly prefer the mid tiers to the high tiers. I tend to avoid high tier (though there are many high tier ships like the DM that I would really want to enjoy) because of the much slower and calculative style of play. I know that mastering these skills and being a lot more deliberate will benefit my overall skill, but then the other half of my brain is just telling me to shoot, shoot, shoot. You can look me up on WoWS Numbers: Grand_Viceroy_Zhou_Ziyu. I would welcome any comments / advice / criticisms of how I am doing overall as a player. My overall WR is at 52% nearing 53%.
@fedupgamer9075 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot the crayon munching BB main who has the "W" key removed from their keyboard.
@rokko1020 4 жыл бұрын
i wanna be an intellect but im more a strategist with a lot of failing strategies
@TheBurcham1 4 жыл бұрын
same, like ohhh look a lone dd, oh he's running....that 3 cruisers....
@TK-fk4po 4 жыл бұрын
How bout a “yoloist”? I see that type of player very very often. Unfortunately.
@kebobs3727 4 жыл бұрын
Something to keep in mind: there's many super unicums (see most SEA rerolls on NA) who despite the stats are terrible players. Many super and regular unis farm in game and play pr farmers, avoiding fun ships just because they hurt PR. The numbers don't tell you everything
@Bisonn 4 жыл бұрын
@xacenzx1 4 жыл бұрын
as someone who has dedicated years to shaping the SEA server to its current glory i am deeply offended by your semi-racist comments. thumbs up
@Leptospirosi 4 жыл бұрын
I think my category is like "Looking around asking for WTF is going on" v__v
@sovietsoldier3811 4 жыл бұрын
And then there's me: - trash
@TheBurcham1 4 жыл бұрын
@rezang5026 4 жыл бұрын
Don't worry.. that's like 95% of the players.. the remaining 4% is the ultimate thrash that plays tierX mostly and have the average damage less than 30k.. and the ones that die within the first 2 mins of contact.
@jasonsu6214 3 жыл бұрын
aka potato
@BtD_007 4 жыл бұрын
Everybody in this game should try to be a mix of all 3 of these categories. The type of player that ruins this game, is the type that falls into NONE. The kind of player that knows nothing about any of the ships they play, doesn't have any plan moving forward and doesn't react to the flow of game play. The type of DD player that launches torps from WELL beyond their torp range, the type of player that yolo's a cap in a BB and dies in the first 5 minutes and my personal favorite, the CV player that thinks he is a static airfield. It's all well and good 'having fun' but at the end of the day, it is still a team game. If you yolo and die in the first minute of the game, not only are you wasting time for yourself, and probably won't learn anything, but you also have ruined it for the other 11 players on your team. A bad player, who is wanting to learn and improve, is better than an average player who doesn't care, ANYDAY.
@namyun2743 4 жыл бұрын
I think the worst kind of player is the unmentioned 4th type: "The narcissist" Those are the ones who think they are the best type of player and lets everyone know how much they suck. The one who is neither of the above mentioned 3 categories are pure casuals and are just trying to have fun. I'd rather have a mixed bag with not-so-good players in good humor, rather than a mixed bag with not-so-good players in bad humor. Obviously, the best choice is good players in good humor, but that's a rare occasion.
@Sfirodrepanoskarxarias 4 жыл бұрын
@@namyun2743 No, the worst kind of player is the guy that willingly takes part in a competitive team pvp game, doesn't want to improve, drags the team down with him, spoils the fun for the rest of his team and when he is called upon his actions (or inactions) he feels "offended" and he demands that he is "respected".It's a guy that wants to do things that affect not only him but also the people around him but he refuses to accept the consequenses of his actions.
@dustingoldsen3215 4 жыл бұрын
It seems the real problems come up in Random games. In Co-op you hardly ever see anyone getting upset about how others play. There seems to be a consensus that Co-op is practice and a place to try things out regardless of the results. In Ranked people seem to be working together to try to win. It is unusual to see people being truly irresponsible in ranked, or people complaining that much. I would guess clan battles are similar in this regard. But Random is, well ... random. People are there for random reasons. Some think its Co-op+ and some think its Ranked. Some may be demonstrating the game to a friend and some may be falling down drunk. Who knows? One thing for sure, Random is where you hear the most complaining by one player against another. As the old saying goes, Random is like "Ships passing in the night".
@MrGrim2u1987 4 жыл бұрын
You just describe 90% of the player base.
@BtD_007 4 жыл бұрын
@@namyun2743 The actual 'narcissists' are the players that talk a big game, but then you find out they only have less than 100 games under their belt with like a 40%WR. And yes alot of the 'unicum' players can be arseholes, but there is no reason that the casual player can improve their own gameplay as well.
@IgnoredAdviceProductions 4 жыл бұрын
-the “oh I see this side is collapsing, time to yeet away”
@btbarr16 4 жыл бұрын
Playing the Texas taught me to be more strategic. It's so slow I can't be a reactionist in it. I have to choose carefully what I do or I'll end up over extended and sunk.
@prevengeix8551 4 жыл бұрын
I'm an overreactionist. What did you call me!
@superiorsiegeengine33 4 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty sure I belong in the trash category, but I like to identify myself as a drunk BB driver!
@able_archer01 4 жыл бұрын
I'm pretty much a reactionist. I have a decent knowledge of the basics of WoWS, but my game sense is subpar. And yes, I generally play Co-Op to avoid frustrating myself and other players who want to have a good match. That and because I like using secondaries build for my German BBs and rushing some bots.
@Tuning3434 4 жыл бұрын
Is it even possible to develop in Co-op? Whenever I've get myself flushed in a frustration wave to co-op I just go into: _I like to shoot at ships_ mode. Best strategy I have come up to is choosing glass cannons like Pyotr Velikiy or the Italians due to good alpha strike and ability to really exploit the weaknesses if bots mirror my ship choice. In WoWs I'm define-tally a reactionist, all strategy is thrown overboard when people start firing on me. I guess with significant more time and experience I might turn more into a strategist, as in my professional career I do tend to think ahead a bit more. Not sure if a small decennium of experience a 40 hrs/wk would be a fair comparison with a game I seriously but casually play when I'm bummed out after my day. So many random factors, so little time.
@saleen-wx2ic 4 жыл бұрын
It's hard to think strategy running solo. Most team mates are complete potatoes.
@AbsoluteZero6714 4 жыл бұрын
Sometimes you get team mates that are at least competent enough to realize what needs to be done (for example, to just run away and stay concealed while my team has the cap advantage but equal / down on ships). At other times, yeah, they’re complete potatoes. The joy of a solo player.
@dennisole457 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve hopped back on again and I feel that. Playing ass a destroyer, at least to me, is made or broken by the team sometimes 😂. Sucks playing solo at points
@gothamgoon4237 4 жыл бұрын
I'll see your potato and raise you a turnip.
@4meSaints 4 жыл бұрын
part of being strategist is also taking into account the derpness of your teammates
@iamsus7158 4 жыл бұрын
@PGM991 4 жыл бұрын
I'll be Yolonist :D
@luisedgarmenchaca1108 4 жыл бұрын
and your teammates potatoists
@edhikurniawan 4 жыл бұрын
@@luisedgarmenchaca1108 Potatoes are great. They have long shelf time, more resistant to pests, growing in cold weather, also contains vitamins, just like vitamin A. Just be sure to wash the skin thoroughly as they contain a little bit cyanide. See ? I'm a potatoist. :P
@sirdancealot2645 4 жыл бұрын
Everyone seems to be interested in the player-type thingy but all these cruisers giving broadside to him... This is why I get chat banned every other day...
@lucifer7591 4 жыл бұрын
Funny as fuck mate me to.🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙🤙
@spinningdog2578 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, blame that on lack of game knowledge xD. The first encounter was painful to watch, him missing easy shots, enemies giving broadsides....
@raymondrysdyk8630 4 жыл бұрын
@@spinningdog2578 Iam lucky I have not been game banned lol...
@glenndacara215 4 жыл бұрын
we need a quiz about this, we can basically pinpoint what kind of thinking we are in the game.
@j.chiari4222 4 жыл бұрын
I know I'm just hopeless so
@taffelost6221 4 жыл бұрын
The irony of this video is that you - as a reactionist - made a video from the intellect category ;)
@angelodecock6280 4 жыл бұрын
I used to fall into the intellect category, but with all the new additions, I eventually failed to keep up, and I don't bother much anymore with all the new ships. I do have quite a bit of knowledge on the ships I'm playing though, and when I can bring up my concentration, I can be a strategist, but when playing casually, I'm just a reactionist. Although, I do like my cruisers. I think my all time favorites are pre IFHE rework shchors and IFHE CL mogami, just because strategising in those ships really pays off very well. I actually believe my avg damage in shchors is almost 80k. At this point I can't be bothered becoming an intellect again since WG makes it harder with every update and the benefits are becoming increasingly smaller.
@dcmegacab5115 4 жыл бұрын
thumbs down because the recorded gameplay was choppy af. That was painful to watch. That recording had massive screen stuttering. Good voiceover though. And I agree, it does take work to get good. Alot of work.
@StArShIpEnTeRpRiSe 4 жыл бұрын
There is a 4th part to me. I call it a "teamplayer". It's a combination of all 3. Because you can and should be a strategist and reactionist at the same time. Strategist can plan ahead, but if the other team or your team do something so stupid you must kick off the plans you made and start to play as a reactionist. Good example one of Flamus video. He's an intelect, he played a Yamato, he know that Yamato is good in long range. He planned ahead, but his team choose to push on the other side. He sit there, the enemy team completly ignored him, and he blamed his team as they pushed and died in a focused fire. If he would be this 4th all 3 forged category I mentioned, he would choose to start a push with Yamato and start closecombat, so he could confuse the other team, put them in crossfire, help his team, and maybe, just maybe win the match. A good reactionist can beat a good strategist many times, as a strategist thinking ahead, but when he plan he expect "logical" moves from the other team, and make is plans to counter them. A reactionist not make plans, he adapt to the situation, and if he see a good chance make so crazy moves, the other teams strategist never expect, and never prepared. If you want to be a realy realy good player, you MUST plan ahead like a strategist, and be a great reactionist too, so if your plans collapse you can still do something. In a normal random match, not just your opponents, but even your team can ruin your great strategy, so you must react even to your teams movements. But you also must plan ahead. The best way is to play EVERY CLASS. Carriers, DDs, Cruisers and Battleships. If you learn from all of these classes you're one step closer to be a strategist and reactionist while you'll learn from the game mechanics too. I'm not a great player, but I try to be all of these. Ofc, sometimes I'm too strategist, overthink things, then all of my plans collapse and I don't know how to react, other times I not plan enough before the fight.
@lightninger2206 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think you understand how a strategist works. Your example of Flamu just sitting there is not a strategist. A chess player plans a number of moves ahead and sees different ways the game can go. A strategist would shift his strategy and positioning based on how the battle progresses in real time. Just sitting and letting yourself be ignored is not a strategist in any way.
@StArShIpEnTeRpRiSe 4 жыл бұрын
​@@lightninger2206 I think you don't understand what I said, I know how a strategist works, but a strategist think in logical steps. Even in chess, a chess player think many steps forward, yeah, but if his opponent make a move he thinked the opponent will not gonna do that, he's already in trouble, and in chess he just need to rework his plan, but in real combat, like in Warships he must to be improvise and play reactive. I can agree that Flamu is not a good strategist in that way, but as a huge majority of the playerbase learn from him, I gave him the strategist title.
@lightninger2206 4 жыл бұрын
@@StArShIpEnTeRpRiSe Just because people learn from a person does not make them a strategist. Easy example is you can have pro all star sports players but they don't always make good coaches. You are creating a false equivalency. And yes, you do have to think in real time and improvise as a strategist, and a true strategist should be able to come up with a new strategy for unexpected circumstances, otherwise that's not a true a strategist. A true strategist has alternate outcomes he projects and is always looking for changes in circumstances that needs adapting to.
@BtD_007 4 жыл бұрын
@@lightninger2206 All strategists should be reactionists, but not all reactionists are strategists. I think what he is trying to say, is that Flamu can be a good stratagist (possibly more of an intellect), but is NOT always a good reactionist.
@lightninger2206 4 жыл бұрын
@@BtD_007 I did say in my standalone comment that everyone has to be a reactionist, and adapting to unforeseen circumstances is another level of being a strategist. A strategist has two ways of being a reactionist, situationally in their immediate vicinity like a reactionist, as well as reacting to the changing battlefield. What starship was saying in his original post did not reflect a true understanding of how a strategist thinks.
@DrMacintosh 4 жыл бұрын
Form day one I make a vague idea of what direction I'll go in and then I react to situations as they unfold using the knowledge of target prioritization. It has worked fantastically for me since closed alpha. (58% win rate, 1838 PR, 5.2K battles) I mostly play solo as BBs. I fully agree that playing in this way makes it difficult to become a really good player. But playing this way feels the most fun imo.
@iLoser666 4 жыл бұрын
...Reactionist here. And no, not a good player. I keep getting played as a fiddle by the flow of the battle, not being able to make the proper play when it's called for, and my stats show for it. Zoup, I think you mistake "Reactionists" for players with more of a "Adaptive Response"(?). Take care.
@jhe-vaughnseverin6765 4 жыл бұрын
iLoser same here though I can be a strategist at times
@iLoser666 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Crusader I worked on my situational awareness issues, so do not have that problem. The problem with me is that the baseline plan starts to unravel to the point that I can fucking see that I'm going into the bullshit zone and have hard time adapting, only reacting slightly but still within the Reds play. There is no surprise Blaps for me anymore, if I get my face fucked only thing I say: "The fuck are you doing man?" cuz I saw it coming.
@iLoser666 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Crusader Well you are on the right track seeking advice from players as early as you do. I played for a whole year once it came out of Beta, than a 2 year hiatus and came back just in time for the CV ReeeWork, getting rekt left and right, and THAN I decided: "You know, I kinda suck, need some tips here". After that I steadilly raised my WR from 50 to 53%. Need to cut of some more useless fat and I'll do fine. You get the chance to do it way ahead of time, less cleanup, don't squander it. Have fun. o7
@ZZstaff 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately I suffered brain damage caused by head wounds in combat resulting in memory loss. I will never be able to remember where to shoot every ship for citadels, fires and so on. Merry Christmas.
@10469 4 жыл бұрын
It depends on my mood, And the mission I guess.
@erikje7352 4 жыл бұрын
i am the dumbass who goes to help the ''weak'' side of the map only to discover that after 2 or maybe 3 salvo,s the other 2 players turned away and i am the single one on the whole flank
@JThompify 4 жыл бұрын
Same here
@RipperYou 4 жыл бұрын
No, it is not allright to not want to improve - those players are a liability, toxic addition to their teams and should not be playing multiplayer games.
@leebenson4874 4 жыл бұрын
If you don't think like me then your wrong!!! CONFORM, CONFORM, HI-HITLER. STFU LOL You are not god!!!
@RedRonie 4 жыл бұрын
As a DD main i consider myself a startegist, intellect and survivalist. Reading the battle using the minimap is what i always try to do. And knowing the capabilities of ships is extremly usefull. My intellect mainly goes to knowing my own ship as well as knowing radar and hydro ships and range. AA range, torp range, etc. But i also try to avoid getting stuck in situations where i might get killed. Like reverse into caps. Use islands as get away cover. Knowing when to hold my fire. Using torp lock on only (PT trick). Just trying to survive and being usefull for my team. I like these types of vids. Keep it up Zoup.
@NatsWright 4 жыл бұрын
I certainly started as a reactionary player, and mainly played DD's. What changed me to a budding strategist, was playing Cruisers. You really have to survey the map and think about where to position, do you camp behind an island, do you deny a push in stealth with torpedo's? Do you kite away, dropping HE and setting fires. I have also learned about some of the ships, which I can citadel, which have radar, so I can prioritize targets. Id agree, strategy is the most important quality, and the one I probably favor these days. I wonder how many WoW players enjoyed playing RTS games too, another game type that needs a good map overview and adaptability to react/anticipate an ever changing battlefield
@MrMurphyum 4 жыл бұрын
Im a bit of all three. At the begining strategy - to predict my chances and choose the fighting location accordingly. Reactionist on contact then deffensive play (pussy style) to be less likely to being shot at. Then again strategist when I look around what is going on and also trying to be intellectual to choose the correct ammo type and where to shoot at. In lack of practise Im still suck tho :D
@willytheekid 4 жыл бұрын
iChase??...dat you??? lol ;) Hmmm, yes, but maybe if WG ever took their foot off the "grind for this!!" "recruit that" "power creep engage" BS gas peddles for just ONCE!!, then maybe the playerbase would be seeking more quality!! matches, instead of the current insane drive for quantity! of matches, JUST to ensure that most can meet the latest grind requirements in the short time given...and of course to "try" and ensure they can also stay current & SLIGHTLY competitive with the current REDICULAS!!! power creep and HE meta.(swear Im gonna scream if I hear "Im just hear to get **** for a mission" from a suiciding team mate ONE more time lol) So Yes, Ive also clearly seen the drop off in team performance/skill levels, but I see it as a direct result of WG's aggressive advertising bringing in alot of new players (And with all the Premiums available now they can jump in at ANY level) and the current HE spam meta and power jogging! also seems to be driving alot of the older player base away!. I honestly think its WG that also needs a major refresher video that ask's them clearly "JUST Profits??...or maybe focus on game play & balance some more??" ps I fit none of your player category boxes...ya got any triangles?? about one for half drunk & tired?? 07
@HerrStaale 4 жыл бұрын
@indiexanna 4 жыл бұрын
Intellect is basically just in-game knowledge so I don't think that counts as a type. And with the knowledge (Intellect) you have, you can shift between being a Reactionist and a Strategist depending on the battlefield situation. Situationally, you can go from say 90% strategist 20% reactionist, to 50% strategist 50% reactionist, then to 20% strategist 80% reactionist, and then back to 80% strategist 20% reactionist all in one game.
@DeathsHood 4 жыл бұрын
I'm the "Idiot BB player who thinks the DD, 2 CAs, and 2 BBs following me to push C cap will keep pushing when they see 3 enemy BBs, and gets deleted because they all retreated and I forgot to check the minimap"
@jaredevans8263 4 жыл бұрын
I've been a victim to this several times. That's why Im making an effort of constantly looking around me to see what my team is doing
@DeathsHood 4 жыл бұрын
@@jaredevans8263 I really need to get better at doing that. I find that I stop looking at the minimap as soon as combat starts, then remember to again after it ends, or if I live long enough to retreat. Sometimes other players are helpful and toss out the "Get Back" command, which has saved my bacon a couple times.
@jaredevans8263 4 жыл бұрын
@@DeathsHood most of the time i don't even look at my minimap, i instead visually look around at my surroundings back and forth. The minimap isn't all that good at telling you how fast your teammates or enemies are moving and its just an awful mess to watch people take evasive maneuvers or sudden changes in direction from the minimap POV. I only ever look at the minimap to see "disappeared" players' last known locations and to assess very distant enemies or allies. Other than that i mainly just look around my ship myself.
@greasemonkey6362 4 жыл бұрын
I play to have fun . I try to learn as much as I can about the ships I face, but I have a memory of a tea Bag ( full of Holes ) , my strats often fall apart as you can't judge a random team accurately , cause everyone has a different mind set and thoughts ( some don't think 🤔 ) So I suppose I know a bit and I have a kind of plan , so I am ready to react when I have to . Having Jingles is helping . . yeah I know , his Miss announcing Ship Names has me looking at the mini map lots more and this is helping me as I am a lot more aware of where the Enemy Ships are . Which in turn is helping my strats to improve . . and I am predicting my Reactions better . So for me it's all Hail The Mighty Jingles , and Thank you WG for letting him be Crap 🤗🤗 Have fun out there Captains , I hope you All Have a Blasting Good Day .
@andrewbowman2497 4 жыл бұрын
Hey man 707bigdipper76 here, I gta thank you for this video! I have really been wanting to improve my game, my life is so crazy man, I don't have time to play and develop the skills I "should: have already. I been playN since 2017, but only like once or twice a week! But lately I have time, and it's so frustrating to get into a game and 45 sec's into the game my ship is sunk... I watched some of your Ensign videos and some of Notser's How to play videos and man I'm getting 80K and 100K+ and staying alive thru the entire of the game. So thank you for your help! I truly appreciate all that you Video Hosts do for us players. Keep them coming, and hope you can have a great day!
@ekuryluk 4 жыл бұрын
If I had a better idea of what to do during the first 90 seconds of the game, I’d be a better player. Therefore I’m a reactionist. I’m usually reacting to getting myself out of bad situations. Or just running from some red ship urinating a stream of HE onto my decks.
@FinlayDaG33k 4 жыл бұрын
I primarily play as a strategist but fall back on a reactionist. I tend to make up a strategy, that strategy doesn't work according to plan and I start to have reacting... If my strategy works out, I go hard... else, I'm royally screwed :>
@TheChonaman 3 жыл бұрын
This video was a good watch 2 years ago and unfortunately, it's so out of date it's quite sad. Great players in this game are always going to be great, but the average players are going to be continually crap since they have neither the time nor the inclination to become better. Their *soluzion* courtesy or WG is always going to be *OBTAIN AN OP PREMIUM SHIP DU JOUR*. That's been WG strategy, especially for the last 2-3 years. Obtain it through XP or buy it with cash, etc. It's pretty much the same for WG's bottom line. The SPREADSHEETZ confirm this.
@Battleaxegunner 4 жыл бұрын
Intellect and reactionist. I'm a BB guy, and I love landing those nice, accurate long-range citadels (A bit of a Sniper). It's sooo satisfying. Tanking is fun depending on the BB hull. Tearing foolish DD's apart with 2ndary builds is very satisfying too. Armor too thick? Burn it with HE! Angled? Either shoot the superstructure, pen the deck armor with shell arc trajectory, or burn it with HE. Bow tanking? No problem! Permanently disable its guns (Points at Richelieu), shoot the superstructure, or burn it with HE! Either way, as a good BB player, I'm going to find a way to delete you from the round. Stallinium, German, or Yamato Troll armor will not save you! Sometimes I'll play as a DD, when I'm in a Mischevious mood.
@sethdrost5526 4 жыл бұрын
i think im a strategist-intellect and i LOVE battleships, when i first started the game all the ships stats clicked with me cuze i already knew quite a bit about warships beforehand
@Adplosive 2 жыл бұрын
I used to be pretty reactionary playing IJN torp DDs but as I've played and lead CBs I've become more strategic and an intellect on DDs, CVs and some BBs and cruisers. It's definitely a long process improving but just playing everything gives you an idea how different ships and classes handle and how to counter them. I used to hate cruiser gameplay but I've found my niche in minotaur and venzia. Absolutely love the run and gun, dodging gameplay where it's 1v1 and the best ship wins, nothing more satisfying than out trading a Moskva in a radar minotaur, or winning that ranked game by torping the flanking yoshino and staying angled against the Hindenburg.
@BigWaveDaveO 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the timely vid. With the change in MM in WOWs v8.10 the YOLO, inexperienced player and reactionary are getting punished. Put a good Strat player in a Colbert, Freisland or Somenski and you can just watch them melt a flank. The Meta has changed that you will have to become more of a Strat player if you are going to make it past the 5 min mark in a game. I would put me more as a generalist. I started out as a YOLO and have moved more to Strat and Intel player. Then Clan Battles have really helped to change my thinking to a cap and punish mistakes thinking while Co_op and Event matches have just fueled my love to YOLO.
@chuckles9702 4 жыл бұрын
You forgot the fourth, most MLG category; "RNGJesus is my First Mate" The guy in the cruiser one tier down from yours who left their citadel in a parallel dimension, the guy who sales broadside the entire match, gets 4 kills and has most their health left. The BB player who blindfires into smokes and gets citadels. Everyone else, unicum to scrub; it's just a matter of how much you play and do you know how to shoot.
@carl5381 4 жыл бұрын
you can talk about being reactionary but it's hard to defend these ships as anything more than a gimmick. They are still to meet the WR curves for other cruisers. Don't be a shill. You can make these work, but they are a lot less capable than literally every other cruiser in the game, even early UK cruisers. I have a 60% WR and feel like I'm a capable player. Most of these ships are like making the Krispy Kreme work-it's a pain and that's what the game should not be. This is why you should and probably will never see them in KOTS or Ranked. You can't trade with other cruisers, you just can't. They will overmatch you or have gimmicks to out play you, period. The smoke is easily played around and are quick durations. The torps are sea mines that only work against tomatoes. The Sap is inconsistent. Good AP and top speed is all this ship has. When the bulk of CC's and streamers are all pointing out this garbage, you can't ignore that the argument has at least SOME credibility and you ignore that while you talk about intellectual players. Being intellectual also means pointing out trash when you see it. I don't play a cruiser to sit behind other cruisers as support. I play a cruiser to battle and support DDs and BBs. In an Italian ship, you can't be close support.
@neonlight1214 4 жыл бұрын
Oh I definitely fall into that strategist, I over-analyze things all the time. I fact during the time 2-3 minutes till I come into action zone I think which zone/part will fall, what I will do inbetween the game to stop that, to gain territorial advantage. Sometimes I take risk into not getting in a cap but returning into b to support my teammates to C cap to cripple the majority of their fleet. My weakness would be intellect and reactionist combined, I don't learn from my aiming mistakes, I don't move my mouse correctly onto a moving destroyer, I cant see at the right time to react.. I sometimes shoot the same ship in my Montana and wonder why I ricoshetted its bow... It's just because I analyze the map too much XD!!! Oh and I also hate DDs, they require reactions, I can do strategically good but can't make a good use a reactionist would do in it. I'm more of a cruiser /battlecruiser to BB Player.
@CapitanoAraym 4 жыл бұрын
Strategist, most of the time, here (... just because I started heavily with DDs, and Zoup has his point that helped to "prepare a plan" and "watch the whole map to read the flow") at least if there is a team around that do not run, for example, a stupid lemming train or a camping festival, throwing everything out of the window: then it's inevitable to fall in the tiny spec of Reactionist that I bring with me (if nothing goes as planned, "shot first, ask question later" :P ) It helped to bring and keep my win rate to 56% (not unicum, but neither the bottom of the "food chain") and I'm starting noticing how I can, a lot of the time, predict what the enemy will do or where is going :D I would like to improve the "intellect" part, too, but I'm too old to dive in the "data mining" necessary: experience brought me to generally know the basics of each ships, to know the major weakness and exploit them, on the enemy, if possible, or do not let exploit mine, but NOT going to "study" as "a job" a videogame. I did in the past in other ones, but I'm not more in the general mood to get again that involvement :P (It helps my mental sanity)
@full1049 4 жыл бұрын
Intellectual type. I don't just research about specific ship parameters and their relative strengths, I even test specific aspects on the ships I most play, Shimakaze and Yamato. I even have a "spreadsheet" with tests like their turning radius at different speeds and how much DPM Yamato has on her secondaries at different angles. Also, my experience with DDs and BBs is the opposite, I find that you can be far more reactionary on DDs, while having to be a strategist on BBs. But that may have to be due to specific aspects of the IJN ships. Shimakaze is both the stealthiest tier X DD (5.59km) and one of the fastest, allowing her to contest caps more aggressively than most DDs and adapt on-the-fly to the situation as it unveils. Shima also has room to run Radio Location to further understand how the situation actually is and react preemptively, before the enemy can trap or surprise her. And should she be needed in some other place on the map, she has the speed (unlike, say, Daring) to relocate and react faster than her opposition. Meanwhile, Yamato is the slowest tier X BB in the game and more prone to be locked into an angle than ther opposition due to her unusual citadel. She doesn't have the same freedom to make a 180 turn in dire situations, meaning she has to predict correctly how the battle will unveil to position herself properly. But, at the same time, she has the heaviest guns, armor and torpedo belt, making her a powerful strategic asset when deployed correctly; too hard to outgun her, too hard to push into and very punishing crossfires with her outstanding AP damage, penetration, accuracy and ability to overmatch 32mm armor plating. Finding how to deploy and maximize such assets is hard and can't be done reactively. You also have to make sure that the team will profit from you drawing the enemy's fire and tanking damage. It's just too easy to end eating damage when your team is not threatened, nor in position (or disposotion) to punish the enemy's distraction; when that happens, you made a mistake minutes before you took the first shots. Having started the game playing DDs first, I find myself leaning towards reactionist more than strategist quite often, which is something I still have to overcome when playing Yamato. There are a few too many times when I end thinking like a DD captain in this battleship.
@Rockstone1969 4 жыл бұрын
All three a little bit I guess. O know what my ship is strong and weak against... but generally a reactionist (in these definitions). Since I Got to tier-10 I AM improving... slowly. I do fair amount of damage, but have a hard time not getting myself into trouble. I try to stick close to some teammates but sometimes I either run too far forward or too far in the back... Next big step for me would probably involve joining a clan...
@MrPomomies 4 жыл бұрын
It kinda depends on what kind of pressure I'm in, and what mood I'm in. But in a way I tend to be a "gambler" in a way. This is very reactionist type of approach. I'm forcing a situation which puts me at very high risk of early death withuot achieving much, BUT there is about 50/50 chance that it really pays off, and the enemy collapses around me. And sometimes I just manage to delay the enemys push significantly, which enebles my team to work on the other flank. This is especially when the enemy has stronger force on my side of them map, and we only have weak force there. How ever I do allso play a very strategist type of game. This is exactly what you described, and usually I play this when my team is on losing side, or when I'm not under too much pressure from the enemy. or I know I'm about to die, but I know that if I can "sacrifice" myself, and at the same time cause lot of damage / deaths to my enemy, I forget the staying alive part and cause as much harm to enemy as possible before I die.
@spinningdog2578 4 жыл бұрын
Strategist has its limitations in random battles, random players don't have the same game knowledge and their skill levels are all over the place. And in clan battles, in order to organize as a team we usually have one player making decisions. So I won't recommand aimming to become a strategist if you want to get better at the game. Instead I would recommand working on game knowledge and confrontational skills (aimming, dodging, etc.). Game knowledge --> aimming, dodging --> planning, predicting, map awareness. I think myself would be a mix of intellect and reactionist. I know most of the armor thickness, HE pen values, etc. Knowing where to aim isn't good enough, I'll have to know how to lead my target to make the shot in the first place, and need to properly react to enemy actions if it did not go as planned. Overall I think all three categories are complements of each other. With intellect(game knowledge) being the core/foundation.
@waltershumate5777 4 жыл бұрын
Its been my pleasure to meet one of the last real surviving Battlewagon Skippers! Unfortunately it takes so many years to achieve command of a Capitol ship of that magnitude that Video games are something he wouldn't play... sorta too old. Still, I bet He would make a great "Admiral" looking over a shoulder in this game!!
@khurdur2939 4 жыл бұрын
push when no one is in front of you, kite when pushed, don't show broadside, count enemy BB reload, kill low HP, know what ships you are capable of soloing, practice makes perfect,,,I have been playing this game for 4 years and after 13k battles, I think I am all three,, but I play three hours a day and I just feel the game unravels in front of me
@northernzeus768 3 жыл бұрын
My style of play is what I call the “ grieving process”. It’s starts with denial. I deny that my decision to yolo is terrible. Then it turns to anger. I start clicking buttons and the mouse furiously. Then it turns to denial. I think for just a brief moment that what is happening is just my perception and I will survive. Then bargaining...I start asking for assistance from my teammates hoping they can bail me out. Then acceptance... I realize that I am dead ...that I’m a potato. It’s all my fault and no amount of help will save me.
@bran6374 4 жыл бұрын
I myself am all of the above but least of the reaction ist type but last time I played this game was around the end of 2018 beginning of 2019 so I just seen the game or I mean the players skill base going down hill but I kept a WN8 of around 3500 ish and I mostly play DD's and cruisers and forget about BB's I have nothing nice to say about them cuz I don't play em. But I seen the game heading towards a more fast pace game so I see BB's are gonna be lackluster to cruisers and DD's and they are just ships I see as bait to farm hence the name FarmCat. But the game looks like its leaning towards more of the fast pace and fast shooting type of ships. But I am person that looks forward to being good, no great at games and see myself learning something new everyday and try to make sure my stats go up everyday/game and failing to me is not acceptable and I see its 1 versus 23 players and NEED to look at it like this to be good and if I look at it any other way it ends up in a fail so I never count on another and I get it done myself. But sorry the skill of these players today are a sad excuse and it would really be nice if WG made it so players NEED to go threw classes to teach them how to play the game correctly for each class and there jobs. That would be a wonderful thing to see and I would give up my left nut to see that actually happen in witch we all know it wont 😉 But also the class of the ship you play makes you end up being one of these 3 categories you think ppl fall under or choose to be because playing a BB you mostly need to look at the field and figure where your gonna need to go because they are so damn slow you need to make a plan before even starting. And playing a DD you have a certain job so your forced to play in that certain way or you end up being a trash player and etc, etc, etc...… the same for cruisers and heavy cruisers or gun boat DD's and or Torp boat DD's. But I written down on a writing pad the armor penetrations of the MM of guns and the armor thickness of ships noses and a few other things witch gives me a idea of what im facing and in witch in return I end up storing this info in my brain and I have remembered a hell of a lot of info from this game and oh boy there is a TON to know about this game. Also WG seems to favor Russian ships a BIT more then any other nation. Im guessing people have noticed this by now. This is why I played my Mikhail Kutuzov the most from all my ships 😋 But to see games where the person in the video is the bottom tier ship and they carry and just stomp the enemy team that's where the real games are and the great games. Bottom tier carries is where you find good players looking at it as its more damage to farm and more of a competition and more skill to have to take out the enemy.
@FrankieMankie 4 жыл бұрын
I dont know why people say italian suck, I mean, every tine I play the Zara I deal consistent 5k-6k damage volleys on bbs, and evrry time I see a dd its an easy kill, plus you can spam 10km torps every 60 seconds!!! And your turn rate is great, also really good speed, what else do you want...
@LexieAssassin 4 жыл бұрын
I'm reactionist with a slight side of strategist at the start of the match and that's about it. I normally play DDs / CAs/ CLs, though I do play some BBs too. Though I tend to do poorly in BBs and get a bit frustrated at the long reload times. I like fast units and to switch my brain mostly off and play by instinct alone in pretty much every video game I play. I use video games as an escape from having to actually think.
@dasborke 4 жыл бұрын
I consider myself a Bloodhound, as I constantly sniff out the enemy team and wind up paying in blood.
@antoinehenderson1659 4 жыл бұрын
Well, I'm definitely not an Intellect. I don't know much about most of the ships in this game beyond some generalized knowledge. Given the categories and the descriptions, though, I think I lean more towards the strategist. I play DDs and cruisers the most.
@lucifer7591 4 жыл бұрын
I consider myself a strategist and a brawler player Zoup mate.Many times I have gone in and feet first guns blazing and got my arse kicked.I watch many players and how they play the game and myself are becoming a better player for this I think. Keep the videos coming Zoup I love all the content.😁😁😁
@Ork20111 4 жыл бұрын
Oversigth of a map (you calle a stragetist) is more important for DDs than BBs? I have rarely seen a WOWs video I disagreed so strongly. In a DD you can always use your concealment to disengage and your speed to relocate. If you're in the wrong position in a BB you are in trouble. Having situational awarness and thinking in advance is far more important in a BB.
@TheDinons 4 жыл бұрын
Well say,ali u need Is expiriance,after u play 10 15 k games even more,everthing will come by itself,when u learn how to play,then u will now where to shoot,just find type of ships u like ..
@pikkozoikum8523 4 жыл бұрын
Dunno, I wouldn't go with this categories, because all 3 aspects are important. You go with strategies, know how about ship data and reacting to enemy actions. So I wouldn't say, we have this and that type of player, more "we have this and that aspects in this game, which are important for becoming a good player"
@bodasactra 4 жыл бұрын
So much damage is lost to not using AP on the right spots. Take Smolensk for example. You could pound HE all day at BBs and get tons of damage. You could hit the nose or upper belt with AP and get massive damage in seconds. So many combinations.
@shinnidan 4 жыл бұрын
Me depends on game coop reactionist. Random play its hard to determine I have the mindset to react but when i do I dont do well...i get targeted by half the enemy team. So when playing random games I play aggressive but cautious on where I can go or where they are and what my team is doing. But I have the habit of trusting my team to do their job on their flank ...but 9/10 they fail and find myself being over run on that flank. Hard to get any better when you have 9/10 games like that.
@anderskorsback4104 4 жыл бұрын
If you asked me I'd say I'm a strategist, but I'm not sure my performance lives up to it. I'm a decent destroyer player, but an absolute tomato at cruisers. That said, a very useful classification of player types. Only thing I would add is that strategist and reactionist are not necessarily a dichotomy. Strategy is largely on the macro level, reaction is on the micro level in the moment. Thus, the ideal player would probably be one who follows an overall game plan as a strategist, who executes it as a reactionist in the moment, and makes both strategic decisions and reactions based on minute knowledge about individual ships and their capabilities.
@Verdha603 4 жыл бұрын
Ideally you would be a mixture of all three, being able to utilize skills from all three groups to pull your weight. I'll admit up front I mostly play Random matches, so my strategy literally is just me looking at the roster, where ships on my team are positioned and moving, and picking the best group to support (due to mostly playing cruisers). Strategies that tend to go out the window and swaps over to reactionary to deal with contact with the enemy, since it goes anywhere from we curbstomp them at first contact or they do that to us. As for intellect, I still have a ways to go, because even though I have general ideas of what lines are good at what (ie I know that Harugumo is a gunboat and wont be dropping torps at me all game long, whereas a Shimakaze what hasn't been spotted in over two minutes is a major problem) but I'll readily admit my problem is I am well aware of the strengths and limitations of the ships I play, while still constantly trying to learn about what others ships that aren't mine are able to pull off.
@SithLordmatthew 4 жыл бұрын
I prefer battleships because it is a thinking mans ship your rate of fire is so low you have to be constantly be planning your next savo and knowing what will take you out of the game and avoid taking the bait. I like cruisers with reloads of 10-20 seconds which gives you time to scan the mini map and figure out who is going to need help 2 mins from now and place yourself where you can be most effective. I love brawling at 3-5 km ranges I am right at home with that I love flanking and tying down 3-5 ships by myself for the match. I can't stand sitting in smoke or behind and island shooting every 2 seconds. I do not know every weakness of every ship but sure know most of them I know their gun ranges I know their torp ranges I know which ones too shoot above the water line for a cit. I am still at a loss with the smolensk weak spot Only time I have ever deleted one with was with a Montana with a spotter over and island and that was plunging fire but normal BB rounds do nothing to it.
@kevinc.3579 4 жыл бұрын
Sorry Zoup, you’re wrong on pretty much everything you said in that video there’s two types of players: the brain dead scrubs who spam HE......and everyone else
@gerryharvey2237 3 жыл бұрын
Just starting in this game have like 230 battles grinding the German battleships about to get the Bismarck, and I always begin with an strategy that goes south very fast due to players who only push & push regardless of the amount of enemy ships in front of them, suddenly you are a reactionist like it or not. like your style straigth to the point no BS like it is!!!
@christopherwilson6724 4 жыл бұрын
I will answer your question if you answer mine. Strategist then reactionist when the shooting starts. Intellect with knowing some of the ships weak spots and potato when I cannot hit the weak spots I know exists. My question is your classification system of good/great/unicom when you state you don't like stats. If you use stats what numbers do you use for classification and if you don't like stats how do you judge your quality of play?
@bereanheartgaming4439 4 жыл бұрын
I am a BB/DD main. I lean toward a reactionist/strategist mix. Nearly 1k games in a Kami-R. Still not the greatest player, though.
@KekzEdition 4 жыл бұрын
I consider myself an intellect in WoT I am working at it in WoWs, but it's a lot harder and I didn't play enough games at the point now I am somewhat of everything I guess: at the beginning and in some situations I look for the greater scheme, in direct combat I react to enemies, using the knowledge I have about their ships, but forget the things about around me in these situations so yeah, I am a mix of all 3
@XD-bx6ee 4 жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie but the description of the intellectual was a complete surprise to me, really didn't see this one coming, and consider myself one. But all in all i gotta say is that an intellectual step by step, slowly but efficiently, develops into a strategist, or basically the strategist emerges by himself, I mean, obviously, if you know what are the strengths of your ship and the weaknesses of the enemy of course you're going to exploit them
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Рет қаралды 43 М.