The Carnivore Diet, Reversing Disease, & Revolutionizing the Healthcare System with Dr. Shawn Baker

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Dominic Fusco

Dominic Fusco

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@JennifertxCarnivore 10 ай бұрын
Dr. Baker is my carnivore doc and has helped me so much! Carnivore has healed so much for me! I started off carnivore in hopes to reverse my fibrocystic breast masses that have built up over 6 years eating half a dry skinless chicken breast piece a day with half cup of broccoli and little bit of wheat noodles. We are told don’t eat very much meat- so the world is almost vegan just about. I would eat red canbbage too- cooked it and ate cabbage about 3 times a week. That was about it. So I was mainly chicken, broccoli, and little wheat noodles. So from age 40-46 I started getting all that “aging” health issue mess- and the fibrocystic breast “disease” started and kept building up! When I hit age 46 I was done with it! The fibrocystic masses were getting me scares- and I started getting huge painful breast cysts too! One was around 2” long and 1” wide! Docs would say, “we don’t know what causes fibrocystic breasts disease” and “fibrocystic breasts is now normal because everyone is getting it” and “fibrocystic breast could turn into cancer” and “there is nothing you can do for fibrocystic breasts” and “diet doesn’t cause fibrocystic breasts!” I was gaining weight too and by summer of 2022 I hit perimenopause at age 46 and got every symptom you could think of. My joints were hurting too, no sleep at night, dizzy at times, it was ridiculous! I know it had to be diet! Little did I know that all the other health issues I had all my life, in addition to this mess listed above, was all due to diet! I went searching online and found the truth of my fibrocystic problem! Found out cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, and asparagus) are all cruciferous veggies that block natural iodine absorption found in foods! And if you become depleted in iodine it messes up your thyroid which controls all- even hormones! And all organs need iodine including breasts! They swell if you are deficient! And I read these cruciferous veggies can cause cancer due to lack of iodine in body since they block absorption! Bingo! We are all being told to eat cruciferous veggies, that they can prevent cancer, and to eat lots of it including broccoli!! But in fact they are causing cancer and I truly feel it is causing all the fibrocystic breast cases that have been escalating lately that we are seeing! When I post about this and ladies write back saying they too had fibrocystic breasts, I ask, “do you eat cruciferous veggies, especially broccoli” and they all have said, “YES!” I did more research and found carnivore! I Jumped right in! In 6-8 weeks I lost 45 pounds! My perimenopause reversed! In fact don’t even get PMS symptoms and my cycle is perfectly paced! And so much more reversed that I started writing it down! And yes, my fibrocystic breast masses shrank! I share my progress because I want people to see how carnivore can heal so much and most of these things are commonly healed for many, not just me! I want to help and this is how I do- by sharing. No I am not paid to do this, I just want to help people see and be aware of what carnivore can do! I do update this list as I have been on carnivore (more lion diet version) for 1 year, 2 months, and 1 week now. I feel this has helped so many decide if they should try carnivore. I always say go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry- my three most favorite doctors. They are truly amazing! I call them my carnivore doctors! ☺️ * No more perimenopause- completely reversed! *Period cycles all timed perfect with 4 week intervals.And no PMS symptoms, but only the actual menstrual cycle itself! *No more night sweats *No more waking every 2 hours at night! *It used to take me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep at night when I would first go to bed at night- before carnivore. Now it takes like a minute or less. Haven’t noticed since I am out fast! *No more life long eczema *No more cold hands (may have been Reynold’s disease, never diagnosed.) *No more cold body temp in general! Used to feel like a reptile - only warm in texas sun. (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.) *No more IBS symptoms (gas, bloating, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea) *No more feeling low energy by 12pm and zombie by 4pm *No more purple looking hands in winter (may have been Raynaud’s disease, never diagnosed.) *No more brain fog *No more arthritis that I felt in hands, knees, and hips- or elbows *used to have sore hips when sleeping on my side. No more! *Lost 45+ pounds from former baby weight and peri menopause weight. *Always had 20/20 vision with slight stigmatism- but in March doctor said my stigmatism is reversing! *Don’t sunburn as easily anymore and tan well. *Wrinkles around eyes seem to be much less. I am 47 and look like I am in early 30’s. *Gums look super healthy. Dentist seems irritated as my teeth are not dirty when cleaning every six months. Think they know they won’t make money off me. *No more sore chest from monthly periods- no swelling feeling of fullness or discomfort that prevented me from sleeping on my stomach. Now I sleep every night on my stomach! *Fibrocystic Breast issues reversing! Almost all gone after 6 years of buildup! *no cravings unless they are for meat *no more angina symptoms before a period- which started about 3 years ago. *No more feeling weak like almost passing out and dizzy around ovulation and periods when walking around. * no more fingers swelling- that started a few years ago- rings kept being tight- is pattern I noticed. One ring I had resized larger and it’s super loose now. Will have to resize smaller. *feel stronger- now lifting barbells not just hands weights. Dr. Baker said since I am 46, and 5’7” at 122lbs- need more resistance training to add more muscle weight. . So bought a 47lb barbell off Amazon and have 90 extra pounds added to it. Will continue to progress with that. *Before carnivore- i had started growing grey hairs in one of my eyebrows, few hairs at a time, but no grey in my blonde hair yet - but assumed it was coming. Now on carnivore I have had no new grey hairs growing in eye brows and still no grey hair in my natural blonde hair. And in the sun it gets super light highlights. * no more body odor! * I used to get a little anxiety with large crowds- like if attending special events- but since on carnivore I don’t get it that much. *I was a bit OCD before carnivore, but so much more relaxed so barely like that. * I was a relaxed person before, but somehow am even more relaxed and never stress about things. *Since I was a young child my sense of smell has been terrible. But not even a month in on carnivore my sense of smell has gone crazy! I smell things even far away! Amazing! *no more allergies! I was allergic to cedar and oak pollens- and mold- but since carnivore I am no longer reacting to those outdoor pollens which is amazing! * I have had no more issues from ear wax build up. Had it twice after having kids and docs would say it was a hormonal problem. Carnivore cured that too! *Veins in my arms look healthier. They were almost invisible before. *Legs no longer hurt on longer road trips or plane rides! *I used to get a popping sounds in my right shoulder when lifting weights. Was probably a pulled ligament. That is now gone! *I have been lactose intolerant since I was a kid, and I feel my nails are a bit stronger than before. They do break if I catch them on things but I feel they are getting stronger on carnivore. *My teeth look more white on carnivore. *My blood pressure has improved on carnivore. 6 years before carnivore up to starting carnivore my blood pressure was increasing. Now on carnivore it is back to normal like when I was younger. Last reading it was 100/75 which is awesome! *i used to get eye twitches in my eye lids, but that is gone. * at times when trying to fall asleep I would close my eyes and at times felt dizzy like falling feeling or spinning. But haven’t has that since I have been on carnivore for 12 months. *the skin on the heals of my feet are no longer cracked and dry! *little leak from sneezing or coughing that ladies get from estrogen dominance is gone on carnivore! Hormones balanced so no more estrogen dominance! *The top inner corner of both my larger toes have felt a little numb for years. Never had it diagnosed. But being 1 year on carnivore I no longer feel that numbness! My nerves have healed in that spot on both toes! Crazy! *My slightly receding gums behind my center bottom front teeth have rebuilt so gums all over are super healthy! I have flossed daily for years, but gums look even healthier! *my skin on my face isn’t as oily as it used to be. *My hair used to be super oily if not washed daily, but carnivore has regulated my hair so I can now go days without having to wash it- doesn’t get oily after one day like before! (Newest update added!) So there you go! ☺️ I hope this helps people on their journey to fins out what works for them! Carnivore is working for everyone that tries. Go watch Dr. Baker, Dr. Chaffee, and Dr. Berry! And go visit Kerry’s channel at Homesteadhow! We love him too! ☺️
@foxfox9845 9 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for taking irreplaceable time to write this information. Brooklyn NY✨
@JennifertxCarnivore 9 ай бұрын
@@foxfox9845 absolutely! ☺️ To me it was worth the time as it is helping other people. ☺️
@tomfish1285 10 ай бұрын
Fellow veteran here. Thank you for your inspiration.
@WendyWzOpinion 10 ай бұрын
I’m 51, and after 104 days on carnivore, I’ve lost 21 lbs, blood pressure back to normal, feeling more energy than I had 20 years ago, bloodwork improved in every category… I’m never hungry and I keep getting healthier?! I’m a believer, dudes!
@northerncoloradotransparen1454 10 ай бұрын
I am 59 and eat piles of fruit daily easily 5 pieces sometime 6, 7, and 8 pieces, lot's of beans, rice, and potatoes too. Oh beans and rice the perfect protein? How is it that I am not gaining weight? I thought all of the fruit was fattening and loaded with sugars? .... LOL hmmm... intramyocellular lipids functioning well? Protein Biosynthesis? Sure is a lot of confusion about health and longevity
@mariamunguia8863 10 ай бұрын
I try to get my sons and daughter to eat mostly meat And they are just so hard to convince they keep saying, but don’t we need the salad don’t we need the veggies don’t we need the bread? But I will not give up on them. They all have Health issues that are starting to show and I blame myself because when they were little, I would almost forced them to eat their veggies and salads and I have to convince them to do the opposit now. Thank you Dr. Shawn Baker, for talking to young people like this host to get the word out.
@dcspaniel 10 ай бұрын
Shawn Baker is awesome as always. Thank you for the interview.
@daxc1972 10 ай бұрын
Carnivore since September 23. Lost 45lbs that I did not need. People need to wake up and see that chronic diseases are due to a large part to diet of processed food.
@spirulina3924 10 ай бұрын
True it is due to processed food. And due to refined sugar, thermophilic yeast in bread, not being earthed enough anymore (check out Earthing health benefits), tap water instead of spring water or clean, hexagonal structured water - nowadays many humans lack water intracellular!, not enough proper exercise, too much food at the wrong time (fasting periods are healthy but not for women per se in their last part of cycle cause at that time they need enough carbs to produce progesterone) and low vibes literally from TV and such. It keeps humans in frequencies of fear and scarcity and your frequency creates your life experience. Aging is merely a self-fulfilling belief in the morphogenetic field of humanity. Humans are complex energetic beings, They need clean and energetic proper water and clean air.
@spirulina3924 10 ай бұрын
eating parts of exploited for their fluids and flesh and killed animals keeps you in vibration of being exploited and a victim eating dogs shit is source of vitamin B12 why not eating that? because it's not necessary is it?
@spirulina3924 10 ай бұрын
look up DMSO for reducing pain and sickness (mixed with clean water applied on skin and you can drink it mixed with lemon juice to reduce garlic smell) and MSM (organic sulfur) health benefits and Borax - Bor
@AbirTarafdar 10 ай бұрын
Great stuff!
@jayhoggard92 10 ай бұрын
Been full carnivore for 2 yrs. Never going back.
@dieselbourbon3728 10 ай бұрын
Yep. It works.
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
best athletic fuel is fruit and running on one's fat inbetween the meals :) No worries about nutrients and such as we can se on Eli Martyr for 7+ years now :)
@JackAtkins-xz5wi 10 ай бұрын
Every weapon on earth will be surrendered to me and nobody else...
@kelleemerson9510 10 ай бұрын
Keeping your muscles strong as you grow older is a good idea, but I don't find big body builder muscles attractive. Little fat to show your normal muscles looks good IMHO.
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
Dr. Anthony Chaffee knees are stil destroyed from bone on bone arthritis while being a long time carnivore :) How ? Should he be the superman he says he used to be (no more proof of that today :)) ?
@Elijah8890 10 ай бұрын
Come on you not only doing carnivore but steroids too
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
REVERO also allows for plants, and their therapeutic benefits :) How's that for a contradiction ? REVERO asks for a ton of money for the promise of yet another fix :) What is wrong with this image ? :)))
@northerncoloradotransparen1454 10 ай бұрын
time is short pal. Your not going to see 70 due to massive ignorance
@Astronurd 10 ай бұрын
You definitely ain't eating plants 😂.
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
A piece of wood / a tree is far more nutrient dense and nutrient rich than meat :) No living organism would change the natural species specific diet because of the nutrient profile for which science is needed (with all its flaws). Humans were so close to dying they started eating meat and slowly adapting to it. But before that they were plant eaters and mostly fruitraians with no desire nor need for the flesh of animals. Nature is still telling us to eat fruits and do not kill. Just ask any baby :) But no, we need to how Nature who's boss :)
@rtay0311 10 ай бұрын
You go eat some wood for 30 days. Come back let us know how it goes
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
@@rtay0311 That's all you got from that :))) ??? How about answering why humans are the only creaturs having to eat cooked foods and never really being healthy as a species in ways no wild organism is experiencing :)
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
So he quit his medical career to be a brute and play brute sports :) No wonder :) How much of a doctor is he really ?
@dieselbourbon3728 10 ай бұрын
Obsess much?
@adriangabrielgramada1016 10 ай бұрын
yet another victim :)
@spirulina3924 10 ай бұрын
quote from @swimm3r137 vor 1 Jahr "I've been vegan for nearly 10 years. I'm also a man whose felt and dealt with these feelings of inadequacy, stemming from what Vlad calls "weakness and strength." Now, I will say this -- he is somewhat*** correct, but let me explain first. Veganism, invariably, if you stick with it long enough, it literally causes you to FEEL more. You become more sensitive to life, but do you lose strength? No. You lose aggression. Aggression, most people think, is synonymous with competitiveness, and many people think you need the the first for the other. But that's a fallacy. Being able to feel more (this literally happens as you become cleaner, internally) is sometimes constrated as weakness or feminine. This isn't true, but it certainly seems so based on gender norms and the lies people believe as it relates to masculinity and femininity. In sum, what I'd like to say is this -- when you become vegan, you literally become less competitive and less primal. You become less like a dog -- less primal, and only sex obsessed -- because meat acts like a stimulant in the body, and you absorb this in the blood stream. But when you go vegan, you're not spayed and gentle -- you just change. You lose interest in stupid ass shit like making money and keeping up with jones, and more concerned and connected with life. Could I still go to war? Sure. Could I fight if someone touched my girl? Sure. The argument that skipping meat and dairy-- both toxic substances -- destabilizes mankind and makes humans less is backed by nothing but fear. Does cocaine make you more alert? Does drinking coffee make you perform better on exams? Does viagra allow you to have better sex? Sure, but there is consequences associated.."
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