The Creepiest Unsolved Mystery in Monster Hunter

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Maki GS

Maki GS

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@Blaze_1012 Жыл бұрын
I think he's the same person throughout the series. Most of the quest descriptions regarding him makes it sound like he's bored, and seeking entertainment from the hunters. It could also be interprited as though he's preparing the hunters for some sort of calamity. Filtering out those who are worthy to take on whatever he sees coming. The magazine story indicates he wants us to know of Fatalis' existence; however, no one will listen. As much as I want to know who he is, I'm more curious about what he knows that we don't.
@reallycantthinkofausername487 Жыл бұрын
I really don't like the idea of some guy living for 1,000 years
@spacemegalodon5049 Жыл бұрын
@really can't think of a username right now sorry if he is a wyverian he could live to be 1,000 years old.
@reallycantthinkofausername487 Жыл бұрын
@@spacemegalodon5049 was it ever stated how long wyverians can live for? I always assumed it was maybe 400-500 years. If he's that old he must be like 2 inches tall
@spacemegalodon5049 Жыл бұрын
I don't know how long they normally live. I'm just guessing based on how the wyverian characters aged in mh stories 2. In that game we saw a human going from a preteen to an old man while the wyverians look exactly the same. It might not be completely accurate since that game has rajangs hatching from eggs, but it's the only thing I can think of that gives us an idea about how long their lifespan is.
@anonymouswhite7957 Жыл бұрын
@@reallycantthinkofausername487 The maximum is around 400 yeah, but they have subspecies iirc (like his immenseness). So some probably can live longer than that and still look pretty normal (as in not squeezed so much). another possibility is he’s just some humanoid that harnessed certain monster ability to become immortal. Maybe in similar way hunters used fatalis armor and slowly become consumed by it, turning into a new fatalis.
@kingofflames738 Жыл бұрын
He's apparently a cut NPC in the first game. He had a quest chain that rewarded you with the also cut "Guild Founder's Pendant"
@kingofflames738 Жыл бұрын
@UCxCGN9k1JG5mOK5M1NMv8NA BannedLagiacrus mentioned it during his guest appearance on the Third Fleet Podcast.
@monkybros Жыл бұрын
first game as in MH1 or MHG? both regional releases of MH1 have a "Wise Queen" requestor for the Wyverns of Land and Sky hunt, and there are no gaps in the internal item list in mh1 or mhg like mh2 has
@technodude458 Жыл бұрын
well damn
@votpavel Жыл бұрын
so pendant in one, earrings in another, they wanted you to get the whole set throughout these games
@darkshadowx07 Жыл бұрын
Scarlet Mystery Man could be not a person but a group like the "merry men", whose members are placed globally to properly track down dangerous monsters.
@zerozyra0 Жыл бұрын
My thoughts exactly
@phantomgoblin5540 Жыл бұрын
A barbershop quartet of Scarlet mystery men
@MordredStarfall Жыл бұрын
@@phantomgoblin5540 Scarletshop Quartet
@Virjunior01 Жыл бұрын
That's what I was thinking, as the attitudes in the quest descriptions got very different Yukumo Village, even saying "please."
@mrbigglezworth42 Жыл бұрын
You can never expect...THE SCARLET INQUISITION! Their chief weapon is surprise.
@Sunaki1000 Жыл бұрын
Scarlet was probably not in the new World, therefore couldnt gave requested anything from them. And for his age, he might be just an old Wyverian.
@LucentMoonlight Жыл бұрын
Such an interesting character, and we don't even know what he looks like. My personal theory is that there is a secret resistance against the guild, and the Scarlet Mystery man is a mole inside the guild. In MHWI, when you take on the Alatreon quest, they mention that the guild burned all the records of Alatreon because they feared that information going public. My guess is this secret resistance is potentially survivors of the Schrade incident (or descendants of survivors) and they're not happy that the Guild is trying to just cover it up and move on. The Scarlet Mystery Man is finding the strongest hunters and potentially recruiting them (You never hear about any of your previous hunters or their feats in the next game). A more cryptic factor is that he might have some sixth sense of foresight or getting visions of the future, and he's seeing a great calamity that no one is prepared for. And this resistance wants to make the black dragons public knowledge in the hopes that more people will stand against the calamity and the guild.
@nathanielvargas1206 Жыл бұрын
I've never considered that. At most, you will hear of "a great hunter", referring to past player characters, but ONLY from people who knew them directly (village chiefs, smithies, the Caravaneer, etc). Outside of this, I don't recall so much as a whisper of the deeds of the other hunters...
@technodude458 Жыл бұрын
honestly this theory makes the most sense
@Asriel_Cypher Жыл бұрын
That would be an interesting secret plot in the entire MH franchise. It does make sense in an narrative perspective. That they might just want people to know when the Guild burned records. Like... Why would they burn the records? Knowledge is power and I think this Scarlet Man knows it. So they want people to know and learn, then improve. They have to rise above. Probably better than the previous generations or the previous civilizations.
@jakejohnson718 Жыл бұрын
My theory is kinda like yours, but instead it's a secret black ops division of sorts of the hunter's guild, which is why they're one of the few with knowledge of the black dragons, I mean, it makes sense tbh, the guild wouldnt just post quests from people actively working against them. it's main reason for being formed is to hire elite hunters (I.e the saphire star of MHW) solely to make sure the most dangerous monsters are kept in an endangered state to make sure the world isnt doomed from having too many of them, or in some cases straight exterminating them, I mean, 2 of SMM's (abbreviating scarlet mystery man to just SMM to save time) most frequent monsters for their quests is alatreon and fatalis, as for the different personalities, I believe it is because operatives under the black ops division go under the identity of SMM, I mean it sure would be an issue for people under this black ops division to ACTIVELY use their actual names, as for why they potentially don't show up in world? I think it's because people where starting to get suspicious, so they had to go into hiding, or were more focussed on something MORE DANGEROUS than fatalis, as for some of the quests that make no sense for the goal I mentioned (I,e the best of the best) ? I believe it's how they recruit hunters to this black ops division
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
What if the Scarlet mystery man is that wyverian you see at the end of the monster hunter movie looking down on the characters fighting a gore Magala?
@studiodevilry8412 Жыл бұрын
Scarlet mystery man being a first wyverian would make sense. His quests reminds me of the first wyverian in the Ancient Forrest who tests your skills to see if you're worthy of taking on Zorah Magdaros.
@harryguidotti3815 8 ай бұрын
For me, the strangest thing about Scarlet Mystery Man is when he says he 'prepares' or 'arranges' certain quests. Sure, the 2 Rajang quests make some sense. The guild captures Monsters for Arena fights all the time, so why can't he? But... He says he arranges fights between the Hunters and Elder Dragons... That can't be possible. Nobody can just control where an Elder Dragon will arrive. Especially not those like Fatalis or Alatreon. If he just predicts where they'll be, that makes sense, but then why choose such specific wording?
@lukeroberson2115 8 ай бұрын
I mean, you could say the Guild arranges quests. Arraging could just mean he funds the quest. While I don't believe he's just some guy, there is a natural explanation for such phrasing.
@marsphoenix1359 Жыл бұрын
On that "Fatalis in human form", what if its not so literal? The Scarlet Mystery Man could be a member of a cult who worships the black dragons and that's why he gives missions to the hunters - to prepare them as offerings to the Black Dragons. Because only the strongest could sate them and their desire for a challenge. If the hunter wins, then it is because the Black Dragon saw someone worthy of their 'blessing' (armour and weapons) and thus prevents the destruction the dragon would have caused seeking out their challenge on their own. If one sees him/them as a cult who seeks to keep their dark god *sealed* through sacrifices, then I think his actions make a bit more sense. And thus, the Scarlet Man is their seer/prophet, i.e. the one who can tell if the dragons are awakening.
@soraudagawa3022 Жыл бұрын
The fact that he's able to put the quests he does and get them accepted by the guild definitely means the guild knows who he is and has some respect for him.
@adhdasdfroflxd123 Жыл бұрын
"Hey i was wondering how many teeth a gore magala has so can you hunt one for me so i can count them" Guild: "approved, we'll get a hunter on it!"
@adhdasdfroflxd123 Жыл бұрын
"Can you slay a teostra so i can touch its paws?" "Hey i wanna make plushies out of a nargacuga so can you kill 2 for me?" "My boyfriend said a khezu's neck isn't long, i'll show him long" Guild: "yes"
@cantaro5958 Жыл бұрын
@@adhdasdfroflxd123 lmao that’s true
@soraudagawa3022 Жыл бұрын
@@adhdasdfroflxd123 True haha, still, even then he must be somewhat important, rich or something like that.
@joelrobinson5457 Жыл бұрын
Freaking "it's me again" looking for inspiration. Fr though, its probably just the guild allowing it as its a way to kill 2 birds with one stone and not have to pay as much
@countcrocodile1115 5 ай бұрын
I find it funny how everyone tries to give an "in-verse" explanation that makes him up to be an actual character we may eventually meet rather than the obvious route as he is simply an easter egg character. The Scarlet Mystery Man has all possible hints of being either the devil or a demon: He's , lived for hundreds of years, he is obscure yet knowledged on topics the guild is completly on the dark about, he speaks poetically and even in some level of reverence when he speaks of the black dragons, he sends you to fight against only the hardest monsters out there, beast royalty if you will, he speaks of the black dragons as "those feared even by the gods" or "those feared by the heavens", and he either speaks of these quests as if they were trials of survival, or events of upmost importance and exelence, such as dances with royalty. So, he's a seemingly inmortal, seemingly knowing of the obscure guy, who speaks elegantly, sends you on "hellish" quests against the "kings of beasts" an speaks about creatures that "scare gods and heaven" as if they were figures of importance in a ball/dance while what they are is basically a fight to the death. With all these in mind, it seems obvious that he is the devil or a demon at least, and his presence being used to just send u on the hardest quest the devs can think of seems like just a playful easter egg, after all high difficulties in games can often bear the tittles of "hellish" or "demonic". This would also explain why he disappeared in MHW onwards, before MHW the franchise was rather niche and World's entire purpose as a game was to bringford the series into the mainstream, with this mysterious character being used as a meere wink that the quest will be hard yet having enough mystery behind it to have people thinking he may eventually be part of one of the game's story or the over all lore it makes sense for Capcom to simply remove him, since he was never meant to be more than a lil easter egg.
@goth-_-880 4 ай бұрын
you do realize monster hunter guild still operates on a standard fantasy guild system where someone goes there and says "got this monster causing trouble" "I need certain amount of this plant/shrooms/etc". Scarlet Mystery Man is a literal man that shows up to the guild saying there is a black dragon somewhere or even making use of the guild arena for the Rajang quest
@countcrocodile1115 4 ай бұрын
@@goth-_-880 you do realise you wrote a whole ass nothingburger that disproves nothing of what i said? and even did so incorrectly by starting with a question yet never leaving the mark? seriously what even is your point?
@PhaseCIV 4 ай бұрын
@@goth-_-880 ​ @countcrocodile1115 has a point. You disproved nothing of what he said. ALSO they are all just theories anyways, so what's the harm in guessing a little bit. :/
@ilhamadigunawan5264 Жыл бұрын
My first thought after watching this video is, maybe the scarlet mystery man is a wyverian, maybe a higher up in the guild, who has much information about all this dangerous monster (either through resonate or other kind of information gathering), but can't really put out the info because it'll stir the world to chaos. So the easiest thing to do is to put out a quest as this mysterious man, so the information will be scattered throughout the world, but also will get picked up by hunters who also curious about all of this. This also help masking his trail for common folk as "this crazy dude putting crazy quest" by mixing up fantastical, made up word with actual facts. People, or even hunters will shrug and laugh it off after seeing "i prepared 2 rajang for you". This also explain why there are a lot of "red dressed" person in the lore, all of it is the same person with different alias. Even so, why go though all the hassle? Maybe because the "self important people" third fleet master mentioned prevented all this kind of info to get out into the public, hence the alias and the misdirection. I know all of this is reaching and none have any basis or actual explanation. Hell, maybe the devs don't even think it that much. But man theorizing is fun.
@kitchengun1175 Жыл бұрын
I like the idea of him being like, His Immenseness's right hand man, the EDOT's expert scout for finding the right hunters to slay the things nobody else can know about
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
Man, I hope we get to see the Scarlet mystery man again and this time, it will be the admiral of MH 6
I'm mostly surprised he didn't ask us to hunt the dire miralis in third gen or fourth gen gogmazios
@Maki-GS Жыл бұрын
yeah I was expecting dire miralis too.
@anton6495 Жыл бұрын
Well I think he won't ask about gog because he's only in dundorma and he asks about monsters that are not in towns
@lucineidecarvalhodeoliveir5566 Жыл бұрын
@@anton6495 plus he isnt a black dragon (despite what certain people may tell you)
@johncronk8867 Жыл бұрын
Gogmazios was also sort of right there, actively sieging the city.
@isee4528 Жыл бұрын
@@lucineidecarvalhodeoliveir5566 he is in fact black color, but not classified as black elder dragon
@dima_keller 8 ай бұрын
I like the idea of Fatalis turning into a human, seeking the strongest hunter and pitting them against strong monsters to test them and challenging them after, so when Fatalis is slain a hunter will make armor out of it and turn into Fatalis with time, becoming a new strong vessel for the dragon. 100% not smth Capcom would do and probably not smth we want to be true, but hey at least it sounds cool and ties some bits of interesting lore together 😅
@taleteller4266 Жыл бұрын
I think the scarlet mystery man is a veteran hunter turned guild knight. Being a guild knight, let alone a veteran hunter, it would make sense that he would know about the black dragons, probably even slayed one. As for why he has these quests he makes for us, I think it is because he is tasked with finding hunters that the guild thinks can combat those crazy powerful monsters.
@alferrbidelspatch158 10 ай бұрын
My thoughts of scarlet mystery man's absence in world and ice borne, is because he is not in the new world. So maybe he has no knowledge about the new world as of that time.
@vicvik5305 Жыл бұрын
So you know how some quests in MHW are given by an unnamed guy who's "name" is stuff like "hey, it's me!" , "it's me again!" , etc. Perhaps he is the scarlet mystery man
@roposhipin Жыл бұрын
If Scarlet Mystery Man did have successors....what if they were the player? it could explain the vast knowledge of the rare species monsters as well as the slightly different wording for the quests given in each game (some sounding as if he's preparing the player hunter, others sounding as if he's annoyed/wants to challenge the player hunter etc.) the player hunter being able to survive and complete the quests could be a "rite of passage" so to speak, narrowing down those who'd be worthy of being passed the red cloak. Tis but a thought :Oc Very cool video though! It was very interesting to listen and watch! I had forgotten how much lore was in the games hahaa :'''D
@reallycantthinkofausername487 Жыл бұрын
That would also mean that canonically every hunter who has managed to save the village in an MH game is a guy, because there's no scarlet mystery woman
@moldyshishkabob Жыл бұрын
@@reallycantthinkofausername487 That is assuming that "man" here is actually referring to a male and not simply a "human". An individual wrapped in scarlet robes stops by the Guild Gal and drops by a mysterious note with a request...
@NekuroMC Жыл бұрын
my thoughts are the same he would be stopped by the guild members if a suspicious man in red shows up in guild and gave information about black dragons he could be a very well known retired skilled hunter or maybe the player is canonically in game but it's like legend of zelda all players are using the same Link but with different name and appearance just for the sake of giving reason to who the mystery man is but of course that still doesn't explain how and when he discover those monster because as we know assuming the mystery man is the Player, He is a Human
@DDracee Жыл бұрын
i doubt every "player" shared the same "holier than thou" personality
@meideiocre Жыл бұрын
@@DDracee if this were the case, if every player did take over the mantle of the scarlet mystery man, they more than likely act in the way that their predecessors did in order to make it seem like it's the same person.
@leonides1527 Жыл бұрын
You'd think the guild would see these quests and go "what the fuck is this guy smoking?"
@Hi-eb1rx 6 ай бұрын
On one of the mr ranks on the mhw iceborne dlc, Might Muscle Monkey Madness, the client is, “It’s me”
@hollow3450 Жыл бұрын
It seems to me that the scarlet mystery man isn't a individual, it's a group of people. Maybe a cult of some sort. After all the personality of the quest descriptions he gives seems to be different all the time, sometimes just slightly but sometimes by a lot. Sometimes they are chalanging you, sometimes they are training you, and sometimes they seem to simply enjoy sending you on quests. And he also seems to be at the different locations at the same time. It also seems like they are trying to prepare the hunters for something. For what? Maybe fatalis, or something we don't know of yet, since they seem to know more then the guild. That's just my take of it though.
@degeneratewithasideoftidep6795 Жыл бұрын
It might be the fabled Fatalis with 6 horns that we’ve only ever seen in Frontier
@Dan-Ky-Kang 7 ай бұрын
It is semmingly conveneient that we always loose information on dangerous monsters whenever they appear. Like, the dialogue just before Alatreon in MHW, if I remember. The books containing more information on Alatreon are said be "suddenly" burnt for "no reason".
@NicholasDarling Жыл бұрын
It probably started as just an easter egg for people to find out but when your player base loves a character like that you usually expand upon it... With him disappearing completely it probably is a sign they already had something way bigger planned and him vanishing is part of the setup... So, there's a good chance his story changed around quite a bit internally as they realized how many people loved the mysterious character.
@mlgmonsterxhydra1699 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree with u, them removing hi can only mean its gonna come back in big style 100%. to me at least
@_Tzer Жыл бұрын
potential return of fatalis subspecies in mh6 perhaps.
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
I hope the Scarlet mystery man will be the admiral that needs help in MH 6
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
And he be like, "you've proven your worth. Now it's time for you to take on the real deal"
@comet9325 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s more plausible that the scarlet mystery man is actually not just one man, but a group of people: The guild knights. I could definitely imagine these people having access to information such as this, and relaying it to our characters because they know that we can handle it. But realistically its probably just a joke character made to mess with us lol
@jokig Жыл бұрын
From what I've gathered, the guild knights wouldn't be seen as mysterious. They have incredibly recognizable, ostentatious outfit, and while some are secret agents, there are a large amount posted as elite city guards. Also the guild labeling their own members as "mystery men" is a bit silly
@mapler90210 Жыл бұрын
@@jokig Group with power and authority being cagey about the identities, goals, and influence of it's highest ranking members? Seems pretty normal to me. Just because they're recognizable in public doesn't mean they want their every move to be stated outright
@jokig Жыл бұрын
@@mapler90210 I do get that, but if it were the guild knights and they did want to meep things obscure, they'd have covered it up much better than giving them even the description of "scarlet mystery man". If they are the guild knights trying to be secretive, they'd be doing a shit job if they *asked* to be identified to that degree
@cheeky_casual Жыл бұрын
I feel like the Furious Rajang duo fight in MHW titled "Mighty Muscle Monkey Madness" may be given by Scarlet Mystery Man. The client for the quest just says "It's me..." so I feel like it's eluding to something of that nature.
@Robotta Жыл бұрын
It sounds like an intentional call back specially because of the Rajang duo, as if we came full circle. I wouldn't rule out as that quest being SMM, he's simply acting even more anonymous. Of course, this is just speculation.
@_loud_cloud_ 5 ай бұрын
I know this may sound stupid, but my personal theory is that it's just Capcom referencing Akuma. Now while it's out there Capcom has done Akuma time traveling to alternate hyper-ancient history with Asura, and his canon reality jumping to be the real Akuma manifested in copy universes in mobile games. Akuma also shows interest in the strong who's to say he wasn't out here just bodying monster in alt timelines going to the main MH universe and reporting about it (it may answer why he's only reported on by aperance not having a Guild id n such) and may be why we don't hear about him anymore since he's finally defeated
@twilitlloyd7167 3 ай бұрын
I like this one. Akuma wants more powerful warriors to fight, so he sends in these quests in this universe to ensure the growth of any hunters who have the courage to take on the challenge. If they eventually become strong enough to body a near-god, they might be good enough to unleash a fraction of his true power upon.
@TonguelessDanny 28 күн бұрын
Its obviously Dracula, or just some random vampire. Talking about performances and dances and feasts, saying how red Fatalis is back AGAIN meaning he has some ancient knowledge and probably saw it happen before with his own eyes. And the whole manner of speaking too just gives off that vibe.
@romanlockeheart469 22 күн бұрын
prolly dante
@akistic 11 ай бұрын
Hey, I looked through the rise sunbreak quests and the event quest 'forbidden waltz' appears similar to how the scarlet man speaks, "The august assault of two fiery wyverns is a beautiful sight to behold, indeed. Any valiant warriors out there that can best their incandescent dance shall receive a gift: materials to craft some layered armor"
I love this kinda of lore videos and in game lore it's so dame epic and yet creepy and scary not knowing who this guy is and why he's asking us to hunt such powerful monsters
@thefocsi7738 8 ай бұрын
Yo, you said that in Monster Hunter World the Mystery Scarlet Man does not show. Welp, in Iceborn, at the Event quests, there is one about defeating 2 Furious Rajans, and the client is "Its me..." What if he was the Scarlet Man?
@95DreadLord 8 ай бұрын
Looking at the quests scarlet man has given this is the most logical conclusion. Name being "it's me" implies it's someone we know from somewhere
@thefocsi7738 8 ай бұрын
@@95DreadLord i checked it once again, and behind that quest, there is another one similar to this one, but its killing 2 regular rajans, from a client named "Thanks for your help"
@utopicgaming4963 8 ай бұрын
I went and looked at the quest after reading this comment and I don't think it's the mystery man. There are multiple events with a client having similar names like Heyo! its me. In the quest descriptions this person always mentions the inspiration they get from the hunters doing the quests. They don't match at all with the way the scarlet man talks and to me sound like a developer having fun with various event quests. I know I'm about 2 weeks late to this comment but a part of me wanted to share this info if you didn't know. Maybe he does not show up in world/iceborne because he never went to the new world.
@angellara7040 Жыл бұрын
As far as I know the guild isn't the central government. Most kings, queens, provisional armies, and countries have been mentioned such as in the parasol bowgun description
@borponoida9161 Жыл бұрын
Yes but the guild holds the most power. Also as other ppl in the comments have mentioned, the guy is most likely a Schrade descendant. If that's true, then his quests make a lot of sense. The guild f*cked over the people of Schrade hard. Imagine an organization wiping out your peoples history. We know this is true because freedom unite and I believe it was either tri or gu that confirmed it. Freedom unite especially. The guild really made the whole world forget about Schrade.
@angellara7040 Жыл бұрын
@@borponoida9161 where Is this mentioned? Most places in the Games never mention being actually ran by the guild outside of the obvious. As far as we know the guild doesn't have an army
@borponoida9161 Жыл бұрын
@@angellara7040 It's sprinkled throughout the series. Also a lot of info can be gained from a special book Capcom released that also showed the ancient dragon weapons that old humans used to subjugate dragon's with. Also Schrade was basically the last stand of old humanity before faralis ruined it. Fun fact the reason for the evil descriptions of fatalis gear is due to the fact that fatalis would smelt humans onto its body mimicking hunters. I always found that cool in a messed up way.
@angellara7040 Жыл бұрын
@@borponoida9161 Jesus christ. That's an artbook in a section about rejected concepts back when the game was similar to what would be something like dark souls. Fatalis isn't even mentioned in the elder dragon war
@sandukan1001 29 күн бұрын
There is a description in the games that hunters who wear Fatalis armor mysteriously dissapear. The theory is that the armor corrupts them and overtakes them, reviving the Fatalis or making a new one. There is also the lore of the ancient civilization and how they got destoyed in the great dragon war because of a forbidden act they commited. The forbidden act was going against nature through the use of technology and biology and making their own lifeforms and using them as bio weapons. Hundreds of dragons were needed to make the bio weapons. Now in my head cannon all of these things combine and turn into the scarlet mystery man, he is the result of one of these experiments, he is a created lifeform or a hunter from back then. With the combination of technology and biology, so the crimson fatalis armor and hunter, they made a man infused with the lifeforce of hundreds of dragons explaining his long life (Kind of like a philosopher stone in FMA) Instead of the armor slowly overtaking him, the lifeforce of the fatalis that was still in it was also incorporated into the man hence being immune to the corruption of the armor and might also explain his sense of being able to detect other stong monsters. It might also explain why the other Fatalis hates humans so much, you turned the remains of his brethren into an abomination. You could also add an extra twist to it and say that the corruption of the armor was not erased but only slowed down, which would explain why some of the quest descriptions became more and more sinister. Or maybe he's hoping to train up hunters by throwing challenges at them in the hopes of finding some that can kill him.
@itsyaboiguzma Ай бұрын
My tinfoil hat just got done with the crackpipe theory is that Scarlett Mystery man is a person dedicated to testing the absolute limits of hunters diving further in further into madness as his dialogue become more grandeur. After the hunter completes these intense quests, the mystery man harvests the remains in order to Frankenstein the ultimate monster to challenge the hunters. In short EQUAL DRAGON WEAPON BABY I WILL NEVER GIVE OUT HOPE
@TheWildDahon Ай бұрын
I want an EDW fight so bad
@belmontzar Жыл бұрын
There is a reoccuring theme in Mythology about creatures of great power taking the forms of humans. Take the race of beings known As wyverians, for example. A fusion of Human, and Wyvern... they had to start from somewhere... Perhaps an Ancient Elder Dragon, taking the form of a human, helped humanity by being part of the formation of the guild or perhaps by creating the race of Long Lived Wyverians?
@JustRezky 7 ай бұрын
In mhfu there is a quest from, if im remember correctly "The Lady in the white dress" and it turns out its a white fatalis quest... Now I raised a question,"Did the white fatalis CAN shape Shifting??!!"
@ArmoredarmadilloX 10 ай бұрын
My personal theory: there are multiple scarlet men. They've known much about these mysterious monsters through possibly ancient texts exclusive to their community. The talk of old gods possibly implies a religious motivation for their actions, luring foolish hunters in battles stacked against them.
@bensnacmachine5037 2 ай бұрын
It's almost certainly just quests given by the founders of the guild to the very best hunters with potential to rival the black dragons. The guild doesn't want the general public to know about the black dragons, and doesn't want even the best hunters to know the guilds link or history with them. So they give the quests under the pseudonym Scarlet mystery man, which is just a reference to the legend of the man who warned the ancient civilization of the black dragons.
@schweinekebab2005 8 ай бұрын
I love how this is most likely just a cute little easter egg or connection the developers like to put in the game, like an inside joke among the team, and my man acts like at the bottom of this "mystery" we are goint to find a dead body
@Stef2050 9 ай бұрын
What if instead of a single individual the scarlet mystery man is a code name for an organization within the guild that researches the black dragons and keeps tabs on their and other rare species' movements and their job is to find the hunters strong enough to take on black dragons throughout the world and the quests are sent through that part of the guild instead of the main part of the guild and the moniker is there to make you think it's just a single person when it's not I might just be over thinking it but it's fun to speculate over cause I'd like to imagine the guild isn't really telling us everything that they know about these monsters and there must be some reason for it
@alexp.4902 8 ай бұрын
The Man in red is from the Spanish inquisition. No one would have expected it
@user-su4mi6ky6z 7 ай бұрын
a dude that wears red, has lived for 1000 years, and that we know almost nothing about? that's a vampire
@16KyleD 6 ай бұрын
A fuck mothering vampire
@nootnoot94 6 ай бұрын
It’s Alucard
@anormalhumanhopefully8570 6 ай бұрын
Or he is Santa :D
@twilitlloyd7167 3 ай бұрын
He killed a lot of people to get that title.
@elfappo9330 2 ай бұрын
'creepy' is a real stretch
@jishuplays3591 Жыл бұрын
ok so personal theory but in the new sunbreak dlc for rise the quest for gore magala is given by a “black armored hunter” which could mean there are multiple of these mystery men and they could be a cult/group of some sorts
@garbodude4365 Жыл бұрын
I like the idea of the Scarlet Mystery Man being a sort of litch/undying fella, who exists as long as super powerful monsters do; he begs mighty hunters, then, to defeat them to help him hasten to his rest.
@NekoCatt 11 ай бұрын
im pretty sure he is mentioned on monster hunter world, its not him requesting it but a palico if im not wrong, its either on the high rank quests or the master rank quests on the events, its on the arena, the client mentions of an old legend of a men who would wear only red and would also only hunt red monsters, and if you could make the legend be true by killing the monsters on the arena
@Solarterrarian 11 ай бұрын
You mean in the devil may cry crossover event Code: Red?
@winterknight5923 Жыл бұрын
I think I know whom this mystery man is. Who remembers the creation myth from Monster Hunter World? About the dragons whom created time, the sea, the lands, and everything else? In it, a young man traveled by sea to see why the dragons created everything. He returned to his people with the scales of the dragons then vanished without a trace. He could be that same young man, watching over the events of the MH universe since the very beginning of time itself.
@OmegaVenus Жыл бұрын
I like that theory.
@winterknight5923 Жыл бұрын
It even mentions that he dawned a cloak. Who knows what color it could have been?
@DisgaeaDragoon 7 ай бұрын
My theory based on what you've presented: The Scarlet Mystery Man is potentially more than one person. But not just any individual; someone gifted in tracking, surveying black dragons. A gift to go unnoticed by their awareness, to sense, follow and locate their positions. The purpose of the prerequisite quests are not just a challenge; they serve to weed out the weak, and reckless hunters from the strongest, wisest, and most cunning hunters, because it is those hunters who possess the best chances to survive, if not, slay the black dragons. When you consider that Fatalis decimated an entire Kingdom, it makes sense to only seek the best hunters. These aren't ordinary Elder Dragons; they are malicious beings that destroy everyone and everything, acutely aware of the devastation they cause. They have no equals, thus, they can upset the balance of nature with little to no opposition, not even from Deviljhos. Death to all, mercy to none. If no one rises to slay them, it will be these dragons that will lay waste to the world. And to ensure someone does come, they have to be made. The natural desire to seek challenge, to grow stronger, is what would ultimately drive them.
@twilitlloyd7167 3 ай бұрын
Perhaps like the opposite of whoever tried to warn us away from looking into the black dragons during Iceborne.
@KomosonKitsue 6 ай бұрын
I have some news about scarlet mystery man. You see in the first begging section of mh4u that's basically teaching you how to play there is a guy named casavanner whos the capita of the ship you wake up on, and what dose he have, that's right scarlet cloak and scarlet hat with a red feather in it, he also sparks the same way as scarlet mystery man.
@KomosonKitsue 6 ай бұрын
@KomosonKitsue 6 ай бұрын
I didn't finish the video before talking. 😶😐😅
@GameArchon215 Жыл бұрын
“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!”
@ericallan920 Жыл бұрын
My guess is that he is a wyverian and apart of some kind of secret society also it could just be me but if I was to guess this societies base of operations I’d say it’s in the tower region or possibly the yukumo/kamura region just because of the amount quests relating to that area (I say yukumo/kamura because I heard some where that the two villages are in close vicinity) and involve a “celebration” but that’s just a guess on my end
@JT1698 8 ай бұрын
I think that The Scarlet Robed Man is a descendant of the Schrade peoples. Wyverian most likely, who's lineage is specifically linked to these powerful monsters, Fatalis most of all. They probably formed the guild in order to take back their home, and to stop the same calamity from happening again by fostering powerful, demi-god like warriors by forging them in the stressful fights that he pits them against.
@YahBoiCyril Жыл бұрын
I remember this dude’s quests from back in the day, and I thought even then he was a dragon in human form. With sunrise, a human suffering from resonance makes more sense now. Their strange speech patterns even sound alike.
@kase757 9 ай бұрын
Dante just feels like visiting every now and then 😂
@DirewolfMemento 8 ай бұрын
That's the stylish hunter
@dwbryant13 Жыл бұрын
Lmao the second i figured out where this was going I was like this mother fucker was probably responsible for the double rajang quest… sure enough.
@wingseeker Жыл бұрын
That double rajang quest will test your skills throughout the game. What a sense of relief finishing that quest, pain in the ass but worth it.😢
@dandaman0196 Жыл бұрын
I think scarlet mystery man created the guild to protect people from the disaster of fatalis, he trains those he thinks worthy with challenges and when calamity occurs, he informs the hunter as to where to get to fatalis. He passes the crimson fatalis clothes and mantle to the hunter who then becomes the next generation of scarlet mystery man who trains/informs the next generation And there is a different version of SMM from each respected area and game, it explains how he recognises there's different songs the old SMM passes on the songs given by the other generations which all lived in different areas to the new person The reason he doesn't handle it himself is because he is too old to do so or something. Would also explain the different ways he presents himself in different games, just some generations SMM are more unhinged than others or they make reference to the humour of the previous one which would make sense if SMM is a hunter that received his quest previous
@phantomhearts5577 Жыл бұрын
Theres alot of flaws tho if thats the case.
@progmrz5512 Жыл бұрын
@@phantomhearts5577 I like how you said there's flaws yet didn't elaborate which exactly it is
@phantomhearts5577 Жыл бұрын
@@progmrz5512 well i can’t remember it now.
@Argenite0 11 ай бұрын
I also have another theory that’s kind of an add on to another. What if the Scarlet Mystery Man, being multiple people in generations, is actually a secret agency a bit like the Harpers from D&D. The Scarlet Mystery Man per generation goes to the Kingdoms of the MH verse and warns kingdoms of disasters and also gathers strong hunters to get rid of calamities around the world before they even begin. Like destroying Fatalis, White Fatalis, Crimson Fatalis, and Alatreon.
@cameronsmith9562 Жыл бұрын
Guesses: He is the secret head of the guild, possibly a full-blooded Wyverian. He's the Caravaneer from 4U, or related in some way. There are multiple 'Scarlet Mystery Man' people, and each carries the lore forward, but the organization/person is limited to the Old World. He is/was some kind of prophet, and delivered/wrote the quests a long time ago, only to be shared with a hunter/hunter(s) with specific qualities.
@affanmahdhir1793 28 күн бұрын
Its Crimson Fatalis reborn from the Previous Hunters that wore his armor, they were consumed, and finally be reborn
@PhaseCIV 4 ай бұрын
What about this theory: The Scarlet Mystery Man was actually the "canon" character, or generalized character, hence why he/she is a "mystery man". Due to the term "man" being widely generalized or can be an umbrella term for person or human, this allows for the "Scarlet Mystery Man" to also theoretically be a female as well. What I mean by "generalized character" is this: in every monster hunter game, you rise to be the strongest monster hunter for that time, and if the "Scarlet Mystery Man" is actually multiple people with it being passed down, it could make logical sense that after the completion of each game, when they move to the next one, its actually the character from the previous game, or one of their own chosen successors. The information may also be in a hidden location somewhere in the Monster Hunter World that of which only the Successor and Succeeded knows about. After the events of lets say the first game of Monster Hunter, the "player" character may become the successor. The Succeeded "Scarlet Mystery Man" passes down the information about Fatalis to this successor and deems them the next "Scarlet Mystery." There could also be a cult like following of the original Scarlet Mystery Man with his original works/research to keep track of Fatalis and the other Black Dragons. This could make sense because of the audio found in MHW as shown in this video. For all intents and purposes, they could be trying to help hunters reach their strongest and that is when that player's character then gets invited to join the following of the Scarlet Mystery Man. These Theory are only based off of loose evidence, but like everyone else knows, there is no soldi evidence of who this person, or people, are. So anything can go, and I would love to see more discussion on this and more information provided from CapCom about this matter. Hopefully they bring Scarlet Mystery Man back in the 2025 Monster Hunter Wilds with some more information and possible Lore about this unique character.
@auser6729 2 ай бұрын
Actually, now that you mention it, the colour of end game armour icons is.. usually red. They refer to Fatalis fights as "Dances" and what more are every Monster battle than a curious form of dancing?
@projectionistgaming3701 Жыл бұрын
Perhaps he's somewhere between all 3. A Wyverian who's resonating with powerful monsters and is able to basically predict the future. He may live a very long time as a Wyverian, but he's not immortal. Likely what happens is he chooses a successor or successors forming a sort of cult of individuals who can resonate with powerful monsters and thus spread the forewarnings about the impending events and/or dangers, also explaining the variations in the song. The boredom? Well, with knowledge of the future, he knows what's going to happen already. That's kind of boring. They're likely wanting to see an unpredictable outcome by setting up slay/repel quests for Hunters to take on. There's also no fun in predicting and preventing a chaotic end-of-the-world fight. There's also the risk a madman would try to aid the calamity incarnate, after all, it is Humans. Creation of the Guild? It's the aforementioned cult. I personally believe that it could be an unknown, hyper-intelligent monster that's sending these quests. No, not like a monster shapshifting into a human, a monster writing or influencing and controlling someone to write it down and sending it in. In all fairness, it is very much an out-there theory, but if this unknown entity is controlling someone *(or is a humanoid monster, much like the Wyverians could be considered)* they'd probably sound very bored not knowing tone when communicating with others. Fatalis has a roughly human-level malicious intelligence, showing that it can even try to mimic Hunters out of spite. Plus, it'd need to conceal its identity anyways, hence the robe/cloak. The robe/cloak could even be part of the creature, like how the Magalas use there wing-arms like a cape, or mimic humanoids like how Ahtal-Ka used various random scrap wood and metal parts to form a dragonoid mech; similarly, most Temnocerons used the skin of another creature or their own webbing to form what could be called "clothes," though this isn't mimicry as far as I can tell. It might even be the first and likely only monster that cares about non-monsters as some people would care about monsters.
@ivanet0636 Жыл бұрын
Nah, he is dante
@omrilacsina7526 Жыл бұрын
I have a theory that might put most of these theories together. I think Scarlet Mystery Man (let's call it Scarlet) existed as a Wyverian 1,000 years ago, warned the kingdom as mentioned in the video, but when they didn't believe him, he created THE GUILD that hunts monsters along with the few survivors of said kingdom (assuming there are). Then, as time went by, the first MH title was released and right there he encountered the one who did the impossible, slay dragons that are a terror of legends. A feat that only he, the hunter (you), could do? And by the end of the series, he recruits you to become the next Scarlet after you retire from hunting in order to prepare future hunters for the next calamity that will follow? This will explain Scarlet's extensive knowledge of the monsters because he already encountered them before as the hunter from previous titles continuing the cycle. This would also explain his authority from the guild because they know he's the previous hunter that did the impossible, looking for the next hunter who would do the same. Which is why they let him post such ridiculous quests. TL;DR There was an original Scarlet who was succeded by the first hunter and is now a moniker for the previous hunters (you) from the previous MH titles.
@MrShellbuster 8 ай бұрын
I imagine he's a wyverian, for his long life, maybe, somewhat related to the first wyverian in mh world, a opposite, more bombastic and insane version of him. Where the first wyvernian wants you to prove, and hunt these big pillars, the scarlet wants you to capitulate the horrors of monster, and prove what a hunters worth, can peak at.
@bobjhon7391 3 ай бұрын
I wonder if scarlet mystery man isn’t just one dude, but a long lineage of probably hundreds of people. A secret group who gets around and has connections to Fatalis or aspects of the world that no one else is aware of. Maybe they didn’t make it to world because the new world has been completely dominated by the guild, so even if they have been there before, they wouldn’t be able to keep their secrecy if they did stuff so they just left the new world alone.
@bobjhon7391 3 ай бұрын
That or there is a supernatural element we aren’t aware of that lets a being a step above all things that is genuinely supernatural capable of genuine magic and able to know the whereabouts/predict the actions of powerful monsters and perhaps the quests are events that happen normally, like the two rajang meeting up, the gold rathian and silver rathalos meeting somewhere likely high up, and even when a Fatalis is set to migrate. But this being likes humans or at least likes giving them a chance while trying to challenge them, warning them when necessary. Using human form to not cause panic
@ManiX207 7 ай бұрын
wait he is the one that tortures you with the dual SS rajang in the arena ? - imma have to find this dude
@ameise1595 11 ай бұрын
Feel like he is specificaly getting you to kill breeding pairs of monsters 2rajang 2gravios. All 3 rath pairs And then the big dragon quests are just like. Logic dont let the enviroment be destroyed He obviously has a lot of reasearch done and spends a lot of tine observing
@ivorytorea 8 ай бұрын
Regardless of who or what he turns out to be, narratively I could see him as some sort of chronicler/dandelion character who summarizes the era of hunters themselves, telling the story that the guild itself would keep under wraps if all is said and done. I would also really like to see a connection of humans and wyverians in the first great war and the creation of the black dragon, him functioning as a sort of inbetween (not because it is realistic but because it would be such a cool storyshift to unveil some secret mystery as a gameworld changing event.) And what I also always hope for is that we get some more tales of the first hunters. Appearently, compared to todays hunters, they were almost a different breed altogether, going by the information we have from Unite which was quite heavily referenced here. But I could also simply see him as a nice little secret that never pays off because the series is never gonna end anyways.
@Dumb-Comment Жыл бұрын
It's so cool that the chore used in the soundtrack is actually about fatalis himself and not just some random gibberish
@JB-ks4gu Ай бұрын
The quest description at 13:38 has me thinking that it is different people. Most of the other quest descriptions have an eloquent poetic tone. However, that description sounds more rough and casual. It could just be a translation thing though.
@goblintechies4396 Жыл бұрын
Is it just me or does his dialogue seem to get more, unhinged, from generation to generation? Like he might be going partially mad?
@jellycore1316 Жыл бұрын
@whitedragonzerureusu4480 Жыл бұрын
That's what the Fatalis armor does to people if they wear it (lore). But since he's the scarlet man guy, maybe he is wearing the red/crimson Fatalis armor and that armor is making him loose his sanity
@spikelock Жыл бұрын
The SMM/scarlet mystery man is probably one of the researchers responsible for the creation of the EDW/Equal Dragon weapon, because of his staggeringly extensive knowledge on Elder Dragon lore. My guess he is part of the Ancient Civilization and he probably finally understood that the world needs balance, evident when the EDW was tipping the scale of war for the humans thus angering the Dragons of old, so my guess is that when an elder dragon starts to become too powerful or any wyverns start to disturb the local ecology, the SMM would employ the hunters to bring balance to the world.
@BreezyDefrag Жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think the theory of Scarlet Mystery Man definitely sounds as though he has connections to the dragons themselves, in some of his quests, you can read a sense of annoyance with the hunters that continue to hunt the next great challenge. If I were a creature of 1000s of years of age I would get rather annoyed that there are these lesser beings slaying my kin, and as a means to try and be rid of them, I would constantly try to feed them to greater foes so as to be rid of them for good. But then the draconic hubris kicks in and suddenly, sure these hunters keep killing my kin, but they are fascinating and I want to know more, soon I will crush them beneath my claw in due time. So perhaps his disappearance was more the fact that his hubris got him wounded or straight up killed. This no more quests from him. Now I come from a DnD perspective and the dragons of the TTRPG can in fact take human form, and they can become so enthralled by their own hubris and pride as a way to toy with the lesser beings. And when they are caught on their heels they become EXTREMELY Paranoid and enraged that the lesser beings are ACTUALLY standing a chance. This doesn’t mean Monster Hunter takes inspiration from DnD, but it is an interesting avenue to explore. That’s just my thoughts.
@cmf4706 11 ай бұрын
Nobody talkin bout how he said “this world” kinda implyin he’s been to others?
@kurausushekurusteinu4087 Жыл бұрын
He seems to be some kind of cultist training hunters to become powerful enough to perform rituals. Throughout the series he is giving the Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos quests and he talks about blood and stuff in them, it is like he wants to sacrifice the blood of strong hunters in order to Summon these black dragons, fighting these mystical beings could be some kind of ritual in itselve. It seems like he dissappeared after achieving some kind of goal, he seems to be knowing what he is doing. What that goal was we don't know. I hope we will find out in the future. Maybe meet this guy or even fight him. Also it is very creepy how his song about fatalis is being sung by a lot of people including children. It could be some kind of religious spell.
@HansFermilan Жыл бұрын
It could also be that all of Monster Hunter Series all exist at the same time (I mean the game point of view) hence why Scarlet Mystery Man exist in all of the mentioned Monster Hunter, maybe Scarlet Mystery Man is part of the game's "Government" seeking someone strong enough that can oppose him someday, I mean majority of Monster Hunting is you with your cat (later with a dog) fighting some of these craziest God-like beings that creates storm itself, in short "Soloing", I don't know what Scarlet Mystery Man's goal is but one thing for sure is he is a part of the game's government and is searching the world for something, maybe in the new Monster Hunter, Scarlet Mystery Man might make his debut and reveal his intentions as to why he makes the players slay these god-like beings.
@occultya Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile we'll get scarlet mystery man appear in person at the end of sunbreak to warn us about a comming disaster just like in castle dozents years before just to reveal a complete brand new fatalis variant
@gregotox Жыл бұрын
Im gonna drop my bit of information for this in case anyone finds it interesting: There is an NPC in MHFU that is referenced without a name by a palyco from the very beginning. Inside the guild tavern, there is a cat walking around that you can talk to and in the first lines he just says that his partner (a hunter naturally) decided to go on a hunt alone this time, telling him to wait. Throught the game, while you keep climbing ranks and completing quests, he never tells you the monster his master went to hunt / is currently still out hunting, but he tells you of all the adventures he had with him, for example killing stuff like Rathalos, then I think Tigrex, then Lao Shang Lung, and other elders. Finally once you are at the peak of your hunting career the cat reaches the climax of the story, alluding that this final hunt in which he couldnt partake in was for Fatalis, and that he knows his master is still out there and he keeps waiting. I feel like it always stuck with me the fact that there is another hunter capable of pulling the stuff the player does, and the fact that this guy knew of Fatalis too, but maybe he was contacted by the scarlet dude aswel? IDK really, but this hunter must be the single most powerful NPC if he made it to Fatalis.
@johndoe4004 Ай бұрын
i have to say though, imagine writing "hehehe" in you contract, but im here thinking what if they dont imagine it in a deep manly and gravely voice, but like a high pitched girls 💀
@ZelioGames Жыл бұрын
I think it's just a fun reference to Dante from Devil May Cry. Makes sense since it's also a very popular Capcom game and Dante can live for over 1000 years if you apply him to the Scarlet Man lore.
@monstergamer2695 Жыл бұрын
Do you remember fighting fatalis in events quest that has 3 faints and 35 minutes?
@cresentcube5898 Жыл бұрын
*points to **28:04* That's me!!! Man, I'm so honored to be on this video, thank you!!!
@nulls5408 Жыл бұрын
An crackpot theory you could make for this guy is that he was one of the first hunters, killed an fatalis and was possessed by the blood thirsty nature of the armor But didn’t turn. Giving him an other worldly connection with dangerous monsters and Slowed his aging. For all we know, he might have created equal dragon weapon.
@Victoria-vd2li Ай бұрын
Perhaps it's a combination of two theories; That he is the elusive 12 guild knights that exist at all times. But mistaken as a single person. Or perhaps hes some sort of spirit that can appear like a guild knight. He seems to be very interested in the moon, dancing, festivities, fervor, and drinking blood.
@thatnickwalker Жыл бұрын
id love to think the scarlet man is someone taken by the fatalis armor who goes around giving the quests to slay whatever could challenge him or to test the mettle of the hunters. maybe the overtaken hunter makes the request and changes into/summons the fatalis for the battle to either begin the cycle of transferring bodies from the fatalis armor or to test the hunters.
@philipschneider3490 Жыл бұрын
My Theory to this: The red mistery man are a organisation/group of about three ore more members. The way the quests are written, hints that they have very diffrent personalitiies, one always referencing to the moon and stars, the other one talking about dances and balls for example. As far as I know there is no true timeline to the monster hunter games and in 4U you get alot of references from all over the world, wich hints that everythink is happening at the almost the same time, so it would be quite impossible for one person to submit and prepare quests this massive on the whole continent at the same time all by himself. World is however the game where the timeline might be progressed the most, if the story of the full armored Rathian Knight is true, so they could have grouped a last time as "self-important people", my english sucks xD
@cameronsmith9562 Жыл бұрын
The Moon and Stars reference the Silver Rathalos and Gold Rathian, respectively. Silver is symbolic of the Moon, while Gold is symbolic for the Sun. The two are usually considered to be in a dance around the sky, hence the festival, dance, and ball/banquet references. It is odd that the Mysterious Scarlet Man knows so much about exceedingly rare monsters and can somehow prepare an arena for two Rajang.
@christhe2dprotogen511 Жыл бұрын
Plot twist: it was the HANDLER THIS WHOLE TIME!
@Michael-bn1oi Жыл бұрын
He's just going on walks. *Enthusiastic* walks.
@ZeruVia Жыл бұрын
Although it' missing the motion design part of it, you really managed to capture the feeling you get while watching a Lemmino video!! Really nice work, continue editing wish you the best :D btw if you could add the music credits in the bio it would be great!
@breab6366 Жыл бұрын
My theory (probably has a lot of holes) is that it’s somebody whose wearing the fatalis armor and wearing a red cloak over it. Lore wise some weird stuff is supposed to happen to you when you wear the armor. Perhaps he isn’t in mhw because the fatalis you fight is him after being changed by the armor :/
@Darkwarp1994 Жыл бұрын
I doubt it cause from the sound of things when I brought up lore on that fatalis in iceborne on another mh channel alot of people claimed that fatalis is the original fatalis that destroyed Schrade in the first place mind you I was and still am taking that info with a grain of salt due to the thought of mine that fatalis would have to be old as hell and white fatalis is the version that's said to be what happens when ether of the other 2 get old enough
@TheHeftyHamster Жыл бұрын
What if he is someone who is slowly becoming Fatalis and getting hunters ready to kill him.
@MeguminDStaff1007 Жыл бұрын
I first noticed this guy when taking the fatalis/white quest in Freedom 2 and Unite. Then after a few years i saw him again in 3U and 4U. I thought he is linked in fatalis lore but i never see him in any information.
@FelixCatboi Ай бұрын
Its very likely the mysterious scarlet man is wyverian, as that would explain the 1000 year lifespan.
@100kejimaeda Жыл бұрын
Holy Ididn’t know I’m first generation player monster hunter in psp freedom through 3 portable and now I’m an adult I can buy play mh I missed because I had no money when I was young.
@Maou_yusha20 Жыл бұрын
Im gen 5 and learning about stuff like this makes me wanna play the old games so bad! Also love the editing on this vid🔥
@joshuasgameplays9850 Жыл бұрын
I just checked, and he doesn't give any quests in Rise/Sunbreak. That being said, there's still few event quests that haven't come out yet, but I'm not holding my breath that he's appear.
@ॐIo Жыл бұрын
I'm thinking MHSunrise is more of a side spinoff game and Iceborne is their main
@FiggsNeughton Жыл бұрын
I'm calling it right now, Scarlet Mystery Man is one of those freakin' cat people
@PureColumbianCocainum1949 11 ай бұрын
Puss in Boots with Rathalos gear
@FiggsNeughton 11 ай бұрын
@@PureColumbianCocainum1949 lmfao
@yami_the_witch 9 күн бұрын
I wonder if it's just a really smart elder dragon inpersonating a real person. And it's a very advanced strategy to get rid of competitors.
@MrKelenek 7 ай бұрын
The scarlet mystery man I feel like is one of the old civilization ? The ones thst enslaved dragons ? I feel like we will see more of him in Wilds.
@nidohime6233 3 ай бұрын
That turn out to be not canon.
@AussieHoonter Жыл бұрын
The Scarlet mystery man has always intrigued me as he or they may be one of the few characters who use an alias. He may in fact be a separate company from the Guild, That goes under the name 'The Scarlet Mystery man'. If you check the Quests posted in World they may show us who he or they may be. The Double Rajang fights, The Wyvern metal duo, Alatreon and Fatalis, if any of these Quests are Posted by the same Client, Excluding the Guild, there may be a possibility that he is now Disclosing himself, or going by a separate alias. We may never know, But one things for sure, I think we all agree to see his possible return for Gen 6, Fingers crossed.
@Kazuhira2249 Жыл бұрын
he is santa
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
Scarlet mystery man as the admiral of MH 6 please
@danielkorrmann5467 Жыл бұрын
I think the scarlet mystery man is just based in the old world. Would be strange to see him pop up in the new world.
@theadmiral4157 Жыл бұрын
I doubt it will. Scarlet mystery man is part of nostalgia the hunters had playing the older versions of the game. Players for sure will be excited once the Scarlet mystery man returns with its lore and story all fixed up
@GeneralIVAN894 Жыл бұрын
he might be one of those characters that have some serious backstory and desire that the hunters rise up and be able to remain strong as a whole to defeat any impending new discoveries, and he may be a wyverian which may explain his ability to reappear whenever
@9r4ss_ 6 ай бұрын
I think the scarlet mystery man is a wyverian since they have a long life span
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