The Cult of Teal Swan

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Sounds Like A Cult & Magical Overthinkers

Sounds Like A Cult & Magical Overthinkers

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@Silentkat1975 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone with a spiritual god complex is a red flag. I knew there was something off about her when I came across her channel long ago. Never gave any of her videos any of my time
@sixthsenseamelia4695 2 жыл бұрын
One of the "tells" of narcissism. Grandiose.
@juhopuhakka2351 4 ай бұрын
She claimed having big scars from abuse and seeing her bikini pics was enough for me.And all so I read text claimed to be interview of his parents.
@trllmnella7259 2 жыл бұрын
here's some of TS psychic claims to just START. by her account she is an actuarian alien who was made beautiful and white so aliens could get people to follow her and her "mission" (yes she did indeed actually say this) she can read people's thoughts/see auras, see there energetic patterns, see there life paths, she can see and channel dead people, she interdimensionlly travels, she can put books under her pillow when she sleeps and can absorb all the information (she doesn't have to read them), she can visit people in they're dreams, can see everyone's past lives, can visit the akashic records and isn't limited to "time space reality".....thats not even all of them, that's literally the ABBREVIATED version lmao TS satanic cult claims She also claims she was in a satanic cult for 13 years filled with crap ton of Mormons that murdered immigrant children, she also says she was sewn into dead bodies, and the cult didn't kill her because she was special and psychic so they drank her blood to gain her powers. (She was also supposedly modeling WORLDWIDE during this time) She said the cult leader would pick up her up nightly at 3 AM every morning for up to 10 years without her parents knowledge to perform cult rituals with her and the cults followers) she was also treated with electroshock by this cult so they could make her unable to do "normal everyday things" to keep her under they're influence. These electroshocks made her not able to plug In appliances, or start a laundry or do any other chores such as washing dishes, because of this, those who live with her have to do those things for her 😂😂😂 Her therapist was Barbara snow who is known for putting false memories of satanic abuse and was a leader of the 80s "satanic panic" (which was proven unreal) barbra is very looked down upon in the counseling field and has had her license revoked. Teal has also told inside followers to kill themselves (these people were Cameron clark and Jared dobson, who gave interviews about the hell they went through with her) She says suicide is a "reset button and by universal perspective there's nothing wrong with suicide" and actually legitimately caused a personal client of hers to kill herself. Shall I keep going? Because even after that entire long ass comment, that's STILL isn't even ALL OF IT. Teal swan is a deluded and dangerous, narcissistic, mentally ill cult leader who has hurt many people.
@phishcatt Жыл бұрын
Great summary.
@jeffreyjay2899 Жыл бұрын
So many red flags they block out the sun.
@SherondaPramus 8 ай бұрын
Fucking he'll yeah thank you for this
@jeffreyjay2899 Жыл бұрын
The reset button idea is very similar to portions of Scientology doctrine. In Scientology a person is treated as an immortal spiritual being that may have lived a billion lifetimes. The body is treated like a temporary tool to be used and discarded. Because of this some people see Scientology as promoting suicide and some members have committed suicide. Members are often discouraged from being sad when people die, even family members and friends. Many members have difficulty with this. In Scientology dying is called "dropping the body", like you have just thrown away a jacket you no longer wear or a pair of sunglasses and you can simply replace this object with another at any time.
@Stankfanga 2 жыл бұрын
Watching The Deep End now..
@SethHarrisGordon 2 жыл бұрын
What about the “Self Actualized” guy? Literally her pseudo spiritual brother. Not a fan of either, especially when people have lost their lives over her “reset button” concept. Imagine knowing someone committed suicide because of you? And yet they still go on with the marketing… 🙈
@Phoenix-tq8lt Жыл бұрын
He said he’s god
@nicks6813 2 жыл бұрын
Snake oil (Swan oil?) comes in many forms.
@Fingerscrossedout Жыл бұрын
I have been in contact with the community around 2013/2017 I've been to her "workshop" in Paris when the terrorist attack was happening in Paris. I actually decided after stranding in Brussel to still go to the workshop. I felt highly uncomfortable the entire time I was there, her then boyfriend was eyeing me like a predator. When I was attending the eye soul searching exercise I was the only one who wasn't in tears after it and some of her followers told me that I wasn't doing the exercises correctly. This felt off to me and I noticed some more things that weren't feeling OK. When I saw teal something felt so off about her and when I finally left I cried for hours(days) in the bus back. The fact that she continued the event was so irresponsible and I finally understood that I was part of a cult... Understanding that was heartbreaking
@gracethroughfaithbloodofje4753 Жыл бұрын
She's demonic
@jeffreyjay2899 Жыл бұрын
It's interesting to me that people defending Teal Swan are not using any models that are prevalent. We have the eight criteria for thought reform by Robert Jay Lifton and the six conditions for thought reform by Margaret Singer. Additional models by Steve Hassan in his BITE MODEL and the description by Janja Lalich in her model and the relationship described by Daniel Shaw in his book Traumatic Narcissism and the description given by Alexandra Stein in her book Terror, Love and Brainwashing and the description given by Rick Alan Ross in his book Cults Inside Out are all available. Other experts such as Jon Atack have written extensively on the subject as well in several books and numerous online articles. It is odd that the people who support Teal Swan are not using the resources available to examine the models point by point and see if they have a genuine harmful group or not. I personally use a definition of cult that makes use of the research by Robert Jay Lifton and his eight criteria for thought reform and the research by Margaret Singer along with that of Daniel Shaw and Alexandra Stein. The simplest description was given by Margaret Singer in an interview of a group that tries to control all or nearly all your decision making if you are a member. Plainly, an authoritarian group tries to use force or the threat of force to gain compliance. A totalitarian or totalist group, A cult, tries to control you on a more fundamental level. The effort is to control your thoughts, your emotions, and your behavior so that you end up being in compliance with their desires. You are meant to be altered in a manner that makes you the one controlling your self to think as the cult requires, feel what the cult requires and act as the cult requires.
@barbh1 Жыл бұрын
Mormon Stories did a segment about someone growing up with Teal Swan.
@kalinelli 2 жыл бұрын
I think Teal Swan 🦢 looks and has a similar affect to Diane Downs. Creepy in my opinion.
@aussiehillbilly 2 жыл бұрын
whats with the fake low monotone voice. my spider senses are tingling
@gardeningnewearth3680 2 жыл бұрын
So this is gonna sound like I’m a Teal Cult person but I want to share my experience of 3 years that I followed Teals published work. I have really love Teals KZbin talks & Books, they have honestly helped me through some of the darkest points in my life & helped me to live a happier & healthier life. I’ve also seen many others level up from using techniques that Teal shares. Her suicide advice really stopped my suicide urges...& also released unnecessary fear of death. I can understand how it could upset people or be misinterpreted. But It did work for me. I don’t know if she’s a “good” or “bad” person. I haven’t listened to her for a couple years now...& that’s a good thing. I’m not looking for help atm. But if I need help I’d look to her because of my positive experiences with her work. I wouldn’t respect her if she got mainstream credentials JUST to front her work...that would be a scam. Years ago I downloaded the video she made with another amazing KZbinr, that became a scandal & got deleted. That video changed my life for the better. & it saddens me that others can’t enjoy it. Because of the vicious criticism. But on another note if anyone try’s to dominate or control me, they will be put back in place before they know what happened. & don’t condone abusing behaviour. But who knows what the truth is. I just have my own positive experiences with Teals work & am very great full.
@dancnkc Ай бұрын
Could you admit that although you have benefitted from some of Teal's videos, there are also some things about her that just seem a bit much? Maybe a bit of a con artist always marketing herself in new emotional things that nobody can disprove? She tends to talk about ideas that others have already expressed in detail and adopting them as her own teaching... If you believe everything that she has said, she would be an alien with super powers.
@gardeningnewearth3680 Ай бұрын
@@dancnkc i honestly don’t know. Im interested to find out. I just think she is good a relating spiritual/psychological practices into a easy step by step formula.
@johns6454 2 жыл бұрын
You guys should look into the KZbin channel teal swan exposed and the Interview with her childhood friend 1607. She’s been plagiarizing for a very long time and copying other peoples work. There are references to her plagiarism in these videos and it’s very obvious that she’s always copied other spiritual people because her house is filled with their books. But definitely you guys should touch on the fact that she never had any remorse for the many children she claims to help kill in rituals.
@pilze.7213 Жыл бұрын
Teal is one of the most obvious, to those who are aware and trained in the field, narcissistic God-complex, people I've ever known. The fact that Teal is constantly defensive and can not take criticism shows she is not as woke or healed as she would like you to think she is. If she was able to see into the future as she claims and is all-knowing, then she would have seen that Blake would leave and that the Detective was going to come up with the analysis that she did. Rather though, she spouted some woe-is-me crap and how she didn't know what to do. Also, if she is so enlightened then where is the empathy when the girl wants to off herself. Teal's response is self-centred, "What about me and my business should something happen". Not a, "Let's go and help her and see how we can resolve this.". Anyone with half a brain can see this about her. I've known of her since 2012 and I saw the dark side of her straight away. Even her delivery smacks of self-entitlement and arrogance, not to mention the AI robotic way of saying things to the camera, scripted of course, not channelled. Her workshops are nothing more than basic Psychological analogies, tricks and theories out of a book. The," Let's resurface and go over past trauma", is exactly the same as auditing in Scientology. I have also witnessed this first-hand. It's nothing new. She isn't profound, she just dances around things and uses big words, (except she wasn't aware of what nefarious means) and proclaims to be the chosen one. Beware of false prophets. She isn't live and let live, she is live for me or die! Nothing unconditional about the love she is apparently projecting. If it were then she would be more relatable to the masses. Instead, she pays for the SEO algorithms to prey on those who are down on their luck and vulnerable. She should watch, "How to Start a Cult", on Netflix, and then see how eventually, charlatans get exposed, no matter how many years later.
@patriciahandel9702 2 жыл бұрын
Ok ladies... I'm gonna need yall to make an episode on Lululemon. I recently saw some comments from x employees that it is definitely cult adjacent. But, I'm still gonna buy their cloths. They just fit way too good. Lol
@katz3672 2 жыл бұрын
They make all of their employees go to Landmark Forum seminars. Some people call it Scientology light. I know people who have dedicated their lives and career to this organization.
@BraveNewgirl100 6 ай бұрын
‘Not me, not Hermione, you’….i live! You girls are like my soul sisters.
@mjj7781 2 жыл бұрын
A week ago (or something) I was watching shorts on YT and she popped up. She was talking about trauma and there was none of her "spiritual" nonsense like she has lived a 1000 lives etc. What she said sounded right. But I got very narcissistic vibes from her. She was sitting on a big chair like on a throne and I felt that it was all not about the subject she was talking about or about helping people but that it was all about her. I just swiped her away bc it didn't felt good. Then like three days later I saw a vid with a title like The cult of Teal Swan(guess it was your vid) and, yeah, I was glad bc my feeling was right. And now I am watching the videos on this topic. I think it is very important that people like you and others talk about it bc I think that she is very dangerous. (Subscribed 🙂).
@merarifreethought Жыл бұрын
This is great! Please please do Anthony Robbins next!
@ExploringReal 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone else here from the tiktok story?
@meyoua 2 жыл бұрын
When I first found Teal Swan on instagram, I enjoyed her clips and have gained some insight into myself with them. I don't know that I'd go as far as calling her a cult as I don't know enough about her and her following or teachings, at that, to lean one way or another. I did, however, immediately unfollow her when she compared treating Black people to how animals are treated. She posted a statement on her instagram that said, "If you want to know how society treats Black people, just look at how they treat animals." This may not be the exact quote but it was something along these lines. I wish I could find the post and share it here.
@julianadaugherty8059 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! I’ve been listening to your pod for a while and I really want to hear you all discuss the cult of Wear pups. Maybe some research could help but I believe that this group is pretty culty!
@Grounded_Gravity 2 жыл бұрын
I think you made the right call - maybe casual uncommitted online followers could be a watch your back, but anything more defs a gtfo!
@spaceantelope1 Жыл бұрын
Everyone belongs to one cult or another. Some are bigger than others.
@rein7015 2 жыл бұрын
Thank for calling this out I knew she was weird
@charlie29321 6 ай бұрын
I can't believe how there are so many jealous women out there that are jealous of Teal. Women are so brutal to each other. Why does everybody always try to destroy the attractive women? Leave her alone.
@dancnkc Ай бұрын
This isn't going to get you laid Charlie. Sorry, pal.
@brovckgemberling2409 9 ай бұрын
New to this channe,l sounds like a cult, sounds like it would be right up by alley so i just subscribed i hope that i enjoy it
@blackplague-x3y 9 ай бұрын
She gives off an dark manipulative vibe. You dont need to listen to her just feel the motivation- its $$$.
@jeffreyjay2899 Жыл бұрын
Elizabeth Loftus has long been considered a top memory expert and her work in my opinion thoroughly debunks the recovered memory fraud. Numerous people were hypnotised and tricked into believing they were molested by people who had their lives ruined. The police realized this was all false when the "victims" were recalling impossible events, like molestation in basements in locations that never had basements.
@YahLion77 2 жыл бұрын
All those adds suck
@lamarazmoe6438 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see the pretty faces behind the voices
@ruhalajn Жыл бұрын
Frustrating that such clearly educated and informed people have put so much time into something and it seems to have gotten so little appreciation.
@avilesandres Жыл бұрын
Hers videos are actually incredibly helpful, of course if you have a bias against her you will never see that
@SaraCarrera-yf8tr 7 ай бұрын
Bruh still drinking the cool aid or doesn't want to upset his gf lol
@betsyny1 Жыл бұрын
So it makes you both look really smart to be beating up all these folks. Sounds a little toxic to me. Maybe you should name your show the Toxic Girls
@dancnkc Ай бұрын
So it makes you really look smart to be beating up the OP. Sounds a little toxic to me. Maybe you should rejoin your cult and worship Teal a little more. Her bank account thanks you.
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
I think 'cult' is thrown around too much and at anyone.
@zinnmarx 2 жыл бұрын
buckle up, sadly the conditions for mass cult following are abound
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
True...But Teal is def a cult leader
@sagehawk12 Жыл бұрын
@Jennifer B you just making shit up now.
@lironrap Жыл бұрын
wow so much ignorance. I follow her for 10 years. she had never ever said anything good about . she is definitely against it. and tries to prevent it. you both should be in jail for slander as you have 0 prove. i didn't pay her anything. most of her content is free online for the benefit of all. underestimate
@stephanie9880 4 ай бұрын
There is evidence... can't be slander if it's truuuue
@gardeningnewearth3680 2 жыл бұрын
So the reporter couldn’t make a negative story about Teal... so they wouldn’t publish it. Thats really mean.
@janvogt3725 Жыл бұрын
I find her material very usefull
@avilesandres Жыл бұрын
There was never "waterboarding", the doumentary (or rather slanther videos) made it seem like it, that's why the interviewee is so uncomfortable talking about it, because it was fabricated by this guy's team
@somer0703 2 жыл бұрын
She isn't obsessed with suicide at all. Suicide is a tiny percentage of her content. Also she suggests the works of others all the time, namely Byron Katie, Abraham Hicks and Ralph smart. She never says not to follow anyone else. Also LOADS of influencers have private groups that people pay top dollar to be in .. Its so sad to see this witch hunt 😔
@johns6454 2 жыл бұрын
She only suggest the authors now because she was heavily accused of plagiarism. She also doesn’t discuss suicide as much due to the lawsuits and how much she got into trouble. She also compares herself as in her shadow to a serial killer why would someone spiritual compare themselves to a serial killer. It’s very telling because her interview with her childhood friend on 1607 with a guy with a PhD disclose that when she was younger she had a fascination with serial killers and she thought they were heavily misunderstood.
@jerrypaulwhite 2 жыл бұрын
shut up youre the witch
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
Honey, she says she's an alien. Come on now.
@gardeningnewearth3680 2 жыл бұрын
I think any who actually follows Teals work can see that this video has an agenda over presenting the whole story
@johns6454 2 жыл бұрын
@@gardeningnewearth3680 You understand that teal used to compare her shadow self to serial killer but after the lawsuit with Leslie her friend that she convinced should commit suicide during the time she was in to suicide as a release. Even Leslie’s husband or ex-husband to this day still believes that it was right for Leslie to die because she according to teal reincarnated two days later. Many of teals followers actually believe That her parents were born just to be servants to teal. I spoke and recorded the conversations with some of her followers. She really has convinced them that suicide is a good thing and I have the recorded conversations to prove it
@rg6310 2 жыл бұрын
46:50 probably because she is hot I doubt you would have acted that way with someone let’s say like Dolores Cannon 🙂
@tcbell3694 2 жыл бұрын
More like "was" hot....not anymore. Just another has been.
@themadmattster9647 10 ай бұрын
I think Cannon’s work is far more interesting though lol
@cicaizrogace8054 9 ай бұрын
Teal ima zaista odlične ideje. 🎉🎉🎉🎉😢😢
@jestermorales03 2 жыл бұрын
Not a cult. Her videos are practical and concrete. She uses new age lingo but it makes sense enough to matter
@zinnmarx 2 жыл бұрын
enjoy her brain.
@thedragonlady6661 Жыл бұрын
You play rust. You have no credibility
@phishcatt Жыл бұрын
There is some real, practical advice based on CBT psychology practices that she most likely has done in the past. Maybe an odd course here and there. There are far better, far less delusional and harmful psychologists, therapists, academics out there that can give and do give the same advice. It's all a bunch of cliches anyway. She's another ''stupid person's smart person''.
@ElanaVital83 Жыл бұрын
@@phishcatt yeah but the others don't forbid falling in love. Teal forbids falling in love! She's a monster.
@Shirleydepurley 2 жыл бұрын
You just want to get followers and fame over Teals back. This is like a bad gossip show…
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
Dude. 4 people are dead.
@Shirleydepurley 2 жыл бұрын
@@ElanaVital83 their own choice. Nobody’s fault
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shirleydepurley She told people who were in a vulnerable state thay dying is a reset button. SHE IS RESPONSIBLE. You don't get to claim no fault just because you were not the one who physically did it.
@Shirleydepurley 2 жыл бұрын
@@ElanaVital83 so it someone tells you to jump of a bridge you do it? And she never said it that way. I’ve been following her for years even when being suicidal and she in fact helped me so much. It’s just easier for people to blame someone
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
@@Shirleydepurley LOL! Did you just resort to the dusty old Granny addage "If someone tells you to jump off a bridge...!1!!" meanwhile forgetting IT IS A CULT. Shall I remind you of the events of Jonestown? Heaven's Gate? Ever wonder why cults seem to draw the maleably-minded? Its cute that you think that YOUR positive experience with marginally doting on the obscure "teachings" of a known CULT LEADER negates the 4 dead folks' experience. Newsflash: It does not.
@abundancevortex 2 жыл бұрын
At least Teal Swan doesn't require bashing others to be successful or famous. Y'all are lame af and need to check your own shit instead of sitting and judging others. Love
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
Nah. She just requires 4 suicides and for folks to NEVER EVER EVER QUESTION ANYTHING SHE SAYS.
@cooperjohnson210 2 жыл бұрын
@0:32 lmao not even a minute in and “We intend to experience this thing that we intend to experience” girl what 🥴
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
This was a message from The Redundancy Department of Redundancy.
@phishcatt Жыл бұрын
@@ElanaVital83 Would you like some redundancy ranch with your word salad? 🤣
@ElanaVital83 Жыл бұрын
@@phishcatt LOL Teal Swan is an aging harpy who knows her time is running out 😉💋 Teal is toast...That's why she has to make sure no one in her circle ever falls in love. Because she herself is unlovable.
@ElanaVital83 Жыл бұрын
@@phishcatt pardon my edit. I can't stand Teal Swan. And I can't stand her mindless sycophants.
@phasespace4700 2 жыл бұрын
Needs to be put in jail before she harms anyone else.
@gardeningnewearth3680 2 жыл бұрын
I’d probably be dead... or a junky on the street. if it wasn’t for her work. Now I’m an amazing success who loves there life. Just saying...
@phishcatt Жыл бұрын
@@gardeningnewearth3680 ''It's ok if she harms others, because she benefited me''. Real nice.
@iselinhuus9787 5 ай бұрын
She lie about her traumas. There is a reason that we never hear from her brother or mother. She dont talk alot about her father. Her childhood friend is eksplaining how she cant belive her clame of abuse, beacause they lived in this little town outside it, and they all had dogs. So if somebody would come to take her in the middle of the night, there would not be easy to just do that without enyone notesing it. She also says that she was an internatinal model. But she can never prove enything that she clames.
@SteveJones379 2 жыл бұрын
Teal Swan's videos have been very helpful to me. She couldn't offer the good, kind, helpful, and insightful information if she was a bad person. Also, I've watched many of her videos for free, and haven't joined a cult. Can't say the same for the church I was a member of. The church gave out ancient unpractical bible verses and required payment in an offering plate. Church sounds more like a cult.
@SoloBroBro 2 жыл бұрын
Just cuz you arent "joining" a cult doesnt meant you arent brainwashed by one. The vax is free, doesnt mean its good for you. Terrible logic explains why you defend something so despicable. May God guide you.
@corinnedodenhoff8207 2 жыл бұрын
watch the episodes of The Mormon Stories podcast that interviews her former inner circle member and also her childhood best friends. Nobody is a “bad person” but she is deeply troubled and manipulative.
@johns6454 2 жыл бұрын
You understand that she copies and regurgitates other people’s work and has been accused of plagiarism for a very long time and she’s gladly said it was super is the light all the times she’s unalive many children
@coldwhitespring5004 2 жыл бұрын
Keith Rainere of NXIVM also offered a lot of helpful classes for people, this is how they made money. The techniques were not his own though, he stole it all and put it together in a helpful way. But the inner circle was still sexually abused and branded (literally), and he got 120 years in jail.
@blitzphantom9488 2 жыл бұрын
You’re judgment could use some work..
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
Teal is right. The ER and hotlines are pretty much garbage. Went to the ER and they just had me sit in a room.
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
Hotlines are not garbage. The hotline saved my life twice. TEAL'S BS is garbage. She says she is an alien FFS
@TheIronMaiden222 2 жыл бұрын
Let’s do a collab
@АнтонВавилов-ъ4ю 2 жыл бұрын
LP reacted d ryt way, she is vum.Monster need of over drama, or over consider ations. She don't deserve *considerationsy. Lp പറഞ്ഞ പോലെ,, ജീവിതം തുടങ്ങിയല്ലേ ഉള്ളു, പഠിക്കട്ടെ.
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
20mins in, lots of claims 0 proof...
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
You dont need extensive proof to see it's a cult. Just look at the crap Teal spouts.
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
@@ElanaVital83 it doesn't meet most of the criteria.
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
@@sagehawk12 You don't need criteria to have common sense LMAO. She literally said she's an alien 😅 If you want to play the "proof" game: Prove she was designed by aliens to be attractive...
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
@@sagehawk12 Just repeating her BS makes me feel drunk 🥴 She said Hitler did mankind a service in an interview 🙃 That toaster ovens give her seizures. 🤪 That anyone who disagrees with her super Alien brain needs to do "shadow work" 😑
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
@@ElanaVital83 talk about 0 context
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
You guys are seriously trashing her looks? Jealous much? Like are you guys going to get to actual critiques? Or just make shit up? "She's hot and her voice is nice! Cult leader!"
@EricBryant 2 жыл бұрын
that's what I'm wondering. Ugh. Millenial/Gen Z podcasters. Everything in this podcast is a meme. No references. No sources. No interviews with Teal's followers. No experts. Just two girls trading opinions. Btw, I'm not a Teal fan. I do think she is cultish, and not in the good way. But I'm getting my info from the Hulu doc, "The Deep End," which actually shows her talking herself, in her own words. But this podcast is kind of weak tbh
@sagehawk12 2 жыл бұрын
@@EricBryant I actually finally found an honest view of her methods from a professional. It seems teals only real problem is that she has an aggressive style. I'm not a super fan either... but I think she is being blown put of proportion. Even that documentary had to make sketchy cuts to make it look worse than it was. It's easy to take some of this stuff out of context to make it look worse. Like the channeling your dead mother bit, that's actually legit therapy technique, where you have the person talk to someone playing their mother. Just because she adds a spiritual twist to it. Doesn't not make it a cult... calling Teal controversial is fair, but a cult leader, or suicide cult? Overly dramatic to get views.
@johns6454 2 жыл бұрын
They were actually complimenting her did you listen
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
LMAO WOWZERS you're all over her stuff huh? She is pretty, looks like Jennifer Connoly...But Amber Heard was pretty, too. 😅
@ElanaVital83 Жыл бұрын
@@sagehawk12 Her "aggressive style " doesn't allow room for falling in love. She is heartless.
@ccastle1213 2 жыл бұрын
Love Teal Swan! Been listening to her message for 7+ years. I am not a cult follower. I will continue to listen to her message. Your “opinions” mean nothing. It’s just your way of increasing your own following. #lovetealswan
@ElanaVital83 2 жыл бұрын
You literally sound like a cult member, honey bear.
@lironrap Жыл бұрын
@stephanie9880 4 ай бұрын
Seems like you're in a cult
@Eirusrevenge 2 жыл бұрын
I'm less than 15 minutes in and it's bleehh ignorance
@lcduperouzel966 2 жыл бұрын
Loving the show from Australia ladies. Don't really like the woke shit that comes through in your content but the substance of it is informative e.g. Mother wound, or should we just say toxic femininity in other words? - No. Teal Swan, along with others like Amber Heard, Elizabeth Holmes, Ellen DeGeneres are proof that toxicity is not localised in any one sex/gender, attesting to the truth that the concept of 'toxic masculinity' is a limited and inaccurate descriptor of how toxicity manifests in the world. Keep up the good work!
@phishcatt Жыл бұрын
''toxic femininity'' is internalised toxic masculinity. Masuclinity doesn't mean just men or just you, so there's no reason to be personally offended by the term and look at proof that ''women can be evil too''. They absolutely can and are, but most of the time, the source is cultural masculinity, whether they try to be masculine themselves, or try to gatekeep it.
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