Joining Teal Swan’s Cult after Leaving Mormonism - Jared Dobson Pt. 3 - Mormon Stories

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Mormon Stories Podcast

Mormon Stories Podcast

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When someone loses their faith in Mormonism, there are several paths often followed. One is to become agnostic or atheist, and never to rejoin a religion again. One is to re-join a Christian church. One is to follow a more fundamentalist Mormon path (e.g. Denver Snuffer, Preppers, Julie Rowe). And one is to become susceptible to new age beliefs and other gurus or cult leaders. Today we will be talking about the last option.
Teal Swan (born Mary Teal Bosworth) is described on her web site as an American spiritual teacher, author, and social media personality. She was raised in Logan, UT, and as a teenager was connected to controversial Mormon therapist Barbara Snow, who was at the center of the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 1990s and 2000s. After a very turbulent childhood, which involved self harm and suicidality, Teal pursued modeling for a time, and eventually began pursuing the path of becoming a spiritual guide.
Teal's teachings on how to manage mental health issues have often been described as unconventional and she has received criticism for how she attracts fans, with some critics nicknaming her "The Suicide Catalyst". At present she has 700,000 followers and has been covered by the BBC, and in several documentaries, including a recent documentary on Netflix.
Her history of work is highly controversial because it incorporates various super controversial and problematic ideologies and practices such as:
The cultivation of repressed/recovered (false) memories.
Claims of Satanic ritual abuse.
Energy healing.
The Law of Attraction.
A belief in a "Third Eye."
The usage of crystals to "raise your vibration or frequency."
A belief in multiple lives.
A belief that she is an alien from another planet.
A belief in spiritual projections/possessions.
When dealing with suicidal clients, referring to suicide as "pushing the reset button" for a future life.
Communal living.
Jared Dobson was raised LDS, served an LDS mission, got married and divorced, became suicidal, and started searching for answers in New Age Spirituality. He came across Teal Swan, and became a follower in her movement (a "Tealer") for 2 years. He ended up moving in with Teal and became a part of her communal family in Park City, Utah. They were romantically involved for 5-6 months, were set to have a child together, and as the relationship began to fray, Jared was kicked out of the commune and checked himself into a psychiatric ward (UNI at the University of Utah).
He has been recovering ever since.
This is Jared's story of his experiences with Teal Swan. This story also has important connections to other cult-like phenomena occurring in recent times, including the Lori Vallow/Chad Daybell/Julie Rowe/Prepper phenomena. It also is an insider's view into the emergence of a modern cult.
00:00 Jared's relationship with Teal becomes sexual
09:53 Teal gets him some tattoos. New name Fallon
11:47 Movement grows. Paranoia when things start unravelling, comparing to Jim Jones
12:40 Jared the first main threat. Abusive relationships
14:07 Another super important marker of a cult. Comparing with Mormonism and JWs
16:53 Teal wanting him to cut out his family. Not seeing his daughter
17:29 False memories and their implications. Book Remembering Satan
21:43 Shadowhouse - livestreaming experiences. People watching are thinking Teal has the answers
24:15 Difference between screen persona and real persona. She's a nightmare behind the screens
24:51 David Koresh behind the scenes on Netflix
25:18 Jared being told he was the reason things got bad
25:52 Did she ever claim to be a therapist?
31:24 Teal admitting she was lying. Concious or pious fraud?
33:36 Teal claiming she had been through more than Holocaust victims. Comparing with JS
34:09 Teal self harming. Borderline personality disorder?
39:13 Teal marrying Swan after having been involved with Jared
39:40 Comparing to NXIVM cult
43:07 Teal talking about feeling bad about what she did sometimes
44:02 Jared about his current life, being happy.
45:23 For the lonely, cults are better than being alone
46:05 Things falling apart
47:25 Teal gets on a dating service. Jim Carrey (THE Jim Carrey) calls.
48:40 Jared being exhausted. He starts going crazy. He leaves.
49:50 Still believing in her after all the experiences
51:13 Feeding people suicidal thoughts to people
54:15 Comparing with LDS church. Jared still believing after leaving
54:38 Movie The Master. 'Was I in a cult?!' Comparing to LDS
56:45 What Jared knows now
Mormon Stories #1328-1331: Leaving Mormonism to Join Teal Swan’s Cult - Jared Dobson
• Mormon Stories #1328-1...

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@iamvictoriarae 3 жыл бұрын
I never got why people wanted to go live with her. I have been watching Teal since I was in Highschool and her videos on emotional health truly assisted me with my everyday challenges. That being said, I just did not get the urge to pack my bags and join her intentional community. ( not shaming anyone who did, not shaming Jared) she just seemed like she was working through her own trauma; and although I enjoy her videos I wouldn't say I saw her as someone to put on a high pedestal. I Always took it as she knows some good stuff to help with emotional trauma due to her childhood experiences, but she's still healing from those extreme experiences.
@mary5203 3 жыл бұрын
It's kinda weird hearing that she's a cult leader. I started watching her vids a couple of months ago and i actually like them but i feel like i shouldn't support her by watching them ? Idk
@jeanjacqueslundi3502 2 жыл бұрын
@@mary5203 this cult leader label is such BS. Im not defending Teal or not defending her but theres this seperate issue here of people being obsessed with brand things a cult. Its fearmingering and I never saw someone that wasnt severely wounded being interested in such and emdeavour. Somehow cult is the flag needed to be waved for people to take out her pitchforks.
@tonganqueenb5517 2 жыл бұрын
@@mary5203 I have only just started watching her as well and don't believe she is a cult leader but definitely has potential. She has a lot of good advice. The trick is, don't turn her into a god or give her your money.
@mandywatson. 2 жыл бұрын
I get narcissistic vibes from her. Big time. Are her claims of childhood drama actually verifiable? Or do people just take her word for it?
@trllmnella7259 2 жыл бұрын
The ritualistic cult shit from her childhood has been proven a lie. Someone even got the chance to interview her supposed "cult leader abuser"...she's a pathological liar. The cult story was a way to manipulate others and to gain followers. It was all untrue and has been legitimately proven as such through various blaring inconsistencies in her story and timelines, fabrications that are also scientifically impossible, such as her being sewn into a corpse for 12 hours and much MUCH more. Her beginnings were built on a foundation of deceit and manipulative measures to gain sympathy and control of others. Her spiritual information might be good, but that's because she has purely parroted other popular spiritual teachings... don't be mistaken in the fact that she is indeed a cult leader.
@davidfoust9767 3 жыл бұрын
It is crazy how similar cult leaders are. She is supposedly a superior being but goes into fits about people not loving her enough to go and buy her snacks! I'll never forget an interview I saw with a cult member who said he lost faith in the guru when the guru ordered him to go get him some Häagen-Dazs ice cream. He said he finally realized then that the guru wasn't spiritual but carnal like everyone else. The guru had been sleeping with this guy's wife for months but it was the Häagen-Dazs that broke his shelf.
@FaultyFrontalLobe 2 жыл бұрын
I think I saw this same interview this sounds so very familiar to me
@ComeDownToEarth 2 жыл бұрын
@@FaultyFrontalLobe wildly specific and yet so broadly archetypal, that piece right there…
@Brancaalice Жыл бұрын
@Brancaalice Жыл бұрын
There is not Guru that is not carnal as long they have body. Osho was a great spiritual being, he didnt want anybody follow him, but people want follow anyway. The media trough stone in him as much they could, telling he was sex guru. He was the most enlighted being in this century.
@benniesngreen Жыл бұрын
You wouldn't have lasted a minute in the "Love Has Won" cult
@bipOlArPlusMe Жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining what intrusive thoughts are. I had them a lot and had no idea what they were until many years later going to therapy. I don’t think people realize what they are and how common it is. This series has been so eye opening. I’m so glad he came forward with this story- he’s so brave! Love what you do.
@rodricksteal1729 3 жыл бұрын
HAHAHAHA being an ex tealer I have nothing but laughter at my past self and at the Teal's cult. I mean it was hella fun and trippy to believe in all that insane shit. There were some useful pieces in that pile of bullshit, teaching not suppressing emotions is one of it, however the way she promoted it as something revolutionary never done before is so freaking funny. And remembering how it was being in the cult, the interactions, the gaslighting, the easily triggered, easily traumatized people piled together trying to get a relief from their mundane pain and depression, but getting worse day by day, dragging each other down, enabling each other, retraumatizing, it's so effing funny and sad. People get worse but under the impression that it's getting worse only because you're healing and it will get better afterwards (but it never does). And that dude still has her mannerisms and terminology.
@floraraujo1234 3 жыл бұрын
You hit it right on the head. Even my dreams showed me that and I ignored them
@katycondry2247 2 жыл бұрын
" that dude still has her mannerisms and terminology." This is interesting to me. He is clearly still processing all his memories with her. It's interesting to me how he's self-aware of it sometimes, like when he imitates her. It's almost like he channels her, in an acting sense. Hoping he can continue to disentangle himself healthfully. I've never been a cult member but I've known malignant narcissists and have been caught up in their personal bubbles, and it's really not that different from a cult - a cult just has more infrastructure around the leader. I know what it feels like to merge with a person like that and people around them and then realize it's impossibly toxic and totally disentangle myself from them. It's a loooonnnggg process.
@stacey_1111rh 2 жыл бұрын
Ha! Yes. You nailed it exactly. Well said.
@dapper_slapper4093 2 жыл бұрын
Do some psychedelics and you will realize that everything she says is true
@davincineptune 2 жыл бұрын
@@dapper_slapper4093 no.
@stacey_1111rh 2 жыл бұрын
Ex Teal Swan follower. Thank you for doing this interview. I was a fan follower back then when Jarod was in the shadow house episodes. I didn’t see the things back then that I see now and to hear his account is really something else. Again thank you for interviewing him. Best wishes
@faminaexmachina 2 жыл бұрын
You should watch Mormon Stories podcast with Diana Hansen Ribera - Teal’s childhood friend. It’s a long one but worth it!
@janepoindexter4470 2 жыл бұрын
No...judging stuff by yourself is not ok. What feels good to you is not an ok standard. Even secular governments have laws because they are necessary. Not all humans are about being their highest best...look at Hitler, Charles Manson, other people like that...even if they think it is being the best, someone needs to check their thinking before they harm other people. That is why there is a Bible that God said was not supposed to be added to. Safeguard so people could know what they believed without other people piling onto it and adding things to make themselves gurus for other people. Somehow God knew there would be that tendency in some to set themselves up. And to keep adding to the special rules, insights, places, things to wear, etc.
@bridgetsanchez6450 Жыл бұрын
Where can I find the shadow house episodes?
@Notavlogger817 3 ай бұрын
😂all yall have a personal vendetta. Pull the plank out of your own eye before trying this type of an out. You want to know where evil and ignorance lies look within and stop pointing 👉 pathetic way to gain any sort of realistic ending with your self-centered self proclaimed pedestals. Judgemental snowflakes
@janreed7287 2 жыл бұрын
Ay yi yi. This interview is making me realize that watching her videos for a time (2013-2014-ish) actually did install some weird beliefs in me that I haven't yet totally extracted. I feel remorse for several things I thought/said over the years as a result.
@chelseapoet3664 2 жыл бұрын
As well as everything else she did the classic phases of a narcissist in relationshop - love bombing, devaluing, discarding then sourcing her next source of narcissistic supply (next man).
@whatdoyoulivefor735 2 жыл бұрын
The host seems like a warm person to me. He's kind of the perfect guide to have along with you into the creepy world of the cult of Teal Swan.
@andyprompt 2 жыл бұрын
I hope he can continue his self discovery on the journey to healing
@TheSoulWhisperer 2 жыл бұрын
We're having a private discussion about this elsewhere, and I'd like to offer some thoughts about The Deep End and the moment she tells her client she's like the Dalai Lama. Before I do that though I also want to speak to the tendency to throw the baby out with the bathwater. When we do that we can be left parched and lonely (which Jared alludes to). We have to be careful to not swing so hard in the other direction to become rational materialists, atheistic, nihilistic in our own thinking. There's lots of room and need for the spiritual, but it's finding the balance of that which can be exceptionally hard for those who've been wounded, especially if wounded by a religion or spiritual tradition/practice. Certain things Teal has tapped into aren't inherently bad, just because she as a practitioner is dangerous. And some practices she has she's obviously completely naive and way over her head with, which makes her inherently dangerous. So as far as she is concerned, as an individual practitioner, I'd throw out the entire batch of dough because even the righteous things have been tainted. But that doesn't mean another practitioner can't hold those same things in integrity. The problem is her, not necessarily all the concepts or practices. Any healer, whether psychotherapeutic, allopathic, alternative, spiritual, somatic, etc has an inherent power over the client, who is coming in a vulnerable position, ready to hand over power in order to be made well. Someone who's as adept at power dynamics as she is KNOWS this. That moment she powered over that client when she should have, without question, empowered him. That single interaction, no matter how she tries to excuse it, tells everything about the forces she is working with. Quite simply - she's a sorcerer and she's feeding off the stolen power of others. I say stolen because while they're coming ready to hand it over, it's thievery to take something that doesn't belong to you, especially when being offered in duress and in desperation. Rather than have compassion for their vulnerability and seeking to restore their power (power retrieval- which is so entwined with soul retrieval as to be inseparable), she is driven by her own sense of inadequacy and insecurity. Teal Swan is THE example of a self-proclaimed Wounded Healer who is not herself healed and is thus attempting to heal others from her wound while causing significant harm to them. Everyone must orbit around her wounding. And it's where the demons feast. This is where her haughty admission of having no mentor rears it's ugly head. Had she had a proper mentor her wings would have been clipped and clipped again until she was able to heal herself and not be trying to heal others from her vacuum. She thinks she has the cat by the tail in claiming no accountability or proper elderhood, but in reality the cat's got her by the throat. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. The forces she claims to work with, i.e. Source, won't be mocked. All will be brought to humility and in discipline in due time.
@jennifs6868 Жыл бұрын
wow. yes. i guess that's why she always seemed like a small child and not an adult to me when i watched her videos.
@andrewdrain8114 Жыл бұрын
that's hardcore dude
@Therealgirlinthedesert Жыл бұрын
Wow absolute truth. You said it very well and articulate!!! That’s Teal completely
@jennmemphis 2 жыл бұрын
This was VERY informative about her and that circle. I always felt she was this way, even on her KZbin vids...I could sense it
@colleenmeas1996 2 жыл бұрын
Me too! It felt off, entitled, very culty
@Futt.Buckerson Жыл бұрын
The Mormon Stories videos are all I know of Teal. But her cult sounds like an "improved" version of that Love Has Won cult.
@jennmemphis Жыл бұрын
@@Futt.Buckerson I’ve never heard of that I’ll check it out. I have a full-time job and a normal life but somehow learn about cults is a deranged hobby.🤣
@Futt.Buckerson Жыл бұрын
@@jennmemphis LHW is a crazy one. At one point they fled to Hawaii, where the leader claimed to be the goddess Kilauea, upon her arrival. And of course that went well with the locals... haha
@margauxlopez1017 6 ай бұрын
Same! I have always seen through those creepy eyes and flat affect
@sergiorei4355 4 жыл бұрын
Each Mormon Story reveals more to me about life, about me, about religion, about how people are. And then this one took me another BIG step. Thank You.
@crossbearer6453 Жыл бұрын
I wonder What do I think of religion now??
@jennifs6868 Жыл бұрын
thank you mormons for showing us how not to do it.
@sasa-ix9yd 8 ай бұрын
thanks to them for showing us how messed up our species is to the point of realization that humanity has always been naturally mentally ill
@synesthesia7511 2 жыл бұрын
I have been through very similar things, I’m so glad he has found so much clarity. It sure takes a lot of courage to come out and talk about it.
@katycondry2247 2 жыл бұрын
It's also interesting that they consider the BPD symptoms she exhibits. I've known a couple people intimately who have suffered from this disorder, during their rough times and their more regulated times. The lines "nobody loves me enough to get me XYZ," and "you're going to leave me, I know it," are straight out of the script that a person who has borderline personality disorder sometimes seems to read from. Mostly these are things that their brain shouts at them constantly, but many (especially unregulated or low-empathy individuals who don't seek treatment) people who suffer seem to pass these accusations on and project them onto the people closest to them.
@katycondry2247 2 жыл бұрын
'Splitting' is another thing people who suffer from BPD go through, where their brains tell them "this person is the only one who won't leave you, they are your most trusted person," and then the next day their brain says, "this person is already abandoning you and it is inevitable because you can't trust anyone forever." That's why the love-bombing then parasuicidal manipulation are such a common pattern in abusive people with BPD. If anybody has had these issues with a loved one, you're not alone!
@More13Feen 9 ай бұрын
Even when I was following her it was oretty ovious thats whats going on at the same time as, what I belived, her spiritual wisdome.
@zoinks2607 5 ай бұрын
Super well-articulated comment! It's clear how much compassion you have for people suffering from BPD while also holding that Teal needs to heal and repair so she does not continue to cause herself and others pain.
@faysmith7248 Жыл бұрын
Good example of how a narssisist pulls you in to their reality
@plimplamplumdoc6860 2 жыл бұрын
I really appreciate these deep dives but I feel kinda bad the way you talk about BPD I just feel like I'm evil... I have diagnosed Mixed personality disorder (BPD, schizotypal and avoidant) I have been in therapy for 5 years since I first attempted suicide and Idk I havn't started a cult nor shoved a knife up my... I mean can we just say you can be BPD and whatnot without willingly harming and trying to manipulate others? I have been very stable for the last months and I am so grateful to my therapists and feel so proud of myself for having reached this point and having future plans. I know it can go down but I also know now that things are better looked from perspective. Normal religion has helped me a lot (Christianity), praying is a very good way to put things on perspective and rooting down. I don't know I just wanted to clear out the "Not all BPDs" but myabe I felt alluded and that's why I'm just oversharing haha dude I'll shush up now alright sorry
@quantumspirit8439 2 жыл бұрын
My soul sister has been diagnosed BPD as well. She’s lovely, balanced and well. Healing is a beautiful thing. Much love to you. 💞
@rachelk4805 Жыл бұрын
You are not your diagnosis. Also, in the same way that there are toxic religious people and non-toxic religious people, there are people who struggle with mental health issues who are toxic and people who struggle with mental health issues who are not toxic. If you are taking responsibility for your mental healthcare and not using it as an excuse to harm others, I would guess you are the non-toxic variety.
@MoncaAhwen 11 ай бұрын
i live alone. i LOVE IT!!!!! love being alone.
@CrossroadsWellness13 8 ай бұрын
I love living alone as well. But I am not “lonely“. There is a huge huge difference. And he is right, we do need people in our lives. Good healthy supportive loving people. Unfortunately, lonely people, who are not happy being by themselves, will gravitate towards the complete opposite of the above. Because to them, anything and anyone is better than the intense pain of loneliness.
@lcnorgaard 2 жыл бұрын
I love the fact that the interviewer is a professional. It takes it to the whole new level compared to a journalist. Well done! You make very educational interviews.
@nnacroon7356 7 ай бұрын
I did DBT therapy 15 years ago for BPD and it was life-changing. It's hard to treat, but it's also easy to improve your life with tools.
@danielvilliers9294 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing up intrusive thought OCD. I treat that everyday, and there are so many people struggling with those thoughts (mental compulsions) who do not know its OCD. 3 key differentiators, ie what make them OCD thoughts: they are unwanted, they come with distress, anxiety, even panic, and emotions of guilt, shame, and disgust. For anyone out there that has them, know that they are treatable with an OCD specialist, and using the right form of treatment.
@nyriekathrynhadnot2015 4 ай бұрын
The more I hear about her....the crazier she seems. Lord have mercy!
@noonesflower 3 ай бұрын
I think Jared did a very good job putting difficult experiences and concepts across in such a long interview.
@ldebusk-xu4br 11 ай бұрын
I don't understand why John won't just call the LDS church a cult? He is quick to point out cult-like traits and tendencies that exist within the church, but then won't follow through with that line of thinking to actually call the church out for what it is.
@lk6380 3 жыл бұрын
Love for you to interview Teal Swan to get a settled perspective!
@LuvBugBlaqkHart 3 жыл бұрын
She wouldn't be willing to lol she wouldn't even allow her critics to interview her on some of the questions they had. She completely ignored them all and decided to upload her own video of her "answering" her critics questions. Highly doubt she would be open to going on a platform where she doesn't have the higher ground. She is far too aware she will have no ability to manipulate this dude.
@sheila11227 3 жыл бұрын
You can’t interview a liar and expect them to tell truths lol to be fair also I wouldn’t even bother interviewing someone with borderline (allegedly) bc they will always claim the victim.
@avalonandon 3 жыл бұрын
You can get to the bottom of the truth about Teal without having her be interviewed trying to expose her ( which Sheila is right, narcissists and kiars would probably never put themselves in that situation). Look up Cameron Clark’s experience with Teal. there are hours of interviews with her. Whe had similar experiences as Jared.
@davidfoust9767 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah right, cult leaders don't like being questioned.
@wowsers9923 2 жыл бұрын
I genuinely believe the woman is a vulnerable narcissist. I'm not a mental health professional but I think there will never be a settled perspective. I do have enormous amounts of respect for this man and him not entirely ripping into her. He has a very generous perspective.
@ruthsikorski5495 2 жыл бұрын
I saw some of those "shadow house" episodes. I always thought it was amazing how the people could live there and have her berating them and controlling them like that.
@ajordan1976 2 жыл бұрын
Are these on her channel?
@Nina_Olivia Жыл бұрын
‘Shadow House’ - could you please tell us where we can access these? Thanks so much
@ruthsikorski5495 Жыл бұрын
I think she has probably taken them down. I cannot find them anywhere.
@teatree578 Жыл бұрын
Cults and MLM's are specifically designed to deceive and entrap, no need to feel bad about being duped, just learn to discern next time. Thanks for sharing your experience Jared and great job exposing all of this Dr. Dehlin.💛
@godislove4540 2 жыл бұрын
Love, protection, and blessings to the both of you. 🙏🏼💜🪬
@too_tired_for_this 6 ай бұрын
“Loneliness is deadly.” Such a true statement.
@dcoleman4444 2 жыл бұрын
I always felt like Teal's energy was dark. From her first few videos, something was off. There are truly enlightened Masters out there. She is definitely not one of them.
@williamswayuk 2 жыл бұрын
no one is a truly enlightened masters.. this concept is false. most of it is false white light anyway.
@koffeeblack5717 2 жыл бұрын
Eh, are there tho? It's a comforting thought. But I think humans can only climb so high. Like perhaps there are spiritual Olympians out there, but just like physical Olympian athletes, they each have their unique limitations and capacities. For that reason, I don't like the connotation of "spiritual master", which implies a final state or pinnacle of perfection (never a good idea to set a human being that high).
@koffeeblack5717 2 жыл бұрын
@zhanttyverse Exactly. All creatures are finite, so perfection is always already impossible. Humans can at best testify to God's glory, which can ultimately only inspire others to desire God.
@KiwiGirlnCo 2 жыл бұрын
Darkness is part of us all
@e11esounds Жыл бұрын
@@koffeeblack5717 agreed. I guess the truest ‘spiritual masters’ are simply the humble, the ones who live in service, the quietly giving and loving and growing…and maybe some zen Buddhist monks ;)
@JS-lm3lq 2 жыл бұрын
When Jared talks the tone of his voice is very unthreatening, and from his desire to improve himself so much with so much self reflection, his heart seems pure to me; Ecclesiastes 7:16. Be not very just, neither make thyself over wise; why shouldest thou destroy thyself ? (Why die before your time ?)
@Kristina-dj9yk 3 жыл бұрын
Jared I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I can hear the pain and damage in your voice. Sounds like you're definitely on the path to recovery though, so I'm proud of you!
@jaredmdobson 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your kindness and i am so grateful for everything i went through that made me open up.
@andivaupel7492 3 жыл бұрын
@ForeverConsciousResearch 2 жыл бұрын
@@jaredmdobson Hello Jared...thank you very much for sharing your testimony and experiences with us. Are you by any chance available for further interviews? I knew of two people negatively impacted by Teal and her harmful tactics. If you think this may be something of interest to you please reach out to me by leaving a comment on any of my v. i d s. Regardless of your decision please know that you will always have an open invitation and I wish you nothing but the best on your journey 🙏 -FC
@windyday85 2 жыл бұрын
@@ForeverConsciousResearch what is your channel. I would love to listen
@patrickmannion4106 2 жыл бұрын
Love MS, big respect to John for his curiosity and compassion. His interviewing skills, keeping on track knowing what to draw out and bring focus, are on point in this episode. Jared honesty and vulnerability also very moving.
@carlahaiduk1878 Жыл бұрын
Hes a great interviewer
@celineschlup1758 10 ай бұрын
Brave man telling us this story!! Thank you 🙏
@pracheep.mahana9508 8 ай бұрын
No matter how enlightened you are, trauma can screw ur mind to a degree that it's super difficult to ground yourself in to reality.
@MooningWerewolves 2 жыл бұрын
I was a member of a different cult, and also involved in a small group that was very cult-like, but was thankfully squashed before it could grow. It always fascinates me how so many cults resemble one another when everything is stripped away. The ways they prey on people, their power dynamics, brainwashing, techniques to encourage and ensure group think, and the natural growth progression are often very similar. It's like they play a cult version of MASH.
@dreamsoftheend 2 жыл бұрын
You should interview Aaron Woodall, an ex mormon comedian who made a podcast with Jessa Reed, an alien new age now cult leader. I know a few of the people whose lives were messed up by Jessa’s cult. I was almost taken into it myself. Aaron saw thru Jessa right away and I think if he knew she harmed ppl from her ideas he might be willing to speak out about his experience w her. It’s very similar to how Teal was with Jarod.
@ladyatlarge3844 4 жыл бұрын
Growing up taught to trust our feelings more than facts makes a lot of us more susceptible to this type of thing than we'd like to think. So glad you found your way out Jared!
@davincineptune 2 жыл бұрын
People are too hung up on the word "cult". Whether it is or a cult or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that is BEHAVES and FUNCTIONS like a CULT. You can argue whether it is a cult or not, doesn't matter. Why is it similar to a cult? Teal makes the rules, and people obey. She may allow a degree of questioning, but she's looking for a bunch of yes people to listen to her talk, that she can boss around and be the "authority". So she makes the rules, and the followers have to follow them. This isn't much different than any other religion. But, atleast with traditional religion you are getting a safer environment and the leader is less manipulative, less egotistical etc. BUT there are ego manic leaders! EXCEPTIONS are not the norm they are the OUTLIERS. Any environment where you have one person telling you what to think, how to feel, making decisions for you, giving you a set of rules to follow, etc. functions and behaves like a cult. We can argue semantics or language but doesn't matter. Does she help people? Sure, doesn't make her a good person. People forget, this is her work, her job, she makes a living out of this. If she was your friend in real life you would have a complete different experience of her, as opposed to little clips you see on videos, or whatever.
@lightworker2956 2 жыл бұрын
People seem to think something can have all the traits of a cult but not be a cult. Uh, no. Then it's a cult.
@davincineptune 2 жыл бұрын
@@lightworker2956 I would describe it as a cult as well, but, a lot of people just can't accept it.
@JustMe-kj7hp 6 ай бұрын
The interviewer must be a bishop in the Mormon church. When he asks questions about Teal it makes me think he's very intrigued by her. He's seems to really enjoy his research. Probably more than we know.
@hopefullone333 10 ай бұрын
This was a very educational interview. Thank you. I been looking for where i belong. And I think you really summed it up by saying that take the best out of it But don't give your all. Always keep a little extra just for you
@officialhoughtmin 3 жыл бұрын
I can't love this dude enough. You have helped so many people by sharing your experience. If you wouldn't have shared, countless others would have taken the same deadly route. You prevented them to make that bad decision. I wish you best of luck bro.
@jaredmdobson 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks Simran! I'm glad you found it useful! I wish everyone the best life has to offer 🥰
@pineapplesnoopy1876 Жыл бұрын
​@@jaredmdobson You seem like a really lovely man.
@jgm33884 4 жыл бұрын
Jared, that was beautiful. You have helped me understand myself so well. I left the Mormon church in 2017. I left originally because the limitations on being myself clashed more and more as I aged. I tend to be very new agy. I am a self healer naturally and have never had the desire to depend on a guru/spiritual person. I'm more odd that way. I feel within me to power to do all things if I could just tap into it. I'll take direction, exposure, and guidance but then let me be to do it my own way separate from yours or others. I have watched a lot of Teal but I sensed she was not balanced and off in her teachings.... Self serving. Hearing your story through your journey and growth is astounding. You have experienced so much and so deeply. I loved your concept of trouble shooting and feel you nailed it perfectly. Live on my brother, you are doing it right! Thank you for opening up and sharing.
@jaredmdobson 4 жыл бұрын
Joanna i'm glad it helped you and glad you found a healing power within and wish you a powerfully magnificent life full of love and joy. ❤💕💖
@nuria6358 2 жыл бұрын
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matt 11:28-30
@shallenlenhart6734 5 ай бұрын
Amen 🙏🏻
@ongoingawakening4257 2 жыл бұрын
The scales balance and all truths are being revealed.
@MAzurburg 2 жыл бұрын
I love his conclusion about God making you perfect, so whatever you feel like doing is basically divine in that sense. Thank you for that insight!
@light_enchantress7135 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with this people, is they looking for cult to join to, it doesn’t matter what it is because they lack their identity. You didn’t have to move there to learn teachings.
@Anne_Onymous Жыл бұрын
I finally understand why the people I know that followed her came up with "repressed memories" after watching this!
@KaffMoff Жыл бұрын
Not there being an advert about alien lifeforms on earth in the middle of this 😂
@katycondry2247 2 жыл бұрын
I find this man's story very interesting because, although I've never been a cult member, I've known malignant narcissists and have been caught up in their personal bubbles. It's really not that different from a cult - a cult just has more infrastructure around the leader. I know what it feels like to merge with a person like that, a destructive but charismatic leader, and to merge with the people around them and then realize it's impossibly toxic and totally disentangle myself from them and everything in their sphere. It's a loooonnnggg process.
@Iris_Transforms_Healing Жыл бұрын
Even super intelligent people aren’t immune to pain -it does not discriminate. Therefore; intelligent individuals who have experienced trauma and are now seeking acceptance and love become vulnerable to cults.
@isadormoti6977 7 ай бұрын
"Joining Teal Swan’s Cult after Leaving Mormonism" is definitely a lateral move.
@gracie1312 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Jared realises how much 'cult' terminology he still casually uses. Several times John, the interviewer, asks for clarity and he just repeats the same word. You can see in his eyes and movements that he seems to still have one foot in the cult world and one in reality. It's pretty frightening to see so up-close the wide, glassy-eyed, manic/euphoric behaviour a cult produces
@V21IC 7 ай бұрын
Wow! That's a dark detail about Teal Swan! Wow!😢
@irishmclass2042 4 жыл бұрын
Thankful you are free. Remain free and wisely choose friends that are grounded and don’t need to be a parasite. Narcissistic abuse is the worst, worst offense of one human toward another. Run, don’t walk, away from those who try to “own others” through manipulation and mind games. No bueno!! ❣️
@jaredmdobson 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks Irish I will.... at least i hope so 😂💕💖
@annimalasenko7326 7 ай бұрын
I am so sorry, this man said so many wise things. I think you are right: living alone is good for a while, but people need people to stay sane at least. John explained intrusive thoughts in such a beautifull simple way, love this chanel🎉 also yes, she has traits of borderline, but we don't know, symptoms can jump arround mental problems, only long term theraphie could tell. Thanks for sharing this story, we can only learn to stay away from cults with first hand information and scientificly based psychology
@petetalbot9699 3 жыл бұрын
dude you are super impressive, huge love from england. clearly a very thoughful caring and impressive human being. not many would have managed to fight their way back
@chelseapoet3664 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Jared, if you read this, you seem emotionally healthy and balanced to me from this video, since you were wondering how you come across. Also regarding your "Is it True?" tattoo, I'm curious if it was inspired by the work of Bryon Katie?
@trllmnella7259 Жыл бұрын
Probably. Teal referenced Byron Katie a lot in the early years of her career. Teal is a known plagarizer.
@Notavlogger817 3 ай бұрын
Jared is an inbred snowflake that got ghosted for being a prick. Now just butthurt because he lost her. Bam!!!!
@maygrantz4426 Ай бұрын
I believe, not all information and knowledge are correct and that is why you have to be skyptical and investigate.Anyway, I'm back in this channel to listen another interview and I'm listening, hopefully Jared you will continue to heal and grow. sometimes a chemical imbalance it has to do when a mind is missed up! When a person has truama and no matter how well educated the person can't think straight and process thoughts, anyway there is hope when someone who is willing to acknowledge there is an issue to be address and work on it. Any ailment , dis order and truama can be manage. Thank you for sharing your story.Anyway, let us pray for Teal that someday she will be able to heal herself ...
@robinedwards8796 Жыл бұрын
Let me clarify the personality disorders thing. There are 3 "clusters" of personality disorders; cluster A, cluster B, and cluster C. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is part of cluster B, along with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and Anti-social Personality Disorder which encompasses psychopathy (psychopaths) and sociopathy (sociopaths). One does not need to have the full disorder to have a couple of the traits (someone can be narcissistic without having NPD) and having a diagnosis does not require possessing all of the traits of a disorder. In cluster A there is a schizotypal personality disorder that Teal might have some traits of as well. FYI: I'm not a professional in the medical or mental health field. I'm just a nerd with very high reading comprehension. Do your own research and speak to a professional if you're feeling squirrelly.
@kristin_NZ 2 жыл бұрын
It's strange that people say Teal Swan is 'confident'. She is the opposite; beyond insecure and needy. She needs a little entourage of live in enablers/flying monkeys, at her service 24/7. How pathetic and weak is that? And when anyone disagrees with her, or challenges her in the tiniest way, she completely loses it. The original Snowflake.! Sad!
@Name-no4wi 2 жыл бұрын
I also noticed her very fragile ego and how quickly she becomes defensive. She definitely has flying monkeys that surround her. Hers is not a healthy confidence that most strive for but, rather, arrogance. She is a controller/manipulator and not a true leader.
@FruityHachi 28 күн бұрын
she has abandonment issues and also uses her womanhood to play a victim yet thinks of herself as a strong woman
@jeremyhennessee6604 3 жыл бұрын
In the interview the interviewer says "I'm rusty on my personality disorders but theres antisocial personality disorder which some people call psychotic." No. You're looking for the term sociopathic, or psychopathic. (and A.P.D. sociopathy/psychopathy is a widely debated subject even among so-called scholars.) A Psychotic mindstate is an inability to distinguish what's real from false. Symptoms of psychosis include delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear). Other symptoms include incoherent or nonsense speech (word salad. Common in certain types of schizophrenia) , and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. I realize there was no malice intended in your slight sir, but such a thing is misleading, and causes others to form erroneous beliefs. And as you likely know a lie , or misinformation (to quote Churchill) can travel halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get it's pants on.
@joelgonsalves4943 3 жыл бұрын
JARED! Thank you so much for your transparency & vulnerability in these videos!! Interviewer you are a legend too. I was raised JDUB so can definitely relate to a lot of this, the mindset etc. Peace to you both..
@debfox 2 жыл бұрын
I am so sorry you went through that! I watched "The Deep End" on hulu. I watched a few of her videos but something felt off. I can see how easy it would be to fall into that though when you're hurting so much. It can be so confusing after leaving the church to figure out your identity. We all definitely need that sense of belonging. I believe in some of the things you've talked about but even with energy work you have to be so careful. I have walked out before. I hope you're healing. I hope you have found peace.
@DzondzulaKarakondzula 3 жыл бұрын
The thing with these false memories and why people would ever want to convince themselves that they had such horrific events happen to them is that it's usually very troubled people who have a lot of troubles in their life and they are desperate to help themselves, and a lot of the time these problems seem so huge and inescapable, so the explanation that it's all from a repressed memory, that if you only relive and thus get it out of you, almost like vomiting it out, this seemingly huge indestructible problem is solved all at once allowing you to finally experience the life you were always prevented from experiencing by this repressed memory. It's an appealing shortcut to dealing with problems that usually unfortunately take years to make progress on...
@jaredmdobson 3 жыл бұрын
Amazing insight Nikola!!! Thank you for sharing! I definitely felt that way going through it. And yes the reality is that it was a bandaid or stopper on the pain but thankfully I was able to spend years working through the issues instead and feel tons better. 🥰
@martinhsl68hw 3 ай бұрын
Totally agree about communal living - I live in a community of boaters, and it's the best time of my life - it should be available to everyone as an option
@thisnameinvolved 2 жыл бұрын
Its CULTure. Humans really gotta step it up.
@gonngirl_ Жыл бұрын
I find it sad that this man is talking about how amazing communal living is because we shouldn’t be alone. Being around others who harm you isn’t more healthy than being on your own. I hope he understands how searching so desperately for connection led him to being in a cult where it seems he was harmed. If every communal situation was positive, I’m sure everyone would be doing it all the time
@lk6380 3 жыл бұрын
I didnt know what to expect watching this, and I'm very refreshed by the interviewers approach about Teal Swan. The skill of an interviewer is to remain unbiased and objective, unlike all the other teal videos where she is obviously ridiculed. Great job!
@arts9654 4 жыл бұрын
This was insightful and very helpful. Thank you and all the best to you.
@aliciamontero7061 4 жыл бұрын
People looking for a LOVE that saves you, for a saviour or a saviouress, a True knowledge, the key of existence, meaning of life... Something to escape from existencial anxiety, childhood trauma, lack of certainty, not knowing what life is about, pain and loneliness... In Buddhist words: Dhukkha. Look for Secular Buddhism or Logotherapy. For centuries human beings have been dealing with these things. There are some ways or paths to face it that are more sensible and healthier than others, but these are scary times with climate change, worlwide pandemic, economic crisis, a bunch of awful political leaders like Trump, Jhonson, Bolsonaro, Putin, North Korea Leader, Duterte... the crash of empires like USA and China, the rising up of the alt right, white supremacy, the spreading of conspiracies, lack of trust in the media as source of information.... Too much for a lot of people. One can be deceived easily is one is in despair and looking for salvation.
@death2theworld 2 жыл бұрын
Lol bunching together populist like bolsanaro and trump with North Korea leader. Cause Clinton backed by billion dollar donors and biden is so much better. Just listening to whatever 90% of media tells you. You people are intensely stupid.
@windyday85 2 жыл бұрын
Yes looking for answers.
@jojom6657 2 жыл бұрын
This young man needs different kind of help! I can't believe the interviewer can't see how disturbed he is, still!
@manonty2417 2 жыл бұрын
Yes thank you! 👏👏👏 ~and he's supposed to have a "psychology degree". I'm not trying to absolve Teal, but these two have serious issues and they're not helping anyone. At least TS does..
@stacybogg4687 2 жыл бұрын
Omg, I was just thinking that. This man seems very disturbed and his mood fluctuations are like 😳.
@SamStone1964 Жыл бұрын
He's just very energetic, very self aware and very excited to be away from destructive people and is now living a productive and independent life. We're all disturbed and he's clearly willing to do the deep work on being less disturbed than most.
@alliec7086 Жыл бұрын
he probably spent a lot of time not saying what he's thinking or feeling. i imagine, as of this interview, he is still learning to articulate effectively. that being said tho, im seeing a lot of flashes of the "3 eye whites" and it's bothering me.
@ElvenWisdom 3 жыл бұрын
Very concerning at 50:03. This is the second person besides Cameron Clark a female who lived with her said, T.Swan told her too to “go off yourself”. Now you hear the same from Jared.That’s really unacceptable. It doesn’t matter how she speaks in front of a large crowd, it’s how you actually treat people that truly matters. I am still trying to understand her and weigh her words, since I do agree with her ideas, as they are not new, but spirituality and philosophy of old. Btw, that emotional range discovered is called the “David Hawkins Emotional Scale” and it maps out your vibrations according to emotions, if anyone wanted to know.
@The.RenaissanceMan Жыл бұрын
There are 3 versions. Your version. Their version. The truth. Never be quick to judge or believe one side without at least being curious. Information is often distorted because people’s minds are largely out of control or do not have access to all views.
@catherinepoole9485 2 жыл бұрын
Let the guy talk!!.. Geez, he looooves the sound of his own voice🤬
@adhdself-love 6 ай бұрын
Erections around kids.... I get the stunted growth from childhood religious abuse, but... ... Yeah, that's not okay. Like, really, really, really not okay.
@mailill Ай бұрын
Intelligent people are often good at rationalizing their bias, including false beliefs. Also, our intelligence might not have developed mainly to make us find objective truths, but rather to ensure our survival and to get us the things we want (like food, shelter, support and company of others and sex), to help us keep or increase our status in our in-group, and to spread our genes. At least that is a hypothesis So if the way to get community and status (and food and sex) in a certain group is to believe in a lot of crazy stuff, high intelligence might be an excellent tool for rationalizing these beliefs for oneself and others.
@ezbody 8 ай бұрын
I won't be probably the first person to say this, but she sounds very much like Charles Manson.
@COMRVNA Жыл бұрын
Oh the mindfuckery hell... Thanks to you both 🤘
@sasa-ix9yd 8 ай бұрын
haha...severe skullf*ckery been happening since the dawn of time...this is what makes all the drama so interesting to be shown more and more of how messed up our species is...our species is comprised of predators and parasites & often the parasites ate.feeding the predators
@yvonneshanson1525 2 жыл бұрын
31.19 : now I know why the establishment wants her out of the way !!!.. and, how could you do this to your child.??
@maries2419 2 жыл бұрын
Her anti vax status is the least of it. Have you watched the doc where someone is nearly drowned “to heal her”? This woman is dangerous with or without a vaccine. JFC!
@unhinderedliving 2 жыл бұрын
John, you ask the question how could a man be okay with another man sleeping with his wife. My husband and I are polyamorous and we are both totally okay with the other person having sexual experiences with others. Our relationship is very strong, very happy, but we like variety, that’s all. We don’t believe it’s always possible for one person to meet all our needs. Please don’t speak of polyamory as if it’s inherently harmful. Different strokes for different folks.
@kmanarabrown3259 2 жыл бұрын
@kmanarabrown3259 2 жыл бұрын
@manonty2417 2 жыл бұрын
@MoncaAhwen 11 ай бұрын
THIS WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thoroughly ejoyed it
@giacutie Жыл бұрын
Why is it so wrong to give yourself significance in your own suffering?? You ARE the centre of your own universe, your suffering IS THE MOST important to you
@kirstenb1913 6 ай бұрын
He still sounds brainwashed. Why would he believe her bs story regarding the knife? She's just going for maximum attention, like a destructive child
@layersofthematrix 2 жыл бұрын
I have no doubt about the allegations (I know the saga), but this guy lacks confidence and stability. He even still let's the interviewer boss him around and tell him what to do. A piece of advice, would be to get solid. The path is knowing the difference between what's real and what's not, and much of what he was exposed to does have some validity, though it was manipulated in egoism. And this is happening everyday, everywhere, in a not-as obvious way. So let this be a lesson for people to become more self aware and not give your power over, because someone else will surely take it.
@kmanarabrown3259 2 жыл бұрын
This comment 👆🏽. Good luck to him.
@natashasays 2 жыл бұрын
Well said. He seems extremely gullible and naive.
@SamStone1964 Жыл бұрын
He is extremely self aware and is still processing his past as are each and every one of us.
@layersofthematrix Жыл бұрын
@@SamStone1964 Not being self aware is what lands people in those positions. And from what I remember he wasn't taking too much responsibility for that.. which is what people need to know, that they're not completely a victim. That's the point. where he is now, I have no idea.. the comment was for this video.
@AshtasticAcrobat Жыл бұрын
Thisss exactly 👌💯
@ruthsikorski5495 2 жыл бұрын
Be well Jarod. This is tough stuff to talk about and rehash. It shows how much work you have done on yourself to be able to do this interview.
@kimberlystephenson3999 2 жыл бұрын
I have an idea how about the interviewer asked a question and allow the gentleman to answer
@ArghMatey Жыл бұрын
Love that Blake left the chaos since this interview.
@angelwitchywildingrocco 7 ай бұрын
I always felt something wasn't quite right about her as well to be honest🙄🙄
@aeleceashley8458 2 ай бұрын
And in 1975 with the JW armegedon after telling everyone sell everything off its done then “new light” shows up as well as complete gaslighting of we never said that! Removing the litature that was black and white. My parents converted a year later when my Dad started to go into complete phcycosis.
@aroguereptilian 3 жыл бұрын
So wait what does teals cult have to do with the mormon/freemason cult
@mormonstories 3 жыл бұрын
Both have a history of Satanic Ritual Abuse rumors. Both were started by a cult leader claiming supernatural powers.
@spiderqueen601 2 жыл бұрын
This is a fantastic interview, thanks so much for doing it. I think she's less cult leader than manipulative lover. Cult leaders don't let you leave or talk to ex-members. It makes sense that someone as truamatized as her both has great insight into healing and isn't healed herself. She describes trauma and depression and suicidality much better than any therapist could -- because she's lived it. The worst thing I'm hearing here is how she's bought into the techniques that induce false memories and uses them - really dangerous stuff.
@humanhelp3969 2 жыл бұрын
She’s definitely an Internet Cult Leader.
@violettbijoux1219 Ай бұрын
I hate that I find the Teal painting puffer jackets they sell on their site really cool. I'm not gonna buy one, but they look kind of awesome.
@beofonemind Ай бұрын
Jared is obviously submissive and a perfect match for Teal. She could never be with someone who is certain and secure and has a model of the universe which gives them purpose, joy, and certainty. That would be terrifying to her.
@louisvalentino5110 6 ай бұрын
The obsessive need for attentions is obvious with Teal. Sad.
@doyoureadme94 2 жыл бұрын
All those tattoos are considered binding spells in the pagan community. I hope he gets those removed wether he believes in them or not.
@dereksyroka6288 Жыл бұрын
Dimensional alien talk reminds me of Alex Collier which may have been an influence on her.
@phoenixrising1675 8 ай бұрын
Religion cults addiction is what happen when one is trying to get out of what they aren’t in… Non duality is the last path… to find out- who is it that needs to find God? Find that one…. And your search will be over… and peace will prevail…..
@sandras.5643 6 ай бұрын
You only need very basic somatic knowledge to realise she is an embodiment of unhealed trauma herself (clue: her shoulders look like her clothes are still on a hanger).
@walkerfam8235 2 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed the Diana interview and came to watch these, but damn…I can barely get through them! The interviewer constantly interrupting and inserting stories about Joseph Smith and others is so frustrating! Let the people you are interviewing speak! I’m hoping he’s learned to be better since the Diana interview is much better!
@SamStone1964 Жыл бұрын
Yes it was very annoying that he constantly interrupted and cut him off as he was speaking. As if he was just so excited to get as much dirt on TS that he couldn't just let his guest's conversation flow. The Diana interview was so much better in that he let her speak.
@treycain3233 11 ай бұрын
My general assumption is that he gets emotional about talking about some of the things because of embarrassment and self shame this guys a trooper
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