The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict between the US and Xi Jinping’s China

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International Peace Institute

International Peace Institute

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On July 7th, IPI hosted a Global Leaders Series event featuring a conversation with The Honorable Kevin Rudd on his newest book The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict Between the U.S. and Xi Jinping’s China. The conversation was moderated by IPI President Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

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@voo008 2 жыл бұрын
A person with great wisdom and unbiased views. thanks Kevin.
@tonytan6547 2 жыл бұрын
No,he is still biased ( westerners' bias)
@arthurchen5221 Жыл бұрын
Have to say that Kevin is one of few western leaders knows China so well.
@Buckzoo2030 2 жыл бұрын
Kevin’s assessment is very sensible and pragmatic. Though either parties will listen to his advice and render it a foreign policy as both sides want to look tough and crush China’s rise - it’s now or never. Probably never is almost if not already here. This the most dangerous time in humanity as China and Russia and others are forming pact to confront US and it’s allies. Thank you Mr. Rudd for your efforts to find practical and peaceful solutions.
@tonytan6547 2 жыл бұрын
Haha ,you confused the West with humanity .They are different The West is only about 13 % of this world's population.Get it ?
@chubascomohd2688 Жыл бұрын
If you are paid by the minute.
@buddygraham1486 Жыл бұрын
@@chubascomohd2688 not paid, but speaking from an American view. We realize the powers to be and not exclusively Ameri an power, but World Bank and IMF power controled soley by the Rothchilds and the Five banking families of Europe are the ones pulling the strings. This is very evident in the fact of the lefts leadership pulling the world toward open borders and domestic uphevil at every turn. Stolen elections and political assassinations are the rule of the day. Wake up and realize whom the front men are for these evil organiztions. "ie" George Soros and Hans Klaus both from Europe. These so called billionairs did not aquire all that wealth on their on prowess and accord. No! They were just led to the troph by the Rothchilds and drank of it.
@NuestraPatriaGrande 2 жыл бұрын
I see managed strategic competition as something that is preferred by China. But the US even under a Democrat is dead set on pushing for Taiwan's independence and an ongoing trend for arms sales to Taiwan. If a Neo-con Republican is elected in 2024, the possibility of MANAGED STRATEGIC COMPETITION will not be considered. China needs peace to develop into the largest economy in the world. The US will fight to remain the TOP DOG NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS!! The Taiwan /China civil war is good business for the US in terms of possibly weakening China, even if it leads to a forced unification of Taiwan to China and several million casualties as well as great damage.
@andrewmah5605 2 жыл бұрын
How the American Military Industrial Complex Hegemony managed to fund/finance some 800 Military Bases Surrounding China and Russia ?
@NuestraPatriaGrande 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewmah5605 American billionaires had already figured that war was good business by its formation 1787. At first they called it Manifest Destiny by which the opportunity to massacre The first Americans so that The East Coast 13 states could move westward! Financing the railroad became part of Manifest Destiny! By 1900 the US amassed treasure from slavery, fought a civil War , and murdered their way to California! From the whitening of the US billionaires arose known as Robber Barons in what we call “The Guilded Age!!” The US built itself up by further expanding into Latin America by exploiting the Banana Republics & keeping Europeans out! As Europeans and Japan sought to devastate Europe and Asia , the US made money in selling arms as well as supplying other materials! By the end of WWII, Europe was indebted to the US and Japan was devastated. The only country that remained strong economically was the US! It also had the biggest arsenal of weapons and the first atomic bomb. Under a policy of containment many countries freely accommodated bases that surrounded China and Russia! The USSR was a military power. But economically the US was the top dog! As hegemon , The US used its influence to make the US dollar the default currency of the world. This allows the US to have great deficits or great international debts that the rest of the world finances! Now we are entering into a new era under which the US will lose its hegemony slowly! As China, India, And other countries rise, the US will be challenged economically as well as militarily!!
@joewong438 2 жыл бұрын
@@andrewmah5605 over spending and inevitably will die because of decoupling.
@buddygraham1486 Жыл бұрын
@@andrewmah5605 Communism and or Dictatorships cannot co-exist with any freedom loving peoples. Americans realize whom are protecting their own self interest in this qaudmire of power and Monetary policies. The Rothchilds and the Five banking families of Europe are the ones controlling American politics as far as whom controls the handle of power. President Trump was and is our best chance to break this hold on Political power by these Banksters in America and the World. Now, that is not to say that will give China nor Russia a free pas too bully its neibors and take over other Nations political and economic freedoms. Just because China has 1.5 billion people under its thumb doesnt mean that it will rule the other 6.5 billion in the world. America has always been the one to lead in this realm of a freedom loving world. And we Americans will not fail to do so in the future if pressed by China or Russia.
@scottkleyla7752 2 жыл бұрын
Thats all well and good on "Mothership Earth" if the current systems are sustainable.
@mikomako641 2 жыл бұрын
The Americans and not the Chinese tested chemical weapons in Vietnam. The Americans killed civilians there for 20 years and no one cared at the time. There is no need to hide behind the current fictitious culprit, but it is necessary to look at the recent history of who harmed whom and how.
@derekshaw8050 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, so right mako. The cultural revolution didn't harm anyone, it was actually the US killing 20 million in Vietnam. The camps currently in China are just propoganda too. Thank you for bringing to light that it's the US that's actually worse than china, what a hot take 👍
@kenhubbard7355 2 жыл бұрын
Someone did care me for one , ive been banned from entering the u s as a undesirable alien, REASON its alleged that i was aiding and abetting anericans that didn't want to be drafted into a american war in Vietnam and that i was part of a organization that aided those draft dodgers to move to CANADA so one time i and 1 other person where driving back from san Francisco we were stopped by the polce in washington state , some days before we had car trouble ( overheating ) so we put a new radiator cap on and though the old one on the floor in the back seat , i got sleepy and pulled over and had a rest ALONG CAME THE POLICE , WOKE US UP FOUND THE RADIATOR CAP ON THE FLOOR AND SAID WE WERE STEALING GAS AND THEN DEPORTED US OUT OF THE U S A THERE WAS NO OTHER WAY TO RID THEMSELVES OF US DIDnt CARE I REALLY COULDN'T GIVE A RATS ASS ABOUT GOING INTO AMERICA BUT I THOUGHT YOU MIGHT NO THAT LOTS OF US. C A R E
@kaimingraymondchoi9909 2 жыл бұрын
Dear Kevin and all IPI learned scholars, All nations in the Asian Pacific Region (APR) are keen to live in peace because they are all very hopeful for their future and they want to get a better life. Peace is undoubtedly the most important element for ensuring that. I hope our Australian friends understand with its strategic location and close association with US, Australia is the most important peace maker in the APR. It's moves affect every body. We all know if we want peace, we have to avoid conflicts. However, as the rise of China posts enormous economic threats to United States, it is taking all kind of measures to containing the development China. At the same time, it is pulling Australia along to pursuit such a goal. This will generate conflicts which is totally against the wish of all APR countries. Does the rise of China post similar threat to Australia? The answer is negative. China as well as all APR countries will continue to relying on Australia for its future development. Their continuous development will generate more benefit to Australia. Besides, continuous development in the APR is irreversible. These are simple facts. If Australia takes the lead to institute peace talks and peace programs, it will get support from all countries in the APR. And all of us will remember the goodness of Australians. I always see Australia as a good, trust worthy, important independent nation instead of just an ally to the BIG BROTHER.
@derekshaw8050 2 жыл бұрын
Nice little copy paste number. I
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
@kennethkong5484 2 ай бұрын
Rudd, a China hater , shows you that he speaks Chinese . Does that make him a China expert. Kishore Mahbubani, distinguished scholar and intellectual, says Kevin Rudd gets it wrong about China
@andrewmah5605 2 жыл бұрын
The Anglo Quad Man ! Try finding the Native Aboriginal !
@chubascomohd2688 Жыл бұрын
They are blaming the Chinese for the disappearing aboriginal people in Australia.
@MsOpineminded 2 жыл бұрын
This is wholly stoked by US. China would prefer a peaceful reunification with Taiwan. It is Taiwan's largest trading partner. It does not benefit China to have war anywhere in the world since it is the largest trading partner of most countries including until recently Ukraine. White men keep coming onto the show with tinted glasses. The rest of the world sees things very differently. the rest of the world sees a flailing West and a US which prefers to sow conflict in Taiwan just as it did in Ukraine using Taiwanese and Ukrainians as proxies and sacrificial lambs. This Thucydides trap bullshit with China is frankly a US self fulfilling prophecy. Beware of what you wish for. US purports a belligerent China when China has not fired a shot across its border or invaded any neighbours for the last 4 decades. contrast what the US has done in that span of time leaving a wake of destruction for others to pick up from Afghanistan to Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Libya and now Ukraine. Peaceful rise for China has in fact already happened. The US spends $800B on defense and yet cannot protect 1 million of its own most vulnerable citizens form a simple virus. Contrast what China did building hospitals within ten days locking down trusting science. West is full of themselves and their arrogance is their downfall. China's nuclear holdings pale in comparison to US. China adheres to NO FIRST USE policy not the US. US hasn't even signed UNCLOS but it prefers to preach Freedom of Navigation. No surprise the West has missed a tectonic shift in recent months following their own debacle in Ukraine as India has pivoted to SCO and BRICS along with many other emerging countries. China is an opportunity to them. It provides a separate engine for growth where previously the developing world were stuck in Western debt trap and dictate. it will surprise many in the West that most of Africa's crippling debt is actually held by Western institutions not China. The West prefers to imagine certain countries as partners like Japan and India. Japan is adept at saying things US prefers to hear. But like Taiwan and most countries in the world, China is its number one trading partner. fact is you do not become a trusted number one trading partner world wide if you don't obviously deliver on promises. China delivers. It does not deviate from agreements. Its Foreign policy has been clear and when they find agreement (which they have for 13 of their 14 land border neigbours) they stick to it. It is the US that has become over last 3 regimes unpredictable and untrustworthy making foreign policy U turns with every administration or even within and administration performing double talk with actions not following words like in Taiwan recently. Who is the real liability in the region? India realised its folly attempting to ride the US tiger to confront China on outstanding border issues when first the US abandoned Afghanistan yet another of its allies like it did Vietnam before, leaving India in a security lurch. Next it realised its membership to the lame anyway Quadriplegic alliance did not mean access to the old boy's White Men Only Angloid AUKUS. Finally it realised it could be next to be besmeared by the US and West when it grew big enough when the Biden regime preferred to stupidly ape the Trump weaponization of the US dollar. India subsequently has pivoted back to SCO with Russia and China as well as to BRICS. The West continues to beggar belief framing China as a threat when they are the ones actually creating hacking virus like Stuxnet or putting back doors in devices eaves dropping on allies like Merkel in Germany. Yet somehow the allegations are Huawei is the threat. Somehow China is blamed for unproven wildly hyperbolic estimates of concentration camps and Uyghurs when the West prefers to turn a blind eye to Kashmiris virtual prisoners in their own state incidentally a disputed territory or say Palestinians with the vibrant democracy of Israel electing to practise apartheid to no censure from the US. As a Chilean retired diplomat quibbed recently, when China visit Latin America they talk trade and investment. When the US comes they like to tell us about a China threat. The West believes its own bullshit bc its an echo chamber. It makes false assumptions, prefers to understand others only in their context make ludicrous judgements.
@ggc7318 2 жыл бұрын
@djinn msn Yes we believe in ours BS just like you believe in CCP's BS. Are you in China ? If not please move to China. Thank you.
@joewong438 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your honest perspective. 😢 With Kevin he seems to leaning toward the USA and her allies. Sadly Major power USA needs allies to do their fighting because the allies are a bunch of lap dogs including the 4 eyes. Thank you moderator for your question to Rudd.
@ggc7318 2 жыл бұрын
China would still be a blackwater peasant economy without USA transferring modern manufacturing technologies to China 40 years ago. China didn't have its current boundaries from the beginning. It invaded and was pushed back many times in the past few hundred of years.The latest few boundary wars were with India, Vietnam and Korea. How about Tibet ? How can that belong to China?
@maitlandbezzina2842 Жыл бұрын
@@joewong438 Are you kidding? Kevin was completely neutral in his discussions in this video. It was a fantastic video in which he remained completely neutral, his book argues for peace and understanding, not war. I’m really not sure how you can come to these conclusions?
@maitlandbezzina2842 Жыл бұрын
A lovely long argument, however, it is all moot at Taiwan simply does not want to merge with China. Regardless of all outside noise from the US and other nations, the simple fact remains that Taiwan wants to remain as Taiwan, while China wants to take over the nation and bring it into its own rule. Once you figure that out, you’ll understand that what China is trying to achieve is literally considered invasion.
@Therealbkbk2019 2 жыл бұрын
God bless America and may she shine above the ignorant foreva.
@ggc7318 2 жыл бұрын
@Fluffy Bunnykins Yes we love Trump
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
Toronto Night College
@derekshaw8050 2 жыл бұрын
A Kevin Rudd speech and no CCP bot comments yet, nice 👍
@twood2032 2 жыл бұрын
I think what you just said showed that you are no different from those bot you spoke of, you seems to care more about whether or not there are bots here than what they have to say, this logic itself showed that you are just another bot. Logical and rational people care about contents that are logical and rational. If you are looking for bots, you shouldn't be look for them here, bots normally don't watch videos that are over hour long, you are in the wrong place my friend.
@derekshaw8050 2 жыл бұрын
@@twood2032 Tony. I think you might be reading a little too much into my expression of relief that the comment section wasn't flooded with bots (as they most surely are in absolutely every other Kevin Rudd lecture). Is this a feint or are you genuinely offended?
@twood2032 2 жыл бұрын
@@derekshaw8050 No, I just find it wired that people look for bots rather than reading through other's comments. I think it is complete fine even if there are bots, sometime their view shows use what they are disagreeing with. Me offended? Not at all, sometimes even if they are bots it is fun to read. I heard that sometimes Taiwan 1450 internet army leave comments pretending to be Chinese. I think that if you want to see heated debate between Chinese bots vs Taiwan 1450 bots, you should look for a shorter video. Normally bot don't have time to go through a hour long video, they are all about hit and run tactics.
@derekshaw8050 2 жыл бұрын
@@twood2032Taiwanese bots trying to make China look bad on the internet, this is a very long bow Tony Woo, especially given china is pretty famous for its fleet of bots and is otherwise perfectly capable of deploying its own bots (as it does on absolutely every video related to China). Anyway Tony you have definitely earned your 50c worth, now move along bud.
@twood2032 2 жыл бұрын
@@derekshaw8050 Haha, yeah that's the term, 50c.
@oceanbreeze89 2 жыл бұрын
Kevin Rudd is a very selfish politician. He totally ignores Taiwan’s 23.5 million people’s interests but cares so much about an aggressor’s feelings.
@tonytan6547 2 жыл бұрын
Most Westerners think so, and they think "They are the World"
@kwanarchive 2 жыл бұрын
He's an academic giving a talk about China because that's what he researches. What is your problem?
@kwanarchive Жыл бұрын
@Moni Penny Why do mainland Chinese have the right to determine the future of Taiwan?
@kwanarchive Жыл бұрын
@Moni Penny "History" is not a valid reason.
@leesnow-yh1mq Жыл бұрын
@Moni Penny Taiwan is part of China. This is recognized by almost all countries in the world. Both history and jurisprudence have proved this point. Don't make trouble on purpose.
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
India,Working,to fix,China.PhD,China,to Advence,
@arjalanarayan 2 жыл бұрын
I,old,endgame,to,toGive,up,to ,Chin,Indian, PhD,Working,Enjy
@MsOpineminded 2 жыл бұрын
White man listening to White man. Kevin Rudd speaks Chinese but does not understand Chinese.😆
@Therealbkbk2019 2 жыл бұрын
White is right 👍
@ggc7318 2 жыл бұрын
There are thousands and thousands of Chinese( from China) immigrants and over 350k Chinese students here in USA. Do they understand China ? Or are they all corrupted by liberal ideas.
@chubascomohd2688 Жыл бұрын
Not for long.
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