The Dangers of Non-Duality Explained

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Vishuddha Das

Vishuddha Das

Жыл бұрын

Today we talk about the potential 'dangers' of non-duality and nondual philosophy as a whole. For some it can be a powerful tool in their own awakening process, for others it may not. Why is this? Lets find out.
My Meditation Book:
Get Your Own Mala Beads:
#spirituality #nonduality #awakening

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@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Hope this can help 🙏 if you have any questions you'd like videos on please feel free to let me know
@DiceDecides Жыл бұрын
could you make a video on simple acts we can do to help raise the consciousness of the people around us?
@archietopley9990 Жыл бұрын
Hello I'm a very big fan of you (don't think you've ever made a bad video) Could you do a video on Hare Krishna And your opinions on it please 🙏 ✌️
@alphabetpeople2902 Жыл бұрын
I don't intend to be harsh toward you, but harsh against this ideology, bcos nothing has disturbed me more than non-duality, and this is coming from an ex-muslim transgender who is in danger all the time. Non-duality is the most dangerous ideology I've ever come across. 1st. It takes away your individuality which is the most demeaning and scary thing in the world ever. Islam took away my dignity and humanity, but at least it didn't take away my individuality. I refuse to give up my individuality even in exchange for divine love. My individuality is not for sale and I value it more than I value my humanity and dignity. 2nd: It literally doesn't make sense, bcos apparently god is suffering from mass schizophrenia, which means that humans are also insane. Telling people that we're insane worthless pieces of god with no individuality is absolutely the most scary thing I've heard. Nothing comes close, not even the idea of going to the islamic hell, bcos at least I retain my individuality in hell. 3rd. Bcos we're all schizophrenic pieces of god, It can be used to justify all sort of crimes. I've literally heard people justify Hitler with this insane schizophrenic ideology.
@juliarotunno 9 ай бұрын
“What’s wrong with right now unless you think about it?” - Sailor Bob Adamson The danger of listening to this video (which lacks clarity and understanding) is that you are cast into the prison of becoming and will strive towards freedom, might even believe that progress is happening but you will never be free because enough will never happen. The fictitious mind will say “Maybe next year.” Einstein said that time is illusion. Only this presence awareness is real. Anything appearing within an illusion is also illusion. The idea of a me who can have an ego is also illusion because there is no “me” without reference mental imaging of a past or future. You are impersonal existence itself and the separate you which can become one is as fictitious as Santa Claus. If you buy what this video is selling, you probably also believe that Mickey Mouse will become a real mouse. The entire purpose of thought (words) is to divide. Can you separate Advaita from Neo-Advaita without a believed in thought? Thought can be a useful mechanism unless it is believed. Truth cannot be spoken. The me only exists in thought. You can observe thoughts but are you a thought? This speaker clearly doesn’t understand that the separate entity who can be free from the idea of ego doesn’t exist but couldn’t have believed otherwise.
@VoodouFairy Жыл бұрын
this was so helpful. sometimes i feel discouraged and falling behind my spiritual practices when life get too busy.. this video really eased my mind. thank you!
@benf1111 5 ай бұрын
Very helpful. I had a profound "experience " of non-duality a few years back before I even knew what it was. It lasted for several months and then faded as you said.. Then I started searching and coming up non-duality I was like "holy cow. I can't believe this is what those traditions were always talking about.". But the juxtaposition of the everyday with this powerful memory really took a lot of conscious practice to put that experience down as some kind of end goal and to simply be here now with whatever is appearing. Matt Kahn likes to say "whatever arises, love that.". It's a nice moment to moment reminder.
@drippyboyfreshpharaoh6568 Ай бұрын
Where is the end/ when is the end according to you?
@stangoodvibes Жыл бұрын
When i first started into non-duality, i did spend a few months where i really didnt bother doing anything. Kinda like a depression but i wasnt depressed, i just couldnt be bothered to do anything. In a way it was good because i had all these mental ideas about myself and an internal critic, so for example when i stopped going to the gym during this time i realised i had always judged myself about being a regular gym guy and also critical of others who i perceived as not as committed to working out as I was! Or when i stopped cleaning my place for a while i realised i was shaming myself if people had come round and the place wasnt spotless. I discovered i had a real issue with perfectionism and all the judgement that comes with that. But that goes after a while and then the world becomes a safer place, because you find joy and satisfaction in all the small things of life. Youre LESS likely to have an accident from not paying attention to something because you arent in your mind thinking endless stuff all the time. You're present and aware. And you do things slowly and thoughtfully, because there is no point rushing anything 😀🙏
@jocelynhenkel4 6 ай бұрын
it is all quite least you have honest dialogue with yourself .experimenting with the chatter society and people throw at you. good to think hard about things and have a friend that understands you. keep thinking before that's taken from you and pray to doesn't hurt!🤗
@stangoodvibes 6 ай бұрын
@@jocelynhenkel4 doesn't hurt praying to Santa either, and it's equally as effective 🙏
@anweshakar146 4 ай бұрын
Wow interesting.
@dopamine_27 Жыл бұрын
I've been in an existential crisis lately over the possibility of Solipsism and hearing this is really soothing and helpful. Thanks my friend. X
@darkcylander 11 ай бұрын
Solipsism is the self filling everything. enlightenment is realizing that there is no self.
@12elpida Жыл бұрын
I have been subscribed for years in your channel, I see so many similarities in the way we have grown in our spiritual path. I absolutely love adveita vedanta, what you shared in this video is exactly what I needed to be reminded of. I am sending you much love, have many thanks
@myhypnoticvision Жыл бұрын
Beautiful observation fam❤️☀️super important on how we direct this infinite energy within us. The way we let the infinite express itself through us, manifests into our experience.
@riccobaffa1886 Жыл бұрын
I think the neo-advaita movement can lead to certain forms of nihilism due to there not being a progression of understanding to fully integrate the knowledge. Just my 1-2 cents 😁.
@dbxniker7484 Жыл бұрын
each new video i watch of yours, you seem to be at peace more and more and more
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Much love!
@thejuliateresa Жыл бұрын
I loved the analogy with fire, wind, and water ❤. This video was so helpful.
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it 🙏
@LivingNow678 Жыл бұрын
​@@VishuddhaDas Dear brother, thanks for sharing your experiences just a suggestion about nonduality On YT, icon a man in white jilaba, a music-message from meditation by Freddie McCoy dit Ahmed Sofi Track: Positive AND Negative (AND = A Neutral Direction) Om AUM 👃👌❣️🙏
@Theartoflivng Жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for this video… what a synchronicity! Been living the “non-dual lifestyle” for a while and I’m starting to realise that I have a lot of trauma to take care of outside that space… this video is a huge confirmation and very well explained 🙏
@AC-jg5ok Жыл бұрын
Weird how everything you're talking about is what I'm currently dealing with in my Sobriety Journey 🧘 Glad you're back! ✌️🌼
@tomislavbosnjak3805 Жыл бұрын
@ambermurray4481 Жыл бұрын
You got this!!!! The light inside you is more bright and potent that any substance on earth
@Kirstymarie03 Жыл бұрын
I unexpectedly gained a deep understanding of non-dual philosophy following major bereavements and trauma. Whilst this understanding was initially incredible, it caught me off-guard as I wasn’t in a healthy place. I’m slowly coming to terms with balancing non-dual beliefs with the material world, and your emphasis on the importance of this life really resonated. The philosophy of karma yoga has inspired me to transform grief into helpful actions. I’ve finally started to create art again as I’m fascinated by the human ability to materialise intangible concepts into our perceived world. My only questions are, is it a requirement to detach from maya / sensory enjoyment in order to practice vedanta? Can I continue to create and mindfully engage with the illusions of modern society? Thanks!
@patrickhart6244 Жыл бұрын
Sorry for your loss but also congrats on your break throughs. I don’t think withdrawal from society or sensory pleasures is necessarily a conscious choice along the path of enlightenment. I believe its more similar to that which is not needed or desired falls away. If something makes you happy it’s a way your soul is seeking expression and should be appreciated. Nothing needs to/can be rushed beyond it’s natural unraveling. Enjoy the transition towards non duality because it’s a one way road (and it seems like you are approaching your destination). I’ve learned a lot from David Hawkins and his scale of consciousness if you haven’t heard of him already. Good luck!
@Kirstymarie03 Жыл бұрын
@@patrickhart6244 thanks for your insight! I appreciate your perspective that it’s not a conscious choice. I’m realising that to force anything is to miss the point. We may as well enjoy our ability to express and heal through material means, it’s part of the human experience. If it’s time for our idea of ‘self’ to evolve further, it will happen, and if not, it doesn’t make us any less worthy than those committed to a path - that would suggest separation!
@PhillP3833 Жыл бұрын
I couldn't have asked for a better message today. Thank you! 🙏
@VeronicaDenoi Жыл бұрын
This was a great way of explaining and helping others to better understand. I really enjoyed listening to this.
@funkyskunk1 Жыл бұрын
I came to non-duality on my own and didn't even have a name for it until I read the Upanishads and found that Hindus had discovered the same thing thousands of years ago. I was studying the philosophy of the mind and was doing lots of meditation and introspection. In short, I realized that all that exists is consciousness. I realized that I am a finite mind inside of the infinite mind, and that all is one, I am connected to all things, and that separation is an illusion. In deep meditation, the oneness with the rest of the universe can be felt. I will not die, I will merely reunite with the infinite. Before I came to discover non-duality, I was in a deep spiritual depression after becoming disillusioned with my former faith (mormonism) I was an atheist for many years, and I wasn't happy or healthy. I was terrified of death. Not just my own death, but moreso of those that I loved. Nonduality has brought me back to spirituality and given me a sense of purpose and peace. I think non-duality can be dangerous if immature seekers come to it. It's dangerous in the same way that psychedelics can be dangerous. You can't just jump into it unprepared, you have to be mindful and careful, and probably should have an experienced guide with you as you discover the true nature of yourself and of reality.
@James-lb7yd Жыл бұрын
Thank you. Very well said. I could not have said anything better. Many blessings for you and your family. ☮
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Same to you!
@gtl9090 Жыл бұрын
I feel like I needed to hear this message. Thank you
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being here 🙏
@LukeBricker Жыл бұрын
Great insights and wisdom here, friend.
@Magik1369 Жыл бұрын
Non dual is not a negation of one's sacred personal selfhood. To integrate at the Soul level takes decades of hard arduous, agonizing purgation and integration. This is the path Kundalini took me on 23 years ago. Skipping over the Soul is not wise. It is true that prior to awakening, the ego exists as a mental construct. However, when one experiences authentic ego death, one is rebirthed at the Soul level and becomes an even bigger, authentic, stronger, powerful, loving spiritual Being. Sri Aurobindo called this realization the Psychic Being. It is a literal flame of the Divine deep inside the heart. This is not the highest realization but attaining it is no easy task. Like you said, one must face and heal one's shadow, samskaras, and trauma. The next level is increasingly non dual and that is the Realization of the Transcendent Self. However the Divine Soul continues to abide as one's full actualized Divine Selfhood and experiences and abides in the Non Dual awareness simultaneously. This is the integral path. This is a high level of realization in that it marries and unifies the opposites of male and female or Spirit and Soul. Non dual is not so much a philosophy or experience as it is an aspect of Reality itself. Advanced Beings can abide simultaneously in ever present non dual awareness and still have a highly developed and discriminating consciousness.
@seane.9937 Жыл бұрын
Wow, this is awesome content. My spiritual awakening took 13 years. Just last month I reached unity consciousness but I had been practicing non judgement, forgiveness, and non body identification for a long time
@johngilmore697 10 ай бұрын
I'm a force ghost.
@seane.9937 10 ай бұрын
@@johngilmore697 I have no idea what your writing about
@lindahartmandausel3254 27 күн бұрын
Just exactly what I wanted to know. I’ll move slowly and be prepared. I may pass on before I reach the goal, but that’s okay. ❤
@lancewrightmalcolm5014 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge!!❤️
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Thank you for watching 🙏
@lancewrightmalcolm5014 Жыл бұрын
@@VishuddhaDas You’re very welcomed, I’ve been following you for years, your teachings have got’n me through so much, …I hope you’ll be returning and posting regularly again because you’re truely a gift to the world!!❤️
@wesnewman 11 ай бұрын
Beautifly stated. Thank you for the message.
@l_u_c_i_d_m_i_n_d_d Жыл бұрын
This message hit me hard... Thank you 🙏💚
@floralemmens Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much🙏 every time you upload a video it guides me back to something I forgot a long time ago. I feel I need the guidance because I have lost my way since you've been gone. I will work on finding back my way to peace because I got so lost... this was the perfect thing I needed to hear thank you. Time will heal. And I'd love to see a video about the opposite, explaining dualism and how this manifests in a human being and society. How does this differ from non-dualism?
@AC-jg5ok Жыл бұрын
#First 💜💚💙 Your videos got me to Colorado & now they are getting me thru my life back in Alabama ✨💫♉ Thanks for existing!!! 🤗
@OmegaLiveYT Жыл бұрын
You live with your brother?
@danielowen9210 Жыл бұрын
This video is very helpful to me. I've been wondering how to integrate non-dual insights into the practical realities of daily life, and this video helps. IMHO, the video could benefit from a second title phrase more along the lines of my previous sentence. Thank you for the good work you do.
@tghodosko7259 Жыл бұрын
Man brother I felt that when you said "they feel purposeless" Thanks for your videos.
@DepthBySoul Жыл бұрын
the danger lies with the folks who attack or persecute those who dont hold same opinion and speak ouy on their opinions. people have a terrible habit being hive minded. once a group attacks or persecutea someone online then thousands if bot milli9ns join in. its sad
@wernerxldata 11 ай бұрын
Beautifull, transmute 'the normal things' to what they actually are, brilliant moments, a lot of them are nothing less than miracles. I really found some breathing room in your explanation in regards to non duality, I experienced a lot of other videos as 'theoretical' instead of 'practical' in approach, in the end it's how we experience it in the situation of now. The philosphy in general really resonates with me but a lot of explanation I studied lately actually created resistance. So thanks for your view ❤
@bradleylintmore3492 Жыл бұрын
I haven't watched your videos for a good few years, since the early Koi Fresco stuff actually, but your energy seems different now.. Forgive me if I'm just projecting... but there is a calm now that I didn't see before. Thanks for this upload, it's really important to discuss these nuances. RamRam
@KianAllen-cj5is Ай бұрын
This is something im extremely struggling with. I am gojng through an extreme depression because of solipsism. I undersgand that we are all one but i find my ego is identifying itself as the only thing that exists
@alexprieto8277 Жыл бұрын
Hey Vishuddha Das. My intro into eastern practices was when i was super depressed and anxious, and i was desperate for anthing to pull me out. I came across Alan Watts. I think his videos were good in teaching me meditation, and other things, and to laugh and ponder, but ultimately was only a starting point. I considerred the dangers as i gained insights, and as i meditated more. my mind stopped jabbering many times. one time i couldnt even feel my body but not in a medical sense. it felt familiar, because as a child we feel free of restriction, and thats what i felt. i bursted out laughing. without being arrogant, i feel that on many times, if i hadnt experienced enlightenment maybe i was close. but i abandoned it because frankly, i didnt know what i was doing and i dont really want my mind to go to the breaking point. but i do see life differently now. i havent decided if thats a good or bad thing yet. now I'm writing to you to ask, what are some of those baby step things i can do ? I feel like i need to go back to square 1 as I am out of practice with meditation and i find myself in a new environment. im already in therapy and processing things. I also would take any kind of meditation tips you have. if you have made any videos on any of this please point me to them ill gladly watch :)
@chiselcheswick5673 5 ай бұрын
Thank you...
@benji-5796 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it strips you. In fact I would say you are better of having a blind faith. Non duality will show you that there is no thing after death. Even if people have their beliefs that they will be reunited with loved ones then I would say this is far far better to think than the realisation that you will be in an eternal dreamless sleep. So yes, it’s potentially dangerous.
@BibliotecaOrganica 5 ай бұрын
thank you!
@summondadrummin2868 Жыл бұрын
The useful phrase 'spiritual bypassing' comes to mind, its an obvious temptation to want to transcend the worlds challenges, so maybe a magical perspective will achieve this? Life is a whole process though and these seeming mundane and trivial tasks keep us grounded in Reality
@user-zl2gf2jh1m Жыл бұрын
definite spiritual bypassing. It’s refreshing to see someone else naming this.
@user-zl2gf2jh1m Жыл бұрын
Thank you for honoring the mundane
@ellisdee2013 Жыл бұрын
This is the first I've heard of non-duality philosophy. I'm still not sure what it is, but the video interests me. It reminds me of the movie The Last Samurai, when he's writing in his journal about the samurai and their way of life. How they were very deliberate with everything they did. Like there was art in every action. Intriguing
@macaroon147 Жыл бұрын
Don't delve into it lol let it come naturally to you. It's exhausting otherwise
@Anangelfromabove 5 ай бұрын
Really good. I cannot stand some of the people trying to teach this and the people they teach are spiraling down in their life and all they have to say to them is nothing exists and it’s just a thought. Thank you!
@petersullivan3467 Жыл бұрын
Were you by chance in Indiana last week? I saw someone I swear looked just like you.
@sea_hous Жыл бұрын
I’m so confused how this isn’t seen as a belief system. Why is looking at my arm outstretched not quality evidence that that thing (over there) is over there? Why should I in any way deprioritize that as evidence of separation and distance? Not to mention the hundreds of other pieces of evidence I can use to prove distance/separation? I’ve sat in meditation and been fully immersed in sensation and let the story fall away completely. Why isn’t that just simply a state that this body can experience? How does one glean non duality from that? It just feels like religion in a truth costume. This feels like a belief that’s masquerading as non belief.
@knotyourguru Ай бұрын
No better time than the present moment to awaken fully... so by all means, dive right into the deep end of the pool. The world needs you to awaken now.
@7lexanderp634 Жыл бұрын
This was well said
@ramanathanramakrishnan8939 Жыл бұрын
That is why traditional Vedant gurus in India dont entertain all and sundry and take in people who have "Brahma Jijnasa" or "The desire to reach brahman". The Brahma sutra at the starting says "Athatho Brahma Jijnasa". Meaning "Afterwards desire to know brahman. Now what is this "Afterwards" mean. It means after you have completed all the ashrama duties/varna duties in the present Ashrama you are in and the varna you belong to. At this stage is when you reach a certain fulfillment and if you have the right samskaras you will want to attain advaitic consciousness. Neo Vedanta has sort of spoilt this well-rounded approach and sort of made advaitic realization a fad. This was once the domain of the serious practicing sanyasi, though others weren't excluded.
@dragonfaerose Жыл бұрын
As a neurodivergent person, I need duality in the mundane and spiritual life. It helps explains my world and that around it. ❤️ duality also me to feel grounded.
@TheGW_Channel Жыл бұрын
I'm an Advaitin, and totally agree with you
@ambermurray4481 Жыл бұрын
So I had no idea what advaita Vedanta was until I lived on a meditation retreat in Hawaii there was pictures of Sri Ramana Maharishi on the temple walls and I was very open learning the practice I was only 19 years old but was into meditation and had a number of psychedelic experiences in my pocket at this point. This concept has taken me years to grasp but I am so so so thankful that this seed was planted in my mind at a young age. And the part about the mirror being fogged after you see the light can drive you crazy makes a lot of sense to me man I’ve had that thought in my head before but hearing you say it made a lot of sense 🎉🎉🎉 thanks dude you would be a amazing human if you existed 😉 👁️
@tomislavbosnjak3805 Жыл бұрын
❤️Thank you
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
You are very welcome 🙏
@momjuicer8482 Жыл бұрын
Hey Vishuddha Das, I clicked on this video hoping I could get any insight on realizing this truth of non-Duality. I've been a practicing psychonaut with DMT and Mushrooms, the combination of these drugs and the knowledge of basic Hinduism belief has left me feeling ungrounded and stricken with panic attacks and disassociation. I want to continue my spiritual journey but I can't help but feel afraid, any guidance or advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
@andrewortiz5797 Жыл бұрын
Yin and Yang. Heaven and Earth. As Above so below. A healthy Spirituality incorporates both Realities. Many spiritual people live too much with their heads on cloud 9 but neglect their earthy Life they have been given and there are those who focus too much on this earthly Life and live in drunkenness and free love (those guru's who sleep with multiple partners)..A Healthy Spirituality is a balanced Spirituality.
@douglasmahon819 Жыл бұрын
thank you
@HarderTime89 10 ай бұрын
I didn't dive into an idea. I experienced it and have since met a few people in different beliefs who had also. Its so friggin hard finding people online who don't add excess dogma into it.
@stayspiritual Жыл бұрын
Wow, well spoken, and good discernment, although I do you think there is more then one tried and true path to non-dual realization. For some, slow and steady, while for others really fast. Each I think comes with there own suffering. 👍😉🙃
@angelmoon8114 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video… However, I do have a couple of questions. There seems to be at least for this character, Angel… Confusion around awareness, consciousness, being, etc. but then, when I have listened to non-duality speakers such as Tony Parsons, Jim Newman they will say it has nothing to do with awareness and consciousness, and that actually awareness is a knowing which causes separation? But lately this energy seems to have shifted from where I was apparently resonating with Jim Newman strongly and Tony but now the energy has shifted to Anna Brown, Andrew Kirshbaum, and the one that I resonate with the most is John Wheeler. Can you please explain why Tony Parsons says this has nothing to do with awareness? Because, in a couple of his books, and one that I have in my hand, he states things arise in your awareness. He would never talk this way now. Thank you, Angel
@obscurealm Жыл бұрын
Namaste, great video. A request: Can you represent Advaita vedanta on the Dawahwise channel?
@diggie9598 Жыл бұрын
There is a lot of wisdom in your words. Clear, percise and expressed with benevolent attitude. You seem to be a happy guy, so it appears you're actually living what you teach. Thank you for the time, effort and passion you obviously are putting into these videos!
@gabemoore3189 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the great video! I grew up Christian and am still coming to terms with all of my new beliefs. I have seen Christian testimonies of those who claimed to have went very deep in Eastern spiritual practices, meditation, psychadelics, etc , and found it to be very evil and they claim it lead them back to Jesus. Having grown up in the church my developmental predisposition have been causing me anxiety with this. I feel that the oneness of the universe and universal love is the truth. However when hearing these things I become anxious that I am being deceived by some evil force. Do you have any insight on this? Also, how do we deal with christ in the nondualist frame of mind? What was he really saying? What did he represent? Was he saying that following christ was the only way as the church is saying? Thank you so much and peace be with you!
@stangoodvibes Жыл бұрын
Hey I was a Christian too. My parents Indoctrinated me from an early age and I totally believed it to the point I was a youth leader in a big church in my 20s. Then in my 30s I moved to London, and that gave me the opportunity to actually have a good look at my beliefs and question if it really was true. Long story short - a few years and some counselling and lots of questioning and reading and I came to the slowly dawning realisation that it was all just made up. I had a gradual awakening and a long dark night of the soul because the entire foundation of my life and beliefs were all a lie and I didn't know who I was or what was the reason for living if it wasn't about Jesus and God and salvation etc. So as our man describes in the video above, it's all a learning process, or rather an un-learning process. In your case (and mine) there is a new 'plateau' to reach which is accepting that there is no separate God and there is no Son Of God and there is no need for salvation or some concept of Heaven. Jesus was just an awakened individual who some people built a religion around, much like Buddha or any of the other enlightened individuals who for.... reasons... became deified. If you google search ' Jesus and non duality' you'll find lists of quotes from Jesus in the bible where his teachings are very non-duality ie "before Abraham was, I am". I hope this helps🙏
@riccobaffa1886 9 ай бұрын
Check out the Tao of Christ, it's a podcast that delves into the non dual teachings of Christ. A former pastor breaks down the scriptures and shares his insights. Enjoy ♡
@gabemoore3189 9 ай бұрын
@@riccobaffa1886 thank you so much!
@gabemoore3189 9 ай бұрын
@stangoodvibes I am just now seeing this but thank you so much it helps to know the others have struggled with the same spiritual questioning that I have. I know i'm seeing this three months late but thank you so much for your reply!
@lonelystupidwar Жыл бұрын
How does Vedanta help one understand something like the Book of Jonah please?
@amylitz5163 Жыл бұрын
You're baaaaccckkk?? ✨️ This is exciting news! Thank you for the content and all of your work.
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Yes I am :)
@Cheese-is-its-own-food-group Жыл бұрын
There’s no way I can go back to what I was doing before. It’s extremely foreign to me even though it wasn’t long ago. There are things that I used to really like and I just don’t now, as well. Everything is empty. Me, you, my kids, your kids, everything and everyone.
@drippyboyfreshpharaoh6568 Ай бұрын
I want to ask: where does matter come from if pure wholeness is empty? I know that matter is slowed down wavelengths of light energy but that means light energy has matter/substance to it inherently!
@SeaJay_Oceans Жыл бұрын
nope... just follow the path of compassion...and Empathy.
@MegaMonamy Жыл бұрын
So glad you are back my friend
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
happy to be back!
@rajpanchoo1859 9 ай бұрын
In the Hindu tradition they say the universe is similar to a dream in God's Mind. Do u know in what text in the Hindu tradition can we find this analogy?
@lonelystupidwar Жыл бұрын
Don't the words of Krishna in the Gita contradict Vedanta?
@mktipsfun1564 2 ай бұрын
lord Krishna indirectly represent non duality but In dual world Krishna teachings are needed
@shamidevdartion5875 Жыл бұрын
jai shree Radhe
@jacobrubin3580 Жыл бұрын
Great day seeing you upload
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
More to come :)
@MerariBonova Жыл бұрын
I needed this right now ❤
@user-mu4du1wj9w 2 ай бұрын
I woke up spiritually and non duality via psychedelics but I did it accidentally and it has been the worst few weeks of my entire life. We are all one, therefore, I am alone, utterly, finally and forever. It is the most existentially terrifying thing ever and I have no way to deal with it. Idk what to do. Killing myself wouldn't even fix it so I am ultimately trapped inside my own existence forever.
@user-pl2qo5tb5t 2 ай бұрын
I went through that too, you’ll be fine, spend time in nature, eat healthy food, things will go back to normal soon :)
@angelikawesson4277 3 сағат бұрын
Then you really did not 'awaken spiritually'.
@user-by2es3gw3j 3 ай бұрын
The fact is that duality can occur without meditation, and you won’t even understand what happened, and the mind will be disoriented, and there may be serious problems.
@Sussana13 8 күн бұрын
Yes it is
@MC_BRASS Жыл бұрын
You seem to look a lot healthier than your older videos just mentioning
@movingpangea Жыл бұрын
“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.”
@Naatti922 9 ай бұрын
A non-dual realization might literally be the most dangerous thing to a person in the entire universe.
@etherealpeace8688 Жыл бұрын
“Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water.” A lot of what you post teach how to chop wood and carry water post enlightenment which is HIGHLY appreciated!
@callie_7809 Жыл бұрын
I’ve always pondered this from time to time, but never heard anyone verbalize it, very helpful
@TowfuNinja 5 ай бұрын
In the psychedelic state you actually can experience non duality instead of just theorizing about it
@M_Kru 5 ай бұрын
You'd think if everything alive was truly linked together at a core level that we would live in a better type of world. Seems the opposite to me that's why my mind can't fully accept non duality. And if nothing ever existed or will exist in the greater scope then there's no reason to worry about your physical form at all or eating certain foods, meditating, Following rules/guidelines of any sort.
@Elen-op4hl Жыл бұрын
Digging this comeback
@shauryapratapsingh6052 Жыл бұрын
Ram ram 🕉️
@VishuddhaDas Жыл бұрын
Jai Shree Ram!
@shauryapratapsingh6052 Жыл бұрын
@@VishuddhaDas Jai Sita Ram 🕉️
@ayushdhingra855 3 ай бұрын
Such philosophy make sense but implementation is impossible better is yoga meditation
@Thecrow999 Жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!❤
@DiceDecides Жыл бұрын
i think it can be very dangerous, look what happened to Jesus, you're in danger from other humans who are only seeing duality. i agree it is best to focus on the simple things in life...
@mariom6065 Жыл бұрын
It’s only as dangerous as it is misunderstood. Just like he said in the video if you watch the whole thing, fire and water are dangerous if you misuse them, or misunderstand.
@DiceDecides Жыл бұрын
@@mariom6065 I agree, you're in danger by the people who misunderstand it.
@ayushdhingra855 3 ай бұрын
It may work when someone is low or in depression give them strength to come out of it
@mariom6065 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think it’s dangerous. I think that people dabble in the stuff and don’t really embody the information that’s necessary for them to comprehend the big picture, or their ego acts as one big gigantic ego veil disallowing them from actually absorbing and understanding the teachings. Basically egotistical blockages… It’s like keys to a rocket ship they either crash into a mountain, or are they going to outer space and understand the big picture of the universe. Vedanta is in the process of the beholder. There is judgments, filters, personal barriers, and that stops them from going deeper. There are lots of spiritual dabblers who dip their toe to try to comprehend, not realizing the big picture that you cannot dip your toe. People like the surface swim, not understanding the true depths and nature of the material. Dabblers fall in the water constantly….they think the answers are so simple. It’s like reading, one chapter of a book and putting it down because you look at it through a superficial lens. Vedanta should be embraced from beginning to end rather than the ego and nature giving in and then giving up. Vedanta is never for the superficial folks that think that they can grasp it overnight so cleanly. With the earliest form of this teaching, there was a great deal of preparation that went into student teacher relationship. There was also a lot of preparation and understanding, basic concepts before they moved on. It’s not any different than kundalini. It is Misused, misunderstood, the dabblers are the ones that do damage to the most powerful spiritual knowledge that exists.
@MerchantMudCrab Жыл бұрын
@subhamsingh7627 Жыл бұрын
Thankyou ❤️❤️❤️
@neptunespirit Жыл бұрын
you just forgot the retail business.
@janky_yardbird3417 2 ай бұрын
I need help being a better dad.
@HorizonXD Жыл бұрын
Hello, I know a book that might interest you: Christ the Eternal Tao.
@angelikawesson4277 3 сағат бұрын
Non-duality "In the Beginning is Mind, and Mind is with Consciousness and Mind is Consciousness." Other than Mind, there can be nothing else existing. The only way that Mind can be known, the only way that God can Know Itself, is through the duality perceived, the schizophrenic fragmentation of that which is One! That's where all of us unique Perspectives come in handy! All of that which we perceive is perceived by the One Consciousness! ;) In the face of this great 'illusion' (that there are 'separate things'), 'make-believe' is healthy, beautiful and exciting, like lucid dreaming! 'Belief' on the other hand, is not! Consciousness cannot be 'understood/Known' because it is unconditional, transcendental, One, beyond the duality of thought/imagination or concepts! Mind/Self, on the other hand, can. "God cannot know himself but by me!" - Meister Eckhart "The eye by which I see God is the same as the eye by which God sees me. My eye and God's eye are one and the same." - Meister Eckhart Nothing 'dangerous' so far... The only way to live a persistent life of non-dual realization is; Anyone can be 'Saved'!; "Born again" into the state of Unconditional Love = Salvation = Enlightenment = Heaven = Immortality "Heaven is at hand!" - Jesus Here! Now! Anything else is Hell! True, Unconditional Love is ALWAYS Known by It's Unconditional Virtues; Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Gratitude, Humility, Charity (Charity is never taking more than your share of anything, ever!), Honesty, Happiness, Faith... ALWAYS! There is not anything 'dangerous' here! Clickbait.
@bigcheech1937 8 ай бұрын
The only danger that I’ve seen from Non-Dualists is being annoying at parties. “There’s noone at this party” Alright bro. Put down my beer, Mr. Noone 🤦🏾‍♂️
@adrianmuszynski7623 Жыл бұрын
Big ❓ Who am i
@-a-l-t- Жыл бұрын
a lot of words.
@martymckerry5444 Жыл бұрын
Non Duality is home and I’m currently out for a wander before going home until it’s time for my next trip.
@davidparsons3432 9 ай бұрын
Non-Duality is not a philosophy..........oneness cannot flow through you or anything.....oneness cannot go anywhere
@alienoverlordsnow1786 Жыл бұрын
From a non-dual perspective, the answer is no. There isnt anyone that has to be protected from any particular outcome, and outcomes arent real, and so there isnt any danger in anything. There is only danger relative to a self-centered objective, and because there is no self, there is no danger. There is only what is appearing to happen. What is appearing is neutral, not good or bad, it has no purpose, no meaning and no agenda and it isnt going anywhere. No one is controling whats happening and it cannot be controlled. However a reaction to non-duality appears, it is just destiny unfolding. It cant be any other way. You cant get it wrong. Life is just happening. You are not the doer of actions, the speaker of words, the creator of thoughts and feelings. You dont have a life. There is no world. There is no awareness, no consciousness, no experience, no understanding and no knowing. Its all just nothing being everything for no one. Nothing is real. There is no past, no future and no present moment. Nothing is happening and no one has ever done anything. There is no one who has a life that needs to be protected from anything. There is no danger. There is only what is. Whatever happens, happens, but nothing really happened. It is what it is, but there isnt anything. There is no one who can judge anything to be dangerous or harmless. Danger is a story. Danger is an explanatory fiction. There isnt anyone. No one is in danger.
@Orvo2036 Жыл бұрын
From a practical perspective, that’s just a bunch of jibber jabber
@guidedbysunshine333 Жыл бұрын
@@Orvo2036 from a course in miracles perspective they are pretty spot on. Anything that would separate you from oneness is an illusion. Illusions are not real. Buddhism has a similar perspective 🌸
@Neosan1982 Жыл бұрын
No aliens. No overlords. It is all just happening now.
@Orvo2036 Жыл бұрын
@@guidedbysunshine333 what they said is true on a deeper and more fundamental level. But just saying “all is one” in a thousand different ways isn’t all that helpful in day to day life
@Maxpsychologie Жыл бұрын
That’s just new age neo advaita bs. If you read the founder of advaita Vedanta, adi Shankara, you realize that he is actually a realist in the sense that he believed the world in itself exists. He simply stated that all forms manifest inside Brahman, which doesn’t make the forms unreal, as this would imply that Brahman wouldn’t be real.
@amadeuscardenas4623 Жыл бұрын
I need 999,999 dllrs
@SpiderHacksaw 3 ай бұрын
I agree with what you say on the mind level. Which is what you are speaking to. The minds that find interest in this concept by mere limited curiosity, or of this path, by grace. I also feel that grace will handle all that is needed, and those that are ready will know reality as they are able. The destruction of the mind / ego, its annihilation and death, is what reality does. It is what we seek, thanks to grace. So, I agree, it is dangerous, but only to the false mind/ego. Once absorbed into reality, no mind is needed, nor available to us. As the false is destroyed. Absolutely. I love your peace and presence and manner of expression, in representation of the real into the unreal. Thank you.
@truthseek3017 Жыл бұрын
Are you vegan? You seem to be consuming too much B12 or Iodine. Do you know about the thyroid? Hypo and hyper..
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