The Disturbing Story of Cyberpunk 2077's Most Evil Villain

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Sam Bram

Sam Bram

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@arthuralford 7 ай бұрын
Wish Monster Hunt wasn't one of the first gigs you get. Instead, that you build up to him, making taking him down more satisfying. I admit I've never delivered him to the Mox; killing him just seems right. Thanks for what is one of the more in depth looks at a character who's not considered one of the main ones, but whose presence causes so much to happen
@gamblerfls 7 ай бұрын
You don't really need to complete Watson in Act1, you can do the gigs in Act3 if you wish so. And I think CDPR did the right thing in doing Jotaro's story only for those who are paying attention, most people play the game only one time and barely understands who is the main villain. There's so much going on in the Cyberpunk world that only 3 or 4 playthroughs make the player understand it fully.
@MisterCynic18 7 ай бұрын
I missed him early on in my first playthrough and didn't actually get to him till like midway into the game. Knew who he was by then, but it was still pretty anticlimactic. What was really needed was some triggerable dialogue.
@KaladinVegapunk 7 ай бұрын
I mean you can do it that way on subsequent playthroughs, I usually only do police scanner hustles starting out, then take a gig or two, to RP V slowly gaining more skill and notoriety. but yeah definitely, maybe you could run into him a few times beforehand leading up to it that would be cool. Maybe have each region have it's own gang boss you could take on and are connected to a lot of the lore like he us
@KaladinVegapunk 7 ай бұрын
Also why would you think giving him to the Mox is somehow the merciful option hahaha? Killing him is easy, boom, he's done, being in their hands ensures he's going to suffer in pain for a loooot longer. It's not like they're going to smack him around and cut him loose, come on
@goldengamer8634 7 ай бұрын
Lots of gigs in Japan town references guy like the mission where you have to rescue Lauren Costigan, The guy put in an order for a sword shaped like a D
@enoughothis 7 ай бұрын
I ALWAYS drag him to the car and let the Mox deal with him personally, knowing they'll torture him to death warms the cockles of my cyberware heart.
@SinRayquaza 7 ай бұрын
Same, I make sure I empty the place and deliver him to the Mox
@theeinertia4106 7 ай бұрын
Too bad you can't deliver woodman to them too.
@Johnnythefirst 7 ай бұрын
@AlexisWenberg They're mobsters. Of course they are evil. Only gang I never kill are the Mox, the ones I don't kill unless they turn hostile are: Valentinos, Animals, and MAYBE 6th street/Tyger Claws/Maelstrom sometimes. The ones I actively hunt to kill are Scavs, Wraiths and Voodoo Boys (personal vendetta, that last one).
@blakedelawrence5249 6 ай бұрын
He’s the kind of person to like it
@enoughothis 6 ай бұрын
@@blakedelawrence5249, I don't think so. Jotaro strikes me as a man who likes to be in charge but goes absolutely ballistic when confronted by the tiniest thing he can't control, like a traffic jam or a line at a restaurant. We've all known people like this.
@TytheGuy6867 7 ай бұрын
For someone I killed so early in act 2, I gotta say I didn’t give him much thought till now.
@The101Shadow 7 ай бұрын
i popped him in act 1
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
@@The101Shadow Ditto. My first gig, pretty much every run.
@michaeladolph7134 7 ай бұрын
Same here
@fnghowdy1603 7 ай бұрын
Tracy - The girl who didn't survive being smuggled in the shipping container, got snatched from the warhouse party which was interrupted by scavs in Northside (? iirc) (edit - furthest north east corner of santo domingo) I'm pretty sure she wasn't going to go to the party, but one of her friends who unfortunately didn't survive the scav attack on the partygoers, convinced her to join by letting Tracy know that her favourite artist was going to have a set at this underground party. the depth of the lore in this game is incredible.
@fenixfyrehart3191 7 ай бұрын
That party is santo domingo
@fnghowdy1603 7 ай бұрын
@@fenixfyrehart3191 just came back now to make this correction
@eldibs 7 ай бұрын
There are so many side stories in this game, it's almost as fractal as The Witcher 3. Side note - I recently found out that hacking breaks street races. The Emergency Brake vehicle hack completely shuts down your fellow racers. It's fun to hear Claire shout "They're moving to pass" when the car in second place is 1.2km away.
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
Or having the police join the chase because your weaponized car fired at the other racers *you are allowed to shoot at.*
@Ecliptor. 7 ай бұрын
Hmm.. weird. I thought they despawned and then respawned behind you, which is what happened to me with opponents who get stuck.
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
@@Ecliptor. No, @eldibs is right. Brakes Break Races. Easymode(tm)
@Shamino1 7 ай бұрын
In reality, Cyberpunk has far more complex and interwoven tales than The Witcher 3. Especially since the 2.0 update.
@_ghostly_ 7 ай бұрын
Last time I played you couldn't hack any cars during the street races. Did they change that in a new update?
@milagrosgutierrezmartin9506 7 ай бұрын
I particularly love how everyone is scared shitless of Jotaro, but if you are not particularly attentive, you won't even know who he is or remember it after dealing with him. He scared hundreds, had the NCPD unwilling to mess with him, and V just takes him out with all the emotion and trouble of zipping your pants after taking a leak. Really puts into perspective how badass V is compared to a random choom from the streets.
@SineN0mine3 Ай бұрын
This is a major theme in the storytelling of Cyberpunk. Characters like Jotaro are basically horror stories to a certain class of people in Night City, but the rich and powerful probably don't even know he exists. They don't have to fear being kidnapped by gangers if they're taking AVs from their corpo suites to their offices. Anybody who's anybody has private security and cyberware up the gills so they wouldn't be afraid of a Jotaro type even if they knew. Meanwhile due to all of the eddies being made from black markets and the fact that corpos need gangs to keep their public image out of the gutter means that Jotaro and people like him end up protected by the same system that keeps the rich and powerful safe. Jotaro probably knows that if he never goes after corpos, he can operate with indemnity.
@seijuroakashi9178 Ай бұрын
@@SineN0mine3All this for V to basically go "Fuck it I have time" and kill or capture him and everyone in his establishmemt in the span of 20 minutes and ruin his life's work and with it anything and everything that made him memorable
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
I think *most* people miss the actual reason Jotaro is found so *early* in the game. I see many posts referring to him as being anticlimactic, or wishing you had had encounters with hem before actually going after him. The whole point of Jotaro is to make someone memorable after the fact. He is an example of how life as an Afterlife Merc works. The whole city is connected. One act over here will affect many lives across the city. For years to come. So a gig you barely remember (but sounds like the target was harsh if you actually read the stuff available in mission) leaves a trail of things you *know* you affected that lasts the whole game. *THAT* was his purpose. A storytelling element that demonstrates in a very visceral way to even those that are lore blind that "hey... I keep hearing about this guy... didn't I do... oh wow, that's him?" The interconnectedness of the city, stapled to a really hard to miss name that is ubiquitous like pornspam or broken penile implants in everyone's email. It is most people's first glimpse of how much of the city, and *how many lives will be affected by even the simplest gigs.* Once you realize it the implications around all the rest of the gigs where it is more subtle become much more evident. The world building comes that much more into focus. Some people will do deep dives like our esteemed Sam Bram here, eventually... but it has been *years* since the game released. yet most of those who played at launch remember Jotaro, and how much the city is interconnected, even when we were dealing with the bugs of 1.0's version. His name is almost a flag signifying "its all conncted!"
@MrSkippy216 7 ай бұрын
You deserve a raise. Idk what u do but u deserve it
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
@@MrSkippy216 LOL. Retired. But thanks for that :) But this is just observation and experience. Storytelling has a number of tools, and one major one in world building is making it seem alive. To seem like the player isn't the only one in it. That things are happening around the player that they can see, or be told about, or overhear that have *nothing* to do with them directly, but touch on things they did, or characters they know. B@D is another great example of this. (And another great Lore vid by Sam, actually.) See a thing done enough times and it kinda sticks out for what it truly is. And CDPR builds stories and worlds. It is the reason I loved this game, even on version 1.0
@Drew.DrivesYT 7 ай бұрын
There's a lot to be said about not having every story or quest revolve around you as the player. That's the thing that keeps drawing me to Cyberpunk 2077 - outside of the main story quests, you're really only just another cog in the violent gears of Night City. If not V taking down Jotaro, then another merc somewhere along the line will. And that's the beauty I love about the Gigs, and to a smaller degree, the NCPD Scanner gigs. To V (and by extension the player), it's just some everyday wetwork. Get in, do the thing, get out, done. They present themselves simply. But if you start to actually search out for and read all the little breadcrumbs and connective tissue left behind, it paints this vivid picture of a city filled with people each with their own individual thoughts, needs and desires. And it all happens independent of you being there - you only experience these stories after the fact, having absolutely no impact or bearing on how they could have or would have played out. Because let's be real, the true main character of Cyberpunk will always be Night City. And the City. Always. Wins.
@corwyncorey3703 7 ай бұрын
@@Drew.DrivesYT It's (for me) the shards I read that show the gigs others were on that interest me the most, in many ways. What fixer handed those gigs out? Why don't they ever contact you? Are some unknown fixers more or less moral? More known for specific job types? All the stuff about B@D falls into this of course, but so do many others.
@reyhaz 7 ай бұрын
for a high caliber target as this scumbag is, I'd say, for a low, no-name merc to be able to go after literally after you get out of Megabuilding 10 the first time (after prologue and even before you'd go for Vic, you can do whatever-whereever); is still kind of a mistake on world design... I remember my first playthrough, did this gig, then after saw few other mentions of him and just thought.. meh.. there were no climatic build up.. so all in all, what ever he did, what level of a scumbag he ever was, were fall literally on deaf ears.. yeah he was an utter trash for a person, but without having an intro into the narrative, you can't feel much of it as it should... ... that is, if the purpose of creating such lowlife in the game were to show off how screwed some people's mind could be in the future... buuut.. I guess the reason for him being such a low key target is to say, there is pretty much a shobo on every street corner, so who's give a damn... ~another rock at NCPD for being inept to do their job..
@mynxiejean1169 7 ай бұрын
I thought it was funny, in a way, you mentioned that V wasn't the main focus of Cyberpunk because I was thinking about and I believe that the main focus of Cyberpunk is Night City itself. V's story is just one in a million compared to the things that happen every day in Night City that it makes V's story feel so..insignificant? This game has so much depth to explore from stories to corps to everything else. I love it.
@goatwarrior3570 5 ай бұрын
This feeling of utter insignificance and fatalistic acceptance that death lurks around every corner is where the culture of Night City Legends emerges. The possibility of having a drink named after them in a bar is the only feeling many can have that their brief existence meant something.
@falcon_224 Ай бұрын
How is V insignificant V is not just any civilians, he a merc and he isn't your avg afterlife merc either. Guy can kills hordes of maxtacs if the correct set up that ain't your average goon / merc. Sure he's one of the millions of NC residents but definitely one with the most happening story
@pumpyronaldrump_4417 7 ай бұрын
So basically: Tigers are KOS, Scav are KOS, Voodoos are KOS, Maelstrom are KOS. Only the Tino's are left not being insta-dead.
@englishgiraffe2124 7 ай бұрын
For me: KOS: Tygers, Scavs, Wraiths, VDBs, Militech, Biotechnica, Maelstrom, Arasaka Pacify: 6th Street Gang (thin ice though after that gig with the Dolls at that party), Valentinos, Kang Tao, Animals (thin ice after Edgerunners, but they do have best girl, Rhino)
@stanner601 6 ай бұрын
One time after finishing a mission I saw a dead body in an alley. Then another. Then even more along with some Valentinos looting the bodies. It was a massacre and no gang members either, just civilians. Ever since that they're KOS.
@sorrenblitz805 5 ай бұрын
I like to roleplay, so when I start a game it's pacify, after seeing an atrocity committed to civilians I KOS, only pacifying Cyberpsychos and VIP targets.
@Wveth 4 ай бұрын
​@@stanner601 How did you know for sure that they were responsible?
@mikesherwood3366 4 ай бұрын
Nah man, it’s on sight with all of NC at this point
@davidwhitfield6025 7 ай бұрын
When I saw the title my mind immediately went to Jotaro. I am glad they have pushed back his gig a bit now. I remember encountering him very early during my first playthrough and then finding all the other breadcrumbs concerning his vile XBD Empire days and weeks later. Still surprises me, given the amount of detail the devs put into him, that you don't get a James Bond-esque last convo between yourself and him (like you do with the Gottfried & Son). For me Joanne Koch would have to rate as the second most villainous (ahead of Gottfried in my books). She was never going to stop using human test subjects for new BioTechnica products but even she doesn't get the same obvious sick pleasure Jotaro does. I used to always kill him (and Koch) until I accidentally knocked him out one time and discovered you could deliver him to the Mox. Ditto with Koch and the Nomads. Now I always keep them both alive so they can meet the people they have most harmed and receive the justice they so truly deserve. Thanks again. I have discovered all but the under the pier evidence. Once again you show that despite almost 2000 hours playing this game there is still things to discover. Thanks
@pedropierre9594 6 ай бұрын
I read a long time ago that Morgan would capture his targets alive, so thats why i delivered Jotaro to the Mox
@Tmtrnr 7 ай бұрын
The river case with the kidnapped kids that are fed supplements and steroids is the most evil imo
@duckydae Ай бұрын
yeah and no. at the end of the day peter pan’s actions are much on a much smaller scale from someone deeply abused. this guy has a network that runs so deep it can’t be stopped.
@ATBZ Ай бұрын
Its definitely more fucked up but there are a lot of things more fucked up than jotaro in the story. But in terms of raw evil Jotaro is on top. Peter Pan is a schizophrenic, Jotaro is a psychopath.
@Shamino1 7 ай бұрын
We're in the exact same room as Saburo Arasaka and President Myers on multiple occasions. If we're talking evil in a scale, then Jotaro's just a side-gig. Which he is.
@kellenlean2076 Ай бұрын
It’s genuinely tough to decide which one is more evil. A racist guy who created an extremely large corporation with the sole purpose of getting revenge for losing in World War 2. (Not even the atomic bombs, simply losing is what bothered saburo the most) or the lady that used a little girl as her own personal indentured servant and then later wants to use her as a human battery.🤔 I genuinely do not understand people that side with Reed all the way through till the end. You’re literally just a bootlicking pawn at that point. Even Reed himself basically sacrifices his life when he draws on V just to get out of the slavery that IS working for Myers.
@bluefacepdog8130 7 ай бұрын
love how i did this gig in under a minute, sweeping the whole building with one sandy charge without giving it a second thought
@Navin4061 7 ай бұрын
It's videos like these that showcase how much effort and intricacies the devs at CDPR have put into each of these gigs and side missions. Most casual players won't even realise or pay attention to these details and yet when you do, you appreciate how intricate and connected everything in the world of Night City is. And to think this game was rushed due to budgetary and time constraints and yet have this much detail packed into it is nothing short of amazing, I can only imagine what the devs at CDPR can do given the time and proper resources.
@SineN0mine3 Ай бұрын
I know it's still a long way away but comments like this make me psyched for a sequel!
@MRTISTV 7 ай бұрын
The title of the Gig Monster Hunt fits his character so well. He was labeled as a monster for a reason.
@goodtimeblimp 7 ай бұрын
The main thing I want from the next game in terms of quest building and lore is for these shards to turn into actual conversations and interactions the players can experience in the game world itself, like Red Dead.
@captainziggy82 7 ай бұрын
I remember you talking about making this video a while back, glad to see it finally here!
@captainziggy82 7 ай бұрын
also, first time seeing someone refer to a chapter in their previous videos, props
@Mortiel 7 ай бұрын
I think we all can agree that *Night City* is the most evil thing in Night City... Which is why there will always be another Jotaru.
@purpledevilr7463 7 ай бұрын
I captured him non-lethally once. It’s fascinating what you can do.
@valkyriandreams 7 ай бұрын
Sam I'm your fan. You are putting so much effort in this videos. ALL of them is a masterpiece!!! I LOVE Cyberpunk 2077 LORE and i knew all of this situations but when you do this vids....All picture is become complete puzzle. I'm so glad i found you! Thank you for your effort! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
Glad you like them and thank you for watching!
@ehjhey7 7 ай бұрын
Love these types of vids. On my 10th or so playthrough and still finding and learning new things about night city every time
@mansoursiddiqi930 7 ай бұрын
You are almost at 100k subs, hope you get there soon!
@Jay-ho9io 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro or frederick. I can't figure out which. But I guess that's the thing, past a certain point there's really no differentiation.
@chrisahearn789 7 ай бұрын
Fredrick's more a pawn of Gottfried, or at least thats what Nero's convo with Gottfried seems to imply.
@Jay-ho9io 7 ай бұрын
@@chrisahearn789 You're right, I got the names flipped.
@SineN0mine3 Ай бұрын
​@@chrisahearn789eh of the two I actually found Frederick to be more reprehensible. Gottfried seems fairly pragmatic about the whole thing. "If it wasn't us it would be someone else" and when he claims they don't scroll them, just edit shows that he understands what he's doing is wrong. That hardly excuses it, but his disgusting son thinks you've killed every goon outside just to demand a discount on smut so he usually doesn't survive long enough to deliver his dialouge... The fact that he thinks you're in to that stuff says he's too far gone to be considered a person at that point. I feel sorry for him of course, his dad obviously didn't give him a fair chance at a normal life but some people are just beyond help and he's one of them. I doubt his dad would be able to be rehabilitated either, but I kind of like the idea of him having to live out the rest of his life in grief, poverty fear and misery like so many of the friends and families of his victims. I doubt he'd last long anyway once word gets around that V has stolen his equivalent of a little black book. It seems like in that moment, killing him is the easy way out for Gottfried. I'd rather let fate handle him. His son gets the easy out because he didn't sign up for this job but he's also irredeemable. Plus it's fun to watch Gottfried suffer, I'm not a cyberpsycho i swear.
@Emopfreg 7 ай бұрын
I absolutely loved this more broad-scope video! Just wondering, are you going to cover the other people listed in the poll on the community tab? (More in depth, in the case of Harris and Gottfrid)
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
I pretty much covered Gottfrid entirely in a chapter of Disturbing Quests. There's not quite as many references as Jotaro. Though I will double check if there isn't more to the story for a dedicated video. As for Harris, I don't think there's much in the ways of wider context outside of the River quests. I could still make a video possibly but I'm not sure how valuable it'd be in terms of connecting scattered dots and uncovering something new. Alt on the other hand...
@fenixfyrehart3191 7 ай бұрын
​@@SamBram Maybe one on Gunner's coup on 6th street?
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
@@fenixfyrehart3191 that's something I might look into
@joleenquack 7 ай бұрын
100k so close! We'll get you there Sam!
@alexanderhood8993 Ай бұрын
I watched your dogtown gigs videos and realized how a mistake from one fixers involving his gigs can effect a different fixers misfortune regarding to his gigs like two gigs were impacted by results of each other gigs showing how mistakes made by one fixers can impacted a different fixer gigs hence a fixers can't afford to make mistakes or else it effect someone else gigs from a different fixers.
@Zymemaru 7 ай бұрын
This is why i love storming in guns blazing on this mission. Everyone gets it on this level
@AelitaVA Ай бұрын
I gotta say, your cyberpunk videos have been giving me a lot of inspiration to make my own cyberpunk videos! I love the game so much & your videos are so easy to binge - I can’t get enough of your channel haha so thank you very much for everything you do!💜🙏🏻🥰 xxo
@ningunoag 7 ай бұрын
U made me play cyberpunk. The only thing i regret is that i didnt start it earlier😂 What a masterpiece of a game
@kagekun1198 7 ай бұрын
Hey Sam I got an idea for a future video! Around Night City there are cosmetic sets of clothes you can collect like a NCPD set, a Corpo set, a Fixer set, etc. And each of the bodies you find them from have a mini story to tell. Some of them are quite screwed up. Check it out and consider it!
@Lohengrin88 3 ай бұрын
In my 2nd playthrough - I made a list and did all the Gigs related to Jotaro so like in my mind - He's starting to realize that every a-hole acquaintance he has are starting to get Zero'd one by one and gets the sudden sinking feeling that he's next on the list - hence he beefed up the security in his stupid Casino.
@chrisahearn789 7 ай бұрын
Whats funny is that Braindance Quarterly Article was written by Judy.
@Lord_Tubi 7 ай бұрын
Hey Sam i just wanted to say you're my favorite Cyberpunk 2077 youtuber, I always look for your videos first when it comes to this game. Your videos are the most clear and concise and your humor is on point! Thanks for the videos man!
@kagetsuki23 7 ай бұрын
Cd Project missed the opportunity to show crazy BDs in the game. We should have been able to collect BDs and watch them.
@Darkaran1 7 ай бұрын
PEGI RATING: you go to jail now
@sorrenblitz805 5 ай бұрын
If they did they wouldn't be able to sell the game anywhere except the US under an "A/O" rating.
@AlmightyPooFlingerVI 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, I think that idea got cut. If it was an idea. We get to keep the BD device but from what I remember we only use it a couple more times out of the first main gig. It's definitely not because it would've got an adults only rating. By that logic the game should already be rated adults only. Haha
@princesskatarina351 7 ай бұрын
I'm always saddened that Keiko is saveable. There are a few 'crimes in progress' where if you are quick enough on the draw, you can kill the the antagonist before they kill someone. But I never seem to be able to do that for Keiko.😢
@Colin-xv3bc 7 ай бұрын
thx for this video, i had seen your poll, and only recognized two of them
@ad-ezzz 7 ай бұрын
Hope you hit 100k soon Sam You deserve it cause of you ive learned so much more about one of my favorite games thank you for all you do!❤
@lordmorklen5166 7 ай бұрын
Now my guilt for punching Lenny to Cyberafterlife has entirely dissipated.
@connorhilchie2779 7 ай бұрын
In a world filled with people with questionable morals and motivation, Jotaro is easily one of the worst people we see. He's one of the very few people who i feel confident in saying is pure evil. The man has zero redeeming qualities and is as bad(if not worse) then Adam Smasher. Jotaro is someone no one should ever feel bad about blowing his head off or smashing his head in with a hammer
@rajahnoya5606 5 ай бұрын
My first playthrough he was one of the first quests I did by chance. About half way through the building I say what was going on and needless to say he had a nice flight off the balcony
@CrowningBrowning 7 ай бұрын
Its funny. I got the dlc and started a new game. His mission was one of the missions i always accidentally run into. I had no clue he was genuinely a bad guy.
@TheAntananarivu 7 ай бұрын
As a netrunner i made him silently disappear without killing him, with the help of one of my quickhacks, just to transfer him to Moxes
@JosephT-f4f 7 ай бұрын
Both my playthroughs, I found him chilling with the other top players in the spy mission in Phantom Liberty. You Know My Name, I think the mission was called.
@NoName-ue8kk 4 ай бұрын
16:48 Fun Fact: Jataros personal notes: The first note "-like that film of uninterrupted sodomy, domination, playing with shit....groups of boys and girls" is based off a novel written in 1785, published in 1904 (after it's manuscript was discovered) by French writer and nobleman Marquis de Sade called 120 Days of Sodom or The School of the Libertinage (I won't describe the messed up things that happen but Jataros notes give a quick summary of the horrific things). This was made into a film adaptation in 1975 by Italian film maker Pier Paulo Pasolini (he changed a few aspects such as the setting being during the Holocaust). This film is considered one of the most controversial films ever and is banned in several countries.
@thomasmedley8221 6 ай бұрын
Thanks for all the research you put into this in depth look into Jotaro. Your video's on Cyberpunk are awesome mate, keep up the great work 👏👏 I'm only 2 weeks into my first build as I was waiting to upgrade to a PS5 and for the Phantom Liberty expansion to release before even thinking about playing this one hell of an outstanding game. Time to go upgrade some Cyberware 😉
@nekkukln 6 ай бұрын
Thank you for your effort in this video. Here's an idea for another video or even per suburb series: What order to get gigs in if they have any connection between each other and what hidden mechanics gigs have to turn them from plotless random encounters into a resemblence of fixer-related chronological chain of events. I've just started CP last week and I really struggle to find any decent guide on how to progress the game in best chronological order between the main story, side jobs and gigs. Throughout the years I couldn't avoid some spoilers, but I managed to keep overall ignorance of majority of the game. I've already wasted time redoing the progress to cancel Panam interaction thinking it'd ruin Judy's line, only to find out some time later that Judy's only for female Vs if unmodded (although, I didn't find out it in the game yet, but rather in YT videos). I also afraid to progress some paths and lock out others, so now it's Rogue waiting for 15k, Brigitte waiting for a call to proceed after punching Placide, Takemura waiting in the docks while I run around saving cops, cyberpsychos, Dolls club and wondering "at which stage am I supposed to go to Lizzy bar for a show and is there any actual connection between gigs and order to them and how the eff do I even tell which gig is for which fixer (not to mention the order the fixer was supposed to give it in) without going to it first"? I would really love something like that to be available, since I am completionist enough to give effs about dev's effort to pull a story for encounters and gigs and therefore play the game thoroughly, but not completionist enough to replay the game several times to come up with the idea myself. I find it really strange that I have neither a need nor even option to get gigs from visiting the fixer to get them supplied to me in the intended order.
@gimmeyourrights8292 7 ай бұрын
A lot of games would have the build-up for the side villain come before dishing out some justice, but this game has you kill him and then you learn what kind of a monster he was afterwards. Interesting.
@cliffordkoontz6299 7 ай бұрын
It feels like this was a campaign they had written before the scope and scale of the game grew, and they put it in backwards, killing Jotaro first and unraveling how terrible he is as you get into the gigs.
@ezshottah3732 6 ай бұрын
I remember black mirror had an episode that was about the same premise as XBDs. And if it was on black mirror you know it’ll become reality
@VirusRider 6 ай бұрын
What’s the track being used at the end of the video, around 25:50? Sounds like an alternative version to the phantom liberty song. Tried YouTubing it but couldn’t find it
@staticthewhitewolf7040 7 ай бұрын
Lenny Nero Sure does look like someone in a Johnny flashback, doesn't he?
@kami761 7 ай бұрын
You mean Santiago?
@staticthewhitewolf7040 7 ай бұрын
@@kami761 Yep
@andrecharlesaquino2397 7 ай бұрын
Was waiting for this one 😊
@eriiicj.1558 7 ай бұрын
Samthony Bramothy with the 2077 True Crime Episode. Excellent work.
@meat7490 7 ай бұрын
Oh man, all I did was just sniped Jotaro and left the vicinity just as if it was any other gig, hadn’t realized who I was targeting-
@jeremiahkisimba5938 7 ай бұрын
Congratulations bro
@Oh.No.Brousseau 7 ай бұрын
Every time I click on one of your videos, I check your subscriber count! Can't wait for you Mr. Blue Eyes video!!!
@Alexter6303 3 ай бұрын
@squigglesmcjr199 6 ай бұрын
The serious lack of entertainment bds was a major let down, and i hated the missions that forced me to do them, i really hope they flush that out in the next game
@i_shoot_stuff 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro made got me to add 'suicide' on the cyberdeck just for his gig
@AJStarhiker 7 ай бұрын
Yeah, last time I did this gig, I think I did Mind Wipe=>Suicide. I think next time I play a Netrunner I might wait on running the the gig until I can get the Cyberpsychosis quickhack.
@i_shoot_stuff 7 ай бұрын
@@AJStarhiker just let him and his cronies fight to the deth
@cannibalbunnygirl 5 ай бұрын
I like making sure the mox get him. Seems fitting
@zaleost 5 ай бұрын
Although it may add a few too many variables for it to be worth considering, it would be interesting if they added in some unique interactions or results for gigs/missions where you use particular quickhacks. Like if you managed to kill a target by making them kill themselves or get another enemy to kill them instead.
@aurairl6406 5 ай бұрын
I did this one after completing Phantom Liberty and used the Blackwell quick hack on him lmao
@johnweaver311 7 ай бұрын
With all the general depravity that goes on in the world of Cyberpunk, I'm genuinely surprised they didn't take a page of Yakuza's book and include a diaper fetish somewhere.
@TheDudeSmashTrash 7 ай бұрын
hey sam! i've been pouring hundreds of hours into 2077 since the 2.0 overhaul and have been loving your videos! do you have plans to maybe do one on what sort of things you'd like to see and/or are expecting to see in Orion? would love to hear your thoughts :)
@ad_astra5 2 ай бұрын
Hopefully Jacob survived, NC needs some good cops in all that mess. Especially since so many keep getting killed or having to be rescued
@L4Disillusion 7 ай бұрын
😮 I had no idea you could knock out and deliver up so many of these bad guys. Interesting.. not that it rrally matters but cool feature of the game i guess. Would of been nice if you got some kind of alternate ending to the gigs or some kind of extra reward for doing that.
@fdjw88 6 ай бұрын
This person makes Rough AI look like saints.
@happyninja42 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro's overall arc reminds me a lot of the Nick Cage film 8mm.
@steinarbergstl5799 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro ranks up there with scavs in general in my book. Killing him (and them) isn't murder. It's pest control.
@Vincentpalmer22 7 ай бұрын
LETS GOOO everyday sam uploads is indeed a very VERY good day ❤️
@SoranotRoxas 7 ай бұрын
*I just love Woodman's reaction to finding out. Scared the crap out of him lol* 😆
@piratemonkey1035 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro's darkest secret... he can stop time
@kiracodinson 7 ай бұрын
First time I did his gig, I didn’t pay attention. The second I made sure to give him to the Mox.
@Thecheesewheel-fg4ov 6 ай бұрын
I wonder what the pain one would feel during the moth bd V gets showing a netrunner dying by scavs. How awful would that would feel?
@imogensullivan2210 5 ай бұрын
Well... I'm not sleeping tonight
@moony2k326 6 ай бұрын
I killed this guy so fast I didn’t even know he was the target of that gig 😭
@jamierjohnson9313 7 ай бұрын
you can read up on him a lot through the chips around the same district u kill him at dude is a monster
@jaffarebellion292 3 ай бұрын
Shobo is one of the best examples of how much Cyberpunk 2077 is hurt by its over-reliance on text logs, which put a barrier between you and the game world, and have really contrived reasons for existing. Why are these logs being transcribed to shards if not for the out of universe player to find? I would've much preferred the gigs and NCPD scanner hustles being less numerous, but more detailed. I'd love to have actual scenes playing out in more of them. Clearly, CDPR agree, hence why the gigs added to the game post launch tend to be far, far better and more memorable.
@abdelali9279 7 ай бұрын
Leave to CDPR to turn an early game hit target be fleshed out as one of the biggest monsters in NC through the lore of other side quests, freaking brilliant!
@fede2710 5 ай бұрын
in Jotaro's personal notes, the entry related to the movie of 120 days of sodomy references an actual real movie, called "Salò, or the 120 days of Sodom". It is a 1975 film about nine fascist officials escaping conviction, that round up 18 teenagers and subject them to physical, mental and sexual torture. It's one of the most twisted movies to ever be recorded. Pretty cool to see the nod to it in this game
@allhandsondik7803 6 күн бұрын
23:40 its fucking OBTUSE that Royce probably is the least evil person there.
@goatwarrior3570 5 ай бұрын
"Night city is full of utterly terrible people" Rude...
@doctorx2307 4 ай бұрын
I remember reading a shard of 2 dead girls in the sewer across the city and it had his name in it crazy shi
@Agiselaus 7 ай бұрын
Eliminating Jotaro should be saved until after Phantom Liberty; the only fate suitable for him is Blackwall Gateway.
@langleymneely 6 ай бұрын
So please tell me someone knows who Lenny Nero is? I can’t be the only old fart that remembers the James Cameron written film Strange Days? It’s one of my favorite films ever and Lenny is the main character in it. BDs are a direct take on the technology in the film. If you like Cyberpunk I highly recommend watching it. Great film.
@RjDaGreatOne 7 ай бұрын
Bro the lore in this game is so expansive🤦🏾‍♂️🔥
@Carolinafan85 7 ай бұрын
Wouldn't it have been interesting if we found a communication that indicated Jataro was supplying people for Arasakas secure your soul program, fresh brains for the wealthy engrams to take over
@Eponumon 7 ай бұрын
Did you seriously just made a short of a half an hour vid about an obscure character that most players are bound to dispatch and forget about, then connected the dots scattered thorough the Night City and put together a pretty fucked-up picture of a character who has a special place in Hell ready for him? Darn impressive.
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
I thought it would end up a 15 minute vid but by the time I'd pieced everything together it was a little longer. There's a lot of dots
@Korelon7 7 ай бұрын
CDPR made a mistake having his gig at the earliest tier of Regina's gigs. Should be right at the end.
@herardpique7302 7 ай бұрын
Oh, i KNEW i picked the right merc for the gig. Check the drop locker, your reward. Just don`t spend it all on XBDs and glitter. ^^
@shawn4559 7 ай бұрын
I hope you reach that 100k subs
@eventh0r1z0n 7 ай бұрын
I wish the Jotaro mission was one of the last in Watson. It would have been a nice payoff after all the clues found in the preceding fixer missions and NCPD scanner hustles.
@PurpleSun8933 7 ай бұрын
24:41 What if he's talking about that robbery Judy shows V as sample BD? But instead of the guy shot, you take the place of the one who is shooting.
@Did_No_Wrong 7 ай бұрын
I always make sure to hand him over to the mox so they can make him suffer for his crimes. After their done he's gonna missing some parts that make him a man to begin with.
@xh0ne.y580 7 ай бұрын
I love the way you read John Kaczmarek
@AndyJP 7 ай бұрын
There will be someone worse in my next play-through... muahaha
@gregconen 7 ай бұрын
Jotaro is probably the most evil side character (as the poll originally described). But the most evil character in the entire game? For all his influence, Jotaro's still tiny compared to Saburo Arasaka.
@foxfire7 7 ай бұрын
Well, sounds like i'm oopsing a grenade at Lenny's feet after getting the bd next playthrough. Never realized who it was/that he was connected.
@Lk6Channel 7 ай бұрын
dudeee I'm most likely late BUT CONGRATS ON 98K SUBS OMGGG
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
Thanks! I do miss making the old videos sometimes but this style has become very enjoyable also
@Lk6Channel 7 ай бұрын
@@SamBram yesss good luck on the rest of your KZbin journeyy
@exmatilda982 7 ай бұрын
02:54 First thing that came to my mind was "In a city tingling with desire...Watson episodes every Wednesday at 10 only on WNS"😂😂
@SamBram 7 ай бұрын
Must have heard that ad 1000's of times! It's definitely why I worded it that way 😂
@fable23 7 ай бұрын
I like to give each of the truly evil pieces of trash a special, made-to-order death of my own design. For the people covered in this video: - Gottfrid gets to watch me paint the wall with his son's brains, gets to marinate in that feeling of horror and helplessness _just_ long enough to maybe understand what he has done to others... but no longer. I'm not a monster, after all. And a monster would leave him alive. - Jae-Hyun gets to ride in the trunk all the way to Regina, hopefully waking up in time to realize where he is and what is happening, finally knowing what it is like to be isolated and helpless and so very far from home, with no light at the end of the tunnel. - And Jotaro? Butchered. Cut into as many pieces as the game will allow and spread around his room like decorations, with his guards completely unaware. A statement, and a spectacle, just like he so enjoys making himself. I love imagining his guards walking into his room to check on him, only to step in a puddle of what he used to be, and the sinking feeling in their stomachs when they realize they are going to have to explain to their superiors how their boss was made into human confetti right under their noses, and they never even noticed.
@romans4143 7 ай бұрын
"Cyberpunk 2077's Most Evil Villain" Jotaro may torture a person or two, like, on a weekly basis(?), but what about Joanne Koch that uses whole nomad families of more than 70 people at a time to involuntary test her deadly viruses on them, like on some guinea pigs? She even smugly mentions, that doing this, Biotechnica had some major breakthroughs in the past, meaning this was not a single occurence. IIRC, some other fatal incidents involving Biotechnica (mentioned in unrelated archived convos) were described as "coughing out the insides" or something like that, so yeah, its as bad as torture. What about Anthony Harris? Who is a child predator, who would groom and abduct young boys, bringing them to an abandoned farm to treat them like comatose cattle before they succumb to their wounds and poison. What about mr. Blue Eyes, who is a proxy to some greater power, which is trying to take control over the literal free will of at least all of Night City residents, starting with the next mayor? What about Saburo Arasaka, who at one time seriously thought for a moment that it would be good idea to just nuke the whole Night City? He's a man who ordered theft and lethal repurpose of a programm, which later became the Soulkiller - to enslave and exploit people minds even after their deaths. He also planned Yorinobu, his own son, to become his new body/vessel - that's just fkd up... I've yet to play Phantom Liberty, but i've heard that there are some dark characters there too.
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