The Downsides of One Tricking in League of Legends

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8 күн бұрын

Episode three of hot takes is here! Today we'll be discussing comments pertaining to one tricking champions/roles, along with brief discussions on climbing advice as well as summoner spell variety! Should be a fun episode :)
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@astrojello6882 6 күн бұрын
"You cant play rammus in those roles" yeah thats what you think
@humphrey261 6 күн бұрын
Say hello to full ap Rammus mid
@ImmaPhoenix 6 күн бұрын
​@@humphrey261say hello to adc rammus
@frostyglock317 6 күн бұрын
Have 100% seen a rammus top that I would want to go against. Have been tempted to try him support or adc bc I have mastery challenge and don't wanna jungle rn 😂
@strongerthanever2039 6 күн бұрын
Not with that attitude
@RF-qy8vr 6 күн бұрын
​@@frostyglock317 I can absolutly see him as support
@ibrahim5463 6 күн бұрын
"One tricks are running the game" As if there aren't at least 12 other things running league at the moment
@omegaminoseer4539 6 күн бұрын
Don't you know: one tricks are like the love of money. They're the root of all Evils in LoL. (Strangely, Riot August and Riot Phreak agree that Katarina Mains need to be appeased, so there is a bit of validity there.)
@RF-qy8vr 6 күн бұрын
​@@omegaminoseer4539 really? Those two agreeing makes something valid in your eyes?
@ibrahim5463 6 күн бұрын
@@omegaminoseer4539 i am not sure if you are serouis or sarcastic so i will give you that
@PyroTech03 6 күн бұрын
I hope there's more than just 12 servers running the game....
@wnuczek1892 5 күн бұрын
*Laughs in Kled one trick* (Can count all the times I've seen a Kled ban since release on one hand)
@MoltenMeta 6 күн бұрын
Bro tricked me with the title. Half of it is complaining about autofill.
@fishbones3650 3 күн бұрын
and tbh, why do autofill exist anyway?
@MoltenMeta 3 күн бұрын
@@fishbones3650 it's to fill in lest popular rolls qued for at the time to increase finding a match speed. This is why they keep trying to turn the jungle into a smooth brain role and buffing support items to where they leak into other roles. Then people who main these rolls and additionally one trick they gain completely inflated elo then once they are auto filled into a roll in an elo they do not belong in - you get 2/37 bot lanes, 0 kp jungle, never leaves mid or top for 20 minutes regardless of lane states, etc. Basically the point of the video.
@marcusscribner1603 6 күн бұрын
Otps are my fav part of league. The fact that you can be no one and become specialized and renowned for a specific champ. I think it’s dope
@inplane9970 6 күн бұрын
Agreed. It's a different appeal from pro players who bend to the meta's whim because it's their job. OTPs genuinely love what they do and have the skills to play a diversity of champs to climb if they wanted to. Plus, having a main naturally attracts a community around you and helps build you up.
@philipposmalliaris4623 6 күн бұрын
Most Otp's are not known widely. Only streamer otp's. Someone being a otp on a champ makes him inflated as he is so much worse on anything else.
@_mirendal_ 6 күн бұрын
@@philipposmalliaris4623that makes no sense. You dont judge someone on what they could potentially hypothetically achieve with every champ, you judge them on how they win games. Simple really
@lenneth1188 6 күн бұрын
nah one tricking is for frauds to inflate their elo. If you're learning a new language and you can only speak 1 word is that really learning?
@niromanti5935 6 күн бұрын
Agreed. This is something league has over other MOBAs.
@LaurenAlexis-e7s 6 күн бұрын
"Hot takes" "Utimately it's about moderation" Dangerously cold there, vars. People on the internet are not going to like subtlety.
@dafuqmatt 6 күн бұрын
@meowththethird 5 күн бұрын
coming from a porn bot thats rich
@Super_Top_Secret_Area 6 күн бұрын
Uh, no. One tricks are very often the ones keeping champions alive, they are creative enough to come up with new builds when their champion gets nerfed. Take Zilean mains as an example, pretty much their entire build was deleted from the game with the removal of AH from many items. To combat this, they came up with the Warmog's rush build and some even tried out Grasp - a seemingly meme build that appears nonsensical at first but works out fine once you figure it out. It's the other kind of players who are ruining the game, the ones that hop onto whatever is meta at the time and don't even know why certain items and runes are used. The ones that cry for buffs when they don't have easy wins and say "champ is dead", instead of actually thinking outside the box. That kind of player.
@zeal705 6 күн бұрын
Incomprehensible, nerf Yone
@JoaoPedroPT696 6 күн бұрын
@@zeal705 Yes, I never understood the Yone hate. Yesterday I had a OTP Yone on the enemy team with mindblowing mastery level that was clearly dominating everyone and it never felt hopeless for me. In fact, he just rage quited the game after his team got aced. For me, Yasuo has much more BS in his kit with that knock-up combo and the projectile deletion wall, but that's just me.
@chillinpandastudio 5 күн бұрын
The best take here.
@luisfreitas3416 5 күн бұрын
@@JoaoPedroPT696 Tuga here too btw, I think both are somewhat broken, they can be countered(Love playing Pantheon vs Yone for example), but they make the game unplayable for most champions if they know how to play, in my experience Yasuo is the worst one as well. When playing Pantheon(Anti-Diver champ) I can confortably win against Yone like 90% of the time, but against Yasuo's it's like 60 or 50% despite Pantheon being an Anti-Diver that excells early game and Yasuo being a Diver with a supposedly "weak" early game. Yasuo has sustain(No Mana, and Fat shield every few seconds and that broken wind shield), Crazy mobility(3rd Q+R and E which is just Irelia's Q on steroid's mobility wise), low cooldown(But low duration) CC with it's 3rd Q, damage steroids(Passive's free crit and R's anti-armor). If there's minions between you and a good Yasuo, most mages just cannot play, feed it the SLIGHTEST and you can no longer approach the minion wave, even early game, Yasuo has all the tools not to feed, outsustain the enemy and farm and with it's stupid Passive he scales way faster than most of it's enemies into the mid game. My champion pool is in fact limited, but my 3 best champs against him that I play would be Pantheon, Vex and Swain, but Pantheon sometimes gets outraded even early game due to it's Passive Shield and both having Q's to poke. Yasuo(Before) having Lethal Tempo means Pantheon cannot engage with W, cause Yasuo has higher DPS in long trades than Pantheon and Pantheon cannot escape Yasuo if there's minions nearby(Yasuo wouldn't go near Pantheon early without minions anyway), and a good Yasuo can just farm and not dive Pantheon early on since it knows it outscales pantheon, forcing Pantheon to dive first. Vex is also somewhat reliable but not always, if Yasuo dives and forces you to use passive he can dive again for quite a while without being too punished, it's not easy, you Vex surely wins most inexperienced Yasuo's, but a good one is a Nightmare for again another Anti-Diver champion. Swain weirdly enough is fine, it can poke with Q repeatly, break Yasuo's Passive and keep on poking, it's E however dies to windwall and Swain can lose longer trades early game, but if Yasuo dives recklessly, Swain's Q deals A LOT of base damage point plank, at lvl6 Swain can surprise diving Yasuo's and Win them a lot of times, but as the game goes on, Swain's Ult doesn't even compared to Yasuo's massive DPS and it even outheals swain due to Lifesteal. As for other champs I play, Zoe, Xerath, Lux, Neeko, Ziggs they can all poke a bad Yasuo sure, but a Yasuo just as good as you will win you 90% of the time, and the game is just unplayable against a good Yasuo, it blocks their poke and they have to waste all their mana to farm, cause if they try to use Autos to farm, Yasuo can just dive them, block their combo and deal massive sustained damage, give 1 single kill to a good Yasuo and your lane is OVER.
@martir851 5 күн бұрын
Exactly, well written Im a 2,5million Zilean main
@july_paradox3094 6 күн бұрын
There is certaintly a difference between main a champion and one trickimg. It is better when you have the main champ to climb while you have back ups just in case it gets banned or picked by other team.
@richardplunkett8492 6 күн бұрын
Agreed, it’s a fantastic idea to keep your champ pool low (1-2 champs) and stick to your preferred lane. HOWEVER, it is super important to be flexible especially early on in your league career. Understanding most champs and most lanes is vital to being super good at one champ and one lane
@alyssarichardson2544 6 күн бұрын
For sure, as a ranged-top main I ALWAYS ban Irelia, and a shitload of people OTP her... I miss Divine Sunderer, that shit was baller on Senna top lane...
@vandlassie8478 6 күн бұрын
There's difference between speciality in certain playstyle vs actual onetricking only one hero. Although we cant blame that not every people can be flexible, to be more precise only good in certain playstyle, but we as current generation of gamer at fault too. I mean most of us literally expect people to be good in everything, especially in moba It's kinda anoying that otp hero that always the same build regardless team comp and play in very specific playstyle
@Theoriginalmistwalker 6 күн бұрын
@@richardplunkett8492 i go for the route of having at least 1-2 champs im good at per role, with my only exception being jungle
@U_Geek 6 күн бұрын
I have such a varied champ pool. I can be top/jg, I can be tank, tanky bruiser, damage bruiser, lethality and crit/attack speed too. Just please don't ban Briar.
@thepotatochip6040 6 күн бұрын
No matter how many people shit on onetricks for how bad they are when they aren't on their main, you have to take into account the fact that whenever you're looking for latest build and runes for a champion, who do people generally go to? The one tricks (or the stats sites with all their data there). So I wouldn't say they are exactly ruining the game.
@hrodvithit 3 күн бұрын
Thing is, one tricks will usually have a positive win rate regardless. Everything in league is coin flips for the most part, and you win more coin flips the better you are at flipping coins.
@kinwong5491 6 сағат бұрын
That's exactly the problem, people just copy their build without know why. After they get shit on and the numbers makes riot think they need to "fix" the item or the champion
@OongaBoongaMan69 6 күн бұрын
As a jungle main I dont think I have ever been autofilled into another role
@Firantula 6 күн бұрын
Same, it's actually surprising how few people want to play the role
@frostyglock317 6 күн бұрын
No one wants to get blamed for not being every spot at just the right time. I love playing mumu or rammus jng but if everything isn't perfect someone always complains
@MadIIMike 6 күн бұрын
For a while Jungle was popular, between it being some kind of additional support early in LoL and what it is now. I used to be main jungle and support second role, because it was a safe role to fall back on when I didn't get jungle. Nowdays I'm Support main, so I only get flamed by one person. Also because Riot changed most of my Jungle champs or flat out removed them (old Aatrox) and I don't feel comfortable playing champs like Kayn, Viego etc.
@NightridingDoom 5 күн бұрын
@@MadIIMike if you liked old attrox, you will do fine with trundle and shyvana. Also if you're supporting, maokai jungle still works the same way it did back in the day
@wastingsun 4 күн бұрын
The thing no one wants to admit: They call the role broken but if no one in the META defined MOBA is abusing the role, chances are its overhyped and no one wants to be the butt of everything in a match.
@Bluejay8633 6 күн бұрын
theres a bit of irony at the 3:30 mark mentioning the jack of all trades mentality. the sentiment has been shortened was originally "jack of all trades, mastery of none, but better than a master of one"
@sareku8491 6 күн бұрын
Being honest I had never listen to someone said the last part, and I don't even know a context were being a master of one is worst than a jack of all trades, like even in real life most of the people I know have jobs for being a master of one and jack of all trades are constantly rejected for being "overqualified"
@donkylefernandez4680 6 күн бұрын
@@sareku8491 Basically would you rather have stress and responsibility but also have job security, or would you rather have a specialized set of skills that makes you valuable yet replaceable in the workforce? Jacks are good at balancing spreadsheets while Johns are good at practical issues that Jacks over simplify on paper. Jacks organize, Johns do the work.
@Juria1987 6 күн бұрын
@@sareku8491 Being a master of one is useful if you can get that job, but don't forget you are on a planet with BILLIONS of other people to compete with. Of course how much competition there is for each job massively varies, but also guess it depends on the era you using that. I'm sure back when it was first coined, a jack of all trades could be considered amazing. They could handle many tasks at a competent or maybe slightly above competent level which is enough for most tasks back then. Either way both ways to interpret the saying has their merits.
@rookie4582 6 күн бұрын
Considering how annoying League is and considering how futile grinding ranked can feel like, I play league because I genuinely love playing as Poppy and attempt to learn and try to master all situations thrown at me. There is no over champ I love as much as Poppy. I would rather climb ranked with a champ I love, rather than some meta champion that you still can likely lose with. It seems like time wasted rather than keep learning with your main champion.
@joranvanolphen9892 6 күн бұрын
I can totally relate. I love Taliyah. From her voice, personality, brown skin representation and the fact that she is not your average female league model. I dont care that she gets outranged or classed by multiple other mages. I love her fun and quick playstyle. Luckily for me she rarely gets picked or banned but i do have other mages i can play.
@rookie4582 6 күн бұрын
@@joranvanolphen9892 I love Poppy’s characters and voice lines, all good positive vibes.
@Foxtrotwolf 6 күн бұрын
Exactly this.... But try to make the "You CaNT haVE fUN" "TaKE the GamE sErIOusLY" type of guys here, to understand that.
@rookie4582 6 күн бұрын
@@Foxtrotwolf Thankfully I really don’t run into them honestly. I thought there would be more of those types.
@Foxtrotwolf 6 күн бұрын
@@rookie4582 Well you're partially right, since of course they're not complaining in the same satiric way I'm exposing. There's is kinda lot of people here complaining about how others like to play the game. Which is irrelevant. But yeah, I get it.
@ShiroV2 6 күн бұрын
I sure am glad I never touch ranked games, so I can stick to my 2 roles (one and a half, really) and autopilot all I want with all chat muted and not a care in the world. The extent in which so many people treat this game like a job you have to be perfect at/constantly improve on is astonishing.
@marshxmalluw 6 күн бұрын
RIGHTT and when u tell ppl ur just bot interested in the pressure of ranked the reactions can be so weird sometimes! like? isnt it better for you, the ranked player, if someone who isnt into it stays away??
@karibkeon 5 күн бұрын
I believe that outside the ranked queue, everyone has the right to do whatever they want (within the rules of the game, of course). If a person takes the game seriously, and not as a way to have an fun, he should go to ranked. Of course, this rule should work in the opposite case, if you don't take the game seriously (I'm talking about people who ff 15 as well), then you shouldn't go to ranked.
@mozzy2968 6 күн бұрын
While I agree that players with less experience or skill are less qualified to talk about balance, I think the bigger issue is that there is an overall sentimate that players who are "low elo" don't have opinions that matter at all and are lesser, which doesn't help with the toxicity at all. Instead of any discourse its just people shoving their ranks at each other to decide who's worth more which is sad imo. One of the first rules of debate is that you only address the person's argument, not who they are. I have issues with the terms low and high elo because it's gotten to the point where its basically just anyone who isn't a top 100 in Korea is "low elo" which is just getting to a point of insanity. I can't think of any other game where you are still considered bad when you are better than 80-90% of the players in the game. The sheer amount of people who literally look down on others and see them as lesser people because of the size of their rank number in a video game is the biggest reason I hate interacting with the league community. Its wild honestly. It breeds such a toxic mindset in players who get into the ranked latter and its the worst part of the game. While I've seen it most on reddit, i've also seen it a lot in comment sections on youtube as well. Idk just throwing in my mini rant about how i feel like a fundament part of the communities mindset is breeding toxicity. I'm a low to mid emerald player so feel free to roast my opinion since I'm low elo i guess.
@petrusv8752 6 күн бұрын
your 100% correct. its like those mobile game ads where the person in the ad brags about being lvl 9000 in some arbitrary in game thing expect people ACTUALLY take it seriously. lets be real here, riot doesnt even listen to ANYONE in the player base. it is specifically things that happen in pro matches and numbers that gets riots attention. "oh XYZ champ has bad winrate but we want to sell skins for it, buff XYZ a (very liberal) bit"
@mozzy2968 5 күн бұрын
@@petrusv8752 omg I never realized it before. The league community is literally one of those ads that's amazing
@srensen3081 5 күн бұрын
your opinion just shows youre low elo, get good before trying to have an opinion. show opgg or dont give opinion jokes aside, i agree with your point
@MadIIMike 6 күн бұрын
One thing I disagree with partially at least is the "challengers opinion matters more". IMO we should differentiate more, rather than basing it on someone's rank. Even on the extreme end Challenger represents (besides professional), it's kinda meaningless when a Challenger ADC says Blitz/Naut/Thresh are OP because he keeps running into the hooks. Another point IMO is, that LoL eventually won't retain new players if their opinions aren't valued or if the gameplay in lower elos goes to crap... which it kinda has to some point. In another example: most low elo players will say that smurfing ruins games, while the challengers smurfing will say they do it because they can't find games on their main.
@Rells2coolpeoplehavebadtastes. 6 күн бұрын
5:47 That sentiment is bs in my opinion. Even if you were to try to get decent (not great decent) at EVERY roll you will be an over all worst player and it will hurt your ability to climb. People you need to understand, ranked is not a race it's a marathon, it's fine to have some games you just lose as long as you stay consistent you will climb. And when I say you I mean YOU the player, because climbing is in your control, not fully but enough to the point that a bad player on your team will not doom your whole match as long as you are able to pull your weight.
@jansyrovatka4090 6 күн бұрын
But at the same time, don't fking 1st time things like Azir, Akali, Zoe, Kalista, K'sante, Draven, Bard, Kindred (and no Ezreal if u don't know how to use basic attacks on him) etc. in ranked, just pick a champ who is atleast kinda stupid proof. (Things like Cait - can't miss aa, Naut - it's fking Naut, Amumu - one of the easiest junglers, etc.) Not knowing every matchup etc is understandable, but alteast use brain when it comes to those thing. Jungle pathing is whole other part, (my jungle pathing sucks after playing for quite a time. It's the only role I suck at, even tho I can kinda understand why junglers do what they do.)
@Rells2coolpeoplehavebadtastes. 6 күн бұрын
@@jansyrovatka4090 Oh absolutely. That's what normes are for.
@Mmoll1990 5 күн бұрын
Whenever a click bait title or headline ever asks you a yes or no question, the answer is always no.
@Lordblow1 6 күн бұрын
The reason I main supp is that back in season 3 nobody ever wanted to pick support. This means that a supp main is most likely to not autofill and means that all time spent playing that role will be relevent in the largest number of games. Until season 6 I has never played mid lane, ever. Not a single game. Because since everyone wants to play mid lane why bother trying and then get an autofill supp that can't play the role. Still the case tbh, most mid lane players are way worse then people who play the other roles are for the ELO. At least when i somehow get autofled mid I tend to somehow beat every person I come across. Might also just be a problem in plat and below though.
@jansyrovatka4090 6 күн бұрын
I feel like plat and below mid just plays way differently than higher elo, just 1v1 and pushing as fast as possible. Tell me, how often u see low elo mid rotate and roam with some real plan (invading jungle with jungler after push, crossmaping when enemy makes pick, actually placing ward near enemy top buff - small but valuable thing, etc) and not totally randomly running around, confused like someone who 1st times Aphelios without knowing a thing about him? I feel like that's the difference and I think as a sup player u are used to track both enemy jng and mid, just because they could pay u a visit in botlane? Even more looking at these things if u roam.
@Lordblow1 6 күн бұрын
@@jansyrovatka4090 yeah good point there. Roaming without a plan is one of the big weaknesses. That and trading while farming at the same time.
@dragonsreingsupreme1 6 күн бұрын
​@@jansyrovatka4090 it's mechanics too honestly outside of a few exceptions it is ridiculously easy to abuse mid laners lack of mechanical skill in low elo. They genuinely are worse at csing then most adc and top laners let alone trading while actually securing last hits. Plus wave manipulation, because the short lane makes it much more forgiving if the enemy freezes or sets up a slow push on you most don't seem to have the knowledge of how it functions until higher elos. I have seen so many mids fuck up good freezes or not slow pushing to base if they have the opportunity because they genuinely didn't know better. Pair that with bad or brain dead roams and they are hilariously easy to exploit. I have won so many autofilled games mid where I shove roam get a kill or objective and wander back to lane to see that the full health and mana enemy had very curteously set up a freeze for me just outside of tower while they tried to roam on a cc heavy botlane at full health under their own tower. It might just be bias but midlaners as a whole seem to be one of the more elo inflated roles in low elo carried by high burst and enemy knowledge and mechanicle skill being too low to exploit their bad decision making. Because let's be real we all suck. 😅
@OKIGorgon 6 күн бұрын
Anyone should know how to gank as a jg? I played enough and seen enough to know that knowing when, how, which line and how long you should wait for opportunity makes it the hardest role to learn. Especially for support main, that doesn't know how to farm efficiently, meaning even if they focus on power farming, they'll still can easily be behind average jungler. Riot should just let us pick which roles we want to play with queue times being shorter the more roles you pick, or give up option to opt in and out of autofill which affects queue times. So people who absolutely want shorter queues can get them at risk of being autofilled. As for macro summoners, that made me remember times I played Revive/Fortify Karthus. With so many new ways to damage turrets now, being able to make them invulnerable just as opponent is about to hit them with Herald, Demolish, Trist's E or Ziggs W would be so much fun. I wish it was brought back.
@poom323 6 күн бұрын
Yeah, I still wonder why Riot won't do that. Nothing to lose, good for everyone. If some one can play 3 or 4 role, why do they need to stuck with 2 role or getting auto fill in the role that they can't play at all.
@miuzoreyes6547 3 күн бұрын
The problem with choosing your own roles and not getting autofilled isn't that it will lead to longer queue times for you - there's no problem with that, actually. The issue is that it will lead to much longer queue times for everyone, even players who can do 3-4 roles assuming the role they don't pick is the least popular one. Assuming there's no autofill, in order to start a match you'd need to have a support and adc (least popular roles) to queue up, while competing with many mid/top/jgl players who have also queued up at the same time. And while sure, the game quality will probably be much higher since you don't have off-role players, you'd also be looking at 2-4x queue times across all elos.
@kinwong5491 5 сағат бұрын
Nah, i think riot should remove the role system and just let everyone fight for the role they want. When there are enough games end up with 3 top and open bot lane, we can get twisted treeline back
@ParisHart-ij8vf 6 күн бұрын
8:38-8:49 “That’s not really an excuse given that; every game you have a jungler, every game you have a support, every game you have an adc. You should at the very least be expected to understand the fundamentals of that role because you play along side those players” Same as saying : “I work in the same building as you, therefore I know the basics of how to do your job” League is too complicated for that and just existing near someone does not mean you actually learned anything from them or how to play their role.
@17Master 6 күн бұрын
That line from Vars really hammered in how many skills and knowledge checks League players take for granted. Even something as “simple” as last hitting minions is going to be difficult for someone who has only played jungle or support, and that’s before throwing the enemy champion(s) into the equation. But these people genuinely expect you to know everything and understand the fine points of any given situation and execute perfectly because you have seen other people do it?
@Rasea611 6 күн бұрын
The reality is that you are expected to know how to play other roles, though. You may only want to play your primary and secondary role, but sometimes you get autofilled. If you don't want to grief your team and tank your rank every time you get autofilled, you have to learn how to play every role at least decently. Will it be worse than your primary and secondary? Of course. But it's still a decent grasp on it. Dota 2 works the same way. You have 50 role queue tokens starting out when you first start playing ranked. You can queue Mid, Offlane, Carry, Support and Hard Support. Every game you play, you lose one token. If you queue the in demand roles (which is always Support and Hard Support), you won't lose tokens. You gain 4 tokens for queueing every role and winning, 2 tokens for losing. What ends up happening, for a majority of players, is they will queue their preferred core role (Mid, Offlane or Carry) until they get low on tokens, then spend the next 20-30 games queueing every role (which usually lands them in Support or Hard Support) in order to get tokens back. This is a system that makes it guaranteed for you to be placed in every role, similar to League. You need to learn how to play every role, at least decently. Refusing to learn roles you get autofilled for just makes worse on your team and harder on yourself.
@ParisHart-ij8vf 5 күн бұрын
@@Rasea611 asking for players(especially ones who play more casually or have limited time to play) to learn every single role is asking for too much. The game is too big, the variables are too many, and the champions are too complicated for that. tokens and bogus system not required to correctly match players, especially not with how many concurrent players play both games.
@Rasea611 5 күн бұрын
@@ParisHart-ij8vf Casual players often don't play ranked, so it's not as big of an issue there. Normal games is more understandable for that kind of thing. But it's just the nature of the game for ranked. Learning how to play every role should be expected, and it is with how autofill (and tokens in the case of Dota 2) works. It's also just better long term anyway. For example, someone that plays ADC mainly that learns to play support will have a stronger understanding of support roam timings, a better understanding of aggression and ideal trades, of the limits of supports in general. The more you understand the other roles, the more it helps you because you don't have to hope they do things that benefit you.
@ParisHart-ij8vf 3 күн бұрын
@@Rasea611 no, I said “more casual players” not “causal players”. Not everyone who played league sits there for 12-13 hours a day playing. Your other points are irrelevant and are largely speculatory.
@laicord 6 күн бұрын
14:34 I still remember the 5 man dives after 7 minutes in botlane thanks to the old teleport, good times
@mrnoblemonkey8401 6 күн бұрын
From my experience the biggest issue is people thinking they can play any champion instead of a handful.
@inplane9970 6 күн бұрын
And every single one of their picks are subpar and make the most obvious mistakes because they don't play that champ.
@gorgistanojevik3196 6 күн бұрын
You know it's bad when people try making having fun in a video game seem like a bad thing
@TheFirstEm 6 күн бұрын
Absolutely agree. Why should I be forced to play other champions/roles if I only have the most amount of fun with one specific champion and perform well with it as well?
@s0merand0m117 6 күн бұрын
it's called strategy, lol.
@toasterhothead3312 6 күн бұрын
@@TheFirstEmbecause sometimes ur champ gets banned or picked first and now what? Ur not gunna be having fun and ur throwing the game. Also a problem I got with my friends is that I can’t play roles I’m best at because 2 of my friends can ONLY play mid and support forcing me to go adc, jungle or too. I’m not terrible at any of those but I can’t always play with my friends because I don’t ONLY wanna go those roles. Even in aram if they don’t get any of the 3 that they know how to play they are not only essentially throwing but they are already titled (just how they are not all). We try to urge them to learn other champs and roles but they refuse.
@notme2966 6 күн бұрын
@@toasterhothead3312 you just dodge the game instead of wasting everyones time
@toasterhothead3312 6 күн бұрын
@@notme2966 cool, still wasted some time but still better…but like…why not learn a different role and different champions…also that doesn’t work if u wanna play with other people. If I’m playing with some friends and I don’t get mid or support (my main 2 roles) they’ll never be able to play.then again i guess that was my mistake cause I decided to ACTUALLY enjoy league as much as possible to it’s full extent. Plus u can discover champs u didn’t know could even go in support, like Orianna, Shaco, etc. or u didn’t know ur main champ could work at top (Akali, soraka (for some seasons), Lillia etc. but hey if u wanna continue to waste peoples time because change is scary then ok buddy.
@MrKillerbee124 6 күн бұрын
In regards to the 'balancing around high-elo being garbage' statements: Actually fully agree. In doing so, you eventually create a rift (unintentional) of players who the 1% of high-rank professional players and the other 99% who take longer to adjust to patch changes, overall meta drift as well as mastery of champions and roles. I believe balancing games around high-elo is one of the most methodical, quickest ways to kill a competitive game's fun.
@poom323 6 күн бұрын
Balancing around high-elo is fine... until Riot release tons of new champion that cannot be countered by other champion in the same role or require intensive knowledge or teamwork to counter.
@pickle7366 6 күн бұрын
just as im thinking bout becoming a fiddle OTP. oh well.
@davidaleajugar1587 6 күн бұрын
Do it do it do it do it! It's worth it! As an OTP Fiddle myself, I can say is worth make the enemy team paranoic every time you have your Ult is up!
@Phantom_Ashes 6 күн бұрын
he doesnt get banned very often and can be flexed into supp, hes not the worst otp choice
@edgelordmcgee966 6 күн бұрын
if its jungle fiddle then i think its ok to OTP bc no one wants it so youll never be contested for that role/youll never be taking that role from someone else
@MangoAurum 6 күн бұрын
Try it out man. Worst comes to worst you go learn someone new! There's zero downside to *STARTING* as an OTP. If you OTP two champs into Mastery, you'll still know both champs if you pick up a third
@bltelysian 6 күн бұрын
play the champ you want, play the role you want, and have fun. if you get autofilled then just dodge, or play your otp champ in that role if it isnt completely troll. also, if you just cancel queue before it goes over estimated time and make sure your secondary position isn't in priority, you shouldn't get autofilled that much
@humphrey261 6 күн бұрын
Clearly you haven’t heard of my full ap + lethality mix build Rammus mid technology
@charvisaur4184 5 күн бұрын
People constantly confuse me for a one trick when they see my mastery. But I've just been playing the same 5 champions for 8 years
@kevingriffith6011 6 күн бұрын
4:52 Support. You got support when you picked last, the role was *miserable* back in the day. No support items for gold income and no free wards. You had to spend most of what little gold you had on wards instead of items, so while everyone else got to have fun and get powerful you just... got to exist as a heal/cc bot.
@meesvijfhuizen8271 6 күн бұрын
How about we have a setting where we can only see/hear chat from people above honor lv4. The idea is that you can change this in settings to any honor level you want, so you can know what to expect.
@strongerthanever2039 6 күн бұрын
13:42 /muteall mutes pings too. And emotes. It basically mutes everything for everyone.
@poom323 6 күн бұрын
Tbh, there are tons of games that I just lose because some people /mute all by default.
@strongerthanever2039 6 күн бұрын
@@poom323 Yeah, I honestly find it sad that the community is so toxic to the point that some people don't even bother and remove all communication from the game relaying so much on teamwork before anyone had any chance to do something because they just assume they will.
@t0xic661 6 күн бұрын
one tricks tend to be the most humble and knowledgeable imo. They know they can't play anything else (and the people who think they can play everything can't) and they know a LOT about their champ and how to play out specific cheese scenarios etc hyper niche knowledge and build theory which is the most difficult knowledge to aquire in the game
@yanlenqt 6 күн бұрын
Showmaker was a Katarina one trick, Pyosik was a kindred one trick. But yeah it's not really bad, as long as you implement your skills and knowledge from your one trick to other champs.
@thewallsarebreathing2509 4 күн бұрын
ive been called a 1 trick but i think im really dedicated to the champs i select. i wanna know all the nuances and possible plays and matchups. this takes a long time so the appearance of a one trick comes to light but i also do have like 1 or 2 backups per just in case
@durpnubgaming4532 4 күн бұрын
Low key like these type of videos just chill and taking you should def make more
@crawdad1903 6 күн бұрын
Love the podcast format hope you do more
@_Light_Crow 6 күн бұрын
When I started league 3 months ago, I was baffled that you don't have a rank for each role, I once got to the bottom of top 500 tank in overwatch but my dps is barely diamond, so if I play dps with the same people I play tank, even if my dps is higher than average, i would get absolutely destroyed
@stuffy654 6 күн бұрын
Thoughts, optional queues, a short and a long queue which you can choose either to have the chance to autofill for quicker games versus no autofill at all but you have a higher chance of waiting alot longer, but are queueing into the same games
@jayhawker8200 4 күн бұрын
"Jack of all trades master of none is often times better than a master of one. " I feel people often forget the full quote
@Barklily 6 күн бұрын
I think that low elo players should be listened to more, but only those who want to learn. If they have an opinion on something and a Challenger player has a different opinion on the matter, wether or not they are ready to listen and learn why the chal player thinks differently is the key to knowing if you should listen and perhaps help them learn or if you shouldn't waste your time talking to someone that won't change their mind even when a better player with more experience tells them the truth.
@tymunster 6 күн бұрын
One tricking is okay as long as you are ready to accept what that means.
@JustinSeizure 6 күн бұрын
I remember the spamming role in chat era. It was HORRIBLE. Pro players play one role, I think it makes sense that this is the way we also play. Low ELO players are the majority by an enormous margin and high ELO players forget what it’s like to be low ELO. On the subject of what low ELO is like, high ELO players should just stfu too. Cause they don’t understand what a smurf hell is like. Otherwise great vid!
@Slugmac420 6 күн бұрын
3:15 the taunt on renekton killed me😂
@assipassi 6 күн бұрын
Pls make a video about the Class-Reworks they did back then. I think would be nice to see where the champs are now because a lot of them got reverted
@marianorivera3272 4 күн бұрын
I love OTP's because when I lose to them, I can just go "of course he wins, he's a OTP" and delude myself into thinking I'm still better then them.
@nadermanna3072 3 күн бұрын
Being a rammus otp is hell on earth when things don't go your way, but I do play a handful of other champs sometimes
@soundrogue4472 6 күн бұрын
4:32 expect people who already sucked at x or y role were not likely going to play good in said role to begin with. So you end up having a jungler that sucks at jungling being stuck jungling, you have a support that wants to take minions and reflexively does so, etc.
@NoobSebot 4 күн бұрын
I figured out one tricking is been terrible. Its bad for solo q and if you wanna play with friends. Example, having ur main banned, you're forced to leave the game and redo a queue match. Always try to have at least 3 mains, in the same lane, or each different lane. And sometimes you get counter picked, so you wanna mixup your playstyle. And sometimes maybe a friend wants dibs on the role you main.
@Isaberry1602 3 күн бұрын
One huge point is also that not all one tricks are on the same ground - some characters are great to act on multiple lanes/roles while others are not. OTP Nami is kinda bound to support, can act on mid but with other lanes its getting harder and harder to do great. But Zyra can do great in support, jungle and mid. One tricking is about champions, not about roles.
@SentientBratwurst 5 күн бұрын
I personally have never had very good mechanics. In every game I play, I've never been as agile as my friends. I think I have what Mrs. Mellinger calls "stupid fingers." Despite this, I used to keep up with my friends in league by knowledge alone. I followed the PBE religiously, read every patch note, and whenever I was bored I'd load up a bot game to try a new champion just to see how they feel. When I was really into it, I had an intuitive sense of what just about every champion could do and so even if I got hit by every shillshot I could still win fights. Respecting your enemy laner, knowing when to strike, and keeping cool so you can execute. All of these things are so much easier and much less frustrating when you understand the fights you're getting into from all sides.
@soundrogue4472 6 күн бұрын
In a game all about being a time sink; not putting a bunch of time towards your best champs will hurt you. This isn't like fixing a car, replacing oil, fixing the air filters, etc. THIS IS A LEAGUE CHAMP THAT TAKES A LOT OF TIME TO MASTER AND GET DOWN!
@thecoolestcorgi4991 6 күн бұрын
I have two roles I play, support and jungle I have 3 champs that I play to my highest level in each role. Keeps me flexible and still lets me focus on developing my skills on each champ
@minmaus8397 6 күн бұрын
waiting for the day when day remove autofill and mid will surparse the OW dps queue
@ImKioto97 3 күн бұрын
One tricks are needed. They are the ones taking the champs to the next level and discovering new things. Everyone that wants to learn a character should watch a one trick of that character. It's not something that's for everyone, you need to be a very specific type of player to be one of them. But they do a service to the community in a way. With that said, sticking to 2-3 champs for a while does wonders when it comes to improving
@ghqebvful 6 күн бұрын
I once had someone tell me that I couldn't have an opinion about the toxicity in league because I don't care to play ranked and wasn't diamond or above. Tellin me League isn't toxic while being toxic himself was something to behold
@karasutsuki1733 4 күн бұрын
I think people HEAVILY overestimate how much more theyd win if all 10 players get their roles and theres no autofilleds. Imagine waiting 3x as long for each game, but u still have the same winrate, that would suck
@User-data-unknown 5 күн бұрын
Sometimes in draft, I get put jungle when my first pick was mid and my secondary was top. Good thing im a formal jungle main
@TigerKirby215 4 күн бұрын
imo there's a difference between "I have a select few mains that I play most of the time" versus "I can only play one champ in one role and if I get banned I dodge." I think everyone should be able to play at least 3 out of the 5 roles at a competent level, ideally 4. If you get autofilled chances are it'll at least be a role you can play that way. Additionally I think everyone should have about 3 champions they can pilot in a specific position. Just about every role has an "easy" champion that can get value with very little skill like Malphite for top, Rammus for jungle, Annie for mid, Ashe for ADC, and Sona for support. You should be able to play those champions and also play your mains in the roles you like.
@phillipcoleman6267 6 күн бұрын
More stuff like this would be awesome.
@miguelsanchez825 5 күн бұрын
You used to be able to comprehend somewhat all the roles before climbing ranked, I think that was cool and somehow helped people to understand each role. Not sure if one tricking could be considered bad overall, but fore sure does help to create those scenarios where the assasin thinks 1v1 the support makes him a better player while loosing objectives. Like people don't understand X thing and blame it on their teamates.
@ericc2530 Күн бұрын
To truly elevate your game after you've hit a wall in skill is to one trick. Playing since release, I used to be super proud about being a jack of all trade player. I've hit challenger abusing meta champs, while only avoiding playing supports like a gigachad. But eventually, I've hit a wall in skill and started burning out on the game. So i took a break and when i came back like a drug addict i decided to pick up yasuo. I played it almost exclusively till i was comfortable with it. Then even more till i was good enough picking it into any match up. Being a one trick taught me one of the most important mechanics in the game and that is movement. Good movement is what seperate good and amazing players. Dodging and keeping ideal distance to hit while not get hit makes squishy dps feel like unkillable tank when you try to dmg them. One trick also helped me improve my reaction speed. And stopped me from tilting when i lose lane. Overall i was only able to break my skill cap by one tricking yasuo to level 30.
@texeiracorrea2708 5 күн бұрын
I just watched the gameplay, ignored the commentary even though I saw title and was like yeah i wana learn more XP
@gmyrek31 6 күн бұрын
otp is so boring so i play fill and then I learned you can go lethality yorick SO FREAKING GOOD
@falsegood5696 6 күн бұрын
For the low elo thing I think it breaks down like this. If you are low elo expressing frustration at the game is fine, and you are probably going able to diagnose that a problem exists. But the specifics of that problem will most likely elude you. So taking the doctor example, say someone is sneezing, coughing, and complains of a sour throat. A normal person will run a quick C19 test and be like damn that person is sick. They might even go as far as isolating symptoms and comparing those to past time they or the person they’re looking at is sick. But a doctor will have a list of diseases that could effect that person and be able to break down potential treatments and/or specialized care required for that disease. They’ll be able to understand how the disease makes it’s way through the body and how to treat for it. For another example (Im an airplane mechanic) a pilot might show up saying that their RPM is running low at start up or maybe he’ll give the noise that the plane is making. They probably know minor preventative maintenance required for their specific aircraft. But they won’t be able to run the diagnostic, find the issue, and replace the part to exact specifications. Just as the mechanic wouldn’t know how to make those specifications (requires an engineer). Basically low elo people can recognize that a problem exists, not so much what is causing it. Like Malphite can look really busted if your whole team is AD and didn’t build any shred, but kinda bad into a full AP comp. At the same time high elo players know a lot about their specific lane and champion but can fall short when coming up with solutions to those problems. Your uncle who does his oil change should probably not be overhauling your engine.
@hervvehh4575 6 күн бұрын
i used to be a jungle main when i first started playing, but even to this day i just cannot wrap my head around the role
@childofnight0001 3 күн бұрын
One trick players usually play peak league. The only takeaway is the bad match up. So if u want to one trick your way up the league. Choose a meta resistant champions like singed or always ban bad match ups
@shirayuzu 6 күн бұрын
Was a fill main since season 2. Stuck at gold for the longest time. Started one-tricking xerath-hwei just the last 2 season, boosted myself to plat in under a month. Last year recap was me pressing xerath ult 15k times lol. You need a CERTAIN amount of one tricking to get any success out of yourself.
@heulg.darian2536 6 күн бұрын
Sir 3:26 The complete sentence is "jack of all trades master of none though often times better than a master of one".
@frobo 5 күн бұрын
nah xin is on something at 5:54 😭😭😭
@muratemreyurdalan2734 4 күн бұрын
If somebody doesnt want to wait 10min for the role they want, If they just want to get in to a game, then there is normal games for you.
@unclixed_YT 5 күн бұрын
i personally main sett but ive tried every champ and i could pretty confidently rank with any champ on any role so ive stopped worrying about autofills, and i do think you should be able to play every single role at least solidly before you rank
@christof6809 5 күн бұрын
playing many champions/roles isnt full of downsides tho, it means you also have a broader understanding on how these work, which will help when they are on your/enemies side.
@RyanFagan_RealEstate 6 күн бұрын
I need everyone to at least have one jungle main and know the basics it’s so annoying when ppl are autofilled jungle and complain
@Hylofear 6 күн бұрын
For 12:17 the "dont autopilot" sentiment is more of a correction rather than advice. It shouldn't be delivered as advice because it doesn't mean anything by itself. You can tell this to a player who knows what they should be doing but isn't playing with intent, like if you've talked to them before about improving their gameplay. If you tell someone who asked you for advice "dont autopilot" theyre gonna come away confused because they dont know what theyre meant to do instead of autopiloting.
@marni6483 6 күн бұрын
I think overwatch2 did a good job with their role system. You get a different rank for each role. So if i main support and climb to diamond for example, my tank role rank could be gold, and dps bronze for example. There's also a multi role, where everyone can pick any role without restrictions. It also have its separate rank. So i can try other roles or get autofilled, without hurting my hard-grinded diamond support rank. And i love that system.
@viltautasYT 5 күн бұрын
as a poppy onetrick, I got those 'your anticheat if off' and quit cuz i couldnt be bothered. But one tricking is the best, if poppy gets baned, I can just pick something completely braindead like lux...
@beefnoodlegaming 6 күн бұрын
5:26 don't worry as long as the Kha'Zix is a Yuumi main they'll wipe the floor with the enemies and climb with a 90% win rate on their off-role K6.
@jurasicers.r.o7174 6 күн бұрын
Autofill is exactly the reason why i have at least basic competance on at least two champions in each role.
@cwiebe9 6 күн бұрын
If I may be so bold, Mechwarrior Online has a great way to foster a faster queue. When you go to pick a class, the game tells you what percentage of players are also in that class. If you want to get in a game quickly, you can pick the class with the fewest players. This method would also provide transparency about why you are waiting so long.
@Jordeb 6 күн бұрын
the problem with a 15-20 min que time for most people is if i had to wait 20 mins to get into champ select go thru that then maybe play a 45 min game thats just to much time gone for one single game
@ageridthesilverdragon4440 5 күн бұрын
stile don't know why the whole jack of all qoute isn't use almost ever. only "jack of all trade master of none" and not the full Qoute "a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one"
@kumoko3728 5 күн бұрын
this is why if im autofilled mid i just pick ornn even if i int my lane i can still help my team with upgrades
@acolonheidern5419 6 күн бұрын
Am I the only one deeply invested in the gameplay and filled with a sudden urge to play Pantheon?
@AA-ve9gp 6 күн бұрын
One tricking is the best way to get high elo if you have an actual life. To get to GM+ level skill on more than 1 champion is INCREDIBLY difficult if you have full time employment and don't have the luxury to play 20 games of league per day. Realistically i can play 2-4 games per day. Thats approximately enough for me to be really good on 1-2 champions. If you want to go pro or be a "complete" player then obviously you should have a big champ pool. If you want to have a life while also being high rank your best bet is OTP'ing
@jaimerubio3375 6 күн бұрын
I'm a OTP hit challenger but I can still play any role to me other ppl just sound like skill issue
@alberthuang8586 2 күн бұрын
When macro related summoner spells were brought up the first thing i thought of was old tp when top laners would just tp bot lane at 5 minutes lol
@vincemeat774 6 күн бұрын
Regarding Low Elo opinions I feel they are Valid equally to High Elo Opinions. I think the majority of the player base is around Iron to Silver and are not try hard players. They are Trying but at a different scale. But to say a high Elo player is more important is just saying you don't know what those players deal with. From my side I have an almost 1000 level account that get 13LP on win and looses 29LP on a lose. I may of been bad in the past but I also am Mastery 7 on almost every champion in the game (sadly Riot removed that reward from me) however I made a new account in 2022 and I got into Master with way way less effort. Lost 4 of my 5 placement games and got put into Platinum 2. and then I worked my way up to Master. I have expressed this to Riot about resetting MMR for all accounts. when I got hold of them they said all I have to do is win more. but the more I win the less LP I make on my old account but the new account is getting 31 LP on a win at times. Autofill is a massive issue too, even the game mode Quickplay forces you to take a Priority position most of the time basically a forced autofill as well into a position you don't want on a game mode you though avoids this, brain dead system and I've been told this is way worse on smaller servers like OCE. I find one tricking extremely boring personally, but I don't personally care how people make their way to the top. I just enjoy my way of playing and really hope I can have my old account MMR reset. the matchmaking is so poor that a lot of low Elo players have to play against High Elo players in ranked as well. you know your account is cursed if you experience this.
@williammatkins6348 6 күн бұрын
Can you please give us an update on how possible it’d be for you to livestream again. I know it isn’t very optimal for you but I remember watching you play Yone and basically have a hot take war in the chat.
@poom323 6 күн бұрын
Communication is really op. It's op enough to make silver team able to win against challenger with no communication.
@jasoncuriale8613 3 күн бұрын
Hey Vars, if you’re interested would you mind making a vid about the state of Evelynn? As a former main of hers I feel like she went from a solo queue menace to a joke. It’s weird how as an assassin she just can’t really kill anyone anymore. Even assassins like Talon can semi reliably 100-0 a adc but now it feels like everyone you try to kill as her gets away with a sliver of health, or worse survives your full combo and then gets a kill off of you. TLDR; I feel like she’s become a champ who’s payoff for learning how to play her well isn’t worth the hours you need to actually be good on her.
@noxtol8778 6 күн бұрын
In 7:39, Vars mentions that he would rather wait 10 to 15 minutes to have a game where all people got their prefered roles. And yeah, maybe he is being honest about it, but i am sure 90% of the player base would not agree. I don't know how many people reading this was playing Lol at the time, but back in season 5 there was an earlier version of the role system, called "Team Builder", where you just chose a role and you can get into a lobby with other people playing their roles, it usually took about 10 minutes to fill a group of 5 and start a queue. And guess what? no one used it, which is why they remade it entirely into the role system we know to day. Why did one use it? Because this is a game, most people don't wanna spend time doing nothing, they wanna play the game. I get Var's opinion as a competitive player, who is just thinking it is worthy wait 10 minutes in order to secure more chances to win, but most people in League just play casually and care more about not losing time than losing LP.
@jamon8139 4 күн бұрын
I do think one-tricking (especially roles) really hurts you as a player, at least when you're still quite new compared to most players. I started playing about 1.5 years ago and I'm a platinum Urgot main (my MMR is emerald but I honestly don't play ranked very often). I also play a bit of Ornn and Jax but only like 1/10 games, with the other 9 usually being Urgot. A few months ago I decided that I felt like playing a different role from top for once, just to mix things up a bit, but whatever other role I played (in normals) I would get absolutely stomped by my opponent. The other jungler would invade me on repeat and out-tempo me, I'd always lose bot lane whether I was the ADC or support, and the best I could do in mid lane was pick Annie and sit under my tower at half farm while my opponent roams and impacts the map. Despite being a plat/emerald level Urgot top player, because I rarely ever played anything else (and when I did it was just for fun with my friends and not a consistent thing) I was like iron/bronze level at every other role with very little skill on individual champions outside top lane to boot. Even playing simple champions, I didn't understand how to play the other roles on a macro level despite being pretty comfortable with my wave management and such in top. I ended up making a second account (something I never usually do in any competitive game because I think smurfing is pathetic) just for playing other roles, and once I got out of the sea of matches against smurfs playing what they're already comfortable and good at, it's been a fun and good experience. I'm rarely against anyone much worse than me but I'm also not against people so much better that I'm useless. I pretty much never got put in my 'secondary' role on my main account either because I'd just put it as mid so I was less likely to get put there. I think there's a ton of value in having a main role and main champions of course, but yeah being able to play other things to a level at least somewhat close to your rank in one-off games is also very valuable and I do kind of regret practically one-tricking for most of my league career so far.
@alyssarichardson2544 6 күн бұрын
One-tricking HURTS when your main gets nerfed, even indirectly... the removal of Sanguine Blade made Caitlyn top completely unviable - maybe as a counter to Quinn etc but people pick them as counter-picks. Swapped to Senna top and Divine Sunderer got removed. Senna top was so much fun, people could tank your autos while spamming /l early not realising you weren't even trying to kill them, but farm mist/grasp stacks, then when you finally brought DS, as soon as you used your Q everyone would be like "oh, shit..." Plus you scaled HARD, at 3 items (DS, Muramana and Navori QBs) and +240hp from Grasp you were an absolute unit, especially before the range per 20 mist was 25. You even outscaled Kayle late-game...
@TrueOTR 5 күн бұрын
Why cant autofill have an option to toggle it on or off? Wont that fix the issue for people that want quick queue times and those that dont mind longer queues.
@harz632 6 күн бұрын
I think that is the most infuriating part to me, as an old player and someone that doesn't like playing the same things over and over again I get comfortable on all lanes and on all types of champions, I can pretty much pick up any champion in the roster and play them decently, no insane combos etc. but I would be confident in saying that unless I'm hard countered I won't just get ran over by the enemy. So that is also what I expect from others. The problem is, you get a Mid and Supp main autofilled top or jungle and its almost guaranteed that the enemy will be fed there because no one can play aynthing outside not only their lane but often even their archetype. A akali mid main might know how to play burst mages too, but would be completly screwed if forced to play Xerath or Velkoz.
@kinesslop651 6 күн бұрын
I think i might need to treat this like a podcast. Not sure though
@Yarharsuperpirate 6 күн бұрын
One tricking is fine. IF you atleast have a plan B for every other role. Just in case your auto filled or something. Don't be that guy who picks Yasuo support just because you were auto filled. I used to one trick Darius when I still played the game, but I made sure to have atleast 1-2 champions in the other roles I was atleast good with.
@MrWhitehomeboi 2 күн бұрын
Because so much of the NA lol player base is in their late 20s/early 30s we don’t have the time or energy to dedicate to other roles.
@Mycommentmywords 6 күн бұрын
I think this quote i said to someone who was autofilled support in gold and said they never played support. I told them you dont have to be good you just have to try. And they did very well. League would be way better game or community.If even if youre not playing your main champion or role everyone always tried they're best.
@juanzitow 4 күн бұрын
matchmaking is proactively choosing people that are confortable playing against your champion, i've noticed that whenever a win 4-5 games with the same champion, the next queues will be a counter comp. so what im doing is to keep shaking my pool lol, 2-3 champions is enough i think, even better if you can play in a different role
@Trisander 6 күн бұрын
I play the game to play top if I don’t get It I rather not play. Is way better being able to one trick one lane and not having to play other rol you don’t enjoy. Its is video game Is for having fun at the end of the day. If someone prefers playing one or multiple lanes they should be able to make that choice.
@player276 6 күн бұрын
The thing with season 6 and earlier is that it was basically amateur hour. Yea, you could grab 10 dudes and play a game of soccer with no roles, but that shit don't fly with good players. There are def some issues, especially surrounding Jung, but ranking is supposed to trim that down. if you auto lose without your champ, you aren't climbing high.
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