The Dragon Reborn gave me the best naps ever - The Wheel of Time 3 Review

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Kaya Reads

Kaya Reads

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@lidsferreira 10 ай бұрын
I am currently about to start book 10 and boi let me tell u, book 3 was hard to get through!! book 4 is great, but is sooooo longggg it took me forever to finish... I think up until book 6 the story goes well, then the slog begins and is harsh, but I think it will be worth it at the end, Rand is growing to be one of my favorite characters ever and I figure it out that the books that he is not much present is the ones that I dislike, he really makes the wheel turn here... I cannot wait to see what Brand Sand will do with the gran finale.
@brightwatcher3757 11 ай бұрын
I am always going to see Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene, as the powerfuff girls now. Thank you.👀
@ElijahStormblessed 11 ай бұрын
The 4th book is one of my very favorite in the series, so I'm excited for you to get into it and see what you think!
@adamkirkpatrick8011 10 ай бұрын
You only got 11 books left 🥳
@CosmereInformant 11 ай бұрын
OOOOO boy, you'll be reassigning those powerpuff girls in a couple of books
@saiyanscars 11 ай бұрын
As a fan of the books, I hold the somewhat controversial opinion that Robert Jordan's writing can be hit or miss. Jordan writes some super solid scenes and will then proceed to spend a full page describing a dress and a page and a half describing the street the dress is in. That being said, the highs of his writing more than make up for the lows, in my opinion. But I can see how some might disagree. I'm of the opinion that these books should be read over the course of several years (especially for a first-time reader), as if you're not familiar with the way Robert Jordan writes it can be incredibly exhausting to read (see my rant about dresses and streets above). So yeah, take this series slow if you really want to enjoy it, Kaya.
@sarakhlifi5103 10 ай бұрын
I feel the same way.. I enjoyed the first three books well enough but it was the fourth book that got me truly addicted and I couldn't put it down.. so after a slow climb in the roller coaster get ready for the stomach dropping dive of the fourth book.. and a gut twisting loop in book 5.. it ain't slowing down from there for a while
@arenkai 11 ай бұрын
I think Dragon Reborn is when I was sold on Wheel of Time. Then 4-5-6 are masterpieces. It took me 3 months to go through the first 3 books, but a month or so to go through the next 6 haha Rand is probably who I would consider the best character in all of fiction, but that only applies to the full character and his journey. Where you're at he's still a boy trying to run away from his responsabilities. But my favourites in Wheel of Time would probably be Perrin and Mat. EDIT: I found some of my initial reactions to the first Wheel of Time books under the Daniel Greene Read-Along videos. And it turns out that I didn't care at all for Rand at the beginning, but I was already a huge fan of Perrin. I can confirm that Dragon Reborn is when I was hooked, and The Shadow Rising is when I became an absolute fan. Apparently I read TSR in three days if my past comments are to be trusted. I disagree that "it starts getting good at X". It's good from the beginning, and gets better. What kept me interested at the beginning was discovering the magic system, the different factions, the world, etc. The characters at this point are still looking for who they are, thus why I love Perrin and Mat, even from the first few books: they're the ones that get the most development/change in these early books. I won't comment on the show lmao. My question now is: will you read the Cosmere secret projects ????? They're fantastic.
@CosmereInformant 11 ай бұрын
She's mostly reading the cosmere books in release order, so there's still quite some ways to go; Still has to make videos on Mistborn Era 2, and read RoW, Elantris, and Arcanum, before we get to the Secret Projects......unnnnnnless she says fuck it and skips ahead at some point lol
@arenkai 11 ай бұрын
@@CosmereInformant Fair enough ! Tress and Yumi would be better after The Lost Metal and some parts of Arcanum Unbounded And Sunlit probably after everything Stormlight at the bare minimum haha Which sucks because I just got a friend of mine into the Cosmere, they are done with Mistborn Era 1 and half-way through Warbreaker, and I'm here just wanting to talk about EVERYTHING with them !!
@CosmereInformant 11 ай бұрын
@@arenkai I FEEL you. It’s tough not run screaming to her at every little revelation, but I’m so far ahead I almost always have to bite my tongue lol
@arenkai 11 ай бұрын
​@@CosmereInformant​Haha !! Exactly Sometimes to be cheeky I send out of context realmatic theory talks saying "One day you'll understand what those words mean" And I keep a stock of memes ready to go for when they finish certain books
@patricelavoie3 10 ай бұрын
ready for the book 4 review! i agree with giving up on the series if you don't like it after #4 but hopefully you do
@StefanPiano 10 ай бұрын
Wildly entertaining review, summed up my feelings quite well! I liked book 1, loved book 2 and it dipped again with book 3. Book 4 was genuinely a step up to me and now, 9 books into the series, it still remains as one of my top books in the series. In general, I think the series is held in such high regard due to the time it released in. In the meantime, other authors have picked up things from older fantasy series and gave them fresh spins which can make Wheel of Time feel derivative despite it being the one to start/popularise certain things. While still impressive today, the books just have not aged too well I think and could easily be cut down a couple hundred pages per book. Also, I think it does really make a difference if you read these books as a child, when they came out, rather than all at once. A lot of the repetition becomes much more noticeable when reading them back to back. Really curious to see your thoughts on book 4, I subscribed so I shouldn't be able to miss that one ;)
@davidhamilton676 5 ай бұрын
Kaya, for you, a Cosmere reader, here is a bit of a tip. Think of "forsaken" as sort of like the Cosmere "unmade". They are named, legendary servants of the Dark One. Some are sneaky, some are strong, etc. all of them were channelers from the past who were elevated to immortality.
@chasebedwell1751 11 ай бұрын
Book 4 is my personal favorite and I'm really looking forward to your review of it. Also I just want to say I love how cute, wholesome, and funny you are in these videos. You are doing a fantastic job!
@elanmorin3005 11 ай бұрын
This is my favorite series ever, but books 1-3 will only ever be 6 or 7/10 to me. Book 4 is when it really becomes what it's going to be, and I love it so, so much. Those first books are always difficult though
@JLizow 10 ай бұрын
Keep your head up, and keep on pushing through. The series is about to take off, I promise! Book 4 had me in tears. Books 1, 2, and 3 were the worst ones, as they really should have been combined into 1 book. But I understand that there is a TON of setup that just needed to get done early to cover the rest of the series. (like the 1st boring episode of an anime where they just monolog the world to you) p.s. Tell - a Ron - re odd
@Uphier 11 ай бұрын
@Uphier 11 ай бұрын
On a serious note, detective Kaya deserves a cup of java, she deserves it! :)
@Uphier 11 ай бұрын
I liked the book 3. For me the series picks up at book 4 (My favorite). I almost gave up on the series because (Redacted). Overall, i'm happy that i stuck it out and finished the series. There are so many good moments.
@MeMySkirtandI 11 ай бұрын
Soo, you didn't like Mat in this book? Uff, this is peak Mat. Also, you barely scratched the names ( 'S' aes sedai, I can't even). I think you'll like the next book, and then book 11. The rest, are in the end totally worth it, but The Wheel of Time is a sum that is far greater than its parts. I have faith in you!
@andreassundberg9426 11 ай бұрын
I didn't start to like Mat until book five so there is still time.
@arenkai 11 ай бұрын
I already loved Mat from Book 1 Even then, corrupted by an evil dark Force of Doom, he's STILL pushing through as Rand's friend and carrying him when needed. He has his dagger-infused lashings, sure, but the good person he is shines through nonetheless. Which is why I hate what they did with him in the show haha ! They made him a "bad" person in essence, that would abandon his friends, without showing much of his great sides like the boon does. Then it spends an entire season torturing him before deus-ex machina-ing his character development. A pity... Not all bad though, his interactions with Min are cool.
@adapienkowska2605 10 ай бұрын
@@arenkai Matt abandons the rest in the show, due to pandemic and his actor resining.
@arenkai 10 ай бұрын
​@@adapienkowska2605Sure, I know that. That explains the choice they made production-side, but that doesn't solve the issue in the show though, the characterisation still exists.
@gryffensnyder-shane8888 11 ай бұрын
Honestly I gave up on this series after just the first book. I read the "book 0" and liked it enough that I thought I would get invested, but then the first book hit me like a wall of boredom, cliches, and unlikable characters. It's a shame because I know it's one of the OG fantasy series so I know that my complaints about cliches is somewhat unfair but that doesn't make me roll my eyes less when everything feels so predictable. Idk series wasn't for me, but props to you for pushing through the negatives and giving the books you're best shot.
@ankithg3101 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, Dragon reborn is kinda boring. There is not much of Rand's characterization. But Shadow Rising is one of my favourite book in WOT, if you hate it then it's better to drop, ofcourse it is also a little slow and is the longest WOT book, but the ending is satisfying as you are invested a lot into the characters...Hope you like it.
@arenkai 11 ай бұрын
I didn't care much for Rand at this point in the story But TDR is Perrin's time in the spotlight for a bit, and I loved that Rand gets slowly down a path where he has no choice but accepting who he is, and for now we're still seeing him running. Which is frustrating on a reader standpoint, but makes complete sense on a writing standpoint: he's a kid in way over his head with the litteral fate of reality on his shoulders one day to the next. That does things to you...
@ankithg3101 10 ай бұрын
@@arenkai That's exactly true, I mean I didn't like the romance part between perin and faile, but his character grows more and more in the books. I also love how Jordon transitions Rand's character over the books, it's simply amazing.
@silverdragon3332 5 ай бұрын
I think the wheel of time might not be for you. The characters have great arches, but if you don't like the the series so far you probably won't enjoy the rest any more.
@pingpong2978 7 ай бұрын
I thought i was the only one who found the dragon reborn kinda boring... The ending is awesome though
@cjangrist4689 7 ай бұрын
Oh man I really don’t like this animated anime thing. Plz return to old method
@KayaReads 6 ай бұрын
I'm sorry you don't like it, it's a direction I decided to take because I enjoy it and also to make the work a bit easier for me. I understand it might not be to everybody's taste, though. I hope you don't mind listening to the reviews instead!
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