The Fat Electrician: Marine Corps Birthday - The Most Underrated American Holiday Reaction

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@dulmater 9 ай бұрын
Is that a real quote?
@stevenestrada9924 9 ай бұрын
yes, it is real
@dieHero 9 ай бұрын
Yup. Also kids that play first person shooters won't have an easier time aiming guns, since the games have auto aim in them that always active if you don't turn it off. If they have that option.
@BigGator5 9 ай бұрын
Very, very real. Go with God and Be Safe from Evil. 😎 👍
@bigval46 9 ай бұрын
though i cannot confirm or disprove the former first ladys quote i can say beyond a shadow of a doubt the yup it checks out i served 15 yrs with the usaf and every marine ive ever come across pretty much sums up that statement
@stevegriffing6066 9 ай бұрын
When I was serving in the Marine Corps in the late 90's my section leader told me how he captured a whole platoon of Iraqi soldiers during Desert Storm, they simply surrendered to him out of fear of the marines. He didn't have to fire a single round.
@bogustoast22none25 9 ай бұрын
I mean, on the one hand, easy peasy, all he had to do was walk there and they surrendered. On the other hand… all that gear for no fucking reason other than to look cool and not even use it.
@usmc1979034 9 ай бұрын
The Marine Corps Birthday is the gateway holiday.
@BigGator5 9 ай бұрын
"God has a hard-on for Marines because we kill everything we see! He plays His games, we play ours! To show our appreciation for so much power, we keep heaven packed with fresh souls!"
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
R Lee Emry
@AniwayasSong Ай бұрын
As a USMC Veteran, I heartily approve and agree with EVERYTHING 'TFE' said! :-)
@richardovercast2258 9 ай бұрын
Nobody had Internet during Desert Storm. That war was Jan 16 - Feb 28 1991. The World Wide Web went live to the public on April 30, 1993
@stevenestrada9924 9 ай бұрын
I have Marine friends and I've worked with a few Marines. And every one of them take the Marines birthday off instead of veterans day, if given the opportunity.
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
That's Dan Daly's birthday too. They should take it off if they want to live forever 🖍️🤣
@stevenestrada9924 9 ай бұрын
Dan Daly's birthday is on the 11th. The day after
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
Really, the fuckin 11th is veterans day, fuckface. You're welcome for my service. 11C eat a fuckin crayon cuz you're dumber than a fuckin marine.🖍️
@BinaryBlitz 9 ай бұрын
There's been a few celebrities who were asked AND actually went to the ball with a Marine. Mila Kunis, Justin Timberlake, Linda Hamilton (played Sarah Connor in terminator), Ronda Rousey, Gerard Butler, Kim Kardashian, and I'm sure there are others but those are the ones I could find.
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
I give my marine friends crayons for the birthday 🎉🖍️🤣 the marines Toys for tots video is fuckin hilarious.
@marine5480 9 ай бұрын
Their actual aim being better, not likely. Increased target acquisition speed is possible.
@ClergetMusic 7 ай бұрын
The sensations of recoil and report are very real parts of firing a gun that are not truly present in the VGs.
@alexisrivera200xable 9 ай бұрын
To answer your question about aim of gamers vs non gamer servicemen, it only helps with getting you a little more familiar with weapons. I had to basically train from scratch to improve my aim because videogames look realistic but they are not really realistic at all. Tons of things are glossed over to keep the action moving in games. Trigger discipline, how to get a proper sight picture, how to correctly hold the weapons not to mention the zeroing of the weapons. In games, its a guaranteed hit wherever you put the cross hairs. In real life distance is a massive factor. Games like Battlefield have bullet drop but no wind physics, so you have to work out a lot of bad habits you get from videogames if you want to be accurate in real life.
@brigidtheirish 9 ай бұрын
There's also the little detail that a mouse or controller has a *much* different feel than holding an actual firearm. Or that recoil isn't just a visual effect in real life.
@michaeldeans329 Ай бұрын
What's dropped off is the aversion to shooting another human-shaped Target. Back in the day they had a problem. Even people who were good hunters had an aversion to shooting other human beings. Now we put kids on games that wear that away just by playing the game. So once you get their aim locked in with a real weapon they have no issue shooting human-shaped targets
@ninjabearpress2574 3 ай бұрын
It's a holiday for Marines and their families, friends and supporters. There might have been someone else, but for me Rhonda Rousey can do no wrong because she accepted a date to the Marine Corps ball.
@keithjansen2409 2 ай бұрын
Yes it is a real quote.
@theadaptiveoutdoorsman 9 ай бұрын
I recently interviewed a guy who used to game but joined competition sport shooting. HD tried the in game layouts in real life . short answer real kid beats video games hands down every time.
@wayneking5081 9 ай бұрын
The Fat electrician did a show about kids were being trained to use a special drone in some game
@Heegaherger 9 ай бұрын
We have also been known as the Square or block sleeve (sorry it’s been a long time since i looked at my Knowledge) in Somalia because we block our sleeves instead of rolling them.
@applesauceisgood32 9 ай бұрын
Played CoD pretty much from 8-24, got hired by the Department of Corrections; started shooting at 18; was always a damn good shot. Not sure if games helped but, maybe?
@wolfdesikan1766 7 ай бұрын
It is indeed a thing. It's our 248th birthday today.
@dulmater 7 ай бұрын
Happy belated!
@wolfdesikan1766 7 ай бұрын
@@dulmater RAH.
@majorplothole2620 3 ай бұрын
Since the aim for most people is either keyboard and mouse or a controller, I'd have to argue it'd be a major no, for the aim. However for things like target acquisition, and reflexes - yes. probably higher than previous generations. But for aim? no. cuz real guns have iron sights, kick, require being able to be dialed in, and each weapon - even if mass produced - can vary slightly. If everyone starts using a mass produced VR system for gaming, then we could probably talk about whether or not their aim is better than that of the old school soldiers. But remember, alot of times - their aim was good out of necessity. You usually had a rifle with 5-8 shots, many were bolt actions (between like 1890s and 1940s) and so semi auto rifles with 20 to 30 round magazines just... weren't a thing. Today's military, since the Korean war especially - has adopted the "Accuracy through volume of fire" method of targeting. It was said back in the 40's that the average enemy soldier shot down cost something like 10 or so shots? I think it was less but I'm going to be generous. In Vietnam it was 150 rounds very every verified vietnamese enemy combatant slain. on average. so about 5 magazines of an M-16. (modern, I think early m-16's had 20 round magazines so maybe even more).
@jaybox4284 9 ай бұрын
video games cant simulate recoil and stress. america just full of country boy hunters. always has been especially in the south.
@nadjasunflower1387 8 ай бұрын
The girl your looking for...was Ronda Rousy.
@acts9531 9 ай бұрын
I'm a Marine in the inactive phase of my life who served in infantry and other fields. I can positively affirm that playing video games does *_NOT_* improve shooting skills and especially not long range shooting. There's a lot more involved to consistently putting rounds on target, especially at the more extreme ranges your weapon is capable of, than the eye-hand coordination involved in moving a mouse and clicking a button. If you were a shooter, you'd know this already. If you're not a shooter but you are a video gamer you'll probably think otherwise. You'll change your mind the first gunfight you get into so STFU and don't argue with me about this absurd idea. In fact, if playing video games improved marksmanship then the Marine Corps would have people playing video games all the time. They do not. Video games are optional off time entertainment not mandatory training routines. That said, I think that video gaming does improve rapid target identification, acquisition and engagement. The people who don't learn to be fast and accurate in real life don't live as long as those who do. Anything that makes you faster and more sure in target engagement helps you stay alive ... Longer. Learning to "see" targets quickly is an acquired skill. As any hunter can testify to.
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
I was in the army infantry 92-95and my target acquisition is really good. Before the Internet. I played a few games but grew up outside. Target identifying is a lot of stuff. You got to know enemy weapons and vehicles. Friendlies, so no fratricide. What weapons to use.
@acts9531 9 ай бұрын
@@johngillespie3409 Yup and any practice at spotting a target early is good practice. I "grew up outside" too. You have to learn to actually *_see_* what you're looking at. The skill of spotting a stock still squirrel in a tree or the contours of part of a deer are the same skill as spotting the outline of an AK-47 front sight assembly or a human hand. That said, actually bringing a weapon to bear on that target and hitting it is something you only learn by doing the real thing. It's not something video games can do for you because it's not the same sort of skill and does not involve the same muscle memory, intuition and coordination. Playing a race car game will never make you a race car driver. Simulators are a different matter and are useful but we're not talking about simulators we're talking about common video games. Even if you're so into gaming that you have virtually created a simulator for yourself, which would be a rare thing, you might learn to fly a plane or drive a race car to some degree. Shooting is a whole 'nother thing entirely. That's why snipers train by shooting real bullets and not by operating a simulator. If it could be done on a simulator then that would be a thing. It's not.
@johngillespie3409 9 ай бұрын
@@acts9531 I lived on a 300 acre farm north of San Antonio for 7 years. Did a lot of hunting and shooting of guns. Turkey are probably the sneakiest. I liked to dove hunt. My landlord gave away too many chickens and we had too many roosters, tearing up the females, so I had to shoot some. I had a Ruger 10/22 I used with a BB gun scope on it, and would zap them as they were running across the yard. I guess you train yourself to see the deer on the edge of a field. I used a .270 because it has a flatter flight than other calibers. Less missing for me.
@JustMe-gn6yf 9 ай бұрын
Playing video games won't make you good with a firearm the weight and recoil are two reasons and back in the day kids shot real firearms, I'm 63 and got a .22 rifle on my 12th birthday by the age of 16 I had 2 shotguns 3 different caliber rifles and a pistol and was accurate with everyone of them
@wordword6039 3 ай бұрын
IMO the aim and accuracy has gotten worse. Remember in the old days ammunition cost money most didnt have money so every shot had to count. Rarely did any American prior to 1900 have a weapon that was more than a single shot. When they went hunting it literally was to put food on the table. And when they got into a fight it literally was for their lives. SO IMO the older guys get my vote for shooting.
@RandoWisLuL 9 ай бұрын
I feel bad yall have to pay an extra 10 bucks to get a frozen lobster tail or frozen steak that's cooked to oblivion and back so its like a tire either way. They do the same on the Navy birthday too. Yall deserve better, then again all mess hall food was SHIT for you. Often using the ABSOULTE CHEAPEST food money could buy. And these people would leave the mess hall and go fix a fukin Osprey full of shitty food lol Its no wonder Micky Dees was so popular. Talked to others in the Army and Airforce, others that worked for the same company that worked at AF mess halls and the Airforce at least has servers that come take trays at their mess halls and crazy food on those respective birthday type celebrations. They also get better food in general. For those that dont know: Mess halls, maintenance, and just about every other mundane task is now done by citizens. Not the military. At the Marine base i worked at, out of the 52 or more areas it contained, only 1 area and 1 mess hall had a "cooks" MOS and they were in the process of phasing that out when i was there. Broken hot water heater? leaky pipes? Doesn't matter what your rank or status is, you CANT touch it, only maintenance could and maintenance was all civilian. Mad about it? better keep your mouth shut because there is a " no screaming at civs" policy on base and you need to follow the red tape op the command chain to get it resolved so the our managers can tell us( we also had our own policies, punishable by termination on the spot when it came to how we treated anyone in the armed forces on and off base) For example, we had LTs and CPTs and other high ranking people come in to the mess hall and complain about having cold water in their building and how they couldn't relight the pilot light on the hot water heater and maintenance simply wouldn't show up to do it for weeks on end. Nothing they could do but complain to superiors and wait.
@iKvetch558 9 ай бұрын
There is no record of her saying least she never wrote it, and nobody seems to have any attribution of when she said it or who she said it to.
@CaptainFrost32 9 ай бұрын
It was in a radio address. Try reading a book.
@iKvetch558 9 ай бұрын
@@CaptainFrost32 what date? Have a source for that?
@DarkKatzy013 9 ай бұрын
Yes to the thing about gamers being good shooters. No on the whole but it makes for very VERY good hand eye coordination and almost everything else that uas to do with that. Gonna get shit for that but the information is out there for the nonbelievers.
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