The Ægishjálmur: Pre-Christian Evidences, Symbols and Iconography

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Arith Härger

Arith Härger

Күн бұрын

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@jamiegallier2106 Жыл бұрын
What an informative and fascinating presentation! I really appreciate the scholarly approach.
@achuvadia 8 ай бұрын
So interesting! I really want to draw the stag/deer/sunwheel and integrate the other symbols for contemplation. Glad for the broad historical context. Awesome video
@TuskKult Жыл бұрын
I genuinely appreciate your series on this symbol, they’re the most comprehensive yet digestible videos on it I've come across, and it makes it so much easier to explain this symbol and its history to people- as it is painful for me to do so. As though I would never have chosen it were it not for the meaningful context, I have the Ægishjalmur as a part of a tattoo I got after my late fiancée died- as, it was an element she used (Before it was cool🤓) in a broader design on a custom leather bracelet she'd made me for one of our anniversaries through killer artistry, coupled with a great deal of research outside of her purview, out of her love for me. (Line designs taken from late Neolithic and Bronze Age European pottery, a very meaningful loving message written in Elder Futhark using modern English and a few Germanic motifs, with the Ægishjalmur at the center- the crown on the design she used as both a means to protect me from the evil she knows I’ve faced down in this world, and can/has come back for me before, as well as a sort of historical end-cap to the spiritual and cultural journey through generations implied through the tattoo. The whole design being a sort of “I love you and appreciate you, and all the histories that led to you, and are connected to you.” And also a show of love for the things of deep meaning and interest to me.) People generally don’t look happy when I tell them that “it’s not a 'Viking' pagan symbol”, been met with a lot of mental dissonance, and they often don’t truly hear what is said after that statement as a result. But! I have had people thank me for directing them to these videos on it! They are actually pretty much in the realm of being mandatory at this point, really.
@antonyreyn Жыл бұрын
Great info Arith thank you from Mercia folk
@loriannepresnell7951 Жыл бұрын
Scholarly, astute, and outstanding presentation.
@ernamoller175 Жыл бұрын
Wow! Thank you for a very interesting and well researched lecture! Blessings for sharing Arith and many thanks to Johnni Langer.
@ArithHärger Жыл бұрын
Thank you and many blessings to you my dear friend!
@Anirossa Жыл бұрын
Im from a Norwegian city where we have digged up vikingships and have big viking burial sights, and also close to where vikingships are still built, I am however in some ways even more fasinated by stone formations found here that are from the bronse age. Crazy to see stone formations that are from so many thousands of years ago.
@explicitedd7241 11 ай бұрын
Cool 👍
@JohnMiller-zr8pl Жыл бұрын
It's interesting how the concept appeared in different parts of the world, it's like the idea of dragons, the spear, the bow and arrow.
@Wedneswere Жыл бұрын
nice shirt. i want your shirt. and thank you for the video - it's extremely fascinating and very useful.
@maudamine5919 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this beautiful inquiry about the visual representation of the Symbol of AEGISHJALMUR. However the aigis or Egide of Pallas Athena was the head of Medusa, after the heroe Perseus saved Andromeda, not a gemstone , but had the power to transform into stone, which was terrible. As terrible as the dragons's appearance...the goddess shared the aigis with his father Zeus.
@BlazeLeeDragon Жыл бұрын
6:06 I don't understand why everyone depicts the Vegvísir in this way. If we look at the Huld manuscript the text covers both the symbol with the number "XXVII" which is all people draw for Vegvísir, as well as the one below it "XXIX". How are they two symbols not the full Vegvísir? The words that are around the outside of the two symbols are only words for both of them. "Beri maður stafi þessa á sér villist maður ekki í hríðum né vondu veðri þó ókunnugur sá." roughly translated as: "If you wear these letters, you will not get lost in storms or bad weather, even if a stranger sees you."
@dawntibble5289 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for such an interesting topic. It brought to mind symbols seen in sacred geometry but also in relation to seasons and navigation in start lore in India through the Rig Veda era. Also, The swastika, for instance, can be seen mapped in the stars and as a symbol of the seasons by the appearance of the stars pointing to Sirius rotating around it at certain times of the year. Hunts take place at certain times of year also. I would like to think that Viking Navigation and understanding of the stars assisted them. If you have done a video about this I apologise for not finding it yet. I wonder if you haven’t thought on this? Many thanks Dawn
@martins.3330 11 ай бұрын
Thank you for the analysis. Did you look at the old vedic symbol of Ashtanga yantra from India as will. It is perhaps the one that resembles the aegishjalmur the most and fits well with your conclusion of eastern influence. As I understand the ashtanga yantra symbol has the meaning of a shield of protection - which seem in line with the meaning of the aegishjalmur as well
@MorganaCrows Жыл бұрын
Gratidão 💜💜💜🤘🤘🔥🔥
@guerrillapress7343 Жыл бұрын
@ArithHärger Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your support, friend, once again! Very much appreciated. Have a wonderful day!
@guerrillapress7343 Жыл бұрын
@@ArithHärger 😁
@XD_cRiMeScEnE Жыл бұрын
While I love learning about the Viking age I would like to grow my knowledge by learning about the age before the Viking age. Wanna help out on the subject? I’d appreciate it if you could do even one video summarizing the age beforehand. Thanks in advance.
@CarpeNoctemArts Жыл бұрын
Hey man 🙌 thanks for digging some things I had never found by myself, nice sharing. My turn, about the possible meanings, because we can find some similar représentations in many areas, it's possible that these symbols originate from a screen the whole world could see at the time : the sky. In a nutshel it could be plasmic in nature and could explain why the Gauls wouldn't fear death but fear that ''the sky my fall over their heads''. I'm not a physicist at all, just an artist and curious researcher I need to say. Ok let me explain : Actually there is a theory développéd by many physicians, Immanuel Velikowsky first whom theorised the electric universe. Alfven and Birkeland, whom reproduced in a lab plasmic figures and astonishingly it's similar to too many petroglyphs over the world not to notice, and recently, Thornhill and Talbott made a video about that, in English, search for the title ''symbols of an alien sky'' the long version is about 1h30 I think. And this very big petroglyph (in red) with the sun wheels is in the video. The sun wheel could very be a pré-discharge formation, just like the one with arms. If you have not seen this video, you'll like it a lot, it really puts things in perspective. And more, I think we may be on the way to see a cosmic overload ourselves, people start noticing strange shape shifting light balls (which I interpret as gas loosing an electron therefore lighting up while an electromagnetic current goes through this area, just like those old neon tubes) neon is present in the atmosphere but many gases also, each one has its colour. Where does this electromagnetic current or radiation comes from ? Well we usually have an electromagnetic shield but earth's shield has been weakening more and more the past 40 years or so, we're late for the shifting so maybe it's on. It would explain the chaotic electromagnetic wobbly wobbly currents all over and therefore those little plasmic formations with light and ''arms''... Just like this ancient symbols. This big stone carving scene now to me looks like an exodus to save their life. Sorry the explanation was fastidious, my English is not perfect so I hope you'll understand what I see here. Plasmic wobbly wobbly hyper charged balls potentially. Check out the ''symbols of an alien sky'' by Talbott and Thornhill and let us know what you think. Thanks for the vid man 🙌
@brianperry2599 3 ай бұрын
Hagalaz,gebo,algiz,combined within the helm of awe
@maudamine5919 Жыл бұрын
Thank you. I thought the AEGISHJALMUR was the magical repetition of the powerful rune of Protection ALGIS or ELHAS. It looks like a kind of Trident.
@rickardandersson366 11 ай бұрын
One interesting thing,it is an 8000 years old stone carving of the sunwheel in sweden. That means that exactly right after the ice age when it was inhabited someone did this symbol wich also is found in 5000 year sumer stone tablets,i see similar symbols and religion in sumer,egypt,greek,even christianity as the asa belief
@andrefilipe9042 Жыл бұрын
Audience that speaks Portuguese? oh well olá amigo.
@lisanalghaib Жыл бұрын
Aqui no Brasil, todo mundo é macumbeiro nórdico
@andrefilipe9042 Жыл бұрын
@@lisanalghaib Aqui em Portugal é a mesma coisa, mas macumbeiro Celta pagão.
@ArithHärger Жыл бұрын
Hey! Olá! :D
@CarpeNoctemArts Жыл бұрын
I forgot about the swastika, some theorists of various origins, noticing that it's a worldwide ancient symbol, universal so, have noticed it is the exact figure of the yearlong 4 positions of the polar star. If you superpose the 4 positions of the north star at their time over the 2 equinoxes and 2 solstices, it makes swastika. See Howard Crowhurst's work about megaliths, he is very much into astro-geometry and explains that better than me.
@dawntibble5289 Жыл бұрын
I have just posted something similar relating to this and the seasons. I found this talk fascinating and this symbol does represent change and cycle in many ways. I haven’t found any vids on Viking star lore or understanding. If you have can you post a link Many thanks Dawn
@dawntibble5289 Жыл бұрын
@@Fgway thanks for the Hopi reference. The swastika is very prominent in Vedic teachings as well and is seen as Very auspicious to Hindus, Jains and Buddhists 😁
@CarpeNoctemArts Жыл бұрын
@@Fgway I didn't know that the Hopi as well have this perception (but not surprised ❤️) thank you so much
@explicitedd7241 11 ай бұрын
Swastika literally translates to Self Dharma(code of conduct) from sanskrit. Cool, hearing people outta Bharat are also much informed and inquisitive about Sanathan Dharma 👍👍
@liberatedlady4689 Жыл бұрын
How old is the Ae… pronunciation? Thank you for another informative video.
@JohnMiller-zr8pl Жыл бұрын
@blackthornsloe8049 Жыл бұрын
@BloodAndBourbon Жыл бұрын
Is there any evidence of the origin of the sun wheel? And across how many cultures was it used?
@explicitedd7241 11 ай бұрын
Well explained, bro. Are you gonna launch a book , describing these ancient philosophies, in near future ? If yes, then when? If No, why not bro?
@jobliss1234 Жыл бұрын
Looking at that swastika picture ; looks like a top view & side view of a rake. (Raking the fields for crops perhaps)
@dootchan Жыл бұрын
08:50 - want to start a conspiracy theory? Put out a message saying it's a representation of Covid. What is the conspiracy theory? I have no idea, I'm just amusing myself and providing engagement :D
@ArithHärger Жыл бұрын
Conspiracy theories are easy to create, sadly, but it's also fun, because it provides entertainment :p most conspiracy theories can be refuted with research, however. If I wanted views, I would express a few conspiracy theories of my own, despite knowing it's not the truth, but it is seemingly-plausible. We humans have both a blessing and a curse; we are prone to find patterns, and more often than not such patterns are cognitive failures in an attempt to link things, that have no connection whatsoever, to try to understand something. Our brains deceive us, so it's always important to question ourselves when things seem to connect too easily. It's a sort of "Déjà Vu": Déjà Vu is often the brain failing to understand a certain type of information that is receiving and so it tries to seek out previous information that allows it to understand the information currently entering it, and, as such, it creates a false sense of memory that never actually existed. Same thing when we think we are finding a pattern: it is a failure of the brain to try to link aspects of similar information but that in truth they are not linked because patterns exist outside the reality of the brain and aren't always connected, but the brain doesn't know that because the brain receives whatever information it comes about, so external realities we are not in contact with will never enter the brain. How's that for a conspiracy theory? lol :PPPP
@dootchan Жыл бұрын
@@ArithHärger doesn't seem like much of a conspiracy - finding patterns where there are none can break brains, creating anywhere from personal superstitions to conspiracy theories to 'magical thinking'. Sports fans in the US like to create superstitions - I wore this shirt and my team won, I should try that again. They won again - now I must wear this shirt every time they play. When they eventually lose, the charm has soured somehow, by being in proximity to a bad-luck charm or someone else's charm for the opposing team. It's bizarre, even rational sports fans will do this. I had an ex with magical thinking - she believed that if someone else was upset, she could take their pain and feel it for them and they would feel better - because she recognized but misinterpreted the real pattern wherein she would start to cry harder, and the other person would set their own pain aside to support her. And yes - the brain views the world through the filter of what it is capable of understanding .... What are we missing because brain says nope? Humans are so weird. :)
@Powersnufkin Жыл бұрын
High, Equal High and Third.
@olympiavallia4610 Жыл бұрын
Swastika symbolizes the soul too!
@FilthyPagan1104 Жыл бұрын
@ArithHärger Жыл бұрын
@worm_vaquero Жыл бұрын
@Anirossa Жыл бұрын
To me the one popular today reminds me a lot of a snowflake
@annerantzau5767 Жыл бұрын
Men should sometimes concentrate on their own lack of development-from the hips up, and learn what development and impulse are-before preaching "knowledge" to others
@walterdimmick653 Жыл бұрын
wtf are you talking about?
@annerantzau5767 Жыл бұрын
@@walterdimmick653 There is a difference between infirmation and knowledge about one thing, and you should preferably think twice - when communicating messages to others
@walterdimmick653 Жыл бұрын
@@annerantzau5767 I seriously doubt if you are remotely aware of the epistemological difference between information and knowledge. Also, if you are not even aware that it is a bad idea to generalize anything about any particular gender you can expect plenty of people to make you look like a fool when posting garbled nonsense online.
@Wedneswere Жыл бұрын
all genders and all humans and all forms of life, and both above and below the hips, behind and in front of...
@Wedneswere Жыл бұрын
You are not your thoughts. Let them go. Reality is like the breath, it'll take care of itself without thought.
@izzy517 Жыл бұрын
I wish we could convince the masses to let us take certain symbols back and recognize them for their true meaning and not for the evil groups that plague them.
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