The Gods Will Not Save You | A Discussion on Pagan World View

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Jacob Toddson

Jacob Toddson

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I believe in a more unified spiritual world. One not built on hate or division, but of understanding and respect. That is why his content has always be free of modern and divisive content. I am committed to providing information free of bias, drama, and ego. I believe religion, spirituality, and global healing is for everyone regardless of race, sexuality, gender, or political ideology.

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@molotulo8808 10 ай бұрын
To young hard, enjoy life, stay away from drugs and alcohol. Work out and get healthy pastimes. Garden (Idunna), exercise (Thor), read and gain knowledge (The Al-Father), be good in your relationships (Freyja), don't have sex for sex but for love of family and your children. I have aquariums and a music studio. I'm 64 and play video game and talk with many young people, mostly men, and i try to tell them about the mistakes I made in my life so they can learn. I listen to them discussing the issues they are having and i don't criticize them and hopefully by listening to them i can offer advice that will help them address those issues. Enjoy life, love those around you and especially yourself. Don't cause harm to yourself and realize that life is a constant battle but it is beautiful because you can enjoy the world around you. Peace to all of you and Happy Thanksgiving!
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Pinning this. Well said 🙏
@drsnooker1776 10 ай бұрын
Nothing wrong with drugs and alcohol so long as you are in control, the havamal says that you should know your limits.
@dragonofhatefulretribution9041 10 ай бұрын
@@drsnooker1776Agreed to an extent. Alcohol can be a very effective spiritual teacher as long as you approach it in the same way you approach the plant spirits and fungal spirits; with respect, and as tutelary deity. People usually experience the opposite because they abuse it or seek it as a refuge and escapism but I approached alcohol as a tutor in my effort to escape excruciatingly painful heartbreak that was killing me & the drink actually saved me. Using it alone while meditating on music with my imagination I was able to break through and get myself closer to the Goddess and heal myself of the love-sickness. It’s all about intention with any form of intoxicant. People just need education as opposed to what passes for ‘education’ nowadays but is in actuality nothing short of pure indoctrination.
@TheHumanSynthesisProject 10 ай бұрын
Thanks for being a real one. Ive run into fellas like you gaming, and its always comforting to hear the wisdom of your elders, doubly so to know that they hear what you say, and they can sympathize and relate.
@alldayubum 10 ай бұрын
Staying away from alcohol is a tough one
@brittanysigri6745 9 ай бұрын
I'm a Christian, but I love learning about other peoples' religions, just to learn (I was the kid with all the mythology books). What really GETS me with this video, is how much it just sounds like HEALTHY SPIRITUALITY. You have obviously put in the work here. I would honestly recommend this thoughtful video to anyone - there's a LOT of good here, and I thank you for putting this out for all to see!
@bert72686 10 ай бұрын
Based on the title, this is not what I expected at all. And I am very happy to say that. I have been a Pagan priest for 38 years , and I agree completely. I have often seen people come to the Pagan world, expecting flash magic and miracles, only to be quickly disappointed and to return to Christianity, or to become atheist. Your view on the subject is exactly right. The gods are not here to save us, rather they are here to guide us and give us examples.
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Very happy to hear this resonated with you 🙏
@danielbergersen7836 10 ай бұрын
Wow! Well said👍
@Exiled.New.Yorker 10 ай бұрын
^5 to a fellow GenX Pagan survivor!
@schneidaren 10 ай бұрын
How does the Gods guide you? What is that experience like? (I think that is what I am experiencing but I want to hear your perspective)
@stingerjohnny9951 10 ай бұрын
@@schneidaren Ultimately, if you feel it’s what you are experiencing, it probably is.
@isawamoose 10 ай бұрын
Luckily paganism found me in my darkest hour - so now it’s the base to which I arrange my life on. Thanks for the conversation and work, Jacob. 🎉
@kerrybrianna 10 ай бұрын
Loving this mindset. My process to paganism has been a slow burn for sure, and I’m still figuring it out I admit. For a long time I felt like the absence of having a specific sect or god/gods to practice/follow or label myself with held me back, I felt as though I had to pick to be able to call myself a pagan and “do it right”. But it never felt right to me, because my decision to find paganism was rooted in the belief that there is more to the world of spirituality than books of deities and practices to dance around in to gain their favor. More than rules that make us hate one another or abuse our planet. I sought paganism to change the way I understood the world and to be at peace with my understanding. I found an understanding of life and death and of balance from my path that has been precious to me. These “old” religions didn’t look to the gods to fix their every problem, they beseeched them in times of need and offered them thanks and gratitude in times of plenty. They had comfort and peace in their spirituality. Their lives did not revolve around this ever present worshipping gods above all else, they were in union with their world and with its magics and mystics. They did not need to find their happiness in the salvation of a deity, that is a modern behavior. We are taught we are too weak or too human to find our strength ourselves, that it must be lent to us by something greater than us. Because it serves a religion to make us think we need them to enjoy life. You cannot sell salvation to someone who does not need saving.
@dootersnooter5343 10 ай бұрын
That last line
@kashiffiroz6667 9 ай бұрын
Wow, just wow. Beautiful & sublime , the way you have put these thoughts into words is so accurate...😊
@hellomate639 7 ай бұрын
Heh. Your last sentence is poetic, but maybe I'm not so impressed! Most Christians don't understand Christianity, I'll start with that. Worshiping the 10 commandments while barely mentioning what Jesus himself calls the greatest commandments: "Love God with all your heart," and "love your neighbor as yourself." The problem is conservatives. Conservatives hate everything different and aberrant to them, and then project there own personal taste as the absolute truth of reality. American evangelism isn't just lacking; it's completely missed the mark. They don't humble themselves; they're arrogant and boastful. They use imagery of Christ while deeply acting against his teachings. Destroying nature and beauty is anti-Jesus. Condemning people and hating your enemies is literally the opposite of Jesus, yet, "Christian" conservatives do it all the time. I say all this because I thought I had what I needed at one point in my life, but when I really experienced God in a fuller way, I realized that I hadn't been living at all. Everything is so, so much better now, even when circumstances are not so great. It's just tough because it's done so much to heal me and make my life better, but communicating these intuitions is incredibly difficult. My intuition is that some of the most truly Christian groups in the world are the Ethiopian Orthodox Christians. They make beautiful forests around their churches because they believe that a church should be as close to the Garden of Eden as possible.
@SABRETOOTH1679 5 ай бұрын
Even a "master level" Pagan is always learning something new. So that's perfectly ok👍
@jessawhite6429 10 ай бұрын
No person that has ever lived in the history of the world has ever NOT suffered. I’m not sure why people have that unrealistic expectation of their existence. I absolutely agree with you that there can be a lesson and growth through hardship. I think the biggest difference between certain groups are those who experience hardship and never leave the victim mindset and those who look for a lesson in hardship to find a way to help either themselves or someone else with the knowledge gained. I have some family members, one specifically who’s almost 75, that STILL blames everything wrong with their life on trauma from their youth. They’ve wasted their life being resentful and then taking out their anger on the people around them. I think that’s why growing up I told myself I wasn’t going to make that same mistake. I would never expect the gods to fix my problems, I just hope to have their guidance while I walk through them. I think a gift of suffering is the ability to empathize and walk with someone else who might end up going through the same kind of suffering
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Well said!
@miniespeon158 10 ай бұрын
This is such a profound example that i totally agree with. I think hardship is the greatest gift of all, even though it sucks, we become better people because of it, it makes our connections stronger.
@invadertifxiii 10 ай бұрын
I spent many years being resentful. And I pulled myself out. I completely agree
@Uglubjorn 10 ай бұрын
Excellent video Jacob! When my brother died, something that really helped me get through it was thinking about the story of Baldur’s death and how it affected the Gods. Rather than trying to find a way to be saved from grief, I was able to experience it and heal.
@thegrymwolf6360 10 ай бұрын
I was talking about this with my wife this morning, as over the last 12 months I’ve seen a few friends move on to Christianity and Hinduism. At the end of the day, they are seeking something which they have been unable to find within Paganism. Whatever they have been seeking is not for me to say, but they are still my friends and I genuinely wish them well. I was tempted at one point myself but I never moved on and I don’t think I ever will because this journey into paganism has been humbling, eye opening and a thing of beauty in my life. Yes, it’s hard at times being a Pagan in Scotland with not too many others around me, or people being waaaay too political, but at the end of the day, these things move in cycles and I know that I am at peace following the pagan path, if you will. Good video and thanks for sharing!
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Plenty of pagans in Scotland. You all just don’t talk to each other 😂! Joking aside. Happy this conversation resonated with you
@Aethuviel 10 ай бұрын
If they are looking to Hinduism while not ethnically from that part of the world, perhaps they are attracted to an ancient polytheism with a tradition that is still unbroken? European paganism and Hinduism are very closely related as Indo-European polytheism, but Hinduism of course has that unbroken line and masters to learn from. We have nothing like that. Perhaps in 100 years time or probably more, we can start saying we have a true religion back. Getting into this now from a truly spiritual angle (as opposed to what it is now for most people, an Odin/Thor-rebranded Christianity, or cosplay) is something brave, because it is extremely difficult. We only have the brickwork scattered around us, the buildings of others to view far away, but we have no real idea of what our building looked like, we just have to figure it out as we rebuild it.
@Jungle-Run 10 ай бұрын
i've also noticed people going over to christian alot recently, oddly enough 4 spiritual youtubers i followed went quiet and came back with 'from new age to christian' testimony videos and i was like no way as one lady would oftern encourage us to do the shadow inner work as that prepares you for the challenges on the earthly experiences. but to see these testimonies is strange but fair enough the spiritual community is very marketing based lately all this tarot cards readings and over charging and all the spiritual bypassing looking outside of themselves and they end up badly wounded as they've not the the work and then to you have click bait style videos that mislead people but i'm more authentic spirituality and i think this where people are going wrong and giving up on the spiritual journey. it's really interesting that how collectively this is effecting lot's of people recently.
@westwing23 10 ай бұрын
This is by far my favorite video of yours by far! I am proud of the transition you've become while being capable of reflecting your past. Thank you Jacob!
@nightangel486 10 ай бұрын
Odin helps those that help themselves. But when I have exhausted all my own resources, I have placed things into his hands and he has aided me
@MrDedushkoMoroz 10 ай бұрын
when i get lost I ask the right direction from the father and he shows me the path the rest I do myself. When I asked him which girl would be a perfect wife for me he showed me a pic of freckled girl from Europe . I got a Vac to travel to Europe to get the girl and found that she was 120% what i dreamed of .Long years of search and 100s my girlfriends which i picked who didn't fit me at all, but when i asked Odin to help me find my wife he showed her in 2 weeks . We named our red hair daughter Freja 🙂
@MrJustonemorevoice 9 ай бұрын
Learn your runes and apply them Build your hall and fill it with strong companions
@paydensquiressjuauwu1032 8 ай бұрын
That's exactly where I am right now the problem is this is when I find that video and I'm told the God's don't save you
@MrJustonemorevoice 8 ай бұрын
@@paydensquiressjuauwu1032 Think about the smallest thing you can possibly do to make your life better, do it now, work upwards from there.
@thewolfgirloracle 10 ай бұрын
I have come to the conclusion that we are in this life to learn lessons...lessons we agreed upon before we were even born. I think the Gods do not intervene with our journey because they can not always intervene with our journey because the lesson would be lost. They CAN, however, help us with wisdom and understanding and give us signs to show us that we are not on the journey alone. Even the Gods themselves have lessons and journeys that they are on too! The sagas provide us a glimpse of that! You are right that there aren't always lessons behind every difficult bridge that we cross in life...but sometimes crossing the bridge brings us to greater understanding/compassion/strength. And...if you are like me and believe that this life isn't our ONLY life, I think we come into our next lives with some of that gained wisdom as part of our inherent wisdom and character make up. This was a fantastic discussion my friend. Thank you! ❤
@emmalouise6597 10 ай бұрын
I've been a practicing pagan for nearly two years now and I still learn new things every single day. I'm grateful to the deities I honour for their guidance and showing me humility. I'm still going through a very dark time in my life, dealing with severe depression and anxiety but I have never even thought to stray from them. I've never been more accepting of my role in this life, I accept the lessons I've been given, even when they're harsh
@margaretwordnerd5210 9 ай бұрын
Keep learning. I've been practicing since 1978, and I will still be learning when I disencarnate. ☺✌🖖
@justabeardedguythatisahero9848 4 ай бұрын
How are you now @emmalouise6597
@Yoiyejsjwjanbsej 10 ай бұрын
Honestly, the prospect of “You have to work to get your life in line but you will have the Gods on your side to guide you” is what motivates me. I did originally turn towards Paganism out of spite (not proud of that one), then it became more of a “I want to connect with my ancestors and get knowledge” and now I do believe Im on that point where i can get motivation from it and also get comfort from it. I sadly have no clue of how i should start actively practicing, but i know i will someday. Edit: forgot to add something. This video was oddly comforting and motivating, so thank you. Im relatively new, and honestly, in the few minutes i watched this video or watch something thats related to paganism i feel more comfort than chirstianity could ever give me in my 16 years of life.
@iloveredheads95 10 ай бұрын
I lost my best friend tragically and unexpectedly 3 months ago. He was one of the most amazing people I have ever met. Absolutely had so mischievous more to live for. He was everyone’s light in life and was there for so many people. Although he was Christian he was truly like Jesus and I always admired that. I could tell him anything and he would always have something wise and humble to say in return. No judgement just real and raw. Loosing him has sent me spinning out of control. I am doing better now. Picking up the pieces and getting back to living my life. But in the process of changing my perspective I had a few extremely uncomfortable days. I didn’t want to live but I was afraid to die as well. I was anxious more than I had ever been. Dealing with panic attacks that made me feel like I was reaching my end as well. It absolutely scared me and pushed me to deal with some other traumas I’ve been dealing with over the years. My friend was always my go to guy for things like this. He had the best energy and had such a way with words. I was now being forced to deal with these on my own. I knew the gods couldn’t save me but the one thing that gave me peace was nature and my animals. I had to leave work early one day because I was having a panic attack and it was raining that day. I drove to a part of town that has Thea huge pine trees and sat there with the windows down and just let the rain hit my arms and face and that helped me more than anything. I’ve dabbled in paganism for a few years now. I have all the books but it’s easy to get lost of know where to start. It’s still very new to me but I want to understand it more. Growing up in a Christian home and being told I’ll go to hell for this that and the other only scared me. I have so much religious trauma and I blame a lot of my anxiety on it as well. I still live with my mom because CA is expensive lol. It’s hard to openly practice. Everything is hush hush but I am holding onto paganism because it’s the one thing that has actually spiritually brought me peace and make me feel connected to my ancestry. I know my mom will never understand the way I want her to but I’m hoping someday she will just allow me to coexist. Much love to you all in the comments. And thank you Jacob for another great video. ❤️
@cledosliop4175 10 ай бұрын
I grew up in an atheist culture, but for the past few years, I have been getting into tarot and spirituality stuff. I don't know if I am fully a paganist, but I resonate with what you have shared. For me, God or any divine being won’t save me. Instead, they walk with me, guiding me and watching over me. I have never prayed for any deities to come and save me. I prefer asking for guidance through contemplation and self-learning. No matter what, I believe that we need to work on things personally and learn to unlock our power by connecting with higher wisdoms.
@grimoirehearts8720 10 ай бұрын
It is a hard habit to break, the expectation of being saved from all your troubles in this life. I still catch myself, even recently asking Anubis to deliver me from the hard times in life. It's a slow process, but I'm glad there are people out there sharing their stories & experience to help us younger pagans find our way in our beliefs & spiritual journeys
@BostonSports1992 10 ай бұрын
I NEEDED this today. Thank you for what you do.
@lloydhaydel8029 10 ай бұрын
A level headed Pagan finally says it straight! This is exactly what I’ve tried to relate to others for 45 years. This Path is never easy, it’s not meant to be, one has to suffer to learn, adversity makes one grow and it’s where one finds true faith. I’ve seen many when the chips were down lost all faith, it’s in those times that you truly see the ones who have real faith.
@miniespeon158 10 ай бұрын
The only time ive really been saved was when i had severe depression and when i found the gods a sense of peace washed over me at my absolute worst, i was about to really hurt myself and the only thing i could think to do was cry as i called to them. But after that, i went and i made an oath to the gods that i would never harm myself physically ever again.
@caseyharris82 10 ай бұрын
Nothing says the gods will save us, but I have seen and firmly believe they will show you the tools that YOU need to solve YOUR problems. We all need to take responsibility for our own lives and find the help we need from the gods and our communities.
@springmixstudio975 10 ай бұрын
Plenty of intelligent, hard working, spiritual, resilient people die trying to solve their own problems. If you think a god will help you, great. That belief helps a lot of people. But be careful not to fall into the trap of thinking people who have problems aren't trying hard enough, that they don't take responsibility, or that they somehow deserve suffering. People should help each other.
@caseyharris82 10 ай бұрын
@@springmixstudio975 I feel like you missed the intention of my comment. Refer to the video where he was talking about the gods “solving the problem” my statement was that WE need to solve our problems with guidance and tools from the gods
@blackmetalpaganbushcraft9542 10 ай бұрын
​@caseyharris82 or perhaps you missed their commentary on your insight?
@corrinflakes9659 10 ай бұрын
@@caseyharris82 I think you missed their reply that bounces naturally off of yours 🤦 you ruined it…
@SABRETOOTH1679 5 ай бұрын
Our Gods have given us everything we need to save ourselves from birth. There's no "savior" other than yourself. People that need a "savior" are too weak minded to become Pagan. Only the strongest can handle our Gods, if not... It's not for you.
@violetmoonofthenorth 10 ай бұрын
This came at a interesting point.. needed that today, been going through a heavy bereavement. Beautiful area your at. 🍂
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@anarcho45 10 ай бұрын
Jacob, to be so wise at 29! But this shows what we have lost, that animistic wisdom... That you are thankfully helping to restore.
@Exiled.New.Yorker 10 ай бұрын
As someone who started out Wiccan 35 years ago, I thank you for this wisdom that reaches across all non Abrahamic faiths. It's their concept that the Gods are here to save you, and IMHO many fluffy bunnies wander off when the Old Gods do not answer their prayers any "better" than Jehovah does. Someday these beings will be able to see deeper, but this shallowness is the beginning of understanding, this dissatisfaction is the crack in the door of Abrahamic thought.
@molotulo8808 10 ай бұрын
I love the Gods and Goddesses of Asgard, they are the Gods of Goddesses of my Ancestors. Let them guide you but remember, believe in yourself!
@random-oi2kr 10 ай бұрын
Does wicca really works? Im genuinely curious, i tried before and nothing happened, im starting again in witchcraft after commiting the mistake of becoming a muslim(when i reverted to islam my life instantly got worse, i started balding, and got insomnia, that was the sign for me) do you have any tips or know any book about witchcraft? Im almost jumping into Haitian Vodu because i know it works but it looks dangerous.
@chirho8657 10 ай бұрын
Paganism is dumb, jesus will answer your prayers but you have to be born again and change for the better. You can't ask the Lord Jesus Christ for something and then 2 seconds later listen to secular music masturbate that's not sincere, the bible tells you to be born again.
@schneidaren 10 ай бұрын
This was helpful. Thank you. Maybe it is true what you are saying but I am experiencing something related. I do feel like I can live in a flow, if I want to and if I strive to. Let me explain: What I am experiencing is the concept of a “God Force”, similar to Holy Spirit. It feels as if I am in a flow. I am letting the universe guide me. When something strange happens, like a synchronicity. Or when my intuition pulls me. When something is presented to me, an opportunity. As long as what is presented is ethical, and aligns with my greater goal in life, then I go down the path that was presented to me. I let the universe and my intuition guide me. It works. This life style has made my life very interesting and exciting. This lifestyle requires that I apply radical acceptance, like you suggest in the video. When bad things happen, then I say “good”. It is a time of growth. The universe is trying to teach me something. Do you experience something similar to this in your life?
@revivantes 10 ай бұрын
I agree. The gods are not there to save us. My patron goddess is Sunna. When asked, she provides guidance to help me think through the situation I am in. I am continually astounded and grateful at how kind and supportive she is as she shares her thoughts. That said, after I receive her guidance it's up to me to decide what to do and bear the consequences, good or bad, of my action (or inaction as the case may be). That's what I want; a spiritual path that treats me like an adult and helps me enjoy a life well-lived.
@theheathenstale2162 10 ай бұрын
Really inspiring per usual. You’re able to put into words what makes paganism so special to myself and others. Loving these videos of you just sharing your thoughts and perspectives on life.
@TheWisdomOfOdin 10 ай бұрын
Thinking of doing the small talks like this more often. (Also easier to edit that the mini-documentary’s lol)
@QueenofAwkwardness 10 ай бұрын
I've been a pagan for many years now. When I pray I do start out expressing my gratitude. If I have a request it is generally for the strength and wisdom to prevail in my trials of life. They have always given me strength and wisdom is something that grows daily if you encourage it.
@liskavanrijin 10 ай бұрын
This video's title is so much of a nail on the head! I walked away from church and my familys beliefs because of the very same thing when I was 19 and moving out, starting university. I always considered my mom to be very wise and in many ways I still look up to her, but not in the religion topic... because how can you tell your child "Just put your problems in front of god and he will take it off you" when this child comes to you as a mother and asks you "mother, I need advice for a thing in my life, please help me for you have lived all those years and endured so much more hardships than I have"? I was so shocked that she would just put her christian beliefs in front of that and didnt even listen to me. Because normally, she always did. The things you describe about that burnout after starting the pagan way with all that enthusiam are so true. I think this is why I always felt strange to choose a "tradition" in paganism with a panteon of gods in it. I felt more true to myself in turning to nature as whole, maybe picturing a god or godess as symbol for an aspect of life, which makes it just a bit easier for us mortal people to wrap our head around what is important or what we are working on. Sometimes I invite certain gods or godesses to a ritual, mostly when I a with other people who need the symbol, and I very much respect it, but I never expect them to "fix" a thing for me or others. They are honored guests and connect us with the millions that have been here before us, and this is just something we can be grateful for. For the 10 years that I have been living as a pagan, I have fixed so many things - but no one did that for me. I had help, but I had to make most of the steps alone. And my pagan beliefs helped the to accept so much of myself and what is around me, so I can truly enjoy the little things in nature, which makes me so happy to be alive. Before that, I sometimes didnt want to exist anymore. I am not changed in total now, but I have a different perspective on life and I am just so thankful to be in it with joy and an open heart again. It was a harder life in terms of religion and spirituality, because I had to look into my own dark parts, no one took them away. But I made my peace with them and learned a lot from them, some have even turned into "enlightend" parts of me after all this work over the years. Thats a thing I still cannot understand in full, but I am so thankful and found peace in myself. I really enjoyed this video, because your presence and way of talking is so calm and respectful and centered. I am honored that I can listen to the thoughts you share, because they are very similar to my own, and in this topic, I just havent found the right words to express it. Thank you so much!
@Nonameisback999 10 ай бұрын
I would like to add a little something to this personally. Just because the gods won't save you, doesn't mean they won't help you. The gods won't come down from the skies and slay your problems, they won't intervene personally to ensure you come out on top, but they will pick you up by the hand and tell you the bell hasn't rung yet. I've talked about how I found paganism much before, or rather how it found me. I was going through one of the worst depressive episodes of my life, my OCD and Schizo-affective where at an all-time high, I was barely keeping by at work, and I was so delusional I couldn't even go outside. One day, I felt like I had enough. I live in an apartment, 3 stories up, and I decided I was going to jump off the balcony and kill myself. As I stepped outside though, I saw him, I saw Odin. He was stood atop the building across from me, dressed as his wanderer self, Huginn and Muninn both on his shoulders. I felt his one eye's gaze hit me, and I heard him say "Don't jump, your time is not over yet. You will move on from this, and become stronger." as if he was right next to me. I remember blinking after that, and he was gone. After that, I went back inside. I knew of Norse Mythology before this, so I knew who that was, and I began looking more into paganism in the days after. But more importantly for this conversation, I decided upon hearing his words that I wouldn't attempt anything like that again. I keep what he said with me, and him standing a-top that building is something I still think about to this day. But most importantly for this conversation, he helped me, but he let me save myself. Odin didn't reach out with his magic to stop me, he didn't intervene by softening the hypothetical blow from my jump, all he did was reach out and tell me it wasn't yet my time. The gods in this way are much unlike the Christian god. They won't jump on the sword for you, they won't stop bad things from happening to you nor will they even try to in most cases, but what they WILL do is give you that helping hand when you aren't strong enough to help yourself up. They will show you that you are strong enough, that you are wise enough, that you are GOOD enough to keep going, and they will give you their blessings to see that as the case. Sorry for the rambling comment here, I think about this topic a lot and I feel like I had something interesting to add here. Thank you Jacob for making this video, and all the work that you do, Skal! :)
@vixendoe6943 10 ай бұрын
My spirituality has allowed me to realize that even in the tough, scary times that I am not alone. My ancestors, guardian angels, guardian spirits and Creator is with me and around me always. This life is transitory. We are here to learn, to experience, to help. To become compassionate and caring. Death is nothing more than a continuation of the soul's journey and adventure.
@CrimsonSlytherin 10 ай бұрын
This is quite uncanny! I just listened to a Sikh giving a talk with a similar message. I’m glad these conversations are being had. The stories, rituals, etc are good for coping.
@camronsavell 10 ай бұрын
I have always had the mind set of the Gods will not solve problems for us, but might give us the tools to solve them ourselves. Often the tools to help us might be found in the experience of those around us. A community is a tool, a friend is a tool, praying to the Gods for wisdom and courage are tools as well. My mantra when I pray to them is "May I be blessed with opportunity and tools to solve my problems, the wisdom to see the solution, and the courage to pursue the course." Great video and excellent insights.
@GuffeyYT 10 ай бұрын
Mr. Toddson, I have found all the things you discussed to be true in my own practice. But you articulated it all better than I ever could. Thank you so much for this, sir, and blessed be.
@WitchyLady21 10 ай бұрын
What a beautiful commentary on living life on life's terms. So much love for this.
@OrthodoxEconomist 9 ай бұрын
I’m currently in a dark place right now, this video has helped me a lot. Thank you.
@hueyrotorhead 10 ай бұрын
I had started down this path approximately three years ago and then one year into it I went into a veteran program for alcohol addiction and while I was there I asked Odin to just let me know in some way that this was going to work and a few days before finishing I opened up the blinds to my room and on the ground a few feet away were two black ravens😮826 days sober
@bitesizedbird 8 ай бұрын
I have just recently left the church and came to paganism and your videos have helped me go through this change smoother. This video definitely helps me understand the cause for hardships and how to use them to gain wisdom and experience. Thank you so much. :D
@karynnmackinnon3975 10 ай бұрын
Love what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. There’s more love in you and in loving all things in paganism than there is in Christianity for sure. Thank you!
@ArchangelGavriel 10 ай бұрын
I agree, Christianity is broken and corrupt.
@usbackcountry 10 ай бұрын
The essence of being physicaly proactive about getting things accomplished in life can not be underestimated. But, if someone is able to get things accomplished by sitting around praying about it instead of taking physicgal action, hey, more power to them. I just have never seen that happen.
@aelfward 10 ай бұрын
I hit that road bump myself…I felt that the gods were no longer listening until I realized I had to work through my issues myself and then the world seemed to open up.
@williamsaltsman6537 Ай бұрын
I've gotten many hard-core signs from the Pagan path. From exploring the Nordic path and exploring the Wiccan path. It is real. The more you reach out to Nature, the more it reaches back.
@N1ghtH0wler 10 ай бұрын
I heard this said a few days ago, I don't remember where or from whom but they said, "we can not wait for our life to stop being or to start getting easy to be happy with our life." That is something that I feel rings true alongside this video.
@katoptron6583 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your frank and honest words. I'm glad to hear you found such confidence. For myself, I don't know if I'm too anxious or too realistic or just have too much imagination ( or empathy) - I would love to be saved, becauce life can break a human being. I would love to have the confidence to think I could overcome anything, but the best I can find is Seneca's wisdom " plus dolet, quam necesse est, qui ante dolet, quam necesse est": If you worry, you do nothing but add the worry to the pain. ( or literally: "He who suffers before it's due, he suffers more than is due.") Since there will noone come to save me ( even the Christian believe doesn't promise you there will be no hardship) I will stumble on not to make my loved ones suffer (more).
@Nils_Ironwolf 10 ай бұрын
Nailed it! You are learning quickly! You are on the path 😊
@dbarb0813 10 ай бұрын
This is TRUTH. I am so happy you pointed this out. I want to ENJOY myself in life not feeling guilty for living my own lifestyle of my choice. THANK YOU
@Hecata_Harbinger 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for your words, and messages. Life is a pain but that's what it is, we deal with struggles it makes us stronger to deal with hardship, if life was perfect and easy it wouldn't be worth living, it's when we deal with hardship that we truly live, and it helps us to more appreciate the good times, because if there are only good times we don't appreciate it, we take it for granted it's just there.
@lisathrasher3857 9 ай бұрын
Reflecting on hardships, I reached a breakthrough point where I realized that nothing happens to me, it happens for me, and the lessons most always (no matter how hard or painful) eventually all turn into blessings once I figure them out.
@nancyfragassi1751 9 ай бұрын
I love this life too and the beautiful parts around me that I am able to catch in magickal moments! Thank you for this. I have no guilty transition for me from a Christian life to this amazing life that I love!
@angelicazadak 10 ай бұрын
Recently I've learning more about modern paganism - though I still don't consider myself to be anything or if anything, agnostic. With the boom of the "witchy" trend, more information becomes available (though it does need to be double checked). I grew up Catholic and with media being very Christianized, anything "pagan" or "wiccan" was something that one should be careful around or something that should be feared. But I think the mainstream-ness (totally a word) has helped make it less scary - because fear is basically the lack of understanding. I just turned thirty recently, and I wished that before my thirtieth birthday I could experience some spiritual transformation as a transition into this new stage of my life. Then I got an eye infection (lol from my own stupidity with a contact lense left in overnight of course). I was so scared that I would lose my vision because the pain was so intense. But then I took a minute to meditate (after three panic attacks and wanting to pass out - all from fear). Then, I thought about Odin. Please forgive me if I'm wrong in the stories when I write this, but I believe he is known for forsight and wisdom. He gave up his eye in order to achieve this power. But still with this power, he could not avoid fear. The power might have even intensified the fear because when Fenrir entered the picture, Odin had his vision of Fenrir's part in Ragnarök. So Odin began plotting to betray Fenrir. It was this betrayal (and locking up/running away from what Odin feared) was what ultimately would cause Fenrir's rage toward the gods. Thus, Odin's fear would be the doom of the gods. ----- And this was exactly it. I have a ton of anxiety. A ton of fear. And so much of the time, I act or make choices based on this fear. My mom tells me that a lot lol but it took "losing my eye" for a couple days to understand it better. To understand myself better. It's up to me to make changes and it was really painful but I am so grateful for that eye infection. Because more happened. During the time my eye was healing, I couldn't really watch tv or be on my phone. It hurt to look at bright lights. So I took to reading Joseph Campbell's Power of Myth. I started it so long ago and never finished. I love the idea that these myths and stories are essentially just a way for ancient people to describe the essense of humanity. There is so much symbolism that can get you through any scenario - like Jacob said, losing loved ones, dealing with guilt, dealing with your own mortality, ect. It's comforting - more comforting than reading articles online about how to deal with xyz. However, I do appreciate those online who share that information. Campbell also discussed the need for ritual - something that's been lost and we need to find in other ways. Sometimes I agree, and sometimes I don't. But his words would become useful to me later. On my birthday, we brought home a neighbor's cat. Our neighbor's wife had died after a long and hard battle with illness and he was going to put the cat down because he would be leaving the house and thought the cat was too mean for anyone to take her. Well, we took her in. I am not a cat person, but went crazy researching things like "how do litterboxes work" - clueless. Lol, this cat bit me and scratched me but she also loved pets. She would lose herself in purs and then realize what was happening and give us a good old swat. But we were making progress. Until, we found her on her side and meowing for help one morning. We rushed her to the vet and they told us she had a cancer by her heart and in her lungs that had already spread too far and was too big. We asked to bring her home and I did everything I could to keep her warm and make sure she felt as good as possible. She even walked around a little - something the vet elluded to her not being able to do at all. We were scared she wouldn't last the night based on what the vets said, but again she did. We tried some pain meds and meds for appetite. They didn't work - she wasn't eating as much as she used to and would only eat her favorite treat. It was aweful. I thought about Neil Gaiman's Sandman. In one story there was a moment where Morpheus was talking with Bastet. Then the scene flashed to a cat being run over by a car. A little girl came out crying and prayed to Bastet to save her cat and the goddess granted her wish. While, like Jacob said, I am very aware the gods will not save you - I wanted to pray to Bastet anyway. I asked her to heal my cat or at least make her passing easier. I asked for help to be a better caretaker. I asked for guidance to do what's best and for her to be with my cat during this time. I did this every day - lit sage and prayed to Bastet. This was my ritual. Then, my cat stopped eating her favorite treat. I gave her food through a syring once ... but it didn't feel right. She was obviously weak, had trouble walking, and was starting to breath a bit differently. I asked my family what we should do, and they left the decision up to me. A decision that was terrible. Sentencing an animal that couldn't speak to it's own wishes to death. What if she wanted something else and I didn't understand. I went and meditated, much like I did when my eye was infected. I juggled the ideas - was this the right thing to do? That morning, I had half seen a lioness at the tail end of my dreams. It stared at me like I needed to do something - I figured it was to get my butt up and take care of my cat (the lioness is the fiercer counterpart to Bastet). I saw the lioness again but she was more gentle. I imagined making the decision to let my cat go. The lioness touched my forehead with hers and seemed happy. Comforting me like it was the right choice. So we made the choice to let her go. Trust me, it didn't feel "good" - I cried a lot and frankly watched a thousand videos of knowing when it's time to say goodbye. I didn't want to say goodbye and kept wondering if I had "just tried harder" would things be different - but it most definitely would have been torture for her. My prayers turned into wishes for safe travels into death. For Bastet to be by her side, for her to be welcomed into Bastet's realm. Later asking Freya, too, for her guardianship over my cat's death journey. And when the time came and my cat was leaving us, I thanked Bastet for helping her. Haha, I know this is a huge rant, but I believe it's all connected. Without my eye being injured and the time to reflect, I wouldn't have gained all these ways to "cope" with my cat's death. Or help my cat (hopefully) have some decent last days prior to her passing. All of this didn't take away the pain. It didn't heal her. I'm still sad and grieving. But this gave me different ways to honor my cat. To think and meditate on actions rather than frantically react and possibly make things worse. Feelings of anger were replaced with feelings of gratitude for every gift given by the "gods" to my cat. And by gratitude for having known her and all the lessons the cat had taught me. She was a gift. Again, pardon me for this being so long. But that's the story.
@JonathanLucas-zw7ec 7 ай бұрын
Jacob...just viewed this post. I agree...this journey of mine into paganism has started to help me understand and accept this life as it. thank you for this insightful post.
@alexandervinum_setinum4879 10 ай бұрын
Definitely, one of your best videos so far.! Thanks
@tarvoc746 10 ай бұрын
What I find particularly interesting about Norse mythology is that it practically goes all out with this: The Norse Gods can't even save themselves in the end.
@isaacaccomando435 9 ай бұрын
Thank you, Jacob. I needed this right about now.
@wolfenhauz 10 ай бұрын
The pagan worldview infuses vitality for life to face with strength, rather than wallow in the shortcomings and the pessimisms of the flesh.
@adamlivingstone3239 10 ай бұрын
Much love, I started with positive thinking, and understanding that most people are negative . I recently went to iceland by myself as a spiritual journey..... After the trip. I got to learn later the religious history.
@jeanettewaverly2590 10 ай бұрын
I think that Bushman nailed it when he mused, “The Gods Must Be Crazy!”
@dancingdruid7932 10 ай бұрын
What a great explanation of the difference between Abrahamic theology and Pagan theology. When I was a baby Pagan, people would ask me about what it means to be a Pagan. I could tell them about me, but I didn't have the kind of deep understanding to do it justice. You have put this into easily understandable explanation. I'm going to send people here to your video.
@joshwalls9923 10 ай бұрын
Every time I have prayed to a Norse God, they tend to give me a hardship 😂 but it's a lesson I need to learn
@ashleydaniel4663 10 ай бұрын
😂😂😂 yessss lol. I learned this fast.
@markhughes6968 10 ай бұрын
Well said. If we ever cross paths, you're welcome to share my fire.
@beth8775 10 ай бұрын
I'm not a pagan, but I find your explanation very interesting & educational. It sounds like a healthy attitude to deal with life.
@DracoSkyGX 9 ай бұрын
I grew up Christian and only recently learned about Paganism, but after watching some videos including this one and seeing how Paganism reflects my own personal beliefs I can say: Paganism has my attention. But I still want to learn more before I commit to anything.
@amaanotfound 8 ай бұрын
Completely needed this today as earlier I found myself thinking "why have the gods cursed me" and "why cannot life be easier", but I've known for a while now that the reality is that life is hard, life is nature and thus, it is cruel, and it is paganism that affirms this fact. Only after acknowledging this natural cruelty can we learn to fight back and overcome our hardships, reach a higher level.
@Perceval777 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! I agree that the gods don't intervene to directly solve my problems, but I do believe that they help me find inner strength and resilience to tackle them or at least to endure them.
@sambolicmusic 2 ай бұрын
I found my faith and belief in the ancient ways because of a rough patch I was in. Nothing will ruin this feeling that I have had since I was younger. Even through teenage years when i was practicing Wicca and working with many dieties. Growing up in a Christian family, I always felt there were more than 1 energies "dieties" in the universe and I became an outcast and black sheep in my family because of this. However, 3 years ago I hit a serious rough patch "rock bottom" in life and that's when I happen to stumble across information on the norse spiritual focus and was what I believed visited by one of the gods in my dreams and ever since I began my study and research into this faith and this year I have full proof to my endeavor into this faith and I will always believe no matter what happens in this life because what is written in this life is woven into the fate of time. So no matter what happens don't let your faith be ruined just because you didn't get what you asked from the gods becuase the gods don't control what happens to you based on what you want it's fate and we have to accept that and allow it to happen
@jbchannel88 10 ай бұрын
This is one of the ideas that brought me to Paganism. Great video!
@ErikHeimdallr 9 ай бұрын
I grew up in the Catholic Church, tried Lutheranism, Episcopalianism, Seventh Day Adventism, Baptist...and I never felt at home. I felt I was never good enough. Then there was the weight of the "afterlife," and the very real possibility of spending eternity suffering in Hell because I wasn't a good enough Christian. It had a very bad effect on me. Then I discovered Paganism and I reconnected with the Gods of my Vö ancestors, and became an Odinist. It's been 30 years and I can't imagine my life not being in this path. Thanks for the video.
@forest_fae_moon 9 ай бұрын
this is one of my favorite videos you've made - and i really love your videos! thank you for sharing your reflections and experiences. many blessings.
@urbanghoul6271 10 ай бұрын
This video has come at the perfect time, I've had a few hard weeks and this video has just reinforced my belief, great chamel and great content ❤
@richardwells2073 10 ай бұрын
Excellent advice and information!
@baronghede2365 10 ай бұрын
I grew up in a Baptist Christian family as I grew older I became a deist until I started thinking about the afterlife now I'm a practitioner of vodoun and it has helped my life and mental health greatly, Blessed Be.
@Inpwmdwa 10 ай бұрын
Much love ATR fam
@Exiled.New.Yorker 10 ай бұрын
Blessed Be, and blessings on you, as those who came before you in your Path blessed me with the wisdom and knowledge that helped me take control of my life.
@jenmoore1545 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this. It was very timely.
@corytucker6668 10 ай бұрын
I love the topic you chose, but I really liked this sit down discussion way of presenting it. Hope all is well bróđir.
@samarkham3 10 ай бұрын
thanks, I am grateful to live on earth
@Tortall2012 9 ай бұрын
I have held naturalistic beliefs for most of me life but it wasn’t until 2020 when I began to realize that I was leaning more towards the pagan belief systems than that of a nature-loving Christian. The hardest thing for me so far in my journey has been the inability to have a safe space to practice for much of my journey. Being raised in a Christian household and having already explored other belief systems without an barriers in place meant that I got into deep trouble with my parents when exploring other belief systems. In the beginning stages of my journey, I frequently had to hide what I believed in but since moving out earlier this year I have had a safe space to practice and distance has helped my mom to start to understand why I refuse to attend any form of organized religious gatherings. The only exception I have made to my refusal have been for a funeral and midnight Christmas services.
@CatholicOnTheSpectrum 10 ай бұрын
I was raised as a cradle Protestant and I never really found what I was looking for in that version of the church. It always seemed hollow to me. I believed in God but I wasn't feeling fulfilled with the church or the practices. As some really bad things happened in my life, I started to lose faith and I dabbled in Norse Paganism. It did feel more free at first, but I realized it wasn't for me and I went back to Christianity. I'm now a Catholic apologist and I found the fullness I was missing in Protestantism in the Catholic church. I think what you and I can agree on is that a higher power isn't there to solve your problems for you, He is there to guide you. We'll always have scars but we have to learn how to handle life as it comes with the guidance of who we worship.
@LightandHarrowing 7 ай бұрын
@Celeste-jh2lj 9 ай бұрын
You helped me with something i didnt realize i was struggling with. Ive been working with Hekate the past year but ive wandered away from her path bc i felt a lack of connection. Working with divinity and deities in general is something ive always struggled with as I have a christian childhood and never felt a connection with that religion and i thought she was a good deity to work with to potentially get in touch with divinity. Ive had some experiences since i started working with her and have learned a lot but as you said, life got busy, it got difficult and i began to lose that feeling of connection which wasnt very strong to begin with but lately ive been feeling connection with her again and i think shes been helping me recently. She just steps back bc me working things out by myself has always been something ive always done. I hate it but its the only way i know how to learn things. Perhaps she knows i will work things out and dont need her help as much as I thought i did. I will start doing rituals of gratitude instead of asking for things. Thank you so much for this video. And im so sorry this comment is so long. 😅
@bookworm5433 10 ай бұрын
This brings to mind the mechanics of success. The key is to be persistent and consistent. When you have problems, you keep pushing. The universe will concede eventually. Prayers are just a plan waiting to happen.
@shirley1413 10 ай бұрын
Really great message today, I agree very much on your views of how to heal ourselves from anxiety and such, we learn , from life’s lessons, hopefully!
@sheilafaraco9179 10 ай бұрын
I agree that the Gods will not save us, but in my experience, after being a pagan for over 20 years is that while facing some hardships I felt their support, I "felt" their knowledge around me. It's hard to explain. It's as if I feel inside me a lesson to be learned or what attitude I should take and the realization of personal and spiritual growth that comes with it afterward is so rewarding, that yes, being thankful for all these hardships is really the way to go.
@Jayfrazier69 10 ай бұрын
I am a heathen, and i think you nailed it! I was raised heathen, and i know that we get what we make of or lives. Either you live with the right attitude and things seem managable. Thing will get hard and you will have down times butyou must learn to trust in yourself.
@yellowzora 10 ай бұрын
I agree - the gods may give a helping hand if you are willing to help yourself, and know how to listen. I've not been raised with the expectation of salvation, but that is certainly one of the reasons why I could never be Christian. Gratitude is the most powerful tool I know too, and I need to get back to it again more frequently than I am now, thanks for the reminder. Life is there to be enjoyed, and if we get lucky, for insight and interesting conversations with the gods, but most of all, it's up to us to empower ourselves and take matters in our own hands. In the Last Kingdom, Uhtred continouisly strives to entertain the gods to keep their favour - maybe that is the best way 😜
@gangapoornima 10 ай бұрын
I am a Hindu, i live in the Netherlands, so i loved old European mythology and touched a bit on some asatru, paganism and christianity and wicca, loving it, and i never thought we should be saved......that is so a football filosophy, both teams a fan of the vedic, it seems commercial to think if you pray at god/godess/source life will change especially for you...i think it is better to focus on your inner eye and just say that life in a complex universe is very shite sometimes. Many gods will agree i think.
@niicopatriiarca 9 ай бұрын
Growing up I went through a lot, emotional, mental, physical and even sexual abuse. And as I got older I started down and path that would only lead to pain and sorrow. I ended up hitting rock bottom and I remember just asking out loud to be saved (raised Christian but I identify as Agnostic). Weeks passed after I asked this and nothing got better. And I came to the conclusion that if I wanted something to change, that I had to change it myself. The Christian god that I asked to save me never did, I saved myself. I put in the blood sweat and tears to turn my life around and clean myself up. And now I am happily engaged to my partner who loves and supports me in all that I do, and I was the one who saved myself. I’m a human, I am mortal and I will never truly comprehend what is beyond, but I believe that whatever higher power is out there isn’t wanting to save us, but they are wanting us to grow. And I know for a fact that I am not perfect, but I also know that I am doing my best to grow. Thank you for this video, you definitely put what I have been feeling for the last 6 years into words. Strength to you my friend
@WilliamDuncan-g5z 10 ай бұрын
I have accepted that I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I go forward with gratitude for all that I have and don't have. Life is a lesson, the painful ones are so because we need to pay closer attention to them. I lean into the pain and search for the lesson with the same intensity that I enjoy the wonderful times of my life.
@plantemor 9 ай бұрын
Hello ^_^ I'm not religious in any way, though I am Scandinavian and have grown up with Christianity and Norse mythology as cultural influences. It's very relatable, what you said about not needing salvation from life. It was something I never understood about Christianity when I was a kid. I didn't understand that with such a strong focus on death and the afterlife, why would anyone want to live? Why didn't people just kill themselves if living is so awful and sinful? As an adult I understand the complexities more and I have more compassion for religious people. I suppose, the fact that I have grown up with Norse culture and it is a part of my heritage, I feel a stronger connection to it than to Christianity. It suits my temper and my core values better. While Christianity has lots of useful wisdom, I feel the most whole when I am merging myself with nature. Christianity doesn't understand nature the way Norse mythology and folklore does. I won't ever be a pagan or a Christian or some other religious person. I'm not even atheist. I just feel in tune with nature and I have my own thing with nature that I don't need to put a label on. It's spiritual and scientific, fantastical and realistic. The older I get, the more I understand the point of it all and like you, I'm just so grateful for existing. I'm even grateful for the awful things that have happened to me because they lead me to where I am today. Forgiveness comes easy. Anxiety is a wild animal that will be tamed once you show it compassion and take the reigns away from it. I love existing. I couldn't ask for more.
@janinegriffiths8281 10 ай бұрын
Very well said. Thank you.❤
@sirguy6678 10 ай бұрын
“The Gods will not help us…it is a time for heroes.” Hrothgar
@mariamcclain3722 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! I think sometimes people forget that God/gods is/are not a Genie(s) whose purpose is to fulfil their wishes magically. From my experience, you get wisdom, guidance, opportunities, challenges (those can be beneficial too), but you gotta get off your butt and actually try to achieve something to get that help. And yes, sometimes bad stuff happens regardless, and it is part of life too, just like good stuff. The important part here is how we process it and what we learn from it (if there is a lesson to be learnt), and our religion/spirituality can help with that.
@rachellane2836 4 ай бұрын
Another great discussion and video, thank you. I'm also in agreement with you, what exactly do people want saving from? This is an old (but not that old) mindset that does not help humanity at all. The main focus in this mindset appears to be a power play, of trading of 'belief' for favours. It feels wrong on so many levels. This is not how the game is meant to be played, or how the dance was meant to be danced. To give 'your power' away to another depletes you, even in your own mind, it causes subservience. We have a good few thousand years experience of this now, it's a glitch that some have used and abused for their own ends and we all know this, yet people still yield to it, for many different reasons, mainly ease, fear/hedging their bets, habit or indoctrination, but this is changing. This is an unsustainable glitch, it closes itself off into an unnatural loop that can only feed on entropy and so cannot sustain itself. This will eventually poison itself, try to adapt and mutate, but it will eventually disperse and be transmuted. Life is our chance to experience EVERYTHING, the good, the bad and the unkown, that is the point. We are here to live, learn and EVOLVE, and we can only do this through experience, learning through experience and adapting and evolving through our reflections and lessons learned. The irony that we learn most through the hardest lessons is lost on many, but most can accept that we would not appreciate 'the good' if it wasn't for 'the bad', because 'good' would just become the norm and utterly taken for granted. These lessons are what we are here for, so asking them to be removed makes life pointless and leave you stuck in the loop. If we could just try it, see what lessons life is trying to teach us, learn to look, listen and reflect, flip that victim mindset to one of curiosity, then Humanity could start moving forward again.
@Raven-um2wf 10 ай бұрын
I was 21 when I lost my grandfather, hadn't ever really thought about things like that and went into a deep depression for months after. I spent a year trying to find myself afterwards exploring but none of it was clicking. I was out on a week long wilderness trip and had just finished and setup camp for the night under a massive oak in a clearing and as I was sitting against it I felt a connection with it and in a matter of moments I knew where my path lay. I've endured many hardships over the years and at 37 I'm little like I was, I learned that we are saved from nothing but given the tools to handle almost anything and come out stronger for it because of our love for life. I don't particularly appreciate the lessons being taught or reminders at the moments of them but I understand it and give thanks for it. It's not been easy without a doubt but I wouldn't have it any other way.
@AmandaMerkel 10 ай бұрын
Something about death that made shit click for me. My mom died 3 weeks ago and after the initial anger something just clicked in place. The death of a loved one is so hard to deal with it kind of forces you to figure some stuff out.
@jharrington2112 10 ай бұрын
I love this. Thank you for making these. I'll share then when my kids ask
@brutaldeacon559 10 ай бұрын
You hit the nail on the head on this one! I believe the gods don’t save you but can guide you that’s how I see it, but we have to except life for what it is. Awesome video! Stay pagan people and enjoy your journey!
@coletteswitzer4867 10 ай бұрын
Great message and such a beautiful day. Thank you
@BlackNite92f150 3 ай бұрын
The God's give you the means to help yourself. There there for guidance and to have someone to speak with about your problems. They help but it's ultimately up to you
@LeoniFermer-vi4dc 10 ай бұрын
Gratitude is a gift.
@DannyStreator-kj7ts 9 ай бұрын
My mind is in the same place I've been a pagan for more than 5 years and I agree you said it better and I love this video thanks I'm looking forward to the next one
@RobHellfire666 10 ай бұрын
This was a breath of fresh air to listen too. Thank you.
@HelennaRose 10 ай бұрын
Paganism found me. I don’t feel safe in normal churches. I feel safe with them, the ones who are around us, they speak to us and give advice and guidance if we listen. ❤ Christianity teaches an unending devotion of exhaustive proportions. Ask and we shall receive is a common Bible quote. But that’s not as simple as it sounds. We have to do the work too. Christianity is like a monologue (and literally, churches of hours of sermons). It’s exhausting. Paganism is a dialogue. ❤
@danielbergersen7836 10 ай бұрын
Jacob what amazing vid. I believe you definitely help alot of people on this subject, and open their Eyes! I came from the church too. But, I finally turn to paganism like my Ancestors did way back in Norway who worship The Great All-father, and I can tell you, following Odin the All-father is the best decision I ever made. Thank you my friend and brother. Skøl💀🍻
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