Let's just not forget that on PBE, people tested him with new items and all new changes of season 14. Might be why they nerfed him on PBE.
@tranminhuc3593 Жыл бұрын
He deserves a nerf for real. Most losses came from low rank players. It's like Aphelios again, so many combinations, really hard to learn, but once mastered it, an immense threat to the high rank lobbies. I mean, I'm just Plat, mediocre skills, but can manuover him like properly at this rank, like how of an artillery mage should be. Knowledge of spacing, etc, combining skills as well, just expect nerfs from now on.
@Not_Ecrev Жыл бұрын
let's also not forget that this is the league community we are talking about i would bet on at least 50% of people playing hasn't even read his ability and went first game in ranked just to get shafted.
@localhobo5362 Жыл бұрын
@@tranminhuc3593 I saw PekinWoof talking about him, saying he is not actually strong, because in early game he feels like scaling mage, in late game he feels like every other mage already outscaled him. Plus it is not talked a lot but his animations/cast times are very long but he said one item powerspike is kinda decent
@tranminhuc3593 Жыл бұрын
@@localhobo5362 I can understand how he sees Hwei as. Yes, he's very much like ASol rework early game, very weak, and sh*tty base armor, leading to easy counterpicks since he's an artillery mage, ofc he's squishy as hell, but more than others is sth else. Then again, a similar trait for every artillery mage is that, they spike so hard on 1 to 2 items, after that point, it's like playing Syndra, but not that many tools for engaging, since the most important skill while playing Hwei is spacing. He's not that kind of champion that can really go for a hunt for kills, but rather putting pressure and controlling from afar.
@Digger-Nick Жыл бұрын
@@tranminhuc3593 Not even close. He can't hit through minions with like 90% of his kit... He's a HORRIBLE laner compared to any other mage
@Webo250 Жыл бұрын
Give it a few weeks just like with Briar. I'm sure people will get to understand Hwei and be pretty busted
@saimyintmyat9373 Жыл бұрын
Lol players can't play invoker ?
@Tiagocf2 Жыл бұрын
yeah, but Riot pulled up the "oh no the complex champion dont have 50% winrate day 1, time to buff him"
@Floorwaters Жыл бұрын
@@saimyintmyat9373 nah we got invoker at home
@123silverslash Жыл бұрын
Or he remains unlearned and has a low win rate forever like other high skill ceiling champs like azir and kalista
@ReisSns Жыл бұрын
I honestly dont feel this will happen too soon given how hard he can be for the majory of the player base that cant play an easy champ properly like Lux
@ThePhilNews Жыл бұрын
Also do keep in mind that Hwei is most likely balanced around the new items. Would make no sense to balance him around current state for 3 weeks before the new items drop.
@violetbitch9492 Жыл бұрын
Would make more sense to release him with the new items then
@mathiasdargel6108 Жыл бұрын
@@violetbitch9492 well, abs true fact. feels like they kinda wanted to release him this patch just because they gave him a snow whatever it is called skin,. just so he fits into the event that is live curently. cant find any reasoning besides this. i dont get it either...
@treyxi2772 Жыл бұрын
THANK GOD SOMEONE ELSE THOUGHT OF THIS like why do people start panicin about his wr when he is balanced around a season where u have 5 items with 120 ap all this whining from the community will just make him busted if he do end up getting a buff bcs of this patch which will lead to him later getting perma nerfed and unplayable jeez ppl just need to relax and think before they starts shouting like this it always happens then the champ gets buffed and then ends up being busted and after that unplayable cuse of nerf after nerf after nerf
@dragonmage372 Жыл бұрын
@@violetbitch9492 Would you rather do the thing that makes sense, or do the thing that's more fun?
@KingBalaclava Жыл бұрын
Crab bucket mentality. The problem isn’t the people pointing out a blatant problem. The problem is Riot creating it in the first place. If they create another problem by fixing the first one incorrectly, its Riots fault.
@oetic5016 Жыл бұрын
As invoker main.. he's really well designed and easier to pilot (partly bc only two combinations at a time)..playing him the variety of his kit has such wide versatility feels very powerful in league.
@pauliussipavicius4658 Жыл бұрын
I didnt play dota for a long time, but from what i remember, its easier to pilot hwei, because invoker has other bonuses when he is holding the elements no? Like holding qqq but not using a spell, gives him extra damage or something? Thats why invoker even needs more inputs to "create" a spell.
@daleryanaldover6545 Жыл бұрын
yes Hwei is much more easier than Invoker.
@SpiceCh Жыл бұрын
@@daleryanaldover6545 Both are difficult to wrap your head around for new players. But yeah, Invoker's win rate for unpracticed players is likely lower than Hwei's.
@lorenzomeulli750 Жыл бұрын
The comparison isn't really that relevant outside of "complex Mage with lots of spells". Hwei has 3 sets of 3 abilities, but he can use 1 spell from each set at a time. You can't combo EE into EQ, for example. Similarly, all of his spells are divide by type: damage, support, CC. Then he has a R for mix of damage and CC. Invoker has 9 spells only limited by their own CD, being able to hold 2 at a time ready to cast and the (very low) CD of the Invoke spell (the one used to prep) a new spell. All of his spells are also very different: from a global very small area nuke of pure damage to summoning spirits that shred armor, from an EMP blast that removes mana to a "curse" that stuns you for like half a second every time you are hit over the course of a short time. All of this isn't just a bad thing, quite the opposite. Hwei is a more interesting mage than most and he doesn't go into weird territories that don't fit League design. I think his only issue is having a basic bitch R that doesn't fit with the idea of "many spells"? I would have prefered for him to have some kind of effect to alter his own already present spells. Dunno, press R and he powers up, having a steroid of AH and increased spell range to more properly hit stuff and more often? Maybe give him increased MS while under the effect and keep his normal MS very low?
@justfrog_ Жыл бұрын
i was hoping he can do Q W E alone and Q+Q Q+E... like now AND Q+Q+Q Q+Q+E (3 combinations).
@Nako3 Жыл бұрын
3.5% gang :D
@sovereignelise Жыл бұрын
there’s dozens of us!
@Slayyyaphine Жыл бұрын
Same 💅
@cherryvisorrr2180 Жыл бұрын
@xmissamy Жыл бұрын
Reporting for duty o7
@RedPilotl02 Жыл бұрын
@RIPEAPPLE Жыл бұрын
I think people just don't know how to play him yet This is Hwei. I met in the game, was impossible for me to play against He was so good. Knew the correct abilities to use and everything
@gravelor78 Жыл бұрын
What champ did you use against him?
@RIPEAPPLE Жыл бұрын
@@gravelor78 jax
@gravelor78 Жыл бұрын
@@RIPEAPPLE I mean. melee against poke mage.
@Guppy_Na Жыл бұрын
I've played him for a few games and he feels awesome, his kit has almost everything you could want, and is just incredible and quite smooth to play with. Tough from the games I've played so far it feels like his dmg could use being a bit higher (though that could just be me).
@rafaelkutter4957 Жыл бұрын
I've been playing him too, and he's just designed to be a late game gamebreaker, his lvl3 ult is insane. The thing that bothers me most is qe not oneshotting even caster minions unless you're way ahead. It takes a long time/mana to clear wave
@nasher99 Жыл бұрын
@@rafaelkutter4957 a tip to make clearing the wave alot better is to do W-3 before Q-3 which will proc the extra dmg on every minion
@Poopoopeepee6969 Жыл бұрын
@@nasher99 Are you sure? It looks like each ability can only proc one W charge at a time. My combo for wave clear is QE, WE, EE on the backline, works pretty well even early game
@theywayitis83294 Жыл бұрын
I play against him regularly in Grandmaster+. People are getting used to it and let me tell you... He does not need a buff of any kind, he's fine
@Poopoopeepee6969 Жыл бұрын
@@theywayitis83294 this 100%.. I think the secret to what makes him broken is his long range execute with QW. The damage is disgusting with a shadow flame and dark harvest. Never mind when you hit your ult you also get a free QW followed up by your passive. Add in a storm Raiders and a malignance, all of that extra damage after you ult is going to really hurt… add another 10% with horizon focus… you have an insane amount of burst and it’s all AOE. He’s basically the new Lux except with him you ult before combo and his AOE is a circle vs a line. I think a lot of these new items were made for him.
@Tony-ye2rf Жыл бұрын
The thing is Hwei is really strong but ppl cant play him. also there is a little bug where his spells are coming out the wrong way (qe came out as qq though i pressed q once and my keyboard is not rip)
@20ali03 Жыл бұрын
there is nothing hard about him, stop using that shitty argument. Champion is just terrible, thats literally it.
@hendrick6924 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I was getting this bug too. Thought I was the only one.
@arugula517 Жыл бұрын
THATS A BUG???? I just assumed i was double tapping
@RealSweetlakecity Жыл бұрын
@@hendrick6924 Thank god I'm not crazy. This kept happening and I thought I was going insane. Or sometimes it just cancels your first cast so you ew and then it doesnt cast anything and your w spellbook is open.
@carronline1 Жыл бұрын
the people trying him wont read his abilities and just spam in team fights, is whats doing this low win rate
@ABSURD1TYx Жыл бұрын
Its hilarious to hear this because im already 9W and 2L on Hwei in ranked. people just need to not first time him thinking they know how to play him.
@moogiwatta Жыл бұрын
Cuz ur likely playing him in pisslow. Also I doubt u have enough games on him to actually do well and be conscious about it. I bet ur either carried most games or ur wins are luck based
@davidaleksidze3381 Жыл бұрын
@@moogiwatta"pisslow random"- pisslow random
@moogiwatta Жыл бұрын
@@davidaleksidze3381 if I was bad at the game at I wouldn’t be commenting here (I peak top .01% of player base). Any decent player would realize this is a pisslow take
@ДетективСерьёзный Жыл бұрын
@@moogiwatta you would most definitely post ur shit takes on the internet if you were bad at the game lmao, how else are u going to stroke ur fragile ego??
@Delimon007 Жыл бұрын
@@moogiwatta I kind of have to agree. 10 games is a stupidly small sample size.
@simplyandrei1877 Жыл бұрын
From a LoL content creator editor to a LoL content creator yourself. You've come a long way.
@theogpaulmolnar3547 Жыл бұрын
I would bet that wei is balanced around the new items in s14. I haven't played him yet but form the few vids I saw on him form the be with the s14 items, he's gona be very powerful in the right hands.
@Rivalrvn Жыл бұрын
When you said EE is sounded like Baus saying GG
@JD.71 Жыл бұрын
Champ seems fine to me after a couple games, doesnt feel too oppressive to play against and doesnt feel weak, i think people are just used to every mage 1 shotting everyone which doesn't seem like hweis style
@tzugumi Жыл бұрын
the hard cut from 0/0 to 0/3 in 3 mins is fabulous
@miorosa318 Жыл бұрын
The thing I've noticed the most is his utility and CC spellbooks are NEEDED for him to do dmg, hence then leaving him vulnerable to anything that decides to touch him. He relies too much on needing to combo his spells for the same outcome as a syndra pressing Q - R for more dmg than him eating a whole rotation. and a lot less mana cost. They need to make it where he doesn't need to rely so heavily on combos and taking away his utility for him to do dmg against a target.
@matthewwojcik576 Жыл бұрын
"I wish I knew what I just did." --Me in about my first 350 ARAMs.
@SpiceCh Жыл бұрын
Given how much Briar has been nerfed, she would've likely had +60 % win rate if people knew how to play her on launch. Hwei's learning curve might be even sharper than Briar's, so it's close to impossible to conclude that he's weak rather than players just not having figured him out yet. And next patch will introduce a ton of fundamental changes to the game which will impact Hwei as well. Riot could absolutely buff him to compensate for people not knowing how to play him, but that greatly increases the risk of Hwei turning into another Briar. Regardless I'm pretty sure ranked is going to be ass for the first 4-8 patches because it's going to take a while for the dust to settle. Some champions are going to be super weak, others are going to be overpowered AF. Ivern might need another round of buffs if he can one-shot jungle monsters with +3000 hp when baron spawns while other junglers will need 10 seconds of fighting + smite. It's going to be hell.
@deltaco6971 Жыл бұрын
Briar was strong on release she is actually fairly simple too but people just ran it down on her bc of W once people understood her fairly simple mechanic her wr went up altho she's super easy to punish with CC similiar to yi but people still don't know how to play against her so she has a higher wr than she should.
@david_ace Жыл бұрын
@@deltaco6971 nah man briar is not easily to punish especially if u play a mage champ, she have like 2 times your MS, she can stun click u , she deal huge dmg with W and can get you anytime with R if you are pushing or farming side, the champ is so broken rn even if she is 0/10 with 1 item or a lucky R she can comeback and OS anyone in 1v1
@azalakhir918 Жыл бұрын
@@david_ace delusional tbh
@david_ace Жыл бұрын
@@azalakhir918 random ppl calling me delusionnal i really dont care lol
@BltchErica Жыл бұрын
0:28 can someone tell me what the hell he says there? "yes it was ripped of from ... but"
@dozrFAB Жыл бұрын
Hwei feels fine. He just requires immaculate positioning and very solid fundamentals because of how squishy he is (least armor in the game I’ve seen) and he’s highly immobile
@lmntsgames3848 Жыл бұрын
Right.. basically any other artillery mage in the game.. like Xerath and Brand.. thanks for that
@dozrFAB Жыл бұрын
@@lmntsgames3848 yeah... lol... like he isn't useless lmao
@Digger-Nick Жыл бұрын
Hwei is extremely weak and horrible in lane, but he feels fine? Yeah ok bud
@Digger-Nick Жыл бұрын
@@lmntsgames3848 The only difference is those champs are 3x stronger in nearly every way
@zepperman2679 Жыл бұрын
"We haven't had an artillery mage since Vel'Koz" Zoe: Am I a joke to you?
@gravelor78 Жыл бұрын
she's more burst than artillery mage
@Kalurza Жыл бұрын
to be honest i don't understand why they released hwei right before flipping entire item system upside down again which can make him broken or even more useless
@dumpsterplayer2700 Жыл бұрын
they did a great job simplfying invoker, not having to manage the cooldowns of all the spells
@tanook6073 Жыл бұрын
Oh, we're gonna have a Briar incident again, what a surprise, cant wait to see Hwei appearing for the first 5 patches of the next season 😃
@doctortuxito7532 Жыл бұрын
"I've seen this before" "You have?" "Last champ release be precise"
@itsnotpan. Жыл бұрын
I understand he's a hard champion to play, but even then there was some scenarios where I actually played him well in a fight, but still felt lacking in damage.
@LeviTheLancer Жыл бұрын
Well, he's made for the Season 14 Changes. I think that when the Pre-season comes, he'll be certainly stronger and not feel like Slow Motion. That's why almost every new mage item is hella good on him
@rainghostly Жыл бұрын
@@LeviTheLancerI thought the same. He feels incomplete with the current items. Let's wait and see.
@ΓιωργοςΛεκκακος Жыл бұрын
@@LeviTheLancerExactly that. That was the situation with ksante too when he came out. He felt completed only when iceborn gaunlet and jackso came out
@andrewyoonhobai8453 Жыл бұрын
wheeeeeeze the dude corrected and was like just gentlemen LMAO
@burhansalaria Жыл бұрын
ryscu calling himself an "average" player while being in emerald elo is criminal.
@nickmullenofficial6330 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever played in it? It’s legit a worse experience than silver. Every game is 4 individuals and 0 teammates
@wamuu2708 Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately emerald is WACK. You get some of the worst players I've ever seen
@pwpqwq7648 Жыл бұрын
Lmao if you actually think emerald is "above average" then you really don't understand how the ranked system works. Ever since that elo got introduced, it's basically the new plat elo, where everyone gets hardstuck and the whole thing is almost as bad as silver/gold elo, sometimes even worse
@pwpqwq7648 Жыл бұрын
@@nickmullenofficial6330 For the average silver hardstuck, any elo that is higher than theirs is seen as good
@Delok. Жыл бұрын
@@pwpqwq7648 I just made it out of Emerald finally :') my LP gains increased from +21 to +28 in Diamond (but dw - elo hell doesn't exist said Riot... a skewed ranked system does though)
@Mr_CyberCookie Жыл бұрын
"If I am being completely honest with myself, just gentlemen" Oof
@Trollpenguin Жыл бұрын
[pretends to be shocked]
@theangerborn4257 Жыл бұрын
Haven't played him on PBE, just now I am enjoying playing him and here are couple thoughts for people who are wondering what the champ does. - you need a LOT of mana. I usually go all the runes for mana, ring + tear + the corrupting potion. He eats mana like crazy and it helps you balance it out with bullying your opponent and recovery - his CC abilities have very short range, too short in fact in my opinion. I thought his EW (the eye that roots) has a decent range but its far from that. It should have a decent range and last a bit longer than 2 seconds. However, you can technically cast it above yourself in case you get jumped on by Akali or sth - His QE (wave clear) ability is strong with DOT, it really helps poking with Comet and clearing the wave easily. The range is very decent so you can definitely catch minions at the back of the wave - his supporting abilities are pretty weak. early game they are decent, but later WW (the shield) is simply miserable. It's maybe 1/10th of Lulu's shield and yet costs more mana. - what I didn't know before is that when you cast certain abilities RIOT GAMES automatically select the next brush for you to do your combo faster. which is a fantastic detail, though you have to remember about it. otherwise you accidentally cast an ability you didn't want! - he isn't the best mage. In fact, play any other artillery mage and you can shit on Hwei very easily. His abilities cannot go through a minion wave to dis-engage, so Lux, Syndra, Akali, Zed etc can easily fuck him up. - you play like a pussy and poke your opponent down, basically - his ultimate is suppose to help him land a combo better, rather than be a finisher. and it's too slow and narrow in my opinion
@settdunk6430 Жыл бұрын
For anyone who is learning Hwei. Use the WE + QE combo. This will let you proc passive from a far and push the minions easily. Sure you can QQ but that dosent pass trough minions.
@josh2066 Жыл бұрын
Ryscu your streams and content always crack me up. Thanks mate!
@samarman1634 Жыл бұрын
Been playing him Support on live since he was released. In Silver/Gold he feels pretty good to me. Artillery and zoning is definitely his strong suit. I feel like the thing people probably get wrong on him is knowing which spells to cast and when to cast them. I DO completely agree though his mana costs are bonkers. I always play PoM and Manaflow with him to keep up his mana.
@clararitz8968 Жыл бұрын
"Just gentlemen", that felt a bit exclusive :( lmao
@BansheeNT-D Жыл бұрын
Look at Ksante when he came out, everyone said he is bad. But he was released before the item change last season
@hisokaan9315 Жыл бұрын
To be honest this is my favorite League KZbinr, every time I watch a new video there is some new stuff to cover up, then there are the cool self impression sections and I was even able to catch a glimpse of your Stream while on break today, really enjoyed it, keep up the awesome work!
@dancingimmortal448 Жыл бұрын
ive been enjoying him with how good his quick combos are, my favorite is we,eq,qq. it quickly gives back the full mana from ee and while their feared its hard to doadge qq.
@FroslassFan13 Жыл бұрын
I love the game play videos! It is really fun seeing you play and test out things the community is talking about! Also love your content :)
@mestreinvoker6108 Жыл бұрын
I played him on Arena, and I just loved playing, you have so many options and different combos that it doesn't feel like a difficult champion, it's just so enjoyable overall
@FluffyCoww Жыл бұрын
“Just gentlemen” hurt my feelings 🥲🥹
@dathore Жыл бұрын
Hwei's passive is called "playe confusion" and it's very strong.
@tomk5238 Жыл бұрын
2013 we have assasins, ninjas, monsters... 2023 we have artist...
@TZAR_POTATO Жыл бұрын
I feel like he's hard limited by cooldowns in team fights, and will "lose" a third of his abilities because they are not an effective use of the cooldown of a color. Looks cool, but does he play fun enough to not be forgotten in a couple months?
@teekameeka6423 Жыл бұрын
he's honestly a good champion. He's a pain to gank because of his fear. And if he scales he one shots you with burst damage and movement speed zap. You also can also barely catch the guy.
@neveser702 Жыл бұрын
Briar on release had also 27% and 2 months later was disgustingly broken
@dolofonosesostrefis Жыл бұрын
I feel like this is gonna be a K'Sante situation, where everyone said he was really weak so he got buffed then Jak'Sho came out and suddenly he wasn't so weak any more.
@UrSammich Жыл бұрын
I only got one game with him in as a support role. I felt like I struggled a bit with him still trying to make sense of combos. What didn't help was my carry was Mundo which isn't the best laner as Mundo recalled multiple times due to health. That game we won but because surrender. Other games I've faced or had Hwei, the team still lost with one game where he won. One game he got out pushed by an Olaf mid. So I think as of right now people are trying to adjust to his multi abilities. We haven't had any other multi abilities champs other than who I can think of being Lulu (if she counts). So its a learning curve. I see his potential, specially in high elo play, but I do see an adjustment to his kit coming soon if he continues to struggle a bit. I'm hoping that's not the case as I think his kit is amazing as an all rounder type play style, but he'll see.
@ClayedBack Жыл бұрын
I think that Hwei is so much fun and I like how complex he is! It is interesting to me that the WR was so low tho lol. I think the base health increase in this patch was really helpful tbh and I really do think that is one of the main issues. He does a great deal of damage and thats amazing but he is very squishy lol.
@AstrumHero Жыл бұрын
not that this comment will be seen much but I'll drop my thoughts After playing Hwei for a bit the only problem I really encountered was his early game survivability. Practically any meta mid champ either outranges him or can gap close him before he can do much, and even when someone like Yasuo is on top of him, there's no real way to get them off aside from EQ, which lasts for 1s. Also, keep in mind that his armor growth is terrible... The closest champ to him in terms of gameplay is probably Lux, and she gets a full 10 more armor at lvl18. So, what do I think should change? In my opinion, they should buff his E in general, especially EW since half the time it doesn't even hit any targets when it locks on. Either buff the range or the duration of CC/how fast EW locks on, and buff his armor a bit to put him with the other artillery mages. Probably nerf his Q's damage a bit to compensate, but otherwise he's probably fine. To clarify, Hwei is really fun, and he definitely has a big learning curve, AND he was initially balanced around new items, but I still think he's too squishy for the game state.
@XTheLolX301 Жыл бұрын
Every teamate i played with who picked him always say "sorry, i have no clue how this work"
@crzysotzaii4075 Жыл бұрын
Now i look closer , the mouse and keyboard of the cat move corresponding to the input of user...
@ventiisashrimp Жыл бұрын
I been 3njoying him so much as a aphelios main I haven't found another main in a long time. And he is just so fun I'm glad he got a buff bc he does need one
@gingersullivan3483 Жыл бұрын
Also an Aphelios main, just hit m4 on Hwei and biggest thing i can say is he’s almost the opposite of Aph. Aph is one of the best at many different things but only under certain conditions. meanwhile Hwei isn’t really the best at anything but he has access to all of it at any time
@Justanothermusicnerdxo Жыл бұрын
Ive been playing a ton of Hwei (and I did on PBE too) and sit at a 73% win rate on him in ranked. He’s actually very strong, but he requires great positioning like any artillery mage. If you’re good at Xerath, you will likely be pretty good with Hwei once you learn the combos. He has a tool for nearly any situation. Most people don’t know which combos to use for wave clear, poke, peel, kiting etc. QE + WQ for a slow zone that slows enemies and a speed zone that gives you movement is amazing for kiting and I’ve even spaced Rivens, Fioras, etc with it.
@alonelink7767 Жыл бұрын
For a hard champ he 100% need a buff/needed that hotfix. When he gets a bit ahead he feel average.(nothing crazy like 20/0) Comapred to other high skill champs like Syndra, Rivin Ezreal, old akali or orginal zeri. They would feel soo strong in the right hand rewarding these player despite being hard for newbies. Hwei just doesn't reward player enough who do play well on him
@notablightmain6177 Жыл бұрын
That’s exactly what I thought about Hwei when I played him myself. It’s like you have a cannon but without a cannonball. He had potential but no damage. Even so he is kinda slow and if you know what to look out for and you have a champion with dashes, you are never gonna get hit.
@zepredalux2159 Жыл бұрын
It s no surprise, a lot of players never played artillery mages like him, plus there is a big learning curve
@gudadada Жыл бұрын
90% of what I’m seeing happen in games is people just having terrible macro and laning because they don’t know their limits and repeatedly make bad decisions. Why is it surprising that a champion with 10 abilities takes time to learn.
@kogmawmain8872 Жыл бұрын
Why is Kog'Maw not listed on the artillery mage list? Hello?
@lostkay9511 Жыл бұрын
Personal experience as a P1 player. He’s strong, I have highest damage almost every game (or second/third). His R slows a lot and if you’re able to be in range for his E-E or E-W with a decent amount of item, chaining it with any Q’s would be a 1 shot. At lv 9 (with lucidity boots), Q-E wave clear is like rumble’s ult on crack. His W’s are great for team fight, move speed/team shield (reminds me of old thresh lantern). On the subject his W-Q helps getting back to lane rather quick and doesn’t cost that much mana. Over all he’s strong probably didn’t need that buff especially new items are coming but why not maybe he’d find it useful for this 3 weeks-ish.
@shadowmoon6935 Жыл бұрын
It feels like he's been built for new items
@applejackjk18 Жыл бұрын
The end of the year champs always feel weird on release because I have to imagine they were designed with the new season in mind. K'Sante last year was the same thing.
@howtodefeatisis1015 Жыл бұрын
Yeah honestly whenever I saw him locked in on the enemy team, even if the player was good I just kinda didn't really fear him at all even as an adc, his damage on basic stuff really just wasn't there (QQ, EE) the rest is simple enough to anticipate even without looking at his brush. I do like his R as it is though, I think it being hard to hit but rewarding is good, I feel like having him be slightly reliant on CC for that is for the better
@aeartwork_ Жыл бұрын
hes my favourite champion to come out of the game since ive joined honestly, im even considering role switching just because of him
@U_Geek Жыл бұрын
This is what you get if your spell description is a lightnovel
@Mingm23 Жыл бұрын
My main problem with him is his wave clear, since his q doesn't oneshot casterminiors early and he only has 2 damaging abilities. This kinda means in order for him to generate value with his utility, he has to sacrifice farm for roams, unless he has perma lane prio or is super ahead.
@MR0KITTY Жыл бұрын
WE then QE for a bit of a damage boost
@MagierJo2 Жыл бұрын
Why is everyone saying he's an artillery mage? He really isn't. He has 1 long range spell and it isn't even a poke spell. Imo that doesn't make him an artillery champ at all.
@mateszucs8192 Жыл бұрын
i am a xerath main i picked him up and for someone who is used to play high range squishy champs he is beyond broken especialy in teamfights
@chaotikkiller1617 Жыл бұрын
A small tune to damage numbers, new items, and fixing his EW to make it an actual ability is all that's needed. He's moderately playable but good luck doing anything to high success in higher elos, he gets abused by pretty much every matchup in the game with his only okay ones being a few melee's.
@EatEatEatRepeat Жыл бұрын
in addition to his large repetoire, the key-inputs are gonna be difficult for most new users, as you can no longer mash and spam your spell-keys.
@AlexanderMartinez-kd7cz Жыл бұрын
not to mention if you mistime the first button on a cooldown the second button will be a first button instead and you'll have an aneurism.
@cornwell4156 Жыл бұрын
he just feels like overcomplicated ap zed that deals less dmg
@dracerren3327 Жыл бұрын
Frankly, hes an advanced champ that just released. Hell be strong as hell once people learn to play him. As a brair main, itll be the same as her
@masonac-k7 Жыл бұрын
I first timed Hwei whilst playing with a group of friends. Within about 10 min I realised that, damn, this champion is HARD and confessed to the boys that my brain was melting. He might have a relatively low skill ceiling compared to a lot of leagues most notoriously difficult champions, but his skill floor just makes him something totally unique to pilot.
@Selthir Жыл бұрын
his skill ceiling is quite high, the moment others can pull fast combos with him is the moment they realize he is broken 😂
@carmelcutie1991 Жыл бұрын
He's not as complicated as people think. Ur Q is the high damage, your W is the speed up and shield, and ur E is the cc.
@andrew_h6 Жыл бұрын
One of the most fun and somehow most balanced-feeling champs to come out recently. I really enjoy playing as and against Hwei. His versatility is really cool, and I think his mid game is strong, but I think other mages do outclass him. Xerath, for example, feels way more oppressive. I hope they don’t buff him too much, but I also think that he doesn’t really need nerfing as far as I have seen.
@lovelickyist Жыл бұрын
He's so fun hahah, and as a jhin main i love how he's related to him
@evergreenzsavage2843 Жыл бұрын
I have a question, I’m a new league player and I haven’t seen characters like Briar of Hwei in game yet. Is it possible that the Europe/Asia server is behind another server by a few seasons? I’m still trying to get used to everything.
@kriena4190 Жыл бұрын
Just check the shop man. If it's there you can play em
@kriena4190 Жыл бұрын
But it's usually all the same unless you're playing wild rift. Pretty sure wild rift is not 1 to 1 with pc league of legends
@evergreenzsavage2843 Жыл бұрын
@@kriena4190 Ahh thanks, I am playing wild rift. I suppose that’s why I haven’t seen several characters.
@OwenJc00 Жыл бұрын
wait but the qiyana gameplay in the background looked sick!
@tynus293 Жыл бұрын
He is made for players that can read situations and quickly go through possible solutions for a problem that has been presented. Exp. being chased with a low hp ally. There are so many things that you can do with this champ , but most peoples critical thinking, or rather inability of it just fuckes them up. I don't feel like he is a champ that has the luxury of panic mashing buttons. I mean u can, but at what cost.
@treylon1234 Жыл бұрын
He's basically Merlin from smite iykyk
@snyperwulffgaming9575 Жыл бұрын
wouldn't Tiamat fall under the same category considering how her abilities work?
@treylon1234 Жыл бұрын
@@snyperwulffgaming9575 well the general idea is they both have 3 different stances attack, defense, and support (cc) the the difference is the shape of their abilities.
@Isisthepalmtree Жыл бұрын
Played against one who lost lane, but then became some wave clearing monster, who was poking from a long distance while covering the width of the lane. May be a form of someone knowing how to play him and understanding his strengths. But eventually, we couldn't walk up to the monster at all. I think he will be just fine and eventually be nerfed similar to briar.
@WyvernKnightBright Жыл бұрын
Hwei seems to be pretty great. I mean, being branded by Riot themselves as Syndra/Orianna with the skill cieling of Azir should make alarm bells ring. His Supportive Artillery style and fun gameplay is definitely gonna make me play him as APC akin to Seraphine, as they are both champs that love the teamfight fiesta life. The key to his gameplay is quickly adapting to which spell you need for which situation. For example Your QQ is better at all points for early damage and is arguably easiest to hit, but your QW is better for late game combos and snipes with it's great scaling. Meanwhile QE is wonderfully flexible, with the best AoE damage, a slow for peeling purposes, and area denial. Meanwhile the amount of what if's in the W and E pool are crazy. I feel like people are gonna fall into the trap of not respecting Hwei's low base Armour and his movespeed being some of the lowest in the game. As well as being too simple minded with his spells (Spamming QW and EQ with zero chance of landing them when there's more consistent and flexible options available) Thinking of other champs spells and how and when you'd use them is a great start, as long as you remember Hwei's versions have their own spins on them.
@LxnelyWxlf666 Жыл бұрын
this reminds me mordekaiser back in the days when the brazilean server was the only one playing him and the win rate compared to the other regions was crazy
@Wonback Жыл бұрын
And the story repeats itself, now instead of waiting for the players to figure him out, they will overbuff him and then they will kill him to the ground, as they did with the last 5 champions
@kivori3438 Жыл бұрын
I hope riot doesnt see this and think “oh he’s bad damage wise we should buff” cuz the issue is that everyone is trying him now and being difficult people just lose. I remember the first times i tried kindred which isnt hard per se but has their quirks and went like 1 8 / 1 9 and such. Then i learned and started doing 10 0
@andrewpitts4658 Жыл бұрын
why is vex not listed as an artillery mage
@west0168 Жыл бұрын
3:00 ahahh the "woopsie"
@Dyyve321 Жыл бұрын
Did the qiyana bug got hotfixed 2?
@purplekrakenyut Жыл бұрын
I’m just gonna enjoy watching their Hwei give us a free win
@KindredFenrir Жыл бұрын
It's the yuumu effect. People just don't know the champ good enough yet
@LynnLyns Жыл бұрын
Hwei seems to be the exact same case as K'Sante on release, low winrate but when the new items arrived BOOM pick or ban.
@Jetlef_B_Toast Жыл бұрын
Played against a grandmaster hwei player with 30 games on the second day of release. It felt a bit unfair to play against. But that's also the first time I played against him on midlane. His complicated kit makes it hard to read the animations that was my main problem with him. Now a few games against him. i still can't decern which ability he's gonna use just from his animation. Which is normally what I do against champs, read the animation, react accordingly. I might just need to drop a few dozen games on him myself so I can maybe start knowing which animation belongs to which spell. Idk
@Arison7386 Жыл бұрын
honestly i picked him up pretty easy, i wouldnt say i mastered him or anything i just feel like his attacks are really telegraphed and are easy to read and sometimes i mess up his combos because q is on CD so i think i qq or qe but nothing happends.
@jsmth99 Жыл бұрын
3:55 damn that Jhin must have had a fun experience that game.
@0mnom519 Жыл бұрын
Oh no!!! I've seen this pattern before *Yuumi *
@SylviAiya Жыл бұрын
But Ryscu I'm right here 😿 How can you say just gentlemen...
@Kokose Жыл бұрын
He will gain more winrate, but firstly, people expect him to deal a lot of damage when his laning phase isn't about getting 384738938474 kills and bursting people down as soon as you get level 3. His kit is about providing. Q combos provide damage and damage only (Q+Q poke, Q+W finisher/execution, Q+E waveclear), W provides utility and support to your team (W+Q movement speed, W+W shield, W+E selfish mana regen), and E is Crowd Control (E+Q Fear, E+W is stun/snare, E+E knockback/pull in). The point is to choose the right one, at the right time, for the right reason, You can can only use one ability from each type (damage, utility, crowd control) at once.
@hillsonn Жыл бұрын
I've played around 6 games and only won 2. Biggest issue just seems that he doesn't do enough damage
@Dws974 Жыл бұрын
i think the champ is balanced on the items for next season... must wait and see
@ThatCrystalityGuy Жыл бұрын
To be honest I felt that he got significantly nerfed but after hitting some power spikes with items he becomes a beast in midgame. It's low winrate is mainly due to nature of this new champion, being hard etc. Similiar thing was with Briar since no one knew how to play with her. It's more like players incident tbh, I've noticed that some even written comments that he is actually busted, but like Briar, you just gotta learn.
@treyxi2772 Жыл бұрын
also thing about the fact they balanced him around next patch where many items are like 120 ap and in this patch items rarely goes over 90 so there is that ON TOP of the fact he is a sligthly harder champion that just got released. his winrate being this low with all of this counted in makes total sense but i have to say that the people that calls him busted is prob low elos playin against a smurf......
@evafanboy Жыл бұрын
its not high winrate now, but it will be when the new items hit the servers. look at new items and look at hwei's kit, almost like the items are specifically made for him. plus, its not actually a "hard champion" to play except matchup knowledge and that comes with time and experience.
@reik019 Жыл бұрын
It''s the samira incident all over again. She was ass beefore Mythic shop, and she got gigabroken wheen shieldbow (as mythic) came to live servers.