The Inciting Incident and How to find it - Screenwriting

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@Rafael-kb1ql 4 жыл бұрын
I needed this video. Most content out there doesn't define this clearly, let alone show good examples. Thank you very much for this. I was bit thrown off by the "Myths and Misconceptions" title. I realized towards the end that you were, in fact, listing the actual facts.
@ScriptwritingTips 4 жыл бұрын
I'm really happy to read such kind words. Thank you!
@merl4785 4 жыл бұрын
This was definitely a HUGE help for writing my novel!!! Thank you for this video!
@ScriptwritingTips 4 жыл бұрын
I also thank you for visiting. :-)
@nithinreddy4008 3 жыл бұрын
It's very useful to beginners. Thank you so much for everything.
@ScriptwritingTips 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I'm very happy you find the content useful.
@lazedreamor2318 Жыл бұрын
So, is the inciting incident when a character reacts to something of great value being absent? Such as when a character losing something or realizes that something is missing in their life?
@ScriptwritingTips Жыл бұрын
It could be, but I think you're limiting it too much if you put it that way. The inciting incident is the first thing that happens, which changes everyday "normality" e.g. Every day was the same boring thing, going to work, returning home, watching tv, and sleeping. One day, he received a strange anonymous letter... blah blah which changed everything in his life. In this example, receiving the letter is the inciting incident. Let me give you a different example now. Every day it was raining flowers in this strange world. She would grab the first flower that fell into her hands and she would put it in her hair. But that day, a sudden flash in the purple sky ceased abruptly the flower rain. She didn't know what was happening. The sky started raining drops of water. It seemed like it was crying. She didn't like that at all. She decided to find out why this was happening, after all, she wanted her flowers back. So, she set up a mission to discover the truth. In the second example, the inciting incident is the flash in the sky. I hope the above examples make it clearer now!
@lazedreamor2318 Жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips Very helpful, thank you!
@nikkinewbie6014 Жыл бұрын
So, Jurassic Park…the worker gets killed. The family complains and the investors insist that the park then needs to be signed off on which requires for experts to weigh in. Hammond seeks out and invites Dr. Alan and the paleo biologist to the Island. Go back to the part where the guy gets killed and let’s see how many other things could have happened after that: Hammond could have given up. The investors could have said “one man? Regrettable but that’s acceptable- keep moving forward with no conditions.” Hammond could have gone to another expert - Not Dr. Alan. Contrary to what’s said here, I have seen other sources cite that the inciting incident DOES have to happen to the protagonist and I’ve heard that it is the thing that makes a movie THAT movie and no other. If any of the scenarios I named above had happened, clearly it would not have been the same movie. Now, when Hammond comes to the dig and issues his invitation to Dr. Alan and the other expert - THAT is putting us on the path to the movie we know as Jurassic Park. At that point, either the protagonists will either say yes or no and there are not six other things that could happen. If anyone other than Dr. Alan (who hates kids but risks his life to save two kids that aren’t even his) is chosen to go - this is not Jurassic Park. Do you see how the story grows out from the protagonist? The inciting incident should be something that directly involves the protagonist. It’s an opportunity that is interrupting the protagonist’s status quo (in this case his dig / his normal job). The two Drs. refuse at first but then they accept. That’s the decision they’ve made to go on the adventure or take advantage of the opportunity and leave the ordinary world whatever you want to call it. That decision is the first plot point which shifts us into - Act 2 surviving the island. In this case, the inciting incident and first plot point happen in short time. I’ve also heard the example of ET where people say the inciting incident is when ET gets left behind. No. He could have gotten hit by a truck. He could’ve gotten captured by the police. He could have walked to Mexico. The inciting incident is when Elliot, the protagonist and ET see each other for the first time. Elliot is then obsessed with ET and ET finds comfort and safety with Elliot. But again, until the two meet, anything could have happened before that. Finding ET presents the protagonist an opportunity. Yes It happens TO him. The protagonist is the yardstick by which the audience measures the importance of everything in the Story. They are the North Star. It’s their story. The story doesn’t start / is not incited unless and until a plot event directly affects the protagonist by bumping them out of their comfort zone. Story is about someone that wants something very badly, has trouble getting it and either succeeds or doesn’t. Dr. Alan wants vindication and proof that his theories about the behavior of dinosaurs are correct which he cannot prove with just the skeletons. The inciting incident is when Hammond shows up giving him a chance to obtain that vindication; not when some random guy gets killed on the island off the coast of Costa Rica. Armageddon. Inciting incident is when NASA first discovers the asteroid? No. NASA could have said “make your peace we’re all dead.” They could have chosen some other expert. Armageddon is not Armageddon unless and until the military guy shows up on Harry Stamper’s oil rig and takes him to NASA to hear the bad news. It’s simple. If inciting incident is the interruption of the status quo, whose status quo are we talking about? Some random guy who gets killed at the beginning of the movie with no connection to the protagonist? No. The standard is for the protagonist’s status quo is interrupted - and it shouldn’t be by six degrees of separation. If too many other things “could” happen instead of it coming down to an opportunity or a problem etc that the protagonist is presented with and must either accept or decline via the first plot point, it’s not the inciting incident. It should be something they don’t initiate / control / seek out. It should be something that happens to them or some opportunity or problem that is presented to them. So respectfully, I disagree with the poster of the video. Just to finish it out, Armageddon / the first plot point is when Harry says the NASA personnel will screw up the digging of the hole and if that’s all that’s involved - digging (no astronaut stuff) he will go up and dig the hole and ask his team to come with him. That’s the decision he makes after HIS status quo is interrupted. Not the status quo of the random dude at NASA who first sees the asteroid…which eventually leads to NASA calling on Harry Stamper. That’s too early and it’s not protagonist centric. Like Harry, Dr. Alan makes his decision after he is incited to do so by Hammond’s direct invitation and offer to fund his continuing research for another three years.
@ScriptwritingTips Жыл бұрын
Wow! Such a long comment and I reaaaally don't have the time to answer everything. I'm just going to say that of course I also have seen the "other sources" you mention and I just... disagree. Allow me to disagree, please, that the inciting incident has to happen to the protagonist. The inciting incident is the first piece of the domino. Of course, the story can go in many different directions. What makes this particular story what it is, is not the inciting event but the first plot point. I think the first person who ever used these terms in his book about the screenplay was Syd Field. He also separates the inciting incident from the key incident or whatever you want to call it. But since all this is just terminology and names, let's agree on the following: Is there always an event that starts the story? There is. Is there always an event that pushes the protagonist to get involved? There is. Are those two the same event? Well, in my opinion sometimes yes and sometimes no. That's so simple. And remember something else. If an event is completely irrelevant to the story, it wouldn't even be there in the first place. The event with the guy that gets killed is necessary to start the domino and for everything else to happen. If Spielberg didn't need this scene he would have cut it.
@nikkinewbie6014 Жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips Yes there is always an event that starts the story. The story has to start somewhere. Jurassic starts after the Park is already underway to being built. Everything happening before the handler is killed is backstory offscreen - I agree with that. But the handler getting killed is a Hook. It hints at the premise of the movie: theme park with live dinosaurs thst cannot ever really be safely controlled. Of course it’s necessary to the movie! I didn’t say it wasn’t necessary. I said it wasn’t the inciting incident. All scenes should have a cause and effect on the subsequent scene. Because the handler was killed, his family caused ruckus, which caused investors to become leery which caused them to demand sign off which caused Hammond to seek out Alan. You can trace cause and effect throughout the movie on every scene. Dominoes. But being a domino or even the first domino we see on screen doesn’t necessarily make it an inciting incident. For example, the handler gets killed - okay- but what if Hammond had just asked Dr. Malcolm to go to the Island and not Alan? Same movie? No. But once Hammond asks ALAN to go - now we have Jurassic Park in a manner that could not otherwise play out the way it did. Remember, we are tracking a specific protagonist. He’s the reason for a movie. The domino that changes (catalyst) the protagonist’s life is the domino in the first act that causes(incites) the protagonist to have an opportunity to go on a journey of change. That is the inciting incident. I will stick with that term because it’s what you have used as the title to your video instructing people how to find it. The protagonist will have to make a choice right after the inciting incident happens because it’s happening to him and not someone else. What choice did Alan have to make as a DIRECT result of the handler being killed? None. Hammond had to make a choice at that point but he’s not the protagonist. It’s Alan’s movie. Structurally, the inciting incident has to tie directly to him and not just eventually after ten other things happen because it’s his journey we’re going on. The guy getting killed is backstory /hook / set up. The dominoe that gets the protagonist Alan involved and incites him to decide to go - is simply and directly when he is invited by Hammond to go to the island. By the way, Once upon a time usually is formatted to mention the protagonist FIRST right after “a time” as in “there was a Hero, main character that was living their life but they wanted something. One day…they were given an opportunity to get it (inciting incident). Or they were presented with a problem (inciting incident) and were forced to solve it. My point there is that it’s always all about the protagonist. Therefore, find the Protagonist, find the most DIRECT change to his status quo and THAT is the inciting incident because it is the thing that they can’t walk away from and the event that leads to the course to change their life…after they commit to the decision that leads to the second act via the first plot point. So we will have to agree to disagree on how to find the inciting incident in a movie or story - especially soecific to Jurassic Park - but I wish you continued success with your channel.
@ScriptwritingTips Жыл бұрын
Hi@@nikkinewbie6014 Yes, we will have to agree that we disagree on this. However, you admit that "You can trace cause and effect throughout the movie on every scene. Dominoes. But being a domino or even the first domino we see on screen doesn’t necessarily make it an inciting incident." Of course, it does! That's what inciting means! I have another video where I explain that the inciting incident and the call to adventure are not the same thing. Most people say it's the same. From your argument, I guess you do too. But, the Call to Adventure happens to the protagonist, while the inciting incident is what causes the call to adventure and it DOESN'T have to happen to the protagonist. By the way the argument you keep using about "same movie or not" doesn't prove anything actually. In EVERY turning point, there are several other things that could have happened that would turn it into a different movie. And there are plenty turning points in every movie. It's the Theme that keeps it together and makes it this particular movie and not something else. Anyway, when you're writing, what counts is your writing and not what terms you're using and how. It's really okay to have your own thoughts on this, as long as this helps to your writing. So, if you're a writer, I wish you all the best! And I'm pretty sure that you will use scenes like the one with the guy who gets killed in JP when you realize that they're necessary to your story, even if you don't call them inciting incidents. (Btw, it's not just a hook...) 🙂
@mr.diluaa8941 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing content 💞
@ScriptwritingTips 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@robbiejones2216 11 ай бұрын
Lol. I don't want to go, it smells. It's your mother... that made me laugh so hard.
@lharish0407 3 жыл бұрын
Great work! 👌
@lharish0407 3 жыл бұрын
🙏 please make more content
@EMMandM1 2 жыл бұрын
Hi and thank you for the content I just wanted to know your thoughts and opinions on the save the cat book by Blake Snyder
@ScriptwritingTips 2 жыл бұрын
In my humble opinion, I love what Blake Snyder did with this book. He gave some really helpful secrets to aspiring screenwriters. Many people condemn the book and say that it is a formula. I say, that if you want to look at it as a formula you can do it, but you have missed the real point he makes in his book. To me, this book is a gift to young screenwriters and together with some other books from other authors, I have them in my heart and in my mind!
@EMMandM1 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTipsyeah... I think his formula of story could be read in order to have a grasp of what the three act story structure looks like Thank you so much
@clipsedited374 3 жыл бұрын
Is it possible for a story to begin with a inciting incident straight away?
@ScriptwritingTips 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, of course! In Jurassic Park the story begins with the inciting incident (a dinosaur kills a person). However, the story still takes the time to build the world and present the characters, before the protagonists learn about what happened and why they are invited in the island (that's the call to adventure).
@Musicasportugal1324 5 жыл бұрын
I would like it to fail about the structure of the script
@ScriptwritingTips 5 жыл бұрын
Hello, I don't understand what do you mean. Do you need any help?
@Musicasportugal1324 5 жыл бұрын
I would like to watch a video explaining the construction of the character world and the construction of the characters. Also on Linear Narrative.
@Musicasportugal1324 5 жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips I would like to watch a video explaining the construction of the character world and the construction of the characters. Also on Linear Narrative.
@ScriptwritingTips 5 жыл бұрын
@@Musicasportugal1324 That's an excellent idea! I'll try to make such videos, as soon as I can.
@Musicasportugal1324 5 жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips Many thanks, I liked many of the videos. Congratulations.
@__________________2450 3 жыл бұрын
You need an editor
@ScriptwritingTips 3 жыл бұрын
I know, but there are several obstacles right now. Nevertheless, I'll do a research. Anyone to suggest?
@ivydune4185 2 жыл бұрын
when you're dealing with the mafia, everything's an inciting incident :D
@jamesmullisjr445 4 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry but you need to perk up. Good content, kind of by the books. I went to KZbin not Webster.
@ScriptwritingTips 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your comment! I'll try to. :)
@Tousicle 3 жыл бұрын
@Escudero Comics I think he is well-meaning. He only expresses his disappointment with the presentation of the content rather than the content itself. And he is coming from a matter-of-fact point of view, rather than one of an abundance of emotion (none being better than the other, but some people prefer more than just "I hate this" which was not the case). He started his sentence with "sorry" and proceeded to tell his reasons. You can see it as ungrateful, but in my opinion no one owes anyone anything. Not even our attention. He commented... which goes to show he cares. Otherwise why would he? If he didn't care at all he could have moved on, and sure; you might say; if you don't have anything positive to say why say anything at all; lol, but ST even found the positive. They EVEN REPLIED to it to say "I recognize your value and I will implore your input NEXT TIME". Life is a process. I think he is being very helpful by addressing this because it is true on this highly competitive platform that one might need to up their standards than having a simple power-point with stock-footage. Perhaps ST wasn't getting the views they wanted and this comment sheds a light on to the reasons why. 15 minutes of video may as well be 2 hours of work, with nearly 3,000 views to show for it... The commenter even exposes his age which may lead to demonstrate that the targeted audience may require better editing techniques if they are to capture their attention. Otherwise you risk boring your audience and losing them completely to an otherwise knowledgeable video. We've all experienced ungratefulness from time to time; but this lack is not something we would condemn in others if we didn't see it within ourselves first. All will come by their own path. So perhaps instead: you are in disappointment with his disappointment. ...And perhaps that in itself shows how you are lacking gratitude for his comment? Do you see how that is a double bind :) Let us forgive and forget :D Because whether gratitude is in there or not, it doesn't take away the value you yourself feel for it. Namaste!
@StellaAnuotv Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing,pls I want you to mentor me on screenwriting. Reply pls🙏🏿
@ScriptwritingTips Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry for the late reply, but I was working on a TV project. Do you still need a mentor or have you found one?
@StellaAnuotv Жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips I have not found yet🙏🏿
@JEA1965 3 жыл бұрын
simple , clear and short clarification ... this film thiory are not only for beginers ..... I'M SRILANKAN
@ScriptwritingTips 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much :D
@chamomile08 Жыл бұрын
Thank you!! The explanation is pretty clear
@ScriptwritingTips Жыл бұрын
Nice to read that!
@hellocinema1034 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't understand your last point. If the inciting incident happened before the story begins, the story has already begun before it starts. It always happens before the story begins, it always kick starts the story. What you tried to say I didn't grasp, please help. Also one more help I want, what is the turning point in the Game movie.
@ScriptwritingTips 2 жыл бұрын
Hello! I see where you're confused. It's my bad. I meant not before the movie begins (or the play, or the novel). The inciting incident always happens in front of us, not in the backstory. And I wanted to stress that because I have heard many people say that the inciting incident in Hamlet, for example, has happened before the play begins, which is wrong. I hope that my argument is more clear to you now. However, I don't understand your second question about the turning point in the Game movie. There are many turning points in every movie or play. Which one did you want to know about?
@hellocinema1034 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips Thank you very much, I understood now. Regarding my second point, I was talking about the 1st plot point where the protagonist takes on the journey. I will have to revisit The Game, actually I should have asked after watching it. I will ask you this question if I fail to identify the 1st turning point if I can't identify it. Thank you again for responding and clearing my first doubt. Your playlist has been very helpful.
@ScriptwritingTips 2 жыл бұрын
@@hellocinema1034 Ok so, let me know if you have any other questions after revisiting The Game. :-)
@hellocinema1034 2 жыл бұрын
@@ScriptwritingTips So I am watching The Game, but I couldn't specifically locate the first turning point. First turning point means the journey begins after that. I can exactly understand the inciting incident is when Cornard gives Nick the CRS card. After that Nick has the choice to join it or not. But things happened after that must have tempted Nick to consider joining it. So is it when he sees the advertisement billboard of CRS in the building or when the two gentleman whom he overhears in the club later tempts him to join or the rejection call from the CRS. But after reaching home in the night, Nick had no choice, the game has already began for him, he was not taking the calls anymore, that clown in his driveway, the key and the television behaving erratically, so the journey already began for Nick and he is into the game. So help me in identifying the first turning point and when exactly is the beginning of the 2nd act. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@ScriptwritingTips 2 жыл бұрын
@@hellocinema1034 Hi! You're right, the inciting incident is his brother's gift on his birthday. To find the first turning point (the point that is the beginning of Act2) is a bit trickier. Nick having a choice in this particular movie is just an illusion. His brother has already bought the game for him. Nick just has to learn to let control and live his life. So if you're trying to decide the first plot point by whether he makes a choice or not it would be difficult to find it. An easy way to find where Act 2 begins is always to try and locate when the protagonist's life has turned upside down. Life in Act 2 should be the opposite of life in Act 1. Nick always had control of his life. So when does this change for the first time? I believe it's when he finds the clown in his driveway. That's a major turning point. However, everything else you have described, such as his decision to take the test, etc. are also turning points, but his life is turned upside down when he gets rejected and finds the clown. It's not an inconvenience, I enjoy these conversations!
@Musicasportugal1324 5 жыл бұрын
Parabens muito bom o video
@ScriptwritingTips 5 жыл бұрын
Sorry, I don't speak Spanish or Portuguese. Would you like to share it in English? :)
@ScriptwritingTips 5 жыл бұрын
I've googled translated it. Thank you very much for your kind words! :)
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