Multe gratias pro invitar me a participar in iste video. Il ha essite un experientia multo amusante con collegas vermente gentil.
@fabiolimadasilva3398 Жыл бұрын
Mi salutas vin pro via cheesto en la filmeto. Kelkfoje Lucas preskauh igis vin paroli la galegan, chu ne?
@SinilkMudilaSama Жыл бұрын
Carlos Riveiro, hola amigo, dejo sitios interlingua, blogs y aplicaciones para que muchos lo aprendan, de hecho es un idioma muy bonito, y claro que soluciona problemas lingüísticos entre culturas romances y no romances entre sí, además de ser un idioma internacional puede ser utilizado por todos los países sin restricciones. Un abrazo, buenas noches.🥂🥂🥂👍👍👍
@martelkapo Жыл бұрын
mi tre alte prezis spekti vin ludantan kun la gastoj, carlos! bonegan energion havis vi ĉiuj. varmajn salutojn el usono
Жыл бұрын
@@martelkapo Multan dankon! 🙂
@fabiolimadasilva3398 Жыл бұрын
@Nedankinde, Carlos! Bonan laboron al vi kiel disvastiganto de Interlingua.
@coffeeguyd Жыл бұрын
I didn't realize I was accidentally speaking Interlingua all these years trying to speak various romance languages horribly and getting them all mixed up! 😅 I understood about 99% of what was being said... amazing!
@EsperantoVarietyShow Жыл бұрын
I have learned not only to understand Interlingua, but to speak it too. Your comment is interesting to me because I felt some parallels in my path to Interlingua. I often say that I learned Interlingua against my will. I too dabbled in many romance languages -- often because materials for these languages were very easy to come by and consume -- e.g. at the library. I also read a fair amount of messages in Interlingua. What pushed me over the edge is when I made a small effort to learn a few Interlingua particles. Suddenly I noticed that not only could I understand Interlingua, I could make a passable show of writing it, even though my spelling was bad. The method you're describing is what I call "language salad." I find that Interlinguans are often opposed to this approach, even though they can understand it just fine.
@Scarlitcorpse5 ай бұрын
Yo también 😂😂😂
@antonionorato6900 Жыл бұрын
As a native Italian speaker with basic knowledge of French, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin, I understand 100%. Really fascinating, it would be great if this language could be taught in schools, that would greatly facilitate the mutual comprehension among people who speak romance languages.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Pènso que la mellîore optione sería usare una lengua auxiliare zonale entre totos los paeses latinos. Afortunatamente, ja exsíste por las lenguas romànicas et èst la lengua en que te estao escrivèndo acora: lo "Romance Neolatino" (aut "neolatino"). La causa bèlla de lo neolatino èst que hi ha moltas optiones por paraulas, èst dícere, moltos sinònimos de vàrias fòntes (como las lenguas ibèricas aut paraulas plus italianos). La grammàtica èst, obviamente, molto plus romànico per que lo neolatino non pròva de èssere una lengua internationale por parlantes de lenguas europèas en generale, donque solo prènde en consideratione las lenguas romànicas respècto ad la grammàtica et lo vocabulàrio. Hai un vídeo en mèo canale onde parlo neolatino si èst qualcausa que te interèssa.
@zebimicio5204 Жыл бұрын
Better yet, make a basically modernized latin by taking in every similar words with common meanings from different surviving romance languanges and standardized the pronounciations and spellings throughout different countries.
@mmneander1316 Жыл бұрын
@@zebimicio5204 That's exactly what Interlingua is (or aims to be), a modern Latin.
@carlosacta8726 Жыл бұрын
Ciao Antonio! Same here, but native Spanish speaker!! I think Valcarcel is really on to something!!
@iuavuii Жыл бұрын
As an french with some basic italian and latin i can also understand 100%
@cristinavalan7152 Жыл бұрын
As a native Romanian speaker that doesn't really speak any other Romance languages, I am surprised by how much I can understand! It's always a joy to see Carlos spreading this beautiful language!
@micheleventuroni2080 Жыл бұрын
Sunt italian și înțeleg tot. Asta pentru că atât tu cât și eu suntem latini. Dar pentru un german sau un norvegian, de exemplu, nu este cazul. Este o limbă pe care portughezii/brazilianii, spaniolii/latino-americanii, românii, francezii, italienii și alte popoare latine pe care le-am menționat o pot folosi pentru a se înțelege. Dar nu toate popoarele lumii.
@eduardbrais1948 Жыл бұрын
@@micheleventuroni2080 pot sa te întreb cum ai învățat romana așa de bine?
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
@@eduardbrais1948 Romanian is not too hard for speakers or other romance languages, so it would be much easier for an italian than for a russian for example
@tudororza Жыл бұрын
As a romanian speaker, interlingua for me is more intelligible than other romance languages. It's truly amazing!
@claromale Жыл бұрын
moldova es Romania
@Δ-Δ-Δ-Δ3 ай бұрын
Do you find Spanish intellegible, friend? How do you feel about the Romance languages in general?
@higorribeiro8318 Жыл бұрын
As a portuguese speaker that speaks no other romance language, i understood 100% . It sounded like someone trying to speak Portuguese but using lots of Spanish and Italian words randomly (which are pretty easy languages to understand).
@skuder491 Жыл бұрын
Sou brasileiro e entendo completamente a interlingua! De fato extremamente fácil de se compreender para um falante nativo de português e creio que para qualquer falante de idiomas romances também
Жыл бұрын
Concordo, achei muito fácil compreender, sou brasileiro. Acho questionável, contudo, a interlingua ser um projeto de língua universal pois está muito focada em línguas românicas.
@skuder491 Жыл бұрын
@ Concordo. Apesar de gostar bastante da interlingua, penso que seu melhor propósito seria o de ser uma espécie de lingua franca para falantes de idiomas romances (ou para pessoas que possuem algum conhecimento nesses idiomas). Como idioma totalmente internacional, ao meu ver, já será mais difícil - por exemplo, duvido que um sueco ou um falante de irlandês consigam compreender algo relevante
@rb98769 Жыл бұрын
Dá pra entender quase tudo que ele fala, é impressionante.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Si comprèndes lo interlingua bène, estao securo que me comprèndes bène altrosí, justo? 🙂Por que lo sappias, estao parlando lo ROMANCE NEOLATINO (aut símplicemente: neolatino). Ad propòsito, hao un vídeo 📹 en mèo canale ondo parlo neolatino si te interessa como sòna. Lo neolatino èst una lengua panromànica vera con totas las conjugationes verbales normales. Moltas personas non comprènden lo objectivo de lo interlingua, que èst èssere una lengua por toto lo mondo occidentale (aut parlantes de lenguas occidentales), malgrado soo aspècto aut que soo lèxico èst bastante romànico/latino. TOTO depènde de lo objectivo de la lengua data. Diría que si ad una persona le interessa lo concèpto de una lengua panromànica, èst dícere, una lengua que èst fàcile de usare, comprèndere, et modificare por parlantes nativos de lenguas romànicas, pènso que lo neolatino èst una solutione mellîore.
@mariateresasatta Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 io ti capisco benissimo, ma non sembra molto diverso da Interlingua, a un primo sguardo.
@ana-moon Жыл бұрын
Wao! For a Brazilian portuguese native speaker, this interlingua is VERY easy to understand! I'm shocked!
@marcmonnerat4850 Жыл бұрын
If you speak a Romance language and know another one, I think Interlingua is very easy to understand (French, Italian and Latin in my case)
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
If someone already speaks a Romance language, I think an option worth looking into is "Romance Neolatino", or simply called "Neolatin". It's a Pan-Romance language with all the verb conjugations expected from a typical Romance language, which is unlike Interlingua because Interlingua was designed to be a general language for the Western world (English is a source language, uses straight up Latin words, simplified grammar, etc.) Neolatin is even recognized as the "official" counterpart to the Interslavic project. Jan van Steenvergen, one of the creators of Interslavic, even attended the 2022 Neolatin Congress. It seems like not a lot of people know about it, so I thought I'd put the information out there. Also: I HAVE A VIDEO ON MY CHANNEL of myself speaking Neolatin. Why not check it out?
@iulykenoby6058 Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 i am romanian and i tell you both languages come from italian,Spanish 90% why? Why dont use more romanian language? Who made this was spanish or italiano
@vecnyded5332 Жыл бұрын
@@iulykenoby6058 No, they were Americans. The base of IA are 4 languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@iulykenoby6058 I'm not sure I understand your comment completely. Are you saying that Neolatin looks too much like Spanish and Italian? If your question is why does the Romanian language not have more of an influence, I'll try to answer to the best of my abilility. I believe the reason that Romanian has less off an influence is because Romanian is more distant compared to the rest of the major Romance languages (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese) which are more similar to each other. However, this does not mean that Neolatin does not take into account the Romanian language when it comes to vocabulary. I think for a better answer, you would have to ask Jordi Cassany-Bates, the founder of the Neolatin project.
@zaqwsx23 Жыл бұрын
@@vecnyded5332 It's based on Italian (even in this video he used Italian words), Spanish-Portuguese (basically considered as a single language), French, Romanian and English with some loanwords from German and Russian.
@Bellusik13 Жыл бұрын
It was an absolute pleasure to participate in the challenge and get introduced to Interlingua! :) Thank you so much for having me on the show, Norbert!
Жыл бұрын
Il ha essite un placer pro me participar in le video e facer vostre cognoscentia. Io adora le francese de Québec!
@vecnyded5332 Жыл бұрын
Esque vos sape, que in rusa lingua "Belkin" ha significate "le filo de un sciuro" ? "Squirrelson".
@aaronmarks9366 Жыл бұрын
Hey Bella! I'm a linguist from California and I found it super interesting how you pronounce in your Québécois speech. Is that typical of all of Quebec, or a particular region/city?
@popsmafaget3419 Жыл бұрын
@ uuiu
@popsmafaget3419 Жыл бұрын
@ oiu
@65fhd4d6h5 Жыл бұрын
I speak Catalan, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, and having had no exposure to Interlingua before, I could understand 100% of it, almost like it was my mothertongue. Incredible!
@burntchickennugget8142 Жыл бұрын
🥶🥶🥶 So like 5 languages?! Damn!
@Nehauon Жыл бұрын
¡Tú ets muito talentuoso!
@norielgames476511 ай бұрын
Speaker of Romanian, Spanish and French. I also watch shows in Portuguese and Italian often, though I don't speak them. Similarly to you, I understood 100% of it as if it was my mother tongue. As a matter of fact, I feel like I can understand almost everything in every romance language just by proxy of speaking the eastern most and one of the western most romance languages. Even the ones with kinda obscure pronounciations such as rumansch, Sicilian and the dead romance language dalmatian. I feel so connected to all of us. We're part of a big, Roman family!
@jonarthritiskwanhc Жыл бұрын
About 'spălat': The word 'a spăla' (to wash) is from a Vulgar Latin root *experlavāre, so it is related to 'lavar' in Portuguese and 'laver' in French, only with extra ex- and per- Latin prefixes. It's also found in Aromanian, Istro-Romanian and Meglano-Romanian. Romanian also has 'a la / lăia' (from Latin 'lavāre') as in Portuguese & French. Yet, it is an *obscure regionalism* that can only be found in the mountain regions in Muntenia, Moldova & Transylvania. It hasn't been used as a standard word since the 16th century.
@daciaromana2396 Жыл бұрын
I believe Spanish also has the word Lejia, which means bleach (albire or lesie in Romanian) but I'm not sure if there is any relation to "lavar" or not.
@aaronmarks9366 Жыл бұрын
That's super interesting. Romanian words have the coolest etymologies.
@flaviusnita6008 Жыл бұрын
Ai mei, în Ardeal, pe la Boița, foloseau termenul a lăi... Probabil de la lavare...
@florinalfonse4163 Жыл бұрын
A se ,,lăia"=a se spăla pe cap.
@iulianbogasieru5919 Жыл бұрын
Bunica mea din Moldova zicea "a la rufele". De regula, se folosea in combinatia a la rufele la riu. Pe la finele secolului 20 nu mai era utilizat. Sa amintim aici si de Creanga, In Amintiri din Copilarie avea expresia "la-ma, mama", adica om bun de nimic, lenos.
@martelkapo Жыл бұрын
Carlos is a fantastic host, definitely the most proficient speaker of Interlingua I've ever come across, and speaks very clearly! As a native English speaker who speaks Esperanto and a bit of Spanish, this was the easiest language to play along with for me of any video you've uploaded previously. Would love to see more auxlang content!!
@martelkapo Жыл бұрын
For those interested, here are the words Carlos presented in Esperanto: 1. bobelo 2. aluminifolio aŭ stanfolio 3. sakstrato 4. lavmaŝino 5. vesperto
@fabiolimadasilva3398 Жыл бұрын
Interlingua is a zonal constructed language for use of Romance language speakers. The same may be said about Interslavic which was made for Slavic people. As a Brazilian Portuguese speaker and student of Latin, I understood absolutely everything what Carlos said.
@amadeosendiulo2137 Жыл бұрын
Saluton! Mi estas polparolanto denaska kaj esperantisto, kaj mi konas iomete la hispanan kaj Latinon, do mi komprenis plimulton de la parolado en Interlingvao 😊
@fabiolimadasilva3398 Жыл бұрын
@@amadeosendiulo2137 Saluton, Amadeo. La kerno de Esperanto estas la latina kaj ghia idoj. Aliflanke, lauh mia scio, nia Majstro surbazis la verban sistemon je slavaj lingvoj, chu ne. Alivorte: estonta, estinta kaj estanta tempoj. En latindevenitaj lingvoj estas pli ol unu tipo de pasinta tempo, ktp.
@FranziO1997 Жыл бұрын
I'm German and I speak a little bit of Spanish and learned Latin at some point and I understood about 80% of what was being said. I have no idea why but I think it's really amazing. Thank you for this video!!
@mingyukim22 Жыл бұрын
I have no idea why I understand most of this language; I’m Korean and have been learning Spanish (with Duolingo😂) just for about four years… Guess it wasn’t worthless😂😂
@kayakisgod Жыл бұрын
I speak English and German, and I learned Romanian through my family, Spanish through school (but my Spanish knowledge is super minimal, 2 years in highschool) and I think interlingua is much more Spanish based than anything else, with the Latin links to keep it understandable to as many Romance languages as possible. The québécois girl lowkey did better than me during the video and I figured with Romo and Spanish I’d have an advantage lmao
@ironklaw Жыл бұрын
I speak English and French and have looked at Spanish and Latin. This was really natural and easy for me. It's a great "in-between" language between all the romance languages.
@alanguages Жыл бұрын
@@ironklaw I think Interlingua would be a great language to learn more Romance languages.
@mimisor66 Жыл бұрын
Sounds more Spanish to me.
@eljuano28 Жыл бұрын
Interlingua is hilariously comprehensible.
@leandrocruz2744 Жыл бұрын
Consigo entender a interlíngua perfeitamente. É mais fácil do que o romeno e o francês. Me lembra bastante o italiano em alguns momentos.
@edgarazevedo1306 Жыл бұрын
me lembra muito mais o latim: Sed etiam omnes nunquam pro per in illo iste 5th word: Mus Caecus (Latim Nominativo "camundongo cego") > murem caecum (Acusativo - caso Lexicogênico do romance ibérico) > Mur Cego (Galego-português/Português antigo), morcego (Galego e Português hodiernos)
@FatalHunter Жыл бұрын
@@edgarazevedo1306 Como o rapaz falou no vídeo, a Interlíngua é baseada principalmente em latim.
@isaqueteixeiraobregon Жыл бұрын
Justamente pq o italiano que se parece com o Latim.
@eviljoy84268 ай бұрын
@@isaqueteixeiraobregon confirmo que como italiano consigo entender 99% das palavras, muitas palavras sao exactamente como em italiano como o tempo verbal de fazer na terceira pessoa > faceva.. ele diz 'faseva' nos dizemos escrito em portughes 'fatchèva' entao escritas as palavras sao identicas como 'Dunque' a escrevemos no mesmo jeito e pronunciamos no mesmo jeito.. assim acho que pra nos seja muito facil ahaha
@默-c1r Жыл бұрын
I'm American but understand French at a high level and Spanish at an immediate level so this was very easy to understand. Thanks Norbert & all participants!
@gillianomotoso328 Жыл бұрын
C'est exactement pareil pour moi!
@timeup2549 Жыл бұрын
You are not American, you are a Burgerlander and nothing more.
@默-c1r Жыл бұрын
@@timeup2549 I'm vegetarian, I don't eat burgers
@timeup2549 Жыл бұрын
@@默-c1r Still not American and never will be. Now go pray to George Floyd and send men to die for Israel in the ME.
@gillianomotoso328 Жыл бұрын
@@默-c1r c’était très bizarre non? Jsp
@NantokaNejako Жыл бұрын
I'm a native German speaker. With some Latin, French and Spanish knowledge from school. And tiny little Italian knowledge from Duolingo 😊 And I'm really surprised how much I can understand. This is a really AMAZING language! I wish it were more widespread. I like it waaay better than e.g. Esperanto. Thank you a lot for this video, everyone.
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
Esperanto is far easier to speak, interlingua is far easier to undestand, they have somewhat different purposes. But yeah this is a VERY nice auxiliary language
Je ma langue maternelle est le français (du Québec) et mon père est italien. J’ai aussi une basse en espagnol. Je n’ai jamais aussi bien compris une langue que l’interlingua! C’est impressionnant! Je ne sais pas en combien de temps je pourrais l’apprendre pour la parler, mais pour ce qui est de la compréhension c’est à 99%. Ça serait tellement mieux de pouvoir de communiqué en interlingua plutôt qu’en anglais entre personne qui parle une langue latine! Mais à chaque fois que j’écoute l’un de vos vidéos je sens que je comprends toutes les langues du monde 😂. Bravo !!
@ironklaw Жыл бұрын
Je suis un anglophone bilingue (d'Ottawa) et, combiné avec quelques mots d'espagnol et d'italien, j'ai trouvé que je pouvais très facilement comprendre l'interlingua. Je pense que ça sera pas mal facile de l'apprendre, particulairement pour les francophones. La grammaire est presque pareil, et la majorité des mots sonts assez proches du français.
@senbonzakurakageyoshi662 Жыл бұрын
Ça dépends pour qui, pour les francophones unilingues qui n'ont aucune base dans aucune autre langue même romane, c'est probablement assez compliquer à apprendre, vu tous les emprunts à l'italien, l'espagnol, voire même le latin. Les anglophones du Québec et hors Québec ne capteront rien du tout et ne voudront pas faire + d'efforts qu'avec le français et vont vouloir qu'on recommence à leur parler en anglais! Sans parler des francophones du Canada hors Québec qui déjà de la difficulté à se faire comprendre dans leur langue maternelle et doivent constamment passer en anglais.
@senbonzakurakageyoshi662 Жыл бұрын
@@ironklaw C'est d'autant plus vrai pour un francophone qui a des bases dans d'autres langues, exemple : le latin, l'espagnol ou même l'italien!
@@senbonzakurakageyoshi662 j’ai jamais dit que je voudrais parler à un anglophone en interligua.. je parle très bien anglais… merci
@DanBlaze91 Жыл бұрын
As a french speaker also from Quebec, Canada, the Interlingua language is sooooo interesting! :O I would definitly want to learn this language.
@icekweebec512 Жыл бұрын
I love the accent from Quebec
@toscasam1353 Жыл бұрын
This challenge was PURE JOY! I loved Interlingua. I'm really sad to confess that I had never heard of it before, but now , thanks to this video, I'm super interested. Carlos' energy was so infectious and catching; I could listen to him speak for hours without getting bored. Also, I enjoyed the presence of all the partecipants: they were so nice and friendly and good guessers as well. One of my favourite language-challenges by far. Thank you for uploading this video and sharing the Interlingua experiment with all of us.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Alcuna vece has audito de lo Romance Neolatino ("neolatino")? Est como lo intereslavo, excepto que une las lenguas romanicas plutosto que las lenguas eslavas. Alcunos dicen que pare troppo italiano, mais potes decidere tu mesmo. Hao un video en meo canale si est qualcausa que te interessa.
Жыл бұрын
Mille gratias pro tu parolas!
@belmodany13 Жыл бұрын
This is the most fascinating chanel that I've discovered! I speak Romanian, Hungarian, English, Italian, German and understand Spanish, French and Portuguese. I understood all participants and "interlingua" as well! This is great!
@a.slatopolsky82 Жыл бұрын
As Spanish and Catalan speaker, I understand everything. It sounds to me phonologically as a strange mixture of Valencian and Venetian, but with a clarity that can be undestood by many romance language speakers.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Pènso que sene dúbita depènde de lo accènto nativo de lo parlante en questione. Lo parlante cui èst de Espannîa, donque, consequèntemente, èst plus probàbile que hajja un accènto típico de la península ibèrica. Ad propòsito, estao parlando lo "ROMANCE NEOLATINO", aut símplicemente "neolatino". Un altro exèmplo èst lo impulsore de lo projècto neolatino, Jordi Cassany-Bates, que èst de Valèntia. Quando publicau un vídeo de si mesmo parlando neolatino, ad elle una persona le diceu que sonava "catalano". En mèo caso, hai un vídeo en mèo canale onde parlo neolatino, et vedei en los commentarios de un altro vídeo onde mèo vídeo haveva essuto legato que una persona diceu que èo sonava "italiano". Lo que provo de dícere cui èst que depènde de lo accènto de lo parlante, et ad soa vece, cuesto pòte influentiare la perceptione de una lengua.
@a.slatopolsky82 Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 Pero el hablante de Interlingua es gallego y, generalmente, los gallegos al hablar castellano suelen tener un acento bastante fuerte y se nota claramente su procedencia. Justo lo contrario en este caso, me ha parecido percibir acento valenciano, veneciano e incluso italiano en su forma de expresarse. Entiendo tu argumento pero no se ajusta a este caso, aunque podría ajustarse a otros hablantes de Interlingua :)
@encarnacionandres Жыл бұрын
Com valenciano parlant si trobe certa similitud. Trobe què el català es un poc afrancessat i el valencià es pareix a l'italià a la manera de parlar
@vladodobleja748 Жыл бұрын
As a Romanian I understood Portuguese,French and Interlingua without any problem although I find Portuguese to be much closer to Romanian in terms of pronounciation. If need be I would learn conversational Italian,Spanish and Portuguese in less than 2 months for sure! With French for us it is difficult with the si conditionelle:))
@Therockfan30 Жыл бұрын
I actually find Italian the closest to Romanian in terms of pronunciation.
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
@@Therockfan30Not really, a lot of vowel reduction in portuguese make it sound like an slavic language (A lot of people say that european portuguese sounds like Ukrainian or Russian), and since this languages have influenced the way romanian is written, then it makes a lot of sense for some people to find some similarities
@Therockfan3010 ай бұрын
@@sebastiangudino9377 I am learning Portuguese and have heard Romanian. They sound nothing alike. Portuguese sounds like rough Spanish to me(depends on the dialect of Portuguese). Romanian sounds A LOT like Italian, especially the Italian spoken in the south of Italy. Italy is closer to Romania so it’s likely they had a better chance of influencing one another.
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
@@Therockfan30 You are literally under the comment from a Romanian claiming "Yeah, Portuguese is more phonetically similar to Romanian according to Romanian ears". You are not Romanian, you are not Portuguese what makes you thing you are an authority to contradict the literal native speaker you are contradicting. But even leaving that aside, both Portuguese and Romanian do a lot of reduction, and they do a lot of the same reductions. And yeah, a lot of dialects from Italy also undergo a lot of reductions, that is true. But that is not the case with standard Italian Don't get me wrong, they ARE similar, and Romanian is definitely intelligible to romance speakers (I'm talking from experience). But that does not take away from the fact that Romanian and Portuguese (And again, special European Portuguese) have a somewhat similar phonetic inventory
@Therockfan3010 ай бұрын
@@sebastiangudino9377 My country is Portuguese speaking country and I’m learning Portuguese now. Even with European Portuguese it has many dialects. The vowel reduction is mostly in the south of Portugal. Why are you so mad that Italian sounds like Romanian? Many people think so and I meant no offense by it. To me Italian sounds A LOT like Romanian and it makes sense because they are closer to one another and had influenced each other in the past. The words and phonology to me is more similar between Italian and Romanian. Like I said, it’s my opinion(I’m not going by false stereotypes) and I’m going by what I hear. End of story.
@realmahadeo Жыл бұрын
Never heard of Interlingua before, but I'm not surprised people invented it :) With my exposure to Spanish and French, I was able to follow the dialog pretty well. It sounds like the learners of Romance languages should start with Interlingua, and then it would be much easier to branch off in either direction :) Norbert, dzieki za odcinek! :)
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
I think an option worth looking into for both complete beginners of Romance languages and native speakers of Romance language is a Pan-Romance language called "Romance Neolatino", or just "Neolatin". Neolatin was never intended to be a general Western language like Interlingua, so it retains much more Romance characteristics, like all the typical verb conjugations. What's nice about Neolatin is that the speaker can also adjust it to their own individual preferences, like speaking a more Iberian or Italian version of Neolatin, adjusting small characteristics of the grammar or vocabulary. If you're interested, I have a video of myself speaking Neolatin on my channel so you can hear what it sounds like.
@realmahadeo Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 thanks for introducing Neolatino to me -- that's already 2 new languages in one day :) Great job on recording this video. Neolatino, in fact as you suggested, sounds closer to "proper" latin, while Interligua defintely sounds more basic. Maybe Norbert can make a video with both Neolation and Interlingua :) These both deserve some attention from broader audience
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@realmahadeo I'm happy that you learned something new today! I make this distinction because many people erroneously believe that Interlingua is "Pan-Romance" because it has a lot of Romance or Latinate vocabulary, but in reality, it really is not, according to its characteristics and objective. It's worth noting here that that does NOT mean Interlingua is bad at all, but I do want people to understand the objective of Interlingua and why it is the way it is. And simply put, some people are looking for different things, so I think it's best people get informed and they choose Interlingua or something like Neolatin based on their own individual assessment of each project's goals. If people want a "Standard European" language? Go for Interlingua! If that person's goal is a Pan-Romance language that conserves the verb conjugations and general characteristics of real Romance languages? Why not try Neolatin? It all depends on the objective and individual preferences.
@amjan Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 Hey, sounds fantastic!! Could you present a sentence in Neolatin, and at best the same one in Interlingua for comparison?!? I'd love to know how it is more true to the Romance languages.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@amjan Neolatin has all the verb conjugations and tenses that Interlingua lacks and that normal Romance languages have. If you go to the "lengua" page on the romance neolatino website, there is a conjugation tool and dictionary, so you can see how words compare between different languages before arriving at the Neolatin form of the word, and you can also see what the tenses look like in Neolatin. Interlingua is quite different than Neolatin grammatically for the following reasons: 1. It does not have the gerund (progressive) English: I am eating. Neolatin: Estao mangîando Interlingua: Io mangia. (simply "I eat" due to grammatical influence of French and German, which does not have the gerund) 2. Interlingua does not distinguish between preterite past and imperfect past English: Teresa was watching the television when Petro arrived. Neolatin: Teresa vedeva la televisione quando Petro arripau. Interlingua: Teresa telespectava le television quando Petro arrivava. (same past tense for both) 3. It lacks the imperfect subjunctive tense English: If I had a book, I would read it. Neolatin: Si havesse un libro, lo legería. Interlingua: Si haveva un libro, io lo legerea. (Use the one single form of past tense to convey this hypothetical meaning) 4. Lacks verb conjugations in general English: I bring, you bring, he/she brings, we bring Neolatin: Èo pòrto, tu pòrtas, elle/ella pòrta, nòs portamos Interlingua: Io apporta, tu apporta, ille/illa apporta, nos apporta.
@daciaromana2396 Жыл бұрын
Both the word "lavar" in Portuguese and "spala" in Romanian come from the Latin word "expellavare". But the Romanian word developed from the beginning of the word "expel-lavare", "expel" which became "spel" and finally "spal". The opposite happened in Portuguese, as the word "lavar" developed from the ending of the same Latin word. Another interesting word is the French-Canadian "Cul de sac", (which is the standard way to call a dead-end street in all of Canada). In French, the word "cul" is a cognate of the words "culo" in Spanish and "cur" in Romanian, which all mean "butt". So it translates literally to "butt of the street". However, in Romanian "cur" is a little vulgar to say because it's sexualized, like the word "ass", so in Romanian it would be the "ass of the street". This is why Romanian uses the more formal word "fund" which means "butt" or "bottom", it's cognate with Spanish "fondo" and English "foundation".
@hanzo99120 Жыл бұрын
"Cu" também é vulgar e sexualizado em português brasileiro Em nenhuma hipótese dizemos "cu" em uma conversa
@ivdragoslav Жыл бұрын
@@hanzo99120 intre amici eu zic "Du-te'n curu' meu!"; ei nu se simt ofensati. :>
@justinherrera3722 Жыл бұрын
Culo is sexualized in Spanish tho, I’d say the non sexualized word for butt would be “trasero” which is an adjective for behind just like the French “derrière”
@karolygyorkos8448 Жыл бұрын
As someone who speaks natively Romanian, decently Aromanian and Italian, understands some Spanish, I can say that this language sounds extremely familiar, easy to learn, extremely easy to understand even without the writing. It basically made me realise that Romanian can be spoken (in a certain unnatural, funny way) without using any Slavic words.
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
I met a romanian couple once by pure chance at a restaurant in italy, and they did not speak evey good english, so we eventually decided to speak our native languages instead (I speak spanish) and the conversation went much much better! They hade a few slavic words that i could not understand, but they fixed the way they speak to account for a lot of them, and the rest was very easy to pick up! So i absolutely have to agree
@mirceadraga7421 Жыл бұрын
Foarte frumos video ați făcut! Amuzant, relaxant, educativ! Felicitări autorului și celor trei participanți, de aici, din România! :)
@bastiwen Жыл бұрын
As someone who speaks French natively, can understand Spanish really well and a bit of Italian, I understood everything! I was very surprised, Interlingua is a really interesting idea
@pixeldoge5301 Жыл бұрын
As a Czech who has been learning Spanish for just over a year, I'm surprised that I can actually understand most of their conversation. I guess all the time I have put into learning Spanish has actually paid off, I feel motivated to learn other Romance languages as well.
@NantokaNejako Жыл бұрын
Just do it! 😊 From my experience, I can say that Italian seems really easy once you've learnt Spanish. (I'm a German native speaker, but I guess this might apply to you, too.)
@GusPorcel Жыл бұрын
Incrível como é mais fácil entender Romeno do que Francês... kkkkk
@PlasticSinks Жыл бұрын
@TheEaglePty89 Жыл бұрын
Sim eu Acho mais fácil o romeno que o francés na compreensao mas na gramática o romeno é dificil
@fabiolimadasilva3398 Жыл бұрын
Eu já acho o contrário. A Bella tem um sotaque bastante peculiar mas, mesmo assim, bastante compreessível.
@LeonardoMenezes03 Жыл бұрын
Como eu estava lendo a legenda, o francês foi muito mais fácil.
@thelegend3163 Жыл бұрын
O sotaque canadense pode ter dificultado a compreensão. Eu falo francês e como sou acostumado com o belga, até eu acho difícil o canadense de vez em quando. Já romeno eu não entendo quase absolutamente nada
@MrRubikraft Жыл бұрын
As a French speaker with only a little bit of knowledge of Latin, I understood 90 to 95 % of it! I got the clues very fast.
@sebastiangudino937710 ай бұрын
Do ypu think thr girl strugeled due to being from Quebec? Or do you think your latin just placed you ahead of the curve with this one?
@noahdry Жыл бұрын
This is blowing my mind. I was able to understand like 90-95% as a german with an ntermediate knowledge of french and a basic knowledge of spanish, both learned years ago at school
@fateful2868 Жыл бұрын
So exactly as George said, as a romanian, i can understand some 90% of everything in interlingua. It's not really as much for the words themselvs (if we are to take them separately) but once tied together in a phrase, is very much inteligibile. **I, unlike George, am not speaking another romance language so everything was a mere comparison between romanian and interlingua itself listening to it
@johaquila Жыл бұрын
Well, I am getting the impression you are also pretty fluent in English, which is one of the source languages on which Interlingua was built.
@georgefamily5486 Жыл бұрын
That’s right It was so easy to understand that I thought is Italian knowledge helps me , which I just learned it so easy
@teodorugabriel2175 Жыл бұрын
Unde se vorbește aceasta limba?
@fateful2868 Жыл бұрын
@@teodorugabriel2175 Nu se vorbeste nicaieri. Este o limba inventata care se dorea sa serveasca ca limba internationala (ca esperanto) si are la baza limbile romanice, insa daca ma intrebi pe mine, cred ca cea mai mare parte a vocabularului e bazat pe spaniola.
@georgefamily5486 Жыл бұрын
@@teodorugabriel2175 știu putin despre aceasta limba , a fost iNventata de curând
@robertofranciscomonsalvesp8080 Жыл бұрын
Gracias, Norbert. Soy de Chile, por lo tanto, mi idioma natal es español y puedo decir que se me hizo muy fácil entender interlingua. Además, Carlos la habla con mucha claridad. 👌
@RodrigoFernandez-td9uk Жыл бұрын
¡Somos el mejor país de Chile, hermano!
@bdwelle4311 ай бұрын
As an American who speaks some of a few Romance languages, I love watching these for the challenge of seeing if I can get the words and understand the various languages spoken. I got all five this time! Love the series!
@dragossh Жыл бұрын
As a Romanian speaker, I understood basically all of the Interlingua, 50% of the Brazilian, and 3-4 words of Quebecois. It sounded nothing like the French we learned in school 😂
@augth Жыл бұрын
As a Frenchman also speaking some Italian, I had the most trouble with Romanian. Surprisingly, I understood most of Brazilian Portuguese, maybe 80%.
@ericpalacios92011 ай бұрын
As a Spanish speaker with a few years of French in school, I understood most of the Interlingua, 50% of the Portuguese, 30% of the French, and 3-4 words of Romanian.
@franciscoflamenco6 ай бұрын
I speak Spanish natively, and French and Portuguese at around B2/C1 level. Naturally, the only language I had trouble understanding was Romanian.
@alexandruandrei7869 Жыл бұрын
As a Romanian speaker, I could clearly understand about 90% of Interlingua. Without speaking Italian.
@rollout1984 Жыл бұрын
I speak Spanish and have some familiarity with Portuguese, Italian and ecclesiastical Latin. Interligua is very easy to follow especially with subtitles.
@saebica Жыл бұрын
This video was amazing and I liked it.. As I speak Romanian, Aromanian, Italian, English, studied Greek and some little Latin, I see so many things I understand that.. It's impossible to miss anything.. It's automatically natural to my ears. Thank you
@aquiuvidex3574 Жыл бұрын
Soy hispano-hablante, también hablo inglés y francés y entendí todo, ¡estoy impresionado!
@FernandoFlores-gr4gc Жыл бұрын
Parece una mezcla de italiano y latín. I love these videos. Thanks Norbert.
@josazapr Жыл бұрын
Pienso que para casi todos los los que hablamos lenguas romances no es muy difícil entendernos siempre y cuando la otra persona hable despacio, es muy posible que el de mayor diferencia sea el francés, además el saber algo de Frances te hará poder entender mejor el interlingua, el Catalán etc. Muchas gracias siempre he disfrutado mucho estos retos multilingües
@sergiojose2000 Жыл бұрын
Con un a1 en estos idiomad entenderiamls buena parte de ellos, sin estudiarlos entendemos algo y estudiandolos aunque sea algo básico sería muy interesante.
@rudynoah5503 Жыл бұрын
Como mexicano debo decir que fue muy fácil entender :D ojalá lo usaramos todos los hablantes de lenguas romances
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Mais lo interlingua non est specificamente por parlantes de lenguas romanicas, si non por parlantes de lenguas europeas en generale. Cueste se vede en soo objectivo et metodologia, que mostra que lo anglese est la rattsone deretro de la simplificatione de la grammatica, et en menore mesura, lenguas como lo alemanno et lo russo han un certo nivel de influentia. Altrosi ("tambien"), lo interlingua ha paraulas de lo latino classico, et quando dico latino, NON me refero ad la lenguas romanicas, si non ad paraulas como "etiam", "post", etc. Est un errore commune credere que lo interlingua est "panromanico" devuto ad soo aspecto superficiale. Si voles una lengua que une ad las lenguas romanicas, te recommendo lo Romance Neolatino (aut "neolatino"), que est la lengua en que te escrivo acora. Da-le una oclata ad lo video en meo canale, onde parlo neolatino.
@calmyflory Жыл бұрын
As a romanian native who travelled a bit around europe, I find it fairly easy to understand. Seems like a modified italian, which is funny considering all of romance is modified "ancient italian" /latin. Makes a lot of sense why it sounds italian. PS: I'm at 2:50 , I call soap bubble
@stephanobarbosa5805 Жыл бұрын
compreendo boa parte do romeno graças ao italiano.
@waltroskoh8650 Жыл бұрын
As someone's who's studied Latin, I can tell you interlingua is just simplified Latin. As in no verb conjugations or noun declensions. Nos pote, tu pote, vos pote, illo pote.
@lorenzor2555 Жыл бұрын
Sono italiano ed anche a me sembra al 99% italiano con qualche parola latina, ma pronunciato con un accento spagnolo (infatti che lo parla qui è spagnolo. Altrimenti sarebbe ancora più simile all’italiano)
@luizbomfim2840 Жыл бұрын
INCRIVEL, FANTASTICO!! Eu sou brasileiro e entendo perfeitamente a Interlingua. Estou animado para conhecer a interlingua
@federicofrancolini5411 Жыл бұрын
It is a very weird, yet very pleasant feeling that of being able to understand literally 100% of this, I’m a native Italian speaker. Love this, really.
@KertPerteson Жыл бұрын
Love interlingua extremely glad that it finally got a video like interslavic so happy
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
"Romance Neolatino" is the true Romance language counterpart to Interslavic because the grammar is the same as normal Romance languages. Also, the Interslavic project acknowledges the Neolatin project, with Jan van Steenbergen (one of the creators of Interslavic) even attending the 2022 Neolatin Congress.
@KertPerteson Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 oh alright
@TheChrisSimpson Жыл бұрын
I understand 100% more interlingua than I thought i would.... Literally understood everything he said.... I'm not even a native romance speaker 👏
@xdlol59 Жыл бұрын
As a Pole who speaks pretty good Spanish and English and basic French I understood almost everything! Wow... Incredible.
@fred9796 Жыл бұрын
I’m Italian, I speak French and I was raised in a household where both Neapolitan and Sicilian dialects where commonly used. I generally understand spoken Spanish and written Portuguese, and I studied Latin in high school. This language is as clear as my mother tongue to me lol
@ledfordrobert3770 Жыл бұрын
Comme tout le monde l'a déjà dit, je trouve l'interlingua très facile à comprendre. Il est vrai que j'ai déjà de bonnes connaissances dans les autres langues latines: espagnol, portugais et italien. Et Carlos est vraiment quelqu'un de très agréable et gentil. Merci pour ce bon moment.
@MrMelo Жыл бұрын
Ahh, seria um prazer participar de um vídeo assim, eu fico doidinho tentando advinhar as palavras. kkkkkk. A Interlingua é bem curiosa, nunca tinha escutado.
@alejandrosolerdelafuente6232 Жыл бұрын
¡Que chévere! Soy de Colombia y entiendo el 90% de esta novedosa lengua. Aclaro, que solo hablo español como lengua latina y algo de inglés...Por favor, impulsen la enseñanza de esta lengua en colegios para comprendernos mejor entre hermanos latinos. En Sudamérica sería muy útil para hispanos y brasileños. ¡Me encanto la interlingua!✅ ¡ESPECTACULAR! 🎉👏🏼
@mikahamari6420 Жыл бұрын
Latin with the sound of Darth Vader: Interlingua, I am your Father.
@Ecolinguist Жыл бұрын
@Memezuii7 ай бұрын
tuus pater sum*
@RobertMihalache11 ай бұрын
Interesting ideas and perspectives.
@MrDanroK11 ай бұрын
@TheEaglePty89 Жыл бұрын
Gosto mais do romeno e portugués apesar que estou estudando francês e Romeno e achei o interlingua super fácil de compreender
@mauricioferreyra3213 Жыл бұрын
E você é de onde?
@ivdragoslav Жыл бұрын
N'auzi? De unde esti?
@TheEaglePty89 Жыл бұрын
@@ivdragoslavsunt din panama și vorbesc românește(un pic)
@TheEaglePty89 Жыл бұрын
@@mauricioferreyra3213do panama
@ivdragoslav Жыл бұрын
@@TheEaglePty89, felicitari! Foarte frumos! Bravo!
@ddogg9255 Жыл бұрын
Spanish as a second language and decent Italian comprehension. How strange that I can understand a language perfectly that I've never even heard about until today!
@AasaaL Жыл бұрын
Morcego in portuguese comes from the outdated: "mur cego", which means "blind mouse".
@maryocecilyo3372 Жыл бұрын
Interessante! Não sabia disso.
@matthewcox431 Жыл бұрын
Greetings from an American English speaker who has studied a bit of Spanish and sang in choirs for around 25 years. I was astonished at how much I understood!
@ferrumarctus Жыл бұрын
As a native Spanish speaker, with basic French and Italian knowledge, I could understand nearly 100% of what was said in this video.
@dan_leo Жыл бұрын
Very interesting video. I already knew Carlos. It looks like interlingua could be an interesting tool to foster mutual understanding among people speaking romance languages.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
I think Interlingua is a great general tool for writing a simple text that many can easily understand and for "learning" how to learn languages. However, if the goal is for speakers of Romance languages to understand each other better, then I would recommend "Romance Neolatino" (Neolatin). It's the Romance language version of Interslavic, and it only uses Romance languages as sources for vocabulary and grammar. It's a common mistake to think that Interlingua is Pan-Romance because of its superficial appearance, but I don't think it's the best if the goal is specifically to foster mutual understanding among speakers of Romance languages due to its non-Romance characteristics. Interlingua is still great though, but it's so easy for misinformation to come about without understanding what Interlingua really is and why it is the way it is.
@KasiaB Жыл бұрын
Ale świetny odcinek, wielkie dzięki, Norbert! Personally, I think the semi-constructed languages are a great idea. BTW, Interlingua is over half a century older than Interslavic. Just like in the case of Interslavic (which as a native speaker of Polish I am able to understand up to 100%, my knowledge of Croatian and my basic Ukrainian and Russian certainly help too), it is enough to know one of the languages belonging to the Romance language family, to understand most, if not all of what is being said in Interlingua. Obviously, the more languages from a given language family you know, the better you understand these auxiliary languages.
@kodekadkodekad4380 Жыл бұрын
Hi Kasia 😃So how much of the conversation in Interlingua were you able to understand? I have the feeling that even for monolingual French speakers Interlingua is very understandable, especially when you have the subtitles. Curious to see comments from French speakers here.
@kodekadkodekad4380 Жыл бұрын
And additional question: how does Bella's accent sound to you?
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to point out something MAJOR here. Interslavic is what's known as a "zonal auxiliary language" which are "constructed languages made to facilitate communication between speakers of a certain group of closely-related languages" an "intended to serve a limited linguistic or geographic area, rather than the whole world". What some people misunderstand about Interlingua is that despite its Latinate appearance, Interlingua was intended to be a universal language for speakers of European languages. Interlingua is not a true Pan-Romance language, upon further inspection of its characters and objective. In contrast, Interslavic is ONLY for speakers of Slavic languages, which is to say, it does not use non-Slavic languages as a major source for grammar, for example. Interlingua's grammar is supposed to resemble "Standard European", taking the minimum amount of grammatical features the major European source languages share. If someone wants the Romance language equivalent of Interslavic, it already exists: it's called "Romance Neolatino", or just called "Neolatin". Those at the Interslavic project are aware about it, including Jan van Steenbergen who even attended the 2022 Neolatin Congress. I have a video on my channel of myself speaking Neolatin if you want to hear how it sounds.
@KasiaB Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 Hi, from a purely formal point of view you are most probably right. However, I assure you that I understand most of the conversation in Interlingua only because I speak French and Romanian. Otherwise, I would understand only a few internationalisms of Latin or Greek origin that are present in most Indo-European languages, including Slavic languages (e. g., Italian: trasparente, Romanian: transparent, Slovak: transparentný, Polish: transparentny). The fact that Interlingua includes words from, for example, Japanese, such as samurai, doesn't make it a more "international" language, because this concept is as foreign to Italians as it is to Poles. Practically the entire vocabulary of Interlingua is based on Latin and Romance languages, I have noticed ,for example, that the word dunque comes directly from Italian (I'm referring to Italian because it's the language you speak besides English)🙂
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@KasiaB I understand what you mean: the people that will most easily understand Interlingua are people that already speak a Romance language. I am not arguing this. What I AM trying to say is that the objective of Interlingua was NOT to be Pan-Romance. For a project to be Pan-Romance, the objective of the project is for the language to be easily understood, spoken, and modified by speakers of a given language group (such as Interslavic for speakers of Slavic languages) with NO regard for other language groups and geographical areas. I'm saying that Interlingua was SUPPOSED to be developed as a universal language for speakers of European languages, even if in practice, Romance language speakers benefit the most. Again, just because Interlingua has a heavily Romance/Latinate vocabulary does NOT mean that it is Pan-Romance because Interlingua to varying degrees has taken systematic influence from English, German, and Russian. In contrast, something like Neolatin (Romance Neolatino) WOULD be Pan-Romance because the same verb conjugations and tenses are conserved, because the Neolatin project was created only with concern for speakers of Romance languages, and no other language group. It all depends on the objective of each project. However, it is sometimes hard to draw the line.
@Yusuf1187 Жыл бұрын
This is a brilliant project. This is my first time hearing about it. I like that the phonemes of Interlingua are the ones that they all essentially share, as opposed to containing some that are rather difficult to imitate for people who don't speak, say French (although I enjoy learning French and Portuguese, I acknowledge that some of the sounds are more difficult and thus aren't ideal to include in a language intended for facilitating intelligibility) The grammar constructions are simple and easy to understand immediately for a speaker of any of the romance languages or even English. I'm referring to how I see object pronouns placed after infinitives but not directly suffixed to them. Also it looks like there is no conjugation for person, which also is very easy to understand. And I like the "esque" question particle/opener. And I like the choice to use words like "sed" for "but" since the romance languages have all diverged in which term they use for this. And in the case of Spanish and Portuguese it's even a false cognate "mas". The fact that it is so similar to a specific set of widespread existing languages can help in its adoption and how easily it can be understood. But this language would be quite easy for someone from almost ANY language family to learn, I expect. (although obviously a Korean speaker for example would struggle more due to major structural differences and lack of cognates, the simplicity of the grammar and phonemes would still facilitate learning)
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Something VERY big to keep in mind that since Interlingua was NEVER conceived as a Pan-Romance language, but rather, an international language for speakers of European languages in general, one should not judge it against the grammar of Romance languages. However, this unfortunately does not stop people from calling it "Pan-Latin" or "Pan-Romance" just because of its superficial appearance when that was never behind the objective or methodology of Interlingua in the first place. Interlingua really must be taken as its own thing: a great tool for getting a feel for learning languages and as a tool to write easy to read text at first sight. If people want the Romance language version of Interslavic, with all the verb conjugations and tenses from traditional Romance languages, then I recommend "Romance Neolatino". It doesn't claim to be anything but Pan-Romance (drawing only from Romance languages for grammar and vocabulary), and it has the scientific methodology to back it up.
@alexmenard7981 Жыл бұрын
Très cool. Personnellement, je suis Québécois, je parle un peu italien et espagnol et je peux comprendre très facilement l'interlingua. Merci pour la découverte !
@matf5593 Жыл бұрын
Ouais, j’suis d’accord! J’suis un québécois qui parle un peu d’espagnol et j’ai compris presque tout… 😊
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Èst que me pòtes comprèndere quando escrivo assí? 🙂Estao parlando una lengua panromànica: "ROMANCE NEOLATINO". En generale, pare que los francòfonos lo tropan plus diffícile de comprèndere lo neolatino en comparatione con parlantes de altras lenguas romànicas (portughese, espannîolo, italiano), mais mesmo assí, comprènden bène en qualonque caso. Si te interessa, hai un vídeo en mèo canale si voles audire como sòna lo neolatino.
@alexmenard7981 Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787 À l'écriture, c'est plutôt facile à lire pour moi :) Faut dire que je parle un peu espagnol et italien aussi, ça doit m'aider :) Néoi-latin. Je ne connaissais pas. Merci
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@alexmenard7981 Je suis content que tu aies pu comprendre ! C'est le but après tout, être une langue qui unit les langues romanes modernes. Parlez du neolatin à tes amis ! Il est très difficile d'attirer des francophones vers le neolatin pour une raison quelconque. Au fait, je travaille sur des tutoriels, alors faites attention à ceux-ci.
@salasrcp90 Жыл бұрын
@@deiga7787esta lengua que escribes resembla una combinacion entre espanol e italiano con un poco de frances
@Saverio_Simone_Marino Жыл бұрын
Just like George said if you know Italian it's probably way easier for you to understand this language since a lot of it's vocabulary Is made of italian words but i'm sure that the other romance speakers have no trouble in understanding it, anyway really good video like always 💪
@miguelgdo1479 Жыл бұрын
Soy Mexicano, hablo español y entiendo gran parte de la interlengua, he estudiado etimologías latinas, creo que eso nos ayudaría a todos los hablantes de lenguas romances
@mmneander1316 Жыл бұрын
Well done to finally have a video on Interlingua on this channel ! I'm a Dutch/English speaker who can read French and Italian reasonably well, and who knows a few basic Latin words like "etiam" and "sed". I think I understood 99% of the Interlingua. It doesn't feel like a foreign language to me. I would totally support Interlingua as an international "lingua franca".
@fellipesanches0 Жыл бұрын
Todo brasileiro sabe que os idiomas Italiano e Espanhol (talvez um pouco de Francês) são bem inteligíveis para nós, porém depois que você começa a ter mais com essas linguas se apaixona por elas. E essa interligua é bem interessante!
@salasrcp90 Жыл бұрын
portugese e italiano tambien son mui inteligibles para los hispano parlantes. la causa es facil de explicar, 2000 años atras esas lenguas eran una sola; Latin✌️
@ProfBab Жыл бұрын
It’s beautiful how many words you can understand without knowing the languages of the speakers. It takes so little time to get each other. This goes to show that if you focus sufficiently enough you might just get what the other person is telling you. Awesome
@mathiaslist6705 Жыл бұрын
He is trying to make Interlingua sound Spanish but he could it make sound Italian, Occitan or Portugese as well. One could write a whole essay on how he drops the word accent on certain words, the language prosody, intonation patterns etc. You can't learn that in one day nor can you get that out of nothing.
@kevindasilvagoncalves468 Жыл бұрын
Probably because he is a spanish native, right
@waltroskoh8650 Жыл бұрын
Well he seems to be a native Spanish speaker ..
@TicoFox052 ай бұрын
este idioma es una fusión de todas las lenguas romances increíble
@japeri171 Жыл бұрын
This language looks like a mixture of French,Italian,Iberian languages (Portuguese, Spanish, Galician). I speak Portuguese and understand the basics of Italian;it's not difficult for me to understand what he means.
@KertPerteson Жыл бұрын
it is a mix of the most common words that appear in Romance languages + English, with Latin influences, so that every romance language speaker can have an easy time understanding what he is saying, also educated english speakers will know about 30-50%
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
Allora, securamente me pòtes comprèndere altrosí, justo? 🙂Estao parlando lo "Romance Neolatino", aut en realitate, símplicemente " neolatino", que èst una lengua panromànica con totas las conjugationes verbales típicas de una lengua romànica. Èst la contraparte "officiale" de lo projècto intereslavo. Si te interessa, hai una pròva en mèo canale de como sòna la lengua.
@ak5659 Жыл бұрын
If you imagine all the Romance languages as a Venn diagram, the common overlap of all of them was used as the basis of Interlingua. For features that are not present in all of them, there is a standardized system of 'majority rules' to determine what features are incorporated. The original intention was that a native speaker of one Romance language who had studied another romance language for a semester or two could become fluent with very little time or energy spent. One thing I find interesting is that one can tune it to the language of the people you're speaking with. Ex. If you're with Italian speakers one can easily add Italian verb conjugations/suffixes onto Interlingua verbs. I can tell you the idea works in real life. Before I'd ever heard of Interlingua I combined two dialects of Italian with the Spanish I knew to make myself understood in Brazil. I was pleasantly surprised at how well that strategy worked.
@deiga7787 Жыл бұрын
@@ak5659 If I may interject, what you say is not quite correct. The control languages of Interlingua are Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and English. The inclusion of English as a control language is the primary reason why Interlingua has a simplified grammar compared to Romance languages, in which Interlingua lacks grammatical gender and verb conjugations. To a lesser extent, German and Russian were also languages that influenced the grammar and vocabulary of Interlingua. Interlingua was scientifically created to be a universal language for speakers of all major European languages as best as possible ("Standard European" grammar), not simply speakers of Romance languages, even though Interlingua's vocabulary is mostly Romance or Latin-based. In Interlingua, if a grammatical feature was not present in so much as one of the control languages, it was not included in Interlingua's final grammar, which resulted in lack of grammatical gender, no verb conjugations, only one past tense, no subjunctive imperfect tense, and no continuous progressive (ex: "I am eating", due to the influence of French lacking this exact tense). And also, you talk about adding verb conjugations onto Interlingua verbs. I should inform you that there is, or rather "was", a project called "Interlingua Romanica", which was basically a version of Interlingua that added all the verb conjugations and gender that were originally left out, making it much more like a Romance language. However, this project was later abandoned. In some small measure, it may still be active, but I doubt it's that active even if it still is around. However, the good news is that for those looking for a Romance language equivalent to Interslavic, it already exists! It's called: "Romance Neolatino", or just "Neolatin". With a language like this, you don't need to "add" gender, conjugations, and tenses because Neolatin already has all this. This is because it is a zonal auxiliary language like Interslavic, where in this case, the source languages are ONLY Romance languages, and it does not claim to be anything else or try to be anything else, like Interlingua. If you're interested, I have a video on my channel where I speak Neolatin so you can hear what it sounds like for yourself. Also, the beauty of Neolatin is that the speaker can modify to their preferences or situation; for example, a speaker can choose to use more Iberian words or more Italian words because Neolatin often has synonyms for words.
@popacristian205610 ай бұрын
5:08 *Balon de săpun* sau *bulă de săpun.* 9:15 *Folie de aluminiu* sau *Foaie de aluminiu.* 14:20 Am ințeles tot *Parc de joacă.* Altfel putea fi *Stradă fără ieșire* sau *fundătură.* 20:01 *Mașinâ de spâlat.* dar și *spălâtor* ~ "lavator". 26:12 *Liliac.* Cred ca orice român poate înelege 80-90% din Interlingua.
@SinilkMudilaSama Жыл бұрын
Interlingua its gonna be a world idiom, solving idiomatics International conflicts inside in many countries and out of many countries. 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂
@giorgio.alexis Жыл бұрын
Romanian native speaker,i lived 17 years in Portugal,I know a little Spanish as well,i can say this is fantastic and I understand 99% of interlingua! Will be great to have this language for the future generations of Romance languages speakers.👏👏👏
@pedrocosta2860 Жыл бұрын
Como falante de português, achei a interlingua muito interessante porque, na sua maioria, o vocabulário é compreensível. Porém, me pergunto se acho a língua fácil de entender porque falo um pouco de espanhol, já que em português (pelo menos no Brasil, não sei em outros países lusófonos) usamos algumas palavras que em outras língua latinas não existem como por exemplo o verbo "ficar" que em espanhol é "quedar". Esse verbo também existe em português, só que soa arcaico para mim e talvez muitos brasileiros não o conhecem. Me pergunto o quanto faltantes de línguas latinas que não falam outra língua românica conseguem entender a interlingua.
@juandiazrojas9224 Жыл бұрын
Tal vez ficar sea el equivalente de fijar . Fijar algunas veces es usado como quedar. Ejemplo fijar un objeto en la pared
@pedrocosta2860 Жыл бұрын
@@juandiazrojas9224 Não exatamente. Temos a palavra "fixar" para "fixar um objeto na parede". Contudo, fiz uma pesquisa e o verbo "ficar" e "fixar" tem a origem relacionadas, do latim FIGERE (manter no lugar). Porém, "ficar" em português tem sentido de permanência, de tornar-se (ex: o clima está ficando quente/el clima se está poniendo caliente) ou se envolver sem compromisso com alguém (ex: eles estão ficando).
@osvaldobenavides5086 Жыл бұрын
@Joao-cm6uv Жыл бұрын
de tanto ouvir essas línguas eu tô perdendo a dificuldade de entender, até mesmo o francês e o romeno, que das línguas romanas pra mim como falante de português são as mais difíceis de compreender. já interlíngua consigo entender uns 90%.
@eduardo-yw2uo Жыл бұрын
Eu entendo quase totalmente, já o francês e o romeno é mais dificultoso
@Ezettore_91 Жыл бұрын
I had never heard of Interlingua before. I speak French (my nationality of my mother and me) and Italian (my father's country). And I am very passionate about the world of romance languages. I have never had such an easy time understanding a Romance language! It's crazy ! I find Interlingua really magnificent and also very close to the languages I speak (Italian and French) and those I learn (Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan and Esperanto). Thank you again for introducing me to this sublime language which could be of great service to us people from Romance-speaking countries 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
@guardianoflight1442 Жыл бұрын
_______ _________ *I really didn't know Freddie Mercury stopped singing to start teaching romance languages on KZbin* _______ _________
@midtskogen Жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this one. This was something I suggested a long time ago. Thanks! Carlos was sometimes speaking a bit fast, but reading Interlingua is very easy for me with some but limited knowledge of Spanish, Italia and Portuguese, and also to a larger degree of Latin. Though I understand some Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, I'm unable to speak or write these languages correctly beyond simple sentences. However, when I first heard of Interlingua about 25 years ago, it only took me a few hours of reading the grammar to begin writing it pretty much perfectly correctly. The grammar is very simple, and it's very easy to guess the vocabulary. So whilst Interlingua can be understood immediately by anyone with knowledge of a few Romance languages, I think it should added that the same people should be able learn to write and speak it at a pretty good level in just a day.
@georgeoldsterd8994 Жыл бұрын
Judging by George's pronunciation, I'd say he's been living in Italy for quite a long time already and doesn't speak much Romanian anymore.
@abcMW1989 Жыл бұрын
A sta departe de România nu te descalifică automat de la a nu mai vorbi românește. Sunt multe exemple care pot sprijini afirmația mea. Ce te poate descalifica este, de fapt, mai simplu: ruperea cordonului ombilical care te leagă de limba mamei. Dacă îți pierzi interesul și dragostea față de limba ta maternă, atunci nu mai contează ce și cum pronunți. În plus, sunt persoane care sunt mai expuse erodării accentului limbii lor de origine, dar asta nu înseamnă că și-au pierdut limba.
@DavidHaTzadik11 ай бұрын
I heard that in Scandinavia they have a class in school in which they learn a bit of the other Scandinavian languages to increase the intelligibility. We should have something similar for latin languages.
@civfanatic8853 Жыл бұрын
I think 3/4 of the video I havent even noticed there were english subtitles too, but I read the interlingua ones from above, then understanding many words from italian/spanish and with several years of studying french, yes, Id say it was pretty easy for a romanian native and, like George said, I felt a little like a cheat with so many clues and questions from the other guests. I was a little confused at the beginning of the 3rd, cul-de-sac(also used as such in rou), thinking the first time it was a parking area(parcare), where kids can also play, and then I realized its the end of a street(”capăt de stradă” or ”fundătură” where fund=cul). Its been a lot of fun, like riddle games, so thank you for it 😄🙃
@silverkip2992 Жыл бұрын
Would love to see a video like this on Lingua Franca Nova! It's another romance auxlang that has the same objective as Interlingua but follows a slightly different path.
@cesarvidelac Жыл бұрын
No conocía el Interlingua, me gustó mucho la idea detrás de esta lengua. ¿Dónde puedo aprenderla? Muchas gracias por compartir
@renijaviermolinarodriguez933 Жыл бұрын
I love this channel. It's my favorite. I'd really like to see a video among: Papiamento, Spanish, Portuguese and Kriolu kaboverdianu. I think it would be a great video.
@franpfdez Жыл бұрын
I know Galician, Spanish, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese and basic French, and I think I could understand every single word of Interlingua Interestingly, in Catalan there are two possibilities for "exit": sortida (Catalan from Catalonia) and eixida (Catalan from Valencia). The same than Interlingua
@laf1993 Жыл бұрын
This is so interesting, I'm Brazilian and can understand everything perfectly!
@cosimoalbaster Жыл бұрын
The Romanian words seemed a bit off to me: 1. Balonas de sapun, though Bula could be used I guess. 2. Folie de Aluminiu, Foaie wouldn't really be used in this case. 3. I always knew it as Infundatura not fundatura. Though those types of neighborhoods are not common here, I also thought he meant playground until he mentioned cars. 4 and 5 were fine. But Interlingua was not that difficult to understand, I understood most sentences, maybe a few words here and there were lost on me. Good Job Everyone!
@danymann95 Жыл бұрын
3. Drum închis/înfundatură
@juice3702 Жыл бұрын
As a romanian speaker, i always call the 3rd word cul de sac
@mobo8074 Жыл бұрын
Fajna zabawa ze ślepą uliczką 😄 Miło się słuchało, bo jak się zna łacinę albo hiszpański lub włoski to interlingua jest bardzo prosta. Muszę się bliżej przyjrzeć. Dzięki za ten odcinek Norbercie !
@wyqtor Жыл бұрын
Interlingua is to us what Medžuslovjansky is to you! Both amazing languages that should be taught in schools instead of other useless subjects!
@raonipuziol6703 Жыл бұрын
Sou brasileiro e entendo muito bem o português brasileiro 😌
@pablobond_vzla Жыл бұрын
Bravo, tienes una mente superior a la de Albert Einstein
@yannglehanhless Жыл бұрын
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
Você é acima da média.
@angelferrandis6089 Жыл бұрын
@@pablobond_vzla jajaajajaj
@keanancupido Жыл бұрын
You should make one with Esperanto 😍😍
@senfistyleprojects Жыл бұрын
Je viens du royaume-uni mais je peux parler en francais couramment. Ca m'a surpris d'avoir tant compris. J'ai lit des manuels de portugais aussi mais je ne le parle pas. La langue interlingua etait fort tres facile de comprendre.
@EmaDaCuz Жыл бұрын
Italian here, this was the easiest to understand after lingua corsica. A really interesting experiment, I would happily pick it up.
@mattonthemoon225 Жыл бұрын
Interlingua sounds to me like a Spanish guy trying to speak Italian using Latin words studied at school 😅😀
@rickrdosanjos Жыл бұрын
This was very cool. Subscribed... and looking forward to watching more videos.
@luizfelipetr Жыл бұрын
Que incrível esse experimento ! eu como falante de português consegui entender 98% do que foi dito nesta língua kk
@JYHRO0 Жыл бұрын
En tant que français québécois j’étais surpris de comprendre en grande partie. J’ai étudié le latin, il y’a longtemps, mais ça peut aider. Interlingua semble une réussite pour unifier les langues romanes. C’est vraiment intéressant.