The Irish Cover-Up - Episode 5 - Watchtower: In Focus

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Lloyd Evans

Lloyd Evans

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In this episode of Watchtower: In Focus, the JWsurvey team discusses recent reports from Ireland that Watchtower disciplined elders for reporting a known pedophile to the authorities. We are joined by Jason Wynne, a JWsurvey contact with inside knowledge of the mishandling of child abuse by Watchtower in Ireland.
Business Post article (paywall): www.businesspo...
Reddit discussion: / ireland_the_sunday_bus...
A article on the story is being planned. Please check the website over the coming days.
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@davegracey2259 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks Lloyd, this for me was the best episode of your John Cedars channel. The Watchtower is literally bringing this upon themselves. Why blame lying apostates when they are just their own worst enemy. So much for being spirit directed.
@debibrown9328 6 жыл бұрын
So glad you guys work so hard to put this out for everyone to see....keep up the great work, ya'll are awesome! !
@daisyjune5135 6 жыл бұрын
Debi Brown p
@lydiatownsend7789 6 жыл бұрын
I'm completely disgusted by this.. I would have had no idea about it if it wasn't for you guys, so I couldn't thank you more for waking me up and exposing these horrifying accounts.
@MegaMick56 6 жыл бұрын
Lydia Townsend fair play to you I got out many years ago from wexford and when you are free everything becomes so clear my advice to all is simply do not confuse the watchtower with the creator a man made cult
@lydiatownsend7789 6 жыл бұрын
wide awake indeed. I'm not out yet, I'm still active, as I live at home and I need to plan my exit carefully. This has certainly solidified my wish to leave though.
@RatedExceptional 6 жыл бұрын
Lydia, that's great that you are wide awake and have time to plan your exit, I wish you the best. Don't let the world swallow you up. Find the truth, and live happy.
@truthseeker-jwnightmares4351 6 жыл бұрын
Lydia Townsend, So happy to hear that you have been able to start waking up... But believe me this is only the start of it... The child abuse is only the tip of the iceberg... The watchtower is not only not "the truth" but as you start to dig deeper you will find that CT Russell was a Masonic Witch and this is the corner stone of the Watchtower Teachings. Best of luck to you... The hardest part is leaving but I promise you that getting free of this abusive cult is the first best thing you can do in getting your life back and opening the door to seek for the real Truth.
@lydiatownsend7789 6 жыл бұрын
Truth Seeker yeah I'm starting to see it, I've been addicted to this channel for over a week now.. thanks for the supportive comment, I'm determined to leave now no matter what. I won't be bullied.
@cwoodswalker4646 6 жыл бұрын
I love your videos! Keep exposing this destructive cult, hopefully more people (JWs or otherwise) will better understand the hurtful and evil nature of this group!
@truthseeker-jwnightmares4351 6 жыл бұрын
It is so encouraging to see the Society under intense scrutiny. We are watching the Watchtower falling apart... This obviously has been in the process for years especially since 1975 but now we are seeing the pressure turned up.... And now with the Internet this information is spreading faster than a wildfire. Entire families are waking up and researching the organization, Russell, Rutherford, the New World Translation, The Australian Royal Commission, Watchtower Stock in Weapon Manufacturers, Cigarettes, and Porn....
@MrEricirene 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you guys for this video and the work you all put into bringing these issues to light. So many Witnesses do shrug these child abuse claims off as apostate driven lies, but it's thanks to people like you that bring these facts to the forefront!
@outandfullyawake4751 6 жыл бұрын
If there have been other cases where elders have been removed or df for going to police lets hope this will help them come forward
@saulgoodman1371 6 жыл бұрын
As always great information with a balanced viewpoint Thanks for all your hard workGreat team effort I also hope some elders come forward with their stories of beingDeleted simply for being part of an investigation into child abuse
@pinkfuschia8140 6 жыл бұрын
This makes me so sad in particular, as my Irish father-in-law was duped into Watchtower by all the preaching against the Catholic church and its child abuse problems from years ago. He endured Watchtower after losing 2 sons to suicide, hanging on to see them in the Paradise earth he hoped, then left when I told him about elders justifying degradation of women here in the UK to me, at the same time as him learning of Watchtower child sex abuse cases internationally. He had no internet then. He is not alive now and I can't imagine his feelings to hear that these might have been people in his own congregation for all I know. This was the place where I first got introduced to Watchtower and my husband got reproved for proposing to me.
@robynbass9636 6 жыл бұрын
Much appreciation to all the team for their diligent efforts in following this latest scandal & biding their time until the facts could be validated & keeping us all informed. Hopefully this is the start of many elders willing to speak out against Watchtower's wall of silence. It only takes one brave whistle blower to start the avalanche & if that person is reading this post I congratulate you on having a moral compass & the strength to do the only sane thing, that of reporting to the police, so other children in the wider world can hopefully be saved the deverstion of being sexually abused by this pedofile.
@outandfullyawake4751 6 жыл бұрын
Its the same way the org treats the victim by df'ing them because they speak out or go to police
@zendean5207 6 жыл бұрын
I will try to update the wikipedia page on jw handling of child abuse, which I was just updating today before I saw this.
@LloydEvans 6 жыл бұрын
Well done Zen. I can imagine updating Wikipedia info on JWs must be a thankless task at times.
@garryiglesias4074 6 жыл бұрын
"Freely express one-self"... I've seen that a couple of time in corporate environment, each of those cases, it ended up with kicking off those who "spoke freely"... This is a common stuff, with a kind of passive aggressive behavior, where those people take the "good cop" attitude, just so you can speak from your heart and then use that against you, as proof you're "antisocial" for the "community" (anti-corporate, etc.). Just the mention of this sentence should be a HUGE warning that you will PAY for expressing yourself freely...
@joha790 6 жыл бұрын
Thanks for an informative and resourceful article. It will empower many to continue exposing the nefarious activities of this deviant cult.
@BALCACER 6 жыл бұрын
Strike three ! You are out WT !! Great job
@astralclub5964 6 жыл бұрын
All the Watchtower cares about is the reputation of their organization. They couldn't care less about the children who were molested. Talk about "suffer the little children"!
@oscarc5391 6 жыл бұрын
Another informative video for all to see . and to shed some light on and expose the actions taken by watchtower
@loridicola627 5 жыл бұрын
I saw the ads for the WTIF shirts & stuff, I thought it stood for Watch Tower Is Fucked. Okay, "In Focus" is great too, but I'd like to legitimately see the WT get what they've got coming to them.
@belladonna70 5 жыл бұрын
you deserve a medal thank you guys for dealing with these things.
@Andulsi 5 жыл бұрын
I m half Irish. Live in Ireland. I m not nor ever have been a Witness, though I know many (through a workplace friendship). They are generally very nice, though I always sensed I d never be fully accepted if I didn t convert (not likely, I don t believe in the supernatural , god, or demons). I ve seen some people leave recently, which is how I came to this channel. Its only now I realise how rotten the organisation is, despite how nice the rank n file are.
@samcolt3135 6 жыл бұрын
I enjoy well thought out, grounded in science/bible arguments, especially when they're completely contrary to my present thinking. It allows me to a) daily check my faith for truth b) if I've errored, then I can take a LONG walk down someone elses train of thought & see where it leads. If it jives with bible, illustrates points I was previously blind to, then Amen for pulling the wool off my eyes. If, the other postulation doesnt make sense- or is more difficult to make sense of; contradictory to itself, science, bible, common sense, known "facts"; has flip-flopped consistently along the way; if it has to deny one single line lf code to 'force' itself to be 'true'........ well, my 'version' doesnt do that- ANYWHERE. my 'version' is this, bible says what says, means what it says, is always true, its the Living Word, its always in effect, it can never be put usunder, and will consume anything trying to smother it. Since the first session, with the entire body john does #1-100. Elder1-100:" bible says "this". Me: "really? Why does the actual words, plainly read by any 6 year old, specifically state the exact opposite? How weird!" Elder1-100:"we cant grasp the bible with our own feeble powers of intellect and reason, we need a faithful slave to interpret the real meaningful of the scriptures, which dispenses food at the proper time for the faithful flock of slaves. " Me:"why does Hebrews and Roman specifically warn us about returning to the 'house of SLAVERY?". Elder1-100: "that prophecy was fulfilled already when jesus died" Me:"is that when jesus went to the pit? And ministered to the lost souls, and won the keys to the gate to hell?" Elder1-100:"well, that never happened. When jesus died, he died, no more. Kaput. Dead. Body rotted away. Jesus was no more. He wasnt 'sleeping', his spirit didnt go anywhere, he was dead. In three days JHVH remembered Jesus, and thought him back into existence." Me:"wow, what happened to His body?" Elder1-100:"bible doesnt say. But thats when jesus turned into Michael, his heavenly name." Me:"amazing! How come jesus is still calling himself jesus in Rev22, why did he change if always stays the same? I thought Michael was guardian of the pit? But the pit doesnt really exist now? I found it on googling 'north pole pit'!" Elder1-100: "well, thats why jesus is Michael now, because He took the keys from satan." Me:"watchtower used to teach satan was king of hell, until 1950. How come jesus is now king of hell?" Elder:"because when jesus defeated death, he took his crown". Me:"I thought death was the last spirit to be cast back into the Great Sea of Oblivion?" Elder1-100:"idk where you got that term from, but yes, death is the last enemy to be destroyed" Me:"I was under the impression Michaels was specifically DAN's patriarchal guardian angel, and Joseph-Yeshua is Israel-Ephraims Father-Spirit. Theres 12 gates in the heavenly kingdom, each one with a name on it, corresponding to the bloodlines. Which were never supposed to mix, and the law was written on their hearts & minds. The word, in the blood, the code embedded In Their dna, produced by the marrow in the thigh, thus the name branded on the thigh, where the covenant was passed to father to son, the same thigh jacob had problems with. Jews dont eat that part because Law says Do not eat the blood. " Elder:"um, where did you find that at? See, thats why we need the faithful slave to direct us in the word. The world is packed full of lies, and satan will lead us down the wrong path. We must stick to what the organization prepares for us" Me:"that was bible, let me show you". Elder:"we better not. I dont know where youre getting your information from. Let me see your sources sk I can investigate them further." Me:"oh ya, right, in the bible, let me-" Elder:"no, no, whered did you get these IDEAS from?" Me:"oh! Ya! Well, bible says to humbly get on my knees, repent, pray to a name of Yeshua, which is Jesus REAL name, ask him for his Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to fill me up, and show me what this bible has to say. So I did that, crying out, tears running down my face, calling out to something I do not know or understand pleading with Him to accept my broken heart, to heal me, and mold me into Himself. It realy worked too! I 'watched' the bible in front of my 'eyes'! It was REALLY cool! Never had THAT happen before! I even learned hebrew and tried the write the torah out for myself, as bible commands king-priests to do, as thats His desire, to be king-priests in His Kingdom" Elder:"well, thats a grossly misunderstood concept, a commonplace fallacy among christiandom. What you are describing is a demonic possession. Scarey stuff. We dont do that here. Thats why we rely upon the organization to guide us. And we dont pray to Jesus, or Yeshua, whatever you want to call Him. We pray to His Father." Me:"hmmm. But back in the day, when Yeshua chose your organization, you worshipped him back then. Back when Yeshua chose you to be his kingdom, you worshipped Him then tho." Elders:"adjustments have been made, as you know, the light gets brighter and brighter!" Me:"does God Himself get brighter?" Elder:"oh no, he reveals more of himself as time goes by." Me:"isn't that referring to the personal path we must each take, and only then, with Yeshua as our personal guide, lead us toward the light?" Elder:"not you personally. Thats what the elder body is for." Me:"you mean the self elected worldwide group of pedophiles that have conned you into being their SLAVES?"
@patdun2580 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing new in Jasons account, I reported child abuse in an Irish congregation during the 90's to the police while I was serving as a MS and went through hell as a result, such as lack of help and consideration left me bewildered. The only consideration was how bad the elders and organisation would look if the matter got to court or the press!!!
@christinacollins2652 6 жыл бұрын
Shared this with my Irish relatives in Galway
@Katcedes 6 жыл бұрын
I just took my kids trick or treating for the first time. I was nervous about it until I watched this video. My conscience is clean. This is not God’s organization.
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
Katcedes well you can do what you want to and I'm an ex Jehovah's Witness but I wouldn't take my kids out for Halloween nowadays for anything do you realize that people tell their children all the time not to take candy from strangers and then you take your kids and you tell him to go up to strangers doors and get candy people are nuts they are eating your children and your sending them up there to get candy off of them so they can poison them or god-knows-what just cuz you're not going to the Kingdom Hall doesn't mean you should go out and celebrate all's Halloween that's Satan's night you're going completely the opposite other way
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
Katcedes have you been paying attention about pizzagate you need to look up pizzagate about Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Joe Biden and all of them this world is very Wicked to Jehovah's Witnesses may not be right but this world is going down and the end is coming you need to look up Pizza gate and it is true
@Katcedes 6 жыл бұрын
lynn Entler He who is without sin should cast the first stone. Judge not less ye be judged. Why do you look at the straw in my eye but not the rafter in yours? You may have left but your judgemental ways have not. I respect your right to disagree but not your right to criticize me. Just like when I was a JW and half the congregation said I would be demonized by seeing The Life if Pi and the other half thought it was great. Let me be. You are not my judicial committee.
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
Katcedes you know it's funny that you can worry about the detriment of children in this organization but you're not worried about it being out in the world yeah I agree with you I don't believe that's God's organization but I also don't believe in putting my children in danger you are taking your kids out trick-or-treating and let him know go up to a complete strangers door and get candy from them do you realize that there are people out there eating children there drinking their blood and molesting them do you realize this to you realize that Satan the Devils on the Rampage do you realize it in Columbus Ohio that they put meth and Candy gave it to kids you go for it you don't want to protect your kids you go for it send them out to those doors I didn't get that candy off those completely crazy people that you know absolutely nothing about that you have a kid tied up in their basement right at that moment blessed and that are doing whatever you send your kids have to get that candy off those strange people I'm not judging you that's between you and God you you go for it but one day when your kid disappears on Halloween don't blame nobody but yourself
@Katcedes 6 жыл бұрын
lynn Entler troll someone else you “wannabe anointed.”
@Annequills 6 жыл бұрын
Watchtower is a corporation which has no corporate social responsibility.
@bubblestar2314 6 жыл бұрын
Jehovah's Witnesses, never let your child go alone into the restroom in a Kingdom Hall. (whether during the program or even before or after.) I had an uncle who was a pedophile, who never was reported to the police, but moved from Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Hall after being disfellowshiped, but reinstated in each new Hall. He finally died of old age, but always remained a pedophile. I have heard of many instances where kids were being molested when they went alone to the restrooms in Kingdom Halls. The victims finally spoke out when they became older. Yes, it's hard to believe that such things have been happening in Kingdom Halls, but they have. Please be very careful to make sure that you are not letting your children be watched or babysat in a home which may have a child molestor living there. Pioneers, left their children for my Aunt to watch while they went out door to door. My Aunt would leave their children in the care of my Uncle while she went out shopping. This was how, in many cases, that he was able to molest children and the congregations were not aware that a long time active pedophile was in their midst. Child molesters are kept secret by the elders and the congregation has no idea if a pedophile is in their midst. JW are too trusting when it comes to members of the congregation.
@ld-zj1bn 4 жыл бұрын
Jason Wynne you are a hero of the highest order! ❤️
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
the Watchtower organizations got billions of dollars and they want them to pray for these people's flights
@guillermovilla9517 6 жыл бұрын
Fantastic video!!!
@liplockednomore 4 жыл бұрын
@dawnross2514 6 жыл бұрын
Massive gratitude to you guys.
@5star64 4 жыл бұрын
I was disfellowshipped for sending my son some of your video's and other video's too. He turned around and text messaged the video's to the elders and blocked my phone number out of his phone. This organization is pure evil. I hope there is a mass waking up of millions of rank and file members and the watchtower falls flat on there faces and has to be put out of business for good. And i hadn't been to the kingdom hall in years. I had faded away but that didn't stop the elders from coming after me. I actually started texting the elders all of the video's to there phones as well.
@liplockednomore 4 жыл бұрын
Oh man. So sorry!!!! Hugs to ya.
@grhomer2454 6 жыл бұрын
Good job!!!! thank you for your amazing work you put to expose the corrupted daughter of the catholic church. the watchtower. The confused organization, the Babylon the great..
@lorab.575 6 жыл бұрын
Just an idea/suggestion. If your local newspaper allows you to submit opinions to the editor, to do a comment/letter to the newspaper, explaining what's going on within the JW's organizations. I've done it in other cases, but can't do it because I have faded and have family that are still JWs.
@purple_berryplum 6 жыл бұрын
blow the damn whistle!
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
when I was in the Jehovah's Witnesses I had a brother who was an elder and he still is and that's all you heard about all I don't want to lose my position I have to do what the society tells me to do I can't do this and I can't do that because I'll lose my position that's all they care about their position they don't care about what's right or what's wrong hooray for these two brothers who stood up for what was right because the rest of them all's I do is worry about their position and that organization that I really worry about what God thinks it's about what the organization thinks
@beachmom2001 6 жыл бұрын
Can the Spotlight team from the Boston Globe do an expose on Jehovah's Witnesses?
@jehovaszecke659 6 жыл бұрын
PLEASE!!!Translate it in GERMAN!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
@brianblessing8494 4 жыл бұрын
Its ironic that after this kind of behavior that in 2019 their theme for the convention is " Love never fails" hmmm wonder what kind of love their showing when they cover up all this abuse?
@johnlink4078 6 жыл бұрын
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
there's where you made one big mistake when you're coming after somebody for the crap they're doing and they're dishonest and they're lying and they're causing people their lives you never tell them that you're coming after them
@GREEKTEDDY 6 жыл бұрын
keep up the great work
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
apparently the ex wives must just do everything because the same brother Elder so when I found out about the paramed over top of Russell's grave I asked him about that and he said all the ex-wife did that and I thought well the ex-wife just gets the blame for everything
@ballerinag843 6 жыл бұрын
Where can I read this article
@LloydEvans 6 жыл бұрын
Links in the description! :)
@johncarter2741 6 жыл бұрын
I have an elder friend. He also would report.
@JimMeyer1949 6 жыл бұрын
Were they removed from the body or were they dissfellowshiped?
@LloydEvans 6 жыл бұрын
"Deleted" or removed as elders.
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
I also ask my brother about he's an elder I also asked him about the pyramid on top of the grave and he said oh his ex-wife put that pyramid on top of that grave I'm like what how can his ex-wife put a pyramid on top of his grave if he's remarried ex-wife has nothing to do with his burial they lie like you just wouldn't believe or they believe it themselves he's so crazy in that religion that he actually let his child bleed to death
@lilz3242 6 жыл бұрын
Great video
@ballerinag843 6 жыл бұрын
Was Jason an elder or bethalite
@jeffogara8661 6 жыл бұрын
the more I find out about the gov body the shittyer i get my dad died 3 years ago and if he would have got a transfusion he would probably still be here
@lynnentler5725 6 жыл бұрын
I'm not talking about judging you I'm talking about protecting your children do you realize how crazy this world is and here you are telling your kids to go up to the strange person's house and get candy from them have you read about pizzagate they're eating children and drinking their blood and molesting them it's not that I'm judging you I'm trying to make you aware how Wicked the world is and the things that are going on in it I wouldn't ever send my child up to a stranger's door to get candy but you go right ahead you go for it I would protect my child more than that but hey you go for you send them up to that strangers door and have him get candy from who knows what's in it but you go for it there was a case here in Columbus Ohio that the kids went out trick-or-treating and they put meth in their candy but you go for it
@ericbulman1752 Жыл бұрын
The governing body is evil
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