The Item Sets Conundrum - What Could REPLACE Them? | The Elder Scrolls Online

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@Coven_of_Hags 5 ай бұрын
I just want hagraven’s garden to be a viable set and the animation to be updated to that of the ones used by the hagravens.
@Nikephorus 5 ай бұрын
Over 630 sets within the game, with fewer than 10% proving to be useful. What a waste.
@deswill2737 5 ай бұрын
imo the situation boils down to there are few sets that matter because every class has a specific weakness and those sets fill the gaps that nothing else can do for you and some sets are just BIS in certain enveiroments
@dayhjawk 5 ай бұрын
I personally would like to see new equipment slots/items that are not bound to the current item sets. Example: Class trinkets. 1 for each class skill line, that you can upgrade and modify and only effects skills from that skill line. The one thing game has is a TON of horizonal growth, tons of things to do, but it lacks late game vertical/character growth. Get your sets, get 1600ish cp, and your done. no character growth from there.
@ImPoStier 5 ай бұрын
They should make 1 dungeon have 1 set that’s able to drop in heavy light and medium and just start getting rid of completely useless sets
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Yeah all future dungeons can just have 1 set. That would be awesome imo
@c17gunner51 5 ай бұрын
- They could add the possibility of adding a stat to the old lower tier sets, or change some stat, asking you to have the entire set unlocked and that the pieces to be modified be raised to the maximum or something like that with crafting. There are old sets that look fun but are very precarious in terms of their stats or are very limited in terms of their functionality. - Or giving the possibility of merging two low tier sets and for the set to obtain random stats from both, would be a lot of fun since the stats you are looking for would not always come out. - That if you have equipped two sets of maps from the same alliance, they would give some bonus for being equipped and belonging to that alliance. - That by completing all the content of a map with a character, the prices on that map will be lowered a little and when you sell you will earn a little more with that character. - That the titles in the game served more than just putting them on, such as that by wearing them you can unlock talking to certain NPCs and obtain missions on certain maps, obtain neutrality from some mobs, open chests faster, steal better, buy and sell cheaper on some maps, find higher quality things... etc etc. With a Cold down to change it for several hours to prevent people from abusing changing it all the time. - If you reached the maximum level of a crafting profession, you would be given the possibility to choose to have an infinite inventory (or very large but not infinite) of that specific profession, only materials from a profession per account that were not added to the normal inventory ( obviously whatever they have Eso plus they would have an inventory of materials from all professions), so people who don't have that plus could at least dedicate themselves to doing a type of in-depth crafting and it is even likely that they would be more tempted by the idea of paying Eso plus to have the infinite inventory of all types of crafting.. - That the mounts in housing mode had a "small/medium" inventory and thus could be used as chests apart from decorating. - That by disconnecting in your house, by having certain furniture like a bed and some comfort things, by spending at least an hour or several, when you reconnect with that person you would have some kind of small stat that would improve your life for a while character or speed, or magic or stamina or a little of both... - That there were dungeons/trials or a large part of them that were completely dark and it was necessary to use a light memento to see something, it seems silly but it would be an added difficulty and I think it would be fun, it is not that strange, there is a quest in the game in which you go through areas like this, few, but there are them. - That, like vampires and werewolves, they appear at night on certain maps, there are quests that only appear at night and others only during the day, which may or may not be related to vampires or werewolves. - That there were dungeons/trial or pvp where you had to defend your ship or board the other ships, if it were impossible for the ships to move, at least you would have to swim a little to go to them and the water would take some life from you piranhas or something, I think the swimming thing in this game is something that is rarely done. - That the mobs in the game were much stronger and not only in certain places such as Craglorn or any world bosses. - It would also be interesting if they made invasions in random cities in the game; that mobs would appear according to the lore of the game and try to conquer it, and that if no one defends it or they eliminated an npc who was the leader of the city, they would conquer it, and it would be filled with mobs, mini bosses and the boss boss obviously much more strong, that the players had to recover the city by killing the minibosses and the final boss and they would give rewards for this if you have participated in either the defense or the reconquest. It would also give a lot of play and people would move around maps that currently seem forgotten. Personally, I think there are many things they could do to give more life to the game and I forget many ideas that I thought of a long time ago. I don't think it's impossible to do them. I hope they improve and put something that gives life to the game since it seems to me that it is getting quite stagnant and sometimes becomes routine. Greetings to all, good video. ⚡💪
@alif-fgd 4 ай бұрын
Woah, some good ideas there
@kylebarclay9352 5 ай бұрын
They need to create rare drops outside furnishings. They already did so in vas+2 (poly) and imperial city sewers (skin). Couple ideas. One stems from oldschool runescape. They could add pet drops to some of the major bosses in the game (dungeons/trials) that have an extremely rare chance of dropping a pet of itself (like the mini molag bal we got). However, in this case it would be tradable adding insentive to play the game in hopes you get this rare drop for either yourself or to trade. Second idea would be make dungeon/trial cosmetic unlockables also have a rare drop chance of a tradable item of the cosmetic unlockable. For example, you complete vcr3 and your team all now has purple, however, 1 person also got a tradable fragment that unlocks the purple skin. This could apply to everything, including trial mounts. As someone whos gotten all the things already, this would give massive insentive to go back and play content again. Just for the chance to get a rare reward and sell it. This would also be a way to remove skin runs. I can see this idea getting a lot of hate, but it would give reason to go back and pop acheivments i already have a second time for that chance.
@honstalys 5 ай бұрын
Remove the 5th thing item bonus from most or all gear. Replace it with a Socket. Make each dungeon drop socketable gems that add a Proc unique to that dungeon from the boss. You'd have a potential for a wider and varied item set. It would be scribing for gear.
@BMXhunterWOW 5 ай бұрын
I like the gem slot idea, you could keep the item set bonuses already in game, basically nerf most of them and simply release "gems" instead of sets from new dungeons, and perhaps you can level the gems through running the dungeons several times? Or level them up in the trials. Getting upgrade items for those gems you now slot. You want some item set so you can slot gems, but none of the sets are really great, so it's more important to get any set and slot it with gems. Make gems unremovable so you have to farm for gems for every new set you want to use.
@corywhitebread6519 5 ай бұрын
This would actually create a better layout for choosing a set with 2nd 3rd and 4th bonuses you want and customize your build more. As some of these 5 piece bonus sets lack a good minor bonus from the 2nd 3rd or 4th slot that would make it even better.
@fobtasz4693 5 ай бұрын
Basically you want WoW trinkets.
@BMXhunterWOW 5 ай бұрын
@@fobtasz4693 I don't know what iteration trinkets are at right now in wow, but you can boil down any set proc down to what I remember trinkets doing on wow. Relequens 5 pc is specifically almost identical to a trinket I remember from Mists of Pandaria. Right now armor sets are the only place to get set items. Adding more ways to get special effects outside of just gear bonuses would be good.
@doczoid- 5 ай бұрын
Adding a runebox to every trial, similar to the vAS poly would be awesome. These boxes could contain any kind of collectible from a skin to a mount.
@TheHangryZomVi 5 ай бұрын
I want earnable mounts for each zone via achievements/quests rewards like the furnishers. And they could have a way to “upgrade” sets past the max now through an activity, similar to “perfected” gear?
@DrYankeeDoodle 5 ай бұрын
- First of all, drastically increase transmute gems capacity: up to 4x of current numbers (i.e. 4k for ESO+ subscribers and half of that for those who aren't) to be in pair with the current overwhelming multitude of non-craftable sets. - Next, as one person said here before, combine resource bonuses thus creating a space for a kinda "modifier" or "charm" for the set, just as scribing system or "another enchantment", only for the sets. You can earn modifying artifacts in the new content and slot it there. For those who can't afford the new (dlc) content there may be some compensating generic bonuses available by default and/or via grinding vanilla or chapter instances. Imagine a combinatorial theorycrafting richness here! Or do not combine these bonuses, just add slot for an upgrade artifact to every non-craftable set. - Rework this Last Ayleid mythic to do nothing other than a) turning all the item set bonuses off, as it does now; b) but allowing to equip any 2 other mythic sets -- effectively turning that combination into a new 3-item set of a kind (obviously, mythics wouldn't be affected by the LA switching-off effect). - Introduce in-game stock exchange mechanism for crown-gold operations, vendor being a middleman securing the deals. More secure deals => more crowns to buy from the vendor, win! - Introduce new game modes to attract returning players who got sick already of the same undaunted/IA/BG dailies sansara wheel. Even 3 more bg maps would be praised like idk what by pvp community!
@unit220 5 ай бұрын
Can’t say I’m ever really excited for item sets so I wouldn’t mind if they slowed down making them. In the end of the day, the power limit moves with stronger sets and then we move with the limit and then we’re clearing harder content and then it repeats. As long as the set I’m using isn’t obnoxious then I’m pretty happy. As for other rewards, I have to say that I hate grind to buy reward systems like what can be seen in the archive. Being able to do arc1 round1 1000 times to get an item makes it mean nothing to me. I strive to unlock items that have meaning behind them. Clearing HMs for skins is a good example because not only am I proud to have cleared the HM but there is a story behind it. My friends and I banded together and did a thing. At a more basic level I can look at some other person with the item and immediately be able to connect/relate to them in some way. To me MMOs are about shared experiences and I want those experiences to be worthwhile. Getting Godslayer once is a lot more memorable and meaningful than doing nFG 1000 times. That’s why I don’t really mind the one and done reward system. However, getting a title I’ll never be able to use thrown at me for doing something so significant is equivalent to not giving me anything at all. Dungeons and trials should have awesome rewards going all the way up their difficulty curves. I paid for the content already, I’m paying for a sub, I bought the chapter, I own the “one time purchase base game”. At what point am I going to have spent enough for you to give me some cool looking hats for the dungeon DLC I paid for haha. That being said, I’m not against a self sustaining model existing at all but I *really* want those meaningful shared experiences to be preserved.
@ztyhurst 5 ай бұрын
I like motifs and style pages personally. Last thing I want is to have to reconstruct or farm a bunch of new gear.
@fireraid9173 5 ай бұрын
We just need more sets to do things than just damage and such. Where's our sets for doubling things in a chest we steal from? A set for gathering more yield, faster gathering to stack with the passive? Fishing sets, traversing sets, set to allow two companions, etc. we have enough meta sets, they need to start pumping out outside of instance sets to boost qol and have something for other things to do in the game. There is no reason to have coral riptide on while crafting.
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Great idea! This is easily a fix for 5 -10 of the worst sets available
@gilbertodepauladapaz 5 ай бұрын
Increase the drop rate and let us sell any item to NPC or players. Another interesting thing would be to be able to change the 5 peaces bonus of the sets for another
@archangel44625 5 ай бұрын
Blank armor set for H,M,L- you then quest, raid, scry etc to get a few versions of the 2p, 3p, 4p, 5p bonus. Which lets you mix/match to whatever your needs are.
@BloodyStigmata 5 ай бұрын
They're adding ability skins this year, so I can't help but feel that would be a good reward for new dungeons. However, I think these ability skins should somehow be thematically appropriate to the dungeon in question; new sets are always themed after the content and often have neat-looking proc effects, which is their main draw for me. I like finding effects that are not only role-appropriate but character appropriate (role-playing wise). Of course, sets also do have a statistical benefit on my character--that's something you don't get with cosmetics. Grinding to get stuff that makes you stronger is always going to be one of the main appeals of doing content, so coming up with something that does that and also isn't an item set, yet is just as easily attainable is probably key here.
@Centurion305 5 ай бұрын
The focus on vertical progression with almost no horizonal progression seems to be the core issue with this. We can all agree the majority of sets in the game are trash and the majority of new sets only have 1 or 2 sets worth grinding for but it ends up being nerfed. ESO can take a page out of GW2 and focus more on horizontal progression which has had major success in keeping their veteran players around. ESO just likes to jangle shiny new keys around to keep you hooked for a few months, buy the new chapter, then nerf the shiny new keys to make room for more shiny new keys. Not only is that a very shallow and obvious form of vertical progression, it's highly unsustainable and has landed us here today with all many keys (sets) that are no longer shiny and no longer viable. Because of that, many veteran players feel betrayed that their money just went down the drain with nerfs (i mean "balancing") so even the crown store is tailored to take advantage of newer players lack of knowledge. It's a terrible business model from front to back and no wonder why the steam and other numbers reflect such a low population for an MMO. I wish they would just take a few pages out of the more successful names and focus more on horizontal progression so that veteran players feel like their time and money is rewarded not just thrown down the drain to make you buy the next new shiny thing.
@doctari1061 5 ай бұрын
I’ve said this many times before… I think they need to add more story, added much faster and regularly. This could be done by reusing existing geography and artwork but add a portal that lets players go back in time to the age of the dwarves. They can have awesome new backstory this way without the need to create all new lands. I’m fed up constantly striving to get better weapons and armour. I have more than enough already. I need story, and lots more of it. By warping us back to the age of the dwarves, they can spend more human resource time on awesome stories that support the ancient lore. I would be more than happy to revisit all the existing terrain and sub-terrain if it was providing new stories with characters and voice-overs like the main story quests. It could be an inexpensive way of reusing all existing graphical assets and mechanics but give us rapid and fresh stories to explore and interact with. It’s so perfect that I don’t know why they haven’t done this already instead of wasting so much time and effort trying to figure out how to provide more gear and stupid rewards. Give us more story, not rewards! Stop adding more geography and focus on different periods of time. They could create multiple “ages” and a huge amount of story with zero expense on geography and new lands. Cheers
@malinostman9187 5 ай бұрын
I can think of any number of things that could replace the item set rewards. Considering what people already classify as 'endgame', I can see map fragments that unlock player housing, clues that lead to furnishing items or style pages, special quests/houseguests/companions that unlock when completing specific content, mounts and even hidden dugeons behind the dungeon that contain some kind of plot twist where groups suddenly are pitted against other groups. Idk what the limits are to programming a game, but from where I am I find that combat for combats sake is dead boring, while combat as a means to an end is motivating and fun. Armor and weapon is great as a reward, but once I have them - then what? What do I strive for next? In my case that would be lore, and building, and perfecting my alt. And I think that's something ESO is already good at, and could do a lot more of
@make514 5 ай бұрын
-Upping old sets to compete with new ones for more variety. -Adding new achiements/chalenges to old content. -Adding small rewards tied to new achiements dyes, titles etc. -Choise to increase difficulty in older content. -Hardmode overland. -Tiny drop% chance to golden gear(not golden mats). -Item set bags to save room in inventory. -Bug fixes to older content. (door stuck is still thing even if its beter) -Unique named items have small bonus tied to them that stacks with set bonus. (like perfect/non-perfect trial gear that prompts people go back to older content to farm stuff if they wish for it. also opens new way to play by sacrificing set bonuses for unique item bonus lines. Bonuses could be enything from small damage shield, status effect, small extra stat that dont make too much diffirence in normal gameplay, unique animation based on lore or maybe small sized life steal proc. etc enything cool even if its practicly useless.
@skipperg4436 5 ай бұрын
Oh, I thought about that a lot. Prepare for longread. Regarding rewards, I would add 3 things (plus they all require certain re-balanceing of which I would talke later). First, global Leaderboard for Dungeons and Trials completion (like it exists for Maelstrom) but with a twist: you don't get one-time title or item or furnishing reward, you got a temporarily trophy like goblet and a title (like a "champion of March 2024"). Goblet you can put it on display in you house and it will disappear if you don't make it into top X during the next week. But that's not all. If you owned goblet at least once you will have "goblet replica" item and "former champion of XY" title. Furthermore, the more times you achieved high result the higher the tier of your reward is (like bronze to silver to gold to diamond for goblet and "N times champion of whatever" for the title). Title should also be bound to character, not to account. This would work because people in general like to compete with each other. However, multiple tiers would be necessary to make this award system matter for bigger percentage of players. Second, I would make dungeon and non-perfected trial items tradable (as long as player completed that piece of content). Getting a piece of item with correct TRAITS is a very rare event, and getting it from transmutes is a lot of transmutes, and grinding for transmutes is super frustrating and leads to number of problems like high tiers solo-ing and speed-running normal dungeons, fake tanks and so on. It may create an illusion of a lot of people playing but its not healthy for the game because this way we are ruining other people experience who just want to play the game and not charge to the end in order to get bloody transmutes asap to get sets with traits of the meta asap. So if such items could be trade it COULD create a reason to farm for them to sell them... Except in this game you would be able to sell them only for gold. So in order to make it work as I intend, in-game crown trading should be added. Taking commission from such trades would generate revenue to ZOS and that hopefully will give them an incentive to add some currently crownstore-only items as rewards. Third, more direct awards, like crown-store mounts and weapon skins, but with super low drop chance. Sort of like with monster masks. Only issue with masks is that its just a mask and most of them don't even look particularly good. I suggest adding weapon skins and mounts that would work the same way. Yes, the scroll that you can sell to others. But that's not all. Dragon Blood that you mention is a decent reward, yes, though I would add it for vet dlc dungeons completion, not trials (though for Sunspire it will work ofc) But for trials in general I would add new alchemy reagents. That would give "minor slayer" buff. The one that makes it necessary to always wear one of the trial sets. Now regarding re-balancing. I see the main issue is that most of sets are totally useless, and that is what should be looked at. First, resource regen sets. Nobody sane would never wear one (outside of one burst resource regen set used in PvP). Because in proper group with proper build and good enough skill you will never run out of resource. Never. So my suggestion number one is to gut the resource regen. Make DDs in the dungeon groups want to wear one regen set and not 2 damage sets. Second, healing sets. Healers are almost useless and people very often doing 3DD runs because its faster than with a healer. Healer is not providing as much benefit to the group as third DD would. This is NONESENSE from design perspective. Yet at the same time there are PLENTY of things that one-shot you and that healer almost never can save you from. So, what is needed is re-design of most of encounters to make cheap AoE damage not-so-cheap so it can not be just ignored or dealt with by swapping one damage ability to heal one, and at the same time make one-shoting attacks survivable if heal backs you up. But that's not all. Another issue is buffs. There is like one buff - major courage - that you can get only from 2 sets (plus there is major slayer that makes sense to get only from one set) which almost dead-locks heals onto this two sets. Because healing is nearly not needed while these two buffs are nearly unique. Issue with buffs is bigger though. While there are some on-paper sets that would be helpful, they are just outclassed by the ones I mentioned. So, third, the buffs. We are deadlocked into certain set meta due to how some buffs can and can not be acquired. I already mentioned buffs that heals should provide (in that rare case when there is heal in the group in the first place). Same story exists with potions when there only 3 potions ever used, of which one is heroism potion which only 0.1% of players use due to its cost. And this is not because these buffs are unique, but because there are buffs that you can not source from anything other than specific sets. It would be nice to have potions that give you major courage, minor force, minor/major evasion, etc. The metagame is to get as much buffs as possible to get the highest damage possible (with some rare exceptions). Furthermore, what nearly all damage sets do is that they increase your overall damage. The better way would be to have sets that buff some particular playstyle. Like, there are sets that increase your SPD for certain type of damage (like Silks of the SUn give 400 SPD to flame damage) that hypothetically could promote other build and other rotation, but in practice they are just worse than "universal" "meta" sets. These sets should just be buffed. Some sets should be reworked to modify or at least buff some underused abilities to make gameplay oriented around this ability and etc (e.g. set to make pure lightning sorc, like frost Warden is ALMOST viable). Next, there are some DD sets that provide some small bonus to the whole group (or to 6 players). Bonus is small enough to be weak in dungeon runs, but strong enough for trials (e.g. Elemental Catalyst or Zen). There should be more of such sets. To the point that in trial runs players would want to wear completely different sets from dungeon runs. This would by the way resolve the issue of trial DPS drop that would happen if my suggestion of gutting the resource regen is implemented (dungeons would be more fun with much less possible group DPS, but some trials trifectas are impossible without sky-high DPS as far as I know). Finally, the combat encounters themselves. Right now there is no good reason to not stand closely behind the boss back. Proper combat formation is Tank>
@TheJimNicholson 5 ай бұрын
One thing I've thought is that it might help if there was an upgrade path for older item sets to newer stuff. Like if you have all the armor from an item set from the base game, have either a vendor or a crafting station (or use the armory perhaps) to let people turn items from an older set 2 into a newer one. This shouldn't be trivially easy to achieve, but it would provide an alternative for long-term players who aren't really interested in grinding to unlock new sets in new content. They could even gate it so that you had to at least complete the new content (main questline, dungeons, etc) to unlock the ability to upgrade older set items to specific new sets. And for anyone who doesn't like this idea, it would still be possible to unlock the set items using the current method.
@assassinwolf2719 5 ай бұрын
One solution they can do is introduced a new armor slot called Class Relic/Artifacts. These new items can change how certain abilities, ultimates, or passives act or can give additional new effects. Similar to Aspects and Fragments from Destiny 2. The only way you can get these items is through antiquities, infinite archive, vet arenas, or vet trials.
@TheMADGOD91 5 ай бұрын
Ok I've an idea and I hope people consider it. Boss weapon styles instead of crown store make it so that the only way to get let's say the staff of lady thorn is to complete the full dungeon with a staff. Or make it more specific, complete the dungeon as a tank in hm with only ice staves to unlock the ice staff style or etc etc. It would make things very replayable and force others to pick up different roles of they want all the special styles from that dungeon
@VladministratorGaming 5 ай бұрын
I don't have a problem with all the different sets, I like the variety and the possibilities they provide. I have more of an issue with accessibility to them. I'd love to spend more time theory crafting and testing setups, but to do it in game is very time/resource heavy. If I invest in a set, and it doesn't work out, then the time and in-game financial investment ends up for naught. Give me better accessibility. Guaranteed resources back for deconstruction of gear I made similar to how the reconstructed items give back some transmute crystals. Give me better ways to advance a new character so I can start the process sooner, instead of crown purchases of skill lines. The causal player feels locked into doing things one way because they don't have the time or resources to rebuild. This results in a dependence on the meta instead of encouraging experimentation. Those causal players throw their hands up and move on when the build they did invest in gets nerfed into oblivion, pun intended. Ease the cost of entry and they will be more inclined to explore the possibilities, which means more play time and likelihood to sign up for ESO plus. On the flip side, the every day players need something to keep them engaged and, well, not bored. That is usually new content, but one visit to the telvanni peninsula and finding the zone almost dead let's me know that's not retaining interest. Hard question to answer, but ZOS will need to find a good one to keep long term players playing.
@LBCreateSpace 5 ай бұрын
Being able to do more things in game for endeavors would be nice
@1Apep1 5 ай бұрын
It is part of the identity of the game that there is an abundance of sets available. I think there is a significant number of players who enjoy digging through them to find something that has been overlooked. There is usually not much to find for dummy parse results, but occasionally something surprising pops up for other use cases. One thing they could do is consolidate the old item sets from the base game. The zones that are parallel regarding the faction quest lines could drop the same sets, e.g. Deshaan, Grathwood and Stormhaven could all drop Mother's Sorrow, Green Pact and Night Terror. The same could be done with some of the base game dungeons. That would not only reduce the number of total sets, but also free up some set mechanics that might be interesting to be brought back in a more powerful form with new content eventually. I don't think that completely stopping to release new sets would be a good idea. Some players care much less about cosmetics than about things that influence their performance. Reducing the number of sets per piece of content would make sense, though. Ceterum censeo dungeon leader boards.
@push2377 5 ай бұрын
Move away from combat related item sets and do sets that mimic companion passives like improved fishing, better stealing, finding better loot in chests. Do 2 sets a year in the dungeon dlc 1 per dungeon and in all 3 weights. As for what can replace them have dungeon challenge/ champion achievements that after completing both will unlock a radiant apex mount. This will give a dungeon replay ability and let us earn something
@davedipy04 5 ай бұрын
I honestly dont know what they could do... One thing I think could be interesting tho is they could make a system that rewards people for collecting item sets in their sticker book. Not sure what they would add as a reward but it could be another thing for people to work toward if the rewards are good.
@heatherstern6288 5 ай бұрын
Do something like RuneScapes invention skill. Dismantling items to learn their traits (kinda like researching) and then being able to make perks you can put on items. They could make every item useful in this way in at least some way.
@robertshelton3796 5 ай бұрын
One thing that might be interesting is zone/dungeon specific buffs for these sets so that you've got a reason to craft/slot/store them. People can always JOAT but there could be some payday for having a specific set in a specific point in time. In PVP sets could have certain buffs against specific other sets letting you swap gear specifically to go after an OP NB in Cyrodiil. I dunno, I agree, there's a billion sets and for a casual player like me I'm all "derrrrrrr I have no idea there are a billion sets I'll use this one someone said to use and the mob died so good enough"
@CreativeExcusesGaming 5 ай бұрын
Generally their goal with sets has been “unique” effects instead of effective sets. All they have to do to make good sets is reskin already good sets with new themes and visuals and less than 10% changes in damage if its a damage set. Generally their support sets have been pretty solid, but they just dont seem to be willing to design a new damage set that does the same damage as nirn with a different damage type and visual. Why dont we have cool stormfist clones? Buff valkyn skoria? Buff the snot out of Kargaeda? There are many sets that could just use a small power buff that would be fantastic and they just wont do anything. But i have to say, sets are the main reward I care about. Good secondary rewards are motifs. And good one time rewards are dyes. For me, every other reward is tertiary and i dont really care much.
@edgegamez7825 5 ай бұрын
I haven't gone through all the comments. I'm not sure if it has been suggested yet. But maybe they can do something like letting eso plus members get double daily rewards.
@ShadowProject01 5 ай бұрын
Maybe they should add some kind of morphing system to the item sets making them more versatile to use. You can use your gems to morph 1-5 bonuses to suit your game playstyle. And give a second special ability to choose from that’s either class, Stamina or Magicka orientated Or perhaps new weapon lines we’ve had the same 5 weapon classes since launch. Instead focusing on more item sets give us new weapons. Tomes? Crossbows? Flask hurling? Etc
@akeecheyta 5 ай бұрын
More sets need the oakensoul treatment. A huge drawback for a huge bonus. It makes you think. Those 5 slots make me value every skill
@MashMalloman 5 ай бұрын
They can't stop releasing sets, it's what makes ESO special, but they should reduce how many 5 piece sets come out and focus on 3 piece sets or a new type of slot. The class sets for example are a huge missed opportunity for 3 piece sets which would have made builds much more interesting and open up their viability as the stats are less restrictive. They could make a new item slot called a trinket. The trinket slot would allow you to equip any complete items set effect from a 2 piece, 3 piece or 5 piece, but reduce it's potency by 50% and you don't get the stats from the 1-4 pieces. The only requirement being you must complete the collection of the entire set in your stickerbook which allows you to craft a trinket version of it. These trinkets don't stack with the original set bonus so you can't cheese it. Example: if you added a trinket for Relequen, your light attacks would proc tornados that stack up to 10x, but at 50% damage, you wouldn't get minor slayer or the stats the set gives. Obviously this would introduce power creep, so maybe they could remove some of the 1k weapon/spell damage you get on all characters. They should do another audit on previous sets after Scribing because they've updated the game to be hybrid friendly and restructured minor/major buffs. I think they just have a lot on their plate right now and it wouldn't make sense to redo so many of those before hybridization finishes or Scribing is available. For the reward structure, transmutes.. transmutes.. transmutes. We all love and need them. It's what allows us to try new builds. It's why we farm the same content again and again to fill out our sticker book, add those damn things to all activities. Most people only get them consistently from random dungeon normals. Thats a huge problem. Also, Scribing and Skill Styling will have their own currency like transmutes, I think they're called inks? Add those things to all game activities. Lastly, for endgame content, titles, skins, and mounts aren't enough. They need to lean more into skill styling and personalities. There's 100s of items styles, I feel like we can pretty much make any look we want so that isn't what brings me back to content. I also have about 40 mounts, reality is, I use the one I like the most and that's it. No one really cares what I ride or look like, because it's impossible to tell what was earned or bought. So.. the best incentive is to give temporary vfx in the form of aura's, glows, or trails. Example: you get top 100 for a trial leaderboard in a month, so the next month, you get fire that follows your footsteps or a blizzard that envelops your head, or lightning that creates trails from your weapon casts and light attack weaves. However, it's not permanent and only lasts the 1 month giving you a reason to beat that leaderboard again all year round. This visual queue would be exclusive to leaderboards and not sold in the crown store, because if they did, it kills all incentives to rerun that content and earn them. No one cares about titles. I literally don't even notice them when I look at a person's name and even if I do, I have no idea what the title is related to. Titles are self achievements, not ones used for showing off to the 99 percent of players.
@LTHEGRIFFTAH 5 ай бұрын
Mythic items should have its own slot,so it's an additional power up not a replacement,but you gotta earn the mythic slot
@shane5206 5 ай бұрын
I left the game for a bit I'm back now and that's just too many sets 😆 I know 75% of them are just trash
@IniquitousZ 5 ай бұрын
I like sdets, and think some of the problems with them could be solved with some changes. I think something they could do to make sets more interesting would be to move away from just 5 sets, more 2 3 and 4 sets, and not have every item set be usable on every slot, so there's actually come competition between sets because they wouldn't all be interchangeable. Something like having Arms of Relequen only being available on weapons and jewelry, meaning you couldn't ever use it with any other set that also needed one of those slots.
@bryanbowen4193 5 ай бұрын
They could make sets that produce different visual effects like an emote with unique sounds and visuals when you do a skill.
@dayhjawk 5 ай бұрын
Here's a thought on current items sets. combine the +magika/stamina, if it gives the same bonus like + armor and armor combine them into the same # items, open up a slot and add things like +dmg on class/non-class abilities, -minus resources cost of skills, +dot damage, + pet damage, etc.
@cedriklorrain8175 5 ай бұрын
1- make 1 overland/trial/dungeon/craftable set and the 4 bases stats change by the type of armor (magika/critical = light stam, crit dmamage = med armor/health = heavy 2- reward can be quality of life, exemple clearing 6 delves in a zone can give you 1 pack size, clearing the 6 world boss of the zone can give you a bank space and the savior acheivement a special furniture/costume/effect, ect 3- acheivement point can be a static currency working in 2 way. A- its a static line and every 5K acheivement point u get quality of life (ex: u get the daily craft quest bord as a furniture in your house) B- The point let you buy consumable, ex ridding lesson book, unique style/furniture that u cant get in any other way/ mount/ race/name change token, costumise dummy (color, model) I think this will force player to grind the zone and the acheivement 4- and for repetable reward, may be give a heavy bag at every boss, high price trash, purple gear with a 1% chance of getting a gold item in veteran or world boss. And why not every boss are a card deck for the stupid card game. To be honnest possibility are huge
@The_Titan_Tim 5 ай бұрын
While the idea of sets is becoming increasingly outdated, there are ways to freshen them up, like introducing new 3-piece and 4-piece sets. Then there’s Scribing, instead of building set collections, dungeons could be used to build Grimoires, only problem with that is they’ve locked the system behind a chapter when it should have been available as base-game.
@gnice42 5 ай бұрын
-Slightly overtune unused sets to bring them to life. As a year one player, I can't remember a time I heard "build" and "Light Speaker" in the same video. -Stop making better versions of the same set. Ie Everyone uses Eternal Vigor, Wretched Vitality is one uses Eternal Vigor. -If they make a change that null and voids a set, rework it immediately ie. "Grave Lord Sacrifice (skill) now treats you as a corpse. We realize the skill now null and voids the class set from Infinite Archive so we're changing its 5 piece bonus functions to....." -Rework or make all class sets stronger so people actually want to grind Infinite Archive - Zenimax has such an amazing sandbox with battlegrounds, but seems set on having us pigeon-toed to 4v4v4 with uneventful game modes besides TDM. I try not to offer a problem without a solution so why not add 1v1 2v2 3v3 etc with just two teams opposed to three, this would also lower que waiting times? Even a "Seige" mode where it is 10v10 and you're trying to fight to take over a keep or castle. This would consolidate the Cyrodiil experience into a non laggy evolution; take pieces from it, as well as IC, and turn them into bg maps. They could make a game mode similar to Chivalry 2 where there are small objective/instances of attack and defend which leads to everyone protecting or attacking a selected king (whomever has the most points by the end). The "King" could automatically get Emp buffs to protect themselves. IMO, Bgs has undoubtedly the most wasted potential
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
As a more pvp interested player (i do both pve and pvp, but enjoy the pvp the most due to its bigger gameplay options), I do love this idea!! Especially the larger 10 v 10 castle battle! That would be new and could have many new achievements and rewards tied to it, on a level like trials...where more pvpers might get more use out of some trial group buffing gear. The rework sets you about to make null and void with a new set, well that should of been obvious to the game, they instead prefer sets to remain dead sets instead of buffing them, they could give the old worse 5th bonus set an extra stat bonus line or 2 that would keep it viable to some still.
@Futu06 5 ай бұрын
Obviously they can't stop releasing new gear items completely, but limit it to 1 item set per dungeon/trial, not 4. This should have honestly been done a long time ago. There's no reason to have "something for everyone" in every piece of content, there's enough to fall back on already. Especially with the hybridisation, between the 2 dungeons and 1 trial, you could feasibly make 1 drop a healer set, 1 drop a tank set, 1 drop a DD set. Now, because this would obviously decrease the amount of loot gained: - Increase gold/mat drops from mobs in dungeons - Add rare crafting material drops to dungeon bosses - Maybe add fragments of cosmetic items like how event rewards work, that have a chance to drop on the last boss. - If devs need a reason for retention, consider adding a rare chance to drop a Perfected version of whatever the dungeon set weapons are that could have some kind of an additional effect (would not require 5 Perfected, but maybe make special versions of weapons that have an unique separate effect). - Add a chance for any piece of gear to drop in gold quality level on Veteran HM. Also, PLEASE, for the love of all that is holy - increase the rewards from random veteran dungeons. It makes NO sense for it to give the same XP and rewards as a random normal considering how much harder the DLC ones can be on vet. There is no reason to do random vet at the moment in terms of rewards, and because it can take so much longer and might not even be completable with pugs, even players who could comfortably do Vet just rush through Normal dungeons, ruining it for newer players. It seems so much like common sense, I do not understand why this is still a thing.
@evansullivan6700 5 ай бұрын
If I was looking for a way to revamp old sets, I would ignore overland and focus on dungeon sets, I would rework them to be more viable. I would then classify the new sets as perfected and tie them to vet dungeons. I would incorporate this change to a story arch about unlocking potential in gear. If that was received well, I would look at overland sets and perhaps add a system to tweek the 5th bonus. Like mild scribing, but with overland gear sets.
@nonamegiven202 5 ай бұрын
yep, just that catch 22 here, You need gameplay related changes for the widest appeal and greater return on investment but any gameplay related changes is going to lead to even more Power Creep. Personally tho, i would just accept that and go with new food mats for a new top tier food, they wouldn't be as broken as a new item slot and being consumables people will have to keep replaying (or buying from others who are running) the dungeons.
@salinaember9527 5 ай бұрын
to address dungeon set rewards, i'd limit new dungeons to a single set. it would drop in light, med, or heavy. to encourage all players to run it, i'd introduce a new item set system for loot. it involves "transmuting" 1-5 piece bonuses from the new dungeon's set onto any previous dungeon set. also known as stat bonus engravings for armor, jewelry, and weapons. collect 5 of these engravings and apply them to any worn dungeon equipment, like an enchantment, and it transmutes the furthermost stat line into the new dungeon's set line. for example, wear 3 pieces of a set to engrave the 3rd line. the appeal of these bonuses w0uld be the 4th and 5th line. i'd introduce sets with an extra 4th piece bonus, like increased pickpocket chance, or anything involving the green craft cp tree. this is seen with sets like bahraha's curse and reducing environmental trap damage as an extra 4th bonus. these types of sets would be geared for non-combat styles of gameplay. or the 4th bonus could be doubled, with this bonus carrying over if engraved. regardless, you can alter the 5th piece line on any dungeon set into the new dungeon's set bonus. this means you can give any existing dungeon set a completely new 5th bonus, keeping its 1-4 bonuses, weight, quality color, and trait. ideally, you farm the dungeon for set engravings, or your desired weight of the dungeon's base set. alas, these drops can be deconstructed into transmute crystals. for additional dungeon loot, i'd introduce "torn style pages". they have a chance to drop in any dungeon. gather enough to purchase a dungeon style motif of your choice at the undaunted npcs. undaunted pledges would guarantee a drop at every boss, as well as during the undaunted celebration event. purchased motifs are bind on pickup and can only purchase motifs from owned dlcs. furthermore, i'd introduce a way to participate in dungeons without a group of other players. i'd add a new npc at the undaunted area that provides daily dungeons that are done by solo players, with at least 1 companion, up to a maximum of 3 companions. these companion dungeons would drop companion gear, alongside dungeon gear, with the final boss having an increased chance of dropping a purple companion item, only when assigned to the daily undaunted quest on veteran mode. now onto item set coffers. they already exist in the game to hold set items together in a box in your inventory. they are seen on the pts and chapter zone celebration event rewards, as far as i'm aware. these can be further integrated into the game to help with inventory space and organization. i'd make "coffer fragments" drop in any dungeon, with a guaranteed coffer dropping on the final boss on veteran hard mode. these coffer boxes would be tied to the dungeon they drop in, varied by the dungeon item set. once you have a coffer for a set, you can put 5 of the set pieces into it. these coffers would not be limited to dungeons. as for overland, these coffer fragments would drop from world bosses, delve bosses, and public dungeon bosses. undaunted keys could be used to purchase coffers as well. gemstones. this item equipment slot allows for an additional armor/weapon/jewelry trait or mundus stone. any of the existing armor/weapon/jewelry traits are available in a gemstone form, in any of the quality colors (white, green, blue, purple, gold). these gemstones can have an enchantment and only 1 gemstone can be equipped at a time. mundus stone effects are also available in a gemstone, which acts as an extra mundus stone in your build. these gemstones would be acquired from any boss and given as a reward across multiple activities. once they break, they cannot be repaired. if they are deconstructed, they have a chance to give the corresponding trait material. class medallions. this is a character equipment slot that is class exclusive. this medallion would provide subtle buffs to your class. subtle, in order to not break balance in both pve and pvp. the base values would be determined by medallion quality. the more class abilities slotted, the higher the increase. these items cannot be improved in quality and can be repaired. class medallions would only be received when playing the specific class. they cannot be traded outside of a dungeon, trial, or group setting. medallions are a way to provide identity and honor to a class. they could enhance a skill line, increase stats, reduce costs, or provide buffs that a class lacks. style motif transmogrify. this gives players the ability to feed armor and weapons to the transmute station and convert the style appearance of a bound item. you would not gain any form of materials from the conversion. this is for players who arent crafters or dont have gold for expensive style pages. its also a reason to farm new dungeons if youre not interested in the set bonuses. the conversion rate cost would be linked to transmute crystals and the item set collection value. at the transmute station, i'd add an option to feed any equipment for a chance to create a gemstone. the more items with a certain trait you feed, the more of a chance the gemstone inherits the trait. the quality of the items also determines the quality of the gemstone. feeding the station divine traits also has a chance to give a mundus stone gemstone instead of a divine trait. lastly, i'd make ouroboros crates the standard for in game daily activity rewards. 1st random daily dungeon, daily battlegrounds win, or the 1st zone dailies of the day, cyro/ic dailies, daily 3 endeavors, and undaunted pledge. this ensures players receive adequate crown gems or consumables while maximizing play time.
@glenndhorallmyxlvntx9294 5 ай бұрын
Have always wanted an upgrade to weapons using gems or glyphs that we could work towards. I mean who doesn’t want a 3-gem encrusted pair of daggers?
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Especially non-set items. Being able to enchant regular items with multiple glyphs would be awesome. I personally would love the introduction of runewords like Diablo. Make it like D2R where high level runes can’t be farmed, you just have to accidentally find one.
@hypraxkalash35 5 ай бұрын
Add some currencies or drops such as transmute crystals / tel var stones or gold mats on boss loots. Make "content specific" currencies more accessible by letting them drop from other content.
@aussie-elders 5 ай бұрын
Just start putting old crown crate items into the game as rewards, there is HEAPS of old crown crate rewards that could be used as rewards for ZOS to get more milage out of the existing rewards. Surely they have enough of the new crates they dont need to keep trying to make money off the super old stuff.
@vuduthatudu2983 5 ай бұрын
That was exactly my thought. Even using new Crown crates. And get really dirty with it, Increase the drop chance for a radiant Apex for a single member of the group. Other people can see that it is entirely possible to get a radiant Apex from a loot box. They then may adopt the attitude of well it happened for them it can happen for me. This in my opinion would increase replayability and possibly Sales.
@_invinciScribe_24 5 ай бұрын
That’s a great idea 👍🏾
@richardpowell1425 5 ай бұрын
One ZOS might go for. Has to be easy, cheap, and profitable
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Fantastic idea I would personally love this.
@canopener00 5 ай бұрын
I think the biggest problem is the chamion point system. The loot treadmill works alot better when each chapter raises the power level and then you have to farm dungeon sets to do the trial, trial sets to do the harder trial, etc
@newworldforward1842 5 ай бұрын
Players want to show off to others that they completed certain content, so more earnable mounts, outfits, motifs and furniture pieces that can only be earned by completing content. Hack the Minotaur had an interesting idea where you can earn something like "charms" from the archive instead of sets. Those charms are one piece items that can be slotted into a new "charm" slot to give some overall bonus to the character.
@eco_2128 5 ай бұрын
I can already hear toxic casuals crying about such a change because they can't complete the content and feel left out.
@richardpowell1425 5 ай бұрын
We don’t need another new mechanic that affects gameplay. The excessive number of sets makes the servers slow. Proof: removing proc sets from PvP improved performance. Large scale PvP won’t be possible until item sets are drastically reduced e.g. to 5 years ago levels.
@JamesSmith-es1mr 5 ай бұрын
@@eco_2128 they will just add a re-coloured version to the crown store for the casual whales
@newworldforward1842 5 ай бұрын
@@richardpowell1425 There's proc free PvP already. All areas.
@newworldforward1842 5 ай бұрын
@@richardpowell1425 I think Hack's idea was more of an overall boost, like "gives 3% max health" or "gives 2% damage done" etc.. So, not a proc but a permanent stat.
@Lameboi4000 5 ай бұрын
If I could earn more inventory space, I think think I would sink time into that. 240 bank space sucks since the game's bankable items expand every patch but we are still stuck with the bank at the capacity it had decade ago and as a frugal player I am not interested in renting out the extra space via eso+.
@RimaruTempest-qf2ze 5 ай бұрын
transmute stone rewards would help incentivise ppl to grind dungeons, maybe only available in newer dungeons. random drop of 1-5 for normal and 5-10 for vet
@DR-nh2kh 5 ай бұрын
I think what they should do have dungeon unique pice like a named weapon ot armour that is a set on its own and is supper rare and does something completely different
@Zeorymer300 5 ай бұрын
I was thinking the same thing or even a coffer system for each dungeon theme set
@MW-dg2ey 4 ай бұрын
Pleasing everybody is impossible but you mentioned undaunted keys a couple times and with so many older sets now I think having some form of key drops that can be collected and spent at a new undaunted vendor could work. New players can collect old set pieces they want for doing new content in weekly coffers like the cyrodil ones, old players can buy other items that the vendor has similar to how the archive is setup with materials, leads, monster style pages etc. Also companion gear could come in collectible dungeon sets with modest 2-3-4 and 5 piece bonuses and farmable upgrade material drops or just be a part of the aforementioned new key system. I don't use companions but I think that would probably appeal to the masses that do.
@skitch8616 5 ай бұрын
What about introducing a Prestige system to help with the replayability, maybe with every prestige lvl hit you can unlock a new chapter/DLC/mount/cosmetic/etc (with the exclusion of the newest content) from the crown store. If the issue is replayability, this would certainly help with keeping players invested in continuous gameplay without breaking bank with their funding ideology of "keeping players on for longer will produce more sales". They can even put a limit on how many prestige levels a player can acquire per year/season this will help with reducing the feeling of "grinding", the key is to balance the reward with the grind without them (ESO) feeling like they are taking more then a 5-10% hit in their pocket.
@holmestrenholm8861 5 ай бұрын
Hey, I believe that new set creation and implementation could be eliminated utilizing scribing system: People will always grind for power. If you make spellcrafting tied to something like harvesting essences of bosses all over the world it could replace sets. Needing to go to certain zones or dungeons for themed spell effect/ visuals. Instance, ppl might have to go back to skyrim or riven spire for blood magic. Or wrothgar for ice magic. You might even be able to have system where you can upgrade spells to different types dot/dd/single target/aoe from dungeons or trials in themed zones. A system like this would be interesting and would give people a reason to go back to old content. It could encourage eso subscribers and in my opinion could replace sets. They could even introduce unique magic like xp gain or gold gain. Would be pretty cool to have to crawl around murkmire to learn disease magic.
@muhm00d 5 ай бұрын
Give people more shinies earnable by playing the game, but that would hurt the greedy crown store. Let's be honest what they sell in crown store probably makes more money than all the subscriptions, and that is the biggest stumbling block for deciding how much stuff they should give away thru simply playing the game. Achievement points could be turned into a separate currency similar to infinite archive model. Also wish they made unique zone mounts available thru stables for completing stuff in the zone, instead of the same 3 washed up horses that nobody ever gonna ride - these could be mounts that relate to the unique zone's culture. But make it less grindy like some of the vanity items that you can assemble by collecting certain amount of parts, because advanced players just buy those on the market and don't play the content
@ibillyradio248 5 ай бұрын
Do the metrics and scrap the old sets from the dungeons making them into crafted sets while leaving the jewelry and weapons as drops .. increasing the transmutes and also socketed gems that you can place into the helm or shoulders to created various effects from mini bosses or bosses would be great
@daltontucker4749 5 ай бұрын
mad tink ,icy conj, maw of the infernal,morkuldin, ect more summon proc sets😊
@sticky0159 5 ай бұрын
They should really start by reworking some of the base game item sets and dungeons because majority of them are hit by the changes from updates and became situational or downright useless.
@dragonking4882 5 ай бұрын
What about armor set customization?.. like give us a list of possible options to use on a custom piece of jewelry or weapon.. just an idea
@carlos424 5 ай бұрын
@carlos424 0 seconds ago I don’t know if it would even be possible, but it would be fun if we could customize/change certain lines in item sets. Like have the ability to switch out a recovery line or max mag/stam line for a crit line or a weapon/spell damage line. Maybe limit this to overland sets, which are mostly crappy anyway and/or maybe dungeon sets. Could use some sort of transmute-like system, and maybe make some of these older sets viable. Nothing too op.
@shanethesmith443 5 ай бұрын
What if there were consumables that were used in other game modes, but they were made with materials that only drop in dungeons and trials? The idea being that group-content-enjoyers will be getting items that other players need, while the items that group-content-enjoyers need (like alchemy ingredients and gold tempers) will continue to be sourced primarily from overland, thus keeping the economy alive, but hopefully allowing people to earn gold from playing the group content. Obviously, the consumable items actually have to be desirable (as in part of the PvP meta or look really good in a unique way for fashion or housing), and the rarity needs to be balanced. There should also be an elevated variant of the consumable whose components only drop in vet. And above all, it must be something that is continually consumed, not simply consumed once per account. As for the consumables themselves, maybe houses could have certain lighting and animated effects which are tied to a magical generator which needs to be refueled. Maybe there could be fashion items that give cool animated effects (like the glowing orbs from Pearlescent, or the Alkosh effect on weapons), but have a limited duration. PvP items could be food that gives crit resistance, some new potions or poisons that are uniquely useful in PvP.
@swingkid1771 5 ай бұрын
Adding another gear slot would be interesting. AND Armor Master is NOT a bad set... If you're a bash build.
@moto4xxx 5 ай бұрын
On player retention.. attaching the Craft Bag to ESO+ memberships makes it a lot harder to come back. Can't play seriously without it and can't justify a plus membership just for item storage space.
@Bhujerbaa 5 ай бұрын
All they have to do is allow you to earn things from vet content. After killing the final boss in a vet dungeon, you should have a low chance at getting stuff other than a motif and monster helm. Things like lower tier cosmetics( costumes, body markings, skins ect) more transmute crystals, endeavor tokens , maybe even crown crate gems. They could also make every trial have a low chance of dropping a unique mount.
@UselessSpen 5 ай бұрын
Class ability upgrade options as quest rewards. 1 item sets that provide a new skill that is unique to that set. How about instead of sets the rewards is simply new motifs. That are dungeon specific. Special buffs that get stronger the higher the difficulty the dungeons were beaten on.
@ijklown 5 ай бұрын
They could redo a lot of the older overland sets and have them drop in new places like the new dic dungeons, chapter etc.
@MrVavant 5 ай бұрын
Look up what FF11 mmo did add augmentation to armor or like what lord of the rings online did add slots and add ur own stats to legendary gear
@darthdad2650 5 ай бұрын
They could also make slotable 2nd 3rd and 4th pieces
@skyrimgb94 4 ай бұрын
Maybe this is stupid but... what if each dungeon had it's own currency, so if you're running city of Ash 1 or 2 you get city of Ash currency that can then be used at a new vendor where you can choose the items you want to receive from that dungeon and obviously higher difficulty gives greater rewards, viteran gives more than normal, vet HM gives more than vet, so for example I run city of Ash 1 on vet HM, each boss kill drops me dungeon specific currency instead of random gear, I then take that currency and go to a unique vendor where i buy myself the pieces of burning spell weave that I want, make the currency something that can be bought and sold on guild traders, I think this would get people back into dungeons to farm the dungeon specific currency and sell for profit, also when the older dungeons come into rotation on pledges people actually have something useful they can sell rather than pices of sets they'll never use and players looking to acquire those sets don't have to run content no one is queing for 83 times because the ring won't drop, they can find the currency on guild vendors... this also makes the new meta sets a bit easier to obtain for those that maybe don't have the gear to run the dungeon and will help them get stronger, maybe lessening the gap between the bottom and the top players a little...? I'm sure there are issues with this idea but idk, I like it, don't flame me too hard.
@Haninos 5 ай бұрын
I wish if they just rework the whole companions system, adding like more complexity to it, so they become much more interesting, smarter and really helpful and worth getting. like improving their offenesive and defensive stats or style through points like mini-cp points that can be earned overtime like research or by doing certen things need more grinding to get. adding some more unique skills or passives to buff the player. also giving us more control over their reactions in battle ( like avoiding critical AOEs for example -__-) as well as upgrading their weapons and armor quality and traits and make them dueling with other players companions! to test how good is my companion. How cool is that would be ^.^ and finally giving us the option to mark the green companion item as JUNK! :)
@Paws100 5 ай бұрын
I think they should just flat out remove a load of sets so it's only 1 set per zone/dungeon/whatever with some exceptions like Arena weapons. If they then want the grind to be longer than 1 set, they should add more wearable item slots on your character, like left/right shoulders/gloves/feet, or maybe the rest of the weapons that are missing, like spear, crossbow, throwing stars, martial staves, knucklebones, and the magic staves like Alteration, Illusion, Mysticism, conjuration. Also, I know it was in the game originally, and I'm sure they had a good reason for removing it, but making dungeon and trial sets sellable on guild traders would give endgame pve-ers some source of income, but also give the super rich but low skill merchants a chance to get the best gear.
@joulevette22 5 ай бұрын
IMO they have no excuses on rewards say that to the crown shop getting new items all year round while putting mediocre rewards for players to earn spending hundreds of hrs grinding Instead creating new sets then how about creating a new accessory maybe "CLOAKS" with stats that buff you class abilities not your armor set abilities
@titusbojan4271 5 ай бұрын
I made Spirit Slayer achievement in Vateshran Hollows thinking that I will unlock that spectre polymorph like the baron from Maelstrom Arena. After getting that achi, I realised that it was a crown crate skin. But at least I have a flashy title nobody cares about. GG game and ZOS.
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
Dungeons too long and hard: fix by doing same as used to do for fungal grotto 1 vs 2, spindleclutch 1 versus 2....shorten up the normal versus the vet, you can make vet challenging as you wish, but give us easy short fast to do normal versions so 1. we can finish stickerbook faster and actually get use from sets before they are nerfed, and 2. so doing them in normal randoms aren't so much of a slog people just leave when they see it like they do now with many of the dlc dungeons. And yes I would be all for them shortening up the normal run version of all the too long n hard im going to peace out dlc dungeons that we currently have. To have something to work for as a reward, we already have 2 things in the game: Transmutes and Seals of Endeavor. Change the amount of transmutes to be higher for the vet version runs versus the normal runs. Also to entince more for the older vet dungeons or trials give added seals of endeavor...can be low amount like 5, but it would be something more than what is currently trials could have again a higher amount of a daily amount...10-15. Would this give them radiant mounts faster, yes, but would they be doing the content more for it...also yes. So a win win really, if they get the shiny mounts faster then they are able to show them off in game, which might encourage others to try to do the same, which is more engagement with the game. Also the rewards for seals are already where they change up each cycle/season, limited always some constant new items to work towards, so it keeps it fresh and something new to work towards. Lastly champion points: we need them to be useful to max level of 3600. Only reason it was capped before was to make pvp more fair for low levels, but they can play no champion point pvp for fairness till they get enough points to not feel it to be unfair. Change more of the activated slots to be passive, especially speed + greens.
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
Also because my first long message seems to be missing now then here are the highlights: 1. Allow all dungeon/trial/arena gear sets to be sellable for gold in guild stores. Most pvp sets are gold sellable, so its only fair to make the pve stuff gold sellable too. Plus encourages redoing of stuff for those that have it all done, since they can make millions of gold selling that stuff to players like me who will never do it or be able to do it (cant do vet solo arenas do to my high ping rate and it not allowing me to weave or animation cancel). I would buy it guaranteed!!! and me being a flower picker, well I can pay well for it too (with truly earned game gold, I wont buy gold from would rather pick more flowers). So this gives way more engagement in the game not just from players who can now make gold selling that gear, but from players like me harvesting more hours to buy that gear to finish my stickerbook. 2. Too many nerfed sets!! Not enough buffing of sets to keep most sets relevant and useful to most players. Nerfing everything to push only the new stuff, and then nerfing that too, leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth...and if not the first year, then by year 6 all players agree on it. Nerfing all dungeons and trial sets that came before also means no reason to farm those old things for those old things....nerfing ruins replayability of all stuff. So buff the old sets! Give extra stat lines, maybe even 2-3 extra lines for ones with bad 5th bonuses...could also buff/rework the bad 5th bonuses. 3. Give something besides points for every "achievement" ...It could be something as little as 1k gold or 5k xp or both. But give us something that makes our toon or account better. Some of those 50 point achievements with nothing else could be great spots to give some seals of endeavors, more dyes, achievement only craft motif/style set/5 piece set that has unique bonuses...maybe for exploration or crafting achievements could help with increased farming amounts or increased special item drop chance (like for potent nirncrux etc)...for some monster trophies achievements maybe leads to mythics that give bonuses/stats against those monster types. It could be a mount that you get different pieces for different achievements...thereby only really giving out 1 mount but giving players the feeling of each of the achievements for the pieces got something...same for a costume...etc. My point is it could and should be something given besides useless/pointless points. Ideas for better high endgame rewards: polymorphs with different colors effects for different dungeons/trials/archive/arenas....same for special mounts...special costumes...special weapon sets (like the crown weapon packs)...could be a even higher level top tier one for having gotten so many trifectas etc and it be something different than anything else in the game.
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
After reading through many of the comments here, one huge glaring obvious fix is to lower the number of sets that come for a dungeon to have just 1 five piece set (could also be 3 piece or 4 piece set too) that comes in all 3 heavinesses, so still same number of pieces to collect in total for stickerbook, but only 1 set to be designed which could be a better set people want instead of coming out with 3 lackluster dead on arrival sets. Also many mention having a new gear slot...I always thought this is how mythics should of been done...and they could change the mythics to this slot...or like many say it could be a new type of gear slot that the gears are gotten from new content stuff going forward rather than sets...I'm ok with this idea if it is added into base game as a gettable from somewhere too (like infinite archive and/or purchase with tel var/allaince points/archival fortunes, for gold from achievement merchants) that a new armor/gear slot isn't hard locked behind one chapter or dlcs going forward (the best ones maybe, gotta have a reason to buy the new stuff)...but I also think items/sets/gears should have more than just 1 way to earn them (like pvp gear is buyable from others for the most part, monster sets are buyable from golden vendor on weekends, zone motifs can come from treasure chests/stealing both pickpocketing and looting/killing bosses/daily reward boxes/and closing psijic portals).
@win-gem4805 5 ай бұрын
I think a lot of the animations could be heavily updated on skills. With how bright and flashy the arcanist is i feel that skills such as flames of oblivion could be updated to something more interesting. Why not say, have a spectral flame dragon fly around you and breath fire balls insted of just having a ball of fire shoot smaller balls of fire. Little changes like that could make a big difference.
@KuyruksuzSatyr 5 ай бұрын
Add functionality to housing so more people are into it. More cosmetic rewards by playing the game, nnot just crown store. Endeavors were right direction but not enough. Vet overland content that turns related sets perfected.
@zombiejesus7445 5 ай бұрын
7:24 very low rate mount drops! Super easy answer. Learn from your competitors... People in wow still farm older raids (solo) WEEKLY... PER CHARACTER to get a mount from a raid that got released 8-10years ago. I have friends that are still farming invisible, a mount from ICC that was released in what 2007?
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Due to the lack of rewards, I won’t be getting ESO+ again this year.
@gareaap7806 5 ай бұрын
Everything comes down to One Tamriel. lvl locking everything is the main reason why ESO has to do horizontal instead of vertical with gear / rewards. I despise antiquities and how its implemented because farming anything is ESO feels bad because there are no rewards. They need to rework their whole economy to make it worthwhile to do anything besides farming sets because there is nothing else.
@endlessnight2453 5 ай бұрын
They need to just make 3 peice bonuses the max so you can actually run 3 or even 4 different sets for build diversity
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Zos should include a battle pass with the ESO+ subscription. They could have separate levels for pve and pvp and could reset it yearly. I would love to be able to have decent rewards from playing bgs all the time. But it seems like I get nothing of value from playing bgs
@MrDometheo79 5 ай бұрын
Need more chests!!!! 5 fucking characters being used as mules! Wtf!??? Come on zos!! Need another 6 chests! 60 slots!
@SFHFWill 5 ай бұрын
Easy, make grandmaster skills that are learned by killing things (learning techniques). So for example, let's take duel wielding for example. The second off hand weapon is sheathed, the primary weapons is gripped in both hands and new moves are used and learned. If it's a dagger, still held in one hand but it's a mix of grappling/stabbing skills. 2h turns into using destroyed staves as spears and new elemental piercing attacks are learned. SnB turns into shield masters that do various types of slams and attacks with their shield and use it as a primary weapons while their MH weapon is used for defense. There's tons of historical techniques that could be implemented into ESO that become endgame rewards. New animations and new builds without adding ANY new items.
@huberthumphry280 5 ай бұрын
I don't ESO+, I have a method to deal with inventory from years of this and have got all dlc from crown sellers while buying new chapter every year. I have told people for a long time, if they give a "warehouse" with eso+ then I'll subscribe what is a warehouse? For being an ESO+ subscriber you get furnishing storage that is accessible in the housing editor that holds say 5,000 furnishings and allows you to furnish your home from the editor and alleviates the need for "storage homes" where I dump furnishings until I need them and can only collect what fit my inventory after I have searched all of them to find that to place in my new home. Maybe also an option to "send to warehouse" from your inventory. That is something useful that could get me to subscribe. I'm sure people will think that is just feeding their greed, but face it, capitalists are gonna capitalize.
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
As a eso plus member mainly for the craftbag alone, since I usually prepurchase the new dlc zone/chapter, and I am one who has been thinking of unsubscribing from eso plus so my random normal dungeon runs wont include any of the long hard dlc stuff...the warehouse for furniture is one that could convince me to stay a plus member....just depends how much I hate newer harder dlc dungeons, I already peace out on some of them just from hating them so much. So even the warehouse idea is a hard sell when they are making new dungeons soo unfun to me already, with carry sellers just advocating for it to be even harder under the fake claim of making it "fun or interesting". I would say too if you subscribe for a full year of eso plus you should get 1 mundus stone free that you can pick for your home....they could also create new mundus stones people could use...I know I would love one that increases rare drop chances like when harvesting in craglorn or even starter islands for the atherial drops.
@huberthumphry280 5 ай бұрын
@@bookmagic9641 I'm not sure what cp level you are but ever since I hit 1600 or so over a year ago, no normal dungeon is hard. What is difficult is trying to do any dlc dungeon on vet through the group finder, but then I generally don't- that's what I have guilds for But most people I know say the same on + membership, that its for the craft bag, some add housing inventory as well, but that is about it- With 8 toons, I have no issues with inventory and when I get a free week of + I pack any home i'm working on to max inventory (because as long as you don't "put away" furnishings, you can still move them around and keep eso+ max level of furnishings)
@bookmagic9641 5 ай бұрын
@@huberthumphry280 To answer your question on my cp its around 2375 I think...usually after doing dailies on my 15 toons I get another level or so, so its always moving. All base game dungeons on normal I can solo myself, so yes those are easy. With no animation canceling or light weaving due to high ping rate, the newer dlc dungeons...schrivener's hall anyone? shipwrights regret? how about an oldie but a goodie moonhunter keep? Imagine soloing these on normal without light weaving at all, on a magicka warden (my main...she wears nunatak and spinners and that old frost set (not in game and cant think of it at moment...not frostbite though)....these are not easy normal dungeons, these are not fast dungeons (like fungal grotto)....and so these are not fun dungeons to me. I would advocate more normal dungeons be shorter and easier versions of the vet dungeon, like some of the base game normals or versions 1s were random normals for transmutes isn't some slogfest. I have been in groups where many left schriveners hall normal due to them dying a lot and not understanding mechanics...we would eventually get some in who hung in there and we finished it. But I am no godtier player able to do these new dungeons solo for newbie groups. I also prefer the fast que random normals....I dont have a set group who is all on my avaerage playlevel to do them, and many are easier to those who can lightweave, us that cannot they can be impossible on on normal we dont call them easy...I call them tedious boring extra slogging for same reward as a fungal grotto 1 run for me (the 10 transmutes).
@Jammet 5 ай бұрын
How about more gold? Don't laugh, inflation or whatever. Many players don't have the exorbitant sums you have. Give people more gold for most gameplay aspects. Bring bounties in.
@individual116 5 ай бұрын
Make it so at CP 2400 you can sell dungeon sets from base in the guild traders then at 3000 you can sell dlc dungeon sets
@nickmylo8703 5 ай бұрын
make everything 1 set pieces and add another gear slot for the 5 items bonus . the possibilities are endless.
@m.s.t.wheart4347 5 ай бұрын
Better designed textured detailed outfit /skin /furniture/hair style /makeup and accessories is sorely needed New designed mount also would be nice i mean not same mount with different colour/ animation or something chimerc I spent most of the time furnishing my house , and what I'm saying is that 700 furnishing slot capacity is not working at all..... It's also not meant for new players for some reasons it would be nice if it was more friendly to new players indeed As for sets.... Well sadly it's become some sort of merchandise to encourage players to buy new character/dlc and it caused vicious cycle of introduction of new "better" sets +/- coupling it with some nerfs to preexisting ones And here we are 600 + sets and yet less than 100 of those are used by players .... One may say there's less than 100 usable sets because those 500 + are meant for new players or easier content... When there is no difficulty level of quests /Overland enemies or even dungeons/trials (they do only have 3 modes of difficulty) this idea make no sense On the other hand most of these 100 sets somehow function the same there is not much identity to them much alike the classes as they have little identity to them when it comes to playstyle and function For solution new sets should have new functionality and identity to allow players choose different combination for creating their ideal build/playstyle without being "better" than any other possible builds Same as this scribing (which I have high hope of ) And as for old one introducing new systems of difficulty level for questing overland enemies makes them partially useful for new players at least Introduction 3 rd or more morph for skills also helps the diversity of possible builds
@BlackBlazeGaming 5 ай бұрын
Been saying for years that they need to release more cosmetics as earnable rewards. They stopped offering personalities and skins with DLC dungeon content as a reward for completing difficult challenges within them, and instead just giving titles for progressing through difficult achievements. They also need to take a step back and consider how they can shift the focus of the game's progression from primarily achieving a wider spread of bigger numbers to actually impacting directly the way that players can play the game and interact with its systems. I think them adding these new customizable skills was initially a nice idea until the customization just came down to what kind of numbers the skill outputs. Adding cosmetics to change the look of various skills is another great idea and the fact that they will be earnable in-game is such a breath of fresh air. If it turns out to be through seals of endeavor only I'm going to lose it.
@martinshegelski5856 5 ай бұрын
They should have had a system to either perfect set pieces that drop from dungeon bosses on hard modes and some that drops from dailies. Kind of like the temps. Also why didn’t they have a system in place like the enchanting in Skyrim. Also binding normal sets from dungeons is stupid however you could have perfected pieces drop from the last boss that are bound. Everything in the game feels grindy.
@eldenmox5525 5 ай бұрын
First rework every set that says when you take damage below x health y happens. These sets for tanking are completely useless because you should never be getting low as a tank and the only things you will ever have issues with are one shots from heavy attacks and mechanics anyway. Every zone should add a boost to your character stats for completing in some way. Even if it’s just something small like 10 spell damage or whatever. In an mmo you should always feel like your getting stronger by completing content. Once you get enough skill points there is no reason to do anything after that. A little off topic but could be worked into rewards. I would like to have a ranking system like we have for alliance rank but instead have one for each type of content like dungeons, trials, and solo. Allow us to display which one over our head to show what kind of player we are. For example I like 4 man content so have a dungeoun faction that I can progress by completing various achievements in dungeons that gradually get harder to progress my rank and display next to my name. The symbols can even be the same just with different colors. We could have a ranking for trial achievements and solo or whatever content people like.
@Supadrumma441 5 ай бұрын
The fact that 80% of these sets are just pure trash doesn't help.
@steve7189 5 ай бұрын
I really wish they created something I could add all the gear I get and it itemizes it by the set and not just by helmets here pants here shoes here. It’s so frustrating to look through 100s of pieces just to see if I even have a complete set ugh 😑
@thor4318 5 ай бұрын
I got fed up of the nurfs also I did play for a very long time none stop and wanted a break I think if they got rid of champion points and let us wear more jewellery on fingers and maybe another neck
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