The MAJOR Problem With Wizard101.

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This isn't negavitity for the sake of views. The community is basically saying "make the game good or please resign" because you're killing the game.

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@fredthetank8386 7 ай бұрын
That video in the back ground brings back so many good memories. Now you can’t even do 2v2 anymore.
@Boatheboah 7 ай бұрын
All the lvl 1-20 2v2 pvp I used to do.. 😭
@JacobRoseBlade 7 ай бұрын
I'm on the verge of quitting.
@JamesTheAce 7 ай бұрын
Highly encourage you to find other games to play man. Upgrade ur pc if you have to
@SoullessSpecimen 7 ай бұрын
I used to play w101 religiously and now it's all about dead cells baby! Get into it. It's so good.
@mikehartjes7241 3 ай бұрын
Wow that video brings back good memories i would lowkey would still be playing this game time to time if the game was still like this great video man and thanks for this I would never play this game anymore but I do miss the old good memories
@sylvestus7008 7 ай бұрын
I bought 10$ worth of villains of the spiral pack thru the friend menu bc I liked a wand my friend had and I never got the packs plus the crowns disappeared from my account. This happened about 2 months ago, I’ve emailed them multiple times about it, and they have completely ignored me. I’ve been playing this game for 10 years now and I can’t believe what it’s become.
@augie. 6 ай бұрын
have u talked in discord?
@haisetbh 7 ай бұрын
i canceled my membership because i lost interest in this game ill come back for wiz classic or when they learn to care about the players
@fueledbySupreme 7 ай бұрын
Spellements was a cool concept at first but they turned it into a cash grab and it got super confusing because its either you choose the path to be able to use in pvp or more dmg and pip for pve but cant use in pvp, whicb is frigging annoying why not just give us a new set of spells when entering the pvp arena?
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
What Kingsisle should've done, regarding paths, is just have them alternate between PvE and PvP modes according to whichever the player is engaging in. Simple!
@brofan1ty935 7 ай бұрын
Bro the video quality is completely garbage
@JamesTheAce 7 ай бұрын
That’s the point. It’s a hazy reminisce of the past but not clear so you focus more on my talking.
@ShamayimPM 7 ай бұрын
I agree, as a lead designer making these many mistakes would get you fired anywhere else
@daniella921 7 ай бұрын
The game is expensive and hasn't evolved. No reward incentives the reason I left no new nothing just a cash cow for KingsIsle. It's a wonder they have a reason to keep the game alive.
@dangeki5902 5 ай бұрын
Money from whales
@marcel3300 7 ай бұрын
this game has changed so much it’s basically unrecognizable, and i say this as someone who played since there was only Arc 1. I spent so much money on the game to the point where I just stopped playing full stop a little bit before roshambo got introduced. seeing the wiztubers talk about the content added in afterwards made me confident in my choice in walking away from the game
@loudwirefarm5795 6 ай бұрын
Games are supposed to change. Just like people.
@Soulastro12 7 ай бұрын
Ratbeard needs to be fired
@dhwonder1886 7 ай бұрын
@NoLifeWood 7 ай бұрын
@ZENSCRID59 7 ай бұрын
I agree
@jen_esse 7 ай бұрын
@campbellxeason 7 ай бұрын
@pau11iska8D 7 ай бұрын
I agree with the keys. The four dungeons update brought in the key bosses and chest rooms and it actually felt rewarding to get a golden key from darkmoor. Now the gold keys are locked behind "key bundles" in the crown shop, bm crafting, the loyalty store, and the scroll, and they can only be used on spellement bosses. Completely uprooted a precedent that was around for 8 years. They literally chose not to just make a new key and leave the others alone (ie. a platinum key). The devs in the present day love wrecking things that have been the norm for years, or even over a decade because they "need to be updated" (aka they don't pad the pockets of KI enough). Like the saying goes, don't fix something that isn't broken.
@trishapaytaskitchenfloor 7 ай бұрын
the loyalty store that isn’t so loyal HAHAHAHAH it was advertised to get monthly points, now i’m lucky to get them every 3 months
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
I'm still annoyed they told us that wooden and stone keys were going to be phased out and everything will be gold. So used all of mine instead of saving them for something I wanted to do. I do find it highly annoying also that only certain bosses are gold key bosses and like your complaint a lack of ways to actually get the other keys. You also missed you can get keys from daily assignments, every day 15 chest. Additionally two of the events spiral showcase and spiral scene.
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
You should actually be able to get every month without any issue. The thing is you have to go to the loyalty store to redeem your tokens. However one thing no one seems to talk about is how for the first 15+ months we were getting two sets of tokens. People were telling KI we need more items in the loyalty store the whole time. So for example you would get your first tokens on the first of the month and then your second on your monthly payment date. I forget however many months ago they changed it, I'm not really sure if it's your payment date or not any more? Anyway the disappointing point is you only get tokens once a month, which if you're at the maximum tier is four compared to a previous eight.@@trishapaytaskitchenfloor
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
As far as I know, the Loyalty Store hasn't updated in MONTHS! Even Kingsisle's subscriber shop is a scam!! Isn't this illegal? 🤔😁😈
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
Oh you mean updating items in the loyalty store. Yeah it usually changes every month after the first Tuesday or Wednesday but mounts only every 3 months. It doesn't change much month to month. Same old crap. I go for the mounts or packs.@@TrianglePants
@AmCellyy 7 ай бұрын
Revert Wiz back to when turnbased just got added; before dragoon got added, that was peak for every single level then they added shambo n ruined it all and kept ruining it all
@fredthetank8386 7 ай бұрын
100% right. Say it louder for the people in the back.
@faeriequeens 7 ай бұрын
i really enjoy listening to your thoughts!!
@willtbh- 7 ай бұрын
This is why we need a wiz classic, I personally don’t like where this game has gone/is going, I miss the darkmoor days :/
@daniella921 7 ай бұрын
Dartmoor was my fave dungeon
@Boatheboah 7 ай бұрын
W take.
@greenchilistudioz4537 7 ай бұрын
That will makes things worse.
@willtbh- 7 ай бұрын
@@greenchilistudioz4537 how?
@augie. 6 ай бұрын
@@greenchilistudioz4537how lmao. it would be a separate mode
@chaozgaming8565 7 ай бұрын
Man I remember people complaining how bad Darkmoor was... Now everyone's saying it was the best update.
@MasterWan 7 ай бұрын
I love seeing that old arena! You have a pretty decent explanation here; well done, James.
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
Why are people still crying about rudeness, ESPECIALLY at Kingsisle? They deserve this!
@rachaelkennedy3071 7 ай бұрын
Not understanding how one dev, the only dev to PvP at that, is entrusted to steer the entire game. His ideas seem a bit barmy, or lacking logic. Ratbeard wants to expand the PvP player base but puts up so many barriers that a casual PvEer, like myself finds the task too intimidating.
@tynijet 7 ай бұрын
Exactly. I am a casual PVE player as well and even after getting my all my 160 gear and with my interest in PVP at an all time peak, I still never even tried PVP because of the barriers and not wanting to have to study hieroglyphics in order to play my favorite childhood game.
@ThatFalloutGod 7 ай бұрын
Just some points I'd like to make as someone who's played since the beta (on and off, usually once a year for a month for the past decade) and grew-up with the game: >The entire industry is a shitshow because too many people aren't bullied into oblivion for being mindless whales. If that stopped, a lot would get fixed. >Devs don't understand that the best way to maximize their profits is to make good games and be good to their players. The amount of money devs across the board are leaving on the table due to wasting their IPs (Madden is the worst in this regard, but I'm biased) is fucking absurd. >I don't think the problem in the slightest is that KI creates content for the top 1% of players, rather that there are a litany of smaller issues with the game that've been neglected for years, for no reason. The endgame content for the 1% of players is a necessity to keep the game alive since they're the lifeblood of the game, but that should never be done to the detriment of the 99%, nor vice versa. >Wizard 101's revenue is a fraction of what it could be. Cut prices in half at the absolute least, make Arc One free, fix the bewildering nonsense of things like making pets, Gardening, Crafting, etc. It doesn't take resources to create and distribute any of the microtransaction things in the game, and it's a subscription-based game. Lower your prices, fix the worse parts of the game, give newcomers a legit introduction into your game with the best it has to offer story-wise and the population will grow rapidly while also getting back player who've left specifically because of these issues. It's on the list of games that I'd never recommend to a friend, specifically because of this entire point, just like Destiny. >I don't know much of anything about Rat Beard, but from what I've seen over the years, my guess is that he's an unimpressive person with an ego.
@15ag34 7 ай бұрын
I fully and whole heartily believe that Darkmoor will go down as the last universally liked, good update we will ever receive. There has been good content since, (empyria) but not universally liked.
@uiucchemistry2664 7 ай бұрын
Darkmoor was peak wiz. It’s been nothing but downhill since level 100 and even faster decline since Gamigo bought out KI. All facts here James so thanks for shedding light on this.
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
Before Gamingo since Ratbeard took lead role.
@dylonmerrill2147 7 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing since the game released and honestly the last thing I want is for this game to shutdown. We just need the devs to get their shit together.
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
Maybe the fan server community will do it for them! Wizard101 Rewritten, Revive101, etc.
@Wheeler07 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, as TrianglePants said, Wiz getting shut down would open the door to fan servers which could potentially allow us to play older patches. I personally would love to play a version of Wiz from sometime in 2014/2015.
@sovyn7789 7 ай бұрын
game got ruined 💀 gold key update not talked about enough
@JamesTheAce 7 ай бұрын
@TiggaTrey 5 ай бұрын
@@JamesTheAce what made me stop playing was all these updates required you to move and jump around and wiz hasnt updated its movement pad sense CL its awful they want you to duck jump & do 360 on a delayed potato movement pad 😂😂😂
@fluffyruff7453 7 ай бұрын
I could talk for so long why I quit, but i really want to come back but the appeal to pvp isn't there so i just stay away simply because the only thing i'd really want to do is pvp after doing the story. To keep things somewhat short, i feel like the grinding they make you do to get good gear and spellements feels so unrewarding and a huge waste of my time. what i'm saying with this is that last time i played, i grinded for spellements and i barely get any of them froms mobs or bosses. when you grind for spellements from bosses espically the harder ones like those that cheat, they should reward you with way more spellements and have them be more common for all spells that have spellements. I'd recommend they listen to the community to nerf oppresive spellement spells they make QUICKLY not taking months or years to finally nerf something that might be too oppresive. the grinding again just does not feel rewarding in general a lot of the time for both spellements and gear and this is just a thought for 1 wizard (even worse for those who grind solo like i do for most my time playing wiz), imagine all the grinding other people have/want to do because they got 6 more wizards they want to use. I'm also not saying to make it hard for them to get money from their playerbase, but make grinding for gear and stuff more appealling and reasonable and not feel like i'm wasting my time grinding for 5 hours for 1 thing and i'm a quarter of the way done till i need to start grinding for the next 5 items LOL. I don't remember the name of the item, but they required spellement for gear (boots) and i had to keep going in over and over for like more than a week to beat 2-3 mobs then finally the cheating boss to then barely getting any spellements (think the most i got was like 2-3) and the gear required a ton of them (i don't remember if this was for even the gear or to transmute to something that the gear recipe needed). Finally after so long getting the gear, get to enjoy it for a little bit till new gear comes out and it's basically outdated compared the new and improved gear i gotta spend so much time and or money on to get. many people can prob do it, but i couldn't anymore. wiz isn't considered a childrens game anymore is it? do devs think little timmy is going to spend most his youth grinding gear that's going to be out dated in a couples months? Aint no way. even looking at the new pricing of zones. little timmy will finish the story mode up to beating the spider transformed morganthe and quit the game after that if not dragonspyre. The more appeal you make wiz and people notice it and talk a lot about good changes, the more likely you'll get a huge return of previous customers (and of course new ones) that have left and will come back to spend money on this game. I'm one of those people and i see no appeal to come back though i'd love to, but like i said earlier, likely just a waste of my time. The increase of these zones combined with all this grinding that can be improved but is currently very unreasonable wasting of my time and the unbalancing of spells to fight against making it boring or infuriating finally got me to a point to say, alright, that's it, i'm out (but willing to come back if the game improves). This is a suggestion but also probably has a bad downside but maybe something to think about. If all this time (still should be improved) you spend on grinding gear to be reasonable and feel appealing to players and for the devs to get money, you could make it so gear that we spend so much time grinding for like 130 gear, we can use 50-100 crowns (for example) to go up to lvl 140, 150, 160 etc. So when you use crowns to get gear from lvl 130 to 140, you can do it again to make it go from 140 to 150. The one main issue i'd see with this is them probably having a harder time making different kind of gear at the next max lvl since you can upgrade previous lvl gear to new lvl. Still, just a thought that could maybe be shared. I could have worded this better, but i felt like saying this now. I really want to come back and enjoy myth pvp again, my wiz is so outdated that's not going to happen anytime soon with how things have turned out sadly. To be honest, these last few years a lot of games seem to be having this same issue with higher ups being the reasoning for why games are not doing as well as they used to (not completely ignoring the dev team) and could still be good if not the dev team being held back to much, like look at OW2 (not saying OW2 is good, but talking about what some people have said of what has seen to be happening behind the scenes for why overwatch changed into what it is now). before these games were taken care of by people that still had faults (as we all are human) but you can see the work of passion they had for the game and how people loved it. now a days i personally don't see that anymore for online games like this. some of the devs for wiz prob do try to put out what the players want, but just probably can't do everything we ask or as much as they'd like to because of higher ups or something that we on the outside don't know too much about (yeah i'm giving them the benefit of the doubt a bit, but that doesn't change the situation of the game). Just imo
@deinoguy856 7 ай бұрын
Everything said here is 100% true, not only with wiz , but with pirate 101 and all the games 2011 to now. Like even browser games weren't sparred this fate like it's really sad to see :(
@SH_187 7 ай бұрын
It’s so ridiculous watching this game go so far downhill when I’ve been playing since 2009. Rat beard and everybody else to be quite honest are so far out of touch and quite frankly incompetent of doing their jobs. Every update has been nothing but a cash grab or grindy joke. Nothing that is or has been broken for years gets actually fixed. You know how happy I’d be if we actually got some new monsters to farm that dropped good looking gear and a color wheel in the dye shop? Instead they buff a stupid fucking spell for pvp.
@SH_187 7 ай бұрын
I forgot to add that the new monsters that dropped cool looking gear would be hiding behind a gold key door that costs money to open since they took that away from us to farm too.
@SenorSpicy 6 ай бұрын
The major problem with both games is the shit company behind it plain and simple
@Kaylm13 7 ай бұрын
I don't have very strong opinions on pvp, raids, or other specific content, but the game doesn't feel magical to me anymore. I understand that some of it is because I'm an adult now, but the newer worlds don't feel enjoyable and immersive. Nowadays I find myself skipping through it or not paying attention because it feels shallow. I still love the game and it'll always have a place in my heart. It just feels like a cash grab atp instead of the Spiral I fell in love with.
@darkspyro65 7 ай бұрын
True facts ki just not listening to people at this point watch wiz severs shut down one day i used to play wiz in old days now wiz going down hill at this point sadly. Even there’s different games out there at least listen to community their feedback kind of sad wiz greedy for money
@dr.shankster 7 ай бұрын
Why even have the scroll of fortune if you have to pay for it?
@NiSoFlyYT 7 ай бұрын
Thank you for mentioning the gold key and abondonment of low level pvp. The amount of time spent farming spellements, keys, pets and gear just for them to ban/change the card and pet became so frequent you just lost so much money and time. Haven’t been back since
@deinoguy856 7 ай бұрын
This game peaked at 2014 2015 unfortunately:( imo
@ksav3577 7 ай бұрын
You had a lot of good points but I don’t think the devs will care long as the whales keep spending
@JamesTheAce 7 ай бұрын
Whales cannot keep a game up alone. KI has to pay dues, wages, and server costs. Whales do not pay enough to keep that going. If enough people quit or complain all at once, the message will get heard
@Sin_-_- 7 ай бұрын
You’ve made some pretty valid takes, I quit this game as well because it just isn’t the same anymore I mainly played for the nostalgia but man it’s changed so much and its changed for the worse, it’s sad man…
@GabrielGarcia-lw4tb 7 ай бұрын
Yeah I quit like 3 days ago and cancelled my membership because I cannot keep allowing the devs greed and lack of passion for the game.They have made the game worse and worse with every update.
@Boatheboah 7 ай бұрын
I basically have played for 12 years. For the last 4, I only have bought a member and played for a week. The game has progressively gotten worse every year for those 4.
@ODXN-z 7 ай бұрын
@fueledbySupreme 7 ай бұрын
Bro pvp Is soooo bad and some of these content creators won't even acknowledge it because of their "fanbase" that see a bunch of idiots being happy their name popped up on a streamers screen.
@kulukuli8030 7 ай бұрын
Ayo, I'm proud of you James, I'd like to join you and play with you again. Miss you man and you forever have my support, still watch your vids to this day. But I agree, this is what I noticed all those years ago and just fell out unfortunately... with love man❤ (p.s. thanks for introducing me to one punch man, you're the one that got me into anime 😎)
@lucasfamily1000 7 ай бұрын
How about the new damage cap to 240 for ALL schools takes away from us storm players.... at this point why Play storm....
@liahmisavibe 7 ай бұрын
It’s taken me some time to realize some things about the devs, they need to get better at listening and implementing the communities feedback into the game. The Rusalka point was great!
@LordEJ. 7 ай бұрын
The roshambo system interesting in theory but badly executed, hate what they did with the pips. etc etc etc Its really to much to be ask to say
@justyouraveragehumans22 7 ай бұрын
Yea something needs to change, I can’t do free pvp anymore or I have to wait to level up enough to be “good enough” to do it anymore, that was one of the more fun aspects of this game
@Pyrosquid 7 ай бұрын
As an on and off player that literally only plays PVE levelling a bunch of wizards, I didnt realise how bad all the new stuff was until I realised I keep making another character after miragem, as much as I think novus is an incredible world the grind and the way the game is played in this section is so frustating for someone who just wants to sit back and chill. I want the option to do hard content and grinds but it should in no way ever feel as if it is the only thing the game has to offer at level 150+ For an "MMORPG" this old it is insane that there isnt any direction in what the game is. There is no point in being max level and there is nothing to do other than level, which would be fine if the game commited to that. Also grinds like waterworks, mount olympus and even darkmoor are COMPLETELY different to the way raids are grinded or the novus gear is grinded.
@RhyaXP 7 ай бұрын
I only recently looked into Wiz again after having not played since 50 was max level and Dragonspyre was the last zone... breaks my heart to see the game got worse and is even more p2w than before. Also insane that the the game is still advertised as "free" but still essentially requires you to sub and hasn't made a single world free since the last time I played which was well over 10 years ago. Hope shit gets fixed or they just make a sequel game or something.
@NiSoFlyYT 7 ай бұрын
Seeing the background video brought tears to my eyes. I remember just making a bunch of level 20-30 lvls and doing 2v2 tourneys with friends😭
@shandi.peitsch 7 ай бұрын
I’ve played since 2009, but regularly from like, 2014-2018. Came back to it this year and woah. So many changes it doesn’t feel like the same game. My family all plays together and we’ve all said the same thing..
@NicosKohai 7 ай бұрын
The devs clearly haven't played their own game in a long time. The fact that they have any new players at all is a miracle. Most new players grind the worlds out hoping the end game content will be worth it, only to realize it's all a huge waste of time and money.
@itznick7168 7 ай бұрын
This games wasn't suppose to last that long anyways.. All good things must come to an end, they ruin everything. Let's all take our actual life seriously and move on pass this
@GabrielGarcia-lw4tb 7 ай бұрын
It doesnt make me happy to say that the devs have killed the game and they have ruined it more and more with each update.I hope this doesnt come true,but the game wont survive with these people in charge of the game for much longer.
@entropy7705 7 ай бұрын
Bro that old early 2010s gameplay made me so sad I miss 2013-2016 when I played this game.
@disgustedweeegeee3759 7 ай бұрын
Devs have the expectation for us to spend countless hours enduring a grind intentionally designed to be weeks long (while we pay for the game, mind you.) But then when it comes to fixing bugs, they can't do it for months if not years (...while being paid, mind you.) Lol.
@violetkalico 4 ай бұрын
My major issue, aside from everything, is the new faces 💀 they’re horrendous. I play in classic and wish they’d make it so you can have the old face back.
@PETBUCIV 7 ай бұрын
I just want my 4v4’s back man..
@joroc 6 ай бұрын
He was in stream saying it's not his fault, it's all made by other devs (he IS the boss🤣) he was also showing how he still believes this game is for children and made for children Not to mention de latest dev stream where they were showing the new disgusting pesky boss wich they didn't have time to finish(wanted to go home) but they were laughing as the funniest thing 🤣🤣
@hectorramirez34 7 ай бұрын
Controversial opinion, but i think this is why a private server is pivital for wiz. A private server built by fans for fans would be auch a breath of fresh air.
@JamesTheAce 7 ай бұрын
There’s actually an official public wiz server where people can talk to devs and they actually respond often or whenever they can. You can probably find it by google or on Twitter
@hectorramirez34 7 ай бұрын
@@JamesTheAce oh I am aware of the discord server, I was referring to a player controlled game server.
@zestybeans6584 7 ай бұрын
The new nightmare dungeon was so doo doo for how long it took them to make.
@nuhrv5395 7 ай бұрын
the community just needs to let this game go. It's not the game it once was and it never will be again.
@wesbrown738 7 ай бұрын
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
Maybe it will be with Wizard101 Rewritten or Revive101.
@SkinniJ 7 ай бұрын
@@TrianglePantsThere’s no way there won’t be a cease and desist if someone’s tries to make it lol.
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
@@SkinniJ Sad but probably true. At least that'll dig the grave even further.
@pamelastretton7394 7 ай бұрын
I don't PVP, but have been playing since time began. I have 6 accounts and play 4 accounts at a time, since they bought out the new world and the new dungeon, where you all have to hit the button at the same time, is impossible for one player playing 4 accounts, so my interest in the game has really gone, haven't played for a month or so and don't think that they will get my money this year.
@JMarcus52 7 ай бұрын
Take a look at the game Total War 3: Warhammer. When the devs continuously failed to meet customers expectations they finally got stripped of their money. The community single handedly put the developers in their place, and had the executives push out apology statements after years of neglect. Game communities *can* make change, we are their salary. If neither of us like what’s being given for our money then hit them where it hurts; their wallets. I’m no statistic major but I’m fairly sure it was because of a month and a half of low income to the TTW3 developers that they realized they were going to sink altogether u less they made change. My proposal would be do the same thing. Don’t purchase anything, and even as far as don’t buy memberships. There needs to be change in this game, it’s been over a decade. With the sheer amount of money myself and others have put into it, I expect nothing less than that to be given.
@Catboy_Riku 7 ай бұрын
Unfortuantely that doesnt work with decade old games like this, That kind of thinking and action will only get the game shut down for good once they run out of money. It wont produce any change besides that.
@WizDrama 7 ай бұрын
W video
@PapiPurp 7 ай бұрын
You also can’t say gyat in game. I’ve emailed KI for months tho and they refuse to remove “ NICK HER “ from their chat restrictions. But i get SUSPENDED for saying GYAT. Fuck this game
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
According to an article from ancient times (Grizzleheim update), Kingsisle didn't even DESIGN this game well, FROM THE START.
@ZENSCRID59 7 ай бұрын
Bring back classic pvp
@swixhayes3877 7 ай бұрын
Omg I went on the game not too long ago and I was soooo friking confused on pvp lobby
@mattgibney4085 7 ай бұрын
The new update did ruin the overall aspect of farming the game. Damage cap for pve ruined it for a lot of people and the pvp has been heading in the right direction. I don’t like how they completely changed raids because of the duel school caps & their response was “adapt” like all the time and effort and money people spend on getting the gear & making the pet for these raids now have to make a whole new strategy and gear/pet sets.
@christopherbanfielddurant9660 7 ай бұрын
Well said bro I’ve been playing team pvp primarily 4v4 most of my friends left the game since then alongside with magus pvp a lot of people spent a lot of money investing in low lvl characters and it’s all for nothing. They refused to update some of the pet spells granted some of them were overpowered like the -90 efreet. Everyone also gate keeps pets being that they are meta and sometimes people have to pay actual money just to optain just the body of pets. Literally no pet diversity anymore
@VulQnTV 7 ай бұрын
As a player who would return to the game every year or so for a 4-6 month period at times, with the implementation of raids, the roshambo, and all the spellements on the cards being so confusing it's no longer a game that I can go to and enjoy because no one would even let me raid with them. Spending that much time in a raid just to be able to compete in PvP is very off-putting. The community has been complaining about things for years, and somehow Ratbeard doesn't seem to care, idk if it's the generation he's from, he may think he's right and nothing will sway his decisions, but that's just not what wiz needs right now... We need devs who will listen, and I get it, there job isn't easy and people will bash them no matter what they do, but if the majority of the community is asking for something, why not listen and make your game better? It baffles me.... Honestly, raids suck, the roshambo shit in PvP sucks, spellements suck, the new nightmare dungeon sucks, it's all garbage... It's sad because this has been my favorite childhood game to return to for some fun since I was a little kid... Rip wiz, i give this game 2-3 more years, if that...
@D-CHAPO 7 ай бұрын
They need to just let sauce take ratbeards position
@texfletcher4590 7 ай бұрын
Sauce has bought into the Sauce I don’t trust his takes anymore than I trust ratbeards now he so frequently sides with the developers over the players and it frustrates me. I throughly enjoy homies content and I think the pvp videos are awesome but I feel every time he incessantly disagrees with player hot takes or downplays a bad update because he’s so invested with KI as one of the larger streamers.
@D-CHAPO 7 ай бұрын
@texfletcher4590 maybe that's just the big brain play to get inside the company at this point sauce is the face of wiz we can't cross out any idea of him trying to get in the company to possibly save the game
@D-CHAPO 7 ай бұрын
@texfletcher4590 maybe that's just the big brain play to get inside the company at this point sauce is the face of wiz we can't cross out any idea of him trying to get in the company to possibly save the game
@bruhbruh1195 7 ай бұрын
@@D-CHAPObut the thing is would he like abuse his power in terms of either being a developer or admin, he calls a lot of people out on being cheaters and “stream snipers” when sometimes they accusations aren’t true and gets a decent amount of people banned. I know the majority of his viewers like him as an entertainer but I’m not sure if that’ll work as him being part of the kingsisle team. It is crucial to be non bias and supportive of the community (which this part, he kinda does). He just doesn’t enjoy the part where people watch his stream and see how he’s playing.
@TheUncleMichael68 2 ай бұрын
I have been playing since 2014. Started with buying cars toget crowns for the pay wall. After a few years, I got a membership. As of 2024, I didn't renew my membership. Developers over the last few years have ONLY been pandering to the PVP content creators. Nobody wants the trash gambit spells except the PVP content creators. The new Wallaru raid type dungeon is not what the typical, like me want. That's why not many people are doing it, and the trash gear up grades are not worth the time. Stop pandering to the few content creators and make the game for long-time players who love the game like me.
@Finalcakes 6 ай бұрын
I swore I was the only one voicing these arguments. Thank God you are in the same boat. Great video
@Alurazle 7 ай бұрын
I always came back to wizard101 cause it was my first mmorpg...but I don't even recognize it anymore, and it took the nightmare dungeon for me to realize this game wants raid content to be the furture not for me to play it.
@Soulastro12 7 ай бұрын
I miss pre enchants!! 😢😢
@dhwonder1886 7 ай бұрын
Everyone i made to choice to quit, everyone else should to
@Evensy2 7 ай бұрын
I honestly do hope one day wiz can have a classic mode of every age . The game haven't been the same and I haven't played in so long 3 out of my 6 wiz are still in their lvl 80 and 2 is lvl 104-105 my main is around lvl 127 when i decided to play for a good 30-60 minutes out of the week. it's just too much time consuming
@jgba12 7 ай бұрын
I miss low lvl pvp (below lvl 50). A good chunk of the pvp community did low lvl and when they introduced the league system there was an obvious decrease in the amount of ppl who did pvp.
@UwUstalin1878 6 ай бұрын
Me too it was my favorite part of pvp
@KingBauk 3 ай бұрын
I’m glad I left wizard101 this game keep getting worse every year this game is dead wiz not the same game I used to play way back, then all the devs are doing cash out they are money hungry THEY REALLY DESTROYED THIS GAME
@dakotadirden9834 7 ай бұрын
Main example for slop is forcing nightmare dungeon being set to nightmare mode for initial release instead of having standard mode released first
@fueledbySupreme 7 ай бұрын
Another thing they made raid which u need to communicate with your team but there are people who are muted for 10 years for the most basic of shit make it make sense
@sulije 7 ай бұрын
developers need to hire younger folks who actually know what to do and what direction to take the game in and how to listen to a community. at this point they should hand it over to Atmoplex cause ik Atmoplex could MOST LIKELY do a better job.
@POGOPPLAYER 7 ай бұрын
The dmg nerf just makes me want to quit 😫 I don't wanna remake a new pet and sht fuck
@lordcorruption5992 4 ай бұрын
personally all i want to happen is just make headless horseman NOT HALLOWEEN EXCLUSIVE.. and the fact they remvoed the spell from gloomthorn forces people to either buy the gloomthorn pack 36 times to unlock the spell through spellments or wait till halloween
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
I've had to pause the video 4 min because playing the game with two accounts on a 2+ person mount or also with a friend, has never been better. There are still a few instances where my players have not been sticky and don't follow me into the battle or onto the sigil. However you can go round an entire dungeon now not just up to the first dialogue. So far everything is spot-on especially your condemnation of lead developer ratbeard, couldn't agree more. I speculate he's still salty about pirate 101 being mothballed and wizard living on. Because it really does seem like he's trying to kill the game and regardless of how many people tell him he's wrong he dismisses it and doubles down, he's beyond arrogant. Anyway amazing video so far I'm sure the remaining 11 min will be just as good.
@TrianglePants 7 ай бұрын
I wouldn't be surprised to see your hunch about Ratbeard turning out to be correct. Why alienate existing fans, or even repel potential Pirate101 players? Guy's gone off the deep end professionally, I swear. It's like the growing snark epidemic from companies like Marvel, and Wizards of the Coast.
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
Yep I have pondered if it's like Hollywood especially Disney destroying Scifi and fantasy movies and TV shows, that fans hate and they don't listen either. Star wars is dead like Marvel.
@michaelkoss5262 Ай бұрын
I’m a returning player after 10+ years gone, I know I may not be the target audience but still I feel that my opinion is valid since this is something new players definitely feel. I’ll watch a gear guide and every piece locked behind genuine days of grinding one of the most awful dungeons in the game that is dependent on others that always have no idea what they are doing. The community always says darkmoor was the last good thing released. I think darkmoor was the first nail of the coffin.
@gjbsarmeri3957 4 ай бұрын
There is a lot of problems that you also haven't mentioned which shows the sheer amount of problems that the game has. But in short: PvP is f*cked, raids are grindy as shit, overmonetization, bad quest and boss designs, worlds looking weird and a bit ugly, especially the final dungeon looking absolutely terrible and being almost completely broken, breaking half of the game after releasing the final dungeon and then fixing problems after a week's time without any compensation for people losing their membership in that time being basically locked from completing quests, f*cking your friends over because of the school pip stuff, adding school pip requirements for pack/key/loremaster spells, gold keys that were one of the better things that they added are ruined because you can't grind for them anymore, mocking your fans on twitter, schools completely losing their identity in pve and pvp, giving out bans and muting people for no reason, bad feedback, many newer spells being completely useless, paywall is still at basically level 8 which turns away 95% of the people that enter the game so the community is far from fresh solely because of their greed and many other stuff. Also it's funny how I spent days and nerves grinding the Dream Reaver gear in that stupid, ugly and broken dungeon for gear that I probably wouldn't even need for the next world since it basically comes down to blade+hit for most of the world and a few stat boost isn't gonna change anything, like the Aeon gear won't make that big of a difference from Dream reaver gear for the next world, especially since they've been adding stat caps for some reason
@daveonw.1332 6 ай бұрын
i stopped playing this game after mirage because i felt it heading towards this path. MAN im so glad i quit based on what ive been hearing. Every time i check for an update on this game its overwhelmingly negative. My god i miss the good old days of hades gear and khrysalis part two. Nothing felt the same after that. The modern era of wiz (post khrysalis and up) just progressively got worse from what i keep hearing lol
@wolfaf4323 7 ай бұрын
The update that packs now drop SCHOOL SPECIFIC gear is not talked about anywere near enough either. Also the barrier to entry for pvp is just too big
@itznick7168 7 ай бұрын
Thank God i didn't join back wiz
@peteri9973 5 ай бұрын
Wizard101 died a long time ago guys, just let it go. It's not coming back, it never will. 2008-2017 rip
@JamesTheAce 5 ай бұрын
You say this.. but watch my latest video.. I promise it’s worth the watch.
@BigMonkeyKing101 5 ай бұрын
wizard101 died when i realized transformations were a waste of crowns
@JamesTheAce 5 ай бұрын
@@BigMonkeyKing101 what.
@peteri9973 5 ай бұрын
@@BigMonkeyKing101 yea, I feel you bruh, especially when I found my new wiz girlfriend cheating on me with 3 ice wizards in krocatopia...that lil whoreee tried to kiss me after taking 3 frost giants to the face. Disgusting
@wizardmaster1218 4 ай бұрын
They destroyed there own game
@katie9531 7 ай бұрын
Remember level 50 pvp? Ill admit it, i used Ice but damn that was fun.
@Wolf_pigs 7 ай бұрын
This is straight up facts I still play it but I’m not spending my hard earn cash on getting better gear it’s a complete waste of my time, I only did the nightmare dungeon once to get it out of the way and it’s SHIT! I don’t even see Wizard101 as the same again, it’s completely ruined
@Boatheboah 7 ай бұрын
Fix PVP #1. Or start contracting your own fans for ideas to fix the shit game. We’ve only been playing for OVER A DECADE.
@youtubebetter 7 ай бұрын
how in europe we have more that 1 years late with the update .
@rafaelsanchez2260 Ай бұрын
as a vet playing trying to come back it really makes me not to jump back in its not the game ive played its horrible they really killed this game pvp is dead
@adazura Ай бұрын
Look at this beautiful gameplay in the video when you could still enchant your spells lmfao
@sabercat5490 7 ай бұрын
There are several things I disagree with Liam 1st of all is a toxic person and has been caught doing the most shit in wiz's PvP and many people have called him out for his shit. Most of his "complaints" have to do with "I wanna use cheap ways to beat people" rather than actually being able to use the school to its advantage and actually try to win. However, that's not to say that his views on Storm in getting buffs aren't warranted but it's how they are presented. With that said with the Rusalka buff that they made, many people did say it was a horrible idea and I agree with that. It wasn't just that devs just said ' let's just nerf it just cause', people genuinely did not like the change. The spell was broken along with other spells they buffed. 2nd thing I disagree with is the argument against RoShamBo, I think the system is fine and allows people to deal with things they wouldn't normally be able to deal with, the issue really is that PvE only players don't get to use it at all while in normal game play so that they can learn how to use it instead of it feeling forced when fighting end of world bosses in higher level worlds.
@sethbuffington3436 7 ай бұрын
Hi I left Wizard101 because my computer got IP muted and I'm anti menu chat. I love the game and the old Commander robe I can't get at all. So I uninstalled it. I don't think a Family Friendly should be able to IP mute someone computer.
@ethanvonachen7711 5 ай бұрын
the raids are such a great thing to have in an MMo. ive never done one, but i know damn well its one of the best things they couldve added
@mitchu50 7 ай бұрын
I naturally stepped away from the game, never was any reason other than I wasn't enjoying it. I have tried to get the will to play again, but anytime I boot up I find myself just staring at the character select screen and then close the game. This will be the first time in many years that I do not get a membership, nor do I care to. This new school pip system and complicated spell mechanics completely killed the game for me.
@nitheshdurairaj5692 7 ай бұрын
And the heals from life! The value that they get for 5 pips is something i have to hit thrice some how finding an ope shot.
@Dshjae 7 ай бұрын
Nothing u say will matter… they only listen to sauce cuz most of the community watch him…money hungry company and sauce agrees with the BS! Because he gets benefits…mans is literally like a “ Teacher’s Pet”
@brazil-y2y 7 ай бұрын
Ratbeard is not the best Wiz dev in his own bedroom. Redbeard's kid is like, my shitty play as a pet idea is better than you
@alt8784 7 ай бұрын
Not to mention minions being pvp banned for years now
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