The Patrick Rothfuss Controversy Is Still Not Resolved...

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Library of a Viking

Library of a Viking

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@libraryofaviking 5 ай бұрын
Can I please ask everyone to keep a respectful tone? While I think it is important to keep pressure on Rothfuss to deliver I think it is important we try and address this as respectfully as possible.
@TheJollySoviet 4 ай бұрын
It's hard seeing so many people go way overboard on this. I get that people like his work, but turning to an angry mob like this is why authors like him stop writing. If he underdelivers people rip him apart anyways. He's just a dude like any of us, and it sucks to see people lose interest in why his books are great. It's regretful that he didn't honor his commitment, but the goal of the donations was not his book anyways, it was for the charity. If he had pocketed that money it would be different, and while I understand that his chapter was the reason people donated, I still think that people lost sight of the whole charity work. They should be saying his response was disappointing, not completely villifying him for this. We are not entitled to a third book, that's his art and if he never publishes the third one then oh well. There are plenty of other stories if you want your fill. I'd rather look at why his books are great.
@TheJollySoviet 4 ай бұрын
@@KMFWR I feel like even acknowledging that, the response is still extreme. I understand people don't like not getting what they paid for, but this kind of fan entitlement is what ends up in creators recieving death threats. I was aware of this kind of response in the gaming community but seeing it in readers too is incredibly disheartening.
@TheJollySoviet 4 ай бұрын
@@KMFWR Claims about someone having had a ghost writer for twenty years are not oppinions. I never said you needed to give your justification. My oppinion is that people feel entitled, and need to check themselves. Pat never intended this to take off as it did, and while I get people voicing their frustration, they have also begun to take it too far. That doesn't mean I can stop people, you can do whatever you want. That is merely my oppinion. I find it ironic for you to imply that my voicing this concern infringes upon that somehow. Also my comment was not personally directed at you, though your need to defend yourself is indeed telling. The creator of the video is asking for people to be respectful, I merely wanted to add on to it.
@bp6942 3 ай бұрын
His charity is actually rated extremely low on Charity Navigator, which says the organization isnt even remotely transparant with Financial Statements, Tax Documents and has a 57% expense ratio. I does not look good.
@neiltaylor513 3 ай бұрын
@@TheJollySoviet he’s a fraudster that’s why. Unlike many here, I’m not bothered by not having a 3rd book, I didn’t think much of the story
@SpencerJ289 4 ай бұрын
“It’s not a lot of fun being on the internet anymore” -Rothfuss “It’s not a lot of fun being a king killer chronicles fan anymore” -the fans
@LeonC0704 6 ай бұрын
the fact that he doesn't even has ONE chapter of a new book says everything. The book is not getting released.
@annmoore321 6 ай бұрын
You’re being more gracious towards Rothfuss than I am. The man committed fraud, never apologized (I feel bad is not the same as I’m sorry, and here is how I will fix it), and uses his mental health as an excuse for terrible behavior. I mean, I struggle with severe anxiety, and have ADD, but I have obligations and responsibilities, and promises that I make and need to fulfill. What if I just stopped taking my kids to school, or refused to pay my bills, or any number of things? And then on top of that I refused to give any explanation for my behavior? And then 2.5 years later I did a general announcement saying I kinda feel bad about it, but those people who bothered me about the situation were d***s? TBH, those fans should have pressed charges against Rothfuss, and I can tell you I won’t have anything to do with his work until he fixes this.
@OptionalBean 4 ай бұрын
His ghostwriter perished, for sure.
@RampageRich 2 ай бұрын
Wonder if him and George RR Martin used the same guy.
@TheOriginalDogLP 2 ай бұрын
@@RampageRich no.
@thegovernment0usa Ай бұрын
​@@RampageRichthe same hitman to punish their respective ghostwriters for attempting to extort them.
@CnoacdeTara Ай бұрын
​​@@RampageRichMartin has written much more books than Rothfuss, they are not comparable.
@RampageRich Ай бұрын
@@CnoacdeTara It was a joke
@jamescaldwell2357 5 ай бұрын
Book 3 does not exist. All he needed was to pick just one chapter and read it, and since he didn't, it can only mean that not a single chapter for book 3 exist. More and more, this looks like a scam.
@ickisandoblina 2 ай бұрын
Not trying to sound like I'm defending Rothfuss, because I'm not - but the deal was for a stand-alone chapter that wouldn't contain any spoilers, not just any old chapter. That doesn't mean I believe he's written anything - I don't, and it pisses me off, but that he had no chapter ready to release that met that description doesn't mean he didn't have anything at all.
@RespectTheSourceMaterial 6 ай бұрын
He is literally a scammer. People wouldn't have given him this much money if he hadn't said he would give them a chapter. And he knew that very well, else there was no reason to promise something you're never going to give
@horsemumbler1 5 ай бұрын
He did it as a bet, and kept trying to double down when he lost. I think he thought he couldn't lose, so didn't have to worry about paying up till it was too late, like all gambmers who lose big.
@invincaspartan 2 ай бұрын
The greatest fantasy of our generation is thinking Patrick Rothfuss is writing the final book 😅
@potatoshamcakes 6 ай бұрын
At this point, i feel the best move for him and his fans would be for him to admit something like, "I'm facing the world's worst case of writer's block. I've been trying to get this book out for a decade, and it's just not happening. I'm sorry the book probably won't be coming out." That way, if he wants to keep working on it behind the scenes, it's a bonus, but he's not carrying all those expectations anymore.
@potatoshamcakes 6 ай бұрын
But something about Pat's personality tells me that he will never do that because he likes the limelight even if it does make him look pathetic.
@thomasgowen2552 6 ай бұрын
Probably would be best for his mental health I still love all of his writings dispite it all!
@neiltaylor513 6 ай бұрын
Must be great to just not work, sadly everyday people can’t afford to do that
@gagecole4913 4 ай бұрын
​@neiltaylor513 I think that's what is costing him sympathy. Lots of people have big problems, but only the well off can afford to not work while they solve those problems.
@richymoto Ай бұрын
he said, that he has to story ready - if it‘s a writers block, then he should work together with a ghostwriter
@Meatpie007 6 ай бұрын
His third book should be called ‘Pissed into the wind’
@JamesBrown-hg1fr 5 ай бұрын
@MaiaGothmog 6 ай бұрын
I am not a fan of Kingkiller, but I take a great interest in how Rothfuss has treated his fans. As an aspiring author, I have an excellent example of what NOT to do as an author.
@atotheceetothegee 2 ай бұрын
And a good example of what TO do as one, oh Ruin-profile-pic (Even if you can’t crank out material at the rate of the Brandotron 9000, he’s a pretty good role model with regards to how he treats his fans.)
@Tinahgirl83 6 ай бұрын
Here’s my opinion. Rothfuss never intended to deliver. He released an already released prologue with a couple of changes. And he didn’t apologize. He said he felt bad, and that he could have done it a year and a half ago, and called everyone who even questioned him d***s. At this point he’s a thief. To release a book and still have not delivered on a $1million promise. His mental health is, as you say, no excuse. He’s a thief, and I would need itemized receipts to even believe it went to charity. As for his work, I don’t believe anymore that he wrote it. I think he had a really great ghost writer and they’ve either parted on bad terms, or the ghost writer has died. He also seems to feel entitled to collect money and provide nothing. One chapter could have been written in less time than it took him gaslight his way through that “apology.” Nobody asked for perfection. Just got a chapter. Which he couldn’t manage even though he managed to expand a short story into a $26 novella.
@Transformers217 5 ай бұрын
He didn’t have a ghost writer, he just has writers block. It took him 16 years to finish the first book.
@LilLamb-headquarters 5 ай бұрын
Based on what I've seen, I think he has not learned the skill in life to force yourself to do something, is excellent at making excuses, and is mentally too immature to analyse this aspect of himself.
@Vix2066 3 ай бұрын
What year did Terry pratchett die?🤔😂😭
@JamesJLatham Ай бұрын
Has anyone else had the thought that he didn't write this series in the first place...
@oscarchavezavellan2738 6 ай бұрын
10:15 When did he apologize? He just said he feels bad that's not an apology, by saying he feels bad he makes it about himself when he is not the victim here, a proper apology is taking accountability and it's main focus is always towards the real victim not yourself, I don't care how you feel, an apology is not about knowing that you feel bad an apology is saying "I'm sorry, I acted wrong" every reason as to how you feel or why it happened should come second to that.
@NatalieNox600 6 ай бұрын
This. Feeling bad isn't an apology. That is literally what narcissists say to not have to apologize when they are backed into corners.
@BooksForever 6 ай бұрын
Jesus forgave him so now everything is fine. Right? That’s how it works… apparently.
@oscarchavezavellan2738 6 ай бұрын
@@NatalieNox600 yeah, it's a classic tactic to make you feel bad, like "and now I AM the asshole" they do it so people take pity on them and stop trying to make them take responsibility, I should know I used to do it, it's not like some evil thing you do to manipulate, it's more like self-pity and feeling like you are the victim and try to make people see you as that when deep down you know you are not the one who was screwed over, no matter how much you want to believe it.
@tomsativa 5 ай бұрын
Jesus won't lose 1 of His sheep. John Chapter 10
@connorp8408 21 күн бұрын
He'll use the excuse of "oh, I didn't scam anybody, that went to charity"as an excuse too
@excelon13 5 ай бұрын
God that ‘apology’ just made me ill when I first saw it. Like man your fans donated over 1 million dollars to your charity that, I guarantee you, wouldn’t have come anywhere near even half of what it made if you didn’t promise a chapter from Doors of Stone. Then you go on with these excuses “Oh it’s not edited the way I want it to be, I want to do a big thing with professional VO’s. Then it turned into a mess.” Like dude stop using your mental issues as a crutch here, pick a chapter from the book, preferably one that doesn’t need a ton of context from other chapters, and literally copy and paste that to your blog. You can literally say “Hey guys, this is a rough draft of the chapter _It will likely be different in the final manuscript_ but this is it so far. Thank you once again for donating your hard earned money to my charity.” Fans would be over the moon for new kingkiller content in a decade, and they would understand it’s a rough draft of the chapter. The fact it’s been nearly 2 and a half years is making me think he hasn’t written ANYTHING of Doors of Stone.
@deangulberry1876 6 ай бұрын
Him and RR Martin…. I think they both simply made so much money and got so much praise that it affected their work ethic. They don’t need money, so there’s no financial reason to write another book. And they got so much critical praise that they are afraid to write something that isn’t perfect. I wish them well.
@liul 6 ай бұрын
Martin isn't a scammer, what are you talking about?
@Meatpie007 6 ай бұрын
Why would you think there is no financial gain by releasing the book? His fans literally paid him over a million dollars to release one chapter. Don’t you think these fans would not buy the book when it’s released 😂 What praise is he getting by doing this?
@LunarEleven 5 ай бұрын
I agree with everything you're saying but Brandon Sanderson was the worst choice of examples when talking about Rothfuss. Sanderson is one of the most prolific authors in the genre, he's like the Stephen King of fantasy. Rothfuss clearly has a more serious mental health issue than I think anyone realizes and his situation isn't anything Sanderson has ever experienced. Sanderson's special release is a whole different thing, he didn't do that because he had gone 13 years without being able to release any books. If Rothfuss did the same, fans would not "love it" like when Sanderson did it. They would be seething because all they want is a new book and it would come off as a money grab. I feel for Rothfuss more than most because I know how crushing writer's block is. No, clearly he CAN'T write a chapter in a "day, week, or at the most a month" or the book would have been here already, obviously... His problem is that he keeps making promises that he can't keep, as much as I know he wishes he could. All of his excuses sound like different ways to say he can't handle the pressure and expectations. I sometimes think if the first two books weren't so successful, the third would have been written a decade ago. I think fans should just quietly back off at this point. The fact he said "when I 'accidentally' Google my name" says a lot. The increasing ire over the years has only served to worsen his mental health. He is not getting the help he needs or he would know not to Google his name but he's doing it and if people want to EVER want to see the book they would do well to just leave it be, don't donate, don't hate, just wait or forget him.
@glennredavid5741 6 ай бұрын
I'd put money on it that he doesn't have a single chapter completed yet. It wouldn't surprise me if he hasn't even put together an outline of the book. Every time I see one of these videos I'm thankful I never started his books because he isn't finishing it.
@adammiller4122 5 ай бұрын
The Career Killer Chronicle.
@anonnotmenotme4815 17 күн бұрын
I always thought his father wrote them. His father died in 2017 after a 10 year battle with lung cancer and an 8 month fight with leukemia. He just got too sick to finish them. Why let your son publish them? Because at that time Pat was basically a professional student and didnt have any prospects of ever being an adult. If you've know those kinds of people you know what I mean. The charity by the way is a grift. They take the money rake off admin fees and give the leftovers to the actual charity which also takes its cut. Pat even bought a building himself and has the charity pay him 'rent'. Family is employed there as well.
@onurx95 6 ай бұрын
At this point I feel he should just admit he cannot complete it, he should gather his notes and ask Brandon Sanderson, Steven Erikson, or Joe Abercrombie to finish his work so the fans can have closure.
@MaiaGothmog 6 ай бұрын
Sanderson is Rothfuss’s opposite. The madman churns out books faster than his publisher can print them 🤣
@stephengrant4841 5 ай бұрын
@@MaiaGothmog Moreso than that - they're opposites in prose, too. Sanderson says he tries to make his prose invisible, and as a result its very basic. makes his books fast reads and easy to read (which is important for a story with ten thousand made up words) but it makes for mediocre prose. Rothfuss has less of that high-fantasy stuff, and his prose is significantly better.
@MaiaGothmog 5 ай бұрын
@@stephengrant4841 I think “significantly better” is a very subjective term. Sando does an incredible job with what he’s trying to do. And I prefer a simpler, more fast-paced writing style to “beautiful” prose. Then again, I read mainly for escapism and so I like my stories to move fast. For example, I just read Red Rising and the prose in that book is simply masterful in my opinion. And I think Pierce Brown handles that style better than Sanderson. I write my own stories that way.
@stephengrant4841 5 ай бұрын
@@MaiaGothmog Yeah I wasn't dismissing Sanderson. After all, I said that how he writes works for what he's writing.
@jonconnington8987 4 ай бұрын
Never heard of Steven Erikson, I like Sanderson and Abercrombie though, I have read everything by Abercrombie.
@Nearctic 6 ай бұрын
After all these years I no longer care whether or not he writes another book
@BadNeighbor762 6 ай бұрын
I'm surprised there have been no lawsuits. If I had donated I would have launched a lawsuit.
@PageTurnersbooktube523 6 ай бұрын
The problem is the word, donation.......when ones donates....they lose most ways to get something back. If his promise was contractual then he would have to pay but it wasn't
@NatalieNox600 6 ай бұрын
@@PageTurnersbooktube523 Charities and donations receive far more scrutiny over donation incentives especially when directly offered by the Charity itself (Pat is the only Board member of Worldbuilders). If Pat wasn't The Founder and active board member this would be true. Pat being a mouthpiece of the charity makes this an official action of the charity. Which turns this into defrauding donors of a charitable organization. I have reason to believe his charity is currently under investigation.
@PageTurnersbooktube523 6 ай бұрын
@NatalieNox600 understood thanks for clarifying
@9Gorgeous 5 ай бұрын
@@NatalieNox600feels like amber heard all over again
@ashleyholbird4287 6 ай бұрын
i dont understand the reasoning behind him not communicating. Just tell us where the books at in terms of progress. people are already pissed. you cant make fans more angry by just being open.
@gagecole4913 4 ай бұрын
The reason he isn't honest is probably because there *is* no progress being made. "Sorry guys but I gave up a while ago" is about the worst possible thing he could say.
@nathanscarlett4772 5 күн бұрын
​@gagecole4913 it would be but it would also be better than whatever he is doing now.
@Edog1337 6 ай бұрын
Wish I could write 2 books I could live off of for the rest of my life. Must be nice.
@Jp421JP 2 ай бұрын
Respect turned to disappointment turned to resentment turned to anger turned to detestation. 😒
@dealbreakerc 2 ай бұрын
I loved the first two books. But it's been a fucking decade since book two came out. At this point in time I assume he will literally never finish book three and the story will never have an ending. Some authors need to realize that perfection isn't worth letting your readers grow into completely different people. Since book 2 released I've completed a master and a PhD, moved to not one but two different countries, and went from being single to married with two kids with one starting school this Fall.
@morbidgirl6808 6 ай бұрын
Fine. I won't purchase his works. I will get pirated PDFs of his works. I was excited to order his 2 books if i ever want to read kingkiller chronicles. I'm sorry but his attitude is disappointing.
@Hablam22 6 ай бұрын
Pirating so morally superior
@sakshathsm20 5 ай бұрын
epub with an e reader is the only right way (moon reader is good)
@phillip_rogersjr 5 ай бұрын
Screw him. There’s a whole galaxy of stories made by writers who are CONSISTENT with their work. Read the Hanuvar novels by Howard Andrew Jones. He already released two books in the series and the third one will be out later this year.
@Klax3 6 ай бұрын
Great timing, I just started the audiobook for Name of the Wind. Put it off for years because this guy is not reliable. I found a free version somewhere so I'm listening to it before it get's taken down. Get to listen to the book without supporting this scammer at the same time. Win win 👍
@perniciousthought9173 5 ай бұрын
Scammer or not, the books are amazing and he deserves the money from them.
@phen0menos 6 ай бұрын
Bit of a misnomer to call that an "apology". Doesn't an apology require you to actually say "I'm sorry" or "I apologise" or some variation thereof?
@chaosordeal294 6 ай бұрын
He should have shoved whatever out the door, learned form his mistakes, and started his next series. His first book was really good, but not perfect. Can't get over himself. Writing is not a mystical art, it's sitting there and thinking and getting words on the page as best you can. Afraid to fail = afraid to move.
@MaryRose86 4 ай бұрын
He needs to ask Sanderson to finish it. And it will be done by December
@vi3889 6 ай бұрын
thanks for covering this! i think about it every month probably, lol. i was gifted the name of the wind a couple christmases ago, but i won't start the series until all this drama is resolved. just say something, dude (rothfuss)!
@shugyosha7924 3 ай бұрын
He doesn't care about his fans.
@anthonyt219 6 ай бұрын
I undertand being too depressed or mentally ill to write. I struggle the same so i get it. But setting up fund raisers and getting money from fans for doing nothing at all is a complete different story. Atleast make an effort to give fans what they want.
@mladenkulic446 6 ай бұрын
Sounds like Rothfuss is pulling George RR Martin move. Promise something to your fans, and never deliver.
@_emiry_ 5 ай бұрын
I really think he is struggling with this book. I have been a fan for a long time and I remember the wait for the 2nd book and I was so excited when it finally came. But there’s definitely a huge change in him since then. The Pat from 15 years ago would never have done something like that. I don’t know, but I am actually a little afraid of book 3 finally being released because I fear the tone and feel will be so vastly different from books one and two that it will almost ruin it for me.
@billthebard805 3 ай бұрын
I might be a garbage person but when I donated I did it not for charity, I did it to get a piece of my favorite story and that was stolen from all of us.
@KDCindustries 3 ай бұрын
How is this guy a fantasy fan but hasn't read any of these books?
@godminnette2 Күн бұрын
I took KKC off my to-read list sometime around 2018 (it was coming up quickly on it, but I was paring down my list) and told my friends I would read them once DoS got a release date. So I, as a fantasy fan, have not read KKC, and at this rate I might never do so.
@davidpo5517 5 ай бұрын
He didn't apologize, he said "I feel bad." Yeah well good, it's good to feel bad when you do something bad. It shows you're not a psychopath, just a normal bad person.
@IrisGarciaMoonsilver 5 ай бұрын
Dear Patrick Rothfuss: please invite Brandon Sanderson and other authors to a write out adventure! Brainstorming with other Authors might get you out of whatever spot you are stuck in. Or you can even sell them your project so they can finish it! We won’t mind! And you can still be on the credits with a finished storyline
@daalarthedark 5 ай бұрын
If you really want to lose faith google, when his charity last filed their reported income. And how much money rothfuss makes renting space to his charity.
@nathanscarlett4772 5 күн бұрын
I saw it was $6000 a month. That's $72000 a year. Most people could live comfortably with that alone.
@LucasSouza 6 ай бұрын
We all don't need his books.
@mr.jackolantern7220 4 ай бұрын
I am truly shocked that people have not sued him at this point. Legit. There's a lot of bosh going around whether or not it was a scam or not. Don't get me wrong, I loved his books, or anything he's written so far. He's one of the best fantasy authors in the 21st century. I think why it's so good is not just that the world is beautiful and full of well developed characters, it's how it is written. It is truly remarkable. But. Since the charity, my respect for him died. He is a jerk to his fans, he's an ass to anyone who asks about the third novel. Because he didn't deliver the chapter, is it considered scamming? I think so. Why has no one come after him for that? I don't know the details but couldn't he go to jail or something scamming people out of that money? I don't think in his heart he's a truly bad person. His behavior has made it hard to believe that sometimes. I don't get it at all. Why wouldn't you want to release it? It'll be good for him, good for the series, good for the fans, and everyone will be better off for it. It does take time to write a book. It should not be rushed. I am an author myself and have written five books in eight years. I am not saying I'm better than him by doing that. Just making a point. It's unfathomable that it's been 13 YEARS! Jesus man. He's barely breathed about it for like two years, really since 2021. At this point does it even exist? I doubt it.
@noleenole8254 Ай бұрын
Is there a person who left his life 13 years ago? Maybe he doesn’t know how to write maybe he isn’t actually a writer.
@momo_genX 6 ай бұрын
You do book news very well, Viking. Content like this is sure to help your channel grow. Very tactfully done the way you addressed this author. Watching further, he could have written a decent standalone short story and his fans would have been happy.
@libraryofaviking 6 ай бұрын
Thank you! I really appreciate it!
@avsambart 6 ай бұрын
Surprised he hasn't be sued because not holding up on his side is illegal right? Btw, he didn't apologise. He's irresponsible, immature, unprofessional, uses his mental health as an excuse, and lazy at this point. Nothing is stopping him from hiring people to do all the non-writing parts that he wants to do for that chapter, but he makes it a clear point "I want to do a, b, and c for it" bruh, hire people for the parts that are not part of your job as a WRITER. In the past he's been rude af to fans too and AGAIN used his mental health as an excuse. He's just a man child at the end of the day.
@redavatar Ай бұрын
I'll play devil's advocate here. Some people are extremely sensitive to the opinion of others and writers are often rather sensitive people on the whole. Imagine him writing a few successful books, enjoying the public's admiration, but then this happens. He wants to make his fans happy, he wants to not "just" release a chapter but make it a special thing but it falls to pieces, fans turn angry & against him at the same time as real life throws some spanners in the works (been there myself, a lot of people seem to never have had real problems in their life since they don't realize how it can mess you up) and suddenly you lose all motivation, all drive. For a writer that's a death sentence. Writing is not an office job, it's not a "let's crank out 8 hours a day" job. It's not "I'll sit down and type for 8 hours". No, good writing requires creativity, a sharpness of mind, focus, passion, a drive to keep going. Loads of writers get stuck - look at George R R Martin as the most obvious example (and I bet there's similar reasons there too). I can well see how a fan base that suddenly turned sour, feeling like the Internet is against you and no-one having any sympathy for what you're going through in your private life can kill all of that. And for what? A single chapter. Not a final product, nothing tangible. A TEASER. And instead of the "fans" going "Oh it's fine, just work on the book itself" they turn against him and increase the chance of there never been a third book at ALL now! As someone who has gone through several years of some very nasty stuff which led to a major burn out, I find it insulting how the Internet treats people. "We paid for something so you owe us now regardless" is such a cold hearted thing to say. Yes, it's true but if you're really a fan and really love something, you do NOT behave in such a toxic way, ESPECIALLY since it was a charity drive.
@nathanscarlett4772 5 күн бұрын
The internet can be wonderful and utterly horrible in matter of nanoseconds. This is the exact reason why i dont have any social accounts besides a youtube. For Pat to not just copy/paste text from a screenshot that was leaked years ago with multiple chapters is mind-boggling. Then just say, this isnt a final draft and is subject to changes. Yes, I understand he wanted to make super awesome with special readers and what not, but quite literally, all his fans wanted was a few pages. Everyone needs to be a bit nicer, but it doesn't help when you first off don't really make a sincere apology about a massive Goof up.
@SLENDRBOI 22 күн бұрын
The reason is very simple. Rothfuss can't write Book 3 because he didn't write the previous 2. I believe he wrote those shorter things (Slow Regard of Silent Things&Co.) but TNotW and WMF were not his creations in the first place. You can deduce as much from the prose itself, because there are fundamental differences. The only option for a single person to write both WMF and SRoST is to have a profound Dissociative Identity Disorder. I believe that someone else wrote the two books, and that person either passed away or there was a falling out of some sort. Now, Rothfuss wants to live off of what was released for as long as possible.
@WizardKingCorey 5 күн бұрын
He's obviously not working on book 3, he's gaming, playing charity, and has sold out to lionsgate. I've already decided on what happens in book 3. Don't care about Patrick anymore. Sorry folks but I needed to move forward and read other things.
@iceman850none5 Ай бұрын
I wonder if a class action would be appropriate. I’d bet there would be some answers at the deposition.
@Mc_muffintop Ай бұрын
I feel like a lot of ppl forgot this was during the pandemic timeframe, which can EASILY change someone's life, let alone their plans. He's a human first and foremost. Those who assume anything about someone who writes so in-depth and layered, are more than likely incorrect.
@schlurrpy9790 Ай бұрын
Sure could have, but that doesn't free you, him, or me from responsibilities or promises made. Recovery requires doing hard things. Anything except expecting one to do what is right is enabling what is wrong. More so, it's fraud to misrepresent intentions, even with charity, and I'm surprised nobody has sued and that consumer protection hasn't stepped in.
@DaviHorner Ай бұрын
​@@schlurrpy9790 Screw him, sure the pandemic was bad sure, but that was 2 years ago, the release of book 2 was 2011 he had 9 years to produce something, but at every corner, instead of writing he was doing charity and going to pax to play DnD and at every moment and at every moment he was abrasive to his own fans, GRR Martin is the same but at least Martin has interviews where he says that writing a chap for him is like giving birth, Rothuss just complain about his own fans.
@schlurrpy9790 Ай бұрын
@@DaviHorner I guess. Yes and no? I want to assume that he has the right thing to do in his mind, ready to go, but Occam's razor suggests otherwise. The simplest answer is he screwed up, and something will not allow him to fix the problem. Nobody else knows what that something is. Is it pride? Is it fear? Ghost writer part ways? Whatever it is, that's his demon to fight. Most would probably help him fight it, if he were willing to be straightforward on what it is. The reactions say it all... He's likely never wanted to fight fans, but it's a hell of a lot easier to ban angry Joe on a forum than it is to admit failure in a public space.
@IanFleming213 Ай бұрын
What are you talking about? If you haven't read the books, why make this video? Guaranteed if rothfus watched this, he clicked off the moment he saw your spelling mistake.
@iceman850none5 Ай бұрын
I have completely given up on this book ever being written. I will not recommend this book series to anyone. It’s torture to vainly hope for years that “this is the year” he will finally get something done.
@thattrickydude 3 ай бұрын
It's simple, it's because Rothfuss has no respect for anybody. And if you don't like being constantly lied to, jerked around and taken advantage of, you are just a hater and a terrible person. He doesn't owe his fans anything as he constantly reminds them.
@Quesrok Ай бұрын
I’m late to the party, but I have waited for this third book. Here’s an idea screw him copyright everything and let’s creative community to make the book.
@djinconroe Ай бұрын
At this point I don't much care whether he finishes it or not. The material he's produced so far wasn't bad but my own experience reading it was a slowly growing belief that this just wasn't going anywhere. The story just seemed to wander and I lost interest in it. Same thing happened to GRRM and his never concluding story.
@neiltaylor513 6 ай бұрын
I heard that the charity which he set up actually rents there offices from him, so he could be earning from it
@theartofed82 2 ай бұрын
He definitely a scammer…. He’s fans should sue him
@willwalk2000 Ай бұрын
When I read (and absolutely LOVED) Books 1 and 2 of the series, I had no idea that I may die of old age before the conclusion of the trilogy. Patrick is no scammer, he’s simply one in a long line of tortured artist using their fragile mental health as a crutch. (READ: another whiny Primadonna’s fear of success)
@NatalieNox600 6 ай бұрын
IMO, it was pretty obvious he wrote a Bast chapter for charity, and he decided he could sell another book if he weaved that new story into The Lightning Tree.
@adoniscreed4031 6 ай бұрын
Even still its not that hard to write another chapter to release a novel with no controversy, thus making MORE money instead of releasing a novel after a huge backlash with his own fanbase 😂
@NatalieNox600 6 ай бұрын
@@adoniscreed4031 oh, I'm 100% there with you. Honestly, the idiot could have given everyone half of The Narrow Road between Desires for free, and it would have increased goodwill and boosted sales. The dude is just lazy. I get it. Mental disorders are a b*tch, but if he wanted to get it done he would have.
@ramiromen6595 2 ай бұрын
After the charity i don't feel bad for him but the guy's not there mentally i think, he's too much of a perfectionist, too depressed and now divorced. 20 years from now and with help of very potent AI we may have the book.
@fangyiliu3591 2 ай бұрын
He has a mental block on working on his last book. He doesn't know how to end his tale with the same level of quality he has established in his earlier two books.
@ickisandoblina 2 ай бұрын
I find this hard to believe when he claimed the 3 books were essentially done when the first book came out and that, because of that, they'd come out one per year. I could imagine he thought he could finish it within a couple of years - but only if he already had at least the outline of the entire story arc. All you're doing at that point is filling in details. I don't know what happened, but all the "personal tragedy" nonsense is ridiculous - might buy you a year or two, but not 13+ with no end in sight. And to Neil Gaiman, the now accused sexual assaulter, who defended both Rothfuss and Martin claiming we're not "owed" anything, I beg to differ. There may be no legal obligation, but people invested time and money with the reasonable expectation we'd get a complete story. If someone stated up front that they were writing a trilogy, but you're only getting the first two books and never the third, no one would buy it.
@jaquesmoon 2 ай бұрын
The guy is either a scammer or has addiction problems it's always the same pattern
@thebutcher1412 6 ай бұрын
Damn I wish this video came out sooner, I wouldn’t have bought his king killer chronicle books last week
@Seghe124 20 күн бұрын
Patrick Rothfuss is not an Author, he's a twitch streamer that once wrote a couple of books.
@thomazeblen 5 ай бұрын
I bet he doest have a single chapter of door of stones writen down
@RedFuryBooks 6 ай бұрын
I feel like you're screaming into the void. He's a twitch streamer who used to write. And he's counting his money for each new special edition that is released, and is obviously doing well enough that for whatever reasons he's not writing, he really doesn't have any incentive to write.
@tookster7483 5 ай бұрын
Honestly 13 years is really inexcusable.
@Daishi43 3 ай бұрын
I think if people want to see book 3 they need to stop supporting rothfuss until it comes out. Why would he put out book 3 if he can support himself off the royalties of the first 2 books and the constant media and support from fans. I search once a year to see news and have refused to buy his novella until book 3 hits. Maybe once he can't ride the honey train anymore it will help him overcome his executive dysfunction from ADHD and we might see book 3. I have sympathy for his mental disorders but won't enable him anymore
@kanechaproniere9892 5 ай бұрын
I guarantee that Patrick promised the chapter without considering the legal implications with his publisher etc and that’s here the third book is…
@JamesMC04 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like another author who started a series, and can't finish it. A suggestion: if you must write a series, write shorter books. Don't write doorstoppers of 600 to 1,000 pages in length.
@crystalsotelo9912 4 ай бұрын
I won’t start reading this series because there is no promise of an ending…
@johnmcnally1040 3 ай бұрын
I don’t care for the chapter, I just want the book. It’s been far too long. I think he made a mistake by saying at the start he’d made a trilogy and then didn’t deliver on all three books.
@the1HLT 6 ай бұрын
Rothfuss is honestly fascinating. I cant believe he hasnt been able to release book 3 yet. He must have made some world breaking misstakes in the first books that he simply isnt able to solve and still keep his original story going. I wonder what he makes a living off? He cant still be living off the first 2 books surely!
@Precursor-co7up 2 ай бұрын
Is there any breakdown for distribution of funds from the charity - who specifically the money is going to and how much? It would also be interesting to know who is authorized to distribute funds on the charity account. In other words, is he in control of how the funds are used?
@astevenswrites 6 ай бұрын
Yeah. Even IF he didn't have the chapter he promised to deliver, how hard is it to just make something up and deliver it as he said he would? It wouldn't even have to be a super legitimate chapter. Just give SOMETHING...
@mandicruz912 6 ай бұрын
Your suggestions are very good. Perhaps Rothfuss could also release a little more than one chapter as an apology.
@manirea 5 ай бұрын
i did read the first 2 books when they appeared. Liked them....but time has passed (12 years) , i've moved on. And i dont really care anymore.
@MaryRose86 4 ай бұрын
At this point I refuse to even read doors of stone even if it is released
@Artfully_J 6 ай бұрын
Fans are waiting, publishers are waiting. It’s obvious the author is stuck. With the following he has, he’s under incredible pressure to produce a masterpiece, and it has apparently shackled him-for thirteen years and counting. As far as the ‘promised’ chapter, could be that it doesn’t exist, or if it does, maybe he feels like it subceeds everyone’s colossal expectations? In any event, my prediction is that the book will never be published, in his lifetime. I’d gladly be proved wrong. I wouldn’t trade places with Patrick Rothfuss, not even for that mil+ in charity money 😁 George R.R. Martin is in the same boat, his fans are still clamoring for that sixth book, that may or may not ever happen.
@ivydancer221 Ай бұрын
Maybe I am silly and naive. BUT I STILL BELIEVE IN HIM AND THE 3RD BOOK!!!! (PR, I hope you read this)
@larryladeroute971 6 ай бұрын
It is tough to reconcile his charity work with his misdeeds. Something does not add up and I feel I cannot reach a real conclusion on the man himself.
@robertblume2951 6 ай бұрын
Kvothe is a Mary Sue so judge Rothfuss by Kvothe.
@HeliosAscendant 3 ай бұрын
If the third instalment ever comes out, I will not bother with it. I enjoyed the first 2 books when they first came out but after thirteen years of crickets, the interest is nonexistent on my part. Why reread door-stoppers to reacquaint with the story and reward a disingenuous individual by giving him gas? No thanks.
@LestatKR 5 ай бұрын
I see a lot of comments saying people are straight up done with him for the simple reason that he hasn’t finished the series yet (unrelated to this charity issue)…and I wonder if Stephen King would have gotten this same amount of hate if there’d been social media in all the years between his Dark tower novels.
@otoanskye 2 ай бұрын
10:12 sucks to live with the consequences of your actions.
@ericF-17 6 ай бұрын
You did a good job with the video. Reading is supposed to build compassion and empathy, an understanding that people can make mistakes, can do bad things, and still be good people. It seems that far too many of Rothfuss' "fans?" will acknowledge and appreciate moral complexity in fiction but not in real life. This is sad.
@potatoshamcakes 6 ай бұрын
The real issue with Pat is that it's not that he hasn't written anything it's that he is still benefiting from the idea that he's an active writer. Which demonstrably isn't true so I don't know if he was just honest I don't think he'd get as much hate
@Tinahgirl83 6 ай бұрын
At this point he has basically scammed people out of more than $1 million dollars. That million came from fans. Fans who are now realizing that he’s basically walked away with their money without delivering the product they gave the money for. He’s a con man, like so many who have promised and not delivered once the money was in their hands. People have been rooking other people out of their money for hundreds of years. Rothfuss is no different than any other crook at this point. He can’t write ONE chapter, but he can expand a short story and sell it for $26 a pop. He, like other con artists, took advantage of people’s desperation and walked off with a large amount of money going to a charity that he owns, I believe, which means it went into his pocket. Whether he used it for charity or not, I can’t say. But he certainly didn’t write a chapter with it. He’s banking on the continued sympathy and support of good and kind people like yourself, so that he can keep making excuses. He wouldn’t be the first person to take advantage of the kindness and generosity of good people.
@bluecannibaleyes 6 ай бұрын
Well, that second sentence is clearly an erroneous notion. I’ve been an avid reader for most of my life and people constantly tell me that I lack empathy. LOL
@cashmeoutside8646 6 күн бұрын
I can't believe I'm still waiting for book 3. I know why Rothfus is procrastinating on side projects, he probably needs the money. How many books has he published when compared to Brandon Sanderson? It's not even close.
@cobaltcrusader9841 6 ай бұрын
The cut down apology at 8:33 with text in it was made by Daniel Greene, think you forgot to credit it.
@libraryofaviking 6 ай бұрын
The credit is in the description of this video but you are right, I should have added it to the video as well!
@n0buddy0 5 ай бұрын
You know why? 'Cause the theory that Rothfuss has found someone's unfinished script on some garage sale, or some attic and published it as his own work, hoping he could finish that work of fiction. But he can't. 'Cause it ain't his.
@theatheistpaladin 6 ай бұрын
Rothfuss is a perfectionist, and is caught in a doom loop. He not the type of person to release what he see as unready. For bad or ill that just how he is. Success only put more pressure on him.
@BraveTuba565 3 ай бұрын
I feel Rothfuss loves being the victim of his design- that's how I see it. I'm a betting man I'm more sure than not that promise for a chapter just slipped out, or allegedly one could say the chapter doesn't exist and he wanted to hustle his fans before his reputation and writing career goes in the 'wind' for sure. His apology was an act the way he spoke, and his hand gestures weren't genuine his eyes even rolled sometimes throughout that apology- like a child being forced by their parent to say sorry. I think Rothfuss should actually cut the act and tell his fans straught-up about the progress of book three therefore a date to receive chapter 1 'if' he can't deliver then he should be a man and admit the book and chapter don't exist and retires from writing and focus on something else.
@aleclundy614 3 ай бұрын
Considering his first book was like half about his whiney main character simping after a girl in fantasy college. Who gives an actual shit about a third book?
@MerakiDiaries77 6 ай бұрын
I even got his the first book and didn’t know it was series plus no ending! 😫
@pepeintheskywithdiam 2 ай бұрын
Well everybody is hurt but half of you haven’t read The Name of the Wind, so why do you care about it? If you read, as I did, The Name when it originally came out, then you can be as furious as I am. But you can tell nobody helped Pat writting his books. If you knew the series well, you will know that hidden in both books there are plenty of revelations about what is going to happen. Not exactly but the idea of it. So the third maybe is not written. Hell is quite possible this man has not one chapter done. I am so agree with you all, talking about mental illness but not overcome it in 12 years is insane. We all have mental issues, most of us have taken meds at some point. Doing what you love use to be the best way to evercome it. So I do not have faith on Pat anymore. I believe he has become a scammer and maybe a bad person. This is sad for us all. But nobody but him wrote the King Killer, just him. And the literature on it is the higest writting level fantasy since Harry, and none has get even closer yet.
@IskarJarak1 6 ай бұрын
So he didn't delivered that chapter, but rather publish a new book, but not the thirds that everyone is expecting. And people paid for that chapter. Not cool. i don't know, there's a lot of other good stories to read, other sagas, authors. And i don't buy that "apology". If he gave his word, he must fullfiled.
@seaofpines7 4 ай бұрын
I'm a big fan of the kkc books and best case scenario in regards to Rothfuss is that he simply wrote himself into a corner (very likely) but I think it is also possible that Rothfuss is simply a lazy ungrateful hack who doesn't appreciate his fans.
@derella 6 ай бұрын
I loved the first book, and thought the second book was okay. But I stopped caring about this series a long time ago, just like ASOIAF.
@bobbonniol Ай бұрын
WAIT. You haven't read any of his work ? Hmmmm. Instant demerits. It's fairly substantial hubris to show up with a direct "address" to Patrick, and such extensive commentary when you haven't partaken of a single syllable.
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