The Smoky Progg's Ability To Freeze TIME. | Pikmin 4 Theory

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Wigwam Man

Wigwam Man

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@imonlyhereforpikmin Жыл бұрын
This is a really cool theory and would make for an interesting area concept in Pikmin. The area could start off primitive and linear with a path to a Smoky Progg boss fight, but then when you defeat the Progg it advances in time to a more modern, man made place.
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
That would be an awesome level gimmick
@KrabbyKing1 Жыл бұрын
The art from the stream is so good, you can’t tell it’s even pixel art
@Rand0mthingss Жыл бұрын
@lasercraft32 Жыл бұрын
Oh snap I didn't even realize :O
@Mega_Man_Master Жыл бұрын
@winteryyyyyyy Жыл бұрын
Krabby do you know what software he uses to do his pixel art?
@KrabbyKing1 Жыл бұрын
@@winteryyyyyyy ni
@captainkawaii666 Жыл бұрын
This actually relates weirdly well to a more general theory I had, that being that PNF-404 is generally affected by some kind of strange time-distortion effect. I never thought to tie it in to the Smoky Progg though!
@StarWyvernHPB Ай бұрын
There for sure is some form of time distortion on PNF-404, given it's all but confirmed to have once been Earth we can assume its not something 'natural' to the planet, But to be honest, we're not entirely sure how much is 'natural' and how much is influenced. The wraiths/goolex are theorised to be the same thing thats causing the ships to crash (Umi Bozo like creature/being), but the question is where is it from? is it something that naturally formed on the planet? is it from elsewhere, was it perhaps created by the humans somehow?, and how much more is connected to them? are the pikmin and the majority of enemies natural creatures that evolved towards the end of our time on earth and continued after us, or are they more manipulations from the wraith beings. What about the Sage Leaf, Moss and the Ancient Sirehound? AND WTF IS UP WITH LOUIE!!, I pray we don't have to wait another decade+ for Pikmin 5
@syweb2 Жыл бұрын
It's like trying to explain King Crimson. Since a lot of this argument hinges on the existence of Bogswallows, I'd like to point you toward the coelecanth, a deep-sea fish that has not evolved for millennia. Other areas without Smoky Proggs have strangely non-deteriorated things as well, like all of the active cell phones in Pikmin 3 and the food and electronic treasures in Pikmin 2. I think part of this is just an art-style/artistic liberty thing.
@shoopdahoop678 Ай бұрын
Not to mention that the awakening wood and wistful wild are both also areas from Pikmin 1 that had no Smoky Progg and yet changed drastically in the time between Pikmin 1 and 2. I can't explain the hero's hideout being in pristine condition after being abandoned, but my guess for the Perplexing Pool is just that... space travel takes time, yo.
@Yakusoma12 Жыл бұрын
Time is slow down underground and we kill a smoky progg underground.... It's related too? It's not my favorite theory to explain PNF-404's temporal problems but it's a really cool theory! And your art is sooo cute!
@skitstheskitty2787 Жыл бұрын
While this theory does have some good points, as a biology nerd, I DON'T like the fact that this proposes Bogswallows would die out without the Smoky Progg's influence as "old" and """"outdated"""" creatures. Basal clades CAN and SHOULD exist in the ecosystem of the Pikmin world, as evolution isn't a linear process and isn't going towards a singular "best" body plan. It's just throwing shit at the wall and seeing what works, really, and some basal clades REALLY DO WORK. The Bogswallow's Japanese name includes the words "jawless eel" a common name for lampreys, and combining that with its ingame notes, we can conclude it's in the superclass Cyclostomi and therefore in the infraphylum Agnatha, the sister group to all jawed vertebrates. And like, I'm from the Midwest, right? And sea lampreys HAPPEN to be really invasive within the Great Lakes right now. Do you know just how RIDICULOUS it would be to insinuate that Smoky Proggs are freezing time across the entirety of the REAL LIFE GREAT LAKES? It's simply simpler and more in the spirit of Pikmin I would say to conclude that Bogswallows, much like real life lampreys and hagfishes, have stood the test of time for millions of years, being able to adapt to wildly different conditions despite externally looking so ""primitive"". What puts this connection's nail really into its coffin is the existence of an even more basal chordate introduced within Pikmin 4, the Sunsquish. With a combination of its Japanese name, its appearance, and its in-game notes, we can comfortably conclude that it is a tunicate. And the Sunsquish exists in PLENTY of areas where the Smoky Progg is absent! Therefore, we can conclude that the Pikmin devs really just wanted to put some clades I find underrated in my own opinion in the game, and I thank them for that. (where's the flatworm enemy though, a hammerhead worm enemy is RIGHT THERE! i love flatworms!!!!)
@tempinveir6234 Жыл бұрын
i like this theory so I'mma talk about it, mainly the eco-system of these areas and talking about how this would effect them, Part 1 The Jump from Distant Spring to Preplexing Pool: Look at the Distant Spring's roster, its the Smoky Prog, Puffy Blowhogs, Spotty Bulbears and their young, Water Dumples, Shearwigs, Yellow Wollyhops and their young, the Swooping Snitchbugs and the Armoured Cannon Beetle. Now we remove the Prog. In Perplexing Pool (above ground) we can see the Spotty Bulbear and its young slowly appearing while you play, Water Dumples, Yellow Wollyhops and their young, Shearwigs and Swooping Snitchbugs. This suggests that the families of these creatures would of survived the time that the Prog prevented, and all these creatures made it to the new stage of Perplexing Pool. The Puffy Blowhog is replaced by the Withering Blowhog, most likely where the species originated evolving after the Prog was defeated in Pikmin 1, and did so to counter the new Yellow Pikmin that also live here now. There is also a Fiery Blowhog who most likely migrated here from another area. The area also contains the new species of Fiery Bulblax and Skitterleafs, which most likely just moved here, and the Hermit Crawmad and Toady Bloyster, which most likely were born and evolved here. Beady is also found here which is the only time he's found above ground main game, which he probably arrived from the new Citadel of Spiders cave. The Armoured Cannon Beetle is noticeably absent, which makes sense, most of the old enemies didn't seem like the type to be hunted by the Beetle. Water Dumples are too far out in the water, Y.Wollyhops can jump boulders, Shearwigs bury themselves, Snitchbugs fly, so do Puffy Blowhogs. The only species its good against is the hard to fight Spotty Bulbear, which probably is why it's absent from the Pool. Part 2 What would happen to Heroes Hideaway: Enemies include copy pasted from the wiki: Bearded Amprat, Dwarf Frosty Bulborb, Frosty Bulborb, Gildemandwee, Horned Cannon Beetle, Iceblown Dweevil, Miniature Snootwhacker, Moss, Porquillion, Shearflea, Skutterchuck, Tusked Blowhog, Gildemander , Hydro Dweevil , Icy Blowhog , Man-at-Legs , Snowy Blowhog , Toady Bloyster, Albino Dwarf Bulborb , Flighty Joustmite, Shearwig , Smoky Progg, Male Sheargrub ,Jumbo Bulborb The house's cast of enemies seems to be relatively more evolved and hence the Progs were born at a later time. Don't get use to these guys, my prediction is as folllows, if the all Progs are defeated, the House will come crashing down after it was left alone because of the years of wear and tear catching up to it. But what creatures would survive? My predictions are the Glidemandwee and hence forth eventually the Glidermander, due to their hiding abilties inside objects, both Hydro and Iceblown Dweevil, as it is safe to assume they would have an object above them, acting as a hard hat to the debris. The Skutterchuck for its immense throwing capability to throw debris off of itself and its crystal hardhats, the Shearwigs, Male Sheargrubs and Shearfleas for their small size and the first two, burrowing nature, and the Flightly Joustmite for its hard shell and burrowing tendecies, which would be the most dangerous predator in this aftermath. The rest are crushed in this event. The nearby caves would introduce the following species: The Armoured Cannon Larvas from Doppelganger's Den, due to their buring abilities to suit this new rocky terrian. Perhaps when the grow up, Armoured Cannon Beetle's will inhabit this place using boulders to push debris. The Toxstool might be a contender, but with its two hosts being the Dwarf Bulborb and Slooch being unsuited to this terrian I see it unlikely. From Frozen Inferno, the Iridescent Flint Beetle would rise to live under debris. The Icy Blowhog has a posibilty to return to this environment from the cave, and if it would, it would have a large amount of food supply. The Arctic Cannon Larva could also become a staple, setting up near the collapsed fridge for its cold nature. From the Plunder Palace, both species of true Breadbug would rise to collect food from the great collaspe, but only the small Breadbug would make its new life in the broken home. The Puffy Blowhog would also certainly be an apex predator in this new environment and would also rise from the cave. The two birds found here also may adapt to this new environment, The Downy Snarget being small and its adult form being the Burrowing, and the Waddlequaff for its impressive ability to eat anything, which could include debris, allowing to clear out areas to live. All the other creatures would remain in caves. Part 3 What would happen to Primordial Thicket: Enemies include copy pasted from the wiki: Smoky Prog, Baldy Long Legs, Bogswallow, Doodlebug, Flighty Joustmite, Grubchucker, Honeywisp, Moldy Dwarf Bulborb, Moldy Slooch, Muckerskate, Puffstool, Startle Spore, Bulborb Larva, Spotty Bulbear and its young, Emperor Bulblax. The enemies here certainly are more anicent, note the lack of Sovereigns above ground, and lack of Shaggy Longs Legs and older creatures like the Bogswallow and Puffstool. Perhaps this Puffstool is so far back in time that it hasn't evolved Puffmin. Now let's remove the Prog. Unlike the house it is uncertain how this would turn out. But let's say that the mud would stay, but the life would overgrow. We can guess that the Bulborb Larvas would be chased out, and the Bogswallow would have to evolve rapidly but would stay viable in their new form, most likely preying on Muckerskates. Unfortunately the Muckerskates would have to move to pools without Bogswallows or go extinct in their entirety. They will by one of the first creatures to go underground. The Puffstool will follow, being outclassed on the surface, with its allies, the Toxstool and its hosts most likely being forced away as well, down into the caves, or farther out to spread. Baldy Long Legs would most likely stay but will live in harmony with the Shaggy Long Legs. The Grubchucker will most likely still live here unchanged, along with the Startle Spore. The Flightly Joustmite will most likely go underground to escape the Bulbears and Bulblaxes on the surface, which would thrive like usual. Honeywisp is unaffected from all of this. Doodlebug would live under all of this and pop up to the surface to gather food, but spends most of it's time underground. It's poison, unlike the Toxstool which would have moved out, is a new threat to the life there and hence it protects it on the surface. From the caves, starting with Cavern of a King because of course we are, its has its own paragraph, the Toxstool as stated stays underground. The Bulborbs on Level 2 would go to the surface even though the Bulborb Larva went underground. Burrowing Snarget is up for debate, but seeing the large amount of them, they will most likely either flourish underground or move to the surface and do it there. The Arctic Cannon Beetle would most likely die without the Prog's time schtick but the Dwarf Orange Bulborbs found there would grow into Orange Bulborbs and head to the surface, or populate every cave in the area. Skipping five and six due to repeats. The Titan and Blizzarding Blowhogs are most likely, dead by this time. The Crusted Rumpup may become quite a land predator, but I assume the puddles of muds would keep them underground, The Man-At-Legs would be outclassed by the life, and would likely flee to somewhere with more human activity, or die. Ten is another dead Prog. The Bloomcap Bloyster would be another creature to evolve to live in mud and form a new species. The Spectralids all would come to the surface, the Iridescent Glint Beetle would most likely not. Gildemander wouldn't come up. The Horned Cannon Beetle and Armoured Cannon Beetle may find there way, but its all up for debate. Skip, and Waterwraith would disappear due to excess of life. The Empress would stay underground with its young, like always. Sovereigns will start to grow on surface but due to their lifestyle of soldairty would most likely move out (most likely to Giants Hearth) and the Ancient Sirehound has left in the time we played the game to who knows where. The other two caves, the Snootwhacker may arrive at the surface and become a staple, the Mamuta may bring another Prog to freeze time again, but they would stay in the area, most likely appearing on the surface due to the life. Mama Sheargrubs, and most likely Female Sheargrubs would move to the surface to eat all the decaying plant life, and therefore will include the Male Sheargrubs, hiding under the titans. This includes Shearfleas who is already there but isn't in the wiki. The Hermit Crawmad would have to do more evolving to live within mud. The Arancode would climb up to higher plants then other creatures and pray on flying bugs, like the Scornet if they move here. They would live out of reach of most competition and have a niche in the environment. The Snitchbug might be one of its target, as it would have a decent spot in this ecosystem, hovering above mud to avoid becoming food. Shearwigs would also arrive on the surface, burying as they always have. And thats it. This is what would happen if all the Progs died, which we did in Pikmin 4. Great theory btw, it explains the house. (I should do some wiki editing)
@somerandominternetdude1 11 ай бұрын
I have a slight question about this theory. I dont disagree with it, infact i completely support it. My issue with it is in the first area of pikmin 4, and even on the title screen. What is it, you might ask? In the firey blowhog scene from the title cutscenes, in the distance, we see a ladder in the background. From what we can see, it looks like its made out of some sort of metal. My guess being iron. Now because PNF-404 has all the similar qualities to earth today, with the plants being overgrown and massive, including having oxygen, and water, then by my guess, it has a weather cycle. Which means it rains. Now, the issue i have is that the ladder should not look so clean. When iron reacts with oxygen, it becomes iron oxide, or more commonly known as rust. I dont see any rust on the ladder after theoretically 22+ whole years after human extinction, and no creature is intelligent enough (theoretically) to create a ladder very recently. Yet theres no smoky progg there. And even if it isnt iron, its still most likely a metal that can rust or oxodize. Yet the ladder is in perfect condition. If anybody would like to dive into this and try to figure it out, go ahead. Any explanations I'll l take.
@jonlevidalkvistagustsson6134 Жыл бұрын
Cool theory but nintendo said that the reason why everything seems so "clean" is because they wanted it to really feel like Pikmin could exist in our world! And you got the thing with the glowsap in the piklopedia entry is wrong. the way it's written implies that "the smokey progg is constantly dying at an alarming rate so it's hard to collect samples but perhaps if a mamuta were to lay an egg after drinking high amounts of concentrated glowsap the maybe..." Implying that the glowsap could make the Progg stable!
@jacksonvoet8312 Жыл бұрын
Actually, I think it implies the opposite, because Glow sap causes severe degradation, able to kill Pikmin leaves very easily. I think that it’s implied that Proggs are horrific mutants that are constantly dying and reforming, and that they exude the same degradative enzyme that mutated them, which is why it kills any Pikmin that touches it, but harms other life forms in increments. Pikmin get dissolved instantly by it.
@jonlevidalkvistagustsson6134 2 ай бұрын
@@jacksonvoet8312 You know what... That actually makes a lot of sense.
@carelesswhisker4155 Жыл бұрын
A rather large chunk of this theory requires assuming that a species cannot resemble itself over time, but that isn't true. Coelacanths for instance have not changed much at all since ancient times, horseshoe crabs are another example... a species "evolves" due to the pressure of natural selection, members of a species with traits that bennefit their survival are more likely to breed and pass on those traits. A species "suited enough" to its environment can experience very little change over millions of years
@whistlingstarlight2942 7 ай бұрын
Whilst I'm not sure I'm completely sold by this idea, I do still think it's a super fun concept. There's definitely something strange occurring with PNF-404, and this is an extremely refreshing and unique idea as to what might be going on. Very enjoyable video!
@WigwamMan 7 ай бұрын
Im super happy you enjoyed. Thankyou for watching!!
@pedromartins6810 Жыл бұрын
About the bogswallow: there are many species alive today which are FUCKING ANCIENT. There is a creature which is alive today that existed before the cambrian period aka the time where animals really developed. It's called a sea pen.
@SuperGrenade Жыл бұрын
This theory sounds pretty interesting, although I do want to mention the awakening wood, which Olimar does mention being there before and mentions how much the area has drastically changed from the forest of hope and renamed it. It makes me wonder if the Smokey Progg only has the time influence in one area or a bigger area than just the distant spring.
@Magolor2011 9 ай бұрын
Remainder that in the distant spring there are some skulls of some unknown animals that place was stuck in time for a while
@MrJimTheBest Жыл бұрын
When you start talking about time, you start talking about gravity. It could be that this time-distortion effect is a contributing reason for so many extraterrestrial crash landings of Olimar et al.
@Rice_enjoyer999 4 ай бұрын
that also explains why many of the fauna is so small🤔🤔
@gunnadahun Жыл бұрын
I work for Nintendo, and you got it
@gtrpREDsketch Жыл бұрын
@mk4-matt6290 10 ай бұрын
I try to not look too hard into lore for pikmin and just enjoy being tiny, but listening to the theory is cool.
@lukizard9625 Жыл бұрын
A bigger question. How do mututa lay an egg bigger then themselves
@sebastiansanchez7952 Ай бұрын
Everyone talks about the theories but they dont ask why is it even there in the first place
@epix_gamer2000 Жыл бұрын
I had thought of a theory that came from the obscure pikmin game, pikmin bloom. It explains that humans can’t see pikmin (and probably all other species) normally. It could be vice-versa for all creatures (including all captains, castaways, and the rescue corps).
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
Great way to bring bloom into the equasion lol
@tillulrich7413 Жыл бұрын
So, I don't know about this Theory, a lot of it seems far fetched but I have another thing for the Bogswallows, they probably aren't so primeval because of something keeping the time in the primordial Thicket from moving, but rather I think it's because they are the Pikmin Universes version of Lamprey. So both have a long body, the Bogswallow has many eyes, while the Lampreys gills look like extra sets of eyes (from which they also got their name in my native language) and they both have very similar mouth, just one with teeth for ripping out flesh, and one without teeth for sucking up Pikmin. And Lampreys are living fossils and very primitive, so why wouldn't Bogswallows also be like that? But another thing, the Heros Hideaway really looks very clean, but on the worldmap, it already looks like a ruin and this bothered me since I saw it for the first time. Ok, now that I think of it, the Sandbelching Meerslug also resembles a Lamprey.
@zacharyweaver276 Жыл бұрын
I think you're over thinking it. Humans are clearly still around we just never see them
@EinsamPibroch278 Жыл бұрын
Agreed, seeing the Luggage by the Door, they were on their way out on Holiday or something.
@gatlinggroink3764 Жыл бұрын
Or maybe, the designer's went with: '' We want to make it seem like that Pikmin are around us in real life. ''. They kinda did that with Pikmin 2, 3 and Hey!, since the treasure/fruit all seem fresh. Also, the treasures like the Maternal Sculpture still has saliva on it said Olimar.
@iraitzmm2571 Жыл бұрын
Also you said that the egg need something related to glow pikmin to become a smoky progg, that makes the mamuta have more things related to pikmin family. 1:the patron in their arm similar to the onions 2:if the eggs haves the glow pikmin thingy becomes another creature...
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
@lasercraft32 Жыл бұрын
This theory is held together by string. Barely any of the evidence is actually viable, and time ALWAYS acts weird on the Pikmin planet. ALL the areas in Pikmin 2 changed from Pikmin 1, not just the distant spring (and most players won't even fight the progg in Pikmin 1 anyway), the Bogswallow isn't all that unnatural since there's animals irl that have barely evolved at all for centuries, like the Nautilus that has stayed basically unchanged since ancient times.
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
you actively avoided every single piece of my evidence to make this comment
@lasercraft32 Жыл бұрын
@@WigwamMan What are you _talking_ about? Everything I said was points that disprove your evidence. That was the point.
@collztoons Жыл бұрын
@@lasercraft32 its called aTHEORY for a reason bro, it might not be true but its still fun to speculate and come up with ideas
@Giantbreadbugs Жыл бұрын
Me and smoky prog are brothers
@StarWyvernHPB Ай бұрын
It always surprised me that the Smoky Progg is connected to the Mamuta, despite more so resembling the wollyhop family. Guess it just shows how much the glow sap/hatching early messes up the creature. I do like the idea that glow pikmin have always existed, its just that we never risked staying on the surface/didn't have a safe enough base on the surface to risk being around at night in the previous games.
@badgercomet-u4x Жыл бұрын
I love this theory it's much better than raggins theory about humanity still being alive in the Pikmin timeline and we all know how crappy matpat is about his theorys
@P.H691 Жыл бұрын
Dude, what the hell is MatPat on and where can I get some?
@diannakerns1404 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for you to do another Pikmin stream drawing stream, Wigwam man.
@someonenamedsomeone9497 8 ай бұрын
I think you’re on to something, there is definitely time travel shenanigans happening in pikmin, like with the caves, the perfectly preserved fruits in pikmin 3 and 4, the contents moving forward millions of years in pikmin 3, the seasons randomly changing from pikmin 1 and 2 and treasures randomly appearing in pikmin 2 when there were non in pikmin one. The Smokey Progg being responsible for the weird time travel could be an explanation.
@spacegators1775 11 ай бұрын
This is a neat theroy a bit out there but hey pickmin literally evolved a way to go in to low orbit to avoid Predators at night
@AngeTange Жыл бұрын
I finally finished playing Pikmin 4 and I can FINALLY watch all of these Theory Videos! Awesome work and really interesting theory!!
@aborjita17 Жыл бұрын
Smokey progg…..always so op
@marialuciasilva2362 Жыл бұрын
I think that the mamuta are some type of moths or buterflys that evolved into a more "mammal" look and thats why it has a larval state
@marialuciasilva2362 Жыл бұрын
Because open a cocoon you see will surge an abomination
@captainlandalien9921 Жыл бұрын
@@marialuciasilva2362ooh I like this idea! Especially considering that butterflies literally liquify themselves inside their cocoons which would result in a smoky progg looking creature
@Side_N0te Жыл бұрын
What about all the other areas that change between 1 and 2? I always assumed that the rapid change in the environment was some consequence of faster than light travel.
@Luigi_bros4321 Ай бұрын
This could also explain why we never see the same area in the same condition or again
@LargeLogGuy Жыл бұрын
this dude in pikmin 4 was beaten kinda easily by me and now we have a chance it can warp time itself jesus christ
@Fergusand Ай бұрын
I like the time pausing thing but maybe its more like a quantum-planet thing, where time only passes when observed by and outside observer. The primordial thicket is so far back because that big dog was there so long and did not originate from PNF-404
@CreatorofSecks 3 ай бұрын
Going off of this theory, it is very much possible that the Smoky Progg is what decides if either Pikmin 2 or Pikmin 4 occurs. We can assume that Pikmin 1 did occur _before_ Olimar’s shipwreck tale in Pikmin 4 as he already knows of the existence of Pikmin the moment he lands. Therefore, Pikmin 4 must be an alternate timeline version of Pikmin 2. If the Smoky Progg does indeed affect the flow time, it is very possible that the days that passed within the distant spring only occurred for Olimar and not anyone else in the universe; that is, unless you kill it. It is therefore possible that the Smoky Progg being alive delays Louie’s incident with the Golden Pikpik carrots just long enough so that when Olimar returns, he does not lose his ship and can thus see his family, only to crash land on PNF-404 once again, leading to Pikmin 4. If you decide to kill it, Louie’s Golden Pikpik carrot incident is not delayed, and thus occurs before Olimar returns, thus leading to his ship being repossessed and the events of Pikmin 2. TL;DR: The Smoky Progg fixes the Pikmin Timeline
@Kirbyfan7209 10 ай бұрын
It’s pretty accurate. Olimar leaves, and comes back in 3 minutes, and the entire place changed
@BreadBug__ Жыл бұрын
I think its pretty clear that this isn't real but its a really cool theory. its amazing how much evidence you can build up to make a real theory out of what's probably developer oversights. great job. 7.8/10 theory
@Soupshrimpish Жыл бұрын
Before I read the whole “glow sap affecting egg” bit I was theorizing that Smokey Proggs would use the red particles to kill the cells of the Mamuta and instead let the Smokey Progg grow inside the egg until it is grown up.
@mardubood3613 Жыл бұрын
I have a slight theory that relates to the progg theory. What if mamutas use a time ability to speed up pikmin to have flowers when smacked into the ground
@coolDude-sx6we 10 ай бұрын
Since Smoky Progg don’t get the night mode red eyes I think they target the Lumiknoll out of revenge for being deformed by it (To be fair their eyes are already red so we have no clue if the nights makes them attack the lumiknoll or if they simply want to)
@Glitchmouse2 7 ай бұрын
If the smokey progg activated during the day and not because of glow pikmins in the distant spring, its because the smokey phrog in here was one of any wraith’s way to eliminate olimar from the planet? Maybe….
@cl4-ptp515 Ай бұрын
Maybe it doesn't freeze time but changes the area to be from a certain time, because if the concrete structures appeared in pikmin 2 without humans to build them it may be because the area was rewinded to a time where there was none. Same for the human house, it may have been rewinded to when it was in perfect condition and when humans where still around (because the gas is still on) but without the humans. And for the primordial area it may have been rewinded not too long ago explaining why there are still primordial creatures (the no aging and trap thing isn't really possible since the explorers are seemingly not affected). Also, let's be honest, seeing that it can die the smoky frogg would've been by now if the entire area was stuck in time for that long.
@hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmh1 3 ай бұрын
the mamuta is pikmin god and because that thing the smoky progg has have something with onions. somthing like smoky progg have symbiosis with onions.
@tipmobe4764 Жыл бұрын
Your theory heavily depends on the smokey phrog being killed, but is that a fact? That it has to be killed, I mean. After a sertain day the egg will just disappear, if you just leave it be. And what happens after that? Exactly, dwarf bulbears will show up after the egg has disappeared, which could be because the area can advance again because the smokey phrog left, as he can't be seen anywhere in the area by then.
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
Progg was canonically killed between pikmin 1 and 2 so checkmate
@Spaceronald 29 күн бұрын
(smoky progg hatches) ZA WARUDO!
@frankus321 Жыл бұрын
I think the smokey progg is a mamuta suffering from the glow sap degenerative properties vs his sparklium nature thats make gloom...they underground manage to become a living vibrational being and even act like juveniles being water wraiths ...or a mamuta that consume sparklium becomes the plasm wraith
@coolDude-sx6we 10 ай бұрын
In Pikmin 3 there is a strawberry that’s still growing you can find in the area you find Brittany. It never grows at all no matter how much you wait, it’s half grown. Could there be a Smoky Progg around?
@zacharyweaver276 Жыл бұрын
How would time be frozen if days and seasons are passing?
@Mamuta8307 Жыл бұрын
I guess it’s the state it’s in that freezes. Everything around it still goes on. The Sun and moon aren’t within the smoky profs range so the daylight cycle continues.
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
seasons dont pass in any area where smokey proggs are housed
@zacharyweaver276 Жыл бұрын
@@WigwamMan fair enough but the day does also the other areas in pikmin 1 change. This just feels too far out to be the case and a dumb way to explain human stuff being intact. I do like the theory that Mamuta could be aliens though
@TeltStory Жыл бұрын
I just think the pikmin planet in general is frozen in time, or experiencing time distortion.
@beetosdoesstuff544 Жыл бұрын
I have my own theory: the water wraith is connected to the smoky progg and plasm wraith.
@GreenPANDA559 5 ай бұрын
Question I’m not very well versed in pickmin but that looks like the rock walls in the water wraiths area if so I may have a theory about it I will say it if asked
@Bighaid91 5 ай бұрын
What is it?
@GreenPANDA559 5 ай бұрын
@@Bighaid91 basically the death of somthing so powerful (or the birth of it) will attract the water wraith the water wraith doesn’t seem to eat so mabey he’s trying to find a challenge and plus he is inter dimensional so he could very quickly build a nest or maze or just find a way to bring it there
@Bighaid91 5 ай бұрын
@@GreenPANDA559 cool!
@GreenPANDA559 5 ай бұрын
@@Bighaid91 thank you
@Pmn-rn7zs Жыл бұрын
Personally I don’t believe the theory but one thing that may support it a bit is the music of hero’s hideaway. Almost every version of the song including the tutorial theme has this very prevalent metronome sounding instrument. And obviously metronomes are related to time.
@majamaja3134 8 ай бұрын
I was just in piklopedia until i saw the dwarf bulborb and dwarf orange bulborb are a family of the breadbugs.Please make a explaning about this why they are not a part of the grub-dogs.
@scezich6126 Ай бұрын
Personally I doubt the theory but it’s a interesting theory nonetheless
@WigwamMan 25 күн бұрын
@Pikbro44444 Жыл бұрын
My theory is that the smoky prog is the entire reason why enemies attack you at night think about it it has red glowing eyes it’s ghastly and it’s considered a boss and where is one of the locations you find it at night I prove my point
@sonicplayinggames3109 Жыл бұрын
@SamSupercreation Жыл бұрын
And guess who else comes from an alien ecosystem, the Careening Dirigibug !
@MadMewMew-mu3eq Жыл бұрын
The smoky progg being able to freeze time is actually confirmed in game, as it freezes time every time it spawns to play a cutscene
@RomeGunnLeaf_36710 5 ай бұрын
Bro thinks he’s dio Brando 💀☠️
@GreenPANDA559 3 ай бұрын
@scribbleslol1566 Жыл бұрын
I blame pikmin 4's timeline screwery for this
@KasolTheCrow Жыл бұрын
I love smoky progg :)
@Orangepea774 Жыл бұрын
Its time!
@SkibidiRizzlerSigmaKaiCenat Жыл бұрын
Hotel Mario coming next right????????????
@Sharkie_numbskull Жыл бұрын
Smoky pog
@Moss_Dude Жыл бұрын
I don't really think there's enough evidence for the correlation of these places being "primal," with how you only really brought up one creature in one of them and gave no other proof for either of the other two being old in any way, instead explaining why another should fit in using circular logic based on the concept that had really been yet to be proven.
@Mamuta8307 Жыл бұрын
I am watching the stupid minions movie rn
@ChiTheDemiguy Жыл бұрын
Good luck bruv.
@ChiTheDemiguy Жыл бұрын
But be grateful you aren't watching Hop (2011)
@gomibak514 Жыл бұрын
i am watching hop 2011
@ChiTheDemiguy Жыл бұрын
Good luck bruv. I don't know any movie worse than Hop (2011)
@malgorzatasiennicka9054 Жыл бұрын
59 minutes
@HankMFWimbleton Жыл бұрын
@annacziprianna4642 Жыл бұрын
Uuuh😅 What are the odds? That humans are still alive just ther never home
@diamondNoah Жыл бұрын
nah the humans are off screen :/
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
@amyramm9394 Жыл бұрын
They aint
@amyramm9394 Жыл бұрын
They are incorrectly born
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
Thats what i say
@Rewrite-707 Жыл бұрын
@martonnemeth6344 Жыл бұрын
@pikmindisco Жыл бұрын
92th viewer!!!!
@Hinico13REAL Жыл бұрын
Bro is dumb about what is common about the 3 places Mamuta lay eggs they all are damp a warm like chicken the egg need to be warm and damply moist 1:09 - 1:15
@WigwamMan Жыл бұрын
@MrLraewoo Жыл бұрын
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