The Strange Case of Emanuel Swedenborg - Disclosure Featuring Shawn Boonstra and Jean Boonstra

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Voice of Prophecy

Voice of Prophecy

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Even though most people have never heard of this man, he was actually one of the most influential people to come out of the Enlightenment. There was a time when he was a household name. Today on Disclosure, Shawn and Jean take a look at the life of Emanuel Swedenborg.
1) Emanuel's Inventions
11:16: At a young age, Emanuel starts to come up with many inventions-including a flying machine.
2) Spirituality In Emanuel's Science
15:45: Emanuel becomes fascinated with the human soul and is obsessed with trying to explain what happens to the soul when a person dies.
3) Emanuel's Teachings vs. The Bible's Teachings
45:11: Do Emanuel's teachings align with what the Bible says?
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@peterwassmuth4014 3 жыл бұрын
Emanuel Swedenborg, was a true teacher!!
@deborahmeaders5022 Жыл бұрын
Really enjoyed this program. Thank you ❤
@azraelinarakoczy7862 4 жыл бұрын
Faith without works are dead.
@julianbristow4793 3 жыл бұрын
Swedenborg makes a lot of GOOD sense.
@APGifts 3 жыл бұрын
No he does not. His beliefs were based on occultic practices that he learned from his peers in the Freemasonic and other secretive-ritual societies. Much like the followers of Mormonism (whose founder was both a Freemason and a fan of Swedenborg) feel that 'The Book Of Mormon' is their go-to source for their true-beliefs about God -- the Swedenborgians place the writings of Swedenborg above the Bible. Both groups are cults and anti-biblical. Both groups follow the "visions" of their founders THEN try to use the Bible to back them up and also toss out the parts of the Bible that are in clear coontradiction to their group. .
@iamBENJAM 5 жыл бұрын
Outstanding presentation. This is the first time I've come across your channel.
@VoiceOfProphecy 5 жыл бұрын
Happy to hear that! We hope you find our other content just as rewarding. God bless!
@JdTbby 4 жыл бұрын
Me too love them now!
@azraelinarakoczy7862 4 жыл бұрын
Also on top of the mountain with the transfiguration of Christ, the two deceased prophets Moses and Elija appeared to Jesus and in front of the apostles and spoke to Jesus. The apostles were frightened. Jesus was a medium and he spoke to the dead. Also the poor man Lazarus and the rich man both died and went down into the abyss where a great chasm divided them. The rich man begged if Lazarus can just dip his finger on his tongue. Then he begged if Lazarus can go back to earth and warn his brothers not to come to this place. This clearly points out that the dead are very much conscious and are very much aware of their family back on earth. Ecclesiastes was talking about the state of the physical body on earth. Remember they said they know nothing under the sun. Under the sun means the state of the earth, not the spiritual world. Back in those days when when ecclesiastes was written they did not believe in life after death. To be absent from the body is to be present with the lord. Which clearly shows that after the physical death of the body, we are very much alive in spirit and in heaven, and not sleeping in the grave. The soul sleep is a false doctrine. People need to understand the bible has a literal meaning, a spiritual meaning and a symbolic meaning. It was also written for the understanding of the people back in those times. But Jesus also said a time will come when I will pour out the spirit of truth upon the earth. That spirit of truth is given in " spiritism ", the 3rd revelation of God, by enlightened spirits passed down to mediums all over the world. Read the books by Allen Kardec, Emanuel Swedenborg, and Edgar Cayce. All of these prophets are continuing the teachings of the holy spirit. The holy bible was written for the people back in that time, because that is how far their level of understanding was. Now is a new time, and a new era. For those who have ears let them hear, for those who have eyes let them see.
@ilovemyboyfriend5425 4 жыл бұрын
i like swedenborgian christianity
@jaynorris3722 4 жыл бұрын
I fund it very odd that people believe stories from over 2000 years ago but a man who lived 300 years ago must be false. He had profectic dreams just like bible characters. His outer body exspearance are not much different from near death exspearance people. No I adore Swedenborgs teaching. Seems like people who dislike his teachings just can't stand the thought that other people have found a way to God that isn't like theirs and they feel like stepping on their beliefs makes them better than. My wife and I are very happy with Swedenborgs teachings.
@rubarb0406 5 жыл бұрын
In a personal email, Shawn responded to a question I submitted a month ago. At that time I presented an alternate view on one aspect of his broadcast. It follows: I am submitting this with the hope that you will take into consideration alternate views. In your presentation, you point out a number of Swedenborg’s positions that you feel are in conflict with the Bible. While I am not a Swedenborgian per se, I find many of his teachings worthy of consideration. An example delineated in your presentation follows: Swedenborg states in his writings that in the afterlife we will have an opportunity to remain with our spouses, or not if we so chose. If I understand your position correctly, you feel this is in conflict with the Bible because of the Savior’s response to a rather protracted question. The question posed to Him related to a very Jewish “custom” (based on the Mosaic Law), which held that if the husband of a woman passes away, she should be married to the second oldest brother, and if he passes away then she was to be taken as a wife to the next brother . . .on down through the succession of brothers until there were none left. Those who were presenting this to Christ then ask Him, “To whom will the women be married in the hereafter?” Christ responded something to the effect that those who posed the question lacked understanding. ""Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." (Matthew 22:29-30). You espouse that this statement is taken to mean that marriage is not an institution found in the hereafter. The first hint that something is amiss with this passage relates to the setting of the question. The Sadducees (a group of Jews) did not believe in the resurrection. Therefore, the question was posed by them as a “trap,” such that they would have cause to kill Christ. Please hold that thought for just a moment and let’s look at marriage from a broad perspective. How do the scriptures, in general, present the institution of marriage? Most Bible readers believe that Adam and Eve were married. Please see . From this same reference, we are reminded that there is an injunction from God for us to be married (leaving our parents behind) and becoming one flesh. One of the Ten Commandments was directed at preserving the sanctity of marriage . . . i.e. not to commit adultery. Another commandment was to honor our Fathers and Mothers. [A product of marriage](Please note: Some believe that this commandment was directed toward our “Father” Adam and our “Mother” Eve. Others believe it holds sway for our immediate parents. Either way, it reinforces the institution of marriage.) But for a few scriptures, marriage is represented in a positive light. If what we experience in mortality is to prepare us for immortality and eternal life, why would we depart from a solidly entrenched concept when we enter into the hereafter? While the response to this question may hold logic, it does not specifically address the answer the Savior offered. Are there other possible scenarios that can account for Jesus’ answer and still hold to the sanctity of marriage . . . with the possibility that there is no conflict with Swedenborg’s observations? To answer this, one must have a good “handle” on the term angel. Then one must have a reasonable understanding of how Swedenborg used the term. Let me know if you wish me to expand this and share my interpretation.
@kat8987 5 жыл бұрын
Gordon Brown -👌🏼
@dinopharis2876 Жыл бұрын
Brian Scott who has the channel reality revolution just interviewed Curtis Childs from off the left eye channel which is a swedenborgian channel I've studied swedenborg for the past 3 years he amazes me and it's no wonder Johnny Appleseed used to hand his literature out. His writings also correlates with the law of attraction
@ilovemyboyfriend5425 4 жыл бұрын
i like swedenborgian christianity
@pjsmithps4 4 жыл бұрын
I have found that not any person or ministry has it all right...could be that Swendenborg...just like everybody else...has some things right and some things wrong???
@gilardorua9261 4 жыл бұрын
I don't think you have actually read his books at all, just an overview of your research, read the books and then your opinion may have some value.
@orcyg 5 жыл бұрын
Swedenborg's main point was that you shouldn't take the bible literally. It is written in metaphors, similar to how language and all written forms of communication worked in that era. Yet you keep saying "not biblically possible", "does that sounds like God?" as if you know! His main point, across all his work was that one must be good, honest and loving within themselves and to others, no matter their religion. Neither of us are God, no matter what one may 'think' is true and right, the fact is that one won't truly know until they pass on. Discussing ideas is one thing, but claiming that something is or isn't possible throughout the entire video is not your place. If Swedenborg is correct, which again nobody actually knows, it seems many so called 'Christians' will be in major trouble on the other side - especially those with such closed minds who judge so harshly!
@angelgirldebbiejo 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly but most are not awakened so are not able to receive the truth.
@izinau 5 жыл бұрын
I do not think you understand what this channel is about. Maybe you came this one time because of the title and Swedenborg's philosophy appeals to you. As for closed minds, it works both ways. Maybe your mind is blinded by your unbelief and you need the bible to be made of none effect for guiding your life. As for what is true and right, the bible has much to say about that. But you seem to want to judge based upon another book, namely Swedenborg's writings.
@ilovemyboyfriend5425 4 жыл бұрын
they follower Ellen White!!!! 7 th day adventist so dont understand why they r talking bad bout swedenborgian christianity
@fox--lion8728 3 жыл бұрын
one thing to don't get know when you die more than you become a talking academic in your sleep. how is it that people think when you die that you suddenly super human power...the life after death as described by many is 'spiritualism' which is satanism. The demons masquerading as the departed ones..and pretending to bring knowldege..actually what knowledge?..apart from repeating what's already known..and trying to decieve the mind of one trapped in this master deception...the deception is primarily in contradicting the wrtten word of God...Satan...which stands for an opposed to God and His character..and will use human beings to propagate his lies..
@JohnSmith-yt7oc 4 жыл бұрын
Your arguments are based on literal interpretations of the Bible. For example by dead Swedenborg means spiritually dead
@riadrones 5 жыл бұрын
Discovery mountain rocks!
@Fuggylozic 5 жыл бұрын
Nice video and nice topic
@hairand4828 4 жыл бұрын
Swedenborg defines dead as spiritually dead. I.e. merely earthly (outer) - without truth or love, which are inner qualities. So consulting the dead would be like consulting someone who was physically dead or alive, but who had no truth and love in them. More accurately truth and love did not rule in them. Swedenborg also agreed to not get knowledge from spirits but from the lord alone. Whom the angels spoke for, not from themselves. (Spirits being different from angels, not heavenly, and so spoke from themselves - spoke from the ego rather than the soul) On the point of salvation by faith alone he says good deeds need to be done also. Whats the point in having faith if you're just gonna go around doing bad things. "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only." - James 2:24 On the holy trinity, which he thoroughly belived in, he said "These three, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, are three essential components of one God. They are one the way our soul, our body, and the things we do are one." - Swedenborg And on the non Christians getting into heaven thing; God is truth and love. Truth and love are universal. A tribe in the amazon would know it, or else they would not be able to function. Honesty and service to your neighbor is not a new idea born 2000 years ago. On the marriage thing: " Secondly, that in heaven they are not given in marriage, he taught by the words: “They that shall be accounted worthy to attain the other age neither marry nor are given in marriage.” From the words which immediately follow, that they cannot die any more, because they are like the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection, it is very evident that no other weddings are meant here than spiritual weddings. By spiritual weddings conjunction with the Lord is meant, and this is effected on earth; and when it has been effected on earth it has been effected in the heavens also; and therefore they are not married and given in marriage again in the heavens." Swedenborg I think all your arguments are based on the litteral meanings of things. The letter "killeth" but the spirit gives life as im sure you know. P.s. im doing most of this from memory so im sure ive got something wrong lol. should check it out yourself. But the fact that all of these apparent contradictions have perfectly understandable solutions is enough to continue your Swedenborg readings ;)
@JdTbby 4 жыл бұрын
Why would someone unlike this video? Did the truth offend you?
@pjsmithps4 4 жыл бұрын
So yall still believe there are planets?
@ilovemyboyfriend5425 4 жыл бұрын
But you guys follower Ellen White!!!!
@ilovemyboyfriend5425 4 жыл бұрын
u guys r 7 th day adventist u read ellen whites teachings
@rationaldave67 11 ай бұрын
Look up Swedenborg for yourself. This guy doesn't know what he is talking about.
@MysticMaverick3527 3 жыл бұрын
Aw, you are no good man
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