THE SURGE 2 - How to Beat Archangel Eli & Get His V2 Boss Weapon (Greatblade of the Archangel V2.0)

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Fuzzy Bearbarian

Fuzzy Bearbarian

Күн бұрын

Here's how to beat Archangel Eli in The Surge 2 and get his V2 boss weapon - the Greatblade of the Archangel V2.0.
Keys to the fight:
- You must break the armor on all his body parts.
- Use only Vertical (Right Trigger) attacks on his head and arms.
- Use only Horizontal (Right Button) attacks on his legs and chest.
- Target his head with drone and vertical strikes first because it's harder to damage accidentally later
- Target his body second. Horizontal strikes will also weaken the arms.
- Target his arms third. Vertical strikes only.
- Target his legs last. Horizontal strikes only.
- Dodge evade his attacks mostly, directionally block wherever you can to stagger. The more you block the shorter the fight will be. But you can go the whole fight with only blocking a few times.
- Ignore the nanite things. Just keep away from them (don't go near them)
- When he raises up into the air, walk backwards before attempting to block him. Doing so puts you in a better position to block.
Center around stamina (blocking and evading) and getting energy from attacks and being hit. I usually recommend the Physical Aggression Redirector implant but if you use the right attacks in this fight you won't need it, freeing up a slot.
My build in this video was:
WEAPON - Jag-22 "Aeterna' Katana Mk.X.
ARMOR is all Mk.X
- A.I.D. Tactical Balaclava
- Nano Ward Arm Gear
- LYNX Leg Gear
- Scavenger's Body Gear
This setup gives me a lot of stamina and decent impact, as well as the 3 piece perks of both the LYNX and Nano gear.
- Metallic Hardener (10% extra physical damage)
- Dynamic Redirector (30 energy when struck by enemies)
- Directional Block Analyzer (block directional display)
- Ancillary Core (+12 core power)
- Energy Dynamo (15% energy gain from attacks)
- Deflection Damage Enhancer (10% damage after directional blocking)
- Rig Capacitor XXL (prevents 3 batteries from decaying)
- Medi-Voltaic Injection (health)
- Tactile Amplifier (increase attack speed for one-handed, spear, double-duty and twin-rigged weapons)
- Deflection Hardener (+250 defense after directional block)
- Deflection Supercharger (+30% damage and 25 energy from directional blocks)
Health - 633
Stamina - 279
Defense - 346
Damage - 544
Note that my build is lightweight focused on stamina, which means my defense is lower than most builds here. The Balaclava gives me the 3 piece bonuses from the sets I have 2 pieces equipped (LYNX and Nano).
Also, if you don't have Mk.X gear, there is one of those newer red nano enemies right near the Medbay before this boss fight. Farm him. He drops Mk.X stuff. I leveled up entirely using him before the fight and it didn't take very long at all.

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@walterekurtz2630 4 жыл бұрын
Awesome parry job ,... as usual , the most useful guides ever. Thank u
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
Cheers mate!
@jordank1731 4 жыл бұрын
For those wondering how he has 5 injectable for the last fight. The enemies that split into 2 in the final few encounters before the fight give you the mk V components needed. But you get them from the chest instead of the head when you do the finishing move
@zarnya 3 жыл бұрын
Its actually Mk.X (10 for non roman knowers)
@WJAMSoares 2 жыл бұрын
@@zarnya Max implants in NG is 5 mate, not 10 as the rest of the gear, he's correct by saying V.
@daniellelacelle50 4 жыл бұрын
Ugh thank you for this! I was t trying to break off the body armor, just kinda giviner he'll lol and kept dying. This should help! Thanks again.
@jackodd5407 3 жыл бұрын
Helped but I’m done just spent two hours and died so many times
@fuzzybearbarian 3 жыл бұрын
In these types of games best to put it down and come back to it fresh another time. Whenever I do that I often nail it first time.
@MilitaristTurkcu 4 жыл бұрын
I was using Codename: Valkyrie and i died less 3 deaths that weapon is very effective with parrying too
@drakoronus 5 жыл бұрын
I was wielding a hammer when I fought him, and my character just started doing ballet moves with it right after I broke the left leg, which led to not breaking the right leg. Frickin' hammers
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
That's annoying, but I still had to laugh at "ballet moves" :D
@subwich23 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, the ballet moves had me on the floor 😂 we’ve all been there when using hammers
@toomuchsalt4490 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks a bunch for the guide, honestly these have been some of the most useful guides I’ve seen. watching this I was able to win the fight and get the 2.0 on my first try
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks mate, I appreciate that!
@kylebass9542 3 жыл бұрын
I just beat him e few minutes ago on my first try with level ten Cerberus armor and the generals punching gloves I think he wasn’t supposed to be that easy but using the health leech with the Cerberus with three batteries and the punching gloves is rediculously strong
@solidmoon8266 5 жыл бұрын
I had the Cerberus set and twitching riptalons, with the amount of energy i was constantly getting, i just stayed right up in his face and just wailed on him, i was able to heal and recharge the battery faster then he could damage me. The only times i backed off were breif respites to buils my stamina back up. Being up in his face prevents him from using most of his attacks, he only does swips that are largely telegraphed, and the area attack which both can be dodged with a simple hop back, then you just walk back in and keep wailing on him. My build was built around building up as much energy as possible constantly and maintain full bars between battles with implants that gave me bonuses whenever a battery is filled, so i mostly stay between 3-4 bars, and i use executions to refill any implants. I'm in new game plus and the only times ive died so far are because i forgot to watch my health and got killed by a nanite explosion that procs on me. Idk why but the Twitching Riptalons stun more often and hit harder then any other dual weapons i tried, i was using the metamorphic talons for most of my first playthrough till i got those and upgraded them. Haven't looked back since.
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
When my NG+ stops crashing I'll have to pull them out and give them a proper run as that sounds lazy enough to be fun :D
@solidmoon8266 5 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzybearbarian using the verical then double horizontal chain attack constantly staggers most enemies. Kineto plasmatic shunt and all the implants that boost energy gain and give bonuses on full bars turn you into wolverine of Jerico. Its really fun but can't really be utilized until late game since you need 5 battery slots and the implants to keep them full before it truely shines as a serious power build.
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
@@solidmoon8266 "Kineto plasmatic shunt and all the implants that boost energy gain and give bonuses on full bars turn you into wolverine of Jerico." I'd love to see someone who doesn't play read this line and try to make sense of it :D
@ItchiestBum 4 жыл бұрын
Solidmoon same build but I used a spear weapon (forgot which) and I used Urbn armor set which is easier to get then the Black Cerberus on the first playthrough
@qldoblp 3 жыл бұрын
What are your implants, if you don't mind?
@barrybrindle6959 5 жыл бұрын
Now I know what became of Isshin the Sword Saint after you put him to rest :D
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
Isshin! That's exactly what I was thinking!
@CantTreadOnMe 5 жыл бұрын
Haha I was just thinking the same. Isshin!! This boss looks really cook though and just sold me on the game. Im buying it soon after I complete some games im working on right now.
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
@@CantTreadOnMe Cool. It's a really fun game. Just be aware it isn't really great in terms of bosses. It doesn't have many unique ones, and there's a bit of boss recycling that goes on too much (same boss, 4 times.). It's not like Remnant which has 25+ different and unique bosses. Game is still great, just not one to recommend for its bosses.
@CantTreadOnMe 5 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzybearbarian Oh man that's a bummer. I feel like they did something similar in the first Surge as well. There was only like 4 or 5 bosses if I remember correctly. Anyways, I don't know why they are being so lackluster with the bosses as it's a very integral high point for these style games. This boss looks great though but some of the others I saw just looked like very uninspired. But I will still give it a chance because it seems to have a good gameplay hook at least and many seem to enjoy it so I probably will too.
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
@@CantTreadOnMe I feel like I got plenty out of it and I had a lot of fun playing, so I'm confident you will too. But I feel the real game begins in NG+ where you can really start with builds, but because of all the boss recycling I think I want to wait a while before I play through again. I'm playing Destiny 2 right now with the release of Shadowkeep, and then I want to go back and flawless the remaining bosses in Remnant I haven't done yet.
@gwendolyn7402 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this guide (and your delver guide) so much! Archangel kinda got me a bit
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
No probs and yeah, he's kind of tough at first until you work him out.
@bolzanoweierstra6552 5 жыл бұрын
hardest boss in the game - the automatic change of targeting body parts
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
Yep, for sure. I really wish there was a true "lock on" system, would make it much less frustrating.
@RoboMagician 4 жыл бұрын
killed him second try
@oalvarez5486 4 жыл бұрын
@@RoboMagician first try for me but my guy was pretty op when i finally got to the end
@th0r34ux9 4 жыл бұрын
No doubt I spent so much time running around lost af, that I had no problems over leveling.
@julianwelton 4 жыл бұрын
First, I want to say that your videos are amazing and helped a lot during my playthrough. Thank you! That being said, MAN am I disappointed in The Surge 2! I LOVED the first one. I liked it so much that I recommended it to everyone I know. Needless to say I was extremely excited about the sequel. What a let down. First of all, it feels like the environmental artist said "Hey, you guys know that area everyone loves from Dark Souls?" Dev 1 - "You mean Cathedral of the Deep?" Dev 2 - "You mean Irithyll?" Environmental Artist - "Yeah, Blighttown!" There's hardly a single area in all of The Surge 2 that doesn't have ledges or holes that you can fall to your death from. If that isn't bad enough the game is dark, like pitch black dark. You know what goes perfectly with darkness? A bunch of fucking ledges and holes in the ground! "But, sir, there's a flashlight!" you say? Technically, yes, there is. The only problem is that they don't tell you about the fucking thing until the middle of the game and it wouldn't have mattered anyway because the "flashlight" lights up fuck all past your fucking shoelaces! But that's not all! You know what goes well with pitch black darkness and holes everywhere? Poison! Poison on the ground. Poison from the enemies. Poison everywhere! You know what's fun about poison, other than nothing, not only does poison do DoT but it also does explosions of poison damage (big chunks of damage). So when you accidentally step in poison while trying to defend yourself from three enemies (one of which is also trying to poison you) if you stand in it for longer than 2 seconds you're likely to die from a poison explosion and a swift kick in the nuts from the nearest bad guy! Sound fun? I'm not done yet though! Hey, you know what goes well with pitch black darkness, holes, ledges, and poison? Enemies that can send you flying off the nearest ledge with their lunge attacks! But you know what makes all of this even more fun? Having to refarm your fucking healing flasks any time you die to a boss or in a tough area. In The Surge 2 healing flasks aren't refilled at bonfires but are instead refilled by you with energy. Energy is only gained by fighting enemies. After you defeat enough enemies you then use this energy to refill your flasks just so you can go get your teeth kicked in by the boss who poured out your flasks and stole all your lunch money in the first place. "But what if you're using one of the many builds that requires you to have unused energy?" I ask." Well then, you little bitch, you're just going to have to go farm energy for your flasks and your buffs aren't you!" the game replies as it brags about fucking my mother. You have to do this EVERY TIME YOU DIE. That all sounds pretty fun, right? Well, it wasn't. It wasn't fun. I never had fun playing The Surge 2. I thought the fun must be just around the corner for the first half of the game and then once I realized there was no fun I finished it out of pure stubbornness. Long story short Surge 2 is a bad game. I didn't even get into the other factors involved in this fact but it is a fact. And it's mostly all thanks to the shitty environment. I'm sure people will reply with "It's just challenging". And, sure, it's challenging. It's challenging in the same way that trying to eat a bowl of cereal while some guy smacks the spoon out of your hand every time you go for a bite is challenging. Not fun, not creative, and extremely frustrating.
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
I was going to write a longer reply but I can't get the spoon and cereal analogy out of my head so I'm instead going to sit here and laugh :D Also, I didn't play NG+ because by the end I was pretty much over it myself. Oh well. Kind of like Nioh 2 I guess. Loved Nioh 1, find Nioh 2 a boring ass tedious slog with repetitious enemies and recycled bosses. Can't win em all I guess.
@julianwelton 4 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzybearbarian No, you can't win them all. Sorry about the random rant but I had just finished the game and was still reflecting on how I felt about it all lol. On another note I've been meaning to play Nioh but haven't got around to it yet. I'll probably wait a bit after this experience though, play something more relaxing in between lol.
@mre8ballgaming842 4 күн бұрын
Lol...took me 18 tries but i finally got him
@figge7972 Жыл бұрын
I’m not gonna lie I didn’t die to any boss in my first playthrough, easiest souls like ever but i really enjoyed this game, got the platinum aswell!
@JackHackworth-nr7sv 2 ай бұрын
What sword are you using ?
@kareemmasri3934 Жыл бұрын
I destroyed all his armour and ended up only getting the regular weapon, I’m not sure what piece I missed but honestly I don’t mind, there’s always ng+
@srivr15 5 жыл бұрын
Out of all your walkthroughs, i think sekiro is the one which u enjoyed the most, correct?
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
Sekiro guides were fun to make, yep, but if you're asking which game was the one I enjoyed the most, that would be Remnant: From the Ashes for sure.
@iamergoproxy3476 3 жыл бұрын
I just beat this boss in NG and I left the chest for last and I was locked onto the chest the whole time and no dmg was registering to break the chest so I got screwed out of the v.2 weapon But speaking of those are they even worth it because they dont seem to have special effects or significantly better stats. They couldve done better....they seemed really lazy on this game in it's most important aspect.
@lirej2307 3 жыл бұрын
I remember beating this boss first try on my NG play through I had a really tanky build(Cerberus armor, code name: Valkyrie dual weapon, and Truman’s faith) I didn’t really have a strategy I just ate every hit and won
@nightfang2567 4 жыл бұрын
What's your health stamina and energy?
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
Full details are in the description.
@nightfang2567 4 жыл бұрын
I mean like the levels
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
@@nightfang2567 The levels of my health and stamina are in the description. I have no idea what else you're asking.
@nightfang2567 4 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzybearbarian NVM have a good night
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
No worries. If it's not in the description I wouldn't remember anyway. I re watched the video and noticed I didn't include footage of my actual equipment/stats screens, which I usually do. Had I not forgotten that we'd be sweet. Oh well.
@bruh6267 4 жыл бұрын
Idk why but i easily defeated him with cerberus gear with an op nanite spear and just tank all his attack, i just back off when i need stamina, i was also using a implant that heals u after 5 consecutive attacks that sustain my health till i got a battery for heal, i think they made the last boss easier than previous bosses. (Especially delver alpha that kills me 40 times lol)
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
If you get time post the build you used as I'm sure a lot of people would like an alternative that can just tank him.
@davidelliott1396 4 жыл бұрын
How do you have so many injectables I have max of 4 charges and I can’t find MK5 circuitry anywhere just completed first play through
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
I always try to fully explore every area before moving on, pretty much. There were still some I missed evidently, though I never needed the ones I had tbh. I just like to explore :)
@vexxa7562 3 жыл бұрын
Good work as usual, cheers mate
@roberttauzer7042 4 жыл бұрын
I'm not even sure that 2.0 is a straight upgrade from the normal blade. It seems like a heavier, slower version of already slow and clumsy weapon.
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
I honestly ignored most of the v2.0 weapons. Got them mostly to be a completionist and/or hoping they would be great.
@Phondue 4 жыл бұрын
Robert Tauzer That’s sounds great because breaking all of his armor seems to be too hard for me anyways
@matthias3175 4 жыл бұрын
Sekiro was so boring, i must force me to play the game through but the Surge 2, i cant wait to play further, what great game.
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
I loved Sekiro but each to their own I say. Glad you're enjoying The Surge 2, it's a great game.
@wallacesousuke1433 4 жыл бұрын
Both are pretty mediocre, The Surge 2 more so
@Forioous 5 жыл бұрын
You are a GOD! I am impress how great you blocking... I am as bad as hell with that! Most implants need perfect blocking to active :) Nice bosses guides, thanks for that!
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, though I'd personally say my blocking is only "good enough". I struggle with getting the timing 100% on a controller. I find using the stick to block is a bit hit and miss - one time I'll get it, the next time if I do the exact same thing I might not. It's weird. On a mouse and keyboard though it's a whole other story. Much easier to nail it 100%.
@Forioous 5 жыл бұрын
@@fuzzybearbarian on mouse and keyboard is easier? I wouldn't say that... I must try on XBOX controller then!
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
@@Forioous You would say that if you'd tried to do a no damage run. No damage runs on mouse and keyboard are easier because blocking is easier. Do a search for The Surge 2 no damage and I guarantee you you'll find most if not all are mouse and keyboard.
@silver2114 5 жыл бұрын
Which implement u use for battery?
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
Full build including all the implants I'm using are in the description.
@cesarcabrera6847 5 жыл бұрын
They have u happen to find the ronin armor ?
@fuzzybearbarian 5 жыл бұрын
It bugged in my game and so I only got one piece. However, this reddit post shows how to farm it in your first run:
@ManicallyMetal 4 жыл бұрын
The wish the game didn’t repeat this guy like 5 times
@ItchiestBum 4 жыл бұрын
Ngl wish you got more traction on your non Surge content
@fuzzybearbarian 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks man. Maybe one day I will ✌
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