The truth of Avenger One

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Deleting my comments, trying to erase me? How about a new lesson.

Пікірлер: 184
@cypher5726 Жыл бұрын
History Lesson: AvengerOne was toxic in EVE and came to Star Citizen AvengerOne was toxic and quit SC AvengerOne went to SWS AvengerOne lost in SWS got toxic and quit AvengerOne came back to SC AvengerOne is toxic in SC again Notice a pattern here?
@goloith Жыл бұрын
Well threatening a minor that you're going to kick the shit out of him after you got beat is one of the reasons the SWS community chased him out of that game...
@stratum42 Жыл бұрын
I've been trying to figure out why he quit Squadrons. I know the game didn't take off well and rarely play it myself anymore but it seems he "retired" early. I've found nothing on it so far.
@a_ghost5950 10 ай бұрын
Preface - I dont see what I am about to say as some kind of achievement or example of skill in any capacity. A1 alone in a mantis (not something I would consider a great fighter) interdicted some of our people and created an engagement - we had several people (not 6 at once as A1 would later claim) during the fight a Cutty Black arrived - we beat the cutty (it turned white so honestly idk if the pilot managed to survive so I wont say we killed the player or not) Focused back on A1 in the fight we were able to damage them enough that they elected to leave the area and go to grim - we followed and waited. in global I said good fight, you did awesome considering you were in a mantis (because holding ones own against multiple enemies in a mantis - to me - is a pretty high achievement) That is all that was said to get A1 to call us cringe, "okay buddy" "you had 6v1" (in an engagement A1 created - we arent even PvPers) "Turret gunners count" "cringe" And then for people watching his stream to enter global calling our our entire group, calling us names, shitting on us, trying to say we ran? trying to say we wouldnt fight him again, more named etc. I said plainly, correct, we wont fight you again on purpose - we arent pvpers, you attacked us, we defended ourselves and were good enough to damage you enough that you left.. thats all we said good fight. etc. While obviously whatever cheating ring this video is about is serious - critisizm towards A1 for their attitude and treatment towards what literally only they see as them losing in a fight they created - are justified. A1 can be a great pilot and combat tactician - but they were unreasonably shitty against all efforts to defend ourselves from a conflict A1 CHOSE to create and then being told good fight. To enable and keep the company of (because I am not saying he sent them after us) people who would jump in to harass and name call because we... defended ourselves and damaged A1 enough to leave and then said gg? is a reflection of the character those same people follow. Ill probably delete this if it gets overwhelming attacked - idk how many A1 fans are lurking here.
@cypher5726 10 ай бұрын
@a_ghost5950 that's a shame but not surprising. This is what A1 does all the time. He is quite simply- a sore loser. Now that he has a platform, it leads to him and his followers harassing other players if things don't go their way. Or if people don't play the game the way HE thinks it should be played. Best advice is to just ignore him and any of his guys that try to shame you in chat or any media platform. Sounds like you handled it in a respectful way considering you're not looking for PvP. Good luck and have fun in the game!
@jorbbie Жыл бұрын
major WWE macho man savage vibes here with an extra sprinkle of neckbeard incellular spice.
@Starbawk 7 ай бұрын
Spent a minute sniffing out avenger squadron, and they definitely smelled off. Also you sound like Rick from the walking dead and I'm here for it.
@rikTextual Жыл бұрын
This is like Star Citizen lore but in real life... If I was CIG, I would find a way to capitalize on this drama - in a healthy way ofcourse. Somehow...
@MasterTFast Жыл бұрын
Idc if it’s toxic or not this is popcorn worthy and should be in game 😂
@thomaszhang3101 11 ай бұрын
A cocky ace pilot in the UEE Navy who cannot come to term with the fact that a much younger civilian pilots beat him in a dogfight? 😅
@rikTextual 11 ай бұрын
@@thomaszhang3101 Why not? That is actually a real-life problem for many people in their professions and private lives. it is relatable - consider how it is big drama in the community at this time. This is my proof.
@x5vampire5x Жыл бұрын
I treat SC pretty seriously, but I don't take it THIS seriously...
@LJB... Жыл бұрын
WTF is this video actually about and why did it pop up into my feed?
@goself84 Жыл бұрын
Avenger one gamer club drama
@LJB... Жыл бұрын
@@goself84 😂 wow. Perhaps J can shed some light on this for us.
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
It's showing the truth about the mindset of A1 which means A1 only cares for himself and destroys you mentally with what he does you will get burnt by him in time
@wrextheblind3787 11 ай бұрын
For real! I’m like “If this because I been looking up flying videos?”
@Papa_Sweep Жыл бұрын
I don't agree with AV1's video or assessment of the scorpion pilot's. But doxxing him is fucked.
@abstracttestament8573 Жыл бұрын
Who is doxxing who?
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Changing your name 4 times does not make you a different person number 1. number2. he doxxed him self 7 years ago. nice try thou.
@abstracttestament8573 Жыл бұрын
@Defanos liking my comment doesn't answer my question. Who cares if he's doxxed himself in the past, nobody should be spreading that kind of personal info around. He stabbed you in the back, so what? It's called life. I've had that happen too often in my life. The best way to not let that happen is to observe what they say and do. And figure out who they are before they get close to you. Your enemies can hurt you, but your friends can destroy you. That kind of thing. Delete this comment if you want. It means little to me as all internet drama should. o7
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
@@abstracttestament8573 i dont delete people comments. also. thats your opinion. You have the right to be wrong.
@PandaTheGray Жыл бұрын
@@abstracttestament8573 That's not how doxxing works...once Avenger__One put his own name out there it became public information and anyone can use it when referring to him.
@anaryl Жыл бұрын
I lost my account after 8 years because of A1. On top of that, I openly accused CIG of handing informatin out from my tickets to this guy. And he admits its true. He's either got a service position inside CIGhimself, but this has always been A1s mojo. He pulled this shit in 2014. But just remember, just because you've put in the time, waited for each patch, put in thousands of dollars, doesn't mean that a self centered histrionic sociopath can't mass report you to CIG with fiver accounts. I told you so. You guys should be worried they CSRs are leaking your personal info to A1.
@BGIANAKy 10 ай бұрын
So you lost your CIG account that was 8 years old in 2014? Huh?
@forb1n1989 Жыл бұрын
lol this is internet gold
@saiiy3110 Жыл бұрын
lmaooo this did not age well, hacking ring?
@kamil11421 Жыл бұрын
Where am i, what is this place.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
A very dark, dank, dungeon. Where a monster had been sleeping for 4 years.
@AW-po7jr Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I also don’t really know how I ended up in this place.
@Vecshan Жыл бұрын
Finally, someone with BALS, I do not understand how people do not see the psychological play he does not only in this video. I do not understand how the accused person of cheating put his tail between the legs and said “we are still fans” truly disappointing. Go at it dud,
@winstonsmith5365 Жыл бұрын
Remember kids the A stands for Alt-F4
@raidellcorps Жыл бұрын
Wasn't he happy for the new fly model?
@JollygreenFullSteam Жыл бұрын
Yea he's excited for it.
@MichaelJaScott Жыл бұрын
@@JollygreenFullSteam Until he gets clapped
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
@@MichaelJaScott when he keeps getting clapped he wont like it instead you will hear him say bad things about it
@kenwilliams4865 Жыл бұрын
AV1..........full of himself..... most definitely 👍 👌 💯. Marked. Krixuz Will, Mercenary.
@chillbill7705 Жыл бұрын
These guys are cheating look at A1 last vid
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
@@chillbill7705 you are taking that video out of context bud
@MichaelJaScott Жыл бұрын
Bring the thunder!
@larrymitchell6470 Жыл бұрын
I totally see him as a manipulator, you go with ur gut and I can easily see that in his personality. Huge ego maniac too
@ITSFMFM 5 ай бұрын
Is this like a post breakup video?
@kenwilliams4865 Жыл бұрын
Totally agree Defonos
@realmwatters2977 Жыл бұрын
I say that fair statement when master mode comes in we will see a lot of poilts going get a shock.
@blitzreaper9538 Жыл бұрын
I mean yes but the guys who have been around this long know that the new Master Mode sounds a lot like 2.0-3.4 FM stuff, it won't be too hard to adapt. But it will get rid of low skill joust fights. prolly bring in alot more kiting though
@thomaszhang3101 11 ай бұрын
A lot of ships with big frontal profile like Mirai Fury and Khartu al suffer from frontal jousts and circle strafes, will it be alleviated with master mode? Will the fight be more like fighting to get on the tail of someone or will it still be front to front dogfight, just at lower speed?
@luminary69revision2 Жыл бұрын
EDIT (at top because long post): ok I’ve actually listened to most of the video now I would remark that you seem to be taking these organizations a little bit too seriously but that wouldn’t be fair because all of those people are, and I know I would too with a game like this that offers to finally provide me an experience I’ve barely dared to dream of having. I absolutely feel you. I wanna say more than just that but I think any more specific words would somehow dilute the emotion I’m trying to convey. I’ve experienced some shit in my life that have left me feeling similarly betrayed and utterly confused by someone’s behavior, but I think your experience might just be even more unbelievable. Like, that sacrifice of capital to eliminate competition sounds like the kind of shit big corporations do nowadays. At first it sounded like you were taking this all a bit seriously, but investing $3500 in someone else’s items in a video game then abandoning them to eliminate competition? In a video game? Almost disgusting and childish enough for me to call it silly. In the interest of having integrity and because I do believe it still applies to a degree, I’m not deleting the rest of this comment. I do still believe that talking the way you were in some of those comments could hurt your credibility if a lot of people do what I did and look through there first. That said, I wouldn’t dare blame you for feeling that way, and I won’t pretend I wouldn’t (and haven’t already in the past) said the same shit. It may or may not be true that there’s more good in the world than bad, but there is a problem in that the bad of the world always seems to end up in position to make big decisions and exert authority, because all of society was built by humans and thus rewards acting out of human nature in the most ridiculous, disgusting ways. I’ve always fucking despised that about the world, but what can one guy do to society and culture that’s been developed for thousands of years, and is based upon the most basic natural tendencies of humanity? I’m rarely able to find any kind of relief in the knowledge that other people are going or have gone through things similar to what I have, so I’m not really expecting this fucking college thesis of a comment to do that. Still, hopefully it might at least feel a little good to read something that lines up (I think?) with what you’ve experienced and how you felt. And while I know there’s no point in me saying it, I’m going to say that I still do not enjoy trying to interact with people I’m not super familiar with because people like those you’ve dealt with exist and I tend to try and trust people too much. Ok now that’s actually all I have I think Xd ORIGINAL COMMENT: this just randomly appeared in my recommended haven't watched yet but am looking at comments i've listened to that video and a couple others of Avenger's, and looking at what you're saying in your replies to comments i will agree that his conduct is at BEST horribly inconsistent, or maybe he just has a lot of trouble seeing where other people are coming from and making sure what he himself is saying comes out right that said, no one will take you to be an intelligent human being if you don't slow down a bit on the name-calling and general obvious rage you're displaying in the comments. well, maybe not "no one," but those that do take it seriously are as easily blinded as you by your emotions in the moment. i'm willing to bet actually that people defend Avenger so readily because of how calm and collected he is when he presents his opinions. there's still not much of a shortage of people that call him out on shit when he is in the wrong, but what i'm seeing in your comments is NOT the way to go about it. the only people that enjoy watching monkeys curse and throw feces at each other are their fellow monkeys. as much as avenger's nebulous opinion videos and confusing replies to people in his own comments make me sick to my stomach, so too does reading people raging out the ass like it's a middle school playground when what they're saying is completely valid, maybe even entirely right. i only know how to say shit like this as bluntly as it can be said because i am ASS at interacting with people; i'll be the first and the last to tell anyone that. i'm trying to give a bit of constructive criticism. like i said i haven't actually listened to the video as i'm writing this, so if your tone is significantly different in there compared to some of your replies in these comments i've seen i hope you'll forgive me for making the assumption. even so, it would be beneficial for you, i think, to not let your emotions do ALL the talking in cases like this. i am ABSOLUTELY NOT defending avenger or his conduct, i am only suggesting that people may defend him so readily because of how approachable he presents himself, at least in these sorts of videos. talking the way you are in these comments makes you look like ten times the child avenger is, as far as any potential onlookers (such as me) are concerned, which really hurts your case unfortunately. i'll say, i glanced at the comments section before watching the video because i'm not a big fan of getting my head into this kind of high school drama bullshit between grown ass adults. this video caught my eye because i had noticed some very weird inconsistencies in avenger's attitude between what he said in a video and how he responded to people in the comments, and until that (and now this video) i did see him as a pretty genuinely nice guy. since i was curious but wanted to see if i could get a taste of what was in the video before i opened my brain up to it, i looked through the comments a bit, and it just happens that some of your replies to people down there don't leave the greatest first impression. of course i'm not so stupid as to think anyone is above the kind of shit you're saying avenger's done, and i'm absolutely not dismissing your point of view because of your tone. i'm only pointing it out that such a tone does make it very, very easy and tempting for people to dismiss it outright. i'm probably the last person to be offering advice on how to convey a message but dammit i'm going to try but please don't take this as me defending avenger in the slightest. both his conduct and some of your comments rub me the wrong way, but if i must quantify the two, avenger's conduct does it to a far greater degree, because that kind of shit undermines my trust in people's authenticity in general. so again, please try to avoid seeing this as a defense of his actions, because taking it that way and accusing me of doing so purely out of anger will most assuredly not be a great look. i think that's all i have at the moment, if it does come across the wrong way then sorry, i really did try
@JollygreenFullSteam Жыл бұрын
This video is all over the place.
@ceb1970 Жыл бұрын
Reported it to KZbin as hateful and abusive. I figured it was a fake drama thing done as a joke at first, but I guess not.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
@@ceb1970 yea good luck with that.
@toecutter9372 Жыл бұрын
@@ceb1970 why would you report this?
@ceb1970 Жыл бұрын
@Toecutter Uh, because it is hateful and abusive.
@toecutter9372 Жыл бұрын
@@ceb1970 what was hateful and abusive? I heard the man telling a story and explaining what happened in the past. Do you know what happened? Is he lying? Are they “hateful” and “abusive” because you say so? Did I miss something he said and can you give an example of this hateful and abusive speech, please?
@user-pj1kc5sx8u 9 ай бұрын
there is good people out here.myself and my buddies have been playing since day 1. we have not been in any orgs. brits irish dutch usa we have a mix of great freinds . we had the same thing happen to us in sto. we will fly with you anytime. we have all the ships. and have been together over 15 years and are pretty good.
@Motionlessmouse 6 ай бұрын
bro did exactly what he told AVone not to do. He relied on other people and they got leverage on him. Except it was over money.
@blackcobra8849 Жыл бұрын
I believe you.
@squirrellordsgaming2772 Жыл бұрын
Hi, I’m looking for someone to practice with. I’m sorry that all this drama has happened to you. Let me know if you just want to fly with somebody who just wants to play the game get better and have fun. No drama involved.
@damaddmann Жыл бұрын
I’d love to train / practice with you
@squirrellordsgaming2772 Жыл бұрын
@@damaddmann Sounds great!.
@squirrellordsgaming2772 Жыл бұрын
@@damaddmann Is your youtube name also your gametag?
@damaddmann Жыл бұрын
In game name maddmavv
@literalcringe6154 24 күн бұрын
So this is a 20 minute guild drama video. Nice.
@nd6886 11 ай бұрын
Wait, so what did they do exactly? They couldn't care less about what you had to say and now you're mad?
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
For all of you running your mouths at me, just know your Lord and Savior Templeman still lacks the balls to respond to me, also, still actively deleting comments, AND his video is still up.
@MichaelJaScott Жыл бұрын
He deleted a lot of comments calling him out...
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
@@MichaelJaScott no surprises here. he will do anything to maintain his image. Shatter it.
@MichaelJaScott Жыл бұрын
@@Defanos History is doomed to repeat itself if you don't learn from your past.
@steve-us2hg 8 ай бұрын
It took me a couple of views of his videos and already called him delusional on his way of thinking. Not long after i went to see if his name would show up... Badabing
@danwatt5789 Жыл бұрын
Why did this video get made? I'm trying to put the pieces together. I'll never know AV1 personally so I can't comment on what type of person he is, I've seen some of his videos and recognise he is a good pilot, but more than that I can't comment on. If I understand you correctly, you effectively say that you had an account, or had access to an account, with 3.5k worth of ships on it that he somehow sold? Why didn't you have your own account? Anyway, you also seem overly invested in orgs etc. I'll tell you one thing I do know about orgs, guilds, clans, whatever you wanna call them. When they go tits up, and they do, it hurts. So I'm sorry for that. But after a while there is one constant in all those broken orgs or whatever, it's you. "Revenge" videos (it used to be forum posts back in the day) like these are always fun. You're making a fool of yourself! He can delete whatever comments he wants, it's his channel. Grow up a bit and get over it. Move on, watch Frozen and "Let it go" ;)
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
It's a bit hard when they turned your back and mentally screwed you what would you do just say let it go I bet you wouldn't let it go. You don't have it right the account was his which mac dump 3500 into who moved with A1 to A1"s new org
@AW-po7jr Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the summary. I still don’t understand what this mess is about, really
@thomaszhang3101 11 ай бұрын
Well it started with AV1 accusing 2 Scorpius players of hacking in front of KZbin and twitch audiences and got toxic, so the accused made a video justifying how he isn’t hacking. It turned out that AV1 just couldn’t accept being beaten in that case and Scorpius was not hacking. Then AV1 made this video to do damage control for his image and this guy made this video responding to that.
@outthegate Жыл бұрын
soap opera - dying in a game doesn't matter...
@larrymitchell6470 Жыл бұрын
So he is like Ninja that calls the dev to get bans to happen when he loses or butt hurt over nothing t always being right
@realmwatters2977 Жыл бұрын
At least you told us what went down AVOne didn't he droned on about something but didn''t really tells, you now gave us a clear picture thank you!
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
That was one of my main reasons for making this video, I knew he would not tell y'all the truth. I think most people see through him now.
@realmwatters2977 Жыл бұрын
@@Defanos Time will tell. judgement has been passed and verdict! You did not Cheat it is clear for all to see!
@MrFWStoner 9 ай бұрын
@@Defanos I've been playing SC for almost a year now. I've been in a server a few times with this dude. Of course he challenged the server to fight him but I saw a video where he combat logged when people got organized and were about to beat him. So I confronted him with it in the global chat and instantly called me a troll. I'm not a very good dogfighter by any means. I think he's very skilled but being good at one aspect of many in a video game is not a very valid reason to go all narcissistic on people who just enjoy playing a great game. Again, I respect the skills, I'm sure it takes a lot of practice to get to that level, but it's not much of a life accomplishment and a reason to behave like this. People should just learn to enjoy this game and leave the drama out, it's not worth it.
@Gm-ce5kg Жыл бұрын
i think he's a little stressed out , though its somewhat justified , i think you'd be more convincing on some points without the rampant spite
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
If you still dont get why I have all this hate and anger youll never get it. If you cant understand how wrong this loser did me and others you are right to stay in his discord.
@willdabeast6503 Жыл бұрын
He publicly accused some dude of cheating. He admitted in his video that he made a video because he intended to nail the guy. Other guy posts a video and just shows that Ego-1(as I now refer to him) just got horribly outplayed, outclassed no questions asked. He accused them of cheating and then QTed away like a b1tch, and then makes a video about it. Ego-1’s river video, yeah he never apologizes. He says “we all learned something”. I pointed this out, but more so objectively, and added that the flak Ego-1 had been taking seemed rather justified. Within a minute I had like 15 likes, and within 2 minutes Ego-1 had removed my comment. Thus why I now refer to him as Ego-1.
@babayaga1856 Жыл бұрын
When is this war against AVS going to start? Is everyone in AVS is a target or just A1? The people need answers!
@G4ROG Жыл бұрын
Isn't it ridiculous when two seemingly grown men fighting eachother and destroying their friendship over a game that hasn't even been released yet and isn't even sure if it will ever be released.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Correction, he destroyed our friendship, and he has destroyed many lives and people. Not much fighting to be had when this coward will not even respond to me. remember, back stabbed me AFTER putting 3500 dollars in my hangar.
@kristophersouza8104 6 ай бұрын
Hey man you owe me an apology for making me cringe.
@Defanos 6 ай бұрын
@Fuz2yman Жыл бұрын
Was he wrong about cheating though? I am not sure he was.
@CitizenScott 3 ай бұрын
Deleting comments alone confirmed smol pp energy
@Mordorz Жыл бұрын
Hmmm renegade squadron 2.0 return when!….🎉
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
haha heard, but no RS 2.0 srry to disappoint, but one day you will see. Soon TM
@goloith Жыл бұрын
You mean RS 3.0? Not happening unless Tazius learns that its the people that matter, not the organization. I love Tazius and Templeman both, I really do, but why they both are so damn hard headed is beyond me. Its never too late to change though.
@Mordorz Жыл бұрын
@@goloith it’s too late for both of them but hey let’s make it a great show #positive vibes RS 3.0 🙌
@goloith Жыл бұрын
@@Mordorz Its not though, people can change. If its impossible then they'll just double-down on the bad behavior because they are damned if they do, damned if they don't. Always have to leave the door open....and I say that as someone who can be condescending prick at times. That's like the community forever branding LR as the PIP Wiggling or Little Rats (for the cheese), the reality is there are members of LR that this concept of close positional combat is starting to take hold. They are finally tasting what so many earlier organizations have known for years and coming around, even players like Lyko. Take people like Redrum (A-Plus), Bogdoggle, Snydder, and a few other LR members that are will to take a risk win or lose and actually step into the combat circle by pushing for a position, the PvP community has to commend the efforts that players are taking to make combat more enjoyable for both sides win or lose. Who knows, maybe in the next flight model revision LR might be known to be a flight-centric PvP org, but the door has to be left open for that to happen.
@Mordorz Жыл бұрын
@@goloith sorry let explain alittle better these to are grown ass adults no offence to each of them but the truth is this drama has gone on long before me and is still on show long after me nothing has has changed all this time only thing I expect at this point is a good show. Can’t teach a old dog new tricks. Also I hope your doing well golo haven’t seen you around ❤️
@UnclePorkchop Жыл бұрын
"Et tu Brute"
@Sir_f4ttius Жыл бұрын
Dude, you sound like Elliott Roger.
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
I will join you in this fight mate A1 doesn't know what is coming I see A1 always to be bad pilot also his slogan is haters are going to hate what A1 says is nothing how the game is doing it right darklaw pulls A1 up on his explanation of cheating and g forces who was the first person he called cheating it was back in around 2.0 something patch to 3.0 patch around I just forgotten his name also A1 is having occult following hope you are doing very good now mate
@damaddmann Жыл бұрын
How old are you?
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Does not matter. What matters is not pissing people off you cant control.
@damaddmann Жыл бұрын
I feel your pain man, do you still play the game? Are you still in a group
@Average-1 5 ай бұрын
Nice video :D
@TH-qr9vp Жыл бұрын
I shot those guys down (Templeman, Malagos) a few times with my Mustang Delta back in 2016. I only played AC hardcore for a few months with my logitech 3d pro and CH throttle, made it into the top 25 on the leaderboards for a month or two. They're good pilots but none of it really matters the flight model isn't finished yet. The Super Hornet was the meta back then, and to a lesser degree the Sabre but, nothing is balanced yet even now let alone back then, ship roles, missiles, ship systems, damage. Never saw those guys flying anything but whatever ship was currently "the best" which is fine, it's all about having fun and to each his own. I'm not really apart of any elite fighter group, I keep to myself, don't really want to invest into anything too hardcore until the game is finished, by my standards that is Squadron 42 first chapter releases. I'm a very average pilot now, have not kept up on flight model changes or anything like that.
@kenwilliams4865 Жыл бұрын
I'd 💘 to hunt AV1 in star citizen with you Defanos.
@TheGhettoGinger Жыл бұрын
I'm sharing to this to all my SC friends. So sorry you got screwed over like that man. I hope you're doing well, if you haven't yet I would talk to a therapist about that situation. Simply to help you get some understanding.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
@babayaga1856 Жыл бұрын
@Defanos Are you going to share with us which orgmate boned AvengerOnes girlfriend a few years ago?
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
As much as I would like to, I will only say this did indeed happen, no I will not give you his name. The next time you fly through Hades just ask in local chat ;)
@babayaga1856 Жыл бұрын
@@Defanos Damn!!!! Hold it close to the chest and continue the good fight!
@grimmsey Жыл бұрын
whaaaat.. his bird got tapped by an orgmate?! (that's fucked-up) lmao
@garygrieves6752 Жыл бұрын
Some of you put far too much of yourselves into this game. It’s a game. If it’s not fun, don’t play. I really wonder what would happen if the OP and his target for this video ever met in real life.
@SwarthyD 5 ай бұрын
Bro really thought he was cooking with this video lmaoo how much free time do you have
@Defanos 5 ай бұрын
enough to point out a butt hurt alt account, on christmas.
@Defanos 5 ай бұрын
oh and hahaha. almost 7k views so your just flat out wrong.
@SwarthyD 5 ай бұрын
@@Defanos I don’t think a view count has anything to do with the fact that you are this upset over a game that is in alpha. Bravo 👏🏼
@pedraaaa Жыл бұрын
Well said
@shane757 6 ай бұрын
Its hard to give this a chance when your commentary itself is so "histrionic". Should have rerecorded when calmer, or written it out first.
@Defanos 6 ай бұрын
Don't care. Wonder how you could handel having 5 years of your life deleted. All the work and credit going to some dumbass teaching y'all exploits and calling it competitive.
@rollin9692 Жыл бұрын
OP clearly didn't watch AV1's video at all bro can't even make 2 complete sentences without say the f bomb.
@chillyschleemies5026 Жыл бұрын
Ikr. The guy speaks like a 12 year old. Lol he's extra mad his comment got deleted.
@kenwilliams4865 Жыл бұрын
@urosvodovnik4986 Жыл бұрын
Well this is new,I'm sorry but I really don't fully understand the situation but one is for Shure people's are dicks and people will cheat doest matter the game,my experience in this cainda situation is that most that i came across either they cheat or behave badly were under 18,the noises they just going to say that star citizen is great game and it would be and must not comme to that organizations will dictate how the game will be played or Wich direction it will go,again already there issue in game with org. and nobody is talking about that,it can only go two ways community will have enough and slowly game will lose the players and there nothing else than org gameplay i didn't pay for it to bullied in game and make me not to play,the issue will have to be address there a lot of problems outside the game .....i agree the flight model is bad ...again people's are dicks think they can do whatever they want and that will be issue in game
@McMovesdotcom Жыл бұрын
I kinda felt bad for you a second, then you got to the part where you explained this long convoluted speech was a set up to justify walking with 3500$ worth of shit. start posting when you actually start the revenge killing.
@McMovesdotcom Жыл бұрын
might i suggest Barny Beekeeper style vid... unfold the revenge killing saga as you cross the names of your sworn enemies off your list.
@McMovesdotcom Жыл бұрын
YT "barny64"
@X3NISTER Жыл бұрын
Yo Defanos, I'm gonna put some real perspective for people in this comment section who actually want to hear the truth. Renegade Squadron didn't fall apart because of Temp, it fell apart because there were too many guys who had ego complexes that thought they were better than everyone else and could lead better. You talk about backstabbing and him turning his back, on you, but maybe you should realize that is exaxtly how he felt when people started picking sides and leaving with guys that he had poured time and energy into. He felt just as betrayed as you. You've been holding on to anger and hatred all this time man, and at the wrong person. Let's be honest, Renegade was doomed to fail with toxicity like this permeating our teamspeak every day. I've been a part of Avenger Squadron with him since the beginning, and we have cultivated an amazing community where we build people up and can turn anyone into a great pilot. Anyways man, this video hurts me to watch. It's sad to see so much anger and hate from someone i used to know. Learn how to forgive and move on bro. Instead of seeking revenge and being this hateful, you could have reconnected with us at any point over the past 2 years and been welcomed with open arms. I know Temp would have loved having you around if you were in a better headspace. There was a reason you guys were friends once upon a time. Anyways, the past is in the past. It just makes me sad to see you still living in it. I hope that you can get peace from what happened back then and understand that it truly was not one person's fault. Anyways, later man.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Xenister, I did try to re connect. Temp yeeted me out of the discord back when Squadrons came out. We even played a few matches together before he pulled me aside and said your not welcome here anymore and banned me. If you have been lead to believe otherwise this is just more proof of his bullshit. Im not going to sit by and watch everyone say the things I was saying 4 years ago and get a pass while I was condemned for it. The double standard and hypocrisy of it all is why im full of so much hate and anger, I truly believe that most of you in the supposed ace community are 100% disingenuous and flat out fucked up individuals. Abusing players with absurd standards in a game environment like this. How can any of you claim this in any aspect is competitive? How the fuck is light fighter abuse building an " amazing" community? I'm not going to even try to convince you or anybody in this mindset of seeing this for what it is. I was betrayed, and left out deliberately. Temp did not communicate anything to any of us, and I was banned out of my own fucking org defending him, YOU, AND EVERYONE ELSE who was being wronged and having there comments censored by an insecure spreedsheet warrior with an agenda. The last 4 years have been an utter and complete waste of time and energy into an aspect of the game CIG has constantly stated they dont give a fuck about until XYZ are done. I would also like to add CIG has always silenced ANY of us that tried to bring cheating to light, then proceeded to tell all of you it was a myth, then added ANTI CHEAT, and now, here. we. are. Is it blatant yet? Has it sunk in yet? How can you even ask me to move on and find peace when I am clearly surrounded by a bunch of LOSERS and LIARS that care more about themselves and money than the GAME AND THE DREAM WE ALL FOUGHT FOR. I remember why we made RS, I remember all the great things we have done, but what this is now is a farce. You nor ANY of us at our level can fight this dragon no matter how hard WE want to, it's out of hands and completely on CIG. Temp is dumb as hell for trying to use this as a nuclear deterrent as nothing more than a tool to repair his image after clearly BEING A FUCKED UP PERSON. Nothing else can or will be said, you have my statement...Brothers....
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
@anaryl Жыл бұрын
Nobody made Temp get the names of those who reported him from CIG and go after them. Nobody made him get complaints from a woman he was harassing and then make a impersonation account of her and stalk her around Arena Commander until she quit. Nobody made him make all these impersonation accounts; or get batshit triggered every time someone kills him. Nobody made him post screenshots of CIG leaking private information to him. That one, I have to thank him for I suppose.
@rcd3drussellcad232 5 ай бұрын
Honestly it's a game! If you all think your shit hot go join the USAF ffs. This is a space game not reality I get the competition but this is ridiculous 😂
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
All of you in Avenger Squadron are going to learn today that I do not back down.
@kalpa_redon4043 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s pretty clear who is the egomaniac here
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
I think its clear too. Like and sub or go back to A1's discord.
@StoneCoolds Жыл бұрын
What is this video even about? A long rant about orgs spliting? Dud it happens all the time its an alpha 10 years away fro release lol And yeah people backstab others even after "investing" on them, there are many reasons, you are no loguer useful or have accomplished your goal, or new interests have been presented. A simple example? The afghan war, 20 years and 3 trillions invested in a government and a local usless army, just to be abandoned in 2 weeks, why? The strategic map moved to the china sea Its call life
@durtyred86 Жыл бұрын
And this, kids, is why I tend to be a loner in most games lol... Sucks that CiG is kinda forcing us to play with others but what can you do... The drama is almost suffocating..
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Maybe, if he didnt act like a kid, I would not have called him one.
@mekorxmlg 5 ай бұрын
Tips fadora type of cringe
@standarsh2186 Жыл бұрын
You seem to think that AV1 is a sociopath/evil person for taking a dump on you. But maybe he just didn’t like you very much from the get go and maybe he had a valid reason not to like you.
@UNiTEDDKSilent21 Жыл бұрын
After 6 minutes of listening, I've concluded that this is just someone who needs to grow up, and accept people are not perfect, however life goes on. Your parents were the only people who ever gave a fuck about your feelings.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
Oh really? Is it not funny that low IQ's like you love to point out how how only Templemans feelings matter and no one else's? Fuck you loser. What does his dick taste like?
@willdabeast6503 Жыл бұрын
Yeah no. This guys comments aren’t the only ones that A1 deleted. I pointed out on the video that A1 made that he publicly attacked a guy, and he should publicly apologize(which he did not do), therefore the flak he was taking was deserved. Within 60 seconds I had like 10 likes(pretty basic, accurate comment). Within 2 minutes, it was deleted. Anywhere I am looking, I am seeing people talking about their experiences of A1 being kind of a sh1t lord. This guy making a video here is just fed up with all of Ego-1’s bull crap. Venting yeah kind of, but if he and others don’t Ego-1 will continue to grow and he doesn’t deserve it.
@moonbiter8197 Жыл бұрын
Dude I'm not fond of avenger but this is unhinged if everyone followed him then you are the one in the wrong. Also nice doing that's not smart on your part. It's a game let it go people follow him freely.
@Defanos 6 ай бұрын
PSA: Too busy playing a finished MMO to care about all of y'alls low IQ bullshit.
@captjaders Жыл бұрын
Well now we know the people Avenger was accusing of cheating have actually been CHEATING! and continue to do so.
@IT_ODIS Жыл бұрын
If you are referring to the scorpion pilots they have video proof they were not cheating. His latest a video is nothing more than an attempt to save face and to look like the good guy. His video does a good job at highlighting a problem the game does have. But I am not convinced that was the purpose of the video.
@st0rm4g3dd0n 6 ай бұрын
I'd pay to see this guy 1v1 A1 in an F8C with A1 in a Fury
@Defanos 6 ай бұрын
haha funny, id pay for A1 to actually beat a scoripus with a glaive. oh wait, i did that he couldn't and made a video saying others are cheaters. stfu kid.
@Hoonbernator1590 6 ай бұрын
This is wasting the internet.
@okami803 11 ай бұрын
You’re mental 😂
@Defanos 11 ай бұрын
@Defanos 11 ай бұрын
No im not. I never was. Im a pissed off man with an axe to grind against a dumbass world.
@okami803 11 ай бұрын
@@Defanos man, I know the idea of betrayal. But you cannot let it shape you. Whether the story true or not, take it as a learning experience. Resentment and vengeance truly sours the soul. Be better bro. And before you tell me to swallow temps dick, idk either of you. Just hope for growth
@benhill8454 Жыл бұрын
All over a video game. Great work, men. errrr. boys. Hahahahahaahahaha
@revengexmoon2087 6 ай бұрын
He needs to control how others can play the game.
@ceb1970 Жыл бұрын
Is this video a WWF thing?? It sounds like one of those fake call out challenge WWF videos made to create drama and suspense. Is Vince McMahon going to show up next? I'm not sure why this video was even recommended to me other than it is supposedly about Star Citizen. Who even is Avenger One? I guess some SC pilot. Never heard of any of these people. Not sure I care about the flight model in SC all that much. I mean I care, and I hope it will be fun, but doubt it will ever be truly competitive. Given the massive latency as well as the ability to decouple and rapidly swing around 180 degrees, it doesn't seem to me like it can ever be anything even close to real life dogfighting. I just want it to be good enough to be fun, but I find it hard to believe that I'll ever be truly impressed by the "skill" of any SC dogfighters. Good job if this video is a joke. If it is real I think the creator may need some mental help to deal with various issues (anger, distrust, boundaries, priorities, reality vs fantasy, etc.) and I think this video likely breaks KZbin terms of service. So I hope this is a joke to create drama for views.
@Defanos Жыл бұрын
I think you need to put temps dick back in your mouth. thats what i and anyone reading this thinks. =) this is not fake, this is real, this dude and anyone who defends him will be feather and tarred and you losers at aveneger squadron will deal with it because your beta asses can not control me.
@ceb1970 Жыл бұрын
@Defanos Assuming you are being serious then you have some serious mental issues. I don't even know who "Temp" is, nor have I ever heard of "Avenger Squadron" until your video, yet you nonsensically argue that I should stop supporting them. You're mentally deranged, and I'm afraid I'll have to report your video for TOS violations.
@crunchied8 Жыл бұрын
@@Defanos very well said mate
@desert-force Жыл бұрын
Who cares? It's just a game 😆
@Lestat070707 Жыл бұрын
Wow, gotta chill out, dude. It's a game and just KZbin. Gotta have more pressing issues in life than this. Just let go, awesome film Frozen, haha
@anthoselongstride8309 6 ай бұрын
Touch grass
@graphite7473 Жыл бұрын
This sure didn't age well.. turns out they definitely were cheating.
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