The WORST Part Of Being a Motorcyclist...

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Goblin RIDES

Goblin RIDES

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@SongJLikes 20 күн бұрын
To be frank, the “discrimination” is part of what I love… The advantage is that we can get off our bikes, remove our gear, and the discrimination disappears. Save the ‘wanting to be accepted’ for when you’re OFF your bike. Riding is YOUR time. F*ck what other people think.
@DeborahCrokaert 20 күн бұрын
I've had drivers try to block me from filtering so many times... Some people don't like to be passed.. They need to get a life..
@fredorico41 20 күн бұрын
That's why I hardly ever do it, even though your allowed to in Australia at low speeds, just not worth the risk because of tosses in cars.
@sobek 20 күн бұрын
Ive had people hoot at me for filtering..sorry that youre stuck in traffic, but I dont want / have to be
@aluisious 20 күн бұрын
It very rarely happens to me in California. It takes a special kind of idiot to get mad that bikes are filtering anyway. If you want to sneak through traffic, you get a bike.
@fenderstrat3194 19 күн бұрын
I don't give a toss about upsetting car drivers, i filter all the time regardless otherwise what's the point. And if they try and block me, fine just wait a few seconds then pass, victory. Most drivers are ok but you are always going to get the odd one or two that don't like it. Tough!.
@cliveadams7629 19 күн бұрын
I find far more drivers move over for me than block me. The few who do are soon tiny dots in the rear view mirrors, so who cares?
@roof30 21 күн бұрын
As a car driver, bike and bicycle rider I get far more discrimination on the bicycle than using any other means of transport. When I say I get far more discrimination it's almost daily. I've learned to ignore others' ignorance on the roads in Gloucestershire. The only one getting angry is them, seemingly for no reason most of the time.
@HUXIAO0 20 күн бұрын
people should learn from the netherlands
@roof30 20 күн бұрын
@@HUXIAO0 And by 'people' I assume you mean the Government who are responsible for the roads. The cyclists and motorcyclists aren't.
@HUXIAO0 20 күн бұрын
@@roof30 You get discriminated by the government?
@LoneWolf-Uk 2 күн бұрын
I composed a poem and then turned it into a song for a video, to ask this question... WHY DO YOU HATE ME?! I am a biker, free and bold, On the open road, my story's told. Wind in my hair, the engine's roar, A life I love, yet you abhor. Why do you hate me, for who I am? A life on wheels, not a scam. Leather and steel, my chosen attire, Why does my freedom spark your ire? You see the scars, the rugged face, You miss the heart, the gentle grace. The road is my home, the bike my steed, In your eyes, I am only greed. I ride the highways, day and night, Chasing sunsets, embracing light. But in your gaze, I see disdain, Why do you judge, inflict such pain? You see the leather, the chains, the ink, But miss the soul, the thoughts I think. I’m not a menace, not a threat, Just seeking peace in life’s duet. Why do you hate me, for my ride? For the path I take, the roads I stride? You think me lost, a rebel gone wild, But I’m just a soul, untamed and mild. Every throttle twist, a beat of my heart, Yet your prejudice keeps us apart. You see the biker, not the man, Why can’t you try to understand? I’ve known the pain, the loss, the fight, Yet find my solace in the night. The stars above, the road below, A journey only bikers know. So, why do you hate me, fear my kind? In the open air, my peace I find. We share this world, though paths diverge, Why must your hatred always surge? I am a biker, that is true, But I’m a human, just like you. With dreams and hopes, and love to give, In this vast world, we both live. So, see the man behind the chrome, The heart that yearns for love and home. Why do you hate me? Can’t you see? In my wild ride, there’s humanity. Take it easy and enjoy the ride. Best wishes, from the Lone Wolf in the lakes. 🕊
@deanwilsher8189 18 күн бұрын
Been riding 20 plus years. Minimal bad experiences. Had more idiot encounters when riding my pushbike.
@sobek 20 күн бұрын
we had 5 motorbikers die last week in Derbyshire. Dont know the full story but I find that peoples car driving is just awful now
@iamjames8200 18 күн бұрын
While car drivers are awful a lot of the time, some bikers really do not help. Some of the riding I've seen in real life and on KZbin is shocking and it's no wonder why there are so many deaths.
@scottstretton2127 20 күн бұрын
Part of our daily life is expect pull outs, cut ups etc, like others have said....... balls to em! Ignore bad attitude and nod to bikes! Stay safe people!
@tonyrobinson362 18 күн бұрын
We once came back from Alton Towers stopped at a pub for some pop and crisps for kids, On the door was a sign NO BIKER JACKETS when we finished our pop outside, My biker jacket was in the boot i popped it on and took the empties back in, They basically escorted me to the door! That was in the 80s
@leswatson8563 19 күн бұрын
Those food delivery riders are definitely no two wheel ambassadors riding on pavements, the wrong side of the road and jumping traffic lights!
@icbi_fuzy2181 19 күн бұрын
I rode bikes and now i drive car, and i made an observation as a car driver about motorcyclists. Most motorcyclists that i have come across can ride fairly well and quite responsibly and safely. But the reason motorcyclists get a bad rep is because of the stupid moped deliveroo uncles. From what i noticed, they seem to be the ones foing less shoulder checks and they seem to be the ones that cut out in front of cars more often and do most of the unsafe and dangerous shit. So i think the reason you get discriminated against as a biker is because ordinary people look at mopeds and think "2wheels + engine = motorbike" and thus label any shit moped rider a motorcyclist when in reality the only things motorbikes and mopeds have in common is 2 wheels and an engine. Both have to be driven quite differently because on a motorcycle you have to thing about gear changes etc., both perform differently, handle differently and with a moped you just twist and go
@nickpaul3559 20 күн бұрын
Even had she been police, you are not obliged to disclose your personal details (unless they actually have justifiable grounds of suspicion, or better a warrant). Not at all. Not in public. Not to someone on private land. Nothing. You should have told her, at that point, where to go and said the "you're here cause I'm a motorcyclist" line. Sounds like you got unlucky with one of these "Karen"-like losers that just get their kicks by making everyone else miserable for no reason. These kind of people love to judge AND act on stereotypes, and motorcyclists aren't an exception. Ignore it, keep calm and carry on riding :)
@physical54321 21 күн бұрын
there's always one arsehole daily lol take a deep breath a move on in most cases unless they've nearly knocked me off then they get told straight lol picked up my zh2 on the 3rd and absolutely love it and waiting on my red scorpion exhaust at the moment ....major tragedies near me up in buxton this last few weeks 5 bikers dead within 40 mins of each other and within a 4 mile radius 3 ducati riders hit a van and a car all 3 dead then two bikes hit head on 2 more dead it really makes you think that we are so vulnerable on bike and peer pressured to drive faster in groups which is like playing russian roulette and stupid theres a time and place but dont try to keep up wth loons its really not worth it
@elitescores 20 күн бұрын
I have encountered on many occasions and have always stood my ground and never apologised for riding a motorcycle or enjoying the sound and performance of simply a machine which is designed to be noisy and fast, that's the reason we buy them
@matthewsinclair507 20 күн бұрын
I've been riding for 3 years now, and the interactions with others while on my bike have actually given me hope for the world. People are always starting conversations with me, telling me to be safe, praying over me if its a windy or rainy day, they always give me the right of way, always moving to the side so I can pass., little kids are always waving and smiling, its just an overall good feeling. I think my good interactions far outweigh my bad ones. I live in southern California in the US, so it may be different in other parts of the world or even the US. But I've been lucky not to have received too much discrimination while on my back and hopefully that continues.
@aluisious 20 күн бұрын
Here in the SF Bay in California I have very few problems with "discrimination" on the bike.
@Lyingleyen 12 күн бұрын
Yes the UK has had an anti-biker undercurrent going back to the early 1960s and Mod V Rocker newspaper headlines. It never really went away, but in the last few years as mental health has declined rapidly so has people's behaviour unfortunately and motorcyclists are seen as easy targets.
@originironwolf514 21 күн бұрын
I find people not caring and pulling out of junctions constantly when I ride so... I give em the beep and suddenly I'm the bad guy when I had to swerve and avoid injury or death.
@aluisious 20 күн бұрын
Weird, that almost never happens to me. Are you doing twice the speed limit like everyone in the stupid youtube videos?
@originironwolf514 20 күн бұрын
@@aluisious I'm doing the speed limit cause my areas camera'd up so no, not speeding just people who shouldn't have a licence don't look out for motorcycles!! Mainly on bends that lead to a junction or hills...
@cliveadams7629 18 күн бұрын
@originironwolf514 Saccadic masking explains why motorcyclists are often missed by drivers even when they have looked. You should be aware of it. That guy in the car who appears to be looking at you may very well have not seen you. Moving side to side as you approach junctions has been suggested as one way to minimise the risk.
@charlesbynum 18 күн бұрын
If by swerving you can avoid injury or death, why do you need to beep?
@cliveadams7629 18 күн бұрын
@charlesbynum Yep. The horn is not going to ke3p you out of hospital.
@tindalowos 20 күн бұрын
congrats, you met a karen
@alivekicking6247 20 күн бұрын
And they had a shitty electric shit box too
@steve00alt70 21 күн бұрын
Had police check on road, they didnt take a picture of the car licence plates but they took mine for some reason they didnt say. Also employers dont like it either constantly brings up safety issues when it rains. Mybe they like to keep a certain image for company, they can get stuffed. Rural Karens are the worst if your trying to set up cones to practice your figure of 8. Its a very British thing to not want to cause drama 😂
@richardwoodhouse8397 17 күн бұрын
The reason this is happenimg is because of the congestion constant tailbacks and then they see bicycles and motorcycles sailing by, bullies come from having insecurities and inabilities😅
@TheOriginalCoda 7 күн бұрын
I guess it was that place near Staverton that starts with D and ends with Y. I rode down there the other day on the way back from work to have a look at the place. Strange though that there was a group of people standing at one end of the car park gawping at me like I had three heads. Now I understand.
@alivekicking6247 20 күн бұрын
World is full of idiots. Just know that you are better.
@Samhain606 20 күн бұрын
I live where it's really hot so the only problem I have is red lights.
@Zx6rBlue 20 күн бұрын
I was overtaking cars a few days ago in a long que. They were doing around 10mph or less. A van coming my way half a mile away starts flashing his lights like crazy, gesturing and gave me the finger. I hadn't done anything to him, not caused him to slow down or swerve or anything. I gave him the finger back for being a bellend lol
@steve00alt70 18 күн бұрын
Does he not know bikers can filter 😂
@Diabeekei 20 күн бұрын
Misery always comes after happiness and joy.
@richardwoodhouse8397 17 күн бұрын
I recently had an argument in a petrol station because they asked me to take my lid of and i said how did you ever cop with covid but they didnt get it, the people telling me i need to be identifiable by the cameras, so i said exactly so how did you cope with covid then thwy got a bit agresive to me say ing coming in with a creah helmet on we could get seriously injured if we were attacked look at all the stabbings going on? So i said so all of them attackers wore helmets ? That shut them up, i simply said you have just defined the word discrimination and thata why i sont take my helmet off and i dont carry a nife and im not violent.
@TheOriginalCoda 6 күн бұрын
I used to see this in the 90's, there used to be signs on some petrol station doors. If I get challenged now, (which hasn't happened for decades for me) I'd ask them do they want to get paid or not?
@stuartholding6067 19 күн бұрын
Great video about a topic that's always been there if you ride a bike. There's lot more that could be said on the subject especially in this day and age where discrimination in many other areas of life has either become illegal or an ultra sensitive topic on social media. You could make up a long lists of those but bikers wouldn't be on any of them as there's nobody (of any influence anyway) advocating for us. We're the acceptable face of discrimination. I've been riding since the late 60's (so quite elderly now) and nothing really has changed except (for me personally) more grey hair does soften attitudes when you take your helmet off. I'll be keeping an eye on the comments for other people's experiences but it's something I'm still aware of and experiencing.
@serra5153 10 күн бұрын
Young lady in a car pulled out of her junction in front of me. I managed to stop before hitting her car. When I looked at her, she was shouting at me putting her finger up…. As if I was in the wrong…. I was dumbfounded….
@TheOriginalCoda 6 күн бұрын
This is why a lot of asshole drivers have to shell out for new wing mirrors.
@mrbruh9537 17 күн бұрын
I agree with people discriminating against bikers why should you have any fun at any given moment of your life, you should be ashamed you enjoy anything other than a Honda civic on the road going 5 under the speed limit at any given time, you should be miserable and live life to the dullest all the time and never experience any dopamine spikes ever
@pitchforkpeasant6219 16 күн бұрын
@specialcircs 21 күн бұрын
Was on my RS1200RS the other day approaching a mini roundabout (at about 20 mph) and an old guy in a Merc deliberately slowed down to a crawl, and stayed that way over the roundabout and for the next 200m, intentionally blocking me. No idea what that was about. Everyone speeds, though. Virtually anyone driving a 'German car', anyone in a Ford Ranger, even that cyclist you went past at the start of this video - in the UK speed limits don't even apply to them, which is absurd!
@nyte_gfx 20 күн бұрын
If they aren't police just ignore them, and if they then get physical cause of you just carrying on you now have a case against them. Bloody Karen's everywhere 🙄
@mmazda1256 14 күн бұрын
Hi goblin 😊' what exhaust pipe have you got on that? Ta😊
@chrisleigh-vd8ew 18 күн бұрын
Jesus, this guy will find anything to moan about....
@omgitsabloodyandroid5161 7 күн бұрын
I ride in N NE Isaan. NO issues here. Bit of jealousy maybe. I have a “big Bike”. TBH - above 250 is BIG here MT-09-SP, 2023
@deltazoniac3115 20 күн бұрын
Hi, can you pls tell what phone holder that is? I really would like to know it. Thank you.
@dandyxuus 8 күн бұрын
i don't quite agree with you. i've been driving myself for many years, and i have to say that there are so many mad heads in our profession who drive completely recklessly and endanger other participants in the process. in my experience often younger riders with big bikes who want to make a big deal out of their (missing) riding experience.
@philipheron3429 19 күн бұрын
Never have any problems , mostly good interactions , just dont ride like an idiot in built up areas
@kronoonline4766 20 күн бұрын
I understand the sentiment. I get the same issues in Bristol when commuting but I feel that’s a hatred for the scooter using delivery riders but it’s a shame that all riders get dragged into that stereotype. I won’t lie in the forest things are much more quiet unless you actually ride like a knobhead in which case standby for a talking to. Besides that there’s more quiet places in the Forest of Dean if you can get maybe 2 hours or more with a test bike then it could be worth it. Nice scenes too!
@maxxxali1484 20 күн бұрын
Wheres the best place to find reliable 125’s?
@gphilipc2031 20 күн бұрын
Sometimes a man's gotta do Big Iron on a REAL threat. Rare but nonetheless more likely on a Bike than in a glass cage. Rider ... be ready for that if you are mature enough to handle it. Know thyself, it's serious bidness.
@sycology2486 20 күн бұрын
Seems there too scared to try a bike so if I can't have fun no one can mentality
@leonbradley 15 күн бұрын
Ive lost what yr rambling about!
@roadkill8161 20 күн бұрын
you said yourself it was private land. That's not really a motorcycle discrimination thing, If you go to somewhere without permission it doesn't matter how you got there It's a communal area with clubs right? If you aren't part of those clubs or take part in any of those activities then people will want to know why you are there especially if the clubs are more youth orientated and there's a random man with a camera in that area.
@mrbruh9537 17 күн бұрын
I love your accent btw
@rupertbollywood1190 11 күн бұрын
You don't get it. Everyone who works with or in an environment where there are children has to do Safeguarding level one training as a bare minimum. This tells you to actively challenge potentially suspicious behaviour, whether it's something a child says about their parents, something you see at school, someone hanging around, etc. If there's a safeguarding failure it's a major issue with serious reputational ramifications and legal ramifications is something subsequently happens and it's found someone saw something and was negligent.
@Jaded-Wanderer 19 күн бұрын
Wtf are you rattling on about ?
@Lyingleyen 12 күн бұрын
Ha ha ha... Beat this - went to get fuel at my local filling station and they refused to switch the pump on because I was at the end pump and not facing the CCTV camera. Gets worse. After spending several minutes waiting I put the pump back and the cashier comes running out saying I hadn't paid for the fuel and was trying to ride off! Despite NOT switching on the pump! When I explained the pump wasn't working and I didn't have any fuel she calmed down and explained what had happened and asked me to use a pump closer to the kiosk / camera system and facing the other way. LMAO. Yes this never happens when I'm driving my Mercedes and things are definitely getting worse. 🤣🤣🤣
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