Almoat kowtow to emperor xi during that close up exchange. Trudeau like his father is left leaning cannot stand up to ccp...letting in lots of rich mainland chinese immigrants with ccp backgrounds. No wonder trump tries to entice canada to join the usa
@boyboy036714 күн бұрын
Canada is a great country but unfortunately its just running by those idiots
If Mr Zee cannot see certain news items on IG, that may not be related to Censorship. Meta / FB / IG does not allow certain news to be published in Canada, due to dispute of a new Canadian law. Australia has passed a similar law.
加拿大人揾家庭醫生爭崩頭,令登記處職員寸過碼頭咕喱,而醫院服務似有還無,本拿比嗰間,急症室護士,無論華人或西人,態度差劣;有勤力的知情人士告訴我,温西"V知h"內的 "I see u" 護士和 helper, 大多數自大又懶惰,工作時間期間,可以埋堆傾偈、教新同事在開工頭半個鐘唔好做嘢,揸住杯咖啡四圍「關懷」埋堆同事;外出買炸雞等等,因工會撐腰,上司也無符,惟有一齊埋堆或扮時運高,令勤力的更辛勞,流失好員工;裂字文急症室都係向劣幣方向而行。有冇腦西人,為病人在豐滿「空部雨房」上貼心電圖貼片,有同事為病人著想,向她提議在適合地方貼,她拒絕,說根據指引,是在第幾條肋骨位置上貼,是「硬道理」!