Hey Dylan, here is a quick motion tip that will change how you will edit gradients in Final Cut Pro. By that, I mean there is a way to publish the full gradient paramater to FCP. Just add a gradient generator in to the layers panel and hop over to the ‘generators’ tab in the inspector. Then, right-click on the word ‘Gradient’ and then press ‘publish’. It’s so stupid that this button is so incredibly hidden. Hopefully, you can make a video about it (in conjunction with on screen controls) so more people know about this possibility. Greetings from Holland!
@TheFinalCutBro Жыл бұрын
You legend!! I’ve been looking for this for so long! I’ll have to try it out. Thanks so much for sharing! I’ll definitely give you a shoutout 👊👊
@TheFinalCutBro Жыл бұрын
Just tried it. YOU JUST CHANGED MY LIFE! Thank you so much for passing this one on!
@alejmc Жыл бұрын
@@TheFinalCutBroTutorial incoming in 3… 2…
@ColePerrine Жыл бұрын
The fact that features like compounds actually WORK makes me feel very good. If they can be translated TO and FROM the iPad without much issue, that’s gotta mean Apple plans to bring both-way transfers in right?
@cohens1861 Жыл бұрын
Hey Dylan! At 1:51 what title did you use for the shortcuts?
@TheFinalCutBro Жыл бұрын
Hey Cohen! I am using PremiumVFX's Titles and Backgrounds Code "TheFinalCutBro" for 10% Off! fxfactory.pxf.io/Vy9jnR
@haysoos123 Жыл бұрын
I really wish they would have had the iPad version have seamless plugin support, as in, all your plugins come over automatically. I feel like they have to be thinking about how to do this without making third parties have to crank out a separate version of all plugins.
@LunaAltheaMystique Жыл бұрын
Hey hey! Do you have any videos that would show how to make a dust particle or fairy dust effect in apple motion for FCP?
@D3410-q4z Жыл бұрын
Question on a different topic. In my Final Cut pro for some reason in the secondary timeline the magnetic feature to line up clips with the primary storyline won’t work anymore. I think I disabled something by mistake. Do you know what I”d need to click on to fix it by any chance?
@pkerry126 ай бұрын
What about Luts?
@jorgepalacios4345 Жыл бұрын
Very nice ! Thanks 🤟
@RonaldBrown59 Жыл бұрын
Great find, thanks for sharing.
@davedixon2167 Жыл бұрын
6 months late to the party but I'm sick of adobe premiere, and I have an iPad but not a Mac. The question I have is, would my primary editor be able to send me these files from his Mac via a cloud drive or even over email, instead of just doing the SSD shuffle or Airdrop? I think I saw a few other share options when you were showing it, but don't know how many of those are valid for transfer toolbox.
@Final_Cut_FF Жыл бұрын
Good Ol' Aussie ingenuity!
@Jeannemarre4 ай бұрын
i never understand how it can work for everyone in the universe except me. FFS, I keep getting the same error : An error has occurred Failed to create a hard link to the original Library: "lock" couldn't be linked to "example.fpbundle". It is so frustrating. It also gives an error that the naming of the event is not correct even though it is, I even copy pasted the one from the website to be safe. Anyone with any solution would be greatly appreciated ! ps: I need to have the footage on an external hard drive and the library as well
@ninay7685 Жыл бұрын
Hello from France! helpmeet, I have a message that says invalid event name....why?
@plainoldordinarydave Жыл бұрын
yes very impressive
@Kit.Nicole Жыл бұрын
@Al-ImprovEd2022 Жыл бұрын
@mtamech535 Жыл бұрын
Sooooo this is what FCPx channels have turned into. I will never, ever own an iPad, and if I did, I would never pay a subscription for something that could and should be done with a laptop. How about apple fix the problem with trying to freeze frame a spot and having it do nothing but turn the clip into a group. I’ve been dealing with that nightmare for 4 years now. What a bad road this fcp is going down.
@Goose619 Жыл бұрын
Yup. I don’t get all the dweebs talking about an iPad subscription app. No one will renew their sub next year lol. App is doa
@TheFinalCutBro Жыл бұрын
I’ve got two massive videos specifically for Final Cut Pro on desktop coming next week. Not a single mention of the iPad version. But yes, I’m also going to make videos about one of the biggest things that’s happened to Final Cut Pro in the last 5 years. If you don’t want the KZbin algorithm to show you videos about Final Cut Pro on iPad, I suggest you don’t click on those videos! You can even click on the X in the corner and tell KZbin to not suggest videos like that to you.
@mtamech535 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFinalCutBro I'm certainly glad you've not given up on the rest of us. I've seen enough of the ipad version of this to come to the conclusion that it is a very tiny portion for those that probably want to toss together a quick edit to toss out onto the web. It's kind of watering down what the rest of us spend days working on. Like a tiktok video!
@mtamech535 Жыл бұрын
@@Goose619 we can only hope
@rimzanazeez7090 Жыл бұрын
im getting below error Failed to create a hard link to the original Library: “.lock” couldn’t be linked to “Untitled.fcpbundle”.
@Jeannemarre4 ай бұрын
same here mate, I tried everything, did you ever find a solution ?
@Goose619 Жыл бұрын
The iPad Final Cut Pro app is beyond useless. Literally for nerds to tinker with for a few months and then never use again. I doubt anyone will renew their subscription to it by next year.
@TheFinalCutBro Жыл бұрын
I think you have forgotten that you are far from the only user of Final Cut Pro. While it may not have purpose specifically for you, it still has great purpose for others. Just like I think tiktok is completely useless to me personally, but there have been thousands of others who have made full time careers out of it. It’s easy to forget that we are not always the target audience of a given product. People also said Final Cut Pro X was a bad decision. Now it’s one of the most beloved editing softwares out there. You definitely don’t have to like it. That’s an opinion I completely understand, and do share in some respects. But it’s strange to me you’re wasting your energy clicking on Final Cut Pro for iPad videos, if you dislike it so much.
@Goose619 Жыл бұрын
@@TheFinalCutBro wasn’t really trying to push any buttons. Just voicing the truth
@Jeannemarre4 ай бұрын
@@Goose619 it is horrible, no compatibility between macos and ipad, missing effects, no native fonts support, no LUT support, subscription based model. It's a Miss on every mark unfortunately. I was really hoping I would enjoy it but so far the experience is beyond terrible. MacOS final cut is SO good, I do not understand how they could F* it up like this... :( just did the trial, used it for a few days and cancelled