"Then Hamas Wins!" Rabbi Reveals How to Finally ELIMINATE Hamas

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In Search Of More

In Search Of More

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@user-yf9hp2cg5e Ай бұрын
Shalom 🎉🎉❤❤
@Reporterreporter770 Ай бұрын
@gokulandavid8403 Ай бұрын
Jesus kind and super God. He will defeat our enemy . Be proud of Christian.
@jadazahintay3573 Ай бұрын
Satan is constantly at work, but few have any idea of his activity and subtlety. The people of God must be prepared to withstand the wily foe. It is this resistance that Satan dreads. He knows better than we do the limit of his power and how easily he can be overcome if we resist and face him. Through divine strength the weakest saint is more than a match for him and all his angels, and if brought to the test [the weakest saint] would be able to prove superior power. Therefore Satan's step is noiseless, his movements stealthy, and his batteries masked. He does not venture to show himself openly, lest he arouse the Christian's dormant energies and send him or her to God in prayer. Hamas are powerless, TRUST in the Messiah -JESUS CHRIST!
@OnePlusOneEqualsOnePlusOne Ай бұрын
The time Satan didn't do anything. You Humans did it to yourself the moment you all choose to worship Allah Yahya Sinwar
@ragnaryahuwah Ай бұрын
I only wish to point out This fact Right now. Who wins if israel wins. Can your mind understand that as long as that state is in un, it is un that wins when "israel" wins. And do you Really wish to do their fighting and spread their dominian om earth King of israel RAGNAR YAHUWAH ADONAI OF ISRAEL
@jadazahintay3573 Ай бұрын
I saw that the enemy will contend either for the usefulness or the life of the godly, and will try to mar their peace as long as they live in this world. But his power is limited. He may cause the furnace to be heated, but Jesus and angels will watch the trusting Christian, that nothing may be consumed but the dross. The fire kindled by Satan can have no power to destroy or hurt the true metal. It is important to close every door possible, against the entrance of Satan. It is the privilege of every family so to live that Satan can take no advantage of anything they may say or do, to tear one another down. Every member of the family should bear in mind that all have just as much as they can do to resist our wily foe, and with earnest prayers and unyielding faith each must rely upon the merits of the blood of Christ and claim His saving strength. Satan is well aware that the weakest soul who abides in Christ is more than a match for the hosts of darkness, and that, should he reveal himself openly, he would be met and resisted. Therefore he seeks to draw away the soldiers of the cross from their strong fortification, while he lies in ambush with his forces, ready to destroy all who venture upon his ground. Only in humble reliance upon God, and obedience to all His commandments, can we be secure. The prayer of faith is the great strength of the Christian, and will assuredly prevail against Satan. This is why (Satan) insinuates that we have no need of prayer. The name of Jesus, our Advocate, he detests; and when we earnestly come to Him for help, Satan’s host is alarmed. It serves his purpose well if we neglect the exercise of prayer, for then his lying wonders are more readily received Prayer turns aside the attacks of Satan. Satan is ever ready to insinuate that prayer is a mere form, and avails us nothing. He cannot bear to have his powerful rival appealed to. At the sound of fervent prayer, the hosts of darkness tremble. Fearing that their captive may escape, they form a wall around him, that Heaven’s light may not reach his soul. But if in his distress and helplessness the sinner looks to Jesus, pleading the merits of his blood, our compassionate Redeemer listens to the earnest, persevering prayer of faith, and sends to his deliverance a re-enforcement of angels that excel in strength. And when these angels, all-powerful, clothed with the armor of Heaven, come to the help of the fainting, pursued soul, the angels of darkness fall back, well knowing that their battle is lost, and that one more soul is escaping from the power of their influence. TRUST in JESUS CHRIST the MESSIAH, the Lord and Saviour. Exodus. 14:14
@silashak1107 Ай бұрын
@jadazahintay3573 Ай бұрын
Satan is constantly at work, but few have any idea of his activity and subtlety. The people of God must be prepared to withstand the wily foe. It is this resistance that Satan dreads. He knows better than we do the limit of his power and how easily he can be overcome if we resist and face him. Through divine strength the weakest saint is more than a match for him and all his angels, and if brought to the test [the weakest saint] would be able to prove superior power. Therefore Satan's step is noiseless, his movements stealthy, and his batteries masked. He does not venture to show himself openly, lest he arouse the Christian's dormant energies and send him or her to God in prayer. Hamas are powerless, TRUST in the Messiah -JESUS CHRIST!
@augustsoomre4795 Ай бұрын
Pauluse kiri roomlastele 11:Jumal ei hülga Iisraeli 1 Ma küsin siis: Kas Jumal on oma rahva ära tõuganud? Mitte sugugi! Minagi olen ju Iisraeli mees, Aabrahami soost, Benjamini suguharust. 2 Jumal pole ära tõuganud oma rahvast, keda ta on ette ära tundnud. Kas te siis ei tea, mida Pühakiri ütleb Eelija loos, kuidas ta kaebab Jumala ees Iisraeli peale: 3 „Issand, nad on tapnud sinu prohvetid ja maha kiskunud sinu altarid. Mina üksi olen järele jäänud, ja nad püüavad ka minu hinge.” 4 Kuid mida ütleb talle Jumala vastus? „Ma olen enesele alles jätnud seitse tuhat meest, kes ei ole nõtkutanud põlvi Baali ees.” 5 Nõnda siis on ka nüüdsel ajal jääk alles jäänud armuvaliku järgi. 6 Kui aga armust, siis mitte tegudest, sest muidu ei oleks arm enam arm. [Kui aga tegudest, siis mitte armust, sest muidu ei oleks tegu enam tegu.] 7 Kuidas siis nüüd? Mida Iisrael taotleb, seda ta ei ole saavutanud, ent äravalitud on selle saavutanud, aga ülejäänud on paadunud. 8 Nõnda nagu on kirjutatud: „Jumal on andnud neile tuimuse vaimu, silmad, mis ei näe, ja kõrvad, mis ei kuule kuni tänapäevani.” 9 Ja Taavet ütleb:[b] „Nende söögilaud saagu neile silmuseks ja püüniseks ja võrgutuseks ja kättemaksuks! 10 Nende silmad mingu pimedaks, et nad ei näeks, ja kõverda nende selg jäädavalt!” 11 Ma küsin siis: Kas nad on komistanud, et nad kukuksid? Mitte sugugi! Vaid nende väärsammu tõttu on paganatele osaks saanud pääste, et teha Iisraeli lapsi kiivaks. 12 Kui aga juba nende väärsamm on rikkus maailmale ning nende kaotus rikkus paganatele, kui palju enam siis nende täisarv! 13 Aga ma räägin teile, paganatele: Kuna ma olen paganate apostel, austan ma oma ametit - 14 ehk ma saan kuidagi teha kiivaks neid, kelle veresugulane ma olen, ning mõned nende seast päästa. 15 Sest kui juba nende kõrvaleheitmine on maailma lepitus, mis on siis nende vastuvõtmine muud kui surnuist ellutõusmine? 16 Aga kui uudsevili on püha, siis on ka taigen püha, ja kui juur on püha, siis on ka oksad pühad. 17 Kui nüüd okstest mõned on ära murtud, sina aga kui metsõlipuu oled nende asemele poogitud ja saad osa õige õlipuu mahlakast juurest, 18 siis ära hoople okste ees. Ja kui sa hoopled, siis pea meeles, et sina ei kanna juurt, vaid juur kannab sind. 19 Sina ehk ütled nüüd: „Oksad on ära murtud, et mind asemele pookida.” 20 Õige küll! Nemad on ära murtud uskmatuse pärast, sina püsid aga usu läbi. Ära mõtle kõrgilt, vaid karda, 21 sest kui Jumal ei säästnud loomulikke oksi, ega ta siis sindki säästa! 22 Vaata siis Jumala heldust ja karmust: karmust küll nende vastu, kes on langenud, heldust aga sinu vastu, kui sa jääd heldusesse, muidu raiutakse sindki maha. 23 Aga ka nemad, kui nad ei jää uskmatusse, poogitakse puu külge, sest Jumal suudab nad jälle külge pookida. 24 Sest kui sina, loomu poolest metsõlipuu oks, oled sealt ära raiutud ja loomuvastaselt poogitud väärisõlipuu külge - kui palju enam neid, loomu poolest sinna kuuluvaid, poogitakse omaenese õlipuu külge! 25 Vennad, ma ei taha ju, et teile jääks teadmata see saladus - et teie poleks enda meelest targad -, et Iisraelile on osaliselt tulnud paadumus, kuni paganate täiskogus on sisse astunud, 26 ja nõnda pääseb lõpuks kogu Iisrael, nagu on kirjutatud: „Siionist tuleb vabastaja, tema kõrvaldab Jaakobist jumalakartmatuse. 27 Ja see on minu leping nendele, kui ma kustutan ära nende patud.” 28 Evangeeliumi poolelt vaadates on nad küll Jumala vaenlased teie heaks, aga valiku poolelt vaadates on nad armastatud esiisade pärast. 29 Jumal ei kahetse ju oma armuande ega kutsumist. 30 Sest otsekui teie tollal olite Jumalale sõnakuulmatud, nüüd on aga teie peale nende sõnakuulmatuse tõttu halastatud, 31 nõnda on nüüd ka nemad muutunud sõnakuulmatuks teile osaks saanud halastuse pärast, et ka nende peale halastataks. 32 Sest Jumal on kõik inimesed kinni pannud sõnakuulmatuse alla, et kõikide peale halastada. 33 Oh seda Jumala rikkuse ja tarkuse ja tunnetuse sügavust! Ei suudeta uurida tema kohtumõistmisi ega jälgida tema teed! 34 Sest kes on ära tundnud Issanda meele? Või kes on olnud talle nõuandjaks? 35 Või kes on talle midagi enne andnud, et talle tuleks tasuda? 36 Jah, temast ja tema läbi ja temasse on kõik. Temale olgu kirkus igavesti! Aamen.
@usepdeliantaprawira7888 Ай бұрын
Allah subhanahu ta'alla.....will laknat yahudi ...that dzalim..remember that...!!!
@jadazahintay3573 Ай бұрын
I saw that the enemy will contend either for the usefulness or the life of the godly, and will try to mar their peace as long as they live in this world. But his power is limited. He may cause the furnace to be heated, but Jesus and angels will watch the trusting Christian, that nothing may be consumed but the dross. The fire kindled by Satan can have no power to destroy or hurt the true metal. It is important to close every door possible, against the entrance of Satan. It is the privilege of every family so to live that Satan can take no advantage of anything they may say or do, to tear one another down. Every member of the family should bear in mind that all have just as much as they can do to resist our wily foe, and with earnest prayers and unyielding faith each must rely upon the merits of the blood of Christ and claim His saving strength. Satan is well aware that the weakest soul who abides in Christ is more than a match for the hosts of darkness, and that, should he reveal himself openly, he would be met and resisted. Therefore he seeks to draw away the soldiers of the cross from their strong fortification, while he lies in ambush with his forces, ready to destroy all who venture upon his ground. Only in humble reliance upon God, and obedience to all His commandments, can we be secure. The prayer of faith is the great strength of the Christian, and will assuredly prevail against Satan. This is why (Satan) insinuates that we have no need of prayer. The name of Jesus, our Advocate, he detests; and when we earnestly come to Him for help, Satan’s host is alarmed. It serves his purpose well if we neglect the exercise of prayer, for then his lying wonders are more readily received Prayer turns aside the attacks of Satan. Satan is ever ready to insinuate that prayer is a mere form, and avails us nothing. He cannot bear to have his powerful rival appealed to. At the sound of fervent prayer, the hosts of darkness tremble. Fearing that their captive may escape, they form a wall around him, that Heaven’s light may not reach his soul. But if in his distress and helplessness the sinner looks to Jesus, pleading the merits of his blood, our compassionate Redeemer listens to the earnest, persevering prayer of faith, and sends to his deliverance a re-enforcement of angels that excel in strength. And when these angels, all-powerful, clothed with the armor of Heaven, come to the help of the fainting, pursued soul, the angels of darkness fall back, well knowing that their battle is lost, and that one more soul is escaping from the power of their influence. TRUST in JESUS CHRIST the MESSIAH, the Lord and Saviour. Exodus. 14:14
@Daus877 Ай бұрын
My Lord what a liar
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