Emotional Reasoning- The Cognitive Distortion that makes you Emotionally Reactive - Anxiety 18/30

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Therapy in a Nutshell

Therapy in a Nutshell

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@jwalkinit 8 ай бұрын
"Emotions lie to you all the time. But they feel so real." Thank you! I really needed that reminder!!!
@Wulan-um6ip 4 ай бұрын
"If something causes a huge emotional response, it must be a big deal and I have to act on it", something I have been believing in and never realized...
@JenniferKastelic 8 ай бұрын
Thank you. "I am not my sensations. Emotions are sensations. I am not my emotions."
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
But emotions are still a powerful force in driving you to action, correct?
@JenniferKastelic 8 ай бұрын
hopefully you think before you act and with your heart. I mean, people who commit murder are usually feeling pretty emotional@@sethtenrec
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
@@JenniferKastelic that’s the idea, but this video is pointing out that it’s not that easy. Most people say something they regret, or something like that, rather than murdering somebody, however.
@JenniferKastelic 8 ай бұрын
hence my inner mantra@@sethtenrec
@Cyanide_Mallika 8 ай бұрын
I'm sitting in my room, so distressed and caught up in stress that I practically feel paralysed. I can't do anything. Can't get up eat drink water or sleep. Just sitting with intrusive thoughts trying to reason with them. This all is a very miserable state of mind to have. I am learning to understand myself so I can take better care of mental health. This all was helpful. Thank you.
@stone7761 4 ай бұрын
Don't do that cause I have been there just get out of bad and leave your mind alone go outside and don't misunderstand your feelings accept them without judgement.❤ For inst ; you decide right now to go out but now your mind telling you all the crap what if this happen or what if a girl or boy tries to talk to you then what will you do so all this imagination will take place and then you fall for this trap cause you think if I am feeling this way then I must be right.❤😂
@Cyanide_Mallika 4 ай бұрын
@@stone7761 Thank you for the kindness and suggestion, I completely agree with you ❤
@wbr9401 Ай бұрын
I’ve been there, I got out of my head more (gardening, long walks with music I like, and it helped. Hope things are going better for you! ☺️
@liasid 8 ай бұрын
This was useful, thank you! And to anyone here struggling with anxiety, just know you are not alone and keep going. Day by day, minute by minute, second by second if you have to. You got this!
@suefaust947 8 ай бұрын
God loves us all the time, He doesn’t want us to feel anxious, but He isn’t mad when you do have those feelings.❤
@بدوناسم-ع2ف 8 ай бұрын
المشكلة تكمن انه قد يكون نمط شخصية او نمط ثابت للشخص مدى الحياة بسبب تصميم مخه او دماغه الموضوع وراثي😢 هنا تكون مشكلة
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
@@suefaust947 if there is a god, and IF she is paying attention, and those are big “ifs”…one thing certain is that YOU don’t know how she thinks.
@suefaust947 8 ай бұрын
@@sethtenrec We have the Bible that tells us what the Lord thinks, to a certain degree. His ways are higher and His thoughts are greater than we can understand right now. He loves you and all He has created, that’s why He came to the earth, paid our sin debt and is preparing a place for you in Heaven. Adam brought sin into the world, and we are just like him. God made a way back to Himself by Jesus’s blood that was a full payment for our sins. He created us for fellowship with Himself as was planned in the beginning. Satan is the ruler of this world at the present time, but his time is very limited. You can look around and see how desperate he is to destroy the human race.
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
@@suefaust947 The Bible is propaganda written by men to control men and women. What else you got?
@KathleenRenninger 8 ай бұрын
This video freed me from a tyrant: the belief that my random bouts with anxiety always mean something . I realized much of my stress was coming from taking them seriously, searching for what might be causing them, and thinking the worst. They are simply "there", and often are only a result of physical discomfort or lack of sleep. Thank you so much. You are doing wonderful work!
@mariah9824 4 ай бұрын
I relate to this so much, thank you for this comment!
@stevec404 8 ай бұрын
"When the student is ready, the teacher will come" - Thank you for the gift of this video...I have struggled with emotions and emotional reasoning all my life. Today was especially difficult. Now I understand how to make changes to my perspectives.
@tommac21 8 ай бұрын
Well when someone truly knows how to teach something that can't be taught. Let us know
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
@@tommac21 “us”? Are you attempting to speak for other people? All kidding aside, I haven’t found any subject that can’t have some wisdom illuminated in me by good teachers.
@Allisoninspirations 7 ай бұрын
Emotioms are indicators, not dictators. Its telling you something is going on, pay attention but don't allow your emotions to control you
@chelseagirl30 8 ай бұрын
I love the way you speak, informative without being boring and you’re side tangents- as an adhder I definitely relate 😂
@ryank1273 4 ай бұрын
ADHD is a EF5 tornado that derails my dang trains all the time. Being blursed with Autism and ADHD is something I almost always go off on.
@letscheckitout1985 8 ай бұрын
I love this woman she deserves all the success and money that she’s growing from this KZbin channel. She’s making a huge difference and so many peoples lives and she’s doing it for free to us. God bless you and your family.
@loveleebeing 8 ай бұрын
Thank you very much, I’m 25 years old and have always felt overcome by high emotions. Mainly my anger, anxiety or sadness. I’m at the point in my life where my reactiveness is genuinely clouding my vision, so I’m trying to teach myself a better way of being. I’d love to learn more about ways of growing out of emotional reactiveness within close intimate relationships if you don’t already have videos on this topic, thank you again for sharing!
@indigoziona 8 ай бұрын
This was great! I often struggled to identify emotional reasoning but when you described it at the start I knew exactly what you were talking about. I think it can be easy to ger tangled up in the idea that strong emotions are "bad" because they "make" us react. Working through resources like your fantastic videos had enabled me to look back on times that I've essentially frozen myself in anger because I felt the anger was in itself bad... now I take the time to slow down and look at the anger and let myself feel it. It sounds like a little thing, but I think the simple fact that feeling angry and acting on it are different things has really helped me be a much happier person. Thank you!
@alyssac8258 8 ай бұрын
I can feel my brain actively changing as I’m listening to this. I shared this with a few of my friends and I’m a firm believer the world would be a much better place if every child was taught this ❤ thank you
@aubrey6538 8 ай бұрын
Oh my God I connected to this video so much I have left a high demand religion, and they were very much into emotions of feeling the spirit, and if you didn’t feel right, it was the devil, and I am so grateful for the validation of this video.
@Fvillegas 8 ай бұрын
I really needed to hear this today. If you did too, I'm sending you all the love and wisdom. We're not alone. Thank you so much!! You're the best @TherapyinaNutshell
@Lcn-m6j 4 ай бұрын
My mistake was confusing intuition with emotion. I value intuition highly. By confusing the two, it led me to be impulsive, which led to negative outcomes. I’m now learning how to be more rational to counteract the impulsive behaviors.
@terrimartel6558 8 ай бұрын
This is such a crucial topic. Think about, in all levels of society, the idiotic things that people do based on emotional reasoning. Sadly society is heavily influenced via their emotional reasoning. Again, great topic that I have to continually remibd myself about. Thank you!
@TillyJayS93 4 ай бұрын
I learned to suppress my emotions while I was growing up, so I actually have a difficult time with expressing how I feel in a healthy manner. I usually bottle my emotions but I’m trying to help myself by expressing myself. Since I bottle my emotions is turns into something very negative internally. It also causes me not to trust my own emotions, like “is it okay for me to feel angry about this?” When I knew I was…. Sometime when I get angry I literally want to blow up on people but I never have. I just remain quiet but internally I’m screaming. Now at my big age of 31 I’m learning how to express my displeasure with someone or something in a healthy way. I think it took for me becoming a mom to realize I needed to work on this. Expanding my communication skills also helps as well.
@grounded9623 8 ай бұрын
I've taken courses on Emotional Intelligence that did not even come close to explaining 'emotion' as well as Emma does in this video 1-Chemical reactions in brain 2-Big and Fast 3 - Not accurate or precise 4 - Demand Attention and lets others trigger and control you 5 - Influence our mood and perception 6 - Lead to bad decisions 7 - you can rewire your neural pathways. This describes the second half of my life, somehow I convinced myself to be true to my feelings instead of just logical all the time (big mistake). Life a balancing act. Logic is the meat, emotion is the seasoning. You don't want to ruin the meat. My acronym is AAA (1) Awareness - of my feelings (2) Attitude - let it sit or let it go, someone else's behaviour good or bad is not on me, visualize yourself being Zen-like and calm in the face of adversity which usually turns out to be nothing anyway (3) Act - get on with my own goals and work, otherwise someone else gets to control you and push your buttons, enjoy the freedom of discipline, its wonderful. (PS - the middle one is the key - visualize yourself as a calm person who sees the big picture ... and that does not mean you don't have feelings by any means - feelings are the spice of life, but not the meat. Calm is the space between feelings and logic, the pause that's the key. In Buddhism they call it emptiness - empty your cup they say - empty it of ego, emotion and be in the moment. (also loved the Star Trek analogy it is bang on). Thanks Emma. -Daniel Lawlor
@lesley4215 8 ай бұрын
This is so impactful for me right now, Thank you. Congratulations on your new house!!!
@traceysheneman8652 8 ай бұрын
Thanks. Between stimulus and response there is the breath. Stopping in the midst of emotional upheaval to gain perspective and access our deeper wisdom.
@AlitaMee 8 ай бұрын
Hi i watched your video on regret and it absolutely changed my life my perspective. I was stuck but now i am not . The tining could not have been perfect. Thanks for making our new year beautiful by "hammering" right mindset. Love you with all my heart. Really grateful to you . Thanks.
@Caseys_Auto2024 3 ай бұрын
I frequently watch your videos. You have changed my life tremendously. I suffer from really bad anxiety and these videos have helped me calm it down when it starts.
@mariah9824 4 ай бұрын
Wellll I think I just found the most helpful video on KZbin. I need to watch this weekly 😅
@enja455 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much talking about emotional reasoning and for explaining the difference between emotions and intuition, it is incredibly helpful ❤ You are amazing 🙏
@canadianhorselink2312 8 ай бұрын
You are such a gift Emma. Thank you!
@MegaSnail1 3 ай бұрын
I Love your way of explaining emotional reasoning. This is an area of my life that I have had so much trouble in understanding. My theory regarding why so many people have trouble with this is they not only lack the tools you suggest, their feelings of low self worth impedes their ability accept that their way of processing emotions is beyond their control and therefore caused by outside influences. Thank You
@howardcohen6817 8 ай бұрын
Hi Emma. This video was wonderfully helpful. Thank you. In many instances my reactions have to do with what I've brought into a specific situation. At the start of my marriage I'd come home too tired to listen to what my wife had to say, often feeling that she was attacking me, without my understanding what was going on. It was like walking into a war-in-progress. I realized that I was just too tired to involve and decided not to come home too tired to communicate. After all, the other person has the right to express themselves. This is why we got married. But I didn't bring the attention-span or the interest-level required in this relationship. Before taking this action, I tried explaining that I didn't always feel "in the mood" or able to talk about stuff after work, which was emotionally very demanding of me. "Would it be possible to postpone topics requiring big changes with enormous consequences 'til I have a chance to hear them out and be able to consider the difficulties appropriately? How about let's take some time on Saturday for this?" This led to quite the opposite reaction of, "You always..." and "You're never...". We were stuck in our perspectives. We separated and divorced because we were bringing the wrong tools to the table. In your video, you show the person "getting angry" with a pillow in her grasp. What if she had a sharp object or a gun? Walking into a situation in which one will often get angry while carrying a gun is almost a pre-determined violent act. A shooting is more likely to occur than when no gun was brought. My boss required unrealistic transition-times. Instead of 20 - 30 minutes, we had 15 minutes to get to the next school, find a parking-place, get up to the instruction-room and set up for the instruction. This precluded necessary discussions with the co-workers and pupils at the previous venue as it would mean arriving late to the next school. Naturally, I spoke with the boss about this sparking an attack from him, for, if he recognized this difficulty and wished to solve it, it would mean allotting enough time for 40 of us working outside of the central work-place and travelling throughout the city. He would be losing money while using-up his allotment of time. He refused and the ensuing time-pressure decreased my/our communication-skills and -readiness. Fights, misunderstandings and feelings of bad intentions in the schools between all involved ensued due to the meager time-allotment for transition. Similarly, when the boss wanted to cap the number of hours allotted to the group with which I was working from 10 to 6/week ("Your number of hours won't be affected, though") I explained that our (working) concept would have to be revisited and we wouldn't be achieving the same results with 6 hours as with 10. When he exploded, I resigned my position as the director of this youth orchestra. My father used to say that it took two to tango. But regardless of the readiness to take responsibility, being coerced to dance a waltz, when a tango is being played is - although interesting - will draw-forth more mistakes than if the music were changed or the dance. My work (I'm now retired) and my relationships all require time, as you've probably noticed, by now. Every communication takes time (even to write this sentence). Not allotting this time, not being allowed the time or using this time for other things (while interrupting) causes pressure in which such situations cannot be successfully negotiated. Do you see what I'm saying? Many friends have this situation in which the boss regularly underestimates the time it takes. The cook-friend gets 12 minutes for the pizza, but what about the time it takes to remove it from the oven, slice it, season it, put it in the box and close it, bring it to the register AND take the money and give the change. The nurse (Maria) has exact time to spend on her prescribed services but these do not take into account the things that arise in the course of being a nurse. My carpenter-friend is not ready to cut-corners on things which require the allotted time (lime, separating things in order to saw them correctly etc.) so that his co-worker can go home, earlier. I could go on and on. But I wanted to show a general tendency of the (inherent) nature of the relationship between the boss' interests and those of the employee with regard to time, cost and responsibility while enforcing these with economic pressure. Consequences are real (patients can die, the pizza orders can get backlogged, the panels sometimes must be redone costing time and material, bridges can collapse and the pupils can feel rejected and ignored, because they ARE being rejected and ignored). These prevalent and unrealistic time constrictions and the ensuing pressure prevent at least me from counting to ten.
@IslaHarris. Ай бұрын
I love your videos! Your content has greatly helped me understand my deep emotions and unpredictable mood swings. Thank you for what you’re doing!
@daniellesmith1527 7 ай бұрын
Thank you! I love how practical this is.
@danawilliams3840 21 күн бұрын
This channel is a life saver! Thank you!!!
@2021noname 5 ай бұрын
binge watching this channel all day as I go through my day
@eliut6855 8 ай бұрын
I AM SO GRATEFUL! This video just came to me at precisely the right moment! YOU ARE AWESOME! THANK YOU❤
@elainedunn9539 8 ай бұрын
Please know that your work is valued and appreciated, from sunny Australia 💯
@lobsterbisque7567 8 ай бұрын
Thank You! I don't suffer from anxiety, But I find Your your insight on emotions will help me hold myself in better accountability
@Moneypenny1960 6 ай бұрын
Wow I can’t believe this was here this morning. It’s like everything I need help with coming my way. Yesterday I had a very big mouth about everything that upset me and I came home from work thinking I had a very big mouth. 😅
@beautyamongashes8378 8 ай бұрын
“The Gift Of Fear” this book changed my life. It really helped me to discern between intuition and anxiety!
@LifeofaScorpio92 7 ай бұрын
Thank you I will have to look into this
@melissasue3328 6 ай бұрын
I looked it up is it the Gaven de becker book?
@FullMoonHowl 5 ай бұрын
Fantastic book, totally agree.
@dangerouscaterpillar5522 5 ай бұрын
Who wrote this book thanks 😊
@ashleyclinton3485 5 ай бұрын
I love that she distinguishes between anxiety and intuition. Our emotions are a blessing and a form of knowledge but like anything, they take discipline and practice to understand their true use.
@JessieLitven 4 ай бұрын
This is great. And of course, the "but what about those that actually prey on your tendency to second-guess yourself" ie, you're the type to always quiet anger, and end up being gaslit to believe there is nothing wrong because they provide all the logical proof? What about when someone learns to not listen to feelings at all?
@thatscool1550 8 ай бұрын
i am literally in this boat right now. I wish I had a friend like you lol
@NasirZia_India 8 ай бұрын
Hello Emma your videos helping me in recovery from anxiety, love from India ❤
@superpoodlehead 7 ай бұрын
Thank you ❤ More of what to do in that moment before a big emotion. This is where I fail!
@newkiann 8 ай бұрын
this really changed my anxiety i been listening to some of ur podcasts or youtubes and tysm for helping me and a lot of ppl.
@bradford_shaun_murray Ай бұрын
You're very wise. Love your work and perspective ♥️
@ItsAmazing64 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so so much for everything you do 🙏❤️ while getting emotionnaly stronger, it’s also so calming and reassuring to listen to you talk. Xx
@annaw7437 6 ай бұрын
lol I laughed out loud at this title, as it's literally me. Since I remember. My dad would freak out when driving a car, cause I would gasp so loudly as if something terrible happened, and it was usually something small and silly, like I remembered something suddenly, or saw a squirrel. But my reaction would indicate that something terrible happened lol Yesterday (I'm in my 40s now) I had a major meltdown over the flooring in the kitchen being put the wrong way and the builder was mortified... I ended up apologizing to him multiple times 10min later, as my reaction was way overblown, etc. I also literally last week asked my boss during our 1:1 if she has any tips on how to be less dramatic when something negative happens (as this can be seen as unprofessional). Your videos are so so helpful and timely. Thank you x
@Batmanda1014 8 ай бұрын
This was a great video. I think everyone in the world would benefit from watching this. Thanks!
@QuietAngel29 5 ай бұрын
Nice nod to Viktor Frankl with the quote on the space between stimulus and response.
@cloudy1494 8 ай бұрын
Two simple words can't possibly convey my thankfulness for your help, but hey, thank you.
@KimberlyR-st1dl 2 ай бұрын
I do this all the time. Thanks for this video.
@KarthikKumaresan-k1o 8 ай бұрын
First like and then listen!!.. Thats how fantastic Emma's videos are! Sooo helpful!
@mwngw 8 ай бұрын
Along the same lines, I dearly hope for Emma to address "Emotional Intelligence," a.k.a., "Emotional I.Q." I have often wondered if there is a genetic factor in lacking emotional maturity. Emotional immaturity seems to run in males of my family, my father and myself included.
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
Nurture more than nature I believe is the case. Of course, psychology is not a precise science and continually growing, but I believe it’s widely believed that your childhood experiences probably have a much bigger impact on whatever adult dysfunctions you are encountering, than anything you inherited. But not always the case, especially in terms of certain mental illnesses. Most of us are a product of our upbringing, in other words.
@joannefeeney5792 6 ай бұрын
This makes so much sense!
@ZnAp82 7 ай бұрын
Interesting personal story on the topic and a good explanation for self-reflection on how one's own consciousness deals with problems. It's nice that you share your experiences with us.
@somewhereinthemidwest9827 7 ай бұрын
So happy I found your channel♥️ Thank you!!❤
@dee5356 8 ай бұрын
Great video! Very helpful!Thank you! Congratulations on your new home!Very best wishes to you and your family!
@EB-gt1pq Ай бұрын
I am a highly sensitive person..being emotional is all I know!
@loriwaggoner7129 7 ай бұрын
You are a gem and I am regularly helped by your videos. THANK YOU
@stone7761 4 ай бұрын
I don't just act on emotion but I aslo search for validation for the emotion as if it's really that imp.❤😂
@MysteriousBeingOfLight 8 ай бұрын
I'm gonna try to look at your videos. I am poor, live recluse in the middle of nowhere with no access to real life or therapist. My whole family who I live with is disabled, I've been dysregulated for YEARS now I feel crazy because all the people online tell me I am doomed to be miserable because I can't have therapy. I hope your videos will helps me !!! Blessings edit; I even go as far as believing that I am possessed by demonic entities when I have depressed and anxious bits. I call God to ease my worries, praying that my misery will end and that I will be left with peace of mind and BLISS into my special life
@missfl0werstar 2 ай бұрын
This is so powerful! I'm wondering how I can share this with my child who's Gifted so super smart but her impulsiveness and big emotions (ADHD and hypersensitivity) get in her way a lot. She's absolutely persuaded the world's against her and we're out to hurt her not living out entire life according to her impulses. 🙄 She's 8 and we talk a lot about emotions so she's aware of them and their power but in the heat of the moment, she can lose sight of all logic.
@ChannyLim-k7n 2 ай бұрын
With Jesus my cup overflows.🙌
@بدوناسم-ع2ف 8 ай бұрын
عندما وصلني الاشعار بكيت😔😭 و السبب انه اصبح لدي امل في التعافي و لو بسيط و ضئيل شكرا لكل روح تشعر بنا نقدّر ذلك جدا 😔♥️🫂 لكن لا توجد ترجمة تلقائية للفيديو من العراق
@raymondanderson1026 8 ай бұрын
SUPER helpful! Great job! Oh man I could’ve used this a few years ago but I’m so glad to be growing in these skills and knowledge.
@KOM-jh 8 ай бұрын
I know one thing that has affected me in negative emotional reactions and that was alcohol. Even when I was sober during the day, I’d get angry at little things, but we once I stopped drinking my instant angry emotional responses slowed down significantly. I also meditate which also has helped with slowing things down and relaxing under certain situations.
@mnisi_sindile 8 ай бұрын
I get overwhelmed by other people's problems especially family 😢I also get nervous when called by seniors that I must have done something wrong and it's always never the case, I get anxious and try and prepare a reaction or response 😬
@1979France 4 ай бұрын
Video’s summary: 1:47: Emotions lie to you all the time, but they feel so real. 2:23: Emotional reasoning is a cognitive distortion that makes you believe that something is true simply because it feels true. However, just because you feel something, it doesn’t mean it’s true. 4:53: 3 minds: emotional, rational, and wise. The wise mind considers both the emotional and the rational minds before making a decision. 5:41: What about intuition? Intuition comes with a quiet sense of confidence and a drive to action. On the other hand, emotions are rash, loud, sloppy, and impulsive. 6:37: How to be less emotionally reactive: (1) Slow down; pause, don’t react; (2) 7:34: Opposite action; (3) 8:43: Notice your emotional triggers so you can predict them; (4) 9:24: If you do have an emotional blowup, analyse it afterward. Write down what happened and how you will handle it differently next time. 10:02: Emotion processing: OWECA: O (observe: notice your feelings without believing them); W (willingness: be willing to allow the feeling to be); E (explore: look for alternative thoughts); C (choose the most constructive thought); A (act).
@jessicaluevano7598 6 ай бұрын
You are literally my therapy queen thank you so much❤️❤️
@elizabethjenkins6448 8 ай бұрын
Much appreciation thanks for sharing your personal experience with anxiety and tools to process
@PattyValenciaHouston 4 ай бұрын
I believe intuition and feelings ARE thoughts, and those need to be trust it also.
@darinsmith2458 5 ай бұрын
i agree with everything but i would add that when i accepted my higher power i became spiritually sensitive... i could feel what others felt.. so for me it is taking that into consideration as well...
@fcmiller3 8 ай бұрын
Ya, slowing down is super important!!!
@trelainamobley6254 5 ай бұрын
That was really helpful!! And you explained it so clearly and well!
@carlf.9035 5 ай бұрын
I think being emotionally reactive is human sometimes and healthy in a way otherwise we are suppressing true feelings and others may not know when something is bothering us, but maybe it's a question of the words we use and what we say that we need to watch, more than being emotionally reactive. At least for me.
@juliehoot3916 8 ай бұрын
Thank you! Slowing down is a great idea! 👍
@MGomez777 8 ай бұрын
Congratulations on your home!!❤
@maggiemm1000 5 ай бұрын
This course has helped me so much thank you
@DihelsonMendonca 7 ай бұрын
I admire more and more people who think they know the secrets of this life, and give advice. Once I thought I was very experienced and full of knowledge about psychology, philosophy, I even thought about creating a KZbin channel, but now I simply laugh about it, because I know nothing more and more. I know nothing about life, or about anything. Seriously. It's funny to see people so sure about what they say. 🎉
@Quinny33 5 ай бұрын
You are so beautiful.You have an amazing aura.It makes me smile.Thank you.
@UnstoppableVi 8 ай бұрын
Slow Things Down. Yes!
@chelseagirl30 8 ай бұрын
I needed to see this video today. So much info I can use!
@emilyrichardson7986 7 ай бұрын
I have anxiety about anxiety. Which feels ironic if thats the right word lol. Especially on weekends where i dont work and the day is not structured. I get anxious about having nothing to do bc in my head nothing to do= more time to be anxious. I replaced my what if thoughts with what if im not anxious today? What if i have a good day? What if i find rest and relaxation in a day off? When i do this i feel the anxiety melt away. Sure it can creep back bc our brains are words machines and love to latch onto negativity. But i just do the exercise again. Everyone stay strong. These are not quick fixes but muscles we are building for long term strength
@aileenbarnett8570 7 ай бұрын
Short and very helpful! Thanks!
@KHodges_ 4 ай бұрын
Grateful ❤❤❤
@angellombness4371 8 ай бұрын
Emotions are indicators; sometimes interruption is incorrect. 🪻 Helpful reminder. "Do nothing" seems an oversimplified option. Emotional reasoning sometimes takes a long time with possibly many academic examples or life lessons to develop the practice. Sometimes the conclusion is we don't have authority, or the capability, to address the source. Then the option is to adapt an acceptance mindset using gratitude & compassion practices to focus on peaceful emotions (where physical environment allows). 💜 It's difficult. We can practice one thing at a time. Love therapy communities.
@4LovePeace 2 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@marjorymsuku9312 6 ай бұрын
I know some real people who are like Emotions: loud, quick, and frequently inaccurate. So draining....
@salkashoura4928 8 ай бұрын
And I would add that emotional reasoning can be positive emotions too. I once moved in with someome because I felt a good feeling, but actually it turned out to be a bad decision and I shouldn't have moved in. Now I know not to follow feelings that way
@caferaceroo 8 ай бұрын
This was so helpful, thank you for making this!
@janestanton9422 6 ай бұрын
Very helpful and perfect timing.😊🙏🏻
@HeavenestStCyr 4 ай бұрын
10:30 If I hasd heard this message of Gold I would have saved various relationships
@Crystal-k6o 2 ай бұрын
I'm a 42yo Empath. Sometimes guessing what my feelings might be, is like playing with a jack in the box next to a sleeping newborn.
@pauletteispassingiton943 8 ай бұрын
Love your channel
@theresa2245 8 ай бұрын
I love your channel. Thank you for helping me heal. Let our society become emotional well and head towards normal, healthy social behavior, and a happy, prosperous economy.
@sunset33533 8 ай бұрын
A book I've been going through lately is 30 Days to Reduce Anxiety by Harper Daniels. It's small, teaching mindfulness. It seems to give me a break from the stresses of life.
@Teacher.Taufik 6 ай бұрын
This must have been the reasons for my poor decision-making.
@JuliaShalomJordan 5 ай бұрын
This is such a great video!!! Thank you!
@Daria-Kurilko 8 ай бұрын
Thank you so mich for your videos! Love them!
@no_u1603 8 ай бұрын
CAN WE PLEASE have a video that delves more into INTUITION VS EMOTIONALLY REACTING, please!? I need more
@dorisp.60 8 ай бұрын
I love all your videos that I saw so far. But this one is the best yet. Maybe because it hit the nail right on the spot with me😅. Or because it provided so many helpful insights. Or both? Yeah, I think it is both.😊❤ Great videos. Saves me some therapy sessions… all the best to you and everone.
@sethtenrec 8 ай бұрын
Watching these videos puts a lot of knowledge into our heads, but until we put some of the principles into practice it’s not going to help much.
@heidih3048 8 ай бұрын
​@@sethtenrecThat's obvious
@briandonovan5687 8 ай бұрын
I look at this totaly reversed 😮. I know ur Emotions are always 100 % accurate but its my THINKING that is off. My emotions will tell me if im thinking correctly. Your Emotions are NEVER Wrong BUT ur thinking is wrong alot of times. You have to underdtand why ur thinking what ur thinking. When are other times you felt this way? Was it accurate? When do u first remember having a feeling like this n why did u feel like that. Ur emotions are the GPS for ur thinking, if ur feeling bad its because ur thinking is off about this situation. I think ur emotions are ALWAYS 100% correct and its ur job to Honestly get ur thinking in alignment to what is TRUE.
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