Do We Really Inherit Original Sin from Adam and Eve? (Aquinas 101)

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The Thomistic Institute

The Thomistic Institute

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@brennanwilcox6764 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone who wants to understand these issues better/is struggling with some of them (understanding original sin, how to interpret Genesis, what has the church really taught on evolution, Polygenism vs monogenism debate, Is the soul emergent, Paul believes in Adam and Eve should we?) you NEED to go pick up a copy of Matthew Ramages new Book “From the dust of the earth” it tackles all these questions with great depth and clarity with the help of Ratzinger and with the light of faith. Can’t recommend it enough
@ElizabethFreire1 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much for suggesting this... I've googled it and saw this book has just been released! Great suggestion!
@sadiepeterson9796 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I have been really struggling with connecting all of this for a couple of years.
@markjennings2605 Жыл бұрын
Ratzinger? The toxic intellectual who was a member of Hitler Youth😅
@deepseeshell8926 Жыл бұрын
​​@@markjennings2605he Hitler youth was something countless boys were forced into. This was the case for Ratzinger; he was conscripted into it when he was a minor and guess what, he deserted! He ran away, he refused to be a part of what they were doing. Are you going to accuse Ratzinger of the crime of being abused by the Nazis and resisting them? Also, have you read Ratzinger? His intellect wasn't toxic, it was magnificent. Man wrote like a Papal Shakespeare.
@leighterry943 Жыл бұрын
Wow, thanks so much for your suggestion! Yes, I've been struggling! Every time you believe your resolute, in knowing the truth, something comes along and shows you, you have no idea!🙏🕊️
@hismajesty6272 5 ай бұрын
I was arguing with a misguided friend about Original Sin, and this helped me explain it. God bless.
@scottthomas1153 5 ай бұрын
Is orginal sin a Catholic myth, their confusion didn't align with the east or any previous church fathers at the time
@josephmartin6219 Жыл бұрын
Solution: It takes moral training, discipline and practicing virtue to resist sin! Thank you Father!
@fnsdjkovnsdkvn Жыл бұрын
and god
@davepugh2519 Жыл бұрын
I'm an atheist - I'm never even tempted to do anything wrong.
@inTruthbyGrace Жыл бұрын
Jesus says it takes continuing in His Word to be sanctified. (John 8:31-32, 17:17).
@nickokona6849 9 ай бұрын
That's not what the bible says. In fact, moral thinking is precisely what Adam and Eve were after and then punished for gaining. You're not allowed to know how to morally reason. You're supposed to accept what the dear leader told you to accept.
@inTruthbyGrace 9 ай бұрын
@@nickokona6849 not very familiar with the Bible are you...
@patgabriel6575 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you Father Dominic for this beautifully delivered explanation of St. Thomas Aquinas' thought on the doctrine of "Original Sin."
@michaelocampo1558 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this profound yet simple explanation father. 👍 God bless you. Deo Gratias!
@mvwil 2 жыл бұрын
I wish these videos got more views. Really fantastic stuff.
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
If simply doing bad things is proof of sinful nature, then why isn't doing good things also proof of righteous nature? There are too many problems with this video. This is all of course, made doubly absurd when coupled with the catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception.
@mvwil 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonardu6094 doing good things is proof of a righteous nature. sin is the privation of goodness. metaphysically speaking, it means 'imperfection,' the absence of the perfection which God alone is. Our nature is good, but not absolutely good. We were created good, so our good works are evidence of this. But our evil deeds show that we are fallen.
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
@@mvwil I know what sin means. My point was regarding the guy in the video using the fact we do evil things as proof of a sin nature, but not being consistent and using the fact we also do good as proof of good/righteous nature. He didn't make the point he seemed to think he did when attempting to argue that we inherited a sin nature from Adam. He failed miserably in my opinion.
@mvwil 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonardu6094 we do have a good nature, it's just not entirely good, and that's what sin is.
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
@@mvwil Sin means "not having a good nature"?
@FrJohnBrownSJ 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent explanation. Thank y'all for these videos. Always well done.
@liamconverse8950 2 жыл бұрын
Contemporary science is influenced and controlled by literal Satanists so don't act like a bunch of atheists in lab coats are more authoritative than holy scripture. Don't believe me just look at that human sacrifice ritual that happened at CERN as one exhibit
@bayreuth79 Жыл бұрын
Do you believe in inherited guilt?
@FrJohnBrownSJ Жыл бұрын
@@bayreuth79 Depends on what you mean by inherited guilt. Was the video not clear enough?
@bayreuth79 Жыл бұрын
@@FrJohnBrownSJ It was clear- but mistaken. Thomas Aquinas received the Augustinian tradition on original sin. Augustine did not read Greek but relied on the Latin translation of Jerome. In Jerome's translation of Rom. 5:12 we read "in quo omnes peccaverunt" (in whom [Adam] all have sinned). The Greek does not say that: _eph ho_ means 'because' not 'in'. So, I'm afraid that the notion of inherited guilt, aside from being logically incoherent, is not scriptural either. Moreover, none of the Greek fathers, who were obviously reading the original Greek text, came up with 'inherited guilt'. Brian Davies says that Thomas Aquinas saw inherited guilt thus: "it is guilt which follows from the fact that the will of the will of Adam runs through his successors... Adam's descendants can be regarded as one body with Adam as their head or soul. On this basis they are implicated in Adam's sin as the limbs of human beings are involved in the will by virtue of which they act voluntarily" (Davies, The Thought of Thomas Aquinas, p. 256). This whole view of original sin cascades from Augustine's 'original sin', which was his misreading of Romans 5 due to the mistranslation of Jerome. This 'mystical' doctrine of Aquinas is a pure invention to try to make some sense of a logically incoherent, non-scriptural doctrine! There is a reason, after all, why the Eastern Orthodox Church has never embraced it and why you won't find a single NT scholar who agrees with Jerome's translation!
@FrJohnBrownSJ Жыл бұрын
@@bayreuth79 I'm not wedded to Jerome's translation of that verse. How do you deal with these verses? Genesis 8:21 “. . . the intent of man’s heart is evil from his youth.” Job 15:14-16 “What is man, that he should be pure, or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? Behold, He puts no trust in His holy ones, And the heavens are not pure in His sight; How much less one who is detestable and corrupt, Man, who drinks iniquity like water!” Psalm 51:5 “Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.” Psalm 14:2-3 “The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the sons of men, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. They have all turned aside; together they have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one.” Proverbs 22:15 “Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child.” Ephesians 2:1-3: “And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest.”
@antoniomoyal 2 жыл бұрын
Wonderfully explained. I have been struggling with the rationality behind the original sin, snd this video has helped much with the idea that original sin accounts for the existence of unhappiness/imperfection. ...lets go to Christ!
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
You think it's just to punish you for the crimes of your ancestors?
@davidsampaiopereira484 Жыл бұрын
I bag to differ. The teaching of Original Sin does nothing but the opposite in Accounting for unhappiness or imperfection, or evil at large. As i think that you might be in Error Here, i Wish to offer you a reasoning of Mine, which would be hopefully beneficial to you (and me). First i want to ask the following. Not to seek the win, but to exemplify my utter Lack of understanfing, how this teaching Serves anything it is supposed to. The Question is the following one: Why doe children die from incurable deseas, both of any other animals and of Humans? Could the child have deserved such a destiny, without even beeing able to live half of a live? But even further? What is assumed by this Question? Not, that someone could deserve to suffer and die under such conditions? How could that be Something, someone would deserve? It will be replied, that through doing wrong, someone could deserve it. But let us See. First, the child could never have done Something wrong, therefore it could not deserve it, but has it either way. For this, one can Bring only one cause Up, namely original sin, because the hebrew god in his might and goodness could Not create sucht Thing, as bad things must come from him. To clearify this Point, we need to solve First the oder side of the Table, on which lies the Question, If even anyone could deserve such Thing. To get, what one deserves, we speak of punishment and reward, dont we? Beeing so, is someone even punished, when the Person is not punished justly? If punished is needed to be Just, and god is just, as he is assumed to be good, could he ever punish someone with such Thing? For is it the matter of the Just one to harm and hurt someone? To malify Them, instead of benify Them? I cannot see how, for it would be saying, that the good harms. IT might well hurt, but not torture. But this deseas could be Seen as torture, inescapable as it is. And how could it benify the Person suffering it? Or even if it could the older one, how the child? One sees rightly, that a benevolent and mighty god could Not be source of the Bad, of which Moral evil makes Part, If he is percieved in this manor. Thereby the ones, percieving it that way take the route of Original Sin, which serves only the purpouse of tracing Back the source of Badness in Something else than god, namely humans. But how is this supposed to Work in their own grounds? Let us see this through the following steps. Isn't god cause and source of everything, including him? How could he not, for If Not, Something else can be an equivalent Independent source. Nearly two gods, or more. But the monotheists dont hold this Position, Out of understandable reasons. But then, he must be cause and source of everything, If Something is caused by him. Now they hold, that there was a Creation, which implies Something beeing created, and thereby caused. Humans have been created to by this Account, thereby god is the cause of humans. But Humans are now supposed to be the cause of Badness. But how, If they are only caused by god? Or did they created themselfs? Not by their Account. As this wont Work, they Put it on the free choice of man, which caused Badness. But how could badness be caused, before it was there? Impossible so, humans could not have been Bad, before and while choosing. But how would Something or someone good choose Something evil? Either Badness comes from god, or it comes from nowhere, as far as i can see. If it could come of this obscure Power, which they call "free will", it would require, that Badness could be choosed as validly as goodness. But could such a Gift be one of god, If it is the even source of good and Bad as Well? How could it, as nothing Bad comes from god, but this Gift comes from him with the Power to do Bad/evil? Could it even be a Gift at all? We might see Out of this, that the Thing called free will, understood this way by many and those portraied here, may Not even be a Gift at all, if a Gift is supposed to be Something good for someone. But If someone would disagree and Claim, that it is a gift in this Sense, and therefore all possiblity and reality of Badness and Evil a good Thing in the Long run, what would Not ridiculous follow from that? It would mean, as many hold, that the Things we think off as beeing Bad, are really good for Something, for improvement or punishment in the above sense for Example. But Not only would this be quite questionable, that the Most horrible Things are good underneath. It would cause again a contradiction in this persons words. For If all bad things are really good, there would be No Bad/Evil at all and therefore No original sin, as sins, beeing Something Bad, could Not exist, or sins would have to be Something good. But how can WE punish someone for beeing or recieving good? How to do them better, then already done? And if we could, WE could so, by torturing them and delude them etc. The Absurdity does even rise Higher as consequence of this believes, when we are forced to ask the Christian in this Place, for what Christ even came If there was No sin and Evil in the first Place. By trying to defend the Christian believes, this Person would have caused literally its total collaps. And even further, concluding of all what we have thought through If we, or better i have made No error, It would follow this: when Badness cannot come from man, nor from god, but still exists, there isn't either man, or god thought in the Christian way at least. Man cannot not exist, Just because man is the one asking this Question, therefore, this god cannot exist or is not attainable, which would either way refute Christianity in its core completly. Either we Take away Evil, but then there would be no possiblity of Christianity. Or we Take away man, but Then there would be No possiblity for Christianity. Or we Take away god, and this comes to the Same conclusion as the previous one. I don't know about you, but to me, this reasoning Demonstrantes, that Something cannot be right with general Christian doctrine. But if so, then Revelation gives nothing to it, which undermines the authoritie of the bible, and also undermines Christianity. It seems to Open Up a great Window for the possiblity and Realisation, that Christianity is plainly speaking false. I Wonder than, If you want us to go to Christ, If you want us to lead into Error. But ofcourse you don't want it, meaning this seriously and Not sarcasticaly! For i have found reason to hold, that No one chooses to do bad willingly, meaning knowingly. This is the reason i would Not and can Not acuse you of that. It would be rediculouse. Rather i think, that i can by this make clear, that i also dont want to do that, but rather wanted to Help you, and myself as Well, as it seems to me to be the Same. I don't know you, but that does Not Matter to me, as i am although Interested in your wellbeeing. But how could one be Well of, if one is in Error in such important things? I do not want to Claim, that i know it to be the Case, what i tried to reason. But i could Not find better reasons, for or against it, which is why i hold it to be my best assertion of it and Christianity at its core to be false or at least dubitable. I followed your cousel to Go to Jesus. In fact i was Christian myself before some time ago, and a Firm believer in top. But as i Hope to have shown you, i reached this conclusion at the Point, where i was promised to find him. Maybe i found him, If He is the Truth as many say, and indeed i searched for understanding. But it seems, that Christ is to be searched and understood very differently then the Religion seems to proclaim. I leave it Up to you, as it was only my intend to treat you properly, as we should treat each other, namely by helping each other search the Truth and grow in wisdom. And if it is proper to do so, i would be really thankful for refutation and correction, where it seems due to you. I Hope i was helpfull. Goodbye :)
@antoniomoyal Жыл бұрын
@@davidsampaiopereira484 you conflate too many things that i will try to unfold later, i'm on a trip and cannot from my Phone.
@davidsampaiopereira484 Жыл бұрын
@@antoniomoyal alright. I Welcome you to settle Things right. Let me just give you another thought and Question, that i came to ask myself after thinking more about this. I thought the following way: By the Account of the Christian, with Respect to their holy scripture, Humans have been created by god, as everything has been created by him. Could god have created Something Bad, while He himself is good? No, it seems to me. Further, if Paradise was a Place of perfection, all in it would have to be too. Humans where Put in it, thereby, and by Creation, they would had to be good, as Badness does Not come from god. Further, man is supposed to be created in the image of god. Obviously, this does not mean phenotypically, but Essentially. What else would it mean, to build Something alike to oneself, if that, which has been created does not share my properties, as far as it can. Further, If god is good, and his goodness consists in beeing just, and wise etc. ,humans would have to be the same. Or it would be needed to ask, why god would not want to make his own Image in man to be as wise and Just, all in all good, as he himself. Could it be better for Something to have less of the good then possible, or isn't it needed to everything to be as good as it can? The Second seems only reasonable to me. If Humans were thereby created to the Optimum and in the image of god, Humans would have been god, and as god, not able to be and do bad. How could the Humans then do Something Bad, while beeing created in a good way? To clearify this further, we may look on one aspect of their goodness. Their wisdom/Insight. Does the one, who knows and finds the truth, can get in Error about it? Can the wise fail? For if man is beeing created good, and Like good, he would be probably endowed with maximal wisdom and Insight. But how could the Humans be decieved by the Serpant, beeing created like this? The reason i say, that the Serpant decieves the Humans is, that it seems to me necessary, that temptation is a Form of Error, and to Error someone is to decieve him. I come to that conclusion by the following reasoning: If someone get's temptated, don't we, that No one would by affected like this If Not for believing, that the Thing someone is tempted to seems good to them. For how could someone be brought to want Something Bad, knowing it is, If Not, by decieving this Person to believe, that it is good, while beeing in fact Bad? It seems Impossible to me, whereby it seems to follow, that temptation is but a Form of decieving someone. The serpent thereby decieves the Humans, and i Think it can be read this way appropriatly too in the scripture. But how can someone undecievable be decieved? Either by no way, or, If the persons dont know about Something, If it is good or Bad, and to Not know this, they will probably Not know, what even is Good and Bad. But If so, the Humans could not do other, and were helplessly decieved, for they would have Not been able to decieve themselfs. And if though, this would Bring us to the same conclusion, that is was out of helpless deception and Error, that they failed. What seems now to be the proper Response to such a helpless Error by anyway perfect beeings? By taking the analogy of fire, i think we might find the answer. Fire is not Put down by fire, but by water or extraction of air and material. How is ignorance and error turned and Put down? Not by the Same of course, but either by Insight and education, or by taking away the influences that decieve the people. But Not to be ignorant may Not suffice to what is wanted, because it may make a difference to Not be ingnorant of Something and to know it. It seems thereby to me, that the proper way to react to error and ignorance is to educate and Help to find Insight. But how do we have to evaluate the reaction of god? Does it seem to Help gainig Insight and to educate, when he abandones them, or later extinguishes them nearly all, and harm them further by Putting them in desperate Situations, like the need to work and give birth and death and suffering. All Things, wich did Not seem to exist in Paradise. Again, this seems to be No punishment to me, but retribution and vengence. Hate is cured through Love, desease through healing, and Not through hate/vengence and death/harm. Further it seems to follow, that the humans could Not have known, that it was bad to disobey and eat the fruit, because the fruit itself would only grant them this Knowledge. Further the Humans would have to be decievable, But how could this Feature even arise from god, who created them, or why did he not intervene, if he is allknowing as it is claimed by many. Either way, Badness cannot come from Humans, if they were created, for the source of the possiblity of Badness would have its source in God.
@StevenRud 2 жыл бұрын
Tremendously well explained, I love this! Wish this would be taught more…
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
If simply doing bad things is proof of sinful nature, then why isn't doing good things also proof of righteous nature? There are too many problems with this video. This is all of course, made doubly absurd when coupled with the catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception.
@alexvault9729 Жыл бұрын
Great explanation. It finally clicked for me.
@WatchExplicitTV 10 ай бұрын
Ezekiel 18:20
@andersonmeneses3599 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your work, TI.
@lasirius1 5 ай бұрын
No disrespect, but Aquinas was not well versed in Greek and Hebrew, only Latin. If you're familiar with homonyms, you'd understand that the same word can have multiple meanings. In this case, sin is not a thing but an act (disobedience) and it was also seen as state like impure or impurity. Death is not just the cessation of life, but it was also seen as a force or condition like impurity and became a word connected to the idea of separation. So if you were to substitute sin for disobedience, impure/impurity and did the same with death as impurity or separation, the passage in Roman 5 12 makes sense. So let me apply this method for you. "Therefore, just as "impurity" entered the world through one man, and "separation" through or (because of) impurity, and in this way "separation" came to all people because all have become impure. You can do this with the word life as well. If death can mean impure, then life must be it's opposite which is pure. Pure and Impure conditions are what God judges and keeps one from the kingdom of heaven. Don't believe me Try reading Revelation 21:27 and figure out why John would use that term. 😊
@calendaryouthministry1847 Жыл бұрын
Would you consider doing a video that dives into the differences between consciousness and soul and how they overlap? The world would have us believe that our mind memory, reason is all consiousness and soul has no activity in it. I feel like that is wrong.
@dave1370 2 жыл бұрын
According to St. Augustine, St. Ambrose, and others, yes.
@thebyzantinescotist7081 2 жыл бұрын
Although I disagree with you guys on evolution, I want to thank you for upholding the doctrine of original sin. This is a very important issue. I would point out that all the comments denying original sin here are the fruits of evolution. Original sin makes the most sense if one simply accepts the biblical narrative of human history.
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
Completely ridiculous argument. You're simply begging the question by stating "the biblical narrative of human history". I reject evolution *AND* the false doctrine of Original sin.
@something3395 2 жыл бұрын
Depends. Original sin is a thing but Augustine fucked up it's understanding
@thebyzantinescotist7081 2 жыл бұрын
@@something3395 I have done extensive research into Augustine's view of original sin and comparing it with the other Church Fathers. Augustine's view is (for the most part) dogmatic as well. See my video on Augustine or read the paper linked in that video's description.
@something3395 2 жыл бұрын
@@thebyzantinescotist7081 I will. But isn't the catholic church also pivoting towards the less augustinian understanding?
@thebyzantinescotist7081 2 жыл бұрын
@@something3395 Well you have to understand what Augustine actually taught. He is highly misrepresented these days. His view was dogmatized at the Council of Carthage and reaffirmed at many ecumenical councils like Trent, so the Church cannot abandon it. Nor has the Church sought to abandon it.
@gabrielderas4238 2 жыл бұрын
If sin (fallen grace) can be inherited; then, could baptism (restored grace) be inherited as well? If so, why do we need to baptize our children? Was the Virgin Mary baptized? If she is our mother, shouldn't we inherit her grace? Btw, i'm catholic.
@maverick114e9 2 жыл бұрын
Im no theologian, but I will try to answer this. No, Restored grace Cannot be inherited. As the video said our nature is still “wounded” and our children will still be in original sin. So they need baptism too. Baptism doesn’t remove all of the effects of original sin, it only allows us to be reborn in christ so we can obtain the beatific vision Mary was immaculately conceived, meaning she was created in such grace that original sin never penetrated her being. Even if her parents inherited original sin. So she didn’t even really need baptism in the same way we do.
@maverick114e9 2 жыл бұрын
Im no theologian, but I will try to answer this. No, Restored grace Cannot be inherited. As the video said our nature is still “wounded” and our children will still be in original sin. So they need baptism too. Baptism doesn’t remove all of the effects of original sin, it only allows us to be reborn in christ so we can obtain the beatific vision Mary was immaculately conceived, meaning she was created in such grace that original sin never penetrated her being. Even if her parents inherited original sin. So she didn’t even really need baptism in the same way we do. There is a much deeper theological discussion/understanding on both of these, but I’d thought I’d give my 2 cents
@owencommunications1669 4 ай бұрын
@@maverick114e9 Nowhere in Scripture does it say or teach that Mary was never penetrated in her being by original sin. Mary declared, "my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior" (Luke 1:47). The fact that Mary called God her "Savior" is evidence that she needed to be "saved". Only sinners need salvation. Mary was a sinner just like me, and just like you, and just like all who have fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23). There is no one who continually does good and never sins (2 Chron 6:36; Eccl 7:20). Don't place your trust in Mary... trust Christ.
@CesareVesdani Жыл бұрын
Why was not the original sin been killed off at the beginning?
@poli-rev4905 2 жыл бұрын
I dunno, it still *seems* like we're being punished for something our parents did.. What can we say to pro-'choice' people if they throw this doctrine at us in retort to us saying that the child should not have to pay for the crimes of the father in the case of rape? Since it seems as though that's exactly what we're forced to do- pay or suffer the consequences for the crimes/sins of our first parents.. I understand that it was by Adam & Eve's choice to throw away the gift of original justice necessary to fulfill humanity's supernatural end, and that because Adam was the only man at the time, and thus, all of humanity and its representative, therefore human nature itself suffered the consequences of losing original justice.. But did it have to be this way? Couldn't God have made it so that it didn't have to affect the rest of humanity just because Adam was the first and only one at the time of the Fall? This doctrine I always have to end up just taking it on faith and trusting God since I can't really understand or justify it in my own feeble fallen mind...
@BalladOfLooks 2 жыл бұрын
You could ask "couldn't God have done it another way?" to all things. As C.S. Lewis wrote, "It is no use trying to 'see through' first principles. If you see through everything, then everything is transparent. But a wholly transparent world is an invisible world. To 'see through' all things is the same as not to see." Some things about God just are true, questions about "why" aren't really sensible questions in the same way that "what happened before time existed" isn't sensible. In the end, He gives reality its realness, morality its moralness, etc. God is Just, the evil in us conflicts with that justice, and his wrath against us is correct. But God is also merciful, and so rather than wiping out everything we are (which undoubtedly would be required - you wouldn't really be the same you if you were perfect from the start, the work of perfecting you causes change while perfect things need never change), he took the punishment himself, retroactively through time to save all who would believe. As for the question, "why only those who believe?", there's a sermon on KZbin called The Expulsive Power of a New Affection by Thomas Chalmers that helped me understand that, and a number of other things about the gospel. All of our reasoning about God is faulty, because I don't think he really abides by our logical standards - we derive those standards from intuitions that come from a sin-scarred look at his creation, so they are faulty from the beginning, and in any case he is beyond the things he made. So I don't mean to write this sounding like any authority with hard answers, there are certainly many things I cannot understand about this also, I'm just hopeful my thoughts help you somehow.
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
You are not "forced to" commit any sin, not even by having the Original Sin in your feeble human nature. "Gratia supponit naturam" means "grace supports nature". But what is, exactly, "grace" and what is, exactly, "nature"? We are already at mystery of faith at these very questions. It seems to me that we got a possibility, a framework - of our personal natural life on Earth - and that is "nature". And we got another possiblity to turn it to something infinitely more - and this another possiblity is grace. We are "nature on the power of grace" if we choose so. I guess you would need some more idea about the place of personal responsiblity in this - and you can find some thoughts of mine about this here and about Adam and Eve here
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
You think it's just to punish someone else for the sins of their ancestors?
@mwilasampa9825 Жыл бұрын
We are not born guilty of Adams sin. God doesn't punish us for what we did not do but we suffer the CONSEQUENCES of what they, Adam and eve did. They sinned and the world started dying it was no longer perfect, everything and everyone was affected. The world, animals, plants and Human beings themselves were affected. Everything started dying slowly, there was violence murder, hate etc But when we are born we are not held guilty of Adams sin, God doesn't take it as we were the ones who plucked from the tree, that's being held guilty of Adams sin. We are now born wanting to do wrong more than doing what's right (sinful nature ). We are not born with sin itself(being born guilty ).
@raykidder906 11 ай бұрын
I believe Romans 5 and 7 should be interpreted as St. Paul explaining how he imitated Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. What is wrong with viewing the original sin in the Garden of Eden as being likened to original drunk driving? The original drunk drivers oriented society to the problem of driving while drunk, which resulted in a stigma, prejudice, and punishments against future drunk drivers (even for those who do not get into accidents). Adam was weak through the flesh and was in bondage to the serpent (the law of sin in his members). Romans 7 is largely an explanation as to how he imitated Adam's original sin. This can be seen by looking at the law as the knowledge of good and evil.
@jamesbleess5282 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video. Simply and pleasantly stated. I agree w below, a little more volume would be good.
@Theologymitintan 8 ай бұрын
Amen ! Very clear teaching
@gateway6827 2 жыл бұрын
Thank God for Fr. Dominic. Please have more of him, and less of the modernists.
@ElizabethDMadison 2 жыл бұрын
The encratite heresy tended to teach that the concupiscence and sin of the parents' sexual act transmitted Original Sin to the offspring (and the extreme form of this heresy taught that all Christians should be celibate/continent after Baptism). Since every child was conceived by such an act, everyone inherited Original Sin. In fact, encratism (and several Church Fathers, and if I recall correctly Philo of Alexandria before them) tended to identify the Original Sin itself as sexual in nature. Comparing transmission of Original Sin to a mother's drug abuse damaging the child is a bit dangerously close to the idea that the parents' morally imperfect sex act results in damaged offspring. I don't THINK that the Church today wants to say that the sexual act of parents is the cause of the child being born a sinner--or even that the sum of our own parents' sins means the child is born a sinner. I agreed with the Dominican in the video more when he was talking more generally about transmission of Original Sin with human nature. In the Bible there is a notion one can suss out of every human in a bodily continuity from Adam's body, a notion of all humans as an extension of Adam ("the man"), as a single body. Insofar as all humans are one, they share in the guilt of Adam and the dying of Adam. The same concept of bodily belonging becomes very important to us becoming members of the Body of Christ, the Body that is NOT guilty or dying, but lives forever in unity with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Christ is the New Adam, insofar as we become members of His Body the Church and participants in His righteousness.
@LeslieKlinger 2 жыл бұрын
If I understand him, The Sin of Adam fundamentally changed his nature and we inherit his nature. Am I right?
@michaelocampo1558 2 жыл бұрын
Adam faced the consequences of his disobedience. Evil entered his nature and it damaged the original design of God to Adam and Eve.
@ElizabethDMadison 2 жыл бұрын
@@LeslieKlinger Sounds possible. I'm not a theologian.
@ElizabethDMadison 2 жыл бұрын
@UCD9ppsIyTmLwpEPKW1lXytg You are misinterpreting Scripture. The personal sins of your mom and dad are NOT your fault and you will not be punished for them. But Original Sin is indeed a Biblical teaching. For instance Psalm 51 King David says "in guilt was I born, a sinner was I conceived." We also hear from St Paul the teaching of the original Adam in whom all sinned, and Christ the New Adam, in whom we are made righteous. We need Christ, because human nature is indeed fallen. Mentioning the quran, a false private revelation, is a nonsequitor. No one will be saved except through Jesus Christ the Son of God.
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
@@LeslieKlinger As far as I know this is an open question in Catholic theology. Some theologians think that immortality was just a possibility offered to Adam and Eve but not part of their very nature. They could acquire this, from God's grace if they had stayed obedient to his order not to eat from the other tree (of "knowledge of good and bad" that is "their own moral order").
@uzorshedrackwilfred3683 2 жыл бұрын
Evil began with the original do you explain the origin of other evils in the world. The tree never committed any sin, why do they suffer from evil in the world such as stunted growth, death etc. Honesty I find it hard to believe in the presupposed idea of Adam and Eve being the originators of evil in the universe .
@62peppe62 2 жыл бұрын
It has been revealed by God in person that it is like that.
@angelahull9064 2 жыл бұрын
The evil is in the choice to possess anything less than the perfect goodness of God. First they were tempted with the belief that they were not in fact in union with God and already in possession of all things God has in making them share in His likeness, then they choose disobedience to gain that which they thought they had not. Pride and greed.
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
Some theologians think that immortality was just a possibility offered to Adam and Eve but not part of their very nature. They could acquire this, from God's grace if they had stayed obedient to his order not to eat from the other tree (of "knowledge of good and bad" that is "their own moral order"). Our bodies are parts of this material world and is exposed to all the harmful effects coming from its liberty. As already Saint Paul knew this (Romans 8, 19:23): "For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies." "With physical Good there exists also physical Evil, as long as creation has not reached its perfection" as Saint Thomas d'Aquinas wrote (in Summa Contra Gentiles, Vol III, 71), probably based on the verses quoted above from Paul. Why are there bad things at all in our Universe? Our Universe is not ready yet, according to Christian theology but it is in a process of being born. God lead it to the emergence of humanity by natural causes and human persons themselves contribute to the coming of the Perfect Version, not the least by miracles. These miracles are only small lights that foretell the coming shining (doxa) of the New Heaven and New Earth. We seem to exist in a test phase between hardships and hope. And this dramatic situation makes free place for our personal stories with our free decisions.
@concrete3030 4 ай бұрын
Great video. I have studied this with multiple sources because i was exposed to fundamental heretics who basically believe pelagianism. All claim to be solo scriptura bekievers yet none can show me where the Bible says sin is from imitation. I loved the Hebrew's scripture he used. I also believe that Genesis 8.21 cleary states that humanity is "proned/inclined" to evil. That is concupscience. A natural desire as Paul states that it is the sin within him... and also the Bible clearly state's that "scripture has concluded, that ALL have sinned." Genesis 8:21 Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition 21 And the Lord smelled a sweet savour, and said: I will no more curse the earth for the sake of man: for the imagination and thought of man's heart are prone to evil from his youth: therefore I will no more destroy every living soul as I have done. The only scripture ever offered to deny our fallen nature is how babies are likened to the kingdom of heaven which is completely misrepresented... if this was the case then using the same stadards then "poor in spirit" would also be "sinless" because they will inherit the kingdom also. Both verses are true but both are misinterpreted by the prideful and "unstable minds"
@outofturn 2 жыл бұрын
How could a prefect being made perfect by god, sin if the sin was not in them or at least the susceptive to sin, they were not made perfect. And if as you say the sin came from out side, then, that is the cause of the sin, not their nature. The question is then where is this outside cause come from if not created by the god that created all thing.
@angelahull9064 2 жыл бұрын
It is helpful to consider that orthodox Christianity is not really dualistic. In other words, it does not regard evil as an entity or force equal to good that is either trying to dominate over good or trying to find balance with it. Instead, evil is seen as whatever is less than good, with varying degrees of pollution or corruption, or any choice that turns away from the perfection and goodness of God. For an analogy, there is not really hot versus cold, but the perception of hotter or colder things at varying degrees of thermal energy transferred from the movement of particles. The Kelvin scale best reflects this relationship. Yes, the Bible talks about good verses evil but the war is between those who choose good versus those who choose evil.
@outofturn 2 жыл бұрын
@@angelahull9064 so there is no personification of evil, then who or what was the snake, just another manifestation of god sent to temp them into suffering, this does not sound like a very nice god. either the snake was or was not separate from god. was or was not created my god. If the snake is separate from god then the snake is the cause of original sin and if it is simply a manifestation the same applies.
@angelahull9064 2 жыл бұрын
@@outofturn the Devil was once an angelic creature who was the first to turn away from God. In that sense he can be described as the personification, or first person to carry, of evil. But evil itself is no thing, but the privation of good.
@saintlouissaints 10 ай бұрын
Sin didnt enter mens natures… it entered the world. The bible never says it entered mens nature. Original sin was invented by Augustine. Even history shows that. Thats why the Eastern Orthodox doesn’t hold to it. Augustine didnt speak greek, but latin and the eastern church spoke greek. The eastern church never “picked up” on augustines teachings because of the language barrier. It was invented and its fruit is that people arent accountable for their sin and dont think they can stop sinning.
@gjdsilva2003 Ай бұрын
You seem to have got these ideas from your imagination. You need to know more about St Augustine's stand and the about the understanding of the Orthodox Church
@Tymonie Жыл бұрын
To assert that there was a historical period of "original justice" is hard to reconcile with evolution. Original justice seems more like an eschatological aspiration expressed through myth.
@ropori_piipo Жыл бұрын
I want to understand this simply, so please let me know if I'm accurate: God is perfection, man inherited this perfection when god created man, also god created man 'in his image' thus giving him the will to act out and commit sin. As a result, across time, I've inherited both the perfection of God's grace but also the imperfect original sin of defying god. To me, the Bible 'makes sense' outside of a distinction between the literal and symbolic. It is somehow both. As if this story unfolded nanoseconds before the Big Bang.
@Alex.the.humble 2 жыл бұрын
@gabrielle.sunflower 5 ай бұрын
SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY QUESTION: let’s consider a couple who are both saved and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. So their evil nature has been redeemed and they are now considered justified by God … but shouldn’t that then mean their child should inherit that saved, justified nature? But that’s not the case in real life ??
@Thedisciplemike 4 ай бұрын
No, because we must understand the difference between person and nature. Christ sanctifies humanity, meaning no matter who you are, you can enter into the state of grace/deifying grace, and thus become virtuous. However, individual persons, by their own dignity and free will, must accept this free gift. Parents have an obligation to baptize their children and to raise them virtuously. But ultimately, they will stand before the throne of God and give an account of themselves, not their parents. We are all accountable for what we choose to do. Sanctifying grace deifies us and makes us more like God, i.e., virtuous.
@stephengrenleski1972 Жыл бұрын
Though I mean, if you want to believe everyone is automatically born a sinner and everyone must keep themselves down on a daily basis because everyone believes that they're nothing but a sinner, it's a free country for now, right?
@jzak5723 Жыл бұрын
Psalm 51:5 says we are born sinners.
@feeble_stirrings 2 жыл бұрын
Forgive me if I missed this, but would you say we only inherit the damage and proclivity to sin resulting from the sin of Adam and Eve, or that we also in some way inherit the guilt of that sin as well?
@krishyyfan5153 2 жыл бұрын
I don't agree with ST. Thomas Aquinas on this....I am more in agreement with ST. Augustine....All of humanity is in Adam....So when Adam ate the fruit, we somehow Cooperated and Consented with it.... We are therefore born guilty of Original sin, and we are saved through Baptism....
@mwilasampa9825 Жыл бұрын
We are born more inclined to sin. We are NOT born guilty of Adams sin.
@estebanmoreno8019 2 жыл бұрын
What about mary
@deepakkapurvirtualclass Жыл бұрын
God has free will and He 'always' loves and 'never' does wrong. So, why He does not give the same free will to human beings also. Then, we will also 'always' love and will 'never' do anything wrong. What is the problem in giving such kind of free will to us so that we never commit evil acts and retain our free will also (just like the fact that God has free will but he 'never' does anything wrong)?
@skye-and-clouds 3 ай бұрын
God is Goodness Himself- His very Nature is Good, the basis of all morality as a result of His necessary and essential Nature. You cannot also make humans first causes- what is created cannot be a first cause.
@markwaters5779 8 ай бұрын
I acknowledge that this post expresses standard Roman Catholic doctrine. Nonetheless, as a theologian myself in the Episcopal tradition, I mourn the fact that the Western Church has been more influenced by Augustine and Aquinas than by Irenaeus and Athanasius. I won’t take the space to explain Irenaeus or Athanasius. My point is that this video implies that adhering to the trajectory set by Augustine and Aquinas is the only option for faithfulness to the Christian tradition. The Christian tradition does not speak with one voice. The Bible does not speak with one voice. There are multiple ways to interpret the two contradictory creation myths (Gen 1:1-2:4a and 2:4b-3. And I use “myth” in the best sense of the word - stories that can express profound truth but aren’t historical, scientific, or literal.
@Thedisciplemike 4 ай бұрын
As a Catholic, i love St Irenaeus and St Athanasius. Thats the beauty of being Catholic -- the catholicity of our universal faith. I also love St Augustine and St Aquinas. They all have unique, beautiful, and powerful things to offer the Church. I lament that you aren't Catholic, cuz then you can venerate Sts Irenaeus and Athanasius whereas now, you are forbidden to
@ianb483 2 жыл бұрын
This was an excellent explanation! I believe the matter comes down to this: 1) The human soul is provably immortal because it is rational. 2) The soul is the form of the body. 3) And yet the human body is demonstrably mortal. Such a disjointed state requires an explanation. Furthermore, in order for the rational soul to fulfill its natural good, it must have a body that has been supernaturally elevated to immortality and communion with God, also known as Original Justice. To possess a rational soul that is capable of sin, but without the elevated nature and divine help that comes from communion with God, is to be prone to constant sin. Hence, we inherit Original Sin from Adam by virtue of inheriting his rational nature while NOT inheriting the elevated nature and communion with God that he forfeited. We can infer, then, from the fact that God cannot directly will a defective creature, enslaved to evil with a natural good that it is incapable of reaching, that our first parents (the first creatures granted a rational soul) must have been supernaturally elevated to communion with God and immortality on a probationary basis, but lost it and were reduced back to their merely mortal capacities. The inheritance of Original Sin, then, would be a matter of passing on a LACK of something that had been supernaturally added to human nature, namely a lack of immortality and communion with God that had been forfeited, rather than the addition of a sinfulness created by God. And that's precisely what we see communicated in Genesis. Genesis stresses that man was naturally mortal ("for dust you are, and to dust you will return"), but had been elevated to immortality and relationship to God, something he lost when his sin drove him out of God's presence and forfeited his elevation to immortality.
@brucebarber4104 Жыл бұрын
I just watched a video that mentioned what you stated about, "passing on a lack of something that had been supernaturally added to human nature". The video was about the Divine Will and there were 2 or 3 things that were mentioned that we lost. I think one was impassibility and another was, as you mentioned, immortality. Here's a link to it in case you're interested: God Bless.
@theProfessor1379 Жыл бұрын
very nice expiation
@SeekingVirtueA 2 жыл бұрын
1. BioLogos has an excellent breakdown of the difficulties posed by the doctrine of Original Sin requiring a single pair of human ancestors. I do not see a logical harmonization between the evidence of science and these claims. 2. The Eastern notion of Ancestral Sin makes more moral sense in not ascribing guilt to all humans. See the debate over if BABIES go to hell from Augustine versus Gregory of Nyssa.
@ThomisticInstitute 2 жыл бұрын
We have another video dealing with the genetic and biological evidence, and the question of whether it proves that the human race does not have an original ancestor or original couple. In fact, claiming that there is a single pair of ancestors is compatible with the current state of the scientific research. See here:
@SeekingVirtueA 2 жыл бұрын
I think it is very reasonable to acknowledge the evidence for a single pair ancestry is highly unlikely. That is why many Protestants who don’t have an “infallible” magisterium to defend acknowledge it’s improbability to impossibility. The idea of spiritual humans breeding with non-spiritual humans seems as hoc and desperate to save the dogma. Also, what evidence distinguishes the human like behaviour of Neanderthals and other hominids from Homo sapiens? Artwork and burial of the dead both seem like the works of rational creatures.
@SeekingVirtueA 2 жыл бұрын
For a second perspective from Christians, I recommend the following:
@thebyzantinescotist7081 2 жыл бұрын
Gregory of Nyssa actually held a pretty robust notion of original sin. Although he was more optimistic in his eschatology, his view of original sin was pretty close to Augustine.
@SeekingVirtueA 2 жыл бұрын
Apparently Neanderthals made music 50,000 to 60,000 years ago, so…
@albertosg471 2 жыл бұрын
Question. What does the baptism do to our flawed human nature?
@RicardoGarcia-ib8ro 2 жыл бұрын
Restores the connection between our human nature and God, giving us a new life as adoptive sons of God.
@hopefull61256 2 жыл бұрын
@Ameya Anu that doesn't make sense, all sins except concupisence are washed away?
@concrete3030 4 ай бұрын
​@hopefull61256 concupscience is not a "sin" as in an act.. it is a nature. We do not inherit our parents sinful acts but a nature just as his example of a mother who is a drug addict. The baby feels the affects of her addiction but does not come out of the womb and ask for drugs
@lexludovice3458 Жыл бұрын
You said in your first video that Adam & Eve real existence cannot be proven, but now it seems like you’re saying that they’re really created by God due to original sin. Please explain your doctrine.
@AprendeMovimiento 2 жыл бұрын
We receive that by habituation, our parents habituate us by their actions since we are little babies and that bad habituation makes them and us sin. Original Sin is transmited by actualizing an ancient bad habit
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
If simply doing bad things is proof of sinful nature, then why isn't doing good things also proof of righteous nature? There are too many problems with this video. This is all of course, made doubly absurd when coupled with the catholic doctrine of the immaculate conception.
@AprendeMovimiento 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very simplistic understanding, sin means missing the mark, if the mark or Goam is God himself, aren't we always missing the mark, aren't we always pointing our attentions, lives and worship wronlgy? If you can't recognize that then you must check on you, there is an old eastern prayer that says "Lord Jesus Christ son of God, have mercy on me a sinner", that prayer focuses us on who is Lord and also recognizing how we fail to propperly orient our attention to him. And now the immaculate conception is not that hard to understand, just like John the Baptist was sanctified when Saint Mary visited Saint Elizabeth and she was full of the Holy Spirit making Saint John the Baptist a living saint withiut sin before being born, how much more sanctified was the body who was to receive God incarnate...
@leonardu6094 2 жыл бұрын
@@AprendeMovimiento What does this have to do with what i wrote? They seem to be implying in the video that simply doing evil is proof of a sin nature and I'm applying the logic in the reverse to show it's absurd. You are an agent with the ability to do either good or bad.
@Lerian_V Жыл бұрын
@@leonardu6094 See if this addresses your point of concern
@leonardu6094 Жыл бұрын
@@Lerian_V Thanks for the vioe suggestion. I had watched that in the past and no, it didn't help at all. The doctrine of Original sin is thoroughly problematic from start to finish.
@Cameron-fv4fi 2 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand about this is why the sin itself had to be passed down. The concupiscience, illness, etc. could be passed down without the guilt of the sin itself, no? Obviously this contradicts scripture, so of course the answer is no, but I'm trying to wrap my head around it. The only helpful thing I found in regard to this is the fact that God allowed the sin to be passed down for two reasons: so that human beings would repent and turn to him, and in doing so be in a position to that state of self-reliance and disobedience that cause the fall in the first place; and also so that by allowing the evil of original sin to be passed down God could lead us to a state higher than original Justice, namely, the Beatific Vision.
@nz7921 2 ай бұрын
We can only redeem ourselves by our own good deeds, not by Jesus!
@isaiah3872 44 минут бұрын
How can any of us ever determine that we've done "enough" good deeds to achieve redemption? If we commit another act of wrongdoing after being redeemed as such, why should we be redeemed again?
@michaelpotts5047 11 ай бұрын
I have no problem with evolution or Catholic doctrine revealing the truth of God's love, mercy, and grace.
@dimsim875 Жыл бұрын
So if Adam and Eve didn't sin in the garden of Eden, would Christianity still exist?
@Dr.Nguyen-Bakersfield Жыл бұрын
Is it possible to turn down the volume of the bell at the beginning of the video?
@ThomisticInstitute Жыл бұрын
Thanks for watching, and for noting this! We'll check on the audio. May the Lord bless you!
@TDL-xg5nn Жыл бұрын
If Adam and Eve were immortal before they sinned what was the purpose of the tree of life in the garden? Since they were created immortal such a tree does not seem to have any purpose. A tree that grants immortality for beings who are already immortal does not seem to make sense. William Lane Craig has theorized that Adam and Eve were mortal and would die naturally and their disobedience brought about spiritual death not physical death. That would explain why there was such a tree.
@simonewilliams7224 5 ай бұрын
Yes, because God says so and God cannot make a mistake. By their free choice they defy God. Still in his grace and mercy they are still His people. He’s waiting for their amendment of their souls to Him.
@rethinkingjesus 8 ай бұрын
I am curious as you said,, "children receive from their parents the same nature the parents possess". I think of the Jesuit saying, "give me a child till he is seven and I will give you the man". As I understand that saying any child can be taught the doctrines of any religious belief system and if the parents, Religious Authorities, and culture agree on the doctrines. This means whichever religion we are born into we have an extremely good chance that we will accept that system of religious belief that will become the program we view and judge the world by. These judgements of good doctrine, heresy, false doctrine divides us into warring factions of Christendom. Maybe what Jesus meant when he said we con only enter the kingdom of heaven if we become like a little child He means we unlearn all the religious doctrine and dogma we were taught in childhood and now judge people, cultures, religions, and nations as good, bad, right , or wrong?
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
It was a basic explanation of a basic doctrine of Christian faith. But it seems to me that there are more hardships and open questions than clear and convincing answers in this field, especially as concerning the existence and life of Adam and Eve. See more about it here: So, Original Sin is just another plus mystery of faith in this story. And yes, I believe Catholic faith - but I think this is one of the hardest questions for theologians today.
@SeaJay_Oceans Жыл бұрын
Well, when you study the story of Adam and Eve, remove judgement and apply reason. Adam and Eve initially, are without sin, and have no understanding of good or evil. Using Reason: think of yourself trying to design a true sentient being, independent, thinking, spiritual living beings. If God wanted robots, he could make robots that obey all the time: no freedom. If he wanted just animals, instinctive animals would fear death. But God made Independent humans, capable of 1. overcoming instinct of fear, and 2. reasoning to make their own choices. Once Adam and Eve could reason for themselves, they are Freed from the garden and liberated to take over the Earth. Humans can not discover what is correct, without learning what is incorrect. We can't learn what is right without also understanding what is wrong. The price of Life is death... As children of God, we can use these gifts of learning to decode DNA, edit genes, and create a new creature, with longer life and better health. At the limits of flesh, is cybernetics, and converting flesh into A.I. creating machines to replace the flesh, transferring minds into androids. Even then, not immortal, just 'digital' life... which brings us to the question: What Is 'Life' ? and can A.I. have a Soul ?
@GDKLockout Жыл бұрын
Would it be reasonable to say that Jesus' Messege was God forgiving mankind for Adam and eve?
@navayana 11 ай бұрын
Wow. So all of this is found in Genesis 2 and 3? OK. Reading it now....
@hopefull61256 2 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is that illness and pain, suffering and death existed before humans even came onto the picture. The natural world is ruthless and bloody, where one must consume in order to survive. This, I think is the biggest philiosophical problem in the Church. We humans cannot be the cause of suffering and death, which pre-dates us.
@josephzammit8483 2 жыл бұрын
@ghostapostle7225 7 ай бұрын
We're the cause of human suffering and death, not suffering and death in general.
@PhilMatous 6 ай бұрын
Not sure where you get the idea that suffering and death pre-date us.
@Knsoms 6 ай бұрын
@robertgever3889 2 ай бұрын
Genesis says none of this regarding sin or mortality. Indeed we were expelled from the garden to keep us from eating the fruit of the tree of life and therefore becoming immortal so we were created mortal. Nowhere in the old testament is there any reference to original sin or the wages of that sin. Paul is the inventor of this.
@tedgrant2 6 ай бұрын
It is often thought that God is an intelligent designer. So what safety precautions did he install in the garden ? And exactly why did he put the snake in the garden ?
@rondorazio4921 4 ай бұрын
This has me laughing on the floor!
@michaelabbott9080 Жыл бұрын
So if god himself does not sin,or cause sin...when l read in the OT how he supports slavery and sex slavery,how he committs genocide and infanticide,how he tortures his followedrs,mentally and physically,how he discriminates against women and the l therefore to presume that such behaviour is acceptable...and that to fight against it,is contradicting the will of god and therefore a sin..??
@hongshunelin3393 Жыл бұрын
I have a funny question..... For Jesus is a human,did he have original sin?If not,how did he do that?
@frederickanderson1860 2 жыл бұрын
Unless you Mary. Hence the immaculate conception. How did cain murder his brother, we're did he inherent that nature, from Adam.
@bayreuth79 Жыл бұрын
There is no such thing as inherited guilt. Its as logically impossible as a square-circle. What the good friar neglected to say is that the child 'infected' with original sin warrants eternal damnation if it dies without baptism. That would be like imputing guilt to a child for having HIV because of her cocaine addicted mother. Moreover, this whole notion of original sin and inherited guilt comes from Augustine's reading of Romans 5, which, in turn, was based on Jerome's mistranslation from the Greek into Latin. The Greek does not say that we sinned in Adam but that we sinned because of Adam. This is why the Eastern Orthodox tradition does not have any notion of inherited guilt. The new born child is innocent without any taint of inherited guilt.
@jzak5723 Жыл бұрын
If there isn't any other way to refute somebody's position from Scripture alone, you can always say that they had a bad translation. How pathetic.
@bayreuth79 Жыл бұрын
@@jzak5723 NT scholars all agree that it’s a mistranslation, including the Catholic New Jerome Biblical Commentary. So, I’m afraid it’s your position that is pathetic, as you refuse to face facts.
@jzak5723 Жыл бұрын
@@bayreuth79 They're YOUR facts, that's the problem. I'm Catholic, not Orthodox, for a reason.
@jzak5723 Жыл бұрын
@@bayreuth79 The real fact is, the balance of Romans 5 supports the notion of original sin, as well as the Bible as a whole, even putting aside verse 12.
@popinjs2 9 ай бұрын
Copied elsewhere for clarification for fellow Catholics: 1. We assume the condition of mortality out of the initial sin of Adam, 2. We are inclined to evil as a result, and 3. We become distant from God. The Catholic Church doesn't teach that the actual culpa (blame/guilt) from Adam remains in us. The Church does use the term 'original sin', though, to cover all the above points. This misunderstanding also comes from the tendencies of some western theologians to actually try to bend it to that direction. And using the Roman legal terminology of 'guilt' to cover both the reatus (liability) and the culpa, canons of Trent invoking 'the guilt of original sin' do sound as if we made people guilty of committing the sin of Adam. But these are all Thomistic language. And Thomas Aquinas himself clearly makes a demarcation in the term 'original sin'. So no, we don't have the 'guilt' or the 'blame' of the actual deed of Adam. But we inherit that 'liability', that lack of union with God that we call sanctifying grace. No guilty babies.
@jlund43 2 жыл бұрын
I find it difficult to reconcile what we know about our human ancestry with what the Catholic Church teaches us. We KNOW we are descended from humans that lived approx 500,000 years ago (take Australopithecus, for example). How does one reconcile Genesis and the Doctrine of Original Sin being passed on down to Noah (and the deluge) which would have HAD to wipe out all humans? Australian aborigines have a 80,000 year unbroken lineage of oral and artistic history… no flood. The reindeer herding peoples of Scandinavia over 25,000 years… no flood wiped them out. Chino Norte civilization, Neolithic dynasty…. No flood. I could go on. The Doctrine of Original Sin has flaws as it’s taught as it conflicts with what we KNOW to be true.
@scribeofsolace 2 жыл бұрын
I get what you're saying. So would you say that the whole Bible has gaps as such?...
@bigbearn1383 2 жыл бұрын
The dating mechanisn are based on assumptions .no one knows exactly how carbon reacted in the before a global flood. Most scientist will not even postulate such an event even when the evidence is abundant. The skeletal remains of men who look like large men are in fact those known as nephelism as mentioned in genesis....the scientists who are mostly bias will not dare postulate such a possibility. The fathers of the Church and mystics speak of these falling humans. The scientists mistakenly ascribe them as an evolutionary process. No, they are a product of sexual generational and perverted sexual sin . The big bang has no proof. Which scientists was there to witness it. It's based on a philosophical assumption and not on science. The big bang assumptions has gone through so many adhock theories that it's becoming a joke. They need to invent black matter, dark energy and a host of other ideas to make the big bang fit the actual observations. The origin is an historical account . Science can only do so much.
@jlund43 2 жыл бұрын
@@bigbearn1383 Then you remain in the error of Sola Scriptura… to deny that which we can discern through our god-given Reason simply because Genesis says so is Error with a capital E.
@ElizabethDMadison 2 жыл бұрын
The Catholic Church does not take the flood story etc in the literal way that you are assuming. You are mistaking the genre of the Adam and Eve story and the Noah story. The story of Abraham is generally considered the first specifically historical story in the Bible. The Bible is not a science book. It is true and without error on matters of faith and morals. Recent Popes have regarded scientific theories of evolution as compatible with God being the Creator and there having been specific first true humans (Adam and Eve).
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
The Noah story is just pure fiction. And noone can tell what - and especially how - can be taken literally of the myth of Genesis and who Adam and Eve really was or whom their figures represent. And still the Catholic doctrines (eg. of Original Sin) might formally still be kept - although very blurred... See more about this here: It would be useful to mention the notion of "mystery of faith" here, at least. We cannot pretend we know everything exactly and clearly in this field.
@brandonrobinson1603 2 жыл бұрын
So if God becoming Man fixed our human nature and furthermore elevated our nature to a state that resides higher than our original nature in Adam- is that how the holy spirit effected everyone? Because his crucifixion redeemed our fallen nature and thus awakening in all of us a better sense of aiming towards "the good" aka God? (Since we share that Human Nature and thus anyone that redeems it would be felt and changed in every Human?) Also, although indeed this is great news that God had mercy on us and not only made a plan to save humanity but successfully executed said plan- how do we receive the promise of salvation? Is Jesus considered to be the bridge to heaven because he cannot fix our nature on the inside forcefully due to freewill? And since we are so weak, fallen and broken we don't stand a chance of redeeming ourselves while on Earth thus meaning all we can do is praise Jesus for reaching out of His way for us to bring us back to fulfillment, a fulfilment that now can only be experienced in Heaven with God through the human-nature-saving Jesus Christ? Here is my attempt at cliff noting my understanding of the answers to my questions, please examine and point out my misleadings if any: Human Nature was good and life was eternal. Through free will we poisoned ourselves and introduced death and disease. By the sending of Christ, God took Human Nature upon himself to experience our human nature and to die triumphantly without engaging sin (although being fully man still endured the hardship of sins deep temptations), thus creating our first and only bridge back to a Grace Filled Human Nature (only the new revived Human Nature in heaven is even greater than what we originally experienced as Adam and Eve). However, Free Will means we must voluntarily acknowledge that indeed we are fallen and in need of saving, recognizing that God created the only opportunity for salvation through the bridge of Jesus Christ, accepting this as your personal truth and reality and then living the rest of your days as a reflection of how Christ behaved in able to prove to God that you have indeed acknowledged the above mentioned and desire to be saved, in order to experience the promise and plan of salvation that God has laid out for us. And to not do what I have laid out would to leave you with only one option after death which would be to go to Hell where your soul is tormented at the new found revelation that you didn't acknowledge or love God in your lifetime and that Hell is more comfortable than the pain you would feel in Heaven knowing you denied God with your Free Will. Purgatory being your third option where you either believed in God and didn't behave like it thus warranting purification before Heaven, never turned toward the truth but was saved from Hell by prayers from those who knew you, or put in purgatory by the mercy of Jesus after your death, not wanting to see you burn in Hell (although it is mysterious to me when and why some people rather than others would receive such a blessing) and that through Purgatory (a state of loving and yearning for God now that you understand you were wrong to deny him on Earth) will purify you, albeit slowly, to the point of eventual salvation and eternity in Heaven, thus proving Purgatory is a purification provided by mercy and not by punishment. Now I know that cliff noting is not the most effective way of deep understanding- but from a birds eye view in a generalized sense, would you say that what I have stated is an accurate understanding of our current human reality? And if not, could you clarify what I am getting wrong?
@jaggedlines2257 Жыл бұрын
@t3br00k35 2 жыл бұрын
No we don’t
@INFINITY_117 4 ай бұрын
Now I know myself....
@raajrajan1956 Жыл бұрын
Proclivity to commit sin is inborn ,to put it simply.
@Amanda-cd6dm Жыл бұрын
I see in the Bible after Adam and Eve where it says that every man will pay for their own spin the physical father will no longer go on the child therefore I don't feel like I should have to die so let's see what happens then cuz you know I'm all for proving God's real but if y'all are going to say that his word is not y'all's word that it's actually his word well I've read it and I shouldn't have to put up with Adam's sin anymore and being punished to death for it because I'm not paying for the sins of my father Adam I am supposed to pay for my own
@joelemeka55 Жыл бұрын
I have a question , if human sin brought death to the world, why then do animals die, they didn't commit sin.
@justinmiller9899 7 ай бұрын
Because….Fuck them turtles
@jiwankurseong 4 ай бұрын
Good question, but they don't have any answer. If sin is inherited from Adam & Eve, then why do Christians give birth to children (sinner)? ''No children, no sinner.'' 😅 This is hypocrisy.......!
@davidrasch3082 2 жыл бұрын
Is the Catechism referenced the 'green cover' edition of the 'blue cover' edited and corrected by pope francis?
@ThomisticInstitute 2 жыл бұрын
There have been no changes to the Catechism on this point. Both of the editions you refer to have exactly the same text at CCC #388. You can find it here:
@davidrasch3082 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThomisticInstitute THANX
@frederickanderson1860 5 ай бұрын
What about Enoch Elijah
@sulongenjop7436 2 ай бұрын
If we do not have/inherit original sin, our infants are born sinless and therefore we do not need a saviour/Jesus anymore!!!😅
@Saturday288 5 ай бұрын
Am I evil
@davidthehermit7813 2 жыл бұрын
pretty good video, now give us a deeper explanation of paradise/the garden, Methuselah, the food, and the eight souls saved, from which the entire human race was preserved, and how when one is restored to God through the sacrament of reconciliation, we are still inflicted with scourge of concupiscence.
@chadefallstar Жыл бұрын
what do you have to say about the sin of priests molesting young children?
@elendil354 Жыл бұрын
This is a really huge roadblock for me to accept christianity. Because the ideas that enter my mind are not freely willed by me. They form a sort of buffé of possible options that my free will then can choose from. Since we are limited and not omnicient this is how it must be for us and all created creatures. The only possible source for these different "dishes" at my (and everybody elses) "mind buffé" must be God. Since he must be responsible for what no creature can be responsible for, namely that which is outside all creatures minds. So lets assume that only God, Satan, Adam & Eve exists. Whose responsibility is it that Satan got the idea to decieve Eve into disobediance? On that day Satan must have been browsing his minds internal buffé of possible actions. Filled with dishes he did not put there! For the idea that two dishes could be combined in improper ways is it self another "dish" in the buffé. A dish that must have had its source in God before Satan could ever have had it. I just cant find the room to insert Evil. Most other things in Christianity makes sense to me, but the "its free wills fault" argument makes no sense to me.
@brucebarber4104 Жыл бұрын
Regarding Satan, perhaps this video, "Angelic Knowledge and Choice w/Fr Gregory Pine OP" will help:
@elendil354 Жыл бұрын
@@brucebarber4104 Thank you, have seen it before but rewatched it. Unfortunately it did not answer my question.
@frederickanderson1860 5 ай бұрын
11:28 they going back to the past because they know their reign over millions of lives is over .the glory they inherited from their forged donation of Constantine and isodorian Decretals is over.
@NickEdgington 2 жыл бұрын
A child born of a drug addict mother in not guilt. If that were the case sins would compound with each subsequent generation. Christ might alleviate us from an original sin, but how are subsequent inherited transgression handled. This drug addict child you spoke who now has the sins of it mother on it soul, much find salvation from sin her sin on their own.
@gaetanobarbagallo1380 4 ай бұрын
Sry but….no :). In Ephesians Paul was talking about death and also in Roman 12:5 was talking about death….if you read carefully the text says that what is spread is death, no sin or Adam’s guilt. We sin because we do. Period. Adam did, we do. Every human soon or later sin and became guilt in front of God. We are not perfect and holy, only God is, we are fallible, God not. We inherit death, we inherit a relationship outside the garden, in a different environment, with differents feelings and so on but, as Adam sinned we do….because we are…. dust :) and with no presence of God and Holy Ghost we are….nothing :).
@underconstruction778 4 ай бұрын
Its a belief system
@haroldgamarra7175 2 жыл бұрын
Do humans inherit the guilt from Adam and Eve's sin? As far as i know, that's the main difference between Catholic Original sin and Orthodox Ancestral sin. You seem to have described the latter rather than the former.
@angelahull9064 2 жыл бұрын
Not guilt but the corruption the good nature they were created to have. Called concupiscence.
@illyrian9976 2 жыл бұрын
There is no substantive difference between the Orthodox and Catholic view of original sin, it's just that Orthodox misunderstood the Catholic view and thought there is a massive difference there when there simply isn't
@ezrawilson6986 Жыл бұрын
There was no Adam and Eve. Original sin is a fable based on pre-scientific mythology, and the Catholic church is simply wrong. If you want to know what really happened in humanity's past, read Darwin's "Descent of Man." We didn't fall, we evolved.
@alphazero5614 Жыл бұрын
Evolution is compatible.
@Elvengem Жыл бұрын
yes i believe through our human fathers we carry the sin of Adam and Eve. Jesus was born without a human father and did not inherit the sin. he was the seed of Eve. He was Son of Adam(man) in the title as Second Adam,and He did descend from Adam as a son from Mary his descendant.
@Ciupanezu1923 Жыл бұрын
Uncontacted tribes are covering their intimacy. They never been taught Religion, they never see other humans. So the answer is Yes!
@hornplayer1228 2 жыл бұрын
The "Original" sin was acts and omissions of 1/3 of the original inhabitants of Heaven that actually occurred in Heaven when Satan stirred up a rebellion against the rightfully God-appointed King of Heaven. This resulted in the fall when we were all consigned to Paradise - a spiritual sphere somewhat lower than Heaven. A fast-track attempt to rehabilitate all the fallen spirits failed due to the further disobedience of Adam and Eve, two former spiritual leaders of Heaven, in the Garden of Eden which was located in Paradise. The Garden of Eden was a spiritual garden and not located on earth as many believe today. The physical world did not exist at that time and was brought into existence as a result of the second fall when God put together His Secret Plan of Redemption. 1 Corinthians 2:7: "We proclaim the mysterious plan conceived by God in His wisdom, a plan which has hitherto been concealed, but which God established before time began in order to lead us back to glory. This plan was known to none of the rulers of this world, (Satan/Lucifer) for otherwise, they would not have crucified the lord of glory." There is a subtle clue in that passage with the phrase "before time began." Time does not exist in Heaven and this phrase indicates that there was need for a Redemptive Plan before the physical universe was created. In actual fact the physical creation was an important element of God's Plan of Redemption. Everyone on earth is concerned with their destination at the end of their life but few stop to think about the reason they are on earth, how they came to be on earth, or why did they need to be redeemed.
@michaelabbott9080 Жыл бұрын
"Jesus died for somebody's sins...but not mine"....Patti Smith..
@unclecarl5406 Жыл бұрын
If Jesus took on all the sins of the world onto himself. For us. Shouldn't he be burning in hell for all eternity. And, if those sins don't send you to hell. Then it was pointless him taking them on.
@southernlady1109 22 күн бұрын
Romans 5:12 Therefore, just as THROUGH ONE MAN, SIN ENTERED INTO THIS WORLD, AND THROUGH SIN, DEATH; SO ALSO DEATH WAS TRANSFERRED TO ALL MEN, TO ALL WHO HAVE SINNED. 5:13 For even before the law, sin was in the world, but sin was not imputed while the law did not exist. 5:14 Yet death reigned from Adam until Moses, even in THOSE WHO HAVE NOT SINNED, IN THE LIKENESS OF THE TRANSGRESSION OF ADAM, who is a figure of him who was to come. 5:15 But the gift is not entirely like the offense. For though by the offense of one, many died, yet much more so, by the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, has the grace and gift of God abounded to many. 5:16 And the sin through one is not entirely like the gift. For certainly, the judgment of one was unto condemnation, but the grace toward many offenses is unto justification. 5:17 For though, by the one offense, death reigned through one, yet so much more so shall those who receive an abundance of grace, both of the gift and of justice, reign in life through the one Jesus Christ. 5:18 Therefore, just as THROUGH THE OFFENSE OF ONE, ALL MEN FELL UNDER CONDEMNATION, so also through the justice of one, all men fall under justification unto life. 5:19 For, just as THROUGH THE DISOBEDIENCE OF ONE MAN, many were established as sinners, so also through the obedience of one man, many shall be established as just. Jesus saves us baptized with The Holy Spirit & Holy Water from original sin. Sins committed after Baptism have to be confessed, we have to receive absolution & Penance to serve to be forgiven by God. That’s why He instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession). He exhorts through His Priests as they are in persona Christi when enacting His Sacraments. 2 Cor 5:18-20, Jn 20:21-23, Mt 9:8, 16:18-19, 18:17-18. If we die in mortal sin, we chose to be separated from God. He honors our choices for eternity. There’s no hope left. If we die in Venial sin, we have to be purged of it to enter Heaven, as nothing impure can enter. Purgatory is a complete cleansing of our souls on the way to Heaven. We’re to pray for the souls in Purgatory to receive comfort & be released from their sins. 1 Cor 3:15, Mt5:25-26, 1 Pet 3:18-20, 1 Jn 5:16-17, Jn 19:11, Rev 21:27, 2 Macc 12:43-46
@frankie3041 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, but please can the audio be a little bit louder? Thank you again.
@wilhufftarkin8543 2 жыл бұрын
I second that
@BellBiv 3 ай бұрын
The short answer is, no
@chrisangle9223 8 ай бұрын
I don't agree...please check a teaching on '' Original Sin '' from Eric's ministry channel '' Shattering False Foundations "" it can be found on youtube it is lengthy and rightly divides the word God Bless.
@tomedwards1841 9 ай бұрын
Why does the whole world ignore the cow, I mean the elephant in the room? Adam's sin was that he allowed a woman to beguile him into joining her in eating from the serpent's fruit. That is what has been passed down to today; Wars, rumors of wars ... mostly caused by thugs in a position of power listening to the scheming of their women. Women jealous of the wealth of other women. Just like today. The "Glamor" of power. That is the original sin. Empowering the mud-groveling body.
@FGilly-iz6gx 8 ай бұрын
You horrible ridiculous person
@zenuno6936 4 ай бұрын
Yet Adam also had the responsibility of protecting the garden, so he should have protected her from the snake, just like husbands have to spiritually protect their wives.
@richardashton9490 2 жыл бұрын
Very good, but I wish you would slow down.
@inTruthbyGrace Жыл бұрын
yes *_death_* entered into the world by SIN and *_DEATH_* passed upon all men because all sin (Romans 5:12) .. but GUILT is not inherited. To suggest that we inherit GUILT from Adam is a lie. God Himself says Roman Catholics do NOT know the Word of God and so they do not KNOW Jesus. A crisis eternity awaits those who do not know Jesus (Matt 7:21-27) "Only the one who sins shall die. The son shall not be charged with the guilt of his father, nor shall the father be charged with the guilt of his son." Ez 18:20 God COMMANDED man to "Be fruitful, and multiply" (Gen 1:28)... there is but 1 way for mankind to multiply, it is NOT a sin to obey God... only the devil teaches otherwise. the mere suggestion that sin in inherited is specified as antichrist doctrine for the the very implication it has on the incarnation (1Jn1:14, 2Jn1:7): if sin is inherited from Adam EITHER Jesus was NOT born of the flesh of David (Acts 2:30, Rom 1:3) OR Jesus was not born sinless (Heb 4:15)
@raykidder906 11 ай бұрын
I believe Romans 5 and 7 should be interpreted as St. Paul explaining how he imitated Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. What is wrong with viewing the original sin in the Garden of Eden as being likened to original drunk driving? The original drunk drivers oriented society to the problem of driving while drunk, which resulted in a stigma, prejudice, and punishments against future drunk drivers (even for those who do not get into accidents). Adam was weak through the flesh and was in bondage to the serpent (the law of sin in his members). Romans 7 is largely an explanation as to how he imitated Adam's original sin. This can be seen by looking at the law as the knowledge of good and evil. Adam was originally made too weak through the flesh and was not self sufficient to overcome the deceptions from the devil. Adam needed God's grace to overcome this, and so does his posterity.
@concrete3030 4 ай бұрын
Please explain your comment about how he was "made weak through the flesh?"
@raykidder906 4 ай бұрын
@@concrete3030 This is from Romans 8 (NKJV): 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. St. Paul and those who walked according to the flesh inherited Adam’s original condition from birth. This is similar to the principle of bad driving for those who genetically inherit the physiology of alcoholism. This meant the law could not accomplish a life in obedience to God’s commands (without the strength provided by walking through the Spirit). Eve was Adam’s flesh, so Adam was weak through Eve, resulting in the original transgression and the legacy of death for those who are in the flesh.
@concrete3030 4 ай бұрын
@@raykidder906 so we inherited weak flesh from Adam
@raykidder906 4 ай бұрын
@@concrete3030 Yes, as that makes sense to me. Read I Corinthians 15 which teaches of the differences between Adam and Jesus.
@concrete3030 4 ай бұрын
@raykidder906 thanks for the kind replies.. I asked because some prodestants believe in pelagianism and that a weak flesh is not inherited but sin is caused from imitation not propagation.. basically denying original sin doctrine and using this to deny the rest of the teachings of the church
@ozziejohn571 2 жыл бұрын
Very difficult to absolve God of responsibility for original sin for as an all knowing creator it was obviously part of his plan. Also seems a weak argument to blame the creature. I reckon God’s plan means breaking a few eggs- maybe the end will justify the means.
@bigburrito308 Жыл бұрын
You know I kinda wish after hearing this that I was born a duck. You're born with duck nature you die with duck nature and then you go to heaven or you just get obliterated. That seems like a much better option than going to heaven or going to hell. And I also don't understand how Adam and eve could commit a sin if they had no knowledge of good and evil before taking the fruit that made them aware of sin. The Bible does doesn't make any sense and I'm trying to understand it every day but I just can't and it pisses me off that God won't help elaborate or talk to me divinely when I ask for help
@billc3114 2 жыл бұрын
We do not have a divine nature do we? That's only Jesus with a dual nature. We have a human nature that suffers from concubessence right? We do not have a nature like God but a God given nature.
@frederickanderson1860 5 ай бұрын
He permits it if thats so why did God repented he made man in Noah's time.
@Zevelyon 2 жыл бұрын
Doesn’t the Catholic Church teach a non-literal reading of Adam and Eve?
@62peppe62 2 жыл бұрын
Even if it were so, non literal doesn't mean false.
@Zevelyon 2 жыл бұрын
@@62peppe62 Yes, but it’s talked about as necessarily literal in this video by a Catholic monk.
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zevelyon One should be cautious with the meaning of "literal" here. The Noah story is just pure fiction, for example. And noone can tell what - and especially how - can be taken literally of the myths of Genesis and who Adam and Eve really was or whom their figures represent. And still the Catholic doctrines (eg. of Original Sin) might formally still be kept - although very blurred... See more about this here: It would be useful to mention the notion of "mystery of faith" here, at least. We cannot pretend we know everything exactly and clearly in this field.
@Zevelyon 2 жыл бұрын
@@akostarkanyi825 How do you know the Noah story is pure fiction? Have you heard of the younger dryas and the Greenland Comet impact site? I believe it is literal. I also believe Adam and Eve are presented quite clearly to be literal human individuals in a clearly defined literal environment located in Turkey. I'm not saying I know that to be correct, but I do believe this Monk is correct to suggest these accounts must be literal for them to matter.
@akostarkanyi825 2 жыл бұрын
@@Zevelyon This (only a hypothesis) is not about a deluge covering even the highest mountains on Earth. "these accounts must be literal for them to matter" I do not think so and many theologians do not agree, I guess. And about Noah and his story see, for example, this, and the other similar links there:
What Was Life Like in the Garden of Eden? On Original Justice (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 25 М.
How Do We Interpret the Genesis Creation Accounts? (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 57 М.
Офицер, я всё объясню
История одного вокалиста
Рет қаралды 5 МЛН
Man Mocks Wife's Exercise Routine, Faces Embarrassment at Work #shorts
Fabiosa Best Lifehacks
Рет қаралды 6 МЛН
Bishop Barron on Original Sin
Bishop Robert Barron
Рет қаралды 262 М.
What does Genesis tell us about Adam and Eve? (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 16 М.
Michael Heiser critiques the “church-age” long doctrine of Original Sin
The Darkness of Faith and the Mind's Encounter with God (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 47 М.
What is the Orthodox Perspective on Original Sin?
Trisagion Films
Рет қаралды 107 М.
Original Sin
Catholic Productions
Рет қаралды 41 М.
Here's What Nobody Told You About Adam And Eve
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Рет қаралды 2,6 МЛН
Did Adam and Eve Really Exist? (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 54 М.
The Persons of the Trinity (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 100 М.
Angelic Knowledge and Choice (Aquinas 101)
The Thomistic Institute
Рет қаралды 52 М.