these days i find myself swearing more .........using words like fuck bollocks & shit in my speech ........although i think it is unecessary to swear & is ugly...........i justify it to myself as a way of expressing my frustration & dissatisfaction with both the diabolical deteriorating reality of our society in Britain & America ..........& at my own personal disempowerment to do what is right ..........or do anything at all .........i agree with what you are doing ........i believe in the power of words language & thought to raise up humanity to a higher standard .......although i have never used the word epediectic before ........i am moved to attempt such a speech with you ..........i do not want to be a critic .........but i can't help wonder if your preoccupation is not a way to distract yourself too from the wretched realities of life in America for so many......... that have fallen so far short of the ideals of a Republic envisioned & strived for by the Founding Fathers such as Thomas Jefferson .........have you not considered entering the public arena of politics to use your command of language to take a stand for the ideals of the American Dream ?.........i know what it is like to be completely ignored's demeaning one in the world is interested in what i have been saying about this ancient death trap that was intentionally imposed on humanity ...........& unfairly blamed on Britain & America as ongoing policy ........or is willing to face up to our ongoing SABOTAGE that i do not believe will work .......... best wishes to you sigh