More than Irm's theme. Its the theme for "anything that appeared in SRW4/F/F Final", which I believe is Gilliam (not on PS2, or mabye only SRWOGS-OG1), Irm, Ring, Huckebine Mk1, Grungust, Grungust Unit 2, Geshpenst R, Mk2R, S, and Mk2S.
@iiiiiifggffggffgfgfg14 жыл бұрын
@Warrior536 They mass-produced Grungust Mk2's in @Gaiden. If you get zero skill points you get Ryuusei in one. There's also a level where you fight AI-controlled Mk2s. Apparently they decided mass-produced super robots was bad or something. Pretty common, the only show I can think of with a lot of mass-produced supers is Gunbuster and some of the Getter shows.
@parnash15 жыл бұрын
8-Bit Calamity Sword! ZAN!!
@SirFuzzi16 жыл бұрын
OG3 on NES gogogo
@bjdhaak16 жыл бұрын
cool =) goed gedaan
@oirenka522311 жыл бұрын
3rd srw og? would be nice to see some 8 bit ported games :)
@iiiiiifggffggffgfgfg14 жыл бұрын
@Warrior536 Yeah. In @G the T-link system was removed, as was the final sword attack. And Maxi Blaster was not all that good. In any case, the rumour is that they want supers to be "special" and thus there aren't any MP Grungusts. IIRC there's mass-produced supers in the mazinger series, but as far as I can tell not in the actual TV shows. MP Greats have shown up in a few SRW games, as has the "Black Great" (an 'official' MP Great, the others were made by bad guys).