Tom MacDonald - If I Was Black (YOUNG BLACK MALE REACTION!!)

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@RealSimbaTv 5 жыл бұрын
@michaelconstantine6581 5 жыл бұрын
Hey man gimmie a shout out. I was A1 since Day 1 mane
@TheRekrez 5 жыл бұрын
Love your stuff bro...please keep it up!!!
@odins_asylum4221 5 жыл бұрын
Yo Simba I'm gonna try to hit you up around September maybe sooner to talk business. My channel and my brothers channel gonna need some reviewing from the king of reactions very soon. #ChaseThatDream
@noneyab9660 5 жыл бұрын
ill be watching brother
@dennismcclain590 5 жыл бұрын
Dude why the bullshit video about UTube fk'n with you
@incubus755 5 жыл бұрын
Simba I see where you are coming from on the phone thing, but to play devils advocate for a second, what if it weren't a phone? The best thing to do in this situation or any other is to not reach for anything. Odd glares can happen and officer could think it was a gun. I agree no one should die over a phone, but again, if you never reach... I keep my hands in full view at all times when in the presence of police. Just a thought. Should a kid die over a phone? No. Could the cop have made an honest mistake? Yes. Would this happen if hands stay in plain sight? You tell me. I think telling black kids to fear the police is a dangerous gamble. Reaching for a phone to record or running from the police is not the best foot to start off with.
@shanewilliams647 5 жыл бұрын
I agree. If you’re told to keep your hands up and get on the ground, put your hands up and get on the ground. Don’t go searching in your pockets and not expect to have consequences on it.
@claytonweeks2560 5 жыл бұрын
Daktar I’m with you. the cop isn’t going to wait and see what the kids pulling out like a magician. They’re trained to defend themselves
@incubus755 5 жыл бұрын
@@claytonweeks2560 The key point of this is about teaching people how to correctly handle interactions with the police. That is what needs to be taught and talked about but the media is too busy pushing a narrative about cops killing teenagers.
@brunoribeiro2339 5 жыл бұрын
@@claytonweeks2560 not so much as "trained to defend themselves" as wanting to make it through the day alive. Not saying that bad, stupid cops don't exist but, regardless of the color of the person a cop is facing, the cop is still a person with family maybe even kids and at the end of the day they just want to make home to their family alive. So, don't reach for anything in your pockets when facing a cop.
@matthewcosby216 5 жыл бұрын
My father is a cop and I recall countless times that he’s told me that he almost shot someone for reaching for a phone and such because they are trained to expect the worst
@halfsquatch5110 5 жыл бұрын
Here's the question I have; do people honestly think that me being a different skin color than them, makes my life either better or worse? Also, about double the amount of whites are killed by cops every year than blacks. This is despite the fact that black people on average have FAR more interactions with police than white people. I'm white ish, but I've been arrested, dragged out of my car at gunpoint, spent time in jail, and I was born dirt fuckin poor. Your skin color doesn't really make much difference, but if the only thing you see on TV is one side of the story, then you start believing in that narrative
@Neonytic 5 жыл бұрын
@@amysewell8141 uhhh... But disproportionate represantation in crimes though. You can't leave that out of the equation, since you did the rest of the math. C'mon, don't be doin' it like that, I'm sure you're better than that.
@charlbrassell2001 5 жыл бұрын
majority of interactions regardless of race is because the person doesn't know how to interact ot cooperate, more parents need to raise their kids with more respect and teach them how to handle authority regardless how rude or messed up a cop might be …..ive been arrested quite a few times and messed with even more regardless if it was back in day when i was doing wrong or when i was straight didn't matter how cop acted....i kept my words to a minimum said yes sir no sir and cooperated cause ive personally seen countless times when with a friend them mouthing off etc acting a damn fool and its completely uneccesary and causes shit to get insanely worse.....why do that to yourself period. and that's not saying there isn't a lot of times where cops are just straight racist or assholes. regardless if you in right or wrong just fucking listen.
@amysewell8141 5 жыл бұрын
Samuel .Lescelius and please keep in mind I also speak from experience. I’m biracial, black dad white mom, but I look white. I worked in 2 prisons, I’m 38 and never been arrested. My husband is black and a firefighter. We moved to a small town to be close to his post. The first 2 weeks here we were pulled over 8 times for shit like “broken tail lights” that weren’t broken or parking in a place, that’s not a no parking zone (no signs, color curbs, fire hydrants) and getting our kids from school. But the 1st time was the worst. I don’t drink, haven’t done drugs since I was 16. Got pulled over in a rental for speeding which we weren’t, we were actually behind a sheriff who pulled off the road to get behind us. We were stopped at 10AM and after more sheriffs, highway patrol and local police came (6 units all together) I was arrested at 1pm and charged with a DUI and spent my first day ever in jail. 5 months later I got a letter from the DA stating the charges were dropped cuz there was no drugs and alcohol in my system. Mind u, we were in rental and my husband had been on a fire and forgot to renew his license. The cop knew that cuz he took his ID first thing when he took mine. Meaning even if I was drunk or high he wouldn’t be able to drive the car, so they called a tow truck, but they gave him 4 field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer too and accused him of being on something, they didn’t even believe he was a firefighter. I used to think it was a coincidence that I have been pulled over quite a few times and the only times I got a ticket was if there was a black man in my car, including my own father. I know I’ve said a lot. If you made it this far I’m sorry I ranted so much but I’m sensitive about this kind of stuff. For everyone saying this is wrong and they don’t agree, there’s someone else saying it’s right and they do agree. I wish there could just be an understanding that, as long as we all want equality and respect, everyone is right in their own way.
@sethgrillo9429 5 жыл бұрын
Well spoken welcome to the age of technology and the media they only post what will draw attention to bring in revenue
@amysewell8141 5 жыл бұрын
Charl Brassell is it not accurate that this age of cell phones have caught police showing out? I get your point about how ppl interact and agree to an extent. IMO after a while it gets hard to respect them. We shouldn’t HAVE to be respectful when we aren’t respected. We shouldn’t have to just comply if we’ve done nothing wrong. If they flex their authority we should flex our rights. And I’m not talking about criminals. I’m talking the law abiding citizens who are constantly harassed and tired of it. My husband is a freaking firefighter and he still gets pulled over all the time, for nothing. It ends with a handshake and no ticket cuz 1. He did nothing to get pulled over (broken tail light that’s not broken) and 2. They see his firefighter ID. After a while that shit fucks with my head cuz he and I both abide by the law. We have to since he’s a firefighter. Yet we get harassed on the regular
@noneyab9660 5 жыл бұрын
i am pursuing a career as a cop right now should be in the academy next year (yes i'm white) but i grew up in trailer parks and ghettos watching my family judged and killed and harassed by cops daily so my goal is to try to change the way things are. I want to be able to be a good clean cop and as my career goes longer i want to pass this way of thinking to any future police i would have the honor of working with and train. and if i can save or change even one persons future for the better my career will be worth it all.
@killall101 5 жыл бұрын
God speed and I wish you the best
@noneyab9660 5 жыл бұрын
@@killall101 thank you its an uphill battle but if no one tries no one can change things
@killall101 5 жыл бұрын
Absolutely brother. Keep your head up, guard up, and you'll do great
@phreequenci 5 жыл бұрын
Will be thinking of you and your journey for many moons sending you good vibes and believing in your mission. Peace and love brother
@davidsgameworld2087 5 жыл бұрын
Wasn't sure if i was going to see this from you or not with the way youtube is trying to shut you out. You keep putting in work bro. Much love.
@brandonn8858 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you Simba for respecting a cops duty... Everyone should know not to pull something out of your pocket while in a situation like that..White, Black, Latino it doesn't matter color or race.
@andrewgrumbles2458 5 жыл бұрын
Ok so explain you say not to pull anything out your pocket so if your I'd in your pocket what you supposed to do
@looneybin3991 5 жыл бұрын
Andrew Grumbles have that shit out before you come to a stop. Or inform the officer where it is and ask if you can get it out. Very simple.
@neurion1985 5 жыл бұрын
Jimi St. Jacques had a black friend of mine say, “I’d prefer if I could step out and you get it from my pocket.” The officer was puzzled at first(probably cause he seemed like a good one) and didn’t see race), then said absolutely. Just like everyone says people should talk about things. Cops are people too. The good ones are actually here to “help” everyone. It’s the bad ones or legitimate accidents that get all the headlines. Just a true life example is all. ✌️
@brandonn8858 5 жыл бұрын
Andrew the officer will ask for your ID and kindly reply its in my pocket and ask to reach for it in a calm manner and wait for him to answer. It doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure things like this out.
@leathal918 5 жыл бұрын
Facts are facts this song is a step backwards he told people to not stereotype whites but turns around and gives black people a free pass to play the "victim" card. Thats a fact. Period. #NoRespectForThis
@melissawright6211 5 жыл бұрын
A "victim" card... Are you serious? Cause you sound real stupid. There is not one thing in the song he is lying about. You are living in a fantasy world if you think that black people aren't STILL automatically judged as a criminal or just up to no good. You can't fix ur face to say that dumb shit. Come to Camden Nj. Walk with me
@ChaoticOrder883 5 жыл бұрын
@@melissawright6211 insults doesn't make you're point any better. The statisics say otherwise. We need to come together not be divided.
@melissawright6211 5 жыл бұрын
@@ChaoticOrder883 what part was an insult? Saying you sound stupid is not the same as you are stupid. Living in a fantasy world is not an insult. Statistics are manipulated to be in whatever way will benefit someone. Don't need a politician to tell me what is or isn't happening in black communities. I live in the hood. I see it EVERY DAY. I see a white man dressed in the same clothes as a black man standing on the side walk doing the same thing when a cop rolls by they pull the black man aside and harass him about what he is doing. I've seen a 12 year old that got shot by a cop because he was "suspicious" walking in an alley at 10 pm. Well its 10 pm so he MUST be a criminal hes black so u know hes selling dope or just robbed someone. WHY else would he be in an alley at 10pm....NOT that it could be that his dad was serving our country and was killed. So his mom is struggling to put food on the table but she makes sure he goes and checks on his 91 year old grandpa 2 houses away in that cant be that... 6 MONTHS LATER behind the same house in the same alley Saw a white man that beat the shit out of his pregnant gf. SAME cops come and SHE is asked to leave for the night so he can "cool off" SO... don't talk to me about statistics. I see the truth every day. We do need to unite and it will NEVER happen if the shit that is going on is truthfully looked at
@leathal918 5 жыл бұрын
@@melissawright6211 you've literally proven my point in both responses. #LearnSomething what I said was an opinion if you don't like my opinion move along I am not alive to get acceptance from you. Statistics support what has been said if you don't like statistics supporting my opinion then by all means prove them wrong but sofar all you've done is get angry and shared a story which you claim to be the be all end all. Do me a favor sit down meditate then come back when a persons opinion doesn't make you angry and unhinged. 👌
@alexmylott1966 5 жыл бұрын
Dude your so peaceful like you have no other choice. I respect that. You cause others to think more peacefully👍God bless you man
@iamkidparanormalproduction287 5 жыл бұрын
Yyyyaaayyyy ❤️ Been waiting on your reaction Simba🔥🔥💜💙💚💛🧡
@sk83rrrr 5 жыл бұрын
I watched mad reactions videos of this song today and you’re the only person I saw notice that visual where they’re stopped by police and reaching for the phone got the one kid killed. Solid reaction and a great track by Tom. Thanks both of you for the quality content
@Brimlina123 5 жыл бұрын
Hey SimbaTv. I just wanna say i really enjoy your reactions. I watch a lot of Tom Macdonald Reaction videos and you were the only one that brought up the visual with the kid. Good catch man Keep up the good work
@Phobos2085 5 жыл бұрын
Nova is incredible with these videos. She deserves a hell lot more respect and recognition for these. She's always crushing it.
@kevinkarbonik2928 5 жыл бұрын
6:42.... DON'T REACH EVER... no matter the color of your skin. I'm a good sized, pretty athletic white guy... and I won't ever, The officer is already on edge. If I get ever get pulled over my licence/registration/insurance is on the dash and my hands will on the wheel when the officer walks up. All of that is common sense, no matter what color or race you are. YES, there are some (very few) bad cops that are just assholes, but most are good people serving their community and are honestly in one of the most risky and stressful jobs there is and they also just want to go home to their families at the end of the day. The elephant in the room in the U.S> is that the REALLY UNFORTUNATE Stats show that black men, a mere 5% of the population, account for such a large percentage of crime, and violent crime, often against other black men. I'm a huge Tom fan too, and watch all of your reactions, I like and respect your opinions but I just had to comment on that one.
@andrewgrumbles2458 5 жыл бұрын
Very few bad cops there's a hell of a lot more than you think
@andrewgrumbles2458 5 жыл бұрын
And if a cop that damn scared they shouldn't be a fucking cop
@kevinkarbonik2928 5 жыл бұрын
@@andrewgrumbles2458 I will always disagree with you on that... in the U.S. and Canada there are thousands of officers... yes, you will always have a bad one here and there but be honest. These guys have to deal with the shit every day. You get what you give.
@colbyjohndoe2120 5 жыл бұрын
Matt Whiskey yeah thats why they wanted to police officers were they don't get paid that much at all and spend all the time to be officers
@noneyab9660 5 жыл бұрын
hey simba fans dont forget to like and share this video we cant let youtube keep acting a fool to simba
@sharonpowell2798 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for reacting to this. Appreciate you and your opinion 100% .
@starrgazer9 5 жыл бұрын
Some people are giving Tom flack because what he's saying in the song isn't "new" and has been talked about before. But there's a big difference because he's able to reach a different demographic, he's trying to open up a broader dialogue. The first step in repairing our nation as a people is by coming together and putting all of our feelings out on the table and seeing what can we do to rectify it.
@kasselkane1730 5 жыл бұрын
I think the main problem is the media but i dont agree that we as white people or even the government to give black people money for something that happened in the civil war era. Yea racism still exists but i dont think money will change anything if anything it will make things alot worse and cause another civil war but loved the song regardless. Something everyone should listen too
@CandyCane 5 жыл бұрын
I agree yo. I don't think it's deserved. Have you ever been to a native reservation? Not making your own way in life leaves you fkn lifeless and dependant, uneducated and irresponsible. Money is not real. Building a life and a community with your brains and bare hands keeps you going strong.
@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 5 жыл бұрын
@Matt Whiskey David duke endorsed donald trump but sure let's pretend the GOP isn't the party of racists
@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 5 жыл бұрын
Reparations were promised to black people after slavery ended and we just never followed through. Lincolns vice president when he was assassinated was a southern democrat who went easy on the south during reconstruction.
@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 5 жыл бұрын
@@CandyCane if that's what you took from visiting a native American reservation, you need more education. Those places are like that because america has never lived up to its part of the bargain.
@CandyCane 5 жыл бұрын
@@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 I am partially native as with most East Coast French Canadians. My father and his entire family have the opportunity to have government assistance for everything. Not one would pander, my father would better off kill himself then not be a free man. As with my uncle's, aunt's, cousins etc. And beautiful too. Brown skin with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. My parents and family have successful businesses and don't live on reservations because they bought hundreds of acres of land and built their own homes and aren't segregated from the local town. Father could have had the government pay for All 3 of his daughters University's educations, but he believes it immoral, I said he should take all he can get! I always thought it was pride getting the better of him, but now that I work and pay taxes, I understand his perspective, it was his personal goal and accepted responsibility as a dad and a human. There are many reservations in NS my friend and they're falling the apart because the people in the communities are losing self respect because they offer little value to anything other than cultural history. I'm not saying it's all natives or all reservations are like this at all. But it's the majority and it's glaringly obvious. I judge people one on one and have respect for unless you're unrespectable. I'm allowed to take my actual experiences and use my judgement to decide for myself. Don't fuckin assume that's what I took from "a visit". Everyone IS able to see What Is Happening to the Natives in the reservations. They're fine, moral and friendly. But there's an over adundance of abuse - just name which one. The people are responsible for the government, not the other way around. If the lack of Gov support is the reason for their social woes than why would a neighborhood community be fine with nearly no government assistance at all? Grow up. Guess who takes reparations that aren't deserved? Poor, lazy, pathetic wastes of my taxes. "You wanna lobster lisence? Mr.Brown skin? Oh here ya go. On the "House" ! Carton of smokes for $20 too, help yourself. And, Mr. White, that'll be $100,000 please sir and you'll be in the highest tax bracket to pay for Mr. Browns license and a carton for you is gonna be $165. (Suggest you quit mate.) Welcome to "EQUAL" FFS It's racist. It's nasty. And no one should get any special treatment soely based on their ancestors DNA (there's a little Mac Donalds in everyone!) or the hue of their skin. I think black Americans will get their reparations and sobeit. All the more nice lifestyles for the rest of us.
@Lost1nTrance 5 жыл бұрын
Although it wasn’t this track, Tom’s music made me comfortable enough to ask a black coworker to listen to whiteboy with me and give his straight up, honest opinion. We need music like this. Music with insight. Music with a message. Music that can be used as a platform to open up a dialogue and communication on sensitive issues!
@ashleym4095 5 жыл бұрын
The first part where you talked about someone asking if you lived there somewhat happened to me as well. My husband grew up in a small town in Texas, I’m from a bigger city. We decided to make our home in his hometown. When we moved we were staying with some friends until we found a place of our own. So I went out one day to drive around and find houses for sale. This town is 1 square mile. Tiny. Well I had the cops called on me 3 times that day for a “suspicious female canvassing the town.” So it most definitely can and does happen to anyone. It’s ridiculous. Edit: mind you, it only took 20-30 minutes to drive the town and take note of homes for sale.
@MyHeartless123 5 жыл бұрын
Sima keepin it real as always 💯💯
@adayinthelifeofchad 5 жыл бұрын
Hey bro, my notifications told me about this one :) another great video. Keep it up bro.
@lisastewart1872 5 жыл бұрын
Tom is my fav. He is a true artist. On point as always. I love it 🔥
@Jimbo386000 5 жыл бұрын
That’s deep man. Super deep. I didn’t even understand it all when I first saw it. This time around, especially with you explaining it all I caught a lot more.
@benjaminreed5221 5 жыл бұрын
I agree 💯 Simba been following you long time I might not coment much but I really like every thing you put out yours and upchurch and Tom McDonald I got bells on and I get all of y'all's videos as soon as yall upload 💯👊
@kyrieblackheart2318 5 жыл бұрын
I like that Tom views it from both sides. Honestly. He points it out from every side and as he has said before: "I cannot feel guilty for shit that I didn't do, but I can understand the reasons why you think that I should," and "You're scared of choices, but you're pro decision..." Y'all are not seeing the bigger picture and the fact of the matter is, Tom is TRYING to show that black and white people have been conditioned to hate each other. We as a society are dealing with the SAME issues we dealt with 200+ years ago!!! That is SO STUPID!!!! I'm not an SJW but you'd think we'd have gotten better by now. Props to Tom for always coming with the truth. And Simba, TM, ArtOfKicks, etc....? Keep it real and keep giving us your true selves through these reactions. I'm never going to stop tuning in, even if I disagree with things.
@shocknawh01 5 жыл бұрын
Really dig watching your reaction videos Simba . I watched the original song before, so I could form my own opinion first. I agree we have a problem in this country. It's probably a lot worse in the bigger cities than where I'm from, so I can't relate on what people go through. My two cents... racism and hatred will never go away as long as we can't talk about it and how we can grow and love each other as human beings. As a white man, I can't change the past, and sometimes, I feel like the media wants me to hate who I am because of someone else's hatred from way back before my time. I'm not trying to cover up the past of this country, the damage has already been done and There's only one way to fix it... I think Tom is definitely chipping away at it the best he can. We can't change our skin color no more than we can change where we were born and raised... But, until we learn to love ourselves and each other and get past skin, this is only a drop in the bucket.. Thank you for reaching out to so many people to share love #openmindsopeneyes #Loveoutloud
@babblingbrookc.8659 5 жыл бұрын
Crazy that I look forward to your reactions more than I do the actual songs. Crazy good!! You tha man😊
@thadeadguyu-kno4208 5 жыл бұрын
I am not a black male, but I can relate to the part of being questioned about why I was in a area. I have worked delivery in the same area for the last 4 year, in the same cars. I had someone come and have me pull over so they could ask me what business I had in their neighborhood. I am not downplaying any ethnic culture's struggle. I understand white colonialism was huge. So the White culture spread everywhere across the globe. I am sure it has a lot to do with skin color. But its growing to a different level. Now it also extends to the difference between money status. Because I looked poor, I am not allowed to work in your neighborhood?!?! I know I don't own a $500k house in "Your area". Yes, I do pay rent because in this economy, I cannot afford my own home! Mind your own, and let me "Do me" , and get paid...!
@sm2563 5 жыл бұрын
Glad to see you up and reacting!
@levikangas3114 5 жыл бұрын
Honestly, this seems like a step backwards for him. I don't get why they tried squash this, it expresses the same stuff mainstream media pushes daily. But, hey... He's entitled to his opinions.
@adameat3562 5 жыл бұрын
I think they was worried he was going to piss off black people off with blackface type stuff....
@incubus755 5 жыл бұрын
These are not his opinions, this is him trying to state the perspective of the typical black man living in the ghetto in America. It is meant to get a conversation started.
@vaderguitarplayer 5 жыл бұрын
This is a comment I made on another video. "He is just showing perspective on both sides. The only people who see it as pandering are not willing to see that Tom is not speaking "truths" but is speaking to how people see and feel. He is not taking sides, just informing how people think. There is much that needs to be looked at so change can be made on any "side"." So I don't think it is a step backward, just a step in perspective. Both "sides" can have a conversation about Straight White Male and If I Was Black, and get somewhere. Conversations need to be had for people who feel this way, and I mean the people who agree lyrically and non lyrically. The message is different depending on your situation. It may mean for one that they need to take more personal accountability, and for another more empathy and less judgment, more compassion. It is not a surface level song, and it connects with other songs he has made.
@yurilocheart6918 5 жыл бұрын
I seen some reactions to this already but idk does this song not tell black people to hate everyone who is white and this country I love Tom McDonald but it sounds like he’s saying keep the hate going. That’s what I heard listening. 🤷‍♀️My opinion
@jasonvanepps7061 5 жыл бұрын
The fact he told simba this is serious and he means it confirms this song is dogshit. "If i was black I'd be ignorant as fuck." Ok Tom, glad you're not black.
@jasonvanepps7061 5 жыл бұрын
But he decides to represent the "black shoes" in the most ignorant way possible.
@69himmel 5 жыл бұрын
I saw a comment saying he represents blacks negatively, have yall ever been to a hood or know anyone from the hood? Yea I'm a white girl but from Baltimore, right near the city, and what tom is referring to is what most in my hood deal with!
@jasonvanepps7061 5 жыл бұрын
I spent the first 16 years of my life in the hood. This is representative of the most ignorant people, but not the majority. He's basically validating all the negative stereotypes he believes in. His idea of black people seems to come from how white sjw's think black people feel.
@69himmel 5 жыл бұрын
@@jasonvanepps7061 agree to disagree!
@Th3AngryPooch 5 жыл бұрын
I feel like this song is dividing which is playing right into what the elites want
@dustinroseman831 5 жыл бұрын
I can see things from both sides. We all just need to learn and love each others culture.
@benjaminsilvert1880 5 жыл бұрын
The things is people do pull weapons on cops. We all know cops have guns, but cops have no idea what a random person has on them. Because of that cops will sometimes shoot as soon as they see somebody grab for their pocket quickly. A good rule of thumb when dealing with police is to not reach in your pocket and that is regardless of age, race or gender. Again a calm situation can turn into a cop not seeing their family again or an innocent civilian not seeing their family again. That being said I do really appreciate your perspective on the song and the messages behind it, I hope you keep up the great work and stay well.
@heavyweightlifted171 5 жыл бұрын
I don't care for the opinions of the people that are offended by Tom's perspective anyways so I give no amount of energy to it. But as far as the audio of the track is concerned, I think this is in his top 3 easily. That chorus is catchy as hell and you can hear the emphasis alot in his pitch. It builds and comes along great towards the end. It's cool that Tom talks to his fans(You). I know you don't me but I wish you luck with overcoming depression. I'm in the same fight. Nice to see the KZbin hurdles aren't stopping you. 💪
@cockynanderson 5 жыл бұрын
If a cop is telling you get your hands up and get on the ground, the worst thing you can do is put your hand in your pocket. They are trained to assume you have a weapon and their life means more to them than yours. Your phone not gettiing broke or digging in your leg isn't as important as your life.
@shank0 5 жыл бұрын
It is a shame so many of them are willing to kill you to save their own lives in the pursuit of throwing you in jail for smoking the wrong plant.
@cockynanderson 5 жыл бұрын
@@shank0 I agree. We need look at law reform. Smoking weed shouldn't be a crime. But in any circumstance as the current law stands, my comment is still no less accurate.
@skywalker1623 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro & hope you get to keep on staying strong bro and stay on KZbin more love 👊😎👍
@rendalee6168 4 жыл бұрын
I joined your channel for Tom MacDonald Reactions Thank You!!!!! 🙏 🇺🇸
@bobbysipple6533 5 жыл бұрын
I've been watching your videos for a while I just don't know what to comment but now I understand how KZbin works I'm going to go back and comment and like all of your videos
@BiggAntt615 5 жыл бұрын
I asked you delivered! Love it.
@district5official253 5 жыл бұрын
Finally a fucking artist who does not give a shit to be afraid to say how it is.
@TheOnyxSpy 5 жыл бұрын
If I were to reach into my pocket for anything, I clearly state my intentions to the officers and move slowly so they don't worry. They are trained to protect themselves and if you make quick movements without vocally announcing your intentions, they will automatically assume the worst because of things that have happened to them or partners of theirs in the past.
@shaunoutndastix8022 5 жыл бұрын
Very Powerful Song..Big UPS to Tom an the Movement..Love the Reaction Simba..🤘🇺🇸RHEC
@spaced6782 5 жыл бұрын
Aye, after hearing you speak about the phone thing, I feel like I gotta add a PSA. If the cops are stopping you for any reason, do not, and I gotta repeat for emphasis, do NOT mess with your pockets. When I was 15 I got stopped by police for doing dumb teenager shit and I had my hands in pockets when they caught me. They told me to take my hands out and explained that in these situations, they don’t know what’s in my pockets and for all they know I could be reaching for a weapon. (I’m white btw, just for the record) so please, if the cops stop you, PLEASE do not reach for your pockets unless they ask you too.
@chipbradley2722 5 жыл бұрын
I think it is a good testament to our society if there are black people that this song doesnt resonate with. Shows that racism is dying off. On the other hand as long as one of our black brothers or sisters can relate to this song, then we must carry on the battle to open minds and hearts to end the last vestiges of racism.
@geekingtweakingweeknd5922 5 жыл бұрын
No lint filled samba story hat. Another great vid bud
@Powdered_Toastman 4 жыл бұрын
If your main thoughts about this video are about cell phones and cops, you're not listening, you're *hearing.*
@KamikaziHobbit 4 жыл бұрын
as a white man, this song seems relavant as hell for someone who can only empathize with being black in America.
@astrangeviking1742 5 жыл бұрын
Every "bar" in this song can be countered with facts and statistics
@divorak9025 5 жыл бұрын
Just signed up and subscribed... Love this vid!!!
@uniquenessentertainment5073 5 жыл бұрын
Real Tall Tom McDonald just hit the highest pinnacle on opening up the doors on the visual from another person's perspective especially with them being Caucasian. And to speak on our behalf lesbian black. Indigenous negro or colored that gets mistreated. Now I see why it was 12 people in the room we're upset I didn't want this song to come out. Tom was giving us fuel for the fire to stand strong together overcome the oppressors. And our self when battling self hate. And there's so much more to the song the others are going to take in positively and negatively. No matter what it was created and brilliant too lightly tell our story through his own opinion of what he heard and research.
@mikelancaster8664 5 жыл бұрын
@ Tommacdonald keep doing you bro and Simba was a bomb ass song. This is one were you can either listen to the song or you can hear the song. There is a difference. Keep it up bro
@twostonedactual2541 5 жыл бұрын
This song is high and low key a banger
@dylancrane9691 5 жыл бұрын
Simba I love watching your videos. Keep up the great work man!
@familyman1433 5 жыл бұрын
Good to know it’s not just me!
@danielsingleton3032 5 жыл бұрын
I approve most of your message and what you're trying to get across (ik you dont have to care about my approval) but I just wanted to mention that In the Instance where the man reaches for his phone it always has and will be assumed for good reason to be a weapon they are reaching for, and as anyone in that situation would do, the most logical option would be to take care of them before they take care of you. I understand that no lives should ever be taken but under panic and with a need for quick thinking and solutions that is the best thing a trained mind will come up with to prevent casualties.
@alexandriaharrison641 5 жыл бұрын
I absolutely love this video and the song. I thinknit explains a lot, and it's not fair to a lot of the black people around on this planet. Slavery and all the bullshit that had happened to them shpuld not have happened. It's messed up, and because of a lot of us white people they feel like they have to go on the defense and act a certain way because of the way our ancestors treated them. Everyone is the same inside and out. We all have emotions and thoughts and opinions, and EVERYONE'S should be taken with consideration. No one should have to grow up being scared because of their past or because of how we treated them. And, a lot of this is true.... There is true evil in this world, and no one's skin colour defines that... It is defined by what is in someone's heart and mind.
@mikeschwind9476 5 жыл бұрын
I unsubscribed to Tom after this one. I found it to feed into the media's division of our nation instead of bringing us together. To me this seems to divide us even more. Reparations is where Tom lost me as a follower. I love all people no matter what color or gender as long as they are good people. Simba I love you brother and I appreciate your reactions and have mad respect for you. this song for me though seemed to add to some of the hate.
@phillipblack1272 5 жыл бұрын
Same and damned good idea doing the same.... It just sounds ok but I think he just wants to make money now. He doesn't care anymore... Soon I'll bet he will start to talk about drugs and women and car's song like his song castle. No no no... Now yes yes yes sellout
@Powdered_Toastman 4 жыл бұрын
you guys were never really fans of his, then.
@nikkitharrington6018 5 жыл бұрын
I'm here for it. I'm excited and I really wish KZbin wasn't being a dick. No matter what, your subscribers will be here!!!! Me, included!!!
@christopherbyrd5185 5 жыл бұрын
I use to do foreclosures. Neighbors constantly called and reported me as a B&E. I always announced and explained every movement I had to make to police and then waited for their acknowledgement before doing so. Cause they real fucking jumpy when they don't know what's going on. And having 2-8 firearms pointed at you isn't a good feeling.
@joemammy6802 5 жыл бұрын
lol had to make sure i was still subscribed i ddnt know they could do that... back to the video
@rhecest4life594 5 жыл бұрын
1:04 except the fact that “white boy” is a song that shows reason to both sides while “if I was black” full of typical black stereotypes, I mean js no disrespect to Tom cause he’s a Goat but this one isn’t for me
@theartistformerlyknownasth8612 5 жыл бұрын
Tom isn't saying what he says is 100% true, he's saying that's how he would feel if he were black
@rhecest4life594 5 жыл бұрын
Thomas Gavin I know and I completely understand that but it was presented wrong in basically a divisive way but like I said I don’t have a problem with Tom he a goat 😂🤟🏻
@jakekay1050 5 жыл бұрын
Donut operator is one of the best KZbinrs to watch for explanations to certain police cases. Highly recommend him. Ex SWAT officer with a mindset of "here's the fax, make your own opinion'
@tylerworkman386 5 жыл бұрын
Loving it man
@shadowravenofficial 5 жыл бұрын
🔥🔥🔥🔥as always love ya simba
@soulreaperamvgmv6416 5 жыл бұрын
Wish I could meet you in person brother I guess they took me off your subscription so I followed again but man I’ve got too many friends that go through this on a daily basis. Everything he spoke about is for real and I’m glad he made this song. I’m going to search for you on Facebook and follow you there as well 🙏🤘
@Liz-dragon-street. 5 жыл бұрын
Can you do Token run it back?? It`s a long time ago you did a Token reaction .. I think it was his FITB so thats long longggg ago man ;-) Much love from Amsterdam XX
@MeandMumzyReacts 5 жыл бұрын
Always love your reaction bro, always keep it 100 and if it pisses people off that's becasue their uneducated Just realised the main army guy was the teacher in white boy
@MeandMumzyReacts 5 жыл бұрын
Straight up pausing it loads of times just to double check lol
@calebdarce2791 5 жыл бұрын
Love it man!!!
@ryanfuqua9098 5 жыл бұрын
Bro....I would ask any color bout that at that time in my neighborhood bud. Love your channel ❤️
@andrewjankowski7911 5 жыл бұрын
Love watching your videos
@phillipblack1272 5 жыл бұрын
I have blk friends and we both agree that we the news media blow it out of proportion....way out. Did u Dee this white kid who was screamed at and made to crawl to them and and he made a simple mistake and the sorry sob filled him up with lead... Profiling is the bad thing... And the bad thing is that every single one of us have done it... That's what has to be changed!!!
@Corporal_Coyote 5 жыл бұрын
Straight up, im scared of everyone on the streets. White, Black, Latino, im scared of everyone.
@Corporal_Coyote 5 жыл бұрын
Also, police will always react badly to someone reaching in their pockets. They dont know if you're reaching for a gun or not. Yes there are racist/trigger happy police that need to be punished for what they do, but remember that reaching for something when the police show up is a terrible idea.
@hughescard 5 жыл бұрын
I got the notification at least. As far as the video goes. Great content. I'm a white 23 year old. But I spent the best years of my life in the inner city of southern Virginia. I saw unpleasantries with regards to race. I can't honestly say that I know how I'd handle things if I was black. I think I'd still be attracted to black girls. But that's a tale for another time. Bottom line. Great video Simba.
@becca1aaron2matt3 5 жыл бұрын
All this is accomplishing is more division so if that's the goal then you reached it. My uncle is legit Nigerian, born there, my cousins were born and raised there. I may be from the south but I grew up in a family far more diverse than you can imagine. If reparations would fix this then I would be all for it but it won't change a damn thing. Neither will this song.
@LightningStriker1 5 жыл бұрын
Simba I see what you did there the Eminem reference haha like the hairstyle brother keep it up
@billyoneal6693 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like a CNN script
@dustinezzell5414 5 жыл бұрын
I was unsubscribed from a few channels. Always checking on my boy simbaa!!! Keep it up bro!
@kylecompton6488 5 жыл бұрын
This is real shit simba bro love it
@MrZKR2391 5 жыл бұрын
All these facts he says. They Have been said by black artist before...Funny "IF He was Black" how much attention or convo would this song get???
@sabrinakay4100 4 жыл бұрын
I’ve watched so many different reactions and you’re the first one to notice the kid
@tyhottell 5 жыл бұрын
I’m not black and have NEVER been to an inner city so straight up I don’t know what y’all go through there. The United States is huge and we all have struggles in our areas. Ours aren’t the same but I feel ya cause we all in the same country. Here it’s class culture! Old oilfield $$$$$$ versus us trying to earn ours. Daddy and granddad didn’t buy or leave me shit! I earned my way here by fighting steel on oil rigs.
@claytonweeks2560 5 жыл бұрын
Talking about the phone visual. They’re trained. Kids reaching in his pocket, you’re not gonna wait and see what he’s pulling out. Cop tells you to put your hands up you don’t reach for your phone
@DavidHuntsman123 4 жыл бұрын
I think this song is the reality vs. What alot of white people THINK black people think about
@michaelnethercutt2386 5 жыл бұрын
This is the first reaction to this song that I have got a notification for all day. Your talking with you tube must be working
@YouTube_deletes_my_comments 5 жыл бұрын
I'll have to listen to the lyrics the 2nd time around... I was just jamming to the beat... That melody just flowed !!
@chances.3238 5 жыл бұрын
As a white guy, I can understand most points in the song. The one thing I have to disagree with is the reparations, were living in 2019 not the 1800's. Why should I have to pay for something that non of my family was a part of??? Also, yes after enough family records and from lineage I've found out non of my family had slaves. When someone does enough research about "Real American History" " We've ALL been slaves to the government since the birth of this country through taxation. Do your own history research though before jumping into this comment thread. I'm just stating facts.
@dustyv8sound 5 жыл бұрын
I believe the police thing is universal, it takes a certain person to be wise, smart, fair and tough, that WANTS to "keep the peace". Those people are good police officers that do a good job of actually "keeping the peace", but unfortunately those kind of people are rare in life in general
@billienewlin8571 5 жыл бұрын
@loganlozier2662 5 жыл бұрын
Hell yes!! Was waiting for you to do this reaction!!
@loganlozier2662 5 жыл бұрын
Do you know if this was the video that they weren't going to upload?
@tylerdavis9917 5 жыл бұрын
The culture we have now isn’t geared towards resolve. It’s all about supporting a team. So when most people find something they disagree with, they automatically label them enemy. Instead of embracing our individuality, most cast the person out with their opinions. This is not what MLK lived and died for.
@robertclinton6909 5 жыл бұрын
You're the first reactor I've seen notice the cell phone scene
@kyrieblackheart2318 5 жыл бұрын
Tom got his own Expendables team.
@brandon5524 5 жыл бұрын
I understand the message Tom is trying to put out there, and he’s right about most of it, we need to come together as whole and stop the nonsense, but at the same time he’s encouraging the behavior, and no offense but someone not knowing there father has nothing to do with anyone else, and as far and being paid for something that happened years and years ago has nothing to do with any of us now a days. Those are really my only disagreements. The world isn’t in the right place by any means. And the media and government are pulling us farther and farther apart. It’s sad we are living in a world full of so much hate and negativity towards others. Keep doin what you do Tom, more people like you need to come together and make a difference.
@jayviviano109 5 жыл бұрын
I dig your commentary. New follower. I'm throwing one request for u to do a reaction video for a song out there that some people have slept on over the years, but many people doing reaction videos are getting woke on this and I'd like you to give it a shot along with your thoughtful insights or viewpoints. It's Elvis's "In The Ghetto", (along with at the very beginning in link below he is heard reciting one of his favorite poems regarding Humanity and helping each other... "Help your brothers along the way".) Back in the day Elvis was threatened with a lot of pushback from white supremacists to NOT do this song. But he did it anyway.... challenging White America in the lyrics to "Take a look at you and me. Are we too blind to see?" "Or do we simply turn our heads and look the other way?" Aside from bigots resenting Elvis for doing this song, he got a lot of support though from more Progressive minded folks, as well as greats like Isaac Hayes, James Brown, Sammy Davis jr. and others gave Elvis mad respect for singing this message. Since Elvis grew up as a child in extreme poverty as a white child having black friends Elvis developed an integrative soul at a young age. This is why Sammy Davis Junior told Elvis he thought Elvis was perfect one to deliver this message Please give this a reaction if you ever have a chance. Take care.
@tracymunson660 5 жыл бұрын
I love that Tom McDonald has a way of making you see another side of things. Until we all listen to another person's story. We will never get past the stuff that happened in the past. We are all humans.However, not treated the same by society. Love one another is what we need to be doing. BTW was that a black panther reference in the video?
@amysewell8141 5 жыл бұрын
I’ve been back and forth with men, seemingly white, who don’t like MY TRUTH, MY EXPERIENCES, MY BELIEFS. I guarantee they all loved Whiteboy, This House and SWM tho. My employment in prisons, marriage to a black firefighter who has been harassed by cops, and being the daughter of a black man is no match for white hate. So mad and offended by this song that’s not even about them. That’s telling. Instead of attacking people beliefs why can’t u just ask them why they feel a way? But naw, we adults and adults don’t do discussions. It’s better to cuss and label a whole race as criminals I guess
@MrZKR2391 5 жыл бұрын
Chorus is dope This song is simply how he would be, act, think, etc... If he was born and raised as a Black male. Love the pov rap all day
@95mayfield 5 жыл бұрын
I have been stopped by police at night for sitting in my truck in a public area. I have also had the cops called on me while I was waiting on a friend at a nice apartment complex too. Just for sitting on a bench. I don’t dress ghetto and I am about as pasty white as someone can get. Not a single tattoo on me and I have been hassled by police when I’m doing something at night that is suspicious. Black people have to stop acting like everything negative that happens is because of there skin color. Negative stuff happens to every person on earth. No matter the color.
@intuitive_soul 5 жыл бұрын
Wish we could have a chat on some of the topic in this particular video
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