Toys “R” Us Security Guard Conducts Homicidal "Store Invasion" | Bernard Grucza and Larry Wells

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Dr. Todd Grande

Dr. Todd Grande

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This video answers the question: Can I analyze case of Benard Grucza and Larry Wells?
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@jessieyork4508 Күн бұрын
I drove truck for Walmart years ago. I was talking to a manager one time about customers stealing. He told me they had a far bigger problem with employees stealing than customers. I was actually shocked by that statement. I wouldn't have expected that.
@DavidLLambertmobile Күн бұрын
Years ago, I had a oral interview panel for a police officer 🚔 position. I was asked what I would do if a police officer on duty was intoxicated or looked drunk. 🤨 I was surprised this topic was mentioned during a hiring interview. I'm 53 now & it's 2024, I can see why PDs or sheriffs would mention it. 📂
@hardtakeoff Күн бұрын
@@DavidLLambertmobile Was this a thin blue line test? What was the right answer?
@adotintheshark4848 19 сағат бұрын
imagine your loss prevention guy contributing to the losses.
@josealqueres 19 сағат бұрын
@@hardtakeoff Great question
@badgerbun 9 сағат бұрын
@@hardtakeoff There is no correct answer and it just depends on the interviewers preference.That would be like me asking If me and the boss were both in trouble, who would you save first?
@sergeipohkerova7211 Күн бұрын
Toys R Us guy looks like the kind of man who drives a white panel van and hangs out at miniature golf courses.
@nealkelly9757 Күн бұрын
Or be a male elementary school teacher
@rickjames7576 Күн бұрын
Stereotyping are we ? You can't judge crook by their cover (looks).
@OikPoinFive Күн бұрын
Sadly he's ur twin. Sadly.
@adotintheshark4848 19 сағат бұрын
"hey little girl wanna lollipop?"
@RullXov Күн бұрын
I remember this crime, he should have gotten a life sentence. The lazy plea deal giving prosecutor, in this case, was a bad joke.
@DavidLLambertmobile Күн бұрын
94% of US court cases are plea offers or get dismissed. SAOs & DAs want to clear cases. Not spend $$$. They do not care about justice or public safety.
@HypocritesExposd Күн бұрын
Lazy prosecutors like that only care about percentage of convictions and nothing about justice
@romktch17 23 сағат бұрын
The crazy thing is that you, Todd Grande, and the guy that replied to you don't actually have any clue whatsoever why they plea bargained. Just more speculation that doesn't mean anything.
@ledzep3692 23 сағат бұрын
Leaving all of that evidence like a clown but he still lucked out with only 25 years. 🤡
@RullXov 15 сағат бұрын
@@romktch17 - Go someplace else to hate your life and everyone else...bye.
@felonious_c Күн бұрын
Ha! He looked off when he said he was "only speculating”, I'm obsessed with this detail of Dr. Grande's videos lol 😎
@KingfishStevens-di9ji Күн бұрын
Ask a body language guy what that means.
@ducon0000 Күн бұрын
Pretending to kill himself to see if wife still loves him 😂. Thats 2nd grade level brain.
@shameronstar7220 Күн бұрын
More like sociopathic level brain actually.
@Krash845 Күн бұрын
Not to mention, massive levels of simpery.
@steve10 Күн бұрын
I think its quite romantic 😉😃
@troyevitt2437 Күн бұрын
Not the worst way to see if the proof is in the pudding. The father of a petulant teenager who said, "I wish you were dead", went as far as to have the teenager come to the Coroner's Office to "identify him". After the son freaked out, the dad hopped off the gurney and said, "Say that again, and your inheritance will go to charity".
@troyevitt2437 Күн бұрын
@@steve10 "Romantic" as in "Romeo & Juliet". They're "Together In Eternity"... ...and need more cowbell.
@loiskondo8349 Күн бұрын
I agree with you Dr. Grande, they should not have given him a plea deal. Rest in peace Larry.
@lynemac2539 Күн бұрын
The idea of killing someone in a toy store seems particularly gruesome.
@drh8h 19 сағат бұрын
A manager and assistant manager were killed in a Toy Works store in Indianapolis during the 1990s. Suspects were ultimately identified and may have by then been serving extremely long sentences for other crimes. I remember the case, but can't find out much about it on the Internet.
@Polymathically Күн бұрын
I worked in the banking industry for almost 20 years, much of it doing operations supervision, audits, and vaultkeeping. I worked with hundreds of thousands of dollars in physical cash every day. I knew all the procedures, and was often tasked with figuring out any discrepancies and oversights from the rest of the staff. I was by far the most trusted person in that office, and was even nicknamed The Boss by my higher-ups despite being relatively low on the corporate totem pole. After all these years, I sometimes I get asked if I was ever tempted to steal any of that money. And I always have the same answer: Never. Pulling a bank vault heist is not like how it is in the movies. I've written whole essays about why doing one is a terrible idea, and I can post some of it here if anyone wants. Stealing money from a bank vault is one thing. Getting away with it is something else entirely. Stay clean and honest, kids.
@mig7287 Күн бұрын
@thedarklordx Күн бұрын
I definitely want to hear more post your essays. I have a feeling that modern technology like security cameras everywhere makes it impossible to get away with
@Zac15 Күн бұрын
I've always lived by the adage "Real criminals don't rob banks, they own them". I never took it as a commentary on the morality of banking but advice meaning whatever little crime I might ever consider committing I wasn't going to get away with it
@shameronstar7220 Күн бұрын
@@Zac15 The best criminals are entrepreneurial. If I was doing something like credit card fraud for example I would laundry that money into a business. Bernard's mistake was clearly he got arrogant and careless.
@Polymathically Күн бұрын
​@@thedarklordx All right, I'll just cut and paste here. It's baffling how many people think bank branches have an infinite supply of money just sitting there behind the counter, or a huge mountain of cash in a room in the back. Or they think we have a cash printing machine. They just don't think it through; if banks had that kind of money on hand and out in the open, they'd need several more layers of security and much, _much_ larger vaults. Heists aren't as successful as the movies would have you think. Tellers are trained to minimize the amount of cash they have immediately available at their window; a well-organized teller probably wouldn't have more than a few thousand on hand, with the rest locked up safely in the back. And if you're going after the big haul? Well, good luck. There are multiple layers of security that need to be bypassed before you'd even _begin_ ransacking the vault. Bandit barriers at the teller windows, at least three doors that require different keys, vault combos that require two-person entries, vault drawers that require two sets of keys from separate employees... all on multiple live-feed cameras specifically positioned to get a good look at you. In order to completely clean out a bank vault quickly, you'd need to take the _entire staff_ hostage (hope no one called in sick!) and have them access their respective sections of the vault one at a time. Or take the time to test all the backup sets of keys they have locked in box in a separate locked room, which would take a long time. All without triggering a silent alarm, before the off-site security center monitoring the live feed can alert the authorities, or someone with a smartphone sending out an emergency text. And if you somehow make it that far, you'd better be in good enough shape to run while carrying a full load of luggage. Do you know how much a quarter million in twenties weighs? How much space it takes up? I do. I was in charge of ATM restocking for 2 years, and I had to handle that 2-3 times a week. Never again. Procedures are intentionally designed to ensure that it's difficult and tedious for employees to simply access the money, let alone try to steal it. It'd be nothing but a huge, ridiculously risky ordeal for robbers. Bank vault codes - both the physical turning locks and the digital inputs - are usually changed at least bi-quarterly. And this was back in the day, when most of this stuff (aside from the fiber optic cameras and a couple of doors) was old school analog. For all I know, they've probably upgraded to biometrics by this point. I only remember a handful of coworkers, but they're all long gone now. The turnover rate at my last branch was ridiculous; I had more experience than the rest of my team combined, and even mentored some of my managers. If someone assigned a code quits/gets fired/transfers, etc., their code is immediately replaced as a precaution. Taking a former employee hostage, bribing them, or hiring them for potential job would be ultimately pointless because their intel would be outdated. Bank employees are trained early on to be observant of their surroundings both coming into and going home from work. They're taught to switch up the routes they use, as well as their overall daily routine. This of course may be more a problem now due to the advent of smartphones (everyone is so distracted these days), but a diligent person will stay sharp and know when they're being followed. And yeah, it's a massive risk; getting taken hostage is pretty rare, but it does happen. Usually on the way to work, or even at home. However, there are security phone numbers, opening/closing safety signals, and of course the live feed cameras. If you cut the line, it's going to get noticed much faster than you think. Employees are expected to comply with demands; it's just money, and no sane person from either side wants the situation to turn deadly. Criminals aren't exactly known for their good decision-making skills, and these encounters require them to know how to knock off a bank, maintain a hostage situation, and stay focused enough not to make a single mistake. Some can't handle it; I think _Dog Day Afternoon_ is the most realistic bank heist movie ever made. You know why? _Because they fail almost immediately._ Even if a criminal wants to go on a shooting spree a la _Point Break_ or _Heat,_ it just creates more evidence and makes escape far more difficult. Depending on the layout of the branch, the vault might actually be in a room behind the safety deposit box sections; that adds _another_ door to get through, but those are several inches of steel thick and built with timed locks; even if you have the necessary combos and keys, the door _will not open_ if it's outside of normal operating hours. That means no late night break-ins. Trying to brute force it for whatever reason (I remember a story about a manager's toddler accidentally getting locked in at night, and another involving a manager being locked in as a hostage), is an absolute pain in the rear that takes several hours and an experienced and well-equipped locksmith. Even if you somehow magically manage to bypass all of this and gain full control over the branch, loading up a full vault's worth of cash and escaping with it will be an exercise in futility. For one thing, you're on live camera. Multiple cameras. Exterior security can see what you're doing, and you'd better believe they're feeding intel to the authorities. If you mess with the cameras, you'll be noticed even faster. Also, vault rooms - the rooms that actually house the physical, metal vault and not the safety deposit boxes - are intentionally smaller and cramped to limit the number of people that can be in there at once. You could fit maybe 3 people at a given time without it hindering your operation. Even if the entire staff is there that day and has all their sets of keys, that means you can't have all your hostages standing in there at the same time; you'd have to do it one by one. It's slow, tedious, and takes a massive chunk out of your critical escape time. You could use all the backup keys, but that would involve breaking into another secure lockbox and testing dozens - if not hundreds - of potential key combos one at a time. You wouldn't have time for it. And again, _this is all on live camera with the cops just minutes away._ As for transporting the cash, you'd need sturdy rolling luggage. I mean, you could try carrying the bags by hand, but you'd better even lift, bro. Seriously, paper money weighs a lot, and it takes up a surprising amount of physical space. You have a big trash bag handy? Try completely filling it with books, and then carrying it all the way to your car. Then multiply that by at least five. Then imagine trying to carry all of that through several doors and crowded rooms, while carrying tools and/or whatever weapons you've brought along. And since you'll be too busy hauling that stuff, you won't have time to worry about any evidence you leave behind, like hair strands, fingerprints, physical description, etc. Not to mention all the bystanders outside who have undoubtedly noticed what's been going on and have called it in. Your getaway vehicle - assuming that the authorities haven't tagged it and are running the plates by this point - will need to be something that has enough room for cargo. If you've ever tried driving to an airport with your luggage, you can see where this is going. You'd better hope there's no rush hour traffic, either. Side note: The bank vault heist in Fast 5 is utter BS. Do not try to drag a vault box out of a branch with a vehicle; you'll just end up damaging the car and getting yourself quickly arrested for such a foolish spectacle. Vaults are made of a combination of cast iron and steel-reinforced concrete. They're bolted to the floor and are in the innermost rooms of highly protected buildings. Hooking one up to a cable isn't going to work. I've heard of one idiot try this IRL with a pickup truck and an ATM. It didn't end well for him. Seriously, someone did an article breaking down the math/physics of the movie. Look it up. In the end, the most successful bank robbers (and even they don't last long) are the ones who deal with the least amount of variables. They go for lesser totals, but are in and out within a couple of minutes, tops. They focus on the tellers, pass notes or flash a gun, and bolt with a relatively meager amount. Maybe they last long enough to get a spree going, but most are caught pretty quickly. Also, we used to have a small fraud issue with our old ATMs. The older machines required you to put your money/checks in an envelope, and type in the amounts. As was the customary rule, the first $100 of the total was available immediately, with the rest clearing once the contents were verified the next day. So people would deposit empty envelopes and type in a total, and then pocket the $100. I saw that happen 4-5 times a week. Jokes on them, though; we knew which accounts belonged to whom, because they had to do a transaction the first place. That means we had names, addresses, phone numbers, SSNs, all of it. Not to mention their faces on camera and the fingerprints on the envelopes. It sure made it easy to get the authorities involved, and then have the fraud on record in case they tried to open more accounts with us or at other banks. So they basically ruined their lives for a quick $100. TLDR: Don't rob banks. There's not as much money as you think, and it's a huge, needlessly risky headache.
@joeltorres-moran5567 Күн бұрын
He was killed just before 5 AM but when the first responders arrived after being called at 5:47 AM he had a faint pulse? This is terribly tragic, it means he sat there dying for almost an hour and not a single employee found him. Had even one of the employees simply stopped by his office to say good morning he may have received treatment much sooner and survived. The employee who arrived at 5 had the best opportunity to do this as he was aware that Larry did not answer his radio and the door was unlocked. I have been the opening manager in a retail store, it seems so obvious to me that this employee should have looked closer at that door after discovering it was open, he should have been able to see that something was off. Obviously I have no idea what the typical behavior was at this store. Maybe Larry actively discouraged socializing, and encouraged others to simply get to work when they arrived, but it still seems strange to me that nobody got to him sooner. I can only imagine the guilt I would feel if I were in the employees positions, knowing that a man sat dying less than a hundred yards from me, and that a simple kind act could have led to his life being saved.
@RHCPpleasestandup Күн бұрын
That yearbook quote is exactly the kind of thing a stupid person would want under their picture
@ChristopherAndersonPirate Күн бұрын
$90,000 a year for being a security guard at Toys R Us?? No wonder they’re out of business.. We still have an empty Toys R Us here in Janesville, WI. It just sits there abandoned. A relic of my childhood
@markiangooley Күн бұрын
The one nearest here is now a Big Lots. I got four shopping carts cheap when they closed and they’re still being used by a place where I do volunteer work.
@AlexisTwoLastNames 11 сағат бұрын
the one in my hometown is probably housing a business again, cuz idk if spirit halloweens setup in empty buildings. it would make sense they would if the building is still in good shape.
@JesterMax24 2 сағат бұрын
90k in 2008??
@FlyingwDRZ Күн бұрын
I lived around the corner when this happened. It was not solved quickly and was disturbing for the community. It just didn’t make any sense to anybody.
@foreverendeavors6210 Күн бұрын
You can never satisfy fallen nature, it just escalates, sin nature cannot be appeased, only requires more out of you until you ultimately fall!
@RheverendJ Күн бұрын
A slave in chains and don’t even know it
@bthomson Күн бұрын
Once the safe was open what was Bernard going to do with Larry? Absolutely ridiculous! One of the stupidest crime ever!
@makolikeamfshark Күн бұрын
i love this channel because it is straight to the point
@audralynn7454 Күн бұрын
I agree! A 15-ish minute long Dr. Grande video is perfect to watch during a quick break, I usually don't finish the hour long videos some people put out😂
@TalkernateHistory Жыл бұрын
The loss prevention officer was stealing, that's hilarious
@LukeSumIpsePatremTe Күн бұрын
Still haven't figured out the fun part. Care to elaborate?
@Gooniessss Күн бұрын
He was preventing losing the stuff to someone else.
@trinarichardson6682 Күн бұрын
I've worked retail for yrs. I assure you, this is common.
@cadillacdeville5828 Күн бұрын
The irony
@cadillacdeville5828 Күн бұрын
​@@LukeSumIpsePatremTe It's the irony of it all.
@trinarichardson6682 Күн бұрын
I worked in a store once that had hidden cameras that only security knew about, BUT it turns out there were also cameras installed that security didn't know about either. Two lead security officers were fired. 😅
@AlexisTwoLastNames 11 сағат бұрын
this is incredibly smart. i wonder if it is standard practice.
@zenawarrior7442 Күн бұрын
What a strange case, but then again most are🙄Agree with your points, he thought he was a better criminal. Thanks Dr G😊💙💙
@shedokoye8314 Күн бұрын
That plea deal offer is a crime on its own. As a prosecutor, if you cannot successfully prosecute a case like this, you're in the wrong profession.
@daveraven4044 Күн бұрын
Getting store manager to open safe to access cash he would have been identified. ? He would have had to kill store manager anyway. Justice was not served.
@nealkelly9757 Күн бұрын
How was that not First Degree Murder? Wow pathetic prosecution
@jltrem Күн бұрын
Come on, Dr. Grande...give us Diddy!!!!!
@DrGrande Күн бұрын
Working on that case now:)
@jltrem Күн бұрын
@@DrGrande Go Grande, go Grande, go Grande go!
@antoniobranch Күн бұрын
"You would think the person who was the least suspicious would be the perpetrator."
@lynnmothibeli325 19 сағат бұрын
I'm alarmed at the number of domestic violence cases and incidents in a lot of married couple's lives.💔
@nadaomar6373 Күн бұрын
He went to the office with a knife, how did they believe him saying he was there only to steal.
@aiseruchaan 17 сағат бұрын
He can simply use the weapon to threat people of harm. Weapon scary. He may not have the intention to kill, but it's hard to believe it
@Eagles.Fan.Since.Super.Bowl.52 Күн бұрын
If your parents named you Bernard I'm sorry for your pain.
@jamaaldavis6243 Күн бұрын
Dr. Grande, could you do an update on the disappearance of Asha Degree? You made a video about her two years ago and there have been some recent leads into that case. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it.
@jimcarter6990 Күн бұрын
Moral of the story : Don't buy children's toys from a shifty seller on eBay.
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
You mean someone with bad feedback?
@wpeniche Күн бұрын
Wow last time I was this early, toys r us was still open on the states.
@michaelperez9966 Күн бұрын
Not cooperating with police or answering questions is not an indication of guilt, and is actually the wise move whether you’re guilty or not.
@edgybarbie77 22 сағат бұрын
@audralynn7454 Күн бұрын
Thank you for bringing us this case Dr Grande. I'm only speculating about what could be happening in a situation like this because I manage convenience stores and I handle all the money, lottery tickets, money orders, etc as well as have to manage shrink, which means there have been times I have had to work with our internal loss prevention team to discover who is taking whatever is missing. My experience leads me to wonder if Larry noticed things missing and enlisted Bernard to help track down the culprit. If Larry was adamant about finding the theif, Bernard could have been concerned he would bring it to the attention of their higher ups. In my line of work, if I can't find the problem and fix it, if I can't explain the actionable steps I'm taking, I can lose my job. Larry may have (probably had) the same type of responsibility. Bernard may have thought he could just kill him, it looks like a robbery gone bad, and he can just keep doing his thing.
@shameronstar7220 Күн бұрын
Considering he somehow got the plea deal of a lifetime I say he was smarter than the average criminal because he technically got away with murder.
@Paradox3627505 Күн бұрын
🤔 He's gonna spend all those years in prison, when he could've, at worst, kept stealing and making money. He's used to living the "good life". I don't think he'll survive his sentence, imo.
@shameronstar7220 Күн бұрын
@@Paradox3627505 unaliving yourself for a 25 year sentence after you literally murdered someone seems kind of drastic.
@booboolips6053 Күн бұрын
It was called Toys “B” Us in my neighborhood.
@sandrabaker1312 Күн бұрын
Stupidity, on his part, no way was he going to get away with this crime, glad he is locked up in prison.
@gavinballin2323 Күн бұрын
If I was an employee of course I’d be nervous and shifty. The fact that we all now know police look for these signs would make me nervous! It’s ridiculous I feel the signs police look for most people are nervous around police even when they did not do a thing
@willelliott5052 Күн бұрын
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is legalized theft from creditors. He could have paid them back with his later windfall, but he was too selfish for that. He continued stealing in various forms, and overspending on himself. Then he murdered someone in the interest of further theft. IMO, he should be dismissed from this world. But for him to one day walk free is a colossal failure of justice.
@ingridfong-daley5899 Күн бұрын
"You miss too much these days if you stop to think" is a line from the U2 song "End of the World." @14:42
@mtbers Күн бұрын
He saw his face.... It was never a robbery, it was plain murder.
@natarshalovegrove9966 Күн бұрын
It was the loss prevention officer in the office with a knife.
@herbertcaliste5601 Күн бұрын
From a docu about this case, it was speculated that despite trying to cover his face Larry recognized Grucza and a confrontation ensued. So Bernard stabbed him.
@clownrituals587 Күн бұрын
He must have had " toys in his attic"...
@sirreptitious6645 23 сағат бұрын
I’d like to see Dr. Grande speculate on what might be happening in the case of a Dr. who’s studio is decorated mostly with cacti. 😊
@mudejartrainingnaturalscie6938 Күн бұрын
I blame eBay's constant policy changes for this murder.
@troyevitt2437 Күн бұрын
He toyed with an idea he considered child's play. He took action he figured he could get away with. He thought it was a game, and it was, if you mean, "Clue". Of all of his charges, Battery wasn't included. He never read Geoffrey Chaucer's morality plays.
@DrMurica Күн бұрын
You really are an inspiration Doc.
@megamillionfreak 22 сағат бұрын
“He toyed with the idea”, LOL. 🤣
@sweettea527 21 сағат бұрын
$90,000 a year at Toys R Us???
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
For a head of department.
@Katarina-ds5mj Күн бұрын
I think he should have been charged with grand theft too so maybe his sentence would be longer than 25 years. But I agree with Dr. Grande that the prosecution shouldn’t have agreed to accept Bernard’s plea deal.
@ritag7306 18 сағат бұрын
Did he think Larry would not have been able to identify him-this doesn’t support his claim that he hadn’t intended to murder Larry
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
He was wearing a mask.
@SetiSupreme-d7o Күн бұрын
Holy shit, those US sentences are wild, man!! 25 years for manslaughter!! 😨 But I get it since it was actually a murder. But in my country, Finland there are no plea bargains. If it was actual manslaughter he would be out in like three years or something on good behavior. Murder is always life but you can appeal for pardon from the president after 12 years. "Kill" is lesser than murder, meaning it was not premeditated. This would get you like 8 years and you could be out in 4 on good behaviour as a first timer
@ET_Bermuda Күн бұрын
Toys R Us died w/ Larry.
@seph4667 Күн бұрын
WE WANT DIDDY! GIVE US DIDDY! A billionaire who goes to prison is as weird as it gets.
@NadineWilliamsNadege Күн бұрын
It's blaze dale ( Blasdell) and Hamburg is pronounced like the burger. Just a resident of the 716 setting it straight. Happy Wednesday.
@steve10 Күн бұрын
We saw him in the store with a knife before the murder, I dont understand the need for a plea deal. For me there is too much protection for criminals, if you enter a store intent on robbing it , and you have a knife , then whatever happens you have already shown your intent. The fact someone died because you were robbing the place means you are a murderer. No excuses , your actions of being a criminal caused an innocent person's death , there shouldn't be a need for a plea deal. The law should always be on the side if innocent people , crimes will always be committed no matter the punishment , people are always desperate enough. However it feels like anyone with a criminal mind thinks to themselves there is a chance I'll get away with it in court, that's not right , your rights as a human should be taken away , the only trial needed would be to determine if the person arrested is the criminal , If evidence proves it , then that's that , your rights to defence should be taken away, there is no defence for your actions imo. This was murder , whether his intentions were that from the start or not, what did he think might happen as he was wielding a knife.
@HabitualLine-Stepper Күн бұрын
25 years* *Battery's not included
@AnastasiaFafo Жыл бұрын
Thank you for all your wonderful content. Have a great weekend ❤
@hindflight 19 сағат бұрын
Larry would have recognized Bernard and would not have kept quiet. Therefore, in Bernard's mind, Larry had to die. Should not have gotten a plea deal as Dr. Grande said!!
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
He was wearing a mask.
@johnmike121 Күн бұрын
That's quite the plea deal
@Stevethebear Күн бұрын
Blasdell = "BLAZE-DELL" Great pizza too at Blasdell Pizza, best in WNY! Hamburg like Hamburger.. oh my grande...
@stefs3460 Күн бұрын
😂 Hello fellow WNY-er! Yeah I was giggling at the pronunciation myself. And yes, Blasdell does have great pizza! Though did you ever get Gino's and Joe's pizza in Main Place mall? Best plain cheese thin crust!
@Stevethebear 7 сағат бұрын
@@stefs3460 everyones got their corner pie place, you cant throw a rock without hitting one, but LaNova gets all the attention for some reason and i swear blasdell is 5x better. Campiis in dunkirk is another 10/10 place.
@RationalGaze216 17 сағат бұрын
So did Toys 'R Us just not notice all the merchandise that was going missing?
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
Well that guy was in charge of telling them what's going missing.
@wymanb2 Күн бұрын
Need more cactus on set please
@elizabethwarman9028 Жыл бұрын
Good morning Dr Grande, excellent analysis. I agree Bernard only was thinking of himself. He had a good gig going on stealing from Toys R Us. Loved Toys R Us. Have a wonderful Friday.
@Flamsterette Күн бұрын
Excellent analysis - why was this posted a year ago?
@CountrysideCutie Күн бұрын
​@@FlamsteretteMy thoughts exactly! 😳
@Flamsterette Күн бұрын
@@CountrysideCutie Right?
@Psylliumhead 19 сағат бұрын
Larry knew him, so how did he intend on robbing him and getting away with it?
@fhrswa Күн бұрын
My question is, why did he leave his cap behind? Did he have a subconscious desire to get caught? Too bad there is not a psychologist handy, to address this mystery. 😅
@potshrooms69 Күн бұрын
He was rattled by how bad it all went. He intended to rob the safe and instead murdered someone. His adrenaline was leading the way I’m guessing
@alimac7203 Күн бұрын
Karma! You better believe it.
@danreyes736 Күн бұрын
This was such a sad case.
@helpyourcattodrive Күн бұрын
What’s happening? This one sounds interesting! Let’s do this. What a world. Thanks, Grande.❤ So many stories, so little time.
@cadillacdeville5828 Күн бұрын
A store 🏪🏬 from my childhood. It used to be a "Babies r Us" in Waldorf ,Maryland until several years ago.
@erikmurray9564 Күн бұрын
Benard had the complexion for the protection.
@k.t.8537 Күн бұрын
Oh it rhymes so it must be true
@erikmurray9564 Күн бұрын
@@k.t.8537 The rhyme catches the ear. It’s the history as related to this story that makes it true, nincompoop.
@kwas101 Күн бұрын
Background changed again? The good dr is playing with us!
@andrews527 Күн бұрын
Blays-dell NY, and Ham-burg, like the Hamburglar lives there.
@shivaninaidoo2483 Күн бұрын
Please do the Dominique Pelicot case as well 🙏
@slimjimjimslim5923 Күн бұрын
That seem to be common in criminal behavior, they always think they won’t get caught because somehow they are special or different or better than the avg person. I guess it’s more so they cannot accurate access the risk they are taking versus the benefit. For us, the risk is too high no matter how confident we are that we can get away with it
@graemefeeney2256 21 сағат бұрын
$6000 a year salary and with terrible spending habits, you wonder how that debt was racked up. 🤷‍♂️
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
Where did $6k come from?
@graemefeeney2256 6 сағат бұрын
@@eadweard.70 seconds into the video. Wife’s internet sales business.
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
@@graemefeeney2256 That was just his wife. He earned 90K.
@spinozareader 2 сағат бұрын
I'm flummoxed as to the charges and eventual plae deal, here. His prints on a cord that disabled the recording cameras, his carryin a visible knife through the store. Everything about this crime points to intention and planning aforethought. Were ther no surveillance images retained in the cloud? Were I a juror, I would not have hesitated to find him guilty of first-degree murder. The charge reduction and plea deal ofer are outrageous. It hints of crime-scene mismanagement; perhaps the police botched their opportunity to secure the most severe charges. Nothing else about this makes sense.
@lornaginetteharrison7168 14 сағат бұрын
Isn’t it more likely that Bernard deliberately stabbed Larry to death because Larry had recognised him during their fight (maybe he dislodged his face mask as well as his hat), and Bernard decided Larry had to die because he could identify him? The prosecutor was appalling, giving Bernard a massive pass on more serious, justified punishment, just because he was too lazy to take it to trial.
@aarondavis8943 19 сағат бұрын
I think he always planned to commit murder. There's a pretty reasonable chance that he would have been recognised, so murder was an integral part of his "making it look like a random robber" plan. Leaving the victim alive was almost certain to give the game away.
@phylliswurm9473 23 сағат бұрын
This was a sad story. Nice family man and father intercepted by evil.
@beverlymccollum8861 Күн бұрын
Its never a good idea to want riches. Best to follow Ben Franklin's beliefs about money and debt. Frugality is the way to go.
@shameronstar7220 Күн бұрын
It's astonishing after watching videos about all these cases, how many people are motivated by greed and the desire for wealth to commit these crimes, but the older I get I realize that's just in intrinsic factor in human experience. People are always going to do what people want to do regardless of the consequences.
@Idontcare31789 Күн бұрын
Dude looks like an adult version of Chucky 😮 *edit* in the thumbnail 😂
@stdavidfitzroy 17 сағат бұрын
Do killers ever stop and think this is wrong. Not bloody likely.
@jacquelineclement4193 Сағат бұрын
Interviewer, re Barkov, what rock have you been under especially for the past two full seasons, lol.
@Kc-dq7zj 22 сағат бұрын
I have a lot of these spiders. I put puck lights underneath them and they make a really pretty pattern on the ceiling of my porch and the look creepy from further away.
@richardlongmore9301 Күн бұрын
Waiting for his boss was stupid. He could of probably learned to crack that safe on his own and just robbed the safe one night
@GuardianOfUltima Күн бұрын
His mistake was failing to subscribe to the virtues.
@GigiRulesTheRoost Күн бұрын
manslaughter? pathetic. Yes, 2nd degree murder with life in prison. Come on.
@alanwilson2073 22 сағат бұрын
The more videos I watch by you, the more I am convinced that someday my extremely evil and narcissistic next-door neighbor will have to face the consequences of her actions, either by law enforcement or by the hand of God. You mention certain traits of these criminals like grandiose, self-centered, entitled, traits associated with NPD. She definitely carries all of these qualities and worse. No matter how badly she is knocked down by her own stupidity or consequences she brings upon herself, she NEVER changes. So, my wife and I stay low, keep to ourselves and just wait.
@yasminenazarine1629 Күн бұрын
Blood 💔 never rest in grave 💀🪦 until the crimes bring to justice ⚖️
@richardbubb7629 Күн бұрын
Blaze-dale and hamburg lol i live here bro!
@traildoggy Күн бұрын
If you think crouching is a good disguise, stop for a moment and consider exactly who else it is you think you will look like. Also reconsider all of the other decisions you may have made along the way.
@aminaomar2756 Күн бұрын
So sad to take a life 😢
@lindas5964 Күн бұрын
Oh the background keeps changing! Hard to focus on the important issue being presented!! 🌵
@susanmann5286 Күн бұрын
I wonder if he cheated during the completion of his academic requirements.
@artemisia2002us Күн бұрын
Do one on Chase Hughes, please.
@matthewneufer1758 Күн бұрын
You mean alot less risky*
@harpothehealer 14 сағат бұрын
I don't understand. It was obvious who did it plus the DNA on the cap so why offer a plea deal. You are carrying a knife for a reason. There is intent there. I'm British so not sure on USA law but surely a Murder charge of some sort. To me it seems from this footage alone, beyond reasonable doubt.
@TC2020-w8u Күн бұрын
I got my crime degree on the streets.
@pamcornelius9122 22 сағат бұрын
I have six degrees from the School of Life.
@ericneville8043 15 сағат бұрын
he did get away with murder.. you admitted it yourself
@djohanson99 23 сағат бұрын
Married some girl named Heather. Hope she ok, after three minutes or less of watching.
@theconsolekiller7113 Күн бұрын
Sure, this video is slightly entertaining now, but in 2069 I think this video will be kind of repetitive.
@humanspoder777 10 сағат бұрын
What did he do for Toys R Us that paid him 90k
@eadweard. 6 сағат бұрын
He was head of loss prevention. This was explained in the video.
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