Sir ge kramavedaya ithamath sarthakai.eka man mage aurudu 5ka duvagen dakinava.eya sir ge pothe story okkoma kiyavanava. Harima sathutui dekkama. Sir ta suba pathanava hadavathinma.
Of course, excellent teaching method. mist students, parents as well as teachers don't know this method they want pass exams. they don't know how to explain something they cannot producing language .But that kids can everything and this is what everyone wants. I appreciate this method and there is. another teacher on you tube Suranghe with English wind" he also uses total immersion, T P R S method and thinking in English and always says don't use Sinhala and says about poly goats such as Mycal Makaade..... of course this educational system should be changed and we should protect our children. Thank you very much for your great attempt for showing the real path and wish you all the best dear teacher.