The TRUTH About Rowing Machines...

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Training Tall

Training Tall

3 жыл бұрын

► The # 1 BEST Rowing Fat-Loss eBook (written by me!)
My honest thoughts on rowing machines and why so many fail to stick with rowing as a form of exercise. Moral of the story: your rowing machine needs to allow you to successfully progress yourself and stay consistent with a routine!
► My App: JUST ROW -- Follow Along Rowing Workouts & Mobility
► Products I Use and Recommend:
► I Will PERSONALLY Review Your Rowing Form
► Training Tall Merchandise
My Workout Shoes
My Podcast Mic
Concept2 Model D with PM5 Performance Monitor
WaterRower Rowing Machine
Rowing Machine Mat
My Protein Powder
The BEST Massage Gun
My Pull-up Bar
My Primary Video Camera
My Action Camera
My Recommended Dumbbell Set
My Editing Computer

Пікірлер: 690
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Cannot believe I have to say this... but for those that think that this is some kind of "Hydrow sponsorship", please stop with the cynicism. I am NOT sponsored by Hydrow. I don't know how many times I have to say it... "But you have an affiliate link".... please understand that ANYONE can get an affiliate link for ANYTHING - and that I get myself an affiliate link for any product that I mention in a video - Concept 2, WaterRower, dumbbells, yoga mats... I don't know how to be any more sincere than how I talk in this video... obviously the things that I talk about don't apply to EVERYONE - but the 90%+ people that try rowing and never stick with it... If you don't think I'm being sincere, please leave my channel and never return because I won't stand for cynical accusations and assumptions - you clearly don't know me. Thanks for your understanding and hope that you're all doing okay!
@speedracer9132 3 жыл бұрын
Training Tall anyone who has followed you for any significant period of time knows you tell it like it is and you have not once ever tried to sell us anything. It’s unfortunate that no matter how much you try to do good for the world, there will always be those trolls that try to knock you down. Keep being the wholesome guy you always have been! Words cannot explain how grateful I am for people like you who take so much time from your life to make these videos (and everything else you do, coach) simply to help the world be a better place! Thank you Austin for everything you do, please keep the health advice coming
@raulb_ 3 жыл бұрын
Training Tall ignore the haters. I believe you and you do sound sincere in your recommendations. For what’s it worth, your comments about reaching fitness goals could be applied to any discipline and are absolutely important to keep in mind. Staying healthy or fit are not simple goals, it’s a lifestyle. Keep doing what you’re doing man. I’m learning a lot about technique and rowing generally.
@gavinpalmer2435 3 жыл бұрын
And here was me thinking you were sponsored by Sunny Fitness....... seriously though, I thought your review of the Hydrow was very fair, but I've watched a lot of your stuff. Keep up the excellent work sir. You yourself are one of the things that keeps me engaged in rowing.
@ecosocialist916 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man I hope you’re good. You’ve always come off as sincere to me and thank you for your videos on the hydrow because if not for you I’d still be waiting to purchase the concept 2 which I think would’ve been a mistake. I think the hydrow will keep me more engaged and motivated and help to stay consistent so I can lose the weight and get back in shape. Thank you again, I mean it.
@JhonathanUrena 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man I recently started following you and am fairly new to rowing. Enjoying your content and candor as well. I recently picked up a ProForm 750r that has the iFit integration (similar to the hydrow) and I agree that that follow along keeps people hella engaged. I used to row on a life fitness machine at my gym and those 30 mins felt like an eternity as the machine was simple. Once I moved into my machine, it's night and day now! And people talking trash on you sponsoring a product is complete crap. Ignore that and keep on keeping on dude !👍
@cugamer8862 3 жыл бұрын
For me the lack of engagement is one of the things I like about rowing. I'm a screen addict, as I think most of us are these days. Rowing doesn't allow me that luxury, I just put on some music and go. We're addicted to stimulation in the modern world, and it's killing us. When I'm rowing I can't be wasting brain cells on Facebook, or worrying about the election, or any of the other random BS that consumes our waking moments. This is a good thing, it's something I'm learning and something I think we need to reconnect with. There are things you do because they aren't fun, they aren't lasers and rainbows; you do them because they're good for you and they take discipline to keep doing. I get motivation not from the act itself, but from what I'm seeing it do to my body. Muscles where there weren't muscles before, better sleep, the ability to walk up a flight of stairs and not feel winded. I started rowing because I want to build endurance, but you can't build endurance without enduring something. For my money that's one of the best things about rowing, or any serious exercise program, that it forces me to invest in myself. Yeah, it sucks while you're doing it, but it pays off. Everything good in life works that way. Austin, great channel, I've learned a ton here. Thank you for all you are doing for us newbies.
@speedracer9132 3 жыл бұрын
For what it’s worth, it may be worthwhile to make the effort in setting up your laptop or tablet in front of one of the less expensive machines for those who barely have the funds to get even a basic rower
@HaplessOne 3 жыл бұрын
For you its probably a good form of meditation.
@vonettadevo 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, I think you summed it all up well. Finding the motivation to stick with something that isn't so "fun" is a hurdle many of us need to overcome. I think the WaterRower and some engaging videos on my TV/iPad will help as well as measuring my stats and progress through the smart app. I feel like every fitness activity is boring in some sense so am just trying to find what will work for me but am not sure I'm into all the games and such on some rowers. Though the Ergatta add-on might be something I will get for my WaterRower.
@sabr4174 3 жыл бұрын
For me that was running. I love how I could just be on my own and disconnect (sane for some music). Unfortunately i can’t say the same for rowing! Maybe once I get better I can treat it like I do running, but I have to have some kind of motivation or something “fun” to do it.
@DavyDave1313 3 жыл бұрын
have you ever tried a rowing machine with a screen/instructor? I am looking to getting one because it hurts to run as I am very overweight and my legs cant take the impact. But idk if the screen is gonna help me or not.
@grecuccionicola 3 жыл бұрын
I row in the gym , and find it not boring , but if I row , it’s like I’m in zen mode . I like it .
@hillarymullins7928 3 жыл бұрын
same i do it at home and i don't find it boring I get in the zone and my mind just goes quiet. Funny enough I started with a treadmill but I actually find that REALLY REALLY boring and couldn't stick with it.
@ellisbonton3857 2 жыл бұрын
I rowed for the first time in the gym after the stairmaster. I think I will see if it keeps my interest up before I dive in for one at home.
@haggeoromero 3 жыл бұрын
I kept seeing Jim Carey in this video.
@elindigeno1215 3 жыл бұрын
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Haha I get that all the time!
@jank.9852 3 жыл бұрын
Much better. Keep going!
@lex3729 3 жыл бұрын
You need to do the next vid as Jim Carrey doing Clint Eastwood! 🤣
@kristarichard 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! For sure! The faces!
@markmorganemail 3 жыл бұрын
I just got home from my 1st day at a rowing gym where I went through an evaluation session with a trainer. I am new to rowing, so most of the time was spent on form and stretching. I was underwhelmed with the session, so I researched rowing and found Training Tall. What I enjoyed from this particular video was Training Tall’s candor about boredom--that, regardless of what motivates me to start rowing, boredom is a very real threat to staying committed day-after-day and year-after-year to rowing (especially when compared to other activities). He emphasized the importance, if not necessity, of “equipping” my rowing routine with features that will help me stay committed and overcome those mundane periods that can fatally derail rowing workout habits. I was impressed that he sees how valuable this insight by dedicating an entire video to this and not diluting the message with product recommendations or rowing techniques. Thank you for such a candid and focused discussion on such a hidden issue with rowing.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Mark, I sincerely appreciate your words here. Thank you for seeing through the superficial on this topic and discussion - It means a lot that you can sense my genuine concern about boredom and lack of consistency that leave so many unfulfilled with rowing. Keep up the EXCELLENT work, my friend! Thanks again!
@davidlanders2853 3 жыл бұрын
Austin, 64 and looking for the low impact total work out, your videos are a breath of fresh air and informative, thank you. And for those that say you are advertising one machine over another, they need to rewind and really listen.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Hey Dave! Thanks a lot, my friend! Means a lot! Best of luck in your rowing journey - keep up the good work!
@Five0Music 3 жыл бұрын
Very glad to see you make a serious, to the point(s) video. These are all good points. I did some rowing in the past, and am on the list with Concept 2. There’s a long term lifestyle commitment that goes with being fit, but every five minutes of exercise I get is five minutes I didn’t spend on the couch... there is a benefit. So, as long as I get on the rower, I’m in a better place than if I didn’t. Keep the videos coming.
@jaytotheh 3 жыл бұрын
I’ve been rafting for 12 years in Alaska. For fishing, float hunting, river camping, etc. My raft gets put up for the winter, and unfortunately so do my oaring muscles. So I’ve decided to get a rowing machine to keep up with it in the offseason. Thanks for all the great info!
@vaneakatok Жыл бұрын
what did you end up getting?
@jbparrothead8532 3 жыл бұрын
I bought a low end rower, $300 range. It displays my intensity, meters rowed, speed, strokes per minute, timer. It is smaller/shorter than the Concept 2, stores away easily, doesn't take up a lot of room in the storage mode or work out mode. One of the reasons I didn't get the Concept 2 was because of the price and the size. The Concept will not fit in any room of my home when set up for use. The lower end rower did help me reach my weight loss goal and I got in better cardio vascular shape after using it. It is easy to implement HIIT workouts, which really keeps me engaged in watching the built-in timer. Watching videos of rowing techniques has been helpful. So, I have to disagree about not buying a lower end model. If one is bored easily without video prompts, computerized bells & whistles on work out machinery, this might not be the ticket. But bottom line is, ROWING can be BORING. Some days, I just turn on the TV and put my 30 mins of intense rowing in and call it a day. At least I got that work out in vs not working out at all.
@CRWM987 3 жыл бұрын
100% agree: the most expensive rowers are not the only ones that work. I’m glad to hear you reached your goals, I’m still working towards mine!
@andyb6866 3 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with you, JB! Bought a $300AUD magnetic rower (Lifespan 442) with a basic display, one month ago. Use it four times a week along with other home gym equuipment. Some music in tbe background and an occasinal glance at tbe display to see progress, time etc. Don't know why someone would need other distractions or a more expensive machine to keep them engaged.
@henriqueg9265 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah me too. I place my rower in front of a tv or a window that has a great view and never get bored. On the weekends i place it by the pool and enjoy some sun. The mobility for me is key and helped get really motivaded ( besides that i dont need to leave my house to go to the gym).
@TheJunky228 3 жыл бұрын
which model did you get and how long have you been using it? There's a highly rated model on amazon I was thinking about in the same range, but a lot of the reviews were worrying in that they were having their machines break after 6-7 months of moderate use.
@HazzaBazzaChannel 3 жыл бұрын
what low end rower do you recomend getting?
@Waters652 3 жыл бұрын
I've had my Concept 2 Model D rowing machine since 2003 since it first came out. I've spent countless hours on this machine and the engagement Austin talks about is real. Even rowing at a higher level I could never go more than 6 months of rowing 3-5 times a week before I got bored. I'm pretty excited about this Hydrow and can't wait to try it out. Thanks for your videos Austin. Keep it up!
@terriflanigan942 3 жыл бұрын
I had been looking for another great workout since Arther (arthritis) in my feet, knees and back made its unwelcome self known in my life.... I used to run and hike a lot. I was looking at the C2 last year but let folks talk me out of it. I finally joined a local gym in February and they permanently closed after the so called quarantine this year (out the $) I researched long and hard before spending the money on the C2 and was tempted to by a ‘value’ machine... I finally purchased the C2 and LOVE IT! it’s like a hot knife thru butter. I did one of your 30 minute beginner rows and it felt really good - not overly challenging. OMG the next day I was hurting! This is GREAT workout! Thank you for your videos. Please keep them coming! So happy that I spent the extra $$ on the C2. I couldn’t be happier.
@123n4m 3 жыл бұрын
Just received my Hydrow, so in love! And yes it is a bit pricey, but thinking long term and amount of engagement you put it into it, the value definitely outweighs the cost!
@nd2nc 3 жыл бұрын
I find listening to podcasts keeps me engaged while rowing. 😊
@jara1392 3 жыл бұрын
I just started rowing and I was going to listen to music but I’ve gone down the podcast route and I really enjoy it as I used to listen to podcasts but don’t have the time anymore so it’s killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
@dustinb1359 3 жыл бұрын
Same. Or Audible. I listened to the entire audiobook of "No Country for Old Men" while on a rower (spread out over several sessions of course).
@andrewdouglas4211 2 жыл бұрын
I just bought a Concept 2 Model B for $200. It was built in April 1989 and is in PERFECT condition... It's fantastic. Definitely the class act and I'm incredibly impressed with the Concept 2 website and level of support. I mean, what company still supports products that are 33 years old? Incredible.
@shawndarixey4678 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. The reality is helping me look again at how my family would use the machine and what is really going to provide the help we need. Engagement wasn't even a thought but now it is.
@patrickhall6627 3 ай бұрын
There's no substitute for consistency, and good habits. Not just for diet/exercise, but life in general. It's not sexy or glamorous, but it is soooooooo true.
@withampa1 3 жыл бұрын
First time coming across your stuff today as I consider a rower after 20 years of primarily bodybuilding. I think you're legit and I appreciate your insights. It helps having someone with experience and that actually is passionate about what they are speaking about. Thank you for the effort.
@superkjell 3 жыл бұрын
My first rowing machine was my dad's when I was a kid. As an adult waning to get into better shape, I have a problem with running: It is simply boring and painful, and I only last a few minutes before I give up. I remembered being able to row the machine when I was a kid, so I bought one. Quite deliberately, I bought one with a simple display. I wasn't interested in zones or max pulse or calories burned. I kept a simple spreadsheet of meters rowed and the time it took me. I managed to fit a tablet mount to it, so I could Netflix and row. I am quite proud of the fact that I wore out the machine and did repairs to it several times before I upgraded. I could tell by the bathroom scales and my general fitness that rowing was working and that was all that mattered. When I needed a new machine, I upgraded to the Waterrower, and I am very happy. And I enjoy the fact that there is a laptop stand as an official accessory. I still Netflix and row.
@emilyhops2566 3 жыл бұрын
That should be a t-shirt! Netflix and Row!
@vonettadevo 3 жыл бұрын
That's great, and I love what you said about seeing the results without needing all the metrics to tell you that you are doing well. In our ever-connected tech world, sometimes simplicity is nice. I am going to get a WaterRower and maybe just try watching rowing videos for now until I decide if I want the SmartRow or Ergatta add-on. I like that I can just row without a monthly $40 subscription.
@esma3el 3 жыл бұрын
Truth starts at 3:00
@its_not_true 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much - I was just looking at rowing machines and needed to hear this.
@kimberlypoarch9560 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your candor Austin! I am not a person who loves exercising, especially on my own, but in the last few years I realized I like a class format. I had just bought a membership to RowHouse when COVID shut everything down, and while I hoped it would pass and I would feel comfortable going into the studio, I recently realized I just wasn't comfortable. I had been looking forward to starting rowing class for 6 months! Then I saw Hydrow ads, and it was all over (or all beginning). Once I realized too that the price was going to be similar to what I was going to pay with RH, plus now my whole family could partake, it actually became a deal! I am so glad you appreciate the quality of what Hydrow offers, and I am looking forward to exploring it too. I'm 3 for 3 days since the big rower got delivered!
@Taradays 3 жыл бұрын
How is it?
@1drlnd 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for talking about engagement. It’s so important. I’ve fallen off a lot of fitness programs because I get bored with them. Frankly, I find anything that doesn’t involve being on some kind of team and competing against someone else boring ... but as an adult it’s hard to find time to join a soccer team or whatever else. And as someone recovering from a hip injury and surgery, trying to find that low impact thing to help me stay in shape and healthy, but also actually works up a sweat and keeps me engaged has been difficult. Furthermore, you’re so on point about calorie intake and burning. After having to reduce my activity level, diet became so instrumental in keeping my weight under control. It wasn’t something I thought a lot about before because I generally enjoy a healthier diet, but when you get hurt, or other varieties of life’s inconveniences interrupt your ability to get adequate exercise, really knowing what and how much you’re eating becomes essential.
@dermnp1603 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, love seeing the real you, appreciate your sincerity and honesty. I wasn’t sure after watching your hydro row video if you were just trying to sell the machine
@mrgooddeeds3115 3 жыл бұрын
You are 1000% right on all points my friend. 👍🏻 Great job. Everyone needs to watch this video
@jeremytoepp8704 2 жыл бұрын
This is huge, thank you for the honesty and perspective!
@iRonlMoNKleY 3 жыл бұрын
I love your points. For those that fall off the wagon, find something that interests you and riff on it whether it be towing, triathlon, dancing, running, bodybuilding, CF etc... consistency is the key. You eat everyday. You breath every second. Exercise needs to be as routine.
@MosGamin 2 жыл бұрын
One of the best videos I’ve seen in a while. Couldn’t agree more with everything you said. Concept 2 all day. Have a good one✊🏼
@MEIERANDERSEN 3 жыл бұрын
Wou, you are so informative, realistically and seriously in your way to explain the “truth of rowing”🌞 Thanks!
@jeffwinkler6529 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for posting this and all of your videos. Extremely helpful and well done.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Jeff! I try to keep it real!
@svenpr9183 3 жыл бұрын
I am 205lbs, 6'8, also like rowing and this is now my favorite channel.
@dmoskaly 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, you kept me engaged. Rarely do I watch a review fully. Well said (keep up that passionate purpose style), applicable to any exercise equipment. Specifically I landed here because yes I'm interested in a water rower and with all that you mentioned it still is on my wishlist. I'm surprised I haven't run into more used ones for the failing reasons you mentioned.
@janmaaso 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for all your great videos, they are the best ones on this subject here on KZbin in my humble opinion. Keep up the good work, and best of luck. Ciao. Jan.
@maxxpatterson5987 3 жыл бұрын
This was one of the better videos I have seen. You really helped me in my decision making. Thank you.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Maxx. Glad the message came clear to you!
@johntait491 Жыл бұрын
A very informative and interesting video. Thank you for talking so candidly about rowing and the myths of "exercise". 👍
@ruthm6447 3 жыл бұрын
Definitely agree. Back in the day, I got into rowing via Liferower. The pong gen of rowers. I'd race against another boat, a chopper would drop off more rowers in the other boat, so I had to work harder, then a shark came along and ate them all. That silly engagement was great back then. It worked for me for years. I miss it.
@ManuelJimenez-vf5rs 3 жыл бұрын
Yes! I remember those! My old Jack Lalanne gym had two. That was my intro to rowing. Then I found Concept 2.
@shravyadesai9075 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for talking about this in detail. I was about to make a purchase and found this video. This will help me think, research more and get back to the purchase.
@calvinsierra6271 3 жыл бұрын
Great honest review Jim Carey. After watching I’ve got some great insight to move forward with rowing. Bad knees from weights have forced me to ease up on the running. Rowing seems like a good way to go
@GT-pl1wx 2 жыл бұрын
Jim Carey!🤣🤣🤣 so true!!!
@nelidaortiz2725 Жыл бұрын
I think so too
@MrRoosterfoot Жыл бұрын
I’m from the uk 6 foot 4 and 290lbs and I loved skipping walking and bike riding but having a kid through covid I really fully gave up with trying to stay healthy and now I struggle to do everyday things too. I have a water rower coming tomorrow can’t wait to get back on track and get an fresh routine. Love the vids dude
@realderek 6 ай бұрын
I used to always associate exercise with weight loss even though in my head I knew it was good for one's health in general. When I started a low carb diet a few months ago (down 60 lbs now), I was shedding weight quickly and I was feeling somewhat better physically. But then I made the decision to exercise purely for health -- not weight loss. And now, even though I am losing weight at around the same rate, I FEEL much, much better physically. I cannot recommend exercise enough! Even if it's just a brisk walk around the neighborhood, you'll feel the difference in just a couple weeks!
@LandCruiser1958 3 жыл бұрын
That was awesome, I needed that!
@KatAnglesea 3 жыл бұрын
I took up indoor rowing to help keep my cardio fitness up whilst recovering from shin splints. I actually really enjoy it and when I resume my running activities in a few weeks time believe it will help make me a better runner.
@feistygirl75 3 жыл бұрын
😆 Fellow runner here looking into rowers because I keep having shin issues 😩
@josejopez 3 жыл бұрын
You cant out exercise a bad diet
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
The damn truth!
@Rockies007 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, very clear and super informative. 👍 Diet, focus and consistency make all the difference. It takes months to get into shape if your lucky, it takes weeks to get out of shape.
@markricketts6957 3 жыл бұрын
I am a member of an on the water rowing club and whilst we all love rowing the general attitude is that a concept 2 is a torture device. Anything that makes using a rowing machine fun deserves your enthusiasm. There is a big difference between really being excited about the hydrow and being paid to be excited.
@jonathanellwood 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree with you. I bought a cheap rower it broke within one month. Got a replacement, also broke. In the end I bought an ex gym model C C2. About twice the cost of a cheap one. The thing is I have now had it for 12 years and it's still going strong. They are infinitely reparairable pretty much. Yes it's huge, but if you want fitness to be part of your life you find a way of making room for it. Rowing is ALL about the metrics and with a C2 you can be pretty sure of how you are doing and more importantly, how you stack up against others. There is a huge community of rowers out there and you can compare yourself to others in your age group. It's good stuff to know. It truly is all about the engagement... If you want to make it about a lifestyle, lifetime choice, a quality machine gives that to you. Can't afford one? Save up and by a used one.
@queencity79 3 жыл бұрын
a very good, straight forward video I've watched in a long time...... Austin's video makes one really think about the "why" and to ask the question "am I motivated and disciplined enough to invest the money, time and effort to obtain the results I'm looking for". I try hard to keep wasted time, effort and money as close to zero as possible and this video was very helpful..........
@benblackburn4908 3 жыл бұрын
Great article , thanks for putting things in perspective.
@Dominik189 Жыл бұрын
The whole reason I picked up rowing is to lose the damned screens and numbers and shit, just toss on an audiobook in the background and row.
@slydog7131 2 жыл бұрын
You make some good points. Engagement is a problem with any cardiovascular machine, not just rowers. At the gym, I used the Concept 2 rower consistently, not because of any kind of display, but rather the meditative aspect of settling into a rhythm while excersizing both the upper and lower body. I could hardly care about the display, I certainly don't need a video screen in front. For most people, it's likely best to get a gym membership for a while and try out different machines to see what they gravitate to. Once they know that and want something for the home, they can make a more informed decision. But, it is likely best to have a variety to choose from rather than depending on any one cardiovascular exercise, which indeed most people get bored with and stop doing. I find the best method is to engage in outdoor activities (run, walk, bike, swim, pickle ball, etc) and use the indoor machines when the outdoor weather doesn't allow.
@Fernando-jy6gq Жыл бұрын
Just bought a rower. Definitely going to use it to meditate and not use music or videos just because you showed me how addicted we are.
@caranewcomer6542 3 жыл бұрын
Spot on! Definitely enjoyed this vid. I have a NordicTrack R500 coming in a few days, and I got the iFit membership for interactive classes/sessions as boredom IS a thing! Can't wait to get started on this new journey :)
@bobble3633 3 жыл бұрын
Hi, I am thinking of getting a rowing machine, as I live in a 2 bed apartment, I am very aware that it will take up a large amount of space. Also it’s quite an expense for something that could easily end up as a cloths rail. For all the info I have read, this Vid was the most honest and helpful. The reality is, if your not exercise minded, and your not prepared to buy in to it - it’s just another piece of equipment you’ll have to push yourself to use. And that’s not the picture some people paint . Great Vid !!!
@glennover6046 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I totally agree with what you're saying in this video. Engagement is absolutely key. That's why I'm looking at the Aviron which you reviewed. It has all kinds of options to keep you engaged. My only impediment is that early this year, I moved to Portugal so I'm going to have to pay a freight forwarding shipper. But, hey, whatever it takes!
@lhdnp1980 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate your opinion on rowing machines. I really liked how you explained calories in and trying to exercise the calories out. I needed to hear this. 💓👍❤️
@johnsonner6325 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, on this subject please take a look at the Ergatta row machine. Possibly a review in the future?
@terryfrost5090 5 ай бұрын
Motivation comes from within, not the price tag of the machine.
@kevinl1434 3 жыл бұрын
Appreciate the honesty!
@SoCalVipers Жыл бұрын
Great video, I think you talked me out of getting a rower. I know myself too well. I like running outside or on a treadmill because it's sort of mindless. And for me, when I hit the 3 mile point, I feel like I can go forever. Rowing is like jumping rope - it's really intense!
@TheRiehlThing42 3 жыл бұрын
Changed my diet, doing treadmill (with a movie or music videos on at home) and just added Hydrow with their training videos. So far, I'm liking it. Had never rowed before, and the instruction videos definitely helped.
@CDbiggen Жыл бұрын
Great video. Bought my concept 2 about two years ago. The rowing machine has always been my go to machine ever since I was a teen, I'm just built for it I think (tall, broad shouldered, etc). Before I bought it I was using it most days at the gym for 30mins to an hour. Absolutely right about the engagement, it can get boring and if you lose focus you can lose your form. The concept 2s come with a phone holder to help with this, but i find phones too small. Personally I can row in front of the TV (just one 40 minute episode of something on TV) and keep a steady pace and once you get that routine, not only do lose weight, you build strength and stamina. if you stay consistent, you'll see those rowing numbers increase on their own in no time as you pull harder and stay on it longer. Really important as well not to go crazy on it, otherwise you'll burn yourself out and drop that all important routine.
@charliepinker 10 ай бұрын
This advice, and your views on machines that provide a full stroke length, led me to order a Concept2 and so far I absolutely love it. Agreed that the assisted motivation is so important. Have subscribed!
@safewaytravel6540 2 жыл бұрын
That’s the way I totally get it and I thank you for your naked truthfulness
@MrBighogman 3 жыл бұрын
I have been running for 40 years alone with no headphones. I don't watch TV and I am self motivated. I was going to buy a cheap rower but you changed my mind. Time for a change and get some artificial interaction.
@raynorris9375 Жыл бұрын
I ordered a Concept 2, two days ago, after many hours of research...including your videos. After watching this video I'm to the limit hyped, I liked and subscribed immediately after seeing the eyebrows...kidding...your intensity is motivating! You should do a rowing app! You do an amazing job.
@maryannmiranda2751 3 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. Thanks for serving up the truth.
@anthonyreyes4025 3 жыл бұрын
When i was deployed, the gym on base had concept 2 rowers. At first, i didn't know what i was doing until i went on youtube and watched the technique. I keep my resistance on six when i did 5k or 10k row, then up the resistance for when I do the 500 m interval. 2 weeks in and i fell in love. Because i dropped seconds on my run and my rep range for pull ups by 5 repetitions. I totally agree when it comes to consistency because rowing machines like concept 2 can become boring but for me personally i was in competition with myself in cutting times when training.
@bdeana2961 2 жыл бұрын
I have never had a rowing machine but I have a small boat that I love to row on the lake. I am well aware that the smallest amount of snack eating will cancel out any physical workout in a hurry. I am 74 years old and I control my weight with IF plus I walk an average of 5 miles everyday. I needed something else to give my upper body a workout and I hate weights. I am hoping rowing can do that. I made the plunge to buy a concept 2 machine plus I have a 32” TV that will play anything off of my phone. I intend to mount the tv on the wall in front of the concept 2 so I can follow some of the many videos I have already discovered. I also hope the rowing machine can help keep my legs in shape for skiing which my wife and I try to do once a week during the season. My machine has not arrived yet but I have already learned a lot from watching your videos. I’m looking forward to the journey in front of me. Thanks for all you do.
@jonathanl2748 3 жыл бұрын
I do think that Concept 2 needs to come out with a Hydro like addition to their Model D product. That’s why I only row while watching your videos or similar on my I-Phone (a TV monitor is my goal). It makes me nuts to stare at a PM5 Stroke rate. Good talk.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree! Thanks man...
@lorraineblough433 3 жыл бұрын
I can see why people would be more motivated to continue rowing with the Hydrow. Being linked to a live instructor and other rowers is like taking a group fitness class. Some people do better with a group. These are the people that Austen was thinking of when he reviewed the Hydrow. He wasn't saying it was better than the Concept 2 - it is an alternative.
@azophi Жыл бұрын
It helps if you’re part of a rowing club and erg with people. But yeah, I mean using a concept2 can actually be pretty boring especially if you don’t have music or a movie going on. Especially so if you dont have motivation for rowing specifically, either on or off the water
@fedguy9182 11 ай бұрын
@@azophiIf you don’t have motivation and dedication no exercise program or machine will make a difference. why spend money on prescriptions etc…they will mot give you some magical dedication over the long term.
@laurachavez9779 2 жыл бұрын
Love the video 🙏
@StriderZessei 3 жыл бұрын
I was looking for tall-guy-specific workouts, which led me to this channel, which got me thinking about rowing. Then, I did my research. Rowing seems great for me, because being 6'6", my biggest concerns are protecting my back and joints from injury. Trying them out at my local gym helped me see that it gives a satisfying workout for me. My understanding is that the model d will require less maintenence and cost, and require less space in my small workout area. I'm still on their waiting list, and I'm still excited to start one of your row-along videos or turning on some NF and get my sweat on.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
That’s awesome man, - always glad to hear from other tall guys! We do have a natural advantage in rowing. You will be very happy with your C2 as long as you find what keeps you consistent and coming back week by week! Best of luck to you!
@ezridax 3 жыл бұрын
My name just came up on the waiting list, can't wait to get my first C2
@StriderZessei 3 жыл бұрын
@@ezridax congrats!!
@SA-dc9el 2 жыл бұрын
As someone thats 6'2, my back is also a concern when working out. Did you get yours? Hows the progress going?
@StriderZessei 2 жыл бұрын
@@SA-dc9el hi! I bought a Concept model D rower, and I really like it. I've had to be mindful to do the exercise, or else I'll really feel the strain in my lower back. Also, it can be kind of boring, so make sure you have a clear goal to work towards and a good workout mix.
@maricarmenferreira2991 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks again for your videos. You offer mention important points.
@71batownsend Жыл бұрын
Great video. I'm just starting to look into rowing due to knee injury so treadmills are not an option for a while. Thanks for all the valuable info
@catt3911 3 жыл бұрын
Super honest, thanks, dude!
@coalakida Жыл бұрын
This was awesome, Thank you
@lfmars98 3 жыл бұрын
I originally bought the Concept 2 to help in my recovery from a broken femur and knee surgery. Now that I’m starting to get back into running, I use it for easy to moderate cardio workouts to supplement my running. Less wear and tear on my body😂
@Cresencioantonio Жыл бұрын
G😢hurt my 🎉😅😅gt😂🎉 uLol😮Shocked 😂😅r
@fradenX 3 жыл бұрын
What you said is true on so many levels. I'm an 'obese' person by the medical standards, and I don't exercise much. I do love running and well, rowing. What you said about rowing machine making us work and create our own effort is super accurate. The lack of stimulation like TVs, fun 'games', and everything (more like distractions to me) is also true. But that's why I love rowing. As someone deemed as unattractive by the society, I rarely celebrate my body. Rowing machine, however, shows what my body is capable of, and at the same time, doesn't give me much distractions. When I get on that rowing machine, I love how I can be with myself, cheer myself on, and stimulate my brain to create happy thoughts. What the others say about us having to generate our own motivations is so spot on. Exercise is not supposed to be a punishment for what we ate, but a celebration of what our bodies can do.
@flapkatt6094 3 жыл бұрын
I just bought a rather low end resistance machine, because of a spinal cord injury that keeps me from EVER getting aerobic by any other movement. Walking is only in my past-life. Even water is no longer anything I can do. So I'm hoping my mental engagement is something I have never lost, and I will use it to do what I am supposed to do, which Is stay as fit and mobile as I can. Your video gives me some hope. I didn't lose the bod overnight, and I won't find it as it was ever again, but I can try. My head keeps me engaged.
@ashleyrenzi4869 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Perfectly said .
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks, Ash!
@exploarrowing 3 жыл бұрын
This is so very true! lose weight = diet gain fitness = workout a rowing machine needs to provide enough (quality) to keep you rowing 'rowing' on any of those ergs besides biorower simply is not rowing! It's a training device training muscles you'd need on the water - no more, no less. the more the machine provides (quality and/or 'content') to keep you guys working out the better
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Totally agree! Thanks for sharing - I really want to try the biorower!
@jasonfenner360 3 жыл бұрын
I have the Norditrack S22i and love the engagement of iFit. Thinking about getting a Rower but I know I need something with a Screen or at least seamless integration with a Tablet or iPad.
@brendamartinez175 3 жыл бұрын
I originally was going to OrangeTheory and discovered my favorite station was the rower. It was not the most fun or the easiest, but I learned that with my physical condition and limitations it was the most beneficial to continue my journey for my fitness goals. Since my gym has been closed for months, I thought to myself what exercise/equipment was I was missing most and knew I needed to purchase a rower. It took me months on researching what rower I wanted (strong bias towards water rowers). Your videos with their honest opinions, reviews, and tips on how to get the most out of rowing have helped me take the initiative to go ahead and purchase my rower. What you have said about diet and exercise is exactly what my doctor tells me every time I see him, so I know what I do and how I eat affects my health. Your videos inspire me try more and I thank you for them.
@kirstenk3791 3 жыл бұрын
Good choice. I love my water rower! Have fun
@tori1of11 3 жыл бұрын
Which rower did you end of buying? I just cancelled my 4 year OTF membership.
@brendamartinez175 3 жыл бұрын
@@tori1of11 I ended up purchasing the rower and it has been both challenging and rewarding.
@Jomo1438 3 жыл бұрын
While I understand that people get very interested in stats and stuff, my doc said I had to do 30 mins of aerobic exercise 5X week to survive. My treadmill was great and all, but no upper body. So pandemic, cold weather, lots of indoor life, no money going out to the gym to us meant Concept2 time. Low impact, no worries about clothing (including shoes) , Spotify on and it works for me. I'm crowding 60 years old. Fitness for life really motivates me when I want to be around for yet to be conceived grand babies. One day, maybe, I'll pay attention to the numbers, but not now. Not yet.
@krasky 2 жыл бұрын
Hold up, you have no money for the gym but buying a 1.000$ machine?
@Jomo1438 2 жыл бұрын
@@krasky I think I said the opposite. Since there was no money going out to the gym, we had money for the machine.
@krasky 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jomo1438 oh you meant that the money is not going to the gym.
@kingstonwaters327 3 жыл бұрын
@lorineely6921 Жыл бұрын
Love the passion and honesty
@jocelynmonique 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this video. I was attracted to rowing 4 yrs ago bc I love that it helps build mental focus, discipline, and technical skill as well as helps me learn my body. To me, engagement is my ability to be actively alone w myself, track my own progress and complete workouts that meet my body’s needs in the moment. I don’t enjoy group fitness or canned workouts, so I get certified in all the types of fitness I pick up. That way I can build my own workouts from scratch or from a template. I appreciate 1:1 coaching, at times, to check my form and offer new ideas, catered to me. Some say my style is “boring,” but I like it...and have for over 20 years. I propose that in fitness, one has to first find the foundational elements of what they enjoy and then build a routine (and buy equipment) that is consistent. Then, you may be more likely to stick w it for as long as your body allows.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
I’m so so glad it’s been successful for you :) thanks for sharing your insight!
@ticesevradero 2 жыл бұрын
I dis not the screen that attach you to excercise but you braient , your Will.
@joshconnelly1232 3 жыл бұрын
I'm about to purchase a rowing machine because I'm in quarantine. I really appreciate these kind of videos. Your passion on the matter really shows. I wish I could afford the Hydrow but I don't think I'll be dissatisfied witb the Concept2.
@justalurkr 3 жыл бұрын
My official resolution for 2021 is to survive it. One of my unofficial resolutions is to be able to complete a sprint triathlon within three hours. Since all the indoor pools are closed for plague and outdoor pools are closed for winter, I plan to sub in rowing for swimming.
@paulpitot3894 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks for all your comments... I'm going to unpack my concept 2 this afternoon!
@tiffanyweaver282 3 жыл бұрын
As soon as I save my money up - I’ll be getting that hydrorow!!! I’m thinking as a reward for finishing my masters. I just don’t get enough rowing at OTF!
@IReapZz95 3 жыл бұрын
uff you are brave.... I'm sold on the machine itself but $500 a year in subscriptions forever?!?! I can afford it without a problem, but I just can't bring myself to spend that when that is the cost of a gym's subscription
@brianwillow4898 3 жыл бұрын
Ouch this video did it for me good luck my friend
@triplecap4307 3 жыл бұрын
As a relatively long term concept 2 rower, basically everything you said is spot on accurate.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
Triplecap I appreciate it... thank you very much for watching!
@triplecap4307 3 жыл бұрын
Yes without a doubt. But if you are more into fancy screens and paid subscriptions you should check out newcomers like Hydrow. I think Training Tall has done a good job of describing the trade offs. I've got a pretty big basement gym with a rogue monster rack, bike erg, treadmill and rower, and I must say I think the rower gets the most use.
@kasi95965 Жыл бұрын
I'm considered obese after being cancer free I fell in love with eating again without the illness that comes from chemo But as a mom and someone who always enjoyed soccer and baseball I felt a need to get back the life I fought for. I'm sad I didn't see this video until I had purchased a sunnyhealth one my Dr suggested rowing just to bring up my endurance and muscle strength in general but I'll just save for a concept 2 now! I didn't really think of why some were cheaper I kinda just rushed in, so I think you for making this video and the honesty behind it
@basp1928 3 жыл бұрын
In a gym where i was training 20 years ago they had a Rowing machiene whith a screen where you could see 2 rowing boats very oldskool looking and funny it was a race and sometime a chopper put a extra man on the other boat til 6 men.and if they got to fast a shark eat some of the other boat.i loved that machiene.
@adriancarpenter4493 3 жыл бұрын
Great rant Austin. Lots of good points - getting a plan and sticking with it helped me on my weight loss journey with rowing. ( 26 kg ). I’m using the 2k training plan from concept2 hoping to go sub 8mins for 2k by the end of 2020. Finally totally agree that to lose weight you have to consume less calories. Exercise is vital not to loss muscle. Our bodies will consume muscle before losing precious fat when in caloric deficit.
@trainingtall 3 жыл бұрын
That’s incredible Adrian!! I know you’ve had your ups and downs... really really glad to hear that rowing is going well for you now! Congrats on all of the success and keep up the great work!
@adriancarpenter4493 3 жыл бұрын
Training Tall - thanks Austin, all best wishes to you, your enthusiasm certainly provided motivation when I got my c2.
@adriancarpenter4493 3 жыл бұрын
Ps I’ve just gone under 8’ 30” so quite pleased not sure if I can get another 30” off before the end of 2020 but I’m giving it a go. I’ve hit one target of being a c2 light weight (
@leaannsavage2231 2 жыл бұрын
I got into searching for a rowing machine because I saw an article (that I can no longer find and it drives me nuts) showing a training schedule to help people with chronic fatigue build up their stamina again, and that program used a rowing machine. Due to Lyme Disease, Idiopathic Cardiomyopathy, and CFS, I have allowed my body to become VERY out of shape. I want to do graded exercise training to build back some stamina and muscle tone. Just wanted to add. It took 4 months, but I've built up to 10,000 walking steps per day. I used to run 4 miles a day (from the age of 14 to 42 which is when I got sick). I am now 59. I am also type A so when I started out walking I walked 10,000 steps the first day and crashed for 2 weeks. Then I tried 7,500 steps and crashed for 2 days. Then I tried 5,000 steps and was able to keep that up consistently. Now I can do 10,000 steps per day. My next goal is to add in some strength training and I am HOPING that rowing will be a bridge to that. I think I could do it in a graduated fashion (like I did with the walking). Any input/advice about rowing for a VERY out of shape 59 year old woman with mild cardiomyopathy will be appreciated. I want to eventually be able to lift weights (right now it is just too much - my heart rate skyrockets with very little effort when trying to lift weights).
@Angiehere-1 2 жыл бұрын
I’m just purchasing a cheap but well liked rowing machine. If I like it, I will eventually upgrade. I’m not exercising for weight loss. I do OMAD for weight loss. Love your videos!
@apuuvah 2 жыл бұрын
A vigorous heavy (morning) workout elevates your metabolic rate for up to 18 hours. But, diet is definitely key. How much you eat, what and when. Stable blood sugar is important.
@e1k_ob283 2 жыл бұрын
I have been doing the rower for more than a year and I’m 13 and I love it.
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