Trans YouTuber Blames Minor For Their Detransition

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The Offensive Tranny

The Offensive Tranny

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@Ithaca-vv5dy 2 жыл бұрын
When 15-17 year old girls can get T easier than a 50 year old man who has low T counts, there’s a problem
@barbeeska 2 жыл бұрын
Same with estrogen, my mum was taken off hrt against her consent
@seandoesnpcshit 2 жыл бұрын
when someone takes T they aren’t a girl lol
@maxwellmaxwell3042 2 жыл бұрын
@raezeal1608 2 жыл бұрын
@@seandoesnpcshit when a girl takes T theyre not a girl??? Whats with that mind of yours? Hahaha Trans mind is wierd i guess
@asthecrowflies-g2v Жыл бұрын
@@seandoesnpcshit what... testosterone doesn't make you a man
@bleukettu4521 2 жыл бұрын
Listening to Noah's circular arguments makes me want to launch myself into the sun. If someone of a certain age can't consent to a sexual relationship, can't vote, can't drive, can't drink or smoke. This is medical malpractice and child abuse.
@rdgloveshouse 2 жыл бұрын
I'm England a 60 year old man can legally marry a 15 year old child without parental consent just saying. (Gross af)
@xxxxOS 2 жыл бұрын
@@rdgloveshouse the same thing happens in the US. Child marriage is legal in a few states. Luckily there has been push back on it lately as it has become completely clear that pedophiles are exploiting this stupid old law. Here in the UK you have to be 16 to get married to anyone, that's all I've ever known. It's still obviously too low. We need new laws in place to keep up with new science. We know that kids cannot fully consent until they are at least 25. Young minds are programmed to seek instant gratification unlike those over the age of 20. Meaning kids make poor long term decisions. It's utterly criminal that barely legal 18 year olds are doing porn and OnlyFans when they have no idea how exploitative these industries are. Any grown man sniffing around a 15 here in part of Scotland would get completely mauled like a bear by most decent men in my town. Just because things are legal doesn't make them socially accepted. Hebephilia and pedophilia will never be accepted as long as women stay strong and educated. Women will always be the protector of children and it seems a lot of women are waking up to the massive pedo problems here in the west and are mobilising and organising. The gravy train is about to reach the final stop
@xxxxOS 2 жыл бұрын
@@rdgloveshouse It's a good thing most 15 year olds don't want to marry old pedos and most parents here in the UK would literally call the police if a 30 year old never mind a 60 year old was sniffing around a teen. You making up lies about marriage at 15 is Sus and misinformation tbh. That's a tactic pedophiles use online. It's very much 16 to get married in the UK. Not 15. Don't spread misinformation and from what I've heard America has a lot more teen marriage to older men in one state than the entire UK. Both countries are wrong for allowing this. Unfortunately our countries are massively corrupt so getting common sense laws that protect people and children is like trying to get to Mars.
@rdgloveshouse 2 жыл бұрын
@@xxxxOS lmfao i typed the wrong number by a year off. As if 16 makes it somehow less depraved . Nobody is making up lies.. not sure what the usa has to do with my comment
@xxxxOS 2 жыл бұрын
@@rdgloveshouse Okay sorry if I attacked you and it was a genuine mistake but I would beg you to edit your comment to the correct age. Young predators will see your comment and start saying it's legal to marry 15 year olds in the UK and it could lead to misinformation about age of consent laws. Predators are always looking to find examples of countries where the age of consent is very low, to basically advocate for lower age of consent laws in the US etc I agree 15 and 16 are both vile ages for grown men to be seeking. But these youth obsessed men would marry 10 year olds if it was legal. Literally. They fantasise about 15 year olds the most because they are just out of reach for them. I've been studying online predator behaviour for a long time now.
@ameliajones7292 2 жыл бұрын
'Her skirt was too short' - totally that - she should have known better. So gross to talk about a kid like that - or anyone! The person you're responding to is so stuck in a victim mentality. If you think your leg is broken the doctor still checks and does an xray before putting it in a cast. Even if you're 100% sure it's broken and can't stand. It's pretty standard to make sure things are diagnosed properly before any medical treatment - it's really bizarre that these people don't approve of that!
@KM-oy2dw 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Throughout all the video I kept thinking "but she was... 16" whenever Noah talked. Even I, who was a well-behaved teenager would have feel like I knew more than my parents/doctors at that age.
@laikanbarth 2 жыл бұрын
It’s a cult and they are pushing an ideology. I find it abhorrent.
@DragonsOfSnow 2 жыл бұрын
@@KM-oy2dw ESPECIALLY if you're a generally well-behaved, mostly intelligent person will you almost certainly NOT listen to anyone as a teenager. Because, well, you think you're smart enough to "know better." Bottom line: Like Marcus said, if you're really T, no amount of questions from drs will change your mind so what is everyone so scared of?
@1944sunflower 2 жыл бұрын
Especially with kids! Kids can’t decide on anything.
@fuckfoolsgoldblooddiamonds6888 2 жыл бұрын
Perfect logic and rational applied here. This dangerous, narcissistic fool needs to get of the internet.
@machellovelivelife658 2 жыл бұрын
If an anorexic person walked into a psych's office and said, "I know what my problem is, I'm overweight and I need liposuction", that physician better "CHALLENGE" that patient's understanding of their problem and assumption about what the solution is. Noah seems young, I cant take them seriously. Noah is projecting, while accusing Bell of projecting. I cant.
@esther-corinna 2 жыл бұрын
The anorexia comparison always makes me laugh because of something I once did in group therapy. I have never told this to anyone, not even my closest friends because I'm embarrassed about my behaviour. It's kind of a long story to type in the commends but I now, 4 years later, think it's pretty funny. I am 26 now, so I was not a child when this happened, but I surely acted like one.. I was in group treatment at an eating disorder clinic that was absolutely at treating or even understanding anyone with a long term eating disorder. Especially one man who wasn't a therapist, I'm still not sure why he worked there, just had no clue about eating disorders and would say things that were triggering, mocking and just insulting. That man would always tell me, no one else, to put an objectively ridiculous amount of butter on my bread. So everyday he was there he would just continue to argue with me while we were eating lunch, even if I was trying to ignore him. One day he was sitting next to me and instead of responding to him I scooped as much butter out of the tub as I could fit on my knife, dropped it onto a slice of bread and put it on his plate. I then said something along the lines of ''I'll eat the amount of butter you tell me if you'll do the same but then in 6 months we're both going to need liposuction because we'll be too fat to fit through the door''. I then walked out of the room and went outside to smoke. Really petty I know.. I've never done anything like that before or since (except to my sister when I was a child) but that man just managed to make my blood boil. At the end of that day I had to talk to the ''main'' therapist to explain myself, at first I continued to be petty and said I probably had low blood sugar. But I then explained how this man made me feel which was completely disregarded. Understandable considering my behaviour that day, but that had been their standard response from the start. Anything I did or said was because of my disorder and I could never even be a ''real person'' as long I have an ED, according to them. It's the ''once someone decides you're crazy, everything you say and do is crazy'' kind of treatment. I was also told I would get kicked out of therapy if I ever did anything like that again, but they didn't have to because I quit the next week lol.
@Redrosewitch 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! The doctor is a professional with years of education, training and practice, a lot of it before they even get to call themselves 'Doctor'. I've heard doctors talk about how they diagnose and it's amazing. No wonder training takes so long. It's not merely what you tell them, but they also look out for signs in your body, your face, your behaviour and even your movements. For Noah to suggest that a doctor should just take the word of a scared and confused child, and not even apply all those years of training to find a medically accurate diagnosis. Well, I don't know what to say.
@Redrosewitch 2 жыл бұрын
@mako All good points. But the fact is, you're expecting a doctor to give you drugs that will alter your still growing and developing body permanently. To say nothing of the potential health problems. The doctor has medical knowledge that you don't have at 16. So, you should be able to expect that doctor to do everything needed to make sure that those drugs and surgeries are what you actually need before committing you to them. And going by the number of detransitioners coming forward, that isn't being done. For every transmen like Noah and Marcus, for whom the treatment was the right way forward. There are too many like Keira who.medical professionals should be able to spot as having different problems that they are just as much in need of help for.
@peterpeterson3385 Жыл бұрын
@mako Nope. Biological factors play a role in anorexia, depression and other mental illnesses. No one is born anorexic, but biological factors may increase the likelihood to become one. Sexuality is likely partly environmental just like being transgender is. There is no evidence to suggest that people are born transgender or gay. There is no clear evidence to know these things as absolute facts and if you have done research regarding this, you know it as well. Also, just by knowing likely causes for mental illnesses, why would you expect these things to be complete different?
@5050TM Жыл бұрын
I'm schizoaffective and thought there were people in the vents and that starving myself made me worthy of life--No, this is not a joke. I asked for meds I should not have thinking everything was wrong with me. Crying begging even! Doctors should definitely try to understand the patient fully before giving meds unless they are adults who are already diagnosed.
@niritROCK245 2 жыл бұрын
I can’t believe that person shamelessly blamed a poor, lost 16 year old like that. That is so sad. Adults and especially medically trained adults should know better and should be the ones liable!
@ellie698 2 жыл бұрын
I've seen that "person" before. She's absolutely vile.
@frankgradus9474 2 жыл бұрын
@@ellie698 vile and brainless too, which is a highly combustible mix ...
@haruhisuzumiya6650 2 жыл бұрын
It's the matter of principle, allow trans youth to transition but gatekeeping is a issue frustrating that are inflicted by GID. Puberty blockers are better alternatives
@niritROCK245 2 жыл бұрын
@@haruhisuzumiya6650 I believe trans youth should be allowed to socially transition (Clothing, pronoun change, name change, haircuts/extensions) while they are still figuring themselves out. Puberty is a healthy and necessary part of human growth both physically and mentally. Allowing the child to go through puberty might make them more dysphoric, but they can have therapy to treat them and tell them that gender is not about your biology, it’s mental so you are still your gender that you feel regardless of what’s happening to your body. Some trans kids grow out of dysphoria. Hormone medication should be given to the child when they reach an older age in which they can truly consent and truly know themselves better. There are not enough studies that show these kids will just kill themselves before they turn 18 if they don’t start medication early enough. The industry is making a lot of money with these experimental medical transitions
@haruhisuzumiya6650 2 жыл бұрын
@@niritROCK245 this has been a thing since the early 90s just shy of 30 years experimental medication comment was inaccurate due to the fact that trans youth have been against the system every step of the way and you can believe how destructive that is, to their own psyche while I agree with the concerns there needs to be a better dragnet and the detransioners aren't many so the system is very adversarial against transgendered individuals suffering from GID.
@familybusiness1224 2 жыл бұрын
If I think I have cancer, the doctor is going to put me on chemotherapy just because I say so? I don't understand why doctors go so easy on these kids, giving them hormones and cut off parts of their bodies without making sure that is the right thing to do?
@user-yy5di3qg5u 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that should be longer and more complicated just to be sure if you really want to transition without questions (if there are no other solutions on the table left).
@familybusiness1224 2 жыл бұрын
@@user-yy5di3qg5u Children always change their minds. From 12 to 16 I was convinced that I should be a boy, that God made a mistake an put me on the wrong body. I was really serious about it until I've met my first boyfriend and the whole being a boy thing just disappeared. For the majority of these children is just a phase and doctors know that. But today doctors think only about your money, they don't care about what happens to you after. Someone should make them responsible for their actions, if they keep getting away with it, this is only going to get worse.
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 2 жыл бұрын
Because they become lifelong dependents on the medical system. Something like a million bucks on each one of these kids if they get them young.
@PuddilyOops 2 жыл бұрын
When I was a kid I was a proper hypochondriac. If I had a bump, it had to be cancer. If I had a headache I was having a stroke. I was constantly worried about my health. Can you imagine if I went to a doctor and said that I was convinced that I had cancer and they just started chemo without doing any tests? It’s ludicrous and yet this is what happens.
@bronminett4042 2 жыл бұрын
Because there making a fortune. These people need on going medical treatment forever!!!
@arielle 2 жыл бұрын
Stay speaking the truth, king
@hibiscus3356 2 жыл бұрын
I love to see an older like minded lesbian!! I'm 16 and lesbian so I really look up to u
@มาช่า-ญ9ณ 2 жыл бұрын
@@hibiscus3356 Same age and also a lesbian
@hibiscus3356 2 жыл бұрын
@@มาช่า-ญ9ณ omgg literally so perfect 💖what if she replies to us🥺
@talmiz101 2 жыл бұрын
Arielle please for the love of god, I BEG OF YOU! to interview one Doctor Quentin Van Meter! please!!! please!!!
@ScampScanner 2 жыл бұрын
@porkinmorkin 2 жыл бұрын
I've been in therapy almost 30 years, and I don't feel like I truly "know myself". We should question and push back, that's how good therapy works.
@rhymerlegend2717 2 жыл бұрын
Yup. I go to therapy BECAUSE I don’t o own myself
@QueSeraSeraaaa 2 жыл бұрын
I would love if seeking for help can be encouraged, seeking for validation is an endless cycle of everything that isn’t happiness.
@valorie444 2 жыл бұрын
yup a therapists job IS to pushback not “affirm” your depression anxiety self esteem issues etc
@Redrosewitch 2 жыл бұрын
My thoughts too, Christine. The therapists I've had have questioned my thinking and helped me to find more productive and healthy ways. That's what they are trained to do.
@sunmi2539 2 жыл бұрын
@daashazireael6613 2 жыл бұрын
Did he really say for a teen kid to take responsibility for their part? They're children. Omg
@sarahhollerman3240 2 жыл бұрын
He’s being a real hero by standing up for the “gender affirming” doctors. The fact they even called themselves “gender affirming” was suspect since they were known for consistently affirming the person was “trans”gender the minute they mentioned feeling like they didn’t fit the stereotype of the gender they were born. Kyra even said she told the doctor about her other mental health issues she was battling but those were disregarded as soon as she brought up her self-consciousness about her gender. The doctor then pushed her to medically transition. Kids are not allowed to vote, buy cigarettes, or even look at porn legally until they are 18. If they aren’t trusted to make the right decisions when it comes to those things why would you let them decide to change their lives forever. She was trusting the doctor to help her. She was trusting them to help her figure things out because she was having a hard time. Where the hell were her parents?!?! They should have been there the whole way, talking about their experiences with kyra and helping to give a complete picture of their daughter. I don’t trust doctors as naively as they did, but that is because they are human and humans are notorious for fucking things up for whatever reason. Plus, just because they have the title “dr” it doesn’t mean they adhere to a strict code of integrity, honesty, or prioritizing the patient. You should be able to trust them in a perfect world, but even then you also have to be aware, intuitive and mindful. As a parent I would have researched different doctors and psychologists to find the one that would do the best job for my daughter and actually listen objectively. Psychologists are supposed to be objective and listen and help you find the answers not tell you anything about what you are. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were pushed to lean toward diagnosing gender dysphoria just so they could gain more knowledge about these procedures and their outcomes. Like child and teen Guinea pigs. That may sound a bit paranoid but it’s also really strange to just jump to transitioning immediately when there used to be a pretty lengthy process in order to make sure it was the right solution. But way to be a good human being and show compassion to someone who made a mistake. That was sarcasm by the way. But since you are happy with your transition her experience isn’t valid. You know, the fact that you aren’t compassionate or understanding to her experience makes me question if you are actually happy with your outcome. Misery loves company. Maybe you secretly question or regret your decision but are too proud to admit you might have made a mistake so you talk shit about detransitioners because you are really projecting. I mean your whole identity online is centered around your being trans. You have created this person with a very specific platform and with a very specific message and very specific community. If you were not happy it would be so scary telling anybody otherwise. Your whole existence is based on this persona. I hope that is not the case and you really are happy, but show some empathy man. Those doctors are fine without your help fighting their malpractice problems they brought onto themselves. If they wanted to avoid any investigation they shouldn’t have broken their code of ethics to boost their income or to avoid being called a “transphobe”. Im so tired of that word. Nobody is scared of trans people. The ones that love to use that word need to get the fuck over themselves. Marcus you are intelligent, thoughtful and amazing like always….and cute as hell. :)
@daashazireael6613 2 жыл бұрын
@@sarahhollerman3240 I really thought you were yelling at me I was like damn I agree with Marcus!
@esval3054 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe because Noah is a teen himself. The problem is that his message can be harmful.
@laikanbarth 2 жыл бұрын
Noah can not put himself in someone else’s shoes and he lacks empathy. He’s also very immature. Being a real Trans person is very, very rare. There will be more and more people who be de transitioning in the future. I really feel badly for all these kids. They could be doing lasting damage to their bodies. I’m also disappointed in the doctors in the USA that have not stood up to the Trans Activist and Biden for signing a bill for there not to be “conversion therapy” aka mental health professionals not being able to find out what’s really going on with the child and only affirming.
@มาช่า-ญ9ณ 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, being trans is a very rare medical condition. It’s a chemical imbalance in the brain. It’s concerning to see so many people without dysphoria claiming to be trans when it’s such a rare condition. Gender dysphoria is a very painful and serious condition, and it shouldn’t be treated like a joke. If Noah has had dysphoria since he was young and he’s happier transitioning, then I’m happy for him but that doesn’t mean he should act like everyone else has a similar experience. I truly sympathize with people who struggle with gender dysphoria and they’re so strong for surviving through it, but it’s hard to respect the opinions that Noah has since he isn’t putting himself in other peoples shoes or being considerate of their futures
@krahvata 2 жыл бұрын
Do you know what conversion therapy is? Because it's a practice where lgbtq+ people are abused into denying that they're gay/trans/etc. and are forced to act "normal". I don't know why any sane and kind person would be sad that it's banned. It's an abusive practice.
@Browny241422 2 жыл бұрын
Biden and Harris girl have a lot of answering to do. Lock them up
@haruhisuzumiya6650 2 жыл бұрын
Conversion therapy, where they pray the gay away?
@seandoesnpcshit 2 жыл бұрын
@@มาช่า-ญ9ณ “act like everyone has the same experience” you can say that to transmedicalists….
@jacquesdaniels2435 2 жыл бұрын
All that trans KZbinr's argument is all I, I, I, me, me, me, narcissistic 😒
@whosebuilderandmakerisgod 2 жыл бұрын
I/me/myself by Will Wood
@ankavoskuilen1725 2 жыл бұрын
That is what you get when you are always affirmed.
@70memories Жыл бұрын
exactly, like man-
@KreeZafi 2 жыл бұрын
This victim blaming is absolutely insane! Doctors aren't there to just hand out whatever treatments people want, it's a VERY important part of their job to first properly diagnose the patient to ensure that they're getting the correct treatment! If someone has been thoroughly evaluated and diagnosed with gender dysphoria (and is an adult who can make an informed choice that they understand the consequences of) then by all means, give them the transition they need. But a proper diagnosis NEEDS to precede treatment. It's not the patient's fault for misdiagnosing themselves, it's the doctor's fault. And when it comes to life-altering treatments, misdiagnosis is a big deal and they have every right to get the doctor for malpractice. I haven't read studies on this so don't take this as fact, but I can imagine a LOT of teenagers can easily misdiagnose themselves with gender dysphoria. The teen years are confusing, puberty is confusing, lots of stuff happens to your body and your brain, you may feel uncomfortable in your own skin and be unsure about who you are and have all sorts of weird mental things going on. The fact that a lot of teen girls in particular are misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria doesn't surprise me at all, teen girls have a crazy amount of body image issues! They're also the main demographic of eating disorders for the same reason. Which is why it's SO important for medical professionals to properly evaluate them and find out what the root of the problem is, because in many cases it may be all sorts of things other than gender dysphoria. It's a serious diagnosis with a treatment that causes irreversible effects. It should not be taken lightly.
@cyano741 2 жыл бұрын
Correction, as an adult, give them the transition they WANT. Many of these adults have proven to have a plethora of mental issues, emotional instability, trauma, dysfunction on many levels. Dysphoria is not a singular issue, that also counts for the adults. Many studies have come out that severely contradicts the effectiveness. Many adults regret it and de-transition. But at least they will bare the sole responsibility of going through with it, despite the alternative treatments available. Unlike children. They will carry the responsibility and acountability of their personal choice. It is similar to a person who has dysphoria about their right arm not belonging on their body, and insists on cutting it off after all other alternatives, has to be held acountable for the consequences of giving in to their self perceived dysphoria, by accepting it could possibly feed into it, and not solve the underlying actual issues. If he or she then regrets having no arm, too bad. adults, just like all the other adults, need to take acountability for their choices. It should not be taken lightly ever! Children, on the other hand, are off limits. At all times. Period.
@nagillim7915 2 жыл бұрын
It seems like a lot of these detransitioners were girls misdiagnosed with gender dysphoria when what they actually had was body dysmorphia. If it's so difficult to tell the two apart that even medical professionals struggle to diagnose them correctly then under no circumstances should a transition be agreed for a child. We all have some degree of body dysmorphia as teenagers. It's normal because our bodies are changing dramatically and there's nothing we can do about it. Every day it's a different person looking back at us in the mirror and that can be incredibly confusing. Add to that other issues that often crop up in puberty - anxiety, depression, social anxiety, academic pressures, peer pressures - and no wonder detransitioners exist now. I think a lot of these girls weren't wanting to be men as much as they were terrified of becoming women. It's no real surprise to me that nonbinary teenagers change themselves to look androgynous, because children are androgynous.and their real issue is terror of becoming an adult. And how can we blame them? We live in a world where men are treated like irredeemable monsters and women are treated like eternal victims who can never escape their traumas. And who wants to grow up to be either of those things? I know when i was a young teenager i was terrified of adulthood because most of the adults i knew were miserable or stressed or traumatised by life. Had it been a thing back in the 90s i'm sure i'd have become an otherkin just to escape from having to be an adult. I remember being 12 and 13 and wishing i was a vampire. And i think a lot of these teenagers with gender issues are just expressing the same fear and loathing of adulthood that i was feeling when i wished i was a vampire (because vampires are powerful and solitary and in control of their lives and also of the humans they prey on).
@Browny241422 2 жыл бұрын
@@nagillim7915 Amazing comment. I completely agree with you. I used to hate the changes to my body. Fear of becoming an adult. Back then, I would have been in this mess. I'm so happy for me. No more mixed feelings in the brain.
@KreeZafi Жыл бұрын
@@Muf315 Right, it's literally the doctor's job to determine what's going on with you and the best treatment for it. The patient is not to blame for the doctor's misdiagnosis, and it's straight up medical malpractice to hand out treatments without a proper diagnosis!
@christinaedwards5084 2 жыл бұрын
If only more of these “trans” actually listened to you. Good job Marcus. Noah makes me bash my head against the wall.
@charlotteschnook1351 2 жыл бұрын
Noah is the liberal equivalent of the right winger who pushes for more guns in the midst of a mass school shooting.
@james970027 2 жыл бұрын
Noah really is clueless tbh, he just strikes me as yet another individual who is so scared of it coming out that some people are wrongly transitioning, that he would rather blame them than the activists actually responsible for pushing easy transitions and not caring about the safety of other people.
@christinaedwards5084 2 жыл бұрын
@@james970027 Noah is a future detransitioner through and through.
@QueSeraSeraaaa 2 жыл бұрын
@@james970027 I fully agree with you, and to be honest, Noah have the mentality of a radical from Tumblr.
@james970027 2 жыл бұрын
@@christinaedwards5084 honestly hope so much for him that he's not as wouldn't wish that on anyone, but the constant push of "the trans community can do no wrong" does just look like someone who's either indoctrinated or panicking.
@ss0890 2 жыл бұрын
Why are these trans activists and trans etc so horrible to detransitioners?
@babysis6.059 2 жыл бұрын
Because they're in denial about their own regrets
@celticlord88 2 жыл бұрын
Because it challenges their narrative that trans experience of minors should be automatically validated and not challenged
@lork92 2 жыл бұрын
Also they feel anything negative invalidates them.
@lucylu2927 2 жыл бұрын
I always say you can tell alot about any particular group by how they treat apostates
@kentmccoy592 2 жыл бұрын
Because they are afraid that the religious right and the Republican party will attack them even more
@rhymerlegend2717 2 жыл бұрын
The arrogance is astounding. Noah: not everyone has your experience! Get over yourself! Thank you for speaking out btw! I have a lot of respect for trans people like you who understand how serious this stuff can be
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
Right? The thing with people like Noah is they think every trans person must have the same experience and if they don't there's something wrong with them or they're internally hateful. Because god forbid people see transness and trans issues in any other way that HIS way because HIS way is what guilt trips society into changing to suit his life and ideologies 🙃 I said what I said, arrogance and narcissism dressed up as progressive kindness and betterment. Have we learned nothing from history? Have we learned nothing from the evil dictators of our past that claimed they were society's heroes? 🤦‍♀
@bsrfuchs55 2 жыл бұрын
yes.. being part of a minority doesn't automatically make you a better person who treats another minority with respect.
@tandysaysyoucandoanything6758 2 жыл бұрын
Preying on children like that is MALPRACTICE. Being trans is RARE. Children are impressionable and all these KZbinrs are tricking them into thinking that, being trans will cure their depression. Noah’s immaturity is astonishing. It’s clear that he doesn’t know how the world works at all
@BuckAngelOfficial 2 жыл бұрын
You are right on the nose! This guy is such a victim blamer and denier of all! The clinic is suppose to make you question as well this detransitioners experience are VALID! How dare this “ influencer” completely do what he always says is bad. The drs are the only ones responsible for this mess!!thanks for calling this BS out!! Love you 😍 Tranpa
@C6Wolves 2 жыл бұрын
Completely agree and the fact he turned the comments of on his video shows he has 0 defense.
@avocado2567 2 жыл бұрын
And always when someone from the otherside does the slighest mistake in their videos they giong nuts and making like 4 reaction videos .I noticed this the most by Blaire White and Arielle Sarella they get so much hate for little mistakes. When the left makes videos like this on a regular basis almost nobody questions them .
@70memories Жыл бұрын
he was extremely narcisistic!!!
@ocurimi 2 жыл бұрын
Have people forgot how teens and children brains work? Why suddenly minors are mature enough to make a decision that will change their life completely? When I was a teen (not too long ago I'm not that old XD) I didn't know what the fuck I was. I hated what feminity represented, but also loved being femenine (I was in denial), I got along better with boys than girls. I even though once that I was trans. Two years later, I'm a regular femenine woman, just not ALL femenine, I like boyish things, as well as girly things, but that doesn't change my gender.
@christinaedwards5084 2 жыл бұрын
I think alot of it is girls being propagandised into thinking they’re somehow weaker or inferior to males cause males are stronger and taller faster. Young women have all the power in dating and relationships, they’re the ones to say yes or no. A lot of guys bend to their will. Feminity is incredibly powerful. They say behind every strong man is a woman pulling the strings.
@Kelly-hh7jz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm 40...even as a teen I was into "boy" gaming, comic books, action movies, and many other things "guys" like. I'm a woman. Hobbies and preferences have nothing to do with sexuality or gender and it's insane that kids are being brainwashed to think it does
@KM-oy2dw 2 жыл бұрын
Hard SAME. I was a major tomboy when I was a teen. "Hated" everything that had to do with womanhood, and worshipped "manly" activities. Now, in my mid twenties and I couldn't be more different than when I was 16. I still love cars, outdoor "manly" activities, and muscles, but damn, I LOVE dresses, the color pink (specially pastel), love handbags and cute hairstyles. I believe the main problem is that we never left gender stereotypes behind, and instead enforced them. If people just let men and woman be themselves however non-conventional they are without trying to impose an identity they don't are, everyone would be happier. (Sorry for the long paragraph, lol)
@machellovelivelife658 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I didn't grow up during this time. I would've been told I was meant to be a transman if I grew up during these times. I *wanted* to be a boy (not "felt like" I was one "trapped" inside of a female body), because I perceived them to have life easier (I still kinda do lol); I wasn't into make up or dresses (still not), and preferred "rough and tumble" play (still do), and it was annoying when my aunts would try to put me in dresses or say I needed to put on a "little make up" to "present myself" when going out (I still get that), and I observed that boys were just left alone. I would walk around w/o my shirt, before my breasts grew in and sprayed my mom's perfume on but called it cologne....I was disappointed initially, when my breasts started to grow, and of course, I HATED my period (and still do, like all normal women). Everything about being a man just seemed/seems easier. I'm more sympathetic to transmen than transwomen (hmmm is that "internalized misogyny"? LOLOLOL). But I grew up to accept I'm a heterosexual plain jane tom girl
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 2 жыл бұрын
But things are necessarily "boyish" or "girlish". Unless we're talking about like tampons or a jock strap. These things obviously are for specific people. Even still, if a girl put on a jock strap it doesn't make her male.
@zebruh2794 2 жыл бұрын
Noah was always problematic. He has zero self-awareness, blames people, treats detrans horrible (overall, people who are different from him) and he is toxic, did I mention that he doesn't have self-awareness
@bsrfuchs55 2 жыл бұрын
he is just immature
@zebruh2794 2 жыл бұрын
@@bsrfuchs55 Immature just like Kalvin Garrah 😤
@Kelsea-im8ob Жыл бұрын
@@rastafahrer That's a thought. Not just him, but everyone who's taking those drugs now
@daashazireael6613 2 жыл бұрын
It's not making trans people reconsider their transness. It's having people who question their gender but aren't actually trans have another option.
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for calling Noah out, it's about time someone gave him taste of his own medicine. He thinks his victim narrative and "trans people should never be questioned" mentality protects him and gives him this safe space to label people as problematic or transphobic whenever it suits his agenda. Pure narcissism. If someone goes to a doctor with "I think I've got pneumonia" - and the doctor says - "well you know your body better than I do, have some antibiotics!"... but it turns out to be viral and they've taken AB for nothing, is that your fault? Or if the doctor takes your word for something and you turn out to be wrong and *die* who's at fault? What is the point in doctors even being present in transitions if their job is to "affirm"? I could do that, give me £50k a year to just nod at anything anyone tells me! They want doctors to be involved so it validates transness (fair) but they don't want the doctors to do their job... which is just undoing that validation in the first place because then they say trans people who believe it's a "medical issue" are transphobic! THEN WHY INVOLVE DOCTORS 😂This is what happens when idiots aren't allowed to be questioned. Funnily enough, the original video's comment section is disabled... I wonder why 🙃
@londonlady5520 2 жыл бұрын
Just had to pause a sec to say - I half laughed half snorted when he said ‘when you go to the doctor, they don’t challenge what you’re saying do they?’ Oh the privilege that this kid has is showing though I doubt he’d ever admit it. I’m a disabled working class woman and I’m here to tell ya that doctors belittle, dismiss and downright disbelieve my assessment of, for example, the type & severity of pain I’m in, as standard. They misdiagnosed me for 20 years, gaslighting me the whole time in an attempt to convince them that since they obviously couldn’t be wrong, I MUST be lying/exaggerating/worsening the symptoms myself. When it eventually transpired that, after testing I had to fight for, that I was actually in such a state cos I needed brain surgeries and had needed them for a long time, no apology was given. The moral of this story is - just because YOU have an easy time accessing certain essentials in life, that sadly doesn’t mean that everybody else is so fortunate.
@theidiot5500 2 жыл бұрын
Noah’s lack of self awareness is astonishing! He must be living the “smol gay boi” dream, sicko
@valorie444 2 жыл бұрын
yup most of these trans men fetishize gay male relationships so i wouldn’t be surprised, not marcus of course just most leftist trans males.
@QueSeraSeraaaa 2 жыл бұрын
I must add "gayness", something that is said more nowadays.
@catcoffee7958 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder what will happen when he hit 30
@theidiot5500 2 жыл бұрын
@@catcoffee7958 unbearable regret
@valorie444 2 жыл бұрын
@@catcoffee7958 regret
@tarciacunha2133 2 жыл бұрын
I´m in Rio, Brazil Marcus!!! And I´m so glad I have come across your channel. As a professor, I gotta say, things are so confusing lately. You are the voice of sanity. Thank you!
@Karenzite 2 жыл бұрын
I'm also from Rio. Totally agree with you!
@lettdias 2 жыл бұрын
BR tá em todo canto msm né 🇧🇷❤️
@kodyghost 2 жыл бұрын
I took Kalvin's old advice and went out of my way to find a therapist who did not specialize in transgender therapy, just a regular therapist who was knowledgeable about trans topics. I specifically said I thought I was transgender but I wanted to explore that and figure out if there were any other root causes that might make me think I was transgender when I was not. I specifically asked for push back several times. I was immediately affirmed on my gender and she tried to get me to other trans specific support groups. :' )
@barbeeska 2 жыл бұрын
*hug* That's awful
@denisemassura-sahara1910 2 жыл бұрын
She should put blame on the clinic. They didn't do their job. My niece got no counseling. She walked in and had a half hour talk with questionnaire and walked out with with meds from planned Parenthood. I can't tell my doctor what meds I want be on. it's ridiculous.
@annabizaro-doo-dah 2 жыл бұрын
Yes I've heard one or two sessions was typical for the Tavistock.
@genmaicha.lapsang 2 жыл бұрын
Noha Fense is great example of how narccisitic personality disorider develops very earily in life. Also, the cognitive disonance he shows is very obvious.
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad someone said this, he's beyond obnoxious. People like Noah and Jammie Dodger are perfect examples of trans people thriving off victim mentality and lambasting anyone who goes against the narrative of the cult that has become the trans community for them. Anyone who presents a different perspective to the community that isn't theirs is "problematic". It's not just America where this craziness is a problem, it's the UK too. Gender neutral toilets in schools are already slowly becoming the norm, as well as banning shorts but not skirts (essentially forcing boys to wear skirts if it's too hot... boys wearing skirts is fine btw, but if a girl or trans boy wants to wear shorts they also lack that option). It's insane.
@penmaster003 2 жыл бұрын
@@Peacefulpreface6323 Why in the world would they ban shorts? That makes no sense.
@Peacefulpreface6323 2 жыл бұрын
@@penmaster003 I totally agree. Ask the schools that have banned them 🤷‍♀
@ellehann 2 жыл бұрын
Spot on observation. Cluster B personality disorders seem quite marked in the trans activist lobby, and indeed the whole SJW lobby.
@queerantine69 2 жыл бұрын
You have a very interesting way of texting 🙂
@Ameydusa1 2 жыл бұрын
As a therapist, I think it’s only reasonable to challenge my clients thinking. Dysphoria is a psychological conflict and cognitive errors happens when conflict is there because it’s emotionally influenced.
@Angie_978 2 жыл бұрын
The thing that blows my mind about this is I remember when I was in college female genital mutilation was considered abhorrent. Some people went as far as saying that circumcision should be considered genital mutilation. The thought was that babies and children cannot consent to these surgeries. Even older (10-18 yrs) children who are "talked into" the surgery cannot fully understand how it will effect their life long term. Where did the societal outrage go against genital mutilation?
@stephanielewis1006 2 жыл бұрын
Finally some traction! It's because of you, Buck, Arielle and Blair things are finally happening. Good work. I am not against trans people, I just don't think this fast tracking is helping them and especially the children.
@SkyBrightGames 2 жыл бұрын
I've heard of Blaire but not the other two
@xxxxOS 2 жыл бұрын
Watch Kellie Jay Keen too! She has a show every Tuesday on KZbin and Twitch called Terf Talk Tuesday where she is organising women in the UK to fight for their rights. TERF Talk Tuesday is so entertaining. Regular people call in to talk about all their stories about dealing with this cult and it's really interesting and real 👍
@RedneckWarlock 2 жыл бұрын
i can't believe i ever liked Noah. He was the first for me to change my mind about, i was low-key heartbroken to see Kalvin, Ryan and London go a bit off too, I never saw it coming. hard unsubscribed a while back.I'd say Sam too, but I never liked him as much, he was never as entertaining haha. But anyway, I love your viewpoints on these things, which is basically just logic and reason
@elizabethl3323 2 жыл бұрын
Keep coming against these narcissists who only love themselves. Marcus I love your maturity, level headedness, and that you love people. God bless you❤
@mralexsambo 2 жыл бұрын
Disgusting he shows 0 compassion. I can't even...🤦‍♂️
@มาช่า-ญ9ณ 2 жыл бұрын
Ikr! I can’t imagine how hard and scary it is to detransition. I wish Noah could be more compassionate.
@titanblade3706 2 жыл бұрын
doctors are suppose to challenge their patients to give them the right treatment. If they simply go off by their patients’ words, how will they know what exactly to give to them? What if the patient is going off by false information or a whim? Also “I maybe trans” is the same as “I think I’m trans”. They’re both assumptions. I’m surprised he didn’t catch that.
@almedina8348 2 жыл бұрын
I used to watch noah and sam collins and other trans youtubers that think like this. Thank God I found you and Blaire and Buck Angel... You are doing so much good to the real and honest trans people, thank you so much.
@liamjames5470 2 жыл бұрын
I was around 16 when I thought I was trans. I was looking into the surgery’s and watching KZbin videos your channel and Blair’s channel and couple of others where the ones I watched the most. Then I saw a video of a Detransitioner and their struggle with infertility and relationship issues and not even be able to have sex really shocked me because I didn’t know that was a thing. I knew for a fact I wanted children. Then I started watching more Detransitioners. At that point I was really confused what I was. I knew that survey was out of the equation because I wanted children and I knew who ever I ended up married to is going to want kids as well. At that point I ended up getting pregnant with my first child and that really has made me reset my thinking. After had my first child it felt almost like I knew what I am the whole time. I’m soooooooo glad I never went through with hormones and surgery because I don’t think I would have my two amazing children.
@misslissa7336 Жыл бұрын
Marcus, your voice as a trans person is SO important in this issue of gender affirmation procedures on minors. Thank you for being willing to speak up!
@LP-km7gj 2 жыл бұрын
As a 36 year old…I look back on the decisions and thoughts I had as a teenager and I am a completely different person. I most definitely thought I knew a lot more than I did. To the point it’s laughable how wrong I was about a lot of things.
@barbeeska 2 жыл бұрын
Its called youth 😂
@KM-oy2dw 2 жыл бұрын
EVERYTIME Noah opened his mouth and victim blamed the girl, I couldn't stop thinking "but she was...16". It doesn't matter how well behaved or how mature the teenager acts/is, the bottom line is that they still are a teenager. They still 100% don't understand what proper consequences are, and that's why in a lot of countries you are not of age until you reach 21. We need to protect teenagers, not blame them.
@jamisonfawkes8537 2 жыл бұрын
noah says there isn’t a fast track? i was on hormones within two months of my first appointment at a gender clinic and this was in 2013. i had severe mental health problems that i was very open with them about but they (and me at the time, i was eighteen) chalked it all up to gender dysphoria. i was on hormones for nearly six years and have had my breasts removed, and i have come to regret it. i’m 27 now and while i do take some blame for my choices, i’m appalled that a medical institution would allow an eighteen year old with pervasive mental health issues to go on hormones and get surgery without proper safeguards and therapy in place.
@LS-fe4ob 2 жыл бұрын
@spencerhulcy727 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, situations like yours are why I'm so grateful for the requirements of my health insurance company before covering medical transition. By following their requirements I was able to know for certain that I need HRT and top surgery. I'm so sorry for what you've been through.
@cr8zystar282 2 жыл бұрын
Remember the days when the gender dysphoria was rare!! 🤔
@spencerhulcy727 11 ай бұрын
I think gender dysphoria has always been fairly prevalent. So much goes on in utero that chemical imbalances aren't that surprising. That said, upwards of 90% of gender dysphoric people grow out of it with natal puberty overriding or correcting the imbalance. Transitions were so rare because someone used to really have to prove that their life would be better being associated as the opposite sex. Basically, the only ones transitioning were the ones with the most severe levels of dysphoria that couldn't be worked out with growing up and therapy.
@CheCosaTesoro 2 жыл бұрын
The truth is affirmation therapy is failing. They literally threw out the baby with the bathwater. It's a disaster for thousands. Tavistock is the biggest medical scandal in the last 20 years.
@Joselefineline 2 жыл бұрын
"you go there because you're well, ok, i think i'm trans" THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT!!! Patients, both adults and children, who are completely convinced that they're trans go to get HRT and still end up detranistioning, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT QUESTIONED OR PROPERLY ASSESSED!! like how can he be THAT dense? the entire problem is that people can be completely convinced and then still regret it and/or still have mental health problems. no one thinks children randomly goes to tavistock and accidentally ends up on hormones. we know that people most likely go there thinking they're trans and wanting to transition, but they can be and far too commonly ARE wrong. It is the professionals job to get an accurate diagnosis and ethically defensible treatment.
@clairehann2681 2 жыл бұрын
His attitude is really grating and disappointing. I think it's important to respond to young youtubers literally projecting their own experience onto someone who was harmed by a similar path. What is his concept of consent?
@queenpinkysfamily1618 2 жыл бұрын
Sweetheart I would like to say how thankful I am for you doing videos like this, I know it can't possibly be good for your mental health and im sure you get alot of hate. I think what your doing will save people from doing things without think more on it and give them info they may have never gotten from others because of the sigma of de- transitioning in the community...
@DannyJHulk 2 жыл бұрын
NOAH'S the one projecting. he might have the same feelings of doubt, but because of social pressure, he won't address it. So the best thing to do, is insult people who've had a different experience from you, because you're afraid of addressing your own feelings of self doubt. These are not decisions that a child can make rationally. When you don't know what being trans is, you can't say you knew what it was when you were 5. You have to get older and learn about yourself before making such life altering decisions. Blair White made a great point about this
@baharalimohammadi6579 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with you 100% that he’s being completely out of line by dismissing people like Kiera Bell but misgendering him is unnecessary
@DannyJHulk 2 жыл бұрын
@@baharalimohammadi6579 honestly my bad. I didn't watch the video. I listened through my head phones while walking and i actually stopped on the sidewalk, and move over to write a comment. When I replayed what he said in my head, it really didn't occur to me.
@nicholasanderson7316 2 жыл бұрын
Just because it was the right course for Noah. Doesn’t mean it was the right course for everyone else. What a self-absorbed and selfish thing to basically say well you’re an idiot cause you went on HRT and/or got puberty blockers. So much for caring about people. I knew when things like this would start to happen; these militant KZbinrs activist voices would start going off on people. They don’t care about the health of trans people or ramifications of someone rushed into transitioning due to social pressure. You have to be a real narcissist to think that way. Watch them start saying doctors and therapists need to listen to activists and ignore science and health protocols. Oh wait they already set the precedent for that. While it’s important to listen to young voices, they should not be given the authority of professionals just because they get a ton of views. I guess life experience just makes you an expert now? Thank god for people like you Marcus ❤
@sarahhollerman3240 2 жыл бұрын
He’s being a real hero by standing up for the “gender affirming” doctors. The fact they even called themselves “gender affirming” was suspect since they were known for consistently affirming the person was “trans”gender the minute they mentioned feeling like they didn’t fit the stereotype of the gender they were born. Kyra even said she told the doctor about her other mental health issues she was battling but those were disregarded as soon as she brought up her self-consciousness about her gender. The doctor then pushed her to medically transition. Kids are not allowed to vote, buy cigarettes, or even look at porn legally until they are 18. If they aren’t trusted to make the right decisions when it comes to those things why would you let them decide to change their lives forever. She was trusting the doctor to help her. She was trusting them to help her figure things out because she was having a hard time. Where the hell were her parents?!?! They should have been there the whole way, talking about their experiences with kyra and helping to give a complete picture of their daughter. I don’t trust doctors as naively as they did, but that is because they are human and humans are notorious for fucking things up for whatever reason. Plus, just because they have the title “dr” it doesn’t mean they adhere to a strict code of integrity, honesty, or prioritizing the patient. You should be able to trust them in a perfect world, but even then you also have to be aware, intuitive and mindful. As a parent I would have researched different doctors and psychologists to find the one that would do the best job for my daughter and actually listen objectively. Psychologists are supposed to be objective and listen and help you find the answers not tell you anything about what you are. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were pushed to lean toward diagnosing gender dysphoria just so they could gain more knowledge about these procedures and their outcomes. Like child and teen Guinea pigs. That may sound a bit paranoid but it’s also really strange to just jump to transitioning immediately when there used to be a pretty lengthy process in order to make sure it was the right solution. But way to be a good human being and show compassion to someone who made a mistake. That was sarcasm by the way. But since you are happy with your transition her experience isn’t valid. You know, the fact that you aren’t compassionate or understanding to her experience makes me question if you are actually happy with your outcome. Misery loves company. Maybe you secretly question or regret your decision but are too proud to admit you might have made a mistake so you talk shit about detransitioners because you are really projecting. I mean your whole identity online is centered around your being trans. You have created this person with a very specific platform and with a very specific message and very specific community. If you were not happy it would be so scary telling anybody otherwise. Your whole existence is based on this persona. I hope that is not the case and you really are happy, but show some empathy man. Those doctors are fine without your help fighting their malpractice problems they brought onto themselves. If they wanted to avoid any investigation they shouldn’t have broken their code of ethics to boost their income or to avoid being called a “transphobe”. Im so tired of that word. Nobody is scared of trans people. The ones that love to use that word need to get the fuck over themselves. Marcus you are intelligent, thoughtful and amazing like always….and cute as hell. :)
@renzinthewoods 2 жыл бұрын
Noah is VERY obnoxious.
@1DaTJo 2 жыл бұрын
One thing though, people are losing their jobs and their professional reputations unless they “affirm” the kids who approach them. There are actual laws in place that penalise doctors that challenge kids who want to transition.
@SundayMourningLove 2 жыл бұрын
Something needs to be done about that! That is TERRIBLE!!!
@mlapointej 2 жыл бұрын
And parents who push back lose custody
@1DaTJo 2 жыл бұрын
@@mlapointej exactly
@1DaTJo 2 жыл бұрын
@@SundayMourningLove true
@koreywitabagg665 2 жыл бұрын
It sorta reminds me when hitler came into power if you didn’t like the nazi regime or disliked anything about it you could lose your job be jailed hurt and even killed. They also indoctrinated many of the german children to believe there nazi ideas. One of the things they were told to do is that if your parents didn’t believe in the regime you must call them out for the “great or good”
@orcashadow8989 2 жыл бұрын
"I don't want to blame anyone but yeah it's totally your fault" was basically what he said. As if detransitioning isn't difficult and awful enough, he's victim blaming the poor damn kid. Wait 10 years, watch him start regretting his transition too. When someone is this defensive, there must be a small trace of doubt deep in their brain.
@Bella-qu5pf 2 жыл бұрын
Ive realized a lot of people that are trans are also on the spectrum, I'm wondering if its because there's a link to the issue those on the spectrum have, which is a neurotransmitter issue.
@Laurap01 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s more because they, stereotypically, think in black and white (amongst other traits).
@DreamseedVR 2 жыл бұрын
Noah is insufferable. Typical zoomer.
@ThinWhiteAxe 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I'm an atypical zoomer
@DreamseedVR 2 жыл бұрын
"Well, maybe When *you* were 16 you didn't listen to people...", blah blah blah. 😐 how patronizing, pretentious and egoic. Noah likely doesn't even know what Tavistock IS.
@DreamseedVR 2 жыл бұрын
@@ThinWhiteAxe hell yea! 🤙
@ocurimi 2 жыл бұрын
@@DreamseedVR ...what is taviscot?
@tashacooper1753 2 жыл бұрын
@@ocurimi a clinic in England
@elx6520 2 жыл бұрын
People seem to forget how young 16 actually is... Especially when getting into something that will change your whole adult life!!!!
@BoardroomBuddha 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder if Noah ever talked or listened to older butch lesbians, which is what many of these kids ultimately become...
@Marymackthequeenofwack 2 жыл бұрын
BINGO! my daughter came to me about a year ago saying she was trans, I looked her straight in her eyes and told her "No. NO you're not, you're a lesbian, just be a happy lesbian and keep it moving". She was shocked but admitted that I would also 100% right. She's my daughter, I've seen how she interacts with and speaks of girls vs. boys, I could have told you 3 years ago she was a lesbian LOL. Since then she's not said another word about being trans BUT she does have "friends" in her ear telling her she's not "just" a lesbian, that she IS trans. Thankfully she has the will and the want to stand up for herself and she does have a strong support system in me and her Dad but not a lot of kids have that so it's easy for people lile Noah to lead them down the wrong path.
@bsrfuchs55 2 жыл бұрын
at first noah said all the time that he was gay gay gay gay and meant he was into men and had problems with lesbians and a problem with being called a lesbian. now after a few years he calls himself bisexual and made a video about it. he says he can now imagine to touch a woman's body and so on. his friend miles mckenna was a proud lesbian before transition even though his religious family was very much against it. then he got on testosterone and said he is gay all the time and no one knew what he meant by that now. turned out that he now has a boyfriend.
@valerie362 2 жыл бұрын
How dare he blame a child for what the doctors did? They're the adults, they're the ones who went to school for over a decade. For trans people like Noah to instantly jump to "they'll all commit suicide", is irrational. The point of mental healthcare is to follow and guide patients. Suicide is always a risk of depression. They should be followed closely to treat their depression and suicidal ideation until they're adults and if they decide to transition once 18, then take those steps.
@tigernotwoods914 2 жыл бұрын
Right? When it comes to any medical decision if you can diagnose yourself and treat yourself why would you bother going to a doctor? What would the point be? It’s pretty rich this dude her of projecting her situation on others when that’s exactly what he is doing. Because it worked out for him he’s projecting that on others.
@solarflare671 2 жыл бұрын
I thought I was having an Aneurysm or a stroke. I suddenly became dizziness/vertigo, numb tingles on right side. Pressure in my head, like it was about to explode, tingling in my Face and jaw, and vision blurry. I thought I was having an Aneurysm, like I said. I apparently was having a migraine. Is there honestly a good reason to have self diagnosis? Even Doctors aren't allowed to self diagnose, or self treat. Or prescribe themselves medications.
@offbeatblackgerl8360 2 жыл бұрын
This is gonna sound weird but thank you so much for being everything you are. Thank you for being you. I had a really triggering (as in the true definition of PTSD & not woke trigger) encounter that sent me over the edge and I have been having such a hard time dealing with it. Your videos and Blaires really helped. I truly appreciate your work. I am sure you are helping so many others as well.
@o3chaos784 2 жыл бұрын
The reason I'm opposed to child transition is because your brain isn't fully developed until 25. The last parts to develop are those areas of the brain that help you understand risks and consequences. That's why adults shouldn't "affirm" gender identity for children. Adults should be the adults in the room but instead they embrace woke ideology to "affirm" whatever the child thinks in support of a multi-billion dollar medical industry created to support/affirm transitioning.
@gelflingfay 2 жыл бұрын
You are always supposed to be challenged when it comes to mental health to figure out what is actually going on. Especially before a surgery or any medications are handed out.
@ForeverAmber_1 Жыл бұрын
Right! Adult men and women who want a vasectomy or tubal ligation often still get put through the ringer of a mental evaluation in order to do so!
@frostedmelon4992 2 жыл бұрын
Woah, I'm British and had no idea this existed. That place sounds wrong. That Noah guy sounds like he's talking out of his arse too. What's right for him doesn't mean its right for many others. I can't believe he had the nerve to suggest the FTMTF transitioner is wrong and that their feelings aren't valid. A think there being more gates to go through to transition, for children, will make sure that life altering treatment is right for them. I mean I wouldn't want children going through hormone treatment, that stunts puberty and affects physical and possibly mental growth, to be something a person regrets as an adult. I'm glad they are shutting it down and opening more places country wide in order to provide a slower, more careful approach for kids.
@ellie698 2 жыл бұрын
Blaming minors, blaming vulnerable people, blaming victims.... pure evil. Who does that???
@techietrish 2 жыл бұрын
This is why there are laws in place that establish the ages of when certain things can be consented to or agreed to. My daughter is 13. She's like me. From my generation, we called it being a tom boy, but it's basically that space between the gender behaviours where my interests, inclinations and how I live place me closer to 'male' on the behavioural spectrum of gender definitions in our society. However, I'm not dysphoric about my gender, I just tend towards more masculine activities. My daughter may or may not be the same, but she's like me which sets her in a new set of situations that weren't really 'there' for me when I was her age. I sat down with her this year for a talk about this. She's not at the point where she thinks she might be trans or dysphoric, but her friends are all deciding they are. During the discussion I told her that I'll support any exploration she wants to engage in up to but not including things she cannot easily reverse with no consequences. She will need to be of age to legally consent for herself. It's the same reason I didn't have her ears pierced as an infant or let her get Slugterra tattooes when she was 8.
@BoardroomBuddha 2 жыл бұрын
Noah Finesse is the worst. He seems to be protesting to verify his own transition. Frankly I can totally see him destransitioning if it was trendy enough or helped his singing "career". .
@rhegafd 2 жыл бұрын
"the skirt was too short" was absolutely...ABSOLUTELY brilliant. I cannot think of a better comparison. Its amazing to me how blaming the victim when you are in a place of power (or perceived power in this case) is a universal behavior that all shitty people do.
@robinhalldin7106 2 жыл бұрын
To say a 16 year old knows best what they want for the rest of life makes me wonder if we all really live on the same planet.
@clare2401 2 жыл бұрын
So, I'm in contact with a detransitioner (purely through coincidence). She had top surgery or as they put it a mastectomy. She says she also saw the surgery as life saving but now considers it as the same thing as self harm. Does it relieve what you're going through at the time and make you feel better for that moment? Yes but self harmers say EXACTLY the same thing. "If I didn't/don't *** myself then it could lead me to doing something stupid". It doesn't sort out the root cause of why you feel the need to do it in the first place. No doctor would have a patient walk into their office and start administering chemotherapy to them because the patient said "I feel like I've got cancer". We're getting to the stage where the tail is wagging the dog.
@rena2083 2 жыл бұрын
The number of times activist homie literally said “they should screen you before they drug you, but f this poor chick because I’m different and I don’t think doctors should make sure before drugging you” is honestly incredible. It’s not rare to hear a person make a clown of themselves but to do it repeatedly and not even hear yourself is a flex 👏🏻👏🏻
@lydiasinclair1126 2 жыл бұрын
Every response you had was perfect. This just shows how completely lost the youth are right now when it comes to mental health during puberty. That is the kicker.. Puberty has been uncomfortable since the beginning of time.. Every boy and girl struggles when puberty starts. From the slightest bit of facial hair above the lip for boys to having to deal with a monthly period. It's been hell for all boys and girls but we all just have to try and get through it. When I was growing up I freaking hated my body. I had huge boobs and a flat ass. But my mother always talked me off the depression train. She went through it too... If your parents can't have the chat you need with you then maybe a school counselor or your actual doctor can. Seeing one of these affirming doctors will only affirm your discomfort for puberty won't go away and you will never grow into your body. You just need to realize your trans so take these and let me know when your ready to get your surgery booked.
@desicatedlimbs 2 жыл бұрын
There are… not many elderly trans people. Any of them above the age of 35 or 40 will tell you horror stories and being ignored through years of surgical suffering. Suddenly people teens to mid twenties are now being botched and destroying their body balance through bad hormones. I know 100% that trans people need to be helped and need to exist the same as anyone else that needs help. Just because I have a mental health issue and don’t get it helped shouldn’t be projected onto anyone getting help for it. Just have information! It’s not about dissuading or telling someone it doesn’t exist, it’s about telling you "there is a 40% chance you will get necrosis or because we’re using a side of your leg for your urethra you get hair follicle buildup and not be able to urinate without pain for months". Those are serious big conditions! Not only that but people are getting early osteoporosis and bone density issues without being told, this is a life time commitment not "I’m taking it to grow facial hair, how gender euphoric". These are adult decisions, with adult consequences and my heart goes out to trans men and women who don’t detransition, but are horrible disfigured from bad surgeons. Detransitioners who were in "affirming care" dealing with 5 months of post op in excruciating pain… and no one cares once the pound of flesh is taken. Heartbreaking and needs to be made safer, not easier to access!!
@aaa5126 2 жыл бұрын
I have a trans relative who's 37. They ( not non binary just don't want them to get disrespected ) started transition when they turned 18, started hormones a year later and I have to say, they're doing just fine. They don't regret it thankfully, the only real struggle was being beat up and humiliated by my grandpa and random people who had an issue. But that comes from a pretty conservstive country, especially in early 2000's. But even they think that starting hormones before turning 18 is risky. Never even went to pride, and just living their life like a regular person.
@teresahargett9019 2 жыл бұрын
Considering the permanent effects of their "treatments" every person who thinks transitioning is a good idea should be challenged. If they need to transition, waiting awhile won't change who they can become. These transitions should be carefully considered each step of the way. And kids change with the wind.
@Spacemutiny 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent news! The logic that you’re not challenged by doctors is absurd! “I think I’m healthy, I know myself.” “Your cholesterol test says otherwise.”
@tammysimons4916 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for making this video. I hope it is seen by those that are in need of it. You show consideration of others and explain things with common sense (that I feel a lot of people lack nowadays) and truth. No one should ever rush to have any type of treatment or surgery done, especially life long altercations and I recommend getting a second opinion.
@reeree4755 2 жыл бұрын
my respect for noah finnce went right out the window. As if this video is 2 years old. I went to check out the comments and they were turned off.
@solavie8269 2 жыл бұрын
In my opinion- there should be at many years of therapy from a licensed psychiatrist before any chemicals are introduced to- that can help the person with presenting as how they feel and talking through the pros and cons of permanent/irreversible choices!!! I am cis and have never questioned my gender, but puberty made me feel uncomfortable to be honest!!! I didn’t feel comfortable with my small breasts and non curvy body until I was in my mid 30’s to early 40’s. Now there are more changes! 🤣 I feel every person deals with some sort of body image issue!!! I do understand that some people have much harder struggles than I ever have for sure!!! Thank you for openly talking about this shift in society!!! 💜✌🏼🙏🏼
@Holyfntrinity 2 жыл бұрын
I identified as trans (ftm) from the moment that I learned what that term was (10ish ???) ) until only a couple of years ago (I am 21 now). I was so sure of myself, came out, and definitely thought that going through medical transition was answer to all of my issues, and going to save my life. I had spoken to many therapists who affirmed this for me. The only thing the only thing that had been in the way of a medical transition was my mother, who doesn’t support lgbt and was very unaccepting. Definitely not thankful for the way that she had treated me during those 8/9 years, but I am so thankful that I had not been able to make those bodily changes that I could never have come back from. At this age I have fully accepted and I’m thankful to be a woman. Obviously my story does not speak for everybody, and I do think that everybody has their own experience (I have lots of friends actually that had a successful and happy transition starting with hormone blockers at a young age) but I do think that there should definitely be something in the way of people under 18/21 maybe, getting medical treatment for something that they can’t really fully consent to. If you cannot legally put alcohol into your body before 21 or get a tattoo before 18, because your brain has not developed fully enough to understand the damage, why would it be so easy for minors to make a decision with much more weight than that, that they really cannot ever come back from. A tattoo can be covered up or removed. Alcohol gets you drunk for however long and can cause damage to some organs if used to excess, but I think that’s far less damaging than countless surgeries and body altering chemicals that you really will never come back from. There are many reasons that a minor may believe that they are trans, mine was most likely my (csa) trauma. I am definitely a trans ally and always will be, but I know that there may be people that are offended in some way with what I have to say. There was a lot that I left out and much more that I can say, but this comment has already become very long. Anyways, I hope that you all can have as lovely of a day as you can.
@DeepSeas.. Жыл бұрын
'When I was 16 I was listening to people!" You're not listening to people RIGHT NOW
@TheAngryYumm 2 жыл бұрын
I mean they get mad when intersex people don't transition to their standards so what do you expect? I mean the movement has become so ableist they are using intersex as a gender and ignoring that it's a medical condition that can be DEVASTATING when you get sick and have to make a choice. Thankfully I was infertile anyway but many intersex people want families. To do so takes a LOT of work. A lot of money. And that doesn't include the fact many intersex disorders cause neurological disorders from the bouncing hormones. IDK what's up with this current generation.
@pattyo4703 2 жыл бұрын
That was my first thought too, "GOOD FOR YOU!" The trans critic is foolishly assuming all other kids are exactly the same as the critic. Yes teenagers so carefully consider everything. They use their vast wealth of knowledge, experience and maturity to make absolutely perfect decisions all the time (NOT).
@eerielamp 2 жыл бұрын
The Olivia Rodrigo song is now in my head. "Good for you, you look happy and healthy, not me, If you ever cared to ask..."
@pattyo4703 2 жыл бұрын
The people who think anybody (especially minors) should be rushed through medical transition, really are short-sighted. Yes it should be challenged since it is permanently life and body altering. Doctors are supposed to, "FIRST DO NO HARM!"
@avocado2567 2 жыл бұрын
Can you react to Demi Lovatos "gender identity "I laught so hard when I saw it
@dmodernharmonyart2312 2 жыл бұрын
I was think to myself last night as I watch Drag race. It feels like We have so much more representation of feminine men then masculine women? Or even lesbian representation in the media. I am 27 now but growing up I rejected my femininity so hard because I felt like it made me week and I enjoyed a lot of traditional masculine things. Now at 27 I feel like I live in a more masculine energy but I also love being a girl and I embrace the feminine parts of me more and I love being girly from time to time. I do believe in trans people and I want them to live there lives true to them selfs! But I feel like having more lesbian and masculine woman representation my help kids when they are trying to figure themselves out. It’s ok be be a masculine woman, feminine man, gay, surgery or trans!
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 2 жыл бұрын
6:14 well, the amount of information on how these surgeries and drugs cause irreparable damage to your body, it's hard to find. So, doctors should be telling people about this instead of just affirming. Doesn't matter if you've made up your mind, you might not know everything you need to know.
@MsJimmysgirl 2 жыл бұрын
This is way the safe guards needed to be brought back to take transition slowly Buck Angel had to live for a year as a man before chemical and surgerical transition could even start..I can't listen to Noah without wanting to punch the computer
@paulaharrisbaca4851 2 жыл бұрын
This is going to be looked back on as a truly insane fad. The amount of suicides and depression we'll see in the next 20 years because of this is going to be astounding.
@thesocratesstripper Жыл бұрын
You are my hero! I guess I’m a TERF for wanting to protect us all from harm. You are important and can help the older people that don’t get ANY of this but want to protect folks like you and Blair and Buck and the others that are also protective of our fellow human beings. DUDE, YOUR LIFE IS IMPORTANT TO HUMANITY AND SOCIETY.
@marcusdib Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!!❤️
@thesocratesstripper Жыл бұрын
@@marcusdib my honor
@monicas2461 2 жыл бұрын
The best treatment I received from a doctor in my life was a gynecologist who sat down and explained to me the possible reason for me not having regular periods. Because I was too stressed and was taking 12 types of medication for chronic pain, anxiety and insomnia. I went to the doctor because I thought it would be better to take pills to try to regulate my periods. His kindness and compassion to me were what I needed the most and not more medicine.
@AmandaS-si9mh 2 жыл бұрын
Preach sir, peach! I love how well thought out and articulated your arguments are. Even with all the frustration, you reign it in to keep clear, concise points.
@rena2083 2 жыл бұрын
The greatest nightmare is that this activist has such a huge ego, that he won’t even be able to introspect himself when he is wrong because his ego won’t be able to handle the pain and will either delude himself till he has a mental break or implode and we’ll never hear from or about them ever again. Despite putting in so much energy and influence out into the world. Like the reason it’s a good idea to either mind your business or speak thoughtfully is because you’d want the same given to you if you make a mistake. Instead a lot of these, basically still kids, bashing on each other are building their lives on a house of cards. And then we have to sit here and pretend it’s not the worlds slowest car crash coming. Smh (not like they’ll listen if you warn them)
@Reallytallsocks 2 жыл бұрын
"That child needs to take more responsibility for their actions. If they weren't around that adult then they wouldn't have been taken advantage of" Are we serious right now??
@espeilbe7504 2 жыл бұрын
This is why allowing minors to make these decisions is SO DANGEROUS! The % of issues that is going to stem from allowing this is going to be huge and damaging.
@Lullablabla Жыл бұрын
Here I am, a trans woman, who transitioned at 21, now 29. Never regretted my transition, here is my take on that : I went through a personal private program here in France and saw a psychologist for 6 months before being able to access HRT, I had a double orchidectomy 8 years ago and finished Hair Laser removal 5 years ago. I am happy with my body now. Reality is that more and more detransitioners are showing up nowadays. I think the biggest thing here is... to accept that you are a transsexual in the first place. I am a trans woman, not a cis woman, and I am PROUD of it. But it also comes with having gender dysphoria ( that is now fixed ) and taking medicines forever ; getting surgeries and correcting people on your pronouns when they get it wrong for a few years. I was close to beginning my transition when I was 19, and I went to see a psychologist, and I just forgot about it for two years, tried to convince myself I was a cis (feminine and gay) man. Of course it did not work, as I am a (butch & straight) trans woman. But I was... AN ADULT. The thing is, I am also a youtuber, and got people nowadays as young as 12 telling me they want to go through puberty blockers and take Testosterone (because yes it is 90+% of the time transmasculine people), and my answer is WAIT, you are A CHILD. I am also covered it tattoos, and if my parents let me get a tattoo when I was 12 as I wanted to, I would regret it so bad nowadays. Now if I regret it, it's my fault, I am an adult, I make my own decisions. The end point here is : If you are trans, I mean trans MTF or FTM, not some Xenogender B***shit, you will still be this way when you reach 18. Then go and SLOWLY book your appointments for surgeries, hair laser removal,... but accept that you are trans and that is part part of you, blocking a puberty is wayyyy too dangerous, you better get a top surgery and wait an extra 3 years for your voice to break TRUST ME. And ESPECIALLY for transmasculine people who don't seem to understand the STRENTGH testosterone has on your body and how permanent the changes ares. If you thought having hips was annoying as a transmasc, I really do hope you don't have to complain about Hair removal one day if you go backwards. *Drop the mic*
@yarrr275 2 жыл бұрын
Great video once again, Marcus! Noahfinnce is, in my opinion, the most obnoxious trans youtuber there is. He's so full of himself, he's vile and has a massive attitude problem.
@SAMratterrier 2 жыл бұрын
Their first job should be to help you "YOU" accept the body you are born into Before pushing you into something you can never be
@QueSeraSeraaaa 2 жыл бұрын
@Greymalkin- 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so empathetic, compassionate, and rational.
@waretaSL 2 жыл бұрын
Ew what a gross ideology to have. Good on you for talking about these things!
@Acethesecond 2 жыл бұрын
Keep doing what you are doing. ❤️ Young people need voices.
@AngelEyes1948 11 ай бұрын
I am so surprised at the selfishness of some of the "trans" generation. And the arrogance coming from them. Everyone, no matter, should be given a full evaluation and therapy. I can't go into a doctor and say "I have polyps and fibroids in my womb; I need a hysterectomy", and receive one. I need an examination, an evaluation. I feel sad for the youngsters whose lives have been destroyed because of the rush rush let's get you sorted. I'm so pleased for your channel. You bring intelligence, knowledge and absolute understanding. Thanks Marcus.
@judiumstead5484 2 жыл бұрын
love these rebuttal videos. unfortunately many will be in denial until they are negatively effected before they can see the truth and not "their perceived truth"
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