你有向好ge方向改變係一種提升,只係改變人好難,改變一個將習慣惡化成文化ge社群就更難,我地憑一人之力改變一間公司都已經唔可能,就算呢個社群有心有呢刻開始改變都要數以年計,更何況佢地根本無呢個覺察,與其自己俾呢潭負能量浸死,不如主動疏遠佢地,如果呢個地方已經一個正常人都無,咁就轉變一個supportive d ge環境,等呢班人自己狗咬狗骨自我毀滅
@傾城-f3d Жыл бұрын
@@brianwong153 好有哲理
@cathy199426 Жыл бұрын
我係澳門人 以前工作上會遇到好多菲律賓勞工 有陣時同佢地講野真係覺得佢地睇野其實好簡單 有咩問題 no big deal ok la 唱下歌 笑一笑又過左 雖然佢地好窮日日好努力做野 但比老細睇唔起 佢地知道但係唔覺係d咩一回事 比我應該好嬲想炒左個老細 我問佢地點解咁睇得開 佢地話係咁架la 唔好咩都放係心入面人就自然輕鬆 佢地個族群真係好歡樂
Wow, this is spot on. Well said and respect. Let us hongkongers remind each other on this on constant basis, be more compassionate to our fellows, wish… hope to retain whatever that’s good in our nature, culture and pass on to our next generation.
I often find that when people are highly critical, they are projecting their own insecurities onto others. For example if someone is a grammar nazi, they are actually very insecure about their own grammar. Linking this back to Hong Kong specifically, I think self-loathing brought about by decades of colonialism definitely contributed in shaping our societal impression about race, class, wealth and power
我想補充一下8:21的reference 研究,前陣看過一個超級歪 SuperY介紹《少即是多》這本書的時候,它在14:53分指出了美國經濟GDP提高了,但是幸福感沒有變得更高。Richard Layard Happiness and Public Policy: A Challenge to the Profession。