對廢老。個人睇法好簡單。 Show me your money!! 你巴菲特,李嘉誠,大劉,就講咩都啱。 唔係從商嘅,傑出運動員,大學教授,音樂家又係講咩都啱。 你人生玩左幾十年,仲要搭巴士,住公屋,就講咩都錯。 結果論就最簡單直接,因一個老人家,人生行左幾十年,都係唔掂,就證明佢果套思想,做法係唔掂,所以唔成功。 你食鹽多過我食米=證明左你出生比較早,然後在這安全的香港下無死到。 就係證明咁多架咋。 所以,我一直都覺得林作,劉鳴偉係超強的人才,如果比我識到,我跪低 斟茶叫師傅,完全無問題。
That BC imitation are so funny. On the other hand, Chatgpt is has stimulated intelligence/wisdom. It will try to understand both the questions and the audience and get answer from the document library it has. (This was actually explained by the AI creator himself) For example if you it if AI gonna control humanity it will say no. If you keep going it will quote content from popular novels and movies, if you then suggest to it AI could be evil, it will follow your thoughts
@iloveuuoooooo Жыл бұрын
哈哈好笑 我一路都以為年紀愈大愈有智慧…. 后來發現唔係的
@horlo977 Жыл бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 開波個rp 笑q死
@TreeholeHK Жыл бұрын
@سارةوونغ Жыл бұрын
@TreeholeHK Жыл бұрын
@سارةوونغ Жыл бұрын
@@TreeholeHK 無腦廢老最鍾意強詞奪理,完完全全係嗌交部嘅人材
@tywoods3613 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Gimmick to target a younger audience aside, just wanted to add that having wisdom as described in the 2000 article would be showing understanding of how each ah lat becomes who they are, what they lack in life which resulted in the character you very aptly portrayed in the prologue, and not generalising every fai lo as they generalise every 15 yo idealising marriage. That aside, how does the academic community received the findings ? Who are their biggest critics ?