Tribe Loui Watches The Rise Of Bangtan Chap 2. He Got Sad and Watches a BTS Compilation Also

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Tribe Loui

Tribe Loui

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Why they did my dawg jk like that😭
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@rirarawr Жыл бұрын
happy pride month everyone 🤍🫂
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
@jimins_missing_height777 Жыл бұрын
Thank youuu💜💜
@diatima Жыл бұрын
Thank you, you too! 💜
@MsYasmin98 Жыл бұрын
Thank you 💜🏳️‍🌈✨️
@gabriela_xy Жыл бұрын
@bluehourtarot Жыл бұрын
Hi Tribe. They weren’t talking about kids choosing gender they were talking about parents sending their kids away for therapy to make them not gay. Their tactics are terrible. It used to be worse. They used to hurt them different ways if they exhibited gay tendencies, now that term gets confused with gender identity. Can you imagine being sent to church camp and finding out they were going to try to scare the gay out of you.
@sunshineandsprite Жыл бұрын
52:15 is the timestamp, just to be specific. Thanks for mentioning this!!
@MUVAMILK Жыл бұрын
I was hoping someone explained this to him in the comments. Thank you.
@bignugget673 Жыл бұрын
@bluehourtarot Жыл бұрын
@@MUVAMILK Yes, I think he appreciates it. With things being talked about now, I can see why he would interpret it that way.
@nani-zo8yk Жыл бұрын
“how many tribe members like DI-“ Ohhh you’re so sick i died laughing 😭😭
@jaelove.bts7 Жыл бұрын
I literally choked on air lmao
@afreepotatochip8765 Жыл бұрын
the thumbnail is so 😭😭😭
@hearts4b1llzo Жыл бұрын
He’s the secret 8th member 🤷
@afreepotatochip8765 Жыл бұрын
the drama is gonna come uninvited but we move cause we don't care enough
@Anna_k00 Жыл бұрын
Jonathan when you teared up to Jk bday prank ,to me it was a proof that you're a hardcore ARMY now 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Coz for me,no matter how many times I watched it I will always always cry ,our poor Jungkookie😢😢😢😢😢
@Garnishes Жыл бұрын
same T___T my heart hurt for him in that moment! and the way he sobbed, eyes shining with tears afterwards... i just wanted to wrap him up in a cocoon and make him smile again
@strawbrrysxgar Жыл бұрын
ngl as lesbian i'm always on edge when i enjoy a religious person's content bc it seems like more often than not they end up being lgbtphobic and i have to stop watching them, so it's really really nice to hear you say that you support the lgbt community and want to be an ally! i'm so glad that all the comfort i've found in your channel won't be for nothing
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
So basically affirming their "feelings"? Yeah...that's not destructive at all🤔
@strawbrrysxgar Жыл бұрын
@@SilverFang95 if you actually cared about kids at all you would know that there’s many studies that prove affirming children isn’t destructive & in fact has only ever helped children grow into healthy & well-adjusted adults. i ain’t arguing with a transphobe.
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
@@strawbrrysxgar and I am not arguing with an idiot who doesn't know anything about the real world.
@terebinthias Жыл бұрын
@@SilverFang95. Feelings are a huge, vital part of the human experience. It’s part of what sets us apart from other animals. People wage war and make peace and murder and commit suicide over feelings so, they’re pretty important. They absolutely shape the world around us and you acting like they’re not real or important or something we should include when making big life changing decisions is disingenuous at best and absolutely moronic otherwise.
@terebinthias Жыл бұрын
Came to make sure someone explained this to him in the comments. :-) Thank you!
@alexq2984 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry to hear about your sister, it sounded like she was an amazing human who had a big part in making an amazing person out of you too. I was very surprised and touched that you decided to watch that compilation. As a member of the community, it made me smile wide :,) I don't identify as christian anymore, but I was raised as one. I remember what you talked about before, people in the church trying to out-christan each other, and I understood immediately. There's certainly a lot of flaws in the way people practice the religion. But at the end of the day, God is supposed to symbolize love and acceptance. And while I don't know you personally, from the videos of you that I've seen, it would seem like you do know the core values of it, and it makes me proud to be a subscriber. No religion should ban people from loving each other, of course within the limits of safety and mutual consent. Anyways, banger of a video, as always! See you in the next one. Ong! 💜
@miyuryuu7260 Жыл бұрын
I kinda not really agree with the phrase "should not ban people from loving each other" (love i mean is for intimacy meaning, not love in humanity coz all religion urges human to love each other in humanity. But for intimacy, religion have several banned on that). Then, how about when people who do incest or loving other people's partner, if they can free to love each others as long as is mutual consents, it's their own business, safe intimacy etc, then they allowed to do that? If u said not, then the motto "religion shouldn't not ban people from loving each other" it's sounds like hipocrite. Why those motto love is love applied to gay only, but cant applied to others who commit incest, cheating/love other people's partner etc that also banned by religion too. I am not against people preference but it just the hipocrite of the motto "love is love" excuses that feels not right for me. Coz people who like incest, cheating and others form of love that banned by religion, surely will use that as excuses too.
@alexq2984 Жыл бұрын
@miyuryuu7260 I still stand behind what I said for a simple reason: if your religion is the only thing keeping you from cheating or committing incest, then you messed up really bad. Every human living in our society is aware of what is universally considered good or bad. Discussing morals is a whole other conversation that I won't get into as it's a very complex topic, but my point is that if you can't tell that cheating on your partner will hurt them, if you're in your lover's bed and think "wait I actually shouldn't do this cause what if I don't go to heaven," then you're a really insensitive, weird person. That is not your religion's job to teach you, you should know that by default. Otherwise why would atheists not just be the most immoral people then. So no, I don't think religion should ban love. It is then used as a tool to spread homophobia, which is a disgusting thing making lgbt people and youth especially fall into depression and commit suicides. And why should queer people who aren't even Christian ever care that apparently the Bible says being gay is bad. If they aren't Christian then it's apparent that for them what's in the bible is just a random string of words that were written by random people, not rules set by a higher divine entity. I also don't live by the rules of the Quran, and nobody is imposing them on me. So why is it so normalised to impose outdated Christian rules about homosexuality on others?
@miyuryuu7260 Жыл бұрын
@@alexq2984 nah,, human or social values is always change. Just for example, gay is morally wrong not just in religion but also society. Take an example in Africa, they reject homosexuality not just for religion reason, but also culture (their society values) and in the west also like that in the past. Or about transgender, western society values or culture reject that too n considered as wrong. Even in psychologist it considered as illness. But today, some considered as wrong in the past, slowly change as right. Like homosexuality, transgender especially by children with blocking their hormone even bottom surgery at young age and some institution even do it to young kids without parents agreement, even what happened recently, grooming a child like what drag queen or queer do to the childrens and goverment and school institutions allowed that, even porn book entered children library at school. All that action is totally condemned as wrong in the past by society values there is no pro n cons about that, all agree that is wrong. But now, it becomes pro and con, some people against it but lot of people support it. You can see what is considered people is totally wrong and no debate about it in the past based on society values, but now is change. And now, people who commit incest is starting demand "love is love" or "same love" too. In the past, it's totally wrong, but now, is become pro n cons too. Some people againts it, some people dont care n allow them do whatever they do with reason "as long as not hurting anybody". Just you searching about this topic, where incest people who protest to demand incest get allowed, u will get surprised read on section comment there is a lot people allowed it or dont care (not condemned is wrong) and some people against it. But someday, if society values is change again, like how society values about homosexuality, transgender, grooming a child, porn that considered wrong in the past society but become pro n cons even get support by legal institution, then it will happened a same thing about incest, beastiality, cheating etc. Slowly it will become accepted by some society values in the name of human right and as long as not hurting anybody. It's already happening from now.
@alexq2984 Жыл бұрын
@miyuryuu7260 your statement "all agreed it was wrong in the past" is simply incorrect. For example in ancient Rome, what we now call homosexuality or bisexuality was not weird or considered wrong at all. I won't touch on everything that you said cause you really didn't hold back on your opinions and I don't have the time to converse about this for hours on end. But I will say that I don't like that you're using people demanding for incest bestiality or grooming rights as an argument against homosexuality. Those people have nothing to do with the lgbt community.
@miyuryuu7260 Жыл бұрын
@@alexq2984 it's just in the rome. But outside rome is considered wrong and have punishment by society who commit that act. Unlike rome it considered as normal. One or two country allow it, it's not same a whole countries will do same values even it considered wrong to a whole globe values. Like incest, u know, there is some countries in Africa like ancient egypt have this culture especially practiced by the royal family, or in some tribes in africa incest is considered is normal in their society. We cant said incest is accepted n is ok just because some countries practices that, right? It same oike what happened about homosexuality culture in ancient Rome. Only ancient Rome or ancient greece has that culture, but no as whole globe. Same like incest. But now, homosexuality is become a globe phenomenon, not just in one or two countries anymore. It will not impossible incest can be like that too someday, become a globe phenomenom coz of society values is always change in time. For transgender, is more to eastern culture coz in the west culture in majority trans is wrong. But, trans is more considered as punishment to lower people in social. Not for middle or higher class people. If middle or high class people doing that, it same as a shame n wrong in society coz become a trans is more like a punishment for people commit wrong or even a slave. It will degraded them in social values. But in one country but i forgot what country it is, i think is Birma or something near india, trans is more related to spiritual or religious connection, not as punishment. But it only applied to choosen child who will served the God or Goddess or maybe what we called as priest or shaman, then they must being a gender neutral, not become man nor women. But usually they will choose a boy, and he will become trans (like a girl in appearance n gesture, but as gender is neutral. For girl still become a girl. But they must become gender neutral too). But other people who didnt become priest or served to God or Goddess, they are forbidden become trans n its considered wrong. So, transgender culture happened in the past at east, is a violation of human rights, coz they turned into that as punishment or a spiritual duty that decide by the society. But now, transgender is not as an act of punishments anymore, but the will from the individual. In the past, even transgender is exist in eastern, but the value is different with now, same like western that didnt have transgender as culture in their society, people who commit it considered as wrong, it put same level with homosexuality. But now it considered as human rights.
@sunshineandsprite Жыл бұрын
I've grown up in a really loving, LGBTQ+ supportive family. My twin identifies as gender neutral, and it's always been natural to me to view the world outside of the lenses of gender and sex. However, I understand that a lot of people have not been raised in households like that, and it can be a difficult viewpoint to agree with when it's unfamiliar. I really think we need more people like you, Tribe Loui, who see that the true goal is to understand and respect each other, no matter how we each identify. Everyone deserves to be loved for exactly who they are, without the pressure to be someone they're not. I love BTS so much for openly supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and I'm so grateful that they've been able to move beyond all of the discrimination they've faced for their inclusivity and become positive beacons. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!! Borahae 💜
@kathy6149 Жыл бұрын
hi loui ! just wanted to say that conversion therapy is the abusive means of making a child or adult believe they shouldn't be queer or gay anymore or of they're trans, make them believe they're not and they should stay a gender they don't believe they are. a lot of trans kids know they're not cis very early on! like, 4 years old type of young. at most transition for a child is to take hormone blockers that are totally reversible and have existed since the 80s so don't worry, it's not a serious matter only 21+ people should take and the really real trans kids are the ones who benefit from hormonal therapy and stuff, i think children are the first who know very early on their gender and sexuality and are 100% allowed to socially transition with their clothes and names they'd prefer and with hormonal blockers that save their lives. a trans kid should never go through a puberty that they don't want to! imagine if you had known you were a boy and then your body had forced you into having a chest and menstruating and it becoming a shape that you know you're not supposed to have ! this is why a lot of trans people advocate for kids being allowed agency in their gender, because hormonal blockers are totally reversible in the off-chance that a kid happened to regret it (it literally happens way less than people regretting nose jobs or other surgeries) than forcing someone to go through the wrong puberty and having to spend thousands of dollars to undo the things that puberty did to the body (and in this case it's much more damaging than just using reversible blockers!) Hope it was a good explanation about what Imagine Dragons was talking about and what transness means for youngins and how important it is to believe children that KNOW about their identities. Let me know if you have any questions c:
@MUVAMILK Жыл бұрын
Was really hoping someone addressed this when I scrolled to the comments. Great explanation. I also think that a lot of times when cis people hear about transitioning their minds tend to immediately go to gender confirmation surgery which I want to add for Loui is only available for 18+ and is not the only way to physically(?) transition (hormone blockers that are completely reversible as mentioned above). Many trans people don't even get the surgeries due to many reasons such as personal preference and other extensive processes (going through therapy to basically get "approval" that you're actually trans, lack of funds due to poverty, insurance not covering it etc.). Hope I explained this properly with the right facts it's 1am lol
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
Can't wait for this Trans bs to go away😂
@AiBkomachi Жыл бұрын
I think it would be beneficial than immediately going to hormone blockers which have plenty of side effects, is therapy. It’s s mental diseases after all.
@bluehourtarot Жыл бұрын
@@MUVAMILK I also want to mention that surgeries have been done on intersex people when babies, since forever. It’s interesting that those same people might be against someone doing it by choice.
@kathy6149 Жыл бұрын
@@bluehourtarot indeed! we make surgeries on intersex babies without letting them choose based off of just vibes and when they end up as teens they have to get Even More aggressive surgeries to keep that genital area growing along with the rest of their body. a lot of people are FOR surgery but AGAINST people feeling ownership of their body if it makes sense?
@Urmomsdaddy1 Жыл бұрын
im sorry for your loss, your sister sounds like a great person❤️
@amelzhaa2985 Жыл бұрын
I just learn about that Namjoon's tweet with the Macklemore song (which is one of my favorite) and ngl I kinda want to cry LMAOOO. I noticed he posted this before their debuts and it's crazy considering how conservative South Korea is. With BTS I feel accepted and loved... even if I can't be myself for now and be honest with my family, they give me the will to stay strong and hope for a better future. Thanks to you too Loui !! Your videos makes me so happy !!
@lilithlove7 11 ай бұрын
Sending you love and acceptance. Stay safe and strong 💜💜💜
@amelzhaa2985 11 ай бұрын
@@lilithlove7 Thank you🥺💜💜
@boredkueen8784 Жыл бұрын
Also theres been sooo many additions to bts breaking cishetro norms since chapter 2 started with solo activities, especially with jimin- several nods to queer history and culture in everything from the like crazy mv to the the outfit to the promotional activities, aswell as great commentary on gender fluidity in the songs choreo and makeup choice for the mv, its honestly grounds for a whole separate deep dive
@marissa1341 Жыл бұрын
I like the approach Annessa (the editor) took to make this series. There is a "dark side" in kpop, just as there is in every industry, especially the entertainment industries. And many of us want to see what the corporations try or want to do to their artists and how genuine they are. I like that she shows, or really skims, the reality of just trying to make it. Many feel like she didnt put enough of what BTS went through in this series but if she did, one episode would be like 2 hrs long. This was supposed to introduce parts of BTS, kpop and some of the Korean culture for context to those that dont know anything. And i feel like she did that. If someone wants to know more, then there is a starting point in many episodes where you can go down many rabbit holes.
@Cidivdawn1 Жыл бұрын
Exactly, the Rise of Bangtan is just a starting point. The amount of BTS content is huge and having a well put together compilation can help fans as they go through their journey. It’s not supposed to replace BTS original content or speak over the boys, just be a helpful addition and I believe it does that.
@Yoonji9212 Жыл бұрын
There are some people who are always dissatisfied with everything. TRoB is really amazing series but after she deleted it some people are talking crap about her and the series.
@forg_tful. Жыл бұрын
​​​@@Yoonji9212people talked crap about her because she deleted the series as she was salty about bighit/hybe announcing they would be releasing a lot of documentary content of their own and she was being weird and entitled about it because of her own series.
@Yoonji9212 Жыл бұрын
@@forg_tful. It doesn't change the fact that these series is the best introduction to BTS at the moment. I don't get why people are talking crap about the series itself. I wasn't aware of why she ended it but still..she did an amazing job🤷
@forg_tful. Жыл бұрын
@@Yoonji9212 it's not though, it can mislead people a lot.. in order to get people to watch it, you need to give them a lot of disclaimers in order for them to understand what they're supposed to see.
@forg_tful. Жыл бұрын
the song that's "controversial" lyric wise is war of hormone, it's on their 2014 1st full album, dark and wild. in my opinion, it's not misogynistic per sé, it just has lyrics typical to a literal hormonal teenage boy. as a woman, i was not insulted to be called the greatest treasure in the world but oh well. that whole schtick was just one of the first attempts by antis to take down bts. the only good thing that came out of it is that it's probably when joon started focusing more on really studying social phenomena and it might have helped create a lot of the bts songs we know and love lyric wise.
@chiejavier5468 Жыл бұрын
I can identify the members by their sneezes at this point (ARMY for 7 years) congrats on 24k!! These videos really make my day 💜
@KristinaMoonchild7 Жыл бұрын
Lol that’s too funny. I’ve only been ARMY since last year.. but I do know that when V sneezes it sounds like his soul is leaving his body 😂
@chiejavier5468 Жыл бұрын
@@KristinaMoonchild7 i sneeze like taehyung and laugh like jin 😭😭
@ccx7004 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being so open to learning and understanding. The quote from your sister is beautiful. Not to speculate too much, but I sometimes think a few of the members could be queer themselves, considering some interviews/photoshoots/songs and concepts, and hope if any of them are, that they feel safe and comfortable despite not being able to directly come out in the current climate. Whether BTS are allies or part of the community themselves, either way I’m so grateful for them to give a safe place to people like me and all other kinds of people there are, everyone is welcome in ARMY no matter their identity or experiences.
@mitsuko0xidized Жыл бұрын
37:50 - Those two sides of you are not mutually exclusive -- both can totally exist in one person. After all, people of made of multitudes. Thank you so much for your continued authenticity and for continuing "The Rise of Bangtan" series. I honestly love this series so much and I think it's such a well-made show, so it makes me so happy to see that you are continuing to enjoy the series! Happy Pride Month, everyone! :D
@smilehoya1133 Жыл бұрын
oh the way you talk to their past selves in these old videos like its making me emotional bro, i always wanna give young bangtan a hug
@sserenity13 Жыл бұрын
You probably remember EXO’s name from the hardships video you watched. Their fandom HATED bts and tried to ruin their careers on multiple occasions. The name was redacted in the video you watched but the comments explained who it was bc you kept asking lol.
@9mmstella Жыл бұрын
exols are seriously crazy ngl
@sserenity13 Жыл бұрын
@@9mmstellato this very day too. it’s unfortunate.
@afreepotatochip8765 Жыл бұрын
i understand people not liking the "dark side of kpop" approach but if you look at it as a device to contrast what bts went through and what they stand for then it's not that bad really. then in other episodes the narrative gets better, obviously there's gonna be things uncovered cause it's like... no one's paying rise of bangtan to do all that LMAO but i think overall it's a good series
@minjimunji Жыл бұрын
i cracked up when he didn't know what an eyelash curler was. "does it make your eyeball ball more?" i mean, we ballin i guess lmaooo
@loredell Жыл бұрын
22:40 Like HOW IN THE WORLD are there videos calling Yoongi cold and savage when he is such a fluffy cotton ball that has to be protected? His smiles all through the process, especially watching and interacting with the fans. He's so loving. JK came live today to workout (and say he's releasing a single on the 14th, named SEVEN T_T) and he had to mention his hyung saying "I don't know if he does it on purpose, but when he's cool he's so cute" (talking about how Yoongi behaves in the concerts) :_) baby talking about another baby.
@arie3147 Жыл бұрын
just do what u want bro as long as ur having fun the tribe sure is as well 💯
@lovelyy6491 Жыл бұрын
the title 😭😭 you're the cutest, i swear
@che1918 Жыл бұрын
just wanted to mention there’s a difference between 감사합니다 kamsahamnida and 수고했습니다 sugohaesumnida!!! (or more polite 수고하셨습니다 sugo ha syeoss sumnida)! what bts and the staff are saying in this video is the latter (수고했습니다/수고하셨습니다). sugohaesumnida 수고했습니다 specifically means “you’ve worked hard” or “thank you for your hard work.” it’s more common to use with coworkers or in bts’ case here someone who’s giving them their efforts (the staff). 감사합니다 and 수고했습니다 might sound similar but are used differently in these contexts!
@totchi6 Жыл бұрын
I'm sure someone already mentioned it but FYI in that clip talking about conversion therapy, I'm pretty sure you got confused what it was saying: this refers to using psychological and physical means to try and turn a queer person straight. A simple go-to example is shocking a queer individual or giving them meds that make them vomit while showing pictures and videos of gay porn of whatever they normally like to try and program repulsion to it into them, a la Pavlov's dogs. This is just the most commonly known example and may now be outdated, but the concept remains. Conversion therapy is for "turning" gays straight and does not work. It's what causes the increased depression and suicide rates! So you can see why BTS would be very much against conversion therapy :)
@cassievaughan8134 Жыл бұрын
In regards to the conversion therapy speech, I think Imagine Dragons isn't referring to gender identity, but instead, sexual orientation. Like, "pray the gay away" ... So when he's saying the suicide rates rise after conversion therapy, he's not saying, "I regret my transition," He's saying that the queer community who were forced into "becoming straight" were more likely to unalive themselves. Love is love. Be true to who you are. There is no therapy that is going to change who you love because it is not a choice.
@kristannewell3455 Жыл бұрын
Conversion therapy can also be applied to people trying to "detrans" their kids as well, but yes, otherwise 100% agree with you.
@cassievaughan8134 Жыл бұрын
@@kristannewell3455 Very true!
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
Tbh, suicide rates do go up after transitioning.
@xiBlaaZeD Жыл бұрын
So happy then you continue the rise of Bangtan.. always nice to see you and hear you thoughts .. you make my days thank you Charle 💜
@babystarcandy0613 Жыл бұрын
Tribe I had an idea for your posting schedule of run BTS! When run BTS used to air, it would always be released every Tuesday, so you could post your reactions to them on Tuesday as well lmao. I know you asked when was a good time to post it, so I thought that could be smth to consider!
@nadiadiaz2207 Жыл бұрын
This may be my fav thumbnail like 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@chloejjk Жыл бұрын
the thumbnail is iconic
@yara-xu9jb Жыл бұрын
thank you loui i really needed to watch this rn!! i'll make sure to enjoy the video to the max 💜
@peppi7 Жыл бұрын
Actually many people figure out what gender feels most like them pretty young and especially as teenagers. Not getting gender affirming care can cause someone to be depressed and suicidal. That’s why it’s important for not only adults but trans youth too. If hormones can’t be taken or should not if the child is too young, it is still very important to let the child be themselves and not force any gender based stereotypes on them.
@toriincaos Жыл бұрын
i agree. i am nb and i knew it since i can remember that i am not a woman. but because of where it's very dangerous when you're out, i was so depressed and attempted su!c!de multiple times
@audreyharms5156 Жыл бұрын
So sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing person with an amazing outlook on people.
@Hotchicken7 Жыл бұрын
Everytime I see Tablo I love him more and more
@jaelove.bts7 Жыл бұрын
Hi, Loui. Hope your day was good. That was really wholesome what you said about your sister, rip to her, she is definitely a genius for sure. My household is the same way and it took me talking to others who were apart of the LGBTQ+ community to understand that their love is no different than anyone else's. None the wiser, I myself spent most of my teen years denying myself who I was (I'm 21 lol) becease of the way our household viewed sexuality and it wasn't until I was 19 I realized who I was within that and my gender. It's still scary and some days I find it harder to love myself, but BTS have pulled me out of so many depressive slumps over the years. I really think I'll be forever grateful towards them for making my days brighter. You're really one of the good ones Tribe Loui, keep being you friend! :) Happy pride 🏳‍🌈💜
@lilithlove7 11 ай бұрын
Thanks for continuing the series! I’ve been watching your videos all day trying to catch up 😅😂
@goreyfantod5213 Жыл бұрын
I would say that the South Korean Idol training system is better at training young people in singing, dancing, rapping, commercial acting, etc. than its Western equivalents. The reasons why require a lengthy discussion of history, culture, geography, geo-political context, etc. There are some really good videos on the subject; if anyone is interested I can find links. I'd say the short answer is that S. Korea experienced a period of insanely rapid economic growth in conjunction with democratization. This (+ the Korean War, ofc), inevitably led to it opening itself culturally to outside influences. Once a handful of entrepreneurs saw the potential profit, they built a training/production/PR system. Lee Soo-Man (SM Entertainment), is usually credited as being the first & most influential developer of the system. What Lee (and others), came up with was mainly a combination of the talent discovery & development systems used in the Golden Age of Hollywood, the music production & performance training systems developed by Motown, the "Idol" structure used in Japan & a solid underpinning of traditional conservative S. Korean Confucian values around gender roles, appearance, modesty, age hierarchy, sexuality, work ethic, communal & familial responsibility, etc. While most Idol music agencies adopted some form of the system, it's not universal & it's not identical across agencies. Yes, there are horror stories, exploitation, abuse, etc., and yes, they mirror a lot of the same things we've seen in the West, because, let's be real: when there's money & people involved, shit goes sideways. Anyway, tastes change and trends wax & wane. Western audiences obviously still love dancing & well-made music videos, while Eastern audiences also love singer-songwriters & genres other than Pop. It's the money men & marketing types who don't understand that. I just hope that one day we grow beyond crass capitalism & we all start valuing art & supporting artists & their development, irrespective of whether or not it generates profit.
@anneheinz3220 Жыл бұрын
I'm sorry about your sister 😔 but It's so good to see that she taught you something so beautiful. Thank you for the video, I was not expecting you to react to that last video, it was really a good surprise 😊😊💜
@silver25683 Жыл бұрын
"if we ever want to achieve inner prosperity and peace amongst the human race, we need to reach understanding."
@marissamcwhiter9381 Жыл бұрын
Great all your introspection and sharing your thoughts with us. Understanding...that’s the key...thanks for being so open!
@ParKbgtn7 Жыл бұрын
Your thumbnails are evolving ad they're very good
@tina_moon_ Жыл бұрын
As always a great video :) thank you for making my day better!
@thegeekoutgirl Жыл бұрын
1:03:20 It was to talk about hate crimes against asians. It was in the taylor guide but it was so long ago, you probably forgot. It takes a while for all that information to sink in since there's soooo much information so I think new fans might find it helpful to rewatch guides every now and then ^_^
@miri8996 Жыл бұрын
I love you! Your videos always lighten my mood🫶🏻
@allyvishnevsky5626 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video!!! Real ones know 💜💜💜
@elaineb6461 Жыл бұрын
I’m sorry about your sister 💙 I love that your sister brought you that perspective and her ideals will live on through you. Peace ❤
@amypfaff6541 Жыл бұрын
I love your thoughts and your open-mindedness and how open you are with us and your fun and chaos, you’re lovely. Just really great. Thank you for being you and sharing these experiences with us. 💜💜💜
@stacybrenton5482 Жыл бұрын
I love your attitude. My go to is: "Circumstances don't matter, only your state of being matters." Stay and chose positivity because that's your preferred way of feeling and being in the world. By Bashar.
@nightfrost1891 Жыл бұрын
i still find it funny when people get weirded out by bts or other kpop male artist wearing makeup because literally every celebrity male or female wears makeup to look better chris evans and robert downer jr. are wearing foundation and highlight and it may not be obvious to people not savvy with makeup but that's how it is, all performers wear it just because kpop performers are sometimes less subtle with it, doesn't mean anything lol
@murielsoares7104 Жыл бұрын
BAHAHAHAHAHHA THAT THUMBNAAAIILLLL spat out my drink you got me so good bahahahah I LOVE ITTT!!!!!! KEKEKEK
@mae__ Жыл бұрын
Amazing reaction, thanks for sharing your perspective and how their character and journey resonates with you personally! Stay blessed
@alm9535 Жыл бұрын
Hello Jonathan Thank you for sharing your thoughts and sharing a little about your sister. Very sorry for your loss. I can see how much your sister meant to you and I know that she is always with you. She speaks to you through her notes and I have a feeling she is with you through your BTS journey. Take care always.
@Yeonkimin_ Жыл бұрын
Gonna hit 30k in no time 🤭
@inmarsmind Жыл бұрын
The thumbnail is FIRE! 🔥
@chinnita02 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video
@ccx7004 Жыл бұрын
I think the rise of bangtan is great (I’ve seen the entire thing many many times) and I’m glad you’re continuing! Happy pride month
@passionable90 Жыл бұрын
omg you got to see jimin tell the people that his reason for wanting to be a singer was because of Taeyang, and now he has a collab with him. Ugh, I just love to see it. So great.
@silver25683 Жыл бұрын
can't wait for skits!!!
@rmzititos Жыл бұрын
thumbnail king 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@kikkomom Жыл бұрын
You have my utmost respect. Love from auntie.
@jm52hz Жыл бұрын
first, i just wanted to say that your sister sounds like an amazing person, i’m really sorry for your loss. it’s so nice and refreshing to see people that come from a guarded/more close-minded households and environments being open and understanding. you’re already an ally, loui 💜 your honesty and openness to learning more about the community, your respect and your vocal support to us having freedom to be who we are means a lot. other people already explained about the Imagine Dragons speech, i hope you get to read it, but i just wanted to say thank you for being so sincere and genuine. it’s okay to not know everything, and you’re very humble and honest about it. i admire you a lot. many of us get to understand ourselves really early in life, many of us don’t. like you say, some people may regret decisions they made, some don’t. it’s a part of life, and i agree with you that certain decisions should be made when we’re older, but i hope you get to understand better what people are actually advocating for!! we just want acceptance and freedom to be who we are, just like you said. we also don’t want to push anyone to be queer, as much as we don’t want people to push us to not be. that’s basically it! thank you for watching the video and being so kind with your words. you’re my favorite youtuber, and it feels really nice to see we have similar ideals, even if we might come from different backgrounds and have completely different lives 😊 happy pride!! 🏳️‍🌈💜
@karlafm24 Жыл бұрын
Being part of the community myself, I'm so appreciative of BTS being openly allied with the community. 💜💜💜
@damarisdesireerodriguez4752 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking time and really getting to know the boys and their craft. I really enjoy watching your videos coz aside from being entertaining, you're also sincere. This is a really an enjoyable experience reviewing the old BTS contents. Thank you for the time and hard work.💜
@gabriela_xy Жыл бұрын
I love your energy tribe. You're a breath of fresh air 🙌
@bluehourtarot Жыл бұрын
Love your reactions!
@MizzOT7 Жыл бұрын
The thumbnail is fuego!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥
@beckyp274 Жыл бұрын
Clicked so fast haha. Hi Loui. Hi Tribe💜 Also the thumbnail is killing me😂
@frang2034 Жыл бұрын
It's really fun to watch you watch everything. I am a lot older then BTS and I still relate to some of their stories, but you are going through so much of what they went through as young adults and it is enjoyable to watch you connect to that. I really wish you well with all of your own dreams and enjoy seeing your passion on display. Your ability to be expressive and relatable is definitely one of your strengths (one you share with BTS).
@yanki.x Жыл бұрын
omg as a fellow bisexual army, this made me so happy😭 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH EVERYONE🫶🌈
@zombasya Жыл бұрын
thank you so much for this video you are a very cool person!!!! 😌😊
@peppi7 Жыл бұрын
52:29 that’s not what conversion therapy is 😭😭
@bignugget673 Жыл бұрын
@jaaenaee Жыл бұрын
here early to the vid for once + that thumbnail got me dead bro !!
@streamandvotehoseok Жыл бұрын
@20:16 i think it’s so wild that you’re seeing a clip of their yeouido fansign today exactly when it happened 9 years ago! (june 28, 2013)
@wen.Dy247 Жыл бұрын
Good day tribe Nice tumb.. Lets gooooo🎉❤
@oreides Жыл бұрын
thank you for sharing about your sister 💜love you big guy
@jooniejjang4144 Жыл бұрын
1:02:28 me neither you know this is why i believe namjoon is a once in a lifetime type of artist i don't think we'll get to see anyone like him ever again. this level of taking accountability (instead of making excuses and blaming the other people involved) and showing personal growth who else does it like he has !?
@justlivinglife1167 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with that "if you look/feel good in something just wear it" notion. I swear people pay wayyy to make attention to trying to put genders on things/action. Whether its something you wear or something you say. Clothes is clothes it shouldn't really matter who wears them right? Personally I take clothes from the guys section all the time lol, not even because I'm gay, sometimes they just literally have better stuff/cooler clothes i want, what can I say🤣. I love that bts are so comfortable in themselves they really helped me come into my own sense of fashion (mixing and matching things most people probably wouldn't) and not take the idea of "gender roles" and all that so seriously 😁🙄✌🏾💜
@minjkth Жыл бұрын
you saying 'my first encounter with a gay person' made me laugh so hard cause it sounds like you're talking about some wild animal or someone from another planet 😂 i know you didn't mean it like that, it just sounds funny 💜
@rhym_d Жыл бұрын
Congratulations for 24k🥺😊..the👍!! 😊
@Naaaly Жыл бұрын
Love the thumbnail
@carriespizy Жыл бұрын
Congratulations on 24k subs! You did so well Loui, I hope you keep growing and keep strong! The thing about gender identity is that it can be traumatizing to grow up and have your body develop in a way that feels wrong to yourself. And if you leave your transition to begin only after you are 21, there are so many hardships, so many bad things that could be avoided. I think it would help a lot to at least give the option to kids or teens to take hormone blockers, that's my personal opinion. It can help to prevent a lot of heartbreak. It could help save lives.
@pistachiohno0613 Жыл бұрын
it’s an eyelash curler friend 😭
@Lydia-rb8so Жыл бұрын
Somewhere around 51:50 on the subject of conversion therapy. I think you understood him to be talking about transgender youth transitioning. Conversion therapy is where you ship your kids off to basically get brainwashed or abused into being heteronormative. That's my lay speak definition. And a definition from Oxford dictionary is: the practice of attempting to cause a non-heterosexual person to become heterosexual by using psychoanalysis, behavior modification, spiritual counseling, etc. Just wanted to make sure you understood for yourself and understood what BTS is agreeing should be condemned. (:
@gisel00 Жыл бұрын
yeah I was also thinking that maybe Louie didn't understand what conversion therapy means
@jelalejanaabubakar7860 Жыл бұрын
I just know tribe bout to have the best glow up once we reach 100k. I'm enjoying your vids so much now that BTS group era is on hiatus. Thank you for the quality uploads as usual!
@janet0613. Жыл бұрын
50:03 way to be an ally is by being kind, respectful and just not a bigot. That’s it, pretty simple :) I appreciate your effort 💜
@SilverFang95 Жыл бұрын
When your flag is flying next to the American flag...yeah no, it's gone too far. Pride before the fall.
@cmoneman3025 Жыл бұрын
Also, TribeLoui, I just wanna add that I appreciate your edits, your videos are really special, you definitely should be proud of your output
@lela1002 Жыл бұрын
wow never been this early! but I have to be a good adult and watch it in the morning 🤣
@pebble3951 Жыл бұрын
happy 24k here's to 24k more!!💜💜
@melistery3322 Жыл бұрын
Honestly... "I played Saxophone for 3 years " Why did you stop?" "Because my mouth hurt" is hilarious.
@bt6248 Жыл бұрын
22:56 Hobi "saving fifty for the future." Fast forward to Jack in the Box: Future. 😌
@janet0613. Жыл бұрын
1:07:37 it’s an eyelash curler, it just curls your eyelashes
@0Ermmyourcla0 Жыл бұрын
may your sister rest in peace loui, the way you speak of her is full of love and admiration and that will always keep her spirit alive
@Curlz_Gurl Жыл бұрын
bro brought tears to my eyes at the end
@epiphanyskies Жыл бұрын
i love your vids bro😭😭,hope u had a nice day 🥄
@sanzr617 Жыл бұрын
You’re too kool bro😂😂😂 love your content 🥂💯🔥🫶💜
@brinny-b Жыл бұрын
i’m so sorry to hear about your sister…she sounds so amazing and like a great influence for you :) she’s with you, always personally, i’m excited for the rise of bangtan even though i know it definitely has flaws. but it’s still great in terms of editing and storytelling. i’m sure you’re already aware of some of the narratives in the series that might not be 100% but as long as you know certain things for what they are then the series is totally fine. (in my opinion!) anyway, thanks for your great, otherworldly energy as usual
@heyluis9685 Жыл бұрын
just talked to my ex about our break up after 6 months, only you could make me smile and laugh!!! thank you for your hard work and thanks to tannies for making us feel loved and beautiful even in the darkest times apobangpo💜
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