Trump 'policy incoherence' defies efforts at candidate comparisons

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@redsparks2025 2 сағат бұрын
Trump is a student of the WC Fields school of thought where Fields said "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with BS"
@Jay-y3j3u 2 сағат бұрын
My saying exactly. Only the dumb ones will swallow the BS and there are a lot of those following Trump
@wilburunion6532 Сағат бұрын
You would surprised how well that works on Trump supporters dim wits
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@WilliamPriceKing Сағат бұрын
Neither America nor the world can survive another Trump White House. Vote Harris/Walz.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@cpaul9269 Сағат бұрын
I honestly believe you are correct.
@CarlosHernandez-yf3jv 55 минут бұрын
Vote for blue
@mikejones8866 43 минут бұрын
The damage done during his last term - both domestically and globally - is incalculable. Some will take generations to undo, while others I fear are permanent and irreparable.
@3_3645 31 минут бұрын
This man is not normal he's sick
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
Defectors WELCOME! Join the WINNING Team... Fight the GOOD Fight. HARRIS/WALZ 2024👍
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@rosellabill 32 минут бұрын
The words INDEPENDENT THINKERS is more the phrase I would use. Along with caring community oriented decent Human being This is the way I would describe anyone choosing not to vote for Trump.
@calvinwashington492 2 сағат бұрын
That's why we got to VOTE them OUT
@ChiSox326 Сағат бұрын
They have the Presidency and the Senate and have had all 3 for the first 2 years of Bidens presidency and that's why this country is in the toilet now lol vote who out huh 🤔 lol 😂 all democrats RINOS and Neocons that's who you vote out .
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@niller2006 Сағат бұрын
Trump! 20-24 years in prison!!!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@childless-catlady8255 Сағат бұрын
*Trump does not have ONE redeeming human quality. Not ONE.*
@catherinereynolds9644 Сағат бұрын
Only one human quality , mortality
@nicstone3141 Сағат бұрын
And you are being very nice with that statement
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@catherinereynolds9644 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@nicstone3141 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@niclewis9610 Сағат бұрын
We are not powerless. The Power of the People is greater than the people in power. Vote them ALL out and a straight Blue ticket 🇺🇲🗳️🇺🇲
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@pamtuffield9385 Сағат бұрын
America is the only country where Trump’s behaviour is regarded as ok. There is something very wrong with a large percentage of Americans.
@yaelbarzilai 22 минут бұрын
If you haven't noticed, crooked leaders are rising all over the world. It's true that Trump is one of a kind, and it's hard to understand why half of Americans are willing to settle for this empty and harmful shell, but in other places too, unbearable leaders are rising.
@LorraineTapper 5 минут бұрын
@catchingthemoon Сағат бұрын
Melania's bridal doll for $99.99 WTAF are these people on beside the grifter train. It is disgusting.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@colleenpeck6347 57 минут бұрын
She is also selling Christmas figurines. 🎄 🙄
@Ravenzpeak 29 минут бұрын
Billionaires who think they are gods....Melania stinks as bad as Donald. They have no moral compass
@z32luvr Сағат бұрын
He’s using the narcissists playbook and America is falling for it. It’s so sad and weird.
@davidthompson7817 Сағат бұрын
Yeah, I’ve hated Republicans for a very, very, very long time. Nothing new just more Tosser behavior.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@j.7701 47 минут бұрын
Lol 😂 still holding on to "weird" now that's sad
@z32luvr 41 минут бұрын
@@j.7701 yeah I threw it in to remind you of how blind and ignorant you are.
@Ravenzpeak 25 минут бұрын
America is not ....only Trump's supporters. They do not speak for the rest of us. The 1% owe no allegiance to any country, but they would love to control America. These PACs are really the ones we're fighting against. Trump is just their ugly puppet.
@charleswhit150 Сағат бұрын
Trump fears debating Kamala Harris and losing. Trump supporters I have 1 JUST 1 question..why are you voting for a coward?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@j.7701 48 минут бұрын
Lol how many more debates do you want?
@Ravenzpeak 31 минут бұрын
@@j.7701 Well, last time Kamala raised 24 million dollars as a result of the debate. He doesn't want that to happen again. And look how fast Donald lost supporters and his stocks have plummeted. He doesn't want that to happen again either.
@GetZappéd1974 26 минут бұрын
​@@j.7701The american public needs one for every day the charlatan oozed out his garbage over them before.
@GPeterson-jw5sp 2 сағат бұрын
And who funds that Trump chaos & Insanity? Billionaires-.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@farginargle Сағат бұрын
Cowardice right and left. Did not catch the name of that stand up senator in NE, but thank you man.
@Hank-the-Writer 2 сағат бұрын
Then, main media... stop sane-washing Trump's comments. Present them as and for what they are.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@cpaul9269 Сағат бұрын
@paul.l.haywood2421 Сағат бұрын
America 🇺🇸 you need to vote blue President Blue House and Blue Senate NOT just Blue President. 💙💙💙💙
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
AMERICA has just hit the Lottery... Let's show Trump what the WINNING TICKET Looks Like! HARRIS/WALZ 2024 👍
@catherineandpaulfuters2523 Сағат бұрын
Good luck defending your democracy. We are with you 🇬🇧🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇺🇦🇪🇺
@Ravenzpeak 24 минут бұрын
When we fight, we win! Think positive! 💙💙💙💙💙💙
@brandonpoole1670 Сағат бұрын
As a born & raised resident of (North) Georgia, if it’s any solace, I’m not seeing the same amount of Trump bumper stickers, flags, or yard signs this election cycle. In fact, I hardly see any. I hope that means something…
@badmoodana6532 Сағат бұрын
It does mean a lot; unfortunately Trump is the world's worst loser and he'll try anything and everything to cheat. Especially in states that have been traditionally red. Get ready to fight for democracy Georgia. Stay strong!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@robertcowan7610 26 минут бұрын
Hopefully it's not merely subterfuge by people too ashamed to show in advance that they're willing to vote for a traitor and against democracy in this nation.
@GetZappéd1974 23 минут бұрын
I hope with you. On the other hand, who wants to put up a sign that says: "I am stupid and mean, and I'm proud of it!"
@Ravenzpeak 22 минут бұрын
Someone from Ohio posted the same thing yesterday. I think it is a good sign!
@hienmango 2 сағат бұрын
This shows how scared the trump side is.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@sunnyboknow 28 минут бұрын
They see the writing on the wall
@konandadestroyer2485 2 сағат бұрын
I really don't see how anyone can vote for this guy
@wilburunion6532 Сағат бұрын
Mr Apprentice demigod star Ronald Reagan star in the Whitehouse mentality cult of Trump gullible lied to
@ljayparadee Сағат бұрын
Why is he not being called into court? I would think he can not be threatening people?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@cpaul9269 Сағат бұрын
He knows exactly how to word it to avoid that. It's disgusting.
@ljayparadee Сағат бұрын
@@cpaul9269 I call him vile.
@cornelisdebilde6850 Сағат бұрын
Biden is a brilliant individual who has skillfully maneuvered through the election process, showing that wisdom often accompanies experience. He deserves complete acknowledgment for his meticulous planning and awareness of Kamala's strengths and energy, which are enhancing his own. Biden will likely be remembered as one of the most remarkable presidents in American history. "With Kamala Harris leading the way, America shines bright-bringing unity and strength to the USA and the world, one heart at a time!" Thank you, President Biden and Kamala Harris.
@mac888spectral7 2 сағат бұрын
I mean...ok it's not a crime to be weird. It's just weird to worship a criminal.
@MIAMXI_ 2 сағат бұрын
This country was founded by criminals. Jay z was a criminal before he was famous. Criminal.... you make me laugh. Get off your high horse.
@williamroyer4669 2 сағат бұрын
@@mac888spectral7 Donald is worse than any criminal sneaking across the border
@wilburunion6532 Сағат бұрын
A lot of people do not understand how the Apprentice demigod is every going to be a criminal, and that is the Elvis they worship
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@wilburunion6532 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@windorsolarplease4314 Сағат бұрын
I would rather not be near the wicked. Vote Straight Blue🌊🌊🌊🌊
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
Don't miss your chance to be a key part of History! PROUDLY Tell your kids and grandkids that YOUR Blue Vote Helped Save America... 🇺🇸👍
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@carolnatanson761 2 сағат бұрын
He should have been in jail as a traitor long ago, PERIOD!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@windorsolarplease4314 Сағат бұрын
@carolnatanson761 Totally agree, he should have been. If he wasn't then, I doubt he ever will.
@amandaburkeforeverfitwexfo5654 Сағат бұрын
He is a MOB BOSS!
@shayfiedrich3310 2 сағат бұрын
how can they get away with this
@tomdennis9754 2 сағат бұрын
RIGHT,IDK who this is but pathetic
@richard1472 2 сағат бұрын
You mean like, publish every ballot on the internet? They won't. Ballots are supposed to be secret. Yeah, there's that pesky Constitution again.
@wilburunion6532 Сағат бұрын
They have not gotten away with anything yet this year due the election it is Congress that has the power to use Section 3 of the 14th amendment in the electoral count and those criminal acts of Trump and Vance violating 18 USC 241 because it is a "disqualifying activity" that makes them Constitutionally ineligible candidates in accord Section 3 of the 14th amendment which the Supreme Court said in Trump v Anderson 23-719 ruling March 4 2024 that Congress can act on "at anytime". What Justice Roberts was saying is "Congress you can pick this up and affirm or relieve Trump's disability to hold office, but this Colorado court cannot do it this way". Robert's intimated that Congress has until the Electoral Vote count (January 6, 2025) to object Constitutionally and bar Trump from office by setting aside his votes should he reach 270. This went over the heads of many, but not all. There are those in Congress sitting quietly, and Prof Lawrence Tribe, and Judge J Michael Luttig begrudgingly indicated they understood,. At the time Biden was running and everyone but Biden knew his age was not working in his favor, but Biden, so the Democrats were going to play plan "B" game if needed. But it looks like Trump may lose bad.
@davidthompson7817 Сағат бұрын
“It’s scuttled…” And that’s the entire Republican party in a nutshell!
@davidthompson7817 Сағат бұрын
Well, yeah, unless you’re a Russian or a Russian sympathizer none of this should bother the man involved, the Republican that’s standing up for 30 years of consequential actions that they already made. They now have to live up to their responsibilities… Oh wait it’s the Republicans “rules for the,not for me.”…more BS…
@childless-catlady8255 Сағат бұрын
*Trump's plans sound like Fascism 101.*
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@koakaelepulu1122 59 минут бұрын
Because it is
@Ravenzpeak 28 минут бұрын
You nailed it.
@Buttington_Headerson 21 минут бұрын
Don’t you mean concepts of a plan?
@trinelauritzen1186 Сағат бұрын
Donald Trump makes me sick !
@ljayparadee Сағат бұрын
I'm just going to scream now. A faucet? So he can strip the federal lands of anything they can take.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@HamDarly Сағат бұрын
No matter what they do GA will again vote blue Harris Walz 2024 let’s go GA
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@calitouring1055 Сағат бұрын
Republicans hear all that and still say he’s their guy.
@Xogiang-u1m 2 сағат бұрын
No complacency 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Vote Blue 🎉🎉🎉
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@barryvyner1161 2 сағат бұрын
Are you not embarrassed America? If not, why not?
@badmoodana6532 Сағат бұрын
Who says we're not embarrassed? That's what we've been saying all along; Trump is the USAs biggest embarrassment and disgrace.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@badmoodana6532 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@colleenpeck6347 52 минут бұрын
I'm still embarrassed from Trump's ladt 4 years. He walked in front of Queen Elizabeth. 🙄
@jpjh8844 2 сағат бұрын
If the Nebraska AG had a spine the State would indict Trump for his actions! Yet the Nebraska AG is on team Trump! What happened to lowering the rhetoric?
@rare6319 2 сағат бұрын
What's it like going through life as a whinging little beta sheep ?
@wilburunion6532 Сағат бұрын
I support Harris, but indict Trump for what??
@davidthompson7817 Сағат бұрын
@@wilburunion6532 oh look everybody …it’s one of those low information “vote when I feel like it…” jerks!😂
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@wilburunion6532 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@jay4you853 55 минут бұрын
DOJ should be able to intervene in that nonsense taking place in GA🤷🏾‍♂️🇺🇸
@sarahlang2119 49 минут бұрын
There are legal challenges being made re the board's findings at the state level I believe, a great lawyer and a PAC supporting it
@robertcowan7610 19 минут бұрын
The Georgia Attorney General has stated publicly that the actions of those on the elections board likely exceed their authority....and yet he's taken no action and filed no charges, nor has a court issued a stay on their blatant attempts at sabotaging the elections process to intentionally cause chaos that the orange traitor can exploit. Every American should be phoning the Georgia Attorney General's office demanding to know why no actions have been taken when the likely illegallity has been publicly commented upon by the sitting AG himself already.
@Dragoninja Сағат бұрын
I think Trump is Running 4 President because he is trying to stay our of Prison.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@shaneshookry1478 58 минут бұрын
But he is enabled to do so for years without any consequences. So who do you hold responsible for such a fiasco?
@DougBrown-h1n Сағат бұрын
The real bedrock of any respectable modern nation is a trustworthy electoral system and an impartial judiciary. Your country has spectacularly failed on both counts. I'm beginning to realise that the USA, beneath its' endless self-promotion, is in fact a chaotic and insubstantial mess. (And unfortunately, probably too proud to even admit or address its' failings). As the World watches all this play out, I suspect that international respect for the USA is at an all-time low.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@helenpauls1496 Сағат бұрын
@@Crash1025Bandicoot7He’s not on the ballot!
@ngunnawalmick7029 44 минут бұрын
Watching from Australia and feel exactly the same.
@MusicandMMA 42 минут бұрын
We shook but stayed standing. All of our systems held.
@soulfairysecrets618 45 минут бұрын
They need to do in depth investigations into EVERY member of this election board. Put the spotlight onto each and every one of them, and find where the money is going, and who is paying them to push through this crap to gerrymander the constituents to favour one political party.
@brucebartup6161 2 сағат бұрын
Washington Post : Trump campaign enters a turbulent phase ? DId I miss something? When was the non turbulent phase?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@vertigoz Сағат бұрын
He doesn't need to be coherent because his base doesn't demand him this coherence, they live of wishful thinking
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@microvan1234 Сағат бұрын
What I don’t get is, if this board doesn’t have the power to make these changes then why is the state allowing them to?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@brendabackus5152 Сағат бұрын
Playing the crazy stay out of jail card. 💯🇺🇸🎉💙🎉💙🎉💙❤️✌️😀 up and down the ballot for Harris/Walz ticket 2024!!!!
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
Voters, the Civilian Army also tasked with Defending America. Let's Count the Brave and Count the True. Get out and VOTE and make sure it's BLUE! 🇺🇸👍
@mrfuzztone Сағат бұрын
Mike Pence needs to endorse Kamala Harris. Support Colin Allred in Texas. Donate.
@davidthompson7817 Сағат бұрын
…don’t do that…!😢
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@davidthompson7817 Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Acer_Maximinus Сағат бұрын
The worst potus ever does not deserve. o2
@brettcurtis5710 Сағат бұрын
And half the USA wants this guy in charge of the nuclear codes - WTAF????
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@CLNSL8 Сағат бұрын
This is depressing. Sometimes watching Rachel I lose hope in humanity
@ian5445 46 минут бұрын
Evil can only flourish if good men do nothing.
@stuvo1977 Сағат бұрын
What do you expect from the state that elected MTG?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@glennstewart2221 2 сағат бұрын
Donald Trump... The Voice of Treason.
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
Have you heard about the Lonesome Loser, beaten by the Queen of our Hearts every time. He's a LOSER but he still keeps on tryin'...
@id10tsame62 Сағат бұрын
mob boss behaviour
@davidnewton1198 Сағат бұрын
Ladies of the United States of America the Constitution is in your hands because some of our brothers and women have lost their way, at 77 years old I am going to vote for the USA Constitution and for you all
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@guccigucci8554 Сағат бұрын
@glennstewart2221 Сағат бұрын
Lyin', cheatin', hurtin' that's all you seem to do. This is all I have to say to you, Donald. YOUR TIME IS GONNA COME...
@fintanusa Сағат бұрын
Americans made their bed in 2016. Now they either keep on sleeping in in or burn the sheets along with the bed and get a one.
@DebbieDavidson-l6y Сағат бұрын
Fool them once fool them twice. Fools fools fools They will never learn till they are broke
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@roccoferluci5 41 минут бұрын
"Kamala Harris, born on October 20, 1964, has had a remarkable journey that speaks volumes about her intelligence and perseverance. Her academic background is a testament to her intellectual capabilities. Harris graduated from Howard University, a leading historically black university in Washington, D.C., with a degree in political science and economics. Following this, she attained her law degree from the University of California, Hastings College of the Law, through its rigorous Juris Doctor program. Her academic credentials are only the starting point in understanding the depth of Harris’s intellect."---REAL IQ
@Simo-nk1oq 40 минут бұрын
@herecomesnanna 2 сағат бұрын
Watching from across the waves, it's like a b grade movie you'd never pay to see.
@RayBolden-hv7iz 55 минут бұрын
trump belongs in jail yesturday fact courts need to do thier jobs
@OniOnii-san 41 минут бұрын
Trumps baggage has baggage for crying out loud. In any normal party this man would be considered unelectable, but here we are. Here we are... AGAIN. For the third time.
@yonatanteshome6800 2 сағат бұрын
Harris/Walz 2024 we're not going back Save Democracy Save freedom Save America Harris/Walz 2024💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@MarvinFikowitz Сағат бұрын
Fire Americans, Hire immigrants, let's take this country Harris/Walz 2024
@jcelldogs Сағат бұрын
Oh ur definitely going back. Trump all the way.
@yonatanteshome6800 Сағат бұрын
@@jcelldogs DonOld his done no chances He has to suspend his campaign period Kamala All the way.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
@@jcelldogs Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well.
@mrganddrlove Сағат бұрын
Welcome to Donald through the Looking Glass.
@virginiapoot4916 Сағат бұрын
Isn't that kind of intimidation illegal?
@occamselectricrazor 9 минут бұрын
i got your candidate comparison right here: Real wages - wages adjusted for inflation - increased 7% during trump's administration inflation was less than 2 % real wages under biden/harris increased by 1 % and inflation is about 17%
@classicalaid1 2 сағат бұрын
Why isn't the federal government interfering with Republican malfeasance in the states Rachel mentions in detail?
@martygould5114 Сағат бұрын
Lara Trump is a singer like Yoko Ono is a singer.
@sorrowful2080 Сағат бұрын
Let's have the presidential candidates take a standard GED test. We do not need a real life Jethro Bodine leading our country again.
@sunnyboknow 25 минут бұрын
I honestly think he has an undiagnosed learning disability
@roberttatarko5413 Сағат бұрын
That Merrick Garland is so useless
@paulbarnett9620 57 минут бұрын
But apparently "the greatest democracy in the world".
@cachecow 2 сағат бұрын
How does that guy think that if slavery was still in existence he would be working the fields?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@MusicandMMA 40 минут бұрын
He's a Stephen not a Django.
@johnjeremiah4111 35 минут бұрын
I give the media more credit than the Republican party for making Donald Trump relevant..
@roccoferluci5 Сағат бұрын
"Harris’s contributions to various critical issues, such as healthcare reform, criminal justice reform, minimum wage legislation, and environmental protection, indicate a broad understanding and a proactive approach to addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing the nation and the world. These are complex problems that require not only a deep understanding of the issues at hand but the ability to synthesize information, anticipate consequences, and make decisions that benefit the greater good."---REAL IQ
@nikos6220 53 минут бұрын
As an independent, watching this programming here and Fox News on the same topics is both hilarious and frightening. Two echo chambers removed from reality with their own priests, gamers and free riders. Get a job, bind yourself to somebody you deeply love for life, get/adopt kids, and in the few moments you will have left to spare for politics- think about the home, the neighborhood, the city, the state and the country you want leave behind for your children
@sarahlang2119 2 минут бұрын
If you can't tell the difference between truth and lies, that's not on MSNBC. that's on you.
@dcummings336 36 минут бұрын
Rico charges anyone?? No Diddy!!😮😂
@catherinereynolds9644 Сағат бұрын
Thank you☮️
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@MadCatMW02 Сағат бұрын
Ummm... can that board be impeached?
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@itaomahony502 Сағат бұрын
One person can make a difference.
@mjl9002 Сағат бұрын
We need to quietly reach out to Republican women - some of whom must be privately disgusted with MAGA Trumpism - but do not want to rock the boat. We must invite them to join our coalition and secretly applaud their bravery. We represent the majority on virtually all the issues that really matter to civil society. (Even though much work remains unfinished.)
@sarahlang2119 52 секунд бұрын
There is a campaign trying to reach Republican women by saying your husband won't know who you voted for.
@RevCeleste Сағат бұрын
strong arm mob boss tactics
@mine6562 2 сағат бұрын
I thought the faucet was in Canada not California 🤷‍♂️
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@NGC-catseye Сағат бұрын
Don’t forget about Chris Christie. He was powerful in how he stood up to trump.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@kaipo8085 Сағат бұрын
In the run up to the 2020 Presidential election, the final presidential debate took place on October 22, 2020.
@Crash1025Bandicoot7 Сағат бұрын
Jesus Christ saved my life recently, for many years I was lost, confused, depressed, and I was in need of a savior, he cures, heals and sets people free, he is calling to have a relationship with you, Jesus Christ wants to walk with you like a father walks with their son or daughter. You can be reconciled back to a god that loves you and created you. The bible says to go out into the world and preach the gospel to all people. The bible says that come and taste and see that the lord is good, once you turn to god you won’t want to go back to living like a heathen. The bible says that god sent his son into the world not to judge the world but to save the world through him. The bible says that people do not want to come to the light for fear that their sins will be exposed. You have to turn to and follow Jesus otherwise it is not real, a real follower of Jesus Christ dedicates their life to him, reads his word, prays, and spreads the message of the gospel. God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus Christ will offer you peace, hope and purpose. Jesus Christ is the way and the answer that everyone is looking for. The bible says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is lord and believe in your heart that god raised him from the dead you will be saved. Jesus Christ in the bible says that you must be born again, and that means to turn away from sin and that god changes you and your way of thinking so that you are now a follower of god and dedicating your life to Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is calling on you all and wants to have a relationship with you. Repent from all of this fake news, cnn, msnbc tr@sh, freem@son, illumin@ti, communist tr@sh, media nonsense, also repent from all of these m@sonic world leaders who intend to destroy the United States and have the intent to take control of world powers and that includes biden harris walz obama and all these other c0mmunist democrat wackjobs who are sat@nic, and all other of these fake reIigions and s@tanic agendas. If you look at the pictures of walz right next to the minnesota dps and emergency operations logo, the logo is a circle with a triangle inside of it, that’s a s@tanic symbol. Repent from supporting any of these communist politicians. Walz is a liar, one of the biggest con artists in this country, and a masonic s@tanist, walz is literally the definition of the antichrist, all of the people that he is close to and is affiliated with are sat@nic world leaders who are part of the synagogue of sat@n. S@tan literally runs the world through the freemasons, the illuminati, the deep state, and through the fallen angels, and s@tan is a loser and represents everything that is evil in this world, therefore if you affiliate yourself with sat@nic practices then you are on the side of the devil. Celebrities and politicians can’t fix your problems, only Jesus Christ can cure and heal your heart. You will remain a lost sheep if you don’t have Jesus in your heart and life. Turn to and follow Jesus Christ and make him lord of your life, he will give righteousness, peace, joy, grace, and he will fill you with the holy spirit. God loves you but you have to repent and turn away from your wicked ways and get rid of your s@tanic sinful lifestyle. The truth is that there are only two beliefs, there’s good and there’s evil, Jesus is the truth, the light and the life and he is the only one back to the father. Everyother belief that is taught is a lie. You can have all the money in the world, all the fame, have alot of friends, own all the properties in the world, get all the instagram followers you want and post all the garbage that you want on all of these s@tanic sites and services, it all means nothing. If you don’t have Jesus in your heart and in your life you have nothing. The bible says that there’s no name under heaven by which man can be saved and his name is Jesus Christ, that one verse blocks every other religion. Jesus Christ is the only one that can set you free, save you, he shares the gospel and the message of peace, love, righteousness and the truth. You can’t buy enough material possessions to fill the hole in your soul that only Jesus Christ can fill. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians and Romans makes it very clear that you cannot be committing the following sins and all of these sins are an abomination, and people living that lifestyle won’t be saved, but the good news is that Jesus made a way for us to be saved, if you sincerely seek him, ask him to change your mind, heart and soul, and ask him to fill you with his holy spirit, you can become one of his followers and a child of God and to be born again, Jesus said you must be born again and we have to make him lord of our lives and be obedient to him and keep his commandments. The reason why people sin, follow fake reIigions and ideologies, and they get into evil sat@nic stuff that comes from the devil is because they did not make Jesus lord of their lives, once you make Jesus lord of your life and you follow him, live by him, and become one of his children you will no longer need the things of this world, Jesus the father, the son and the holy spirit is everything he is the best gift ever, he will bless you with the best life, he is the only way back to the father, and that is Jesus Christ. God sends street preachers, ministers, pastors, and the Bible tells us to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and people and then the end times will come. Jesus says that I am the way the truth and light and no man comes to the father except for by me, every other belief is of s@tan, there is only one way to get to heaven and that’s through Jesus Christ. No one or anything outside of the gospel and church of Jesus Christ can fix your heart, only God Jesus Christ can fix the heart, and that is the gift of the holy spirit, it is eternal life and the best gift that one can receive. The purpose of your life is to be born again by the holy spirit and to find Jesus Christ, he is the alpha and the omega and no man comes to the father but by him, he is loving kind and patient. If you try to find satisfaction and happiness in materialistic stuff and stuff outside of God, you will not find it, Jesus Christ can fix anyone’s struggles. Jesus Christ can set you free of anything. I encourage you to become a follower of Jesus and to make Jesus lord of your life, if everyone lived like Jesus Christ, picked up their cross everyday, and follow his word this world would have no wars and corruption. Ministry of the Word and Dan Purden provide great deliverance and discipleship and you should watch their ministry on KZbin, they also offer prayer and great ministry. A good bible to read is the king james. NIV and ESV are recommended as well
@LoriB1224 2 сағат бұрын
Illegal is another word. 💙
@fuzzy6006 Сағат бұрын
😂😂😂😂😂😂 and this faucet handle is "as big as a house"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ropativ7483 Сағат бұрын
@richardmiranda640 Сағат бұрын
That's why we have to...
@thomashooks5571 41 минут бұрын
@harryjove6725 17 минут бұрын
Pipe Dream
@salvationxtruth4701 45 минут бұрын
That faucet line sounds like something Mayor west would say in Family Guy
@oceandivermu 33 минут бұрын
How dare he? It crazy that he is still supported by decent Republicans.
@blaiseutube 4 минут бұрын
Thank you for shining light on the local level shenanigans.
@sunnyboknow 32 минут бұрын
How in the world did the bank robbers ( who got caught by the way) get a job at the bank????
@courtneybrubaker9738 36 минут бұрын
He reminded me why I’m not going to vote for him this time,” Jenny, a local business owner, told the outlet. “I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in the front yard. I voted for him again in 2020 but didn’t put the flag out that time.” “But after listening to that, I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again. I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that but he seems worse, more unstable,” she added. Pennsylvania rally
@herecomesnanna 2 сағат бұрын
He's an A H!
@Zach-ed4nx 30 минут бұрын
For sure. no.
@timspicer2596 49 минут бұрын
Rachel, I think your hair and makeup look really good today.
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