TTA Podcast 121: The Broken Record

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Available via BlogTalkRadio: www.thethinking...
Stitcher (search The Thinking Atheist)
Science gives us something new to talk about every single day.
Religion continues to rehash assertions and arguments from thousands of years ago.
In this podcast, we explore the "broken record" of theist claims and look at many of the debate points we encounter over and over and over.

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@SifernosRatLord 11 жыл бұрын
I live with a 90 year old Catholic and a born again Christian. I feel like an intruder in my own home because I am atheist and they know it... God comes up nearly daily and I often have to mentally fortify myself to listen to and smile as I'm just languishing in my own head... Thank you for your work Seth... I secretly listen to you a lot here just to keep sane.
@van3363 10 күн бұрын
Shouldn't have to be in secret. It's your home as well. Listen like they would their Christian broadcast. Maybe something will pierce the wall of ignorance that is their brain.
@happyascheese 10 жыл бұрын
The story of your last caller on the show really got to me. I have Cerebral Palsy and my religious mother always tells me that when I die God is going to heal me and give me a perfect body. When this guy said he actually went to a church service to get healed and it didn't happen for him I was deeply saddened because it reminded me of how I felt during the conversation with my mother. It makes me angry when people make those types of healing claims. They do a disservice to themselves and the people they love. The reality is that we are stuck with these disabilities for life. Why is it so hard for those who love us to accept us as we are? People with disabilities are capable of living happy, healthy, and fulfilling lives. When religious people do things like this it says that they believe we cannot be happy exactly as we are and it is another form of dehumanization. It says our lives are somehow less than their own.
@scotted3140 7 жыл бұрын
happyascheese I love what you call yourself that's original.
@stupidtreehugger 5 жыл бұрын
Yeah well, the whitened sepulchres that Seth believes in told my grandad that there was no alternative they categorically had to cut his kidneys out, and then instead my woo believing grandmother took him the fuck out of that hellhole they called a hospital and fed him on macrobiotics and in 3 I shit you not 3 weeks he was back in work and never looked back. So why the fuck don't you keep looking because something is very likely out there that will liberate you from your wonderful happiness
@stupidtreehugger 5 жыл бұрын
What. Too much cheese? Cry me a pizza
@lisamariefan 5 жыл бұрын
I suppose you guys are stuck with said disabilities with lif, but... ...if anything is going to help with any of it it's like medical advancements and shit, not prayer.
@benadams3569 4 жыл бұрын
I haven't reached that part of the broadcast just yet, but will tell you that I am also disabled. I was born with spina bifida (I'm almost 45). Very rarely have I had members of my family say that "one day, you will have a normal body in the after life." This could be because I come from people who primarily believers, but not religious to the point Seth's family. I have had other people on the street want to talk to me and preach to me while I'm trying to get my pug under control. I am in a wheelchair, so the disability is very obvious and have made the same observation as yourself. People seem to think we as handicapped people are not or can not be happy simply because we are not "normal."
@kenobi1985 7 жыл бұрын
Religion: the first and longest lasting conspiracy theory.
@kathyheitchue2022 4 жыл бұрын
Luv this one !!!!
@joycesky5041 Жыл бұрын
And propaganda bullshit.😂
@addictedartist4416 10 жыл бұрын
Hey Seth, I can only imagine how frustrating is has to be to fight the same fights over and over. But you can be sure that in every round you are fighting, you got more people on your side to fight with you! :) You are an inspiring force for good and together we can make a change! This fight won't be over soon but we won't stop until we are done.
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 6 жыл бұрын
One of the reasons I quit being Mormon was because no matter what I did or how much of my time and life I devoted to the church I was still not doing enough to be worthy of love. And if I don't get married and pop out a bunch of kids then I won't inherit the highest order of heaven. It got to the point where I felt guilty no matter what. Like I was just so incredibly sinful. I would spend all day in church on Sunday. Even after people left I was doing extra tasks that needed to be done. I went to the temple several times a month, paid my tithe, paid fast offering, fasted once a month, read my scriptures daily, helped those in need, no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, no sex. I can't even have those thoughts to this very day. It is so ingrained in me that I'm disgusting for having lustful thoughts that I can't even begin to try. And on top of that if you're not converting people then you're not a good Mormon. There are so many little things a Mormon has to do to be considered a good Mormon and be worthy of heaven and love. It's absolutely exhausting. And the broken record in Mormonism is every Mormons' testimony of Joseph Smith. "Just pray and fast and read your scriptures and God will manifest a revelation to you" or "the church is perfect, the members are not". There are so many but those come to my mind first. Being an atheist is the most liberating thing anyone can do. This podcast was excellent, like always. Thanks Seth.
@rstevewarmorycom 5 жыл бұрын
Vegan is BULLSHIT!! We EVOLVED to eat meat!!
@autumrose1 11 жыл бұрын
Living here in the south were on every corner there is a church. I sometimes feel alone with my view and everybody around me are Christians and are very vocal about. I feel a bit scared to voice my views. Now I know that I am not alone.
@zeeman8888 11 жыл бұрын
The wife and I were at the Clearwater event. We spoke at the book signing. I was the guy who was child napped and religion was used as a weapon to keep me from asking questions. I gave up the "G" drug years ago but my wife has been on the fence. After seeing Seth, her mouth was just hanging open in shock. The sat down and consumed the book and has not stopped learning since. SETH, YOU DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Thanks for coming here and hope you come back again sometime. Eddie and Robin Z
@accebertsmith 11 жыл бұрын
Seth, we needed this podcast so much. We have returned to the States after four years overseas (in way more secular Germany), and we're living in North Carolina, where it's still 1892, and I felt like my head would explode this weekend. Thank you for the voice of sanity. I really appreciate it.
@Scorned405 7 ай бұрын
I’m in Wilmington NC. What part are u in?? Yes unfortunately the south has not evolved. Wilmington is not too bad. Like 4 universities here. Where are u located?
@elainejohnson6391 5 жыл бұрын
Anybody else see Dana Carvey as the "Church Lady" on SNL and smile whenever Seth does his preachy voice?
@davidsmith4416 5 жыл бұрын
Yes. Isn't that spacial.
@davidsmith4416 5 жыл бұрын
Remember those Sunday morning Christian-friendly cartoons like Jot and Davey and Goliath?
@Nizati 11 жыл бұрын
Seth.. you need a hug. You're doing good, and we need guys like you, asking the hard questions and willing to take the flack so other people can know they are not alone... Thank you so much for keeping this going.
@clairenollet2389 11 жыл бұрын
The woman getting preach at on the beach reminds me of this charity my sister-in-law used to volunteer for. They gave away a box of food every week (a couple of chickens, rice, vegetables, etc.). My SIL would get so mad, because before these poor people were allowed to get their box of food, they had to listen to an hour-long sermon. Most of the people were the working poor, working more than 1 job, and they had to waste an hour in order to get their food.
@TransSurrealStudios1 9 жыл бұрын
you are so refreshing to listen a fringe old school underground person....I don't hear anyone, lately, bitching as well as you make me smile. refresh my courage.
@mekazawa8562 11 жыл бұрын
Seth, you are a gem among atheists. Your compassion feels truly genuine, much more than most religious people "compassion". I only recently discovered the atheist side of KZbin, but I believe you embody everything right about this movement, and many atheists should take a page out of your book.
@spikutus 10 жыл бұрын
I listen to your show on youtube. Just want you to know that I appreciate what you do. Thank you! :-)
@lazerlightening 10 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh I die laughing when you do your southern preacher impersonation!.
@nimbuscloud5175 7 жыл бұрын
I'm just now getting comfortable with life again after going through a ton of drama at home. I haven't had the internet for a long time, and now that I have youtube again I've been listening to it while gaming, my old go to to come down after a long day. I went back to the amazing atheist and tbr, two old standbys (who I still love), but I forgot how soothing your voice is, and how mellow your content is compared to the other two. I mean that in the best way, I really like them, but they can be abrasive in a way that you just aren't. Not so far at least. You give me a little slice of nirvana after work every day. Thank you so much for doing what you do.
@Cyberill2 11 жыл бұрын
But, you know, what you do is worth it. Sometimes the logical argument breaks through the bullshit and helps someone like me who's brain was in a religious deadlock. And after a day of being around my family who will throw all these ridiculous circle-jerk arguments at me, I sit back in a hot bath with some lavender oil and candles and TTA podcast. It's good to know I'm not alone. So thank you so much for what you do.
@TinaMarieJ 6 жыл бұрын
I know this is old but i LOVE this vent podcast! I want to vent about the exact same things on my channel and hold back at times. But damnit you've inspired me to have my own little vent session!! Thanks Seth!
@tommyjcom 11 жыл бұрын
The man who spoke about the faith healing at the end left me in tears. I'm mostly stuck in bed so it kinda cut too close to home for me. Him in a chair & having to hide in America is phucked up. I had to hide at work for over a decade but that is nothing to dragging is ass up on stage as a prop. To TheUnhollyRoller, TheAssHoleAthiest prays The Flying Spaghetti Monster touches you with HIS Noodly Appendage. & thx Seth for creating the space for me to hear from my fellow traveler, Luv Ya Brah ; )
@bouncyhippo3220 11 жыл бұрын
Even if Jesus was to show himself to me, I would have to think about if I would join him. Knowing some terrible Bible verses, it pushes me even further away from religion.
@Cyberill2 11 жыл бұрын
I was reading something about how the conscious mind will basically confabulate for the emotional ideas held by the person. Some people want to know what's what.. some people just want confirmation for what they hold dear to their heart.
@billkeon880 9 жыл бұрын
it's like talking to someone brainwashed into a cult. It's just a very large cult. On occasion a cult member figures it out and gets out. That's the amazing part. Way to go apostates!!! How are major religions different than a cult?
@troyevitt2437 9 жыл бұрын
+Bill Keon A "cult" is a "religion" that wears saffron robes instead of business suits. (I respect that "cult" is a technical term used by anthropologists in reference to "a sub-set of a cultTURE that adhered to a slightly altered belief system", but normally, it's what defines a small religious group likely to break serious laws and live on a compound)
@robertbates1910 4 жыл бұрын
In a cult, there is a prophet at the top, that knows it's a scam, in religion, this prophet has long been dead. That's the difference.
@heatherclark8668 Жыл бұрын
When I first deconverted, I was excited and felt the need to share what I had learnt with as many people as possible. But after a while, I realised that most people simply aren't interested. Also, I realise now that I was putting myself under too much pressure. I am not responsible for deconverting the whole world any more than Christians are responsible for evangelizing the whole world.
@larryvickers2480 9 жыл бұрын
I was sent here from your most recent podcast and I have to say, I like Sethrant. This is a salve for my bad day. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
@MrVin720 5 жыл бұрын
I felt so bad for the guy who had to keep his identity confidential because he was afraid of repercussions
@kristennification 6 жыл бұрын
My sister believes that prayer is going to not be allowed in her own home....I am adopted and im an Atheist, i just met my biological family 4 years ago at the age of 21. They want nothing to do with me now. It took me a couple of years to be content with this. I've been an Atheist since i was 15-16. I'm not sure why this bothered me like it did, but it also made it easier for rejection in a sense. I'm proud and I embrace who i am, i just wish others would speak out more. Change is made in numbers my friends.
@rstevewarmorycom 5 жыл бұрын
The more we ridicule religion, the MORE WE WIN!!! YES, BE OFFENSIVE!! Thanks for your work Seth!!
@rationaltrekker2509 5 жыл бұрын
Hey Seth, I don't know if you'll see this, but just in case: I am writing 5 years after you recorded this episode and yeah, it's making a difference. I came out of religion about 18 months ago and I am finding your podcasts especially good for "easy listening" when I can reflect on what you and your guests say.
@Sharigidryan 11 жыл бұрын
i find it so therapeutic to listen to Seth rant like this. the entire time all i think is: THANK YOU! people DO feel the exasperation that i do about all this nonsense and repetition and dead end arguing.
@renragged 11 жыл бұрын
19:54 "I don't care what evidence you bring to the table, I'll never give up my belief in God." That is how my wife and my best friend both act. Its definitely not worth the time to try to argue anything with them. I showed my wife some science facts and she said "you believe stuff from books, I believe in stuff from a book too." /facepalm
@DarkAssassinKill 6 жыл бұрын
renragged our books are hold facts that are verifiable in our modern world...right now... christians can’t say the same for their own book...
@scottmullendore6476 8 жыл бұрын
When i was 7 , I stayed home from church , so i could watch the super bowl preview !!! Well that was that !!!! lol lol lol
@AscendingParadigm 11 жыл бұрын
We're with you brother. Thanks for speaking out.
@disequalone 6 жыл бұрын
Literally, you sound like my internal monologue. Thanks for being real.
@chrisdonovan3560 11 жыл бұрын
Wow am I glad this is here. Having this kind of discussion a lot.
@InquisitorShepard 10 жыл бұрын
lol, if killing someone in video game was the same as killing someone in real life, i would be as much cruel as yahwey in many way...
@TomaszWota 9 жыл бұрын
@TomaszWota 9 жыл бұрын
@GenerationX1984 8 жыл бұрын
I mostly only kill bad guys in games, so it's cool.
@turkturkleton6641 11 жыл бұрын
We feel the same way Seth. I live in the Bible belt and it sucks. Thank you Seth!
@216trixie 11 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I was a believer for about a dozen years in the 70s and 80's. All the same lies and nonsense. Hasn't changed. I've been waiting for someone to just go ahead and list All the things, which is everything, wrong about Christianity and it's "teachings". Instead of taking believers on one point at a time, we need to just say now, Enough. Then list all of it at once. Don't even give them a chance to speak for five minutes while you list the hundreds of lies they believer. Thx.
@teresagdavila5442 10 жыл бұрын
Seth! En nombre de todos Los ATEOS Latinos ...GRACIAS!!!
@capablerain3285 8 жыл бұрын
Awesome! Loved the accents, all the love you get from your listeners! Cool voice!
@harrygearhart4520 8 жыл бұрын
Religion is money driven. They will do anything say anything to keep it going no matter how wrong or untrue. Keep up the good work Seth
@pillowlov 11 жыл бұрын
I am a black Atheist in Atlanta Georgia, dont be afraid to use your voice, to your young girl caller :)
@0652matt 11 жыл бұрын
This was absolutely the best podcast I have heard from you Seth. GOD DAM you had me laughing from 1:00 until you took some calls. This rant was classic and I might listen to this as much as I listen to hitchslaps. Thanx for the laugh my fellow heathen.
@justhere4comment 11 жыл бұрын
I'm a first time viewer and I love all the points you brought up. You've made a new fan, I'm looking forward to future content.
@stevenwood3710 11 жыл бұрын
Seth, you mentioned the atheist monument in Florida. You really ought to have a look at the Pantheon in Paris some time. This is a cathedral-like structure built during the revolution and dedicated to secular values. It has a foucault pendulum in the centre. The crypt is the last resting place of everyone from Victor Hugo to Emile Zola. It shines as a beacon to us all.
@TyAndras 11 жыл бұрын
Great podcast. It's so frustrating sometimes. The Christian arguments are so lame. Just going over and over on the same issues is like a non-stop. Especially after 35 years of me being a believer . The same arguments have been used since I was a kid.
@mythousandfaces 11 жыл бұрын
Seth, I had a negative experience on facebook last night and hearing this from you really helped me remember that we aren't alone with the frustrations of being atheists around Christians with persecution complexes.
@gazzamac9002 10 жыл бұрын
I find seths dulcet tones almost hypnotic, hopefully the odd christian does too.
@MrDanno2 9 жыл бұрын
i know that voice....goddamn it, i like to listen to things not watch and this is hypnotic when i try to sleep like right now.
@jenniferbrewer5370 6 жыл бұрын
Seth would make a great hypnotist; his voice alone could create the proper level of relaxation.
@marciwilliams8654 2 жыл бұрын
I realize this was done 9 years ago, but it should be repeated again. This is so true in today's society.
@Cha11engerD 11 жыл бұрын
While I don't know if this is your best podcast, it certainly made me laugh the most. Good job, Seth!
@rationaltrekker2509 5 жыл бұрын
Yes, I think a lot of Christians doubt on some level and are ultimately preaching to themselves. For that matter, when I was in seminary, it was understood that anytime you preach you SHOULD be preaching to yourself.
@teelabrownexjw 11 жыл бұрын
I am very blessed having found this show. I especially enjoyed After the Rapture. I was disappointed it did not happen as expected as I really needed some intelligent conversation
@crystalheart9 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know if anyone else has this but during Christmas and Easter we get a person or persons standing on the sidewalk at the corner of a busy intersection and they are holding up a repent sign and are blasting their religious message through a bull horn!Also it seems quite unfair you are expected to have the knowledge of a scientist in order to fight their fantasy beliefs which requires no knowledge at all.
@alixinthemiddle 11 жыл бұрын
i sympathize and empathize a lot about the kids. my nephews and nieces live in Texas and it breaks my heart knowing the education (or lack thereof) they're getting. and the worst part is i adore these kids with all my heart but i can't help them. i try to send them books so they can learn on their own, but the books almost never reach them because of the people who care for them. it kills me these wonderful little people just don't have a chance.
@allanhill1 11 жыл бұрын
Would be hilarious until one thinks back to the Charles Manson era. He rose to fame with similar thinking. Religion of all kinds is dangerous and holds back society and mankind from reaching new heights
@nooneyoucaretoknow6986 6 жыл бұрын
That believer's accent is spot on. It puts me in mind of my stepdaughter, a woman who unfriended me for telling someone else their god's live was similar to being lived by my son's stuffed tiger. Yet dissimilar that the stuffy actually exsists. Ain't Xian love special?
@Benfea 11 жыл бұрын
The eye argument for 5 years, Seth? Wrong. It's been around a lot longer than that, and it was debunked long before anyone started making computer models of anything. That argument has been around since Darwin's book was first published, and they always leave out the next few sentences which pretty well debunk the argument.
@StuffIHaveSeen 11 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed your video Seth, well done sir. Keep them coming, you help keep me sane!
@peterstrand735 11 жыл бұрын
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
@boardgamebrony 7 жыл бұрын
Pat Robertson: "Believes that killing someone in a video game is the same as killing someone in real life." Stay Alive (2006): "If you die in the game, you die for real!" Robertson is a gold mine for movie ideas. I look forward to hearing how gays will cause a Sharknado(tm) to appear over Florida.
@TyphoidBryan 6 жыл бұрын
On Elder Scrolls Online, I created a beautiful Warden (with mighty bear protector) that is now a master woodworker and clothier. I'm working on being at the same level with cooking, enchanting, and blacksmithing. Because my character is learning these skills up to and including master-level craft, I am also gaining this knowledge. Since murder and criminal behavior in video games is the same as the equivalent in reality, then certainly if my character can craft a sweet robe out of precious fabrics, so can I. Show me a sewing machine and a little bit of time out in a field somewhere and I'll prove it to you. Well, honestly speaking, I'll show you that I have no clue what I'm looking for and my skills with an ol' Singer machine died out after high school.
@rchuso 11 жыл бұрын
For "scholarly opinions" I usually trust myself. Having read the Ante-Nicene Fathers and all the extant Apocryphal New Testament writings, I trust my own findings before those of lesser exposure. I am not rigid, and have changed my mind on occasion. This is not one of those occasions.
@artistmacd 11 жыл бұрын
It's offensive because you are saying "in order to get along with each other we all have to be the same". You're saying that we can only accept people who are the same as us: that's hugely offensive. As i stated before, the path to "peace" is accepting that there are people who are different from you, and not judging them solely on the fact that they are different. Making everyone the same, is NOT the same thing as equality.
@BillF1967 11 жыл бұрын
I really enjoy the more extemporaneous shows you do, Seth.
@blackice9088 4 жыл бұрын
When someone states (as most of the creationist organizations do) that it doesn't matter what evidence they are presented with they will NOT give up their beliefs, it is not worth continuing the conversation. Their minds are closed, and they willfully have shut down their capacity to learn.
@constancetorseth6648 Жыл бұрын
I finally figured out what would get me to reconsider my atheism. Science has given us all kinds of new things ever since a human has said to him/herself, "I wonder how this works?" But religion has not given a single new thing or concept since its inception, which everyone should think strange from a creator god. If religion ever creates one single new thing, just one, I will reconsider my atheism and give god a chance.
@Troubleshooter125 11 жыл бұрын
Postscript: "It is impossible to debate a person who will not handicap himself with a knowledge of the facts." -- Anon
@elainejohnson6391 5 жыл бұрын
Have you heard the comedian Lewis Black's skits called "The Rant Is Due"??? I listen to his comedy shows on KZbin any time I'm in need of a release from my anger!
@SatansYardsale 11 жыл бұрын
I remember a quote from a Garfield strip that I think makes a great point about the whole believing in the Bible even after knowing what's in it: Jon brings home a plant and says something to the effect of "Now you know what this is right?" The implication that he knows Garfield eats plants and knows that Garfield know's he isn't supposed to eat plants. To which Garfield replies "The triumph of hope over experience?" A bit labored perhaps but I think about that alot when it comes to religion.
@216trixie 11 жыл бұрын
When you start listing things, true believers get everything wrong. Everything.
@Jesses001 11 жыл бұрын
Where was Alisha calling from? I know she said Georgia, but I could not understand the name of the town. I ask because I live just over the boarder in Alabama. She is not as alone as she thinks.
@VioletEmerald 11 жыл бұрын
The book thing - That's the same argument as "Atheists/scientists take things on faith too" and if you can actually show them how that's actually not true, there's a chance there could be some way to, down the line, change their minds on the whole faith/religion thing. People can learn all the time. In general, most people never leave religion when they're that far into it, though. Unfortunately.
@carnivorehitman 6 жыл бұрын
You are such an awesome (and intelligent) entertainer!
@TorianTammas 11 жыл бұрын
Yes Heracles, but most people know him not by his story but by the TV series and there they used the romanized version Hercules
@BioLogicalNerd 11 жыл бұрын
Been having a rough week, couldn't think of any way of winding down and then I see a new TTA podcast to listen in on, I've been saved \o/
@Cootabux 8 жыл бұрын
That was an awesome commentary, Seth.
@abes.4040 8 жыл бұрын
best show yet. I remember being dragged to church on Sundays and the pentecostal parafirnalia you mentioned with the preacher calling for people who are in sin, masturbating even watching television.
@doogandoggin2571 10 ай бұрын
There needs to be some sort of handicap assigned for young people newly out of magical thinking. A type of remial schooling should be offered to kids denied an education by these indoctrination institutions. They are not schools but more a factory to build warriors and heifers. We have truly fallen into a darkness. We have to get through though and support our fellow nonbelievers in this journey. When I came to my senses and accepted the truth about magical beings i for once felt life without shame, without guilt. The TRUTH really did set me free and I thank you and the other content creators for helping me see that my thoughts are not solitary and having community is not just the realm of churches.
@ReiperX 11 жыл бұрын
It is fun to feed some of them though. There's plenty that I won't touch, but there's others I absolutely love talking to, if for nothing else but to learn more.
@typicalgymrat22 11 жыл бұрын
Seeing your short videos about different topics makes me think that it would be awesome if u produced a documentary with interviews and other interesting topics like religuous.
@lec2230 2 жыл бұрын
13:27 LOL, my stomach hurts from laughing Seth
@kebuhrogers 11 жыл бұрын
TTA, please make another "Don't Feed The Trolls" video. One of my absolute favorites
@SlideRulePirate 11 жыл бұрын
Breaking rocks. Small rocks might shatter or crumble after one or two strikes. No problem. Larger ones are a different story. Time after time you heft, lift and swing to apparently no good effect. The head makes contact, the shock stings your hands, your arms are jarred all the way up to your pits and all you get is some rock dust and a small area of discolouration. Tedious. But energy IS conserved, bonds ARE broken with every hit. Eventually a great slab flakes off. Progress and so satisfying.
@ReiperX 11 жыл бұрын
Show us some texts written when he was supposed to be alive. The first of the gospels was written at the earliest, about 30 years after the "death".
@rj66600 11 ай бұрын
10 years later, and they are still giving the same arguments
@followthewolves1991 Жыл бұрын
Unholy Roller, I know I'm posting this 9 years later but I hope you are doing good. I don't know why people tell you anger isn't a perfect valid reason to be an athiest. If their god is all loving(he wouldnt have put someone through that situation if he truly was)then anger is very valid. If my father claimed to love me but put me through and emotional and/or physical hell, anger and distancing myself from them is the normal response. They act like we(atheists in general)are throwing a childish tantrum; that we are angry like a child who didn't get a piece of candy at the store. It's infuriating. Keep strong
@jb111082 11 жыл бұрын
I never knew he debated Krauss, but I can safely say that Krauss probably destroyed him!
@DonWilsondigginTimeUSA 11 жыл бұрын
What we really have is a wonderful speck of chaos in a most fantastic moment of order. Don said that!
@kenshin9894 11 жыл бұрын
welcome back seth. hope your vacation was fun :)
@williamhaigh5871 10 жыл бұрын
I always enjoy your show but at 1:08:40 when the caller said Craig "was either gone or maybe been raptured", I busted out laughing!
@alexhamilton3672 7 жыл бұрын
My heart goes out to Unholy Roller. Religion has treated him really bad. Now, in spite of them he's doing great and I wish him all the best for the future. I find that some Christians can have some of the most evil thoughts and evil words to ever be spoken. Shame on them!
@RyoHazuki224 9 жыл бұрын
I love how whenever you mimic a religious nut or pulpit, you break into a "southern" sounding accent. This will probably insult a lot of southerners but so be it, to me the southern accent is the most ignorant sounding English accent in the country (next to ebonics... now i'm racist). So i laugh whenever somebody mimics a religious person and automatically do it in a southern voice! Ignorance and religion, goes hand in hand! Not saying that all southerners are ignorant or stupid, but just the accent makes them SOUND ignorant. I know plenty of southerners that are very intelligent... just they don't sound like it when they speak! LOL Why is it though that most religious pastors have that accent? Or if they speak normally without that accent, they have that certain tone of voice when they preach? "Pa-raaise Je-ZUS!" I guess it's to get your attention, otherwise if they just talked normal, it would bore people for those 2-3 hours that they gotta sit there in those wooden pews all uncomfortable like.
@Jay-ate-a-bug 9 жыл бұрын
RyoHazuki224 Seth does it naturally, he is from Oklahoma.
@pamryan9696 9 жыл бұрын
+RyoHazuki224 I just don't get that Je-ZUS pronunciation. They all seem to do it. They are all bonkers, as well, it is obvious.
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 6 жыл бұрын
The reason you think they sound ignorant is because those are the examples you've seen over and over again. You have a bias towards southern accents. And yes, your comment was offensive because you're basically saying you judge people based on their accents. It's similar to how people view those with British accents as more sophisticated. It's all nonsense.
@jenniferbrewer5370 6 жыл бұрын
The proper phrase is "biased AGAINST Southern accents."
@acerbicatheist2893 6 жыл бұрын
Ha haa ha! Sad but true! And Reese Witherspoon does it best! Remember "Freeway"? It's a pisstake of Little Red Riding-Hood, with Donald Sutherland's son as the Wolf! Low budget...lost in the past...Watch it now! Why does one connect the two? She can hit a powerful place, if you'll pardon the expression.
@aschlady 11 жыл бұрын
This was timely for me after having a christian friend over for dinner last night... he definitely had his defenses set and ready to go. He didn't seem interested in having a real conversation or seeking truth outside his already established convictions. Its tiring...
@jeremykientz 6 жыл бұрын
Good Work Seth!
@lagodifuoco313 8 ай бұрын
I cant believe its been 10 years.
@emmarichardson5357 Жыл бұрын
I empathise with the disabled guy, I'm disabled too & been told if I just believed in god & prayed enough I could be cured as if its my fault I'm disabled!
@LordNarf 11 жыл бұрын
Wow, this is the first Thinking Atheist podcast that I've listened to. So many podcasts, so little time. Why do I have the feeling that I just watched the fan-service episode of a show, in which they break format and character, and they parody the normal story-line? Heh. I'll have to go back and listen to a few of the older episodes to get a feel for how the show normally flows.
@AthenaSchroedinger 11 жыл бұрын
What! There is no Santa Claus? *sobs* Seriously, a very good video. Keep them coming.
@alixinthemiddle 11 жыл бұрын
WLC humiliates himself. he's the laughing stalk of the scientific community and philosophers just shake their heads at him. he's the reason people don't take philosophy seriously.
@TyAndras 11 жыл бұрын
@autumrose1 you are not alone. There is an Army of atheists to the monotheistic Abrahamic religions. It's gonna take some time and a lot of work from those who promote reason and scientific education.
@johnwassing7733 6 жыл бұрын
We need to make atheism an officially recognized religion . A no god religion. no saints, no prophets, no ministers. Nothing but fellowship. We can have a state, country, and global membership. No dues, no boss. We have to fight fire with fire . We have rights. This means a tax break as well. They all get it . We get it too.
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